Friday, September 2, 2005

When our bookkeeper asked me today what a bill from the company attorney was for, I called him up. He told me he talked to Jack about an issue related to the sale of the company. I reminded him that he was supposed to be neutral in all of this, but he just gave Jack advice, and sent a bill to the company.

After asking him to explain himself, I fired him, and told him that if he wanted to be reimbursed for his legal advice, he needed to send his bill to Jack, because I just shredded it.

I also sent an email to Jack, telling him to expect the lawyer's bill, because the company would not pay for his personal legal advice.

I also sent an email message to the Class A partners letting them know I had just fired the company's lawyer, and without mentioning Jack's name I told them he had violated something he told us during our meeting last week, and the Class A partners -- including me -- needed to find a new attorney.

books by alvin