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Akka/Scala example source code file (ActorLookupSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ActorLookupSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorref, akka, api, concurrent, create, duration, getsender, java, lookupelems, lookupstring, query, seq, string, test, testing, time

The ActorLookupSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

import language.postfixOps

import akka.testkit._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import akka.pattern.ask

object ActorLookupSpec {

  final case class Create(child: String)

  trait Query
  final case class LookupElems(path: Iterable[String]) extends Query
  final case class LookupString(path: String) extends Query
  final case class LookupPath(path: ActorPath) extends Query
  final case class GetSender(to: ActorRef) extends Query

  val p = Props[Node]

  class Node extends Actor {
    def receive = {
      case Create(name)       ⇒ sender() ! context.actorOf(p, name)
      case LookupElems(path)  ⇒ sender() ! context.actorFor(path)
      case LookupString(path) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorFor(path)
      case LookupPath(path)   ⇒ sender() ! context.actorFor(path)
      case GetSender(ref)     ⇒ ref ! sender()


class ActorLookupSpec extends AkkaSpec with DefaultTimeout {
  import ActorLookupSpec._

  val c1 = system.actorOf(p, "c1")
  val c2 = system.actorOf(p, "c2")
  val c21 = Await.result((c2 ? Create("c21")).mapTo[ActorRef], timeout.duration)

  val sysImpl = system.asInstanceOf[ActorSystemImpl]

  val user =
  val syst = sysImpl.systemGuardian
  val root = sysImpl.lookupRoot

  def empty(path: String) =
    new EmptyLocalActorRef(sysImpl.provider, path match {
      case RelativeActorPath(elems) ⇒ system.actorFor("/").path / elems
    }, system.eventStream)

  "An ActorSystem" must {

    "find actors by looking up their path" in {
      system.actorFor(c1.path) should be(c1)
      system.actorFor(c2.path) should be(c2)
      system.actorFor(c21.path) should be(c21)
      system.actorFor(system / "c1") should be(c1)
      system.actorFor(system / "c2") should be(c2)
      system.actorFor(system / "c2" / "c21") should be(c21)
      system.actorFor(system child "c2" child "c21") should be(c21) // test Java API
      system.actorFor(system / Seq("c2", "c21")) should be(c21)

      import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
      system.actorFor(system descendant Seq("c2", "c21").asJava) // test Java API

    "find actors by looking up their string representation" in {
      // this is only true for local actor references
      system.actorFor(c1.path.toString) should be(c1)
      system.actorFor(c2.path.toString) should be(c2)
      system.actorFor(c21.path.toString) should be(c21)

    "take actor incarnation into account when comparing actor references" in {
      val name = "abcdefg"
      val a1 = system.actorOf(p, name)
      a1 ! PoisonPill

      // let it be completely removed from user guardian
      expectNoMsg(1 second)

      // not equal because it's terminated
      system.actorFor(a1.path.toString) should not be (a1)

      val a2 = system.actorOf(p, name)
      a2.path should be(a1.path)
      a2.path.toString should be(a1.path.toString)
      a2 should not be (a1)
      a2.toString should not be (a1.toString)

      a2 ! PoisonPill

    "find actors by looking up their root-anchored relative path" in {
      system.actorFor(c1.path.toStringWithoutAddress) should be(c1)
      system.actorFor(c2.path.toStringWithoutAddress) should be(c2)
      system.actorFor(c21.path.toStringWithoutAddress) should be(c21)

    "find actors by looking up their relative path" in {
      system.actorFor(c1.path.elements.mkString("/")) should be(c1)
      system.actorFor(c2.path.elements.mkString("/")) should be(c2)
      system.actorFor(c21.path.elements.mkString("/")) should be(c21)

    "find actors by looking up their path elements" in {
      system.actorFor(c1.path.elements) should be(c1)
      system.actorFor(c2.path.elements) should be(c2)
      system.actorFor(c21.path.getElements) should be(c21) // test Java API

    "find system-generated actors" in {
      system.actorFor("/user") should be(user)
      system.actorFor("/deadLetters") should be(system.deadLetters)
      system.actorFor("/system") should be(syst)
      system.actorFor(syst.path) should be(syst)
      system.actorFor(syst.path.toString) should be(syst)
      system.actorFor("/") should be(root)
      system.actorFor("..") should be(root)
      system.actorFor(root.path) should be(root)
      system.actorFor(root.path.toString) should be(root)
      system.actorFor("user") should be(user)
      system.actorFor("deadLetters") should be(system.deadLetters)
      system.actorFor("system") should be(syst)
      system.actorFor("user/") should be(user)
      system.actorFor("deadLetters/") should be(system.deadLetters)
      system.actorFor("system/") should be(syst)

    "return deadLetters or EmptyLocalActorRef, respectively, for non-existing paths" in {
      def check(lookup: ActorRef, result: ActorRef) = {
        lookup.getClass should be(result.getClass)
        lookup should be(result)
      check(system.actorFor("a/b/c"), empty("a/b/c"))
      check(system.actorFor(""), system.deadLetters)
      check(system.actorFor("akka://all-systems/Nobody"), system.deadLetters)
      check(system.actorFor("akka://all-systems/user"), system.deadLetters)
      check(system.actorFor(system / "hallo"), empty("user/hallo"))
      check(system.actorFor(Seq()), system.deadLetters)
      check(system.actorFor(Seq("a")), empty("a"))

    "find temporary actors" in {
      val f = c1 ? GetSender(testActor)
      val a = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      a.path.elements.head should be("temp")
      system.actorFor(a.path) should be(a)
      system.actorFor(a.path.toString) should be(a)
      system.actorFor(a.path.elements) should be(a)
      system.actorFor(a.path.toString + "/") should be(a)
      system.actorFor(a.path.toString + "/hallo").isTerminated should be(true)
      f.isCompleted should be(false)
      a.isTerminated should be(false)
      a ! 42
      f.isCompleted should be(true)
      Await.result(f, timeout.duration) should be(42)
      // clean-up is run as onComplete callback, i.e. dispatched on another thread
      awaitCond(system.actorFor(a.path).isTerminated, 1 second)


  "An ActorContext" must {

    val all = Seq(c1, c2, c21)

    "find actors by looking up their path" in {
      def check(looker: ActorRef, pathOf: ActorRef, result: ActorRef) {
        Await.result(looker ? LookupPath(pathOf.path), timeout.duration) should be(result)
      for {
        looker ← all
        target ← all
      } check(looker, target, target)

    "find actors by looking up their string representation" in {
      def check(looker: ActorRef, pathOf: ActorRef, result: ActorRef) {
        Await.result(looker ? LookupString(pathOf.path.toString), timeout.duration) should be(result)
        // with uid
        Await.result(looker ? LookupString(pathOf.path.toSerializationFormat), timeout.duration) should be(result)
        // with trailing /
        Await.result(looker ? LookupString(pathOf.path.toString + "/"), timeout.duration) should be(result)
      for {
        looker ← all
        target ← all
      } check(looker, target, target)

    "find actors by looking up their root-anchored relative path" in {
      def check(looker: ActorRef, pathOf: ActorRef, result: ActorRef) {
        Await.result(looker ? LookupString(pathOf.path.toStringWithoutAddress), timeout.duration) should be(result)
        Await.result(looker ? LookupString(pathOf.path.elements.mkString("/", "/", "/")), timeout.duration) should be(result)
      for {
        looker ← all
        target ← all
      } check(looker, target, target)

    "find actors by looking up their relative path" in {
      def check(looker: ActorRef, result: ActorRef, elems: String*) {
        Await.result(looker ? LookupElems(elems), timeout.duration) should be(result)
        Await.result(looker ? LookupString(elems mkString "/"), timeout.duration) should be(result)
        Await.result(looker ? LookupString(elems mkString ("", "/", "/")), timeout.duration) should be(result)
      check(c1, user, "..")
      for {
        looker ← Seq(c1, c2)
        target ← all
      } check(looker, target, Seq("..") ++ target.path.elements.drop(1): _*)
      check(c21, user, "..", "..")
      check(c21, root, "..", "..", "..")
      check(c21, root, "..", "..", "..", "..")

    "find system-generated actors" in {
      def check(target: ActorRef) {
        for (looker ← all) {
          Await.result(looker ? LookupPath(target.path), timeout.duration) should be(target)
          Await.result(looker ? LookupString(target.path.toString), timeout.duration) should be(target)
          Await.result(looker ? LookupString(target.path.toString + "/"), timeout.duration) should be(target)
          Await.result(looker ? LookupString(target.path.toStringWithoutAddress), timeout.duration) should be(target)
          if (target != root) Await.result(looker ? LookupString(target.path.elements.mkString("/", "/", "/")), timeout.duration) should be(target)
      for (target ← Seq(root, syst, user, system.deadLetters)) check(target)

    "return deadLetters or EmptyLocalActorRef, respectively, for non-existing paths" in {
      import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

      def checkOne(looker: ActorRef, query: Query, result: ActorRef) {
        val lookup = Await.result(looker ? query, timeout.duration)
        lookup.getClass should be(result.getClass)
        lookup should be(result)
      def check(looker: ActorRef) {
        val lookname = looker.path.elements.mkString("", "/", "/")
        for (
          (l, r) ← Seq(
            LookupString("a/b/c") -> empty(lookname + "a/b/c"),
            LookupString("") -> system.deadLetters,
            LookupString("akka://all-systems/Nobody") -> system.deadLetters,
            LookupPath(system / "hallo") -> empty("user/hallo"),
            LookupPath(looker.path child "hallo") -> empty(lookname + "hallo"), // test Java API
            LookupPath(looker.path descendant Seq("a", "b").asJava) -> empty(lookname + "a/b"), // test Java API
            LookupElems(Seq()) -> system.deadLetters,
            LookupElems(Seq("a")) -> empty(lookname + "a"))
        ) checkOne(looker, l, r)
      for (looker ← all) check(looker)

    "find temporary actors" in {
      val f = c1 ? GetSender(testActor)
      val a = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      a.path.elements.head should be("temp")
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupPath(a.path), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupString(a.path.toString), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupString(a.path.toStringWithoutAddress), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupString("../../" + a.path.elements.mkString("/")), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupString(a.path.toString + "/"), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupString(a.path.toStringWithoutAddress + "/"), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupString("../../" + a.path.elements.mkString("/") + "/"), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupElems(Seq("..", "..") ++ a.path.elements), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      Await.result(c2 ? LookupElems(Seq("..", "..") ++ a.path.elements :+ ""), timeout.duration) should be(a)
      f.isCompleted should be(false)
      a.isTerminated should be(false)
      a ! 42
      f.isCompleted should be(true)
      Await.result(f, timeout.duration) should be(42)
      // clean-up is run as onComplete callback, i.e. dispatched on another thread
      awaitCond(Await.result(c2 ? LookupPath(a.path), timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[ActorRef].isTerminated, 1 second)



Other Akka source code examples

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