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Akka/Scala example source code file (TcpConnection.scala)

This example Akka source code file (TcpConnection.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorref, akka, collection, concurrent, connectioninfo, io, option, pendingbufferwrite, pendingwrite, pendingwritefile, receive, time, tracelogging, unit, utilities, writecommand

The TcpConnection.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>


import{ SocketException, InetSocketAddress }
import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey._
import{ FileInputStream, IOException }
import java.nio.channels.{ FileChannel, SocketChannel }
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import akka.util.ByteString
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }

 * Base class for TcpIncomingConnection and TcpOutgoingConnection.
private[io] abstract class TcpConnection(val tcp: TcpExt, val channel: SocketChannel, val pullMode: Boolean)
  extends Actor with ActorLogging with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {

  import tcp.Settings._
  import tcp.bufferPool
  import TcpConnection._

  private[this] var pendingWrite: PendingWrite = EmptyPendingWrite
  private[this] var peerClosed = false
  private[this] var writingSuspended = false
  private[this] var readingSuspended = pullMode
  private[this] var interestedInResume: Option[ActorRef] = None
  var closedMessage: CloseInformation = _ // for ConnectionClosed message in postStop

  def writePending = pendingWrite ne EmptyPendingWrite


  /** connection established, waiting for registration from user handler */
  def waitingForRegistration(registration: ChannelRegistration, commander: ActorRef): Receive = {
    case Register(handler, keepOpenOnPeerClosed, useResumeWriting) ⇒
      // up to this point we've been watching the commander,
      // but since registration is now complete we only need to watch the handler from here on
      if (handler != commander) {
      if (TraceLogging) log.debug("[{}] registered as connection handler", handler)

      val info = ConnectionInfo(registration, handler, keepOpenOnPeerClosed, useResumeWriting)
      // if we have resumed reading from pullMode while waiting for Register then register OP_READ interest
      if (pullMode && !readingSuspended) resumeReading(info)
      doRead(info, None) // immediately try reading, pullMode is handled by readingSuspended

    case ResumeReading ⇒
      readingSuspended = false

    case SuspendReading ⇒
      readingSuspended = true

    case cmd: CloseCommand ⇒
      val info = ConnectionInfo(registration, commander, keepOpenOnPeerClosed = false, useResumeWriting = false)
      handleClose(info, Some(sender()), cmd.event)

    case ReceiveTimeout ⇒
      // after sending `Register` user should watch this actor to make sure
      // it didn't die because of the timeout
      log.debug("Configured registration timeout of [{}] expired, stopping", RegisterTimeout)

  /** normal connected state */
  def connected(info: ConnectionInfo): Receive =
    handleWriteMessages(info) orElse {
      case SuspendReading    ⇒ suspendReading(info)
      case ResumeReading     ⇒ resumeReading(info)
      case ChannelReadable   ⇒ doRead(info, None)
      case cmd: CloseCommand ⇒ handleClose(info, Some(sender()), cmd.event)

  /** the peer sent EOF first, but we may still want to send */
  def peerSentEOF(info: ConnectionInfo): Receive =
    handleWriteMessages(info) orElse {
      case cmd: CloseCommand ⇒ handleClose(info, Some(sender()), cmd.event)

  /** connection is closing but a write has to be finished first */
  def closingWithPendingWrite(info: ConnectionInfo, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef],
                              closedEvent: ConnectionClosed): Receive = {
    case SuspendReading  ⇒ suspendReading(info)
    case ResumeReading   ⇒ resumeReading(info)
    case ChannelReadable ⇒ doRead(info, closeCommander)

    case ChannelWritable ⇒
      if (!writePending) // writing is now finished
        handleClose(info, closeCommander, closedEvent)

    case UpdatePendingWrite(remaining) ⇒
      pendingWrite = remaining
      if (writePending) info.registration.enableInterest(OP_WRITE)
      else handleClose(info, closeCommander, closedEvent)

    case WriteFileFailed(e) ⇒ handleError(info.handler, e) // rethrow exception from dispatcher task

    case Abort              ⇒ handleClose(info, Some(sender()), Aborted)

  /** connection is closed on our side and we're waiting from confirmation from the other side */
  def closing(info: ConnectionInfo, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef]): Receive = {
    case SuspendReading  ⇒ suspendReading(info)
    case ResumeReading   ⇒ resumeReading(info)
    case ChannelReadable ⇒ doRead(info, closeCommander)
    case Abort           ⇒ handleClose(info, Some(sender()), Aborted)

  def handleWriteMessages(info: ConnectionInfo): Receive = {
    case ChannelWritable ⇒
      if (writePending) {
        if (!writePending && interestedInResume.nonEmpty) {
          interestedInResume.get ! WritingResumed
          interestedInResume = None

    case write: WriteCommand ⇒
      if (writingSuspended) {
        if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Dropping write because writing is suspended")
        sender() ! write.failureMessage

      } else if (writePending) {
        if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Dropping write because queue is full")
        sender() ! write.failureMessage
        if (info.useResumeWriting) writingSuspended = true

      } else {
        pendingWrite = PendingWrite(sender(), write)
        if (writePending) doWrite(info)

    case ResumeWriting ⇒
       * If more than one actor sends Writes then the first to send this
       * message might resume too early for the second, leading to a Write of
       * the second to go through although it has not been resumed yet; there
       * is nothing we can do about this apart from all actors needing to
       * register themselves and us keeping track of them, which sounds bad.
       * Thus it is documented that useResumeWriting is incompatible with
       * multiple writers. But we fail as gracefully as we can.
      writingSuspended = false
      if (writePending) {
        if (interestedInResume.isEmpty) interestedInResume = Some(sender())
        else sender() ! CommandFailed(ResumeWriting)
      } else sender() ! WritingResumed

    case UpdatePendingWrite(remaining) ⇒
      pendingWrite = remaining
      if (writePending) info.registration.enableInterest(OP_WRITE)

    case WriteFileFailed(e) ⇒ handleError(info.handler, e) // rethrow exception from dispatcher task


  /** used in subclasses to start the common machinery above once a channel is connected */
  def completeConnect(registration: ChannelRegistration, commander: ActorRef,
                      options: immutable.Traversable[SocketOption]): Unit = {
    // Turn off Nagle's algorithm by default

    commander ! Connected(

    context.become(waitingForRegistration(registration, commander))

  def suspendReading(info: ConnectionInfo): Unit = {
    readingSuspended = true
  def resumeReading(info: ConnectionInfo): Unit = {
    readingSuspended = false

  def doRead(info: ConnectionInfo, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef]): Unit =
    if (!readingSuspended) {
      @tailrec def innerRead(buffer: ByteBuffer, remainingLimit: Int): ReadResult =
        if (remainingLimit > 0) {
          // never read more than the configured limit
          val maxBufferSpace = math.min(DirectBufferSize, remainingLimit)
          val readBytes =

          if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Read [{}] bytes.", readBytes)
          if (readBytes > 0) info.handler ! Received(ByteString(buffer))

          readBytes match {
            case `maxBufferSpace` ⇒ innerRead(buffer, remainingLimit - maxBufferSpace)
            case x if x >= 0      ⇒ AllRead
            case -1               ⇒ EndOfStream
            case _ ⇒
              throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected value returned from read: " + readBytes)
        } else MoreDataWaiting

      val buffer = bufferPool.acquire()
      try innerRead(buffer, ReceivedMessageSizeLimit) match {
        case AllRead ⇒
          if (!pullMode) info.registration.enableInterest(OP_READ)
        case MoreDataWaiting ⇒
          if (!pullMode) self ! ChannelReadable
        case EndOfStream if channel.socket.isOutputShutdown ⇒
          if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Read returned end-of-stream, our side already closed")
          doCloseConnection(info.handler, closeCommander, ConfirmedClosed)
        case EndOfStream ⇒
          if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Read returned end-of-stream, our side not yet closed")
          handleClose(info, closeCommander, PeerClosed)
      } catch {
        case e: IOException ⇒ handleError(info.handler, e)
      } finally bufferPool.release(buffer)

  def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): Unit = pendingWrite = pendingWrite.doWrite(info)

  def closeReason =
    if (channel.socket.isOutputShutdown) ConfirmedClosed
    else PeerClosed

  def handleClose(info: ConnectionInfo, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef],
                  closedEvent: ConnectionClosed): Unit = closedEvent match {
    case Aborted ⇒
      if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Got Abort command. RESETing connection.")
      doCloseConnection(info.handler, closeCommander, closedEvent)
    case PeerClosed if info.keepOpenOnPeerClosed ⇒
      // report that peer closed the connection
      info.handler ! PeerClosed
      // used to check if peer already closed its side later
      peerClosed = true
    case _ if writePending ⇒ // finish writing first
      if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Got Close command but write is still pending.")
      context.become(closingWithPendingWrite(info, closeCommander, closedEvent))
    case ConfirmedClosed ⇒ // shutdown output and wait for confirmation
      if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Got ConfirmedClose command, sending FIN.")

      // If peer closed first, the socket is now fully closed.
      // Also, if shutdownOutput threw an exception we expect this to be an indication
      // that the peer closed first or concurrently with this code running.
      // also see
      if (peerClosed || !safeShutdownOutput())
        doCloseConnection(info.handler, closeCommander, closedEvent)
      else context.become(closing(info, closeCommander))
    case _ ⇒ // close now
      if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Got Close command, closing connection.")
      doCloseConnection(info.handler, closeCommander, closedEvent)

  def doCloseConnection(handler: ActorRef, closeCommander: Option[ActorRef], closedEvent: ConnectionClosed): Unit = {
    if (closedEvent == Aborted) abort()
    else channel.close()
    stopWith(CloseInformation(Set(handler) ++ closeCommander, closedEvent))

  def handleError(handler: ActorRef, exception: IOException): Unit = {
    log.debug("Closing connection due to IO error {}", exception)
    stopWith(CloseInformation(Set(handler), ErrorClosed(extractMsg(exception))))
  def safeShutdownOutput(): Boolean =
    try {
    } catch {
      case _: SocketException ⇒ false

  @tailrec private[this] def extractMsg(t: Throwable): String =
    if (t == null) "unknown"
    else {
      t.getMessage match {
        case null | "" ⇒ extractMsg(t.getCause)
        case msg       ⇒ msg

  def abort(): Unit = {
    try channel.socket.setSoLinger(true, 0) // causes the following close() to send TCP RST
    catch {
      case NonFatal(e) ⇒
        // setSoLinger can fail due to
        // (also affected: OS/X Java 1.6.0_37)
        if (TraceLogging) log.debug("setSoLinger(true, 0) failed with [{}]", e)

  def stopWith(closeInfo: CloseInformation): Unit = {
    closedMessage = closeInfo

  override def postStop(): Unit = {
    if (channel.isOpen)

    if (writePending) pendingWrite.release()

    if (closedMessage != null) {
      val interestedInClose =
        if (writePending) closedMessage.notificationsTo + pendingWrite.commander
        else closedMessage.notificationsTo

      interestedInClose.foreach(_ ! closedMessage.closedEvent)

  override def postRestart(reason: Throwable): Unit =
    throw new IllegalStateException("Restarting not supported for connection actors.")

  def PendingWrite(commander: ActorRef, write: WriteCommand): PendingWrite = {
    @tailrec def create(head: WriteCommand, tail: WriteCommand = Write.empty): PendingWrite =
      head match {
        case Write.empty                         ⇒ if (tail eq Write.empty) EmptyPendingWrite else create(tail)
        case Write(data, ack) if data.nonEmpty   ⇒ PendingBufferWrite(commander, data, ack, tail)
        case WriteFile(path, offset, count, ack) ⇒ PendingWriteFile(commander, path, offset, count, ack, tail)
        case CompoundWrite(h, t)                 ⇒ create(h, t)
        case x @ Write(_, ack) ⇒ // empty write with either an ACK or a non-standard NoACK
          if (x.wantsAck) commander ! ack

  def PendingBufferWrite(commander: ActorRef, data: ByteString, ack: Event, tail: WriteCommand): PendingBufferWrite = {
    val buffer = bufferPool.acquire()
    try {
      val copied = data.copyToBuffer(buffer)
      new PendingBufferWrite(commander, data.drop(copied), ack, buffer, tail)
    } catch {
      case NonFatal(e) ⇒
        throw e

  class PendingBufferWrite(
    val commander: ActorRef,
    remainingData: ByteString,
    ack: Any,
    buffer: ByteBuffer,
    tail: WriteCommand) extends PendingWrite {

    def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): PendingWrite = {
      @tailrec def writeToChannel(data: ByteString): PendingWrite = {
        val writtenBytes = channel.write(buffer) // at first we try to drain the remaining bytes from the buffer
        if (TraceLogging) log.debug("Wrote [{}] bytes to channel", writtenBytes)
        if (buffer.hasRemaining) {
          // we weren't able to write all bytes from the buffer, so we need to try again later
          if (data eq remainingData) this
          else new PendingBufferWrite(commander, data, ack, buffer, tail) // copy with updated remainingData

        } else if (data.nonEmpty) {
          val copied = data.copyToBuffer(buffer)
          writeToChannel(data drop copied)

        } else {
          if (!ack.isInstanceOf[NoAck]) commander ! ack
          PendingWrite(commander, tail)
      try {
        val next = writeToChannel(remainingData)
        if (next ne EmptyPendingWrite) info.registration.enableInterest(OP_WRITE)
      } catch { case e: IOException ⇒ handleError(info.handler, e); this }

    def release(): Unit = bufferPool.release(buffer)

  def PendingWriteFile(commander: ActorRef, filePath: String, offset: Long, count: Long, ack: Event,
                       tail: WriteCommand): PendingWriteFile =
    new PendingWriteFile(commander, new FileInputStream(filePath).getChannel, offset, count, ack, tail)

  class PendingWriteFile(
    val commander: ActorRef,
    fileChannel: FileChannel,
    offset: Long,
    remaining: Long,
    ack: Event,
    tail: WriteCommand) extends PendingWrite with Runnable {

    def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): PendingWrite = {

    def release(): Unit = fileChannel.close()

    def run(): Unit =
      try {
        val toWrite = math.min(remaining, tcp.Settings.TransferToLimit)
        val written = fileChannel.transferTo(offset, toWrite, channel)

        if (written < remaining) {
          val updated = new PendingWriteFile(commander, fileChannel, offset + written, remaining - written, ack, tail)
          self ! UpdatePendingWrite(updated)

        } else {
          if (!ack.isInstanceOf[NoAck]) commander ! ack
          self ! UpdatePendingWrite(PendingWrite(commander, tail))
      } catch {
        case e: IOException ⇒ self ! WriteFileFailed(e)

private[io] object TcpConnection {
  sealed trait ReadResult
  object EndOfStream extends ReadResult
  object AllRead extends ReadResult
  object MoreDataWaiting extends ReadResult

   * Used to transport information to the postStop method to notify
   * interested party about a connection close.
  final case class CloseInformation(notificationsTo: Set[ActorRef], closedEvent: Event)

   * Groups required connection-related data that are only available once the connection has been fully established.
  final case class ConnectionInfo(registration: ChannelRegistration,
                                  handler: ActorRef,
                                  keepOpenOnPeerClosed: Boolean,
                                  useResumeWriting: Boolean)


  final case class UpdatePendingWrite(remainingWrite: PendingWrite) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  final case class WriteFileFailed(e: IOException)

  sealed abstract class PendingWrite {
    def commander: ActorRef
    def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): PendingWrite
    def release(): Unit // free any occupied resources

  object EmptyPendingWrite extends PendingWrite {
    def commander: ActorRef = throw new IllegalStateException
    def doWrite(info: ConnectionInfo): PendingWrite = throw new IllegalStateException
    def release(): Unit = throw new IllegalStateException

Other Akka source code examples

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