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Akka/Scala example source code file (TypedActorSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (TypedActorSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, concurrent, finiteduration, foo, future, illegalstateexception, int, option, pigdog, string, t, test, testing, testkit, time, unit

The TypedActorSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

import language.postfixOps
import org.scalatest.{ BeforeAndAfterAll, BeforeAndAfterEach }
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future, Promise }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.testkit.{ EventFilter, filterEvents, AkkaSpec }
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.japi.{ Option ⇒ JOption }
import akka.testkit.DefaultTimeout
import akka.dispatch.Dispatchers
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.serialization.JavaSerializer
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import java.lang.IllegalStateException
import java.util.concurrent.{ TimeoutException, TimeUnit, CountDownLatch }
import akka.testkit.TimingTest

object TypedActorSpec {

  val config = """
    pooled-dispatcher {
      type = "akka.dispatch.BalancingDispatcherConfigurator"
      executor = "thread-pool-executor"
      thread-pool-executor {
        core-pool-size-min = 60
        core-pool-size-max = 60
        max-pool-size-min = 60
        max-pool-size-max = 60

  class CyclicIterator[T](val items: immutable.Seq[T]) extends Iterator[T] {

    private[this] val current = new AtomicReference(items)

    def hasNext = items != Nil

    def next: T = {
      def findNext: T = {
        val currentItems = current.get
        val newItems = currentItems match {
          case Nil ⇒ items
          case xs  ⇒ xs

        if (current.compareAndSet(currentItems, newItems.tail)) newItems.head
        else findNext


    override def exists(f: T ⇒ Boolean): Boolean = items exists f

  trait Foo {
    def pigdog(): String

    def self = TypedActor.self[Foo]

    def futurePigdog(): Future[String]

    def futurePigdog(delay: FiniteDuration): Future[String]

    def futurePigdog(delay: FiniteDuration, numbered: Int): Future[String]

    def futureComposePigdogFrom(foo: Foo): Future[String]

    def failingFuturePigdog(): Future[String] = throw new IllegalStateException("expected")

    def failingOptionPigdog(): Option[String] = throw new IllegalStateException("expected")

    def failingJOptionPigdog(): JOption[String] = throw new IllegalStateException("expected")

    def failingPigdog(): Unit = throw new IllegalStateException("expected")

    def optionPigdog(): Option[String]

    def optionPigdog(delay: FiniteDuration): Option[String]

    def joptionPigdog(delay: FiniteDuration): JOption[String]

    def nullFuture(): Future[Any] = null

    def nullJOption(): JOption[Any] = null

    def nullOption(): Option[Any] = null

    def nullReturn(): Any = null

    def incr()

    def read(): Int

    def testMethodCallSerialization(foo: Foo, s: String, i: Int): Unit = throw new IllegalStateException("expected")

  class Bar extends Foo with Serializable {

    import TypedActor.dispatcher

    def pigdog = "Pigdog"

    def futurePigdog(): Future[String] = Promise.successful(pigdog).future

    def futurePigdog(delay: FiniteDuration): Future[String] = {

    def futurePigdog(delay: FiniteDuration, numbered: Int): Future[String] = {
      Promise.successful(pigdog + numbered).future

    def futureComposePigdogFrom(foo: Foo): Future[String] = {
      implicit val timeout = TypedActor(TypedActor.context.system).DefaultReturnTimeout
      foo.futurePigdog(500 millis).map(_.toUpperCase)

    def optionPigdog(): Option[String] = Some(pigdog)

    def optionPigdog(delay: FiniteDuration): Option[String] = {

    def joptionPigdog(delay: FiniteDuration): JOption[String] = {

    var internalNumber = 0

    def incr() {
      internalNumber += 1

    def read() = internalNumber

  trait Stackable1 {
    def stackable1: String = "foo"

  trait Stackable2 {
    def stackable2: String = "bar"

  trait Stacked extends Stackable1 with Stackable2 {
    def stacked: String = stackable1 + stackable2

    def notOverriddenStacked: String = stackable1 + stackable2

  class StackedImpl extends Stacked {
    override def stacked: String = "FOOBAR" //Uppercase

  trait LifeCycles {
    def crash(): Unit

  class LifeCyclesImpl(val latch: CountDownLatch) extends PreStart with PostStop with PreRestart with PostRestart with LifeCycles with Receiver {

    private def ensureContextAvailable[T](f: ⇒ T): T = TypedActor.context match {
      case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("TypedActor.context is null!")
      case some ⇒ f

    override def crash(): Unit = throw new IllegalStateException("Crash!")

    override def preStart(): Unit = ensureContextAvailable(latch.countDown())

    override def postStop(): Unit = ensureContextAvailable(for (i ← 1 to 3) latch.countDown())

    override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = ensureContextAvailable(for (i ← 1 to 5) latch.countDown())

    override def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit = ensureContextAvailable(for (i ← 1 to 7) latch.countDown())

    override def onReceive(msg: Any, sender: ActorRef): Unit = {
        msg match {
          case "pigdog" ⇒ sender ! "dogpig"

  trait F { def f(pow: Boolean): Int }
  class FI extends F { def f(pow: Boolean): Int = if (pow) throw new IllegalStateException("expected") else 1 }

class TypedActorSpec extends AkkaSpec(TypedActorSpec.config)
  with BeforeAndAfterEach with BeforeAndAfterAll with DefaultTimeout {

  import TypedActorSpec._

  def newFooBar: Foo = newFooBar(timeout.duration)

  def newFooBar(d: FiniteDuration): Foo =
    TypedActor(system).typedActorOf(TypedProps[Bar](classOf[Foo], classOf[Bar]).withTimeout(Timeout(d)))

  def newFooBar(dispatcher: String, d: FiniteDuration): Foo =
    TypedActor(system).typedActorOf(TypedProps[Bar](classOf[Foo], classOf[Bar]).withTimeout(Timeout(d)).withDispatcher(dispatcher))

  def newStacked(): Stacked =
      TypedProps[StackedImpl](classOf[Stacked], classOf[StackedImpl]).withTimeout(timeout))

  def mustStop(typedActor: AnyRef) = TypedActor(system).stop(typedActor) should be(true)

  "TypedActors" must {

    "be able to instantiate" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      TypedActor(system).isTypedActor(t) should be(true)

    "be able to stop" in {
      val t = newFooBar

    "not stop non-started ones" in {
      TypedActor(system).stop(null) should be(false)

    "throw an IllegalStateExcpetion when TypedActor.self is called in the wrong scope" in {
      filterEvents(EventFilter[IllegalStateException]("Calling")) {
        (intercept[IllegalStateException] {
        }).getMessage should be("Calling TypedActor.self outside of a TypedActor implementation method!")

    "have access to itself when executing a method call" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      t.self should be(t)

    "be able to call toString" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      t.toString should be(TypedActor(system).getActorRefFor(t).toString)

    "be able to call equals" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      t should be(t)
      t should not equal (null)

    "be able to call hashCode" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      t.hashCode should be(TypedActor(system).getActorRefFor(t).hashCode)

    "be able to call user-defined void-methods" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      t.incr() should be(1)
      t.incr() should be(2) should be(2)

    "be able to call normally returning methods" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      t.pigdog() should be("Pigdog")

    "be able to call null returning methods" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      t.nullJOption() should be(JOption.none)
      t.nullOption() should be(None)
      t.nullReturn() should ===(null)
      Await.result(t.nullFuture(), timeout.duration) should ===(null)

    "be able to call Future-returning methods non-blockingly" in {
      val t = newFooBar
      val f = t.futurePigdog(200 millis)
      f.isCompleted should be(false)
      Await.result(f, timeout.duration) should be("Pigdog")

    "be able to call multiple Future-returning methods non-blockingly" in within(timeout.duration) {
      val t = newFooBar
      val futures = for (i ← 1 to 20) yield (i, t.futurePigdog(20 millis, i))
      for ((i, f) ← futures) {
        Await.result(f, remaining) should be("Pigdog" + i)

    "be able to call methods returning Java Options" taggedAs TimingTest in {
      val t = newFooBar(1 second)
      t.joptionPigdog(100 millis).get should be("Pigdog")
      t.joptionPigdog(2 seconds) should be(JOption.none[String])

    "be able to handle AskTimeoutException as None" taggedAs TimingTest in {
      val t = newFooBar(200 millis)
      t.joptionPigdog(600 millis) should be(JOption.none[String])

    "be able to call methods returning Scala Options" taggedAs TimingTest in {
      val t = newFooBar(1 second)
      t.optionPigdog(100 millis).get should be("Pigdog")
      t.optionPigdog(2 seconds) should be(None)

    "be able to compose futures without blocking" in within(timeout.duration) {
      val t, t2 = newFooBar(remaining)
      val f = t.futureComposePigdogFrom(t2)
      f.isCompleted should be(false)
      Await.result(f, remaining) should be("PIGDOG")

    "be able to handle exceptions when calling methods" in {
      filterEvents(EventFilter[IllegalStateException]("expected")) {
        val boss = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
          override val supervisorStrategy = OneForOneStrategy() {
            case e: IllegalStateException if e.getMessage == "expected" ⇒ SupervisorStrategy.Resume
          def receive = {
            case p: TypedProps[_] ⇒ context.sender() ! TypedActor(context).typedActorOf(p)
        val t = Await.result((boss ? TypedProps[Bar](classOf[Foo], classOf[Bar]).withTimeout(2 seconds)).mapTo[Foo], timeout.duration)

        t.failingPigdog() should be(1) //Make sure state is not reset after failure

        intercept[IllegalStateException] { Await.result(t.failingFuturePigdog, 2 seconds) }.getMessage should be("expected") should be(1) //Make sure state is not reset after failure

        (intercept[IllegalStateException] { t.failingJOptionPigdog }).getMessage should be("expected") should be(1) //Make sure state is not reset after failure

        (intercept[IllegalStateException] { t.failingOptionPigdog }).getMessage should be("expected") should be(1) //Make sure state is not reset after failure


    "be restarted on failure" in {
      filterEvents(EventFilter[IllegalStateException]("expected")) {
        val t = newFooBar(Duration(2, "s"))
        intercept[IllegalStateException] { t.failingOptionPigdog() }.getMessage should be("expected")
        t.optionPigdog() should be(Some("Pigdog"))

        val ta: F = TypedActor(system).typedActorOf(TypedProps[FI]())
        intercept[IllegalStateException] { ta.f(true) }.getMessage should be("expected")
        ta.f(false) should be(1)


    "be able to support stacked traits for the interface part" in {
      val t = newStacked()
      t.notOverriddenStacked should be("foobar")
      t.stacked should be("FOOBAR")

    "be able to support implementation only typed actors" in within(timeout.duration) {
      val t: Foo = TypedActor(system).typedActorOf(TypedProps[Bar]())
      val f = t.futurePigdog(200 millis)
      val f2 = t.futurePigdog(Duration.Zero)
      f2.isCompleted should be(false)
      f.isCompleted should be(false)
      Await.result(f, remaining) should be(Await.result(f2, remaining))

    "be able to support implementation only typed actors with complex interfaces" in {
      val t: Stackable1 with Stackable2 = TypedActor(system).typedActorOf(TypedProps[StackedImpl]())
      t.stackable1 should be("foo")
      t.stackable2 should be("bar")

    "be able to use balancing dispatcher" in within(timeout.duration) {
      val thais = for (i ← 1 to 60) yield newFooBar("pooled-dispatcher", 6 seconds)
      val iterator = new CyclicIterator(thais)

      val results = for (i ← 1 to 120) yield (i, millis, i))

      for ((i, r) ← results) Await.result(r, remaining) should be("Pigdog" + i)

      for (t ← thais) mustStop(t)

    "be able to serialize and deserialize invocations" in {
      JavaSerializer.currentSystem.withValue(system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]) {
        val m = TypedActor.MethodCall(classOf[Foo].getDeclaredMethod("pigdog"), Array[AnyRef]())
        val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8192 * 4)
        val out = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)


        val in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray))

        val mNew = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[TypedActor.MethodCall]

        mNew.method should be(m.method)

    "be able to serialize and deserialize invocations' parameters" in {
      val someFoo: Foo = new Bar
      JavaSerializer.currentSystem.withValue(system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]) {
        val m = TypedActor.MethodCall(classOf[Foo].getDeclaredMethod("testMethodCallSerialization", Array[Class[_]](classOf[Foo], classOf[String], classOf[Int]): _*), Array[AnyRef](someFoo, null, 1.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]))
        val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8192 * 4)
        val out = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)


        val in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray))

        val mNew = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[TypedActor.MethodCall]

        mNew.method should be(m.method)
        mNew.parameters should have size 3
        mNew.parameters(0) should not be null
        mNew.parameters(0).getClass should be(classOf[Bar])
        mNew.parameters(1) should be(null)
        mNew.parameters(2) should not be null
        mNew.parameters(2).asInstanceOf[Int] should be(1)

    "be able to serialize and deserialize proxies" in {
      JavaSerializer.currentSystem.withValue(system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem]) {
        val t = newFooBar(Duration(2, "s"))

        t.optionPigdog() should be(Some("Pigdog"))

        val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(8192 * 4)
        val out = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)


        val in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray))

        val tNew = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[Foo]

        tNew should be(t)

        tNew.optionPigdog() should be(Some("Pigdog"))


    "be able to override lifecycle callbacks" in {
      val latch = new CountDownLatch(16)
      val ta = TypedActor(system)
      val t: LifeCycles = ta.typedActorOf(TypedProps[LifeCyclesImpl](classOf[LifeCycles], new LifeCyclesImpl(latch)))
      EventFilter[IllegalStateException]("Crash!", occurrences = 1) intercept {

      //Sneak in a check for the Receiver override
      val ref = ta getActorRefFor t

      ref.tell("pigdog", testActor)

      expectMsg(timeout.duration, "dogpig")

      //Done with that now

      latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS) should be(true)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka TypedActorSpec.scala source code file:

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