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3.2 IO: Streams and readers

  • The package provides a rich framework and class library for reading and writing any type of data (text, numbers, images) in streams from any type of location (disk, network, memory).
  • The package provides 2 class hierarchies: one for byte streams, the other for character streams.
  • Base classes for reading data: InputStream for byte streams, Reader for character streams.
  • Base classes for writing data: OutputStream for byte streams, Writer for character streams.
  • Example of copying one file to another.

      Reader in = new FileReader("one.txt");
      Writer out = new FileWriter("two.txt");
      int token = -1;
      while( (token != != -1 )

  • The library uses the decorator pattern to add flexible stream handling. By chaining constructors of various classes, you can change how streams are read or written. Examples:
    1. We need to read some data on disk, and for performance reasons the read operation should be buffered.

        Reader bufferedFileIn = 
            new BufferedReader(new FileReader("datafile"));

    2. Read an in-memory byte array as UTF-8 encoded characters.

        byte[] data = ...;
        Reader charReader = 
            new BufferedReader(
              new InputStreamReader(
                new ByteArrayInputStream(data), "UTF-8"));