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Akka/Scala example source code file (ByteString.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ByteString.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, array, byte, byteorder, bytestring, bytestring1, bytestrings, collection, compactbytestring, generics, int, mutable, reflection, string, unit, util

The ByteString.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.util

import java.nio.{ ByteBuffer, ByteOrder }
import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable }

import scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized
import scala.collection.mutable.{ Builder, WrappedArray }
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.immutable.{ IndexedSeq, VectorBuilder }
import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object ByteString {

   * Creates a new ByteString by copying a byte array.
  def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): ByteString = CompactByteString(bytes)

   * Creates a new ByteString by copying bytes.
  def apply(bytes: Byte*): ByteString = CompactByteString(bytes: _*)

   * Creates a new ByteString by converting from integral numbers to bytes.
  def apply[T](bytes: T*)(implicit num: Integral[T]): ByteString =
    CompactByteString(bytes: _*)(num)

   * Creates a new ByteString by copying bytes from a ByteBuffer.
  def apply(bytes: ByteBuffer): ByteString = CompactByteString(bytes)

   * Creates a new ByteString by encoding a String as UTF-8.
  def apply(string: String): ByteString = apply(string, "UTF-8")

   * Creates a new ByteString by encoding a String with a charset.
  def apply(string: String, charset: String): ByteString = CompactByteString(string, charset)

   * Creates a new ByteString by copying a byte array.
  def fromArray(array: Array[Byte]): ByteString = apply(array)

   * Creates a new ByteString by copying length bytes starting at offset from
   * an Array.
  def fromArray(array: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): ByteString =
    CompactByteString.fromArray(array, offset, length)

   * Creates a new ByteString which will contain the UTF-8 representation of the given String
  def fromString(string: String): ByteString = apply(string)

   * Creates a new ByteString which will contain the representation of the given String in the given charset
  def fromString(string: String, charset: String): ByteString = apply(string, charset)

   * Creates a new ByteString by copying bytes out of a ByteBuffer.
  def fromByteBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer): ByteString = apply(buffer)

  val empty: ByteString = CompactByteString(Array.empty[Byte])

  def newBuilder: ByteStringBuilder = new ByteStringBuilder

  implicit val canBuildFrom: CanBuildFrom[TraversableOnce[Byte], Byte, ByteString] =
    new CanBuildFrom[TraversableOnce[Byte], Byte, ByteString] {
      def apply(ignore: TraversableOnce[Byte]): ByteStringBuilder = newBuilder
      def apply(): ByteStringBuilder = newBuilder

  private[akka] object ByteString1C {
    def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): ByteString1C = new ByteString1C(bytes)

   * A compact (unsliced) and unfragmented ByteString, implementation of ByteString1C.
  final class ByteString1C private (private val bytes: Array[Byte]) extends CompactByteString {
    def apply(idx: Int): Byte = bytes(idx)

    override def length: Int = bytes.length

    override def iterator: ByteIterator.ByteArrayIterator = ByteIterator.ByteArrayIterator(bytes, 0, bytes.length)

    private[akka] def toByteString1: ByteString1 = ByteString1(bytes)

    def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = toByteString1.asByteBuffer

    def asByteBuffers: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[ByteBuffer] = List(asByteBuffer)

    def decodeString(charset: String): String =
      if (isEmpty) "" else new String(bytes, charset)

    def ++(that: ByteString): ByteString =
      if (that.isEmpty) this
      else if (this.isEmpty) that
      else toByteString1 ++ that

    override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): ByteString =
      if ((from != 0) || (until != length)) toByteString1.slice(from, until)
      else this

  private[akka] object ByteString1 {
    val empty: ByteString1 = new ByteString1(Array.empty[Byte])
    def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): ByteString1 = ByteString1(bytes, 0, bytes.length)
    def apply(bytes: Array[Byte], startIndex: Int, length: Int): ByteString1 =
      if (length == 0) empty else new ByteString1(bytes, startIndex, length)

   * An unfragmented ByteString.
  final class ByteString1 private (private val bytes: Array[Byte], private val startIndex: Int, val length: Int) extends ByteString {

    private def this(bytes: Array[Byte]) = this(bytes, 0, bytes.length)

    def apply(idx: Int): Byte = bytes(checkRangeConvert(idx))

    override def iterator: ByteIterator.ByteArrayIterator =
      ByteIterator.ByteArrayIterator(bytes, startIndex, startIndex + length)

    private def checkRangeConvert(index: Int): Int = {
      if (0 <= index && length > index)
        index + startIndex
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index.toString)

    def isCompact: Boolean = (length == bytes.length)

    def compact: CompactByteString =
      if (isCompact) ByteString1C(bytes) else ByteString1C(toArray)

    def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = {
      val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, startIndex, length).asReadOnlyBuffer
      if (buffer.remaining < bytes.length) buffer.slice
      else buffer

    def asByteBuffers: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[ByteBuffer] = List(asByteBuffer)

    def decodeString(charset: String): String =
      new String(if (length == bytes.length) bytes else toArray, charset)

    def ++(that: ByteString): ByteString = {
      if (that.isEmpty) this
      else if (this.isEmpty) that
      else that match {
        case b: ByteString1C ⇒ ByteStrings(this, b.toByteString1)
        case b: ByteString1 ⇒
          if ((bytes eq b.bytes) && (startIndex + length == b.startIndex))
            new ByteString1(bytes, startIndex, length + b.length)
          else ByteStrings(this, b)
        case bs: ByteStrings ⇒ ByteStrings(this, bs)

  private[akka] object ByteStrings {
    def apply(bytestrings: Vector[ByteString1]): ByteString = new ByteStrings(bytestrings, (0 /: bytestrings)(_ + _.length))

    def apply(bytestrings: Vector[ByteString1], length: Int): ByteString = new ByteStrings(bytestrings, length)

    def apply(b1: ByteString1, b2: ByteString1): ByteString = compare(b1, b2) match {
      case 3 ⇒ new ByteStrings(Vector(b1, b2), b1.length + b2.length)
      case 2 ⇒ b2
      case 1 ⇒ b1
      case 0 ⇒ ByteString.empty

    def apply(b: ByteString1, bs: ByteStrings): ByteString = compare(b, bs) match {
      case 3 ⇒ new ByteStrings(b +: bs.bytestrings, bs.length + b.length)
      case 2 ⇒ bs
      case 1 ⇒ b
      case 0 ⇒ ByteString.empty

    def apply(bs: ByteStrings, b: ByteString1): ByteString = compare(bs, b) match {
      case 3 ⇒ new ByteStrings(bs.bytestrings :+ b, bs.length + b.length)
      case 2 ⇒ b
      case 1 ⇒ bs
      case 0 ⇒ ByteString.empty

    def apply(bs1: ByteStrings, bs2: ByteStrings): ByteString = compare(bs1, bs2) match {
      case 3 ⇒ new ByteStrings(bs1.bytestrings ++ bs2.bytestrings, bs1.length + bs2.length)
      case 2 ⇒ bs2
      case 1 ⇒ bs1
      case 0 ⇒ ByteString.empty

    // 0: both empty, 1: 2nd empty, 2: 1st empty, 3: neither empty
    def compare(b1: ByteString, b2: ByteString): Int =
      if (b1.isEmpty)
        if (b2.isEmpty) 0 else 2
      else if (b2.isEmpty) 1 else 3


   * A ByteString with 2 or more fragments.
  final class ByteStrings private (private[akka] val bytestrings: Vector[ByteString1], val length: Int) extends ByteString {
    if (bytestrings.isEmpty) throw new IllegalArgumentException("bytestrings must not be empty")

    def apply(idx: Int): Byte =
      if (0 <= idx && idx < length) {
        var pos = 0
        var seen = 0
        while (idx >= seen + bytestrings(pos).length) {
          seen += bytestrings(pos).length
          pos += 1
        bytestrings(pos)(idx - seen)
      } else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)

    override def iterator: ByteIterator.MultiByteArrayIterator =
      ByteIterator.MultiByteArrayIterator(bytestrings.toStream map { _.iterator })

    def ++(that: ByteString): ByteString = {
      if (that.isEmpty) this
      else if (this.isEmpty) that
      else that match {
        case b: ByteString1C ⇒ ByteStrings(this, b.toByteString1)
        case b: ByteString1  ⇒ ByteStrings(this, b)
        case bs: ByteStrings ⇒ ByteStrings(this, bs)

    def isCompact: Boolean = if (bytestrings.length == 1) bytestrings.head.isCompact else false

    def compact: CompactByteString = {
      if (isCompact) bytestrings.head.compact
      else {
        val ar = new Array[Byte](length)
        var pos = 0
        bytestrings foreach { b ⇒
          b.copyToArray(ar, pos, b.length)
          pos += b.length

    def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = compact.asByteBuffer

    def asByteBuffers: scala.collection.immutable.Iterable[ByteBuffer] = bytestrings map { _.asByteBuffer }

    def decodeString(charset: String): String = compact.decodeString(charset)


 * A rope-like immutable data structure containing bytes.
 * The goal of this structure is to reduce copying of arrays
 * when concatenating and slicing sequences of bytes,
 * and also providing a thread safe way of working with bytes.
 * TODO: Add performance characteristics
sealed abstract class ByteString extends IndexedSeq[Byte] with IndexedSeqOptimized[Byte, ByteString] {
  def apply(idx: Int): Byte

  override protected[this] def newBuilder: ByteStringBuilder = ByteString.newBuilder

  // *must* be overridden by derived classes. This construction is necessary
  // to specialize the return type, as the method is already implemented in
  // a parent trait.
  override def iterator: ByteIterator = throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method iterator is not implemented in ByteString")

  override def head: Byte = apply(0)
  override def tail: ByteString = drop(1)
  override def last: Byte = apply(length - 1)
  override def init: ByteString = dropRight(1)

  override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): ByteString =
    if ((from == 0) && (until == length)) this
    else iterator.slice(from, until).toByteString

  override def take(n: Int): ByteString = slice(0, n)
  override def takeRight(n: Int): ByteString = slice(length - n, length)
  override def drop(n: Int): ByteString = slice(n, length)
  override def dropRight(n: Int): ByteString = slice(0, length - n)

  override def takeWhile(p: Byte ⇒ Boolean): ByteString = iterator.takeWhile(p).toByteString
  override def dropWhile(p: Byte ⇒ Boolean): ByteString = iterator.dropWhile(p).toByteString
  override def span(p: Byte ⇒ Boolean): (ByteString, ByteString) =
    { val (a, b) = iterator.span(p); (a.toByteString, b.toByteString) }

  override def splitAt(n: Int): (ByteString, ByteString) = (take(n), drop(n))

  override def indexWhere(p: Byte ⇒ Boolean): Int = iterator.indexWhere(p)
  override def indexOf[B >: Byte](elem: B): Int = iterator.indexOf(elem)

   * Java API: copy this ByteString into a fresh byte array
   * @return this ByteString copied into a byte array
  protected[ByteString] def toArray: Array[Byte] = toArray[Byte] // protected[ByteString] == public to Java but hidden to Scala * fnizz *

  override def toArray[B >: Byte](implicit arg0: ClassTag[B]): Array[B] = iterator.toArray
  override def copyToArray[B >: Byte](xs: Array[B], start: Int, len: Int): Unit =
    iterator.copyToArray(xs, start, len)

  override def foreach[@specialized U](f: Byte ⇒ U): Unit = iterator foreach f

   * Efficiently concatenate another ByteString.
  def ++(that: ByteString): ByteString

   * Java API: efficiently concatenate another ByteString.
  def concat(that: ByteString): ByteString = this ++ that

   * Copy as many bytes as possible to a ByteBuffer, starting from it's
   * current position. This method will not overflow the buffer.
   * @param buffer a ByteBuffer to copy bytes to
   * @return the number of bytes actually copied
  def copyToBuffer(buffer: ByteBuffer): Int = iterator.copyToBuffer(buffer)

   * Create a new ByteString with all contents compacted into a single,
   * full byte array.
   * If isCompact returns true, compact is an O(1) operation, but
   * might return a different object with an optimized implementation.
  def compact: CompactByteString

   * Check whether this ByteString is compact in memory.
   * If the ByteString is compact, it might, however, not be represented
   * by an object that takes full advantage of that fact. Use compact to
   * get such an object.
  def isCompact: Boolean

   * Returns a read-only ByteBuffer that directly wraps this ByteString
   * if it is not fragmented.
  def asByteBuffer: ByteBuffer

   * Scala API: Returns an immutable Iterable of read-only ByteBuffers that directly wraps this ByteStrings
   * all fragments. Will always have at least one entry.
  def asByteBuffers: immutable.Iterable[ByteBuffer]

   * Java API: Returns an Iterable of read-only ByteBuffers that directly wraps this ByteStrings
   * all fragments. Will always have at least one entry.
  def getByteBuffers(): JIterable[ByteBuffer] = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConverters.asJavaIterableConverter

   * Creates a new ByteBuffer with a copy of all bytes contained in this
   * ByteString.
  def toByteBuffer: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(toArray)

   * Decodes this ByteString as a UTF-8 encoded String.
  final def utf8String: String = decodeString("UTF-8")

   * Decodes this ByteString using a charset to produce a String.
  def decodeString(charset: String): String

   * map method that will automatically cast Int back into Byte.
  final def mapI(f: Byte ⇒ Int): ByteString = map(f andThen (_.toByte))

object CompactByteString {
   * Creates a new CompactByteString by copying a byte array.
  def apply(bytes: Array[Byte]): CompactByteString =
    if (bytes.isEmpty) empty else ByteString.ByteString1C(bytes.clone)

   * Creates a new CompactByteString by copying bytes.
  def apply(bytes: Byte*): CompactByteString = {
    if (bytes.isEmpty) empty
    else {
      val ar = new Array[Byte](bytes.size)

   * Creates a new CompactByteString by converting from integral numbers to bytes.
  def apply[T](bytes: T*)(implicit num: Integral[T]): CompactByteString = {
    if (bytes.isEmpty) empty
    else ByteString.ByteString1C( ⇒ num.toInt(x).toByte)(collection.breakOut))

   * Creates a new CompactByteString by copying bytes from a ByteBuffer.
  def apply(bytes: ByteBuffer): CompactByteString = {
    if (bytes.remaining < 1) empty
    else {
      val ar = new Array[Byte](bytes.remaining)

   * Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String as UTF-8.
  def apply(string: String): CompactByteString = apply(string, "UTF-8")

   * Creates a new CompactByteString by encoding a String with a charset.
  def apply(string: String, charset: String): CompactByteString =
    if (string.isEmpty) empty else ByteString.ByteString1C(string.getBytes(charset))

   * Creates a new CompactByteString by copying length bytes starting at offset from
   * an Array.
  def fromArray(array: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): CompactByteString = {
    val copyOffset = math.max(offset, 0)
    val copyLength = math.max(math.min(array.length - copyOffset, length), 0)
    if (copyLength == 0) empty
    else {
      val copyArray = new Array[Byte](copyLength)
      Array.copy(array, copyOffset, copyArray, 0, copyLength)

  val empty: CompactByteString = ByteString.ByteString1C(Array.empty[Byte])

 * A compact ByteString.
 * The ByteString is guarantied to be contiguous in memory and to use only
 * as much memory as required for its contents.
sealed abstract class CompactByteString extends ByteString with Serializable {
  def isCompact: Boolean = true
  def compact: this.type = this

 * A mutable builder for efficiently creating a [[akka.util.ByteString]].
 * The created ByteString is not automatically compacted.
final class ByteStringBuilder extends Builder[Byte, ByteString] {
  builder ⇒

  import ByteString.{ ByteString1C, ByteString1, ByteStrings }
  private var _length: Int = 0
  private val _builder: VectorBuilder[ByteString1] = new VectorBuilder[ByteString1]()
  private var _temp: Array[Byte] = _
  private var _tempLength: Int = 0
  private var _tempCapacity: Int = 0

  protected def fillArray(len: Int)(fill: (Array[Byte], Int) ⇒ Unit): this.type = {
    ensureTempSize(_tempLength + len)
    fill(_temp, _tempLength)
    _tempLength += len
    _length += len

  @inline protected final def fillByteBuffer(len: Int, byteOrder: ByteOrder)(fill: ByteBuffer ⇒ Unit): this.type = {
    fillArray(len) {
      case (array, start) ⇒
        val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(array, start, len)

  def length: Int = _length

  override def sizeHint(len: Int): Unit = {
    resizeTemp(len - (_length - _tempLength))

  private def clearTemp(): Unit = {
    if (_tempLength > 0) {
      val arr = new Array[Byte](_tempLength)
      Array.copy(_temp, 0, arr, 0, _tempLength)
      _builder += ByteString1(arr)
      _tempLength = 0

  private def resizeTemp(size: Int): Unit = {
    val newtemp = new Array[Byte](size)
    if (_tempLength > 0) Array.copy(_temp, 0, newtemp, 0, _tempLength)
    _temp = newtemp
    _tempCapacity = _temp.length

  private def ensureTempSize(size: Int): Unit = {
    if (_tempCapacity < size || _tempCapacity == 0) {
      var newSize = if (_tempCapacity == 0) 16 else _tempCapacity * 2
      while (newSize < size) newSize *= 2

  def +=(elem: Byte): this.type = {
    ensureTempSize(_tempLength + 1)
    _temp(_tempLength) = elem
    _tempLength += 1
    _length += 1

  override def ++=(xs: TraversableOnce[Byte]): this.type = {
    xs match {
      case b: ByteString1C ⇒
        _builder += b.toByteString1
        _length += b.length
      case b: ByteString1 ⇒
        _builder += b
        _length += b.length
      case bs: ByteStrings ⇒
        _builder ++= bs.bytestrings
        _length += bs.length
      case xs: WrappedArray.ofByte ⇒
      case seq: collection.IndexedSeq[_] ⇒
        ensureTempSize(_tempLength + xs.size)
        xs.copyToArray(_temp, _tempLength)
        _tempLength += seq.length
        _length += seq.length
      case _ ⇒

  private[akka] def putByteArrayUnsafe(xs: Array[Byte]): this.type = {
    _builder += ByteString1(xs)
    _length += xs.length

   * Java API: append a ByteString to this builder.
  def append(bs: ByteString): this.type = this ++= bs

   * Add a single Byte to this builder.
  def putByte(x: Byte): this.type = this += x

   * Add a single Short to this builder.
  def putShort(x: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type = {
    if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
      this += (x >>> 8).toByte
      this += (x >>> 0).toByte
    } else if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
      this += (x >>> 0).toByte
      this += (x >>> 8).toByte
    } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown byte order " + byteOrder)

   * Add a single Int to this builder.
  def putInt(x: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type = {
    fillArray(4) { (target, offset) ⇒
      if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
        target(offset + 0) = (x >>> 24).toByte
        target(offset + 1) = (x >>> 16).toByte
        target(offset + 2) = (x >>> 8).toByte
        target(offset + 3) = (x >>> 0).toByte
      } else if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
        target(offset + 0) = (x >>> 0).toByte
        target(offset + 1) = (x >>> 8).toByte
        target(offset + 2) = (x >>> 16).toByte
        target(offset + 3) = (x >>> 24).toByte
      } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown byte order " + byteOrder)

   * Add a single Long to this builder.
  def putLong(x: Long)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type = {
    fillArray(8) { (target, offset) ⇒
      if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
        target(offset + 0) = (x >>> 56).toByte
        target(offset + 1) = (x >>> 48).toByte
        target(offset + 2) = (x >>> 40).toByte
        target(offset + 3) = (x >>> 32).toByte
        target(offset + 4) = (x >>> 24).toByte
        target(offset + 5) = (x >>> 16).toByte
        target(offset + 6) = (x >>> 8).toByte
        target(offset + 7) = (x >>> 0).toByte
      } else if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
        target(offset + 0) = (x >>> 0).toByte
        target(offset + 1) = (x >>> 8).toByte
        target(offset + 2) = (x >>> 16).toByte
        target(offset + 3) = (x >>> 24).toByte
        target(offset + 4) = (x >>> 32).toByte
        target(offset + 5) = (x >>> 40).toByte
        target(offset + 6) = (x >>> 48).toByte
        target(offset + 7) = (x >>> 56).toByte
      } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown byte order " + byteOrder)

   * Add the `n` least significant bytes of the given Long to this builder.
  def putLongPart(x: Long, n: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type = {
    fillArray(n) { (target, offset) ⇒
      if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN) {
        val start = n * 8 - 8
        (0 until n) foreach { i ⇒ target(offset + i) = (x >>> start - 8 * i).toByte }
      } else if (byteOrder == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN) {
        (0 until n) foreach { i ⇒ target(offset + i) = (x >>> 8 * i).toByte }
      } else throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown byte order " + byteOrder)

   * Add a single Float to this builder.
  def putFloat(x: Float)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =

   * Add a single Double to this builder.
  def putDouble(x: Double)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =

   * Add a number of Bytes from an array to this builder.
  def putBytes(array: Array[Byte]): this.type =
    putBytes(array, 0, array.length)

   * Add a number of Bytes from an array to this builder.
  def putBytes(array: Array[Byte], start: Int, len: Int): this.type =
    fillArray(len) { case (target, targetOffset) ⇒ Array.copy(array, start, target, targetOffset, len) }

   * Add a number of Shorts from an array to this builder.
  def putShorts(array: Array[Short])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    putShorts(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)

   * Add a number of Shorts from an array to this builder.
  def putShorts(array: Array[Short], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    fillByteBuffer(len * 2, byteOrder) { _.asShortBuffer.put(array, start, len) }

   * Add a number of Ints from an array to this builder.
  def putInts(array: Array[Int])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    putInts(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)

   * Add a number of Ints from an array to this builder.
  def putInts(array: Array[Int], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    fillByteBuffer(len * 4, byteOrder) { _.asIntBuffer.put(array, start, len) }

   * Add a number of Longs from an array to this builder.
  def putLongs(array: Array[Long])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    putLongs(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)

   * Add a number of Longs from an array to this builder.
  def putLongs(array: Array[Long], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    fillByteBuffer(len * 8, byteOrder) { _.asLongBuffer.put(array, start, len) }

   * Add a number of Floats from an array to this builder.
  def putFloats(array: Array[Float])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    putFloats(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)

   * Add a number of Floats from an array to this builder.
  def putFloats(array: Array[Float], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    fillByteBuffer(len * 4, byteOrder) { _.asFloatBuffer.put(array, start, len) }

   * Add a number of Doubles from an array to this builder.
  def putDoubles(array: Array[Double])(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    putDoubles(array, 0, array.length)(byteOrder)

   * Add a number of Doubles from an array to this builder.
  def putDoubles(array: Array[Double], start: Int, len: Int)(implicit byteOrder: ByteOrder): this.type =
    fillByteBuffer(len * 8, byteOrder) { _.asDoubleBuffer.put(array, start, len) }

  def clear(): Unit = {
    _length = 0
    _tempLength = 0

  def result: ByteString =
    if (_length == 0) ByteString.empty
    else {
      val bytestrings = _builder.result
      if (bytestrings.size == 1)
        ByteStrings(bytestrings, _length)

   * Directly wraps this ByteStringBuilder in an OutputStream. Write
   * operations on the stream are forwarded to the builder.
  def asOutputStream: = new {
    def write(b: Int): Unit = builder += b.toByte

    override def write(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = { builder.putBytes(b, off, len) }

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ByteString.scala source code file:

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