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Akka/Scala example source code file (LoggingReceiveSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (LoggingReceiveSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorsystem, akka, concurrent, duration, implicitsender, kill, loggingreceive, loggingreceivespec, set, string, test, testactorref, testing, testkit, time

The LoggingReceiveSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.event

import language.postfixOps

import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.testkit._
import org.scalatest.WordSpec
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

object LoggingReceiveSpec {
  class TestLogActor extends Actor {
    override val supervisorStrategy =
      OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 5, withinTimeRange = 5 seconds)(List(classOf[Throwable]))
    def receive = { case _ ⇒ }

class LoggingReceiveSpec extends WordSpec with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  import LoggingReceiveSpec._
  val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
    akka.loglevel=DEBUG = off # debug noise from serialization
  val appLogging = ActorSystem("logging", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("" -> true).asJava).withFallback(config))
  val appAuto = ActorSystem("autoreceive", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("" -> true).asJava).withFallback(config))
  val appLifecycle = ActorSystem("lifecycle", ConfigFactory.parseMap(Map("" -> true).asJava).withFallback(config))

  val filter = TestEvent.Mute(EventFilter.custom {
    case _: Logging.Debug ⇒ true
    case _: Logging.Info  ⇒ true
    case _                ⇒ false

  def ignoreMute(t: TestKit) {
    t.ignoreMsg {
      case (_: TestEvent.Mute | _: TestEvent.UnMute) ⇒ true

  override def afterAll() {

  "A LoggingReceive" must {

    "decorate a Receive" in {
      new TestKit(appLogging) {
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[Logging.Debug])
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[UnhandledMessage])
        val a = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
          def receive = new LoggingReceive(Some("funky"), {
            case null ⇒
        a ! "hallo"
        expectMsg(1 second, Logging.Debug("funky", classOf[DummyClassForStringSources], "received unhandled message hallo"))
        expectMsgType[UnhandledMessage](1 second)

    "be added on Actor if requested" in {
      new TestKit(appLogging) with ImplicitSender {
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[Logging.Debug])
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[UnhandledMessage])

        val r: Actor.Receive = {
          case null ⇒

        val actor = TestActorRef(new Actor {
          def switch: Actor.Receive = { case "becomenull" ⇒ context.become(r, false) }
          def receive = switch orElse LoggingReceive {
            case x ⇒ sender() ! "x"

        val name = actor.path.toString
        actor ! "buh"
        within(1 second) {
          expectMsg(Logging.Debug(actor.path.toString, actor.underlyingActor.getClass, "received handled message buh"))

        actor ! "becomenull"

        within(500 millis) {
          actor ! "bah"
          expectMsgPF() {
            case UnhandledMessage("bah", testActor, `actor`) ⇒ true

    "not duplicate logging" in {
      new TestKit(appLogging) with ImplicitSender {
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[Logging.Debug])
        val actor = TestActorRef(new Actor {
          def receive = LoggingReceive(LoggingReceive {
            case _ ⇒ sender() ! "x"
        actor ! "buh"
        within(1 second) {
          expectMsg(Logging.Debug(actor.path.toString, actor.underlyingActor.getClass, "received handled message buh"))


  "An Actor" must {

    "log AutoReceiveMessages if requested" in {
      new TestKit(appAuto) {
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[Logging.Debug])
        val actor = TestActorRef(new Actor {
          def receive = {
            case _ ⇒
        val name = actor.path.toString
        actor ! PoisonPill
        expectMsgPF() {
          case Logging.Debug(`name`, _, msg: String) if msg startsWith "received AutoReceiveMessage Envelope(PoisonPill" ⇒ true
        awaitCond(actor.isTerminated, 100 millis)

    "log Supervision events if requested" in {
      new TestKit(appLifecycle) {
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[Logging.Debug])
        within(3 seconds) {
          val lifecycleGuardian = appLifecycle.asInstanceOf[ActorSystemImpl].guardian
          val lname = lifecycleGuardian.path.toString
          val supervisor = TestActorRef[TestLogActor](Props[TestLogActor])
          val sname = supervisor.path.toString

          fishForMessage(hint = "now supervising") {
            case Logging.Debug(`lname`, _, msg: String) if msg startsWith "now supervising" ⇒ true
            case _ ⇒ false

          TestActorRef[TestLogActor](Props[TestLogActor], supervisor, "none")

          fishForMessage(hint = "now supervising") {
            case Logging.Debug(`sname`, _, msg: String) if msg startsWith "now supervising" ⇒ true
            case _ ⇒ false

    "log DeathWatch events if requested" in {
      new TestKit(appLifecycle) {
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[Logging.Debug])
        within(3 seconds) {
          val supervisor = TestActorRef[TestLogActor](Props[TestLogActor])
          val sclass = classOf[TestLogActor]
          val actor = TestActorRef[TestLogActor](Props[TestLogActor], supervisor, "none")
          val aname = actor.path.toString

          supervisor watch actor
          fishForMessage(hint = "now watched by") {
            case Logging.Debug(`aname`, `sclass`, msg: String) if msg.startsWith("now watched by") ⇒ true
            case _ ⇒ false

          supervisor unwatch actor
          expectMsgPF(hint = "no longer watched by") {
            case Logging.Debug(`aname`, `sclass`, msg: String) if msg.startsWith("no longer watched by") ⇒

    "log LifeCycle events if requested" in {
      new TestKit(appLifecycle) {
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[Logging.Debug])
        system.eventStream.subscribe(testActor, classOf[Logging.Error])
        within(3 seconds) {
          val supervisor = TestActorRef[TestLogActor](Props[TestLogActor])
          val sname = supervisor.path.toString
          val sclass = classOf[TestLogActor]

          fishForMessage(hint = "started") {
            case Logging.Debug(`sname`, `sclass`, msg: String) if msg startsWith "started" ⇒ true
            case _ ⇒ false

          val actor = TestActorRef[TestLogActor](Props[TestLogActor], supervisor, "none")
          val aname = actor.path.toString
          val aclass = classOf[TestLogActor]

          fishForMessage(hint = "started") {
            case Logging.Debug(`aname`, `aclass`, msg: String) if msg startsWith "started" ⇒ true
            case _ ⇒ false

          EventFilter[ActorKilledException](occurrences = 1) intercept {
            actor ! Kill
            val set = receiveWhile(messages = 3) {
              case Logging.Error(_: ActorKilledException, `aname`, _, "Kill") ⇒ 1
              case Logging.Debug(`aname`, `aclass`, "restarting")             ⇒ 2
              case Logging.Debug(`aname`, `aclass`, "restarted")              ⇒ 3
            assert(set == Set(1, 2, 3), set + " was not Set(1, 2, 3)")

            Logging.Debug(aname, aclass, "stopped"),
            Logging.Debug(sname, sclass, "stopping"),
            Logging.Debug(sname, sclass, "stopped"))



Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka LoggingReceiveSpec.scala source code file:

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