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Akka/Scala example source code file (Gossip.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Gossip.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, boolean, buffer, cluster, collection, concurrent, gossip, gossipenvelope, gossipoverview, member, option, serialversionuid, set, time, uniqueaddress, vectorclock

The Gossip.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.cluster

import scala.collection.immutable
import MemberStatus._
import akka.cluster.protobuf.ClusterMessageSerializer
import scala.concurrent.duration.Deadline

private[cluster] object Gossip {
  val emptyMembers: immutable.SortedSet[Member] = immutable.SortedSet.empty
  val empty: Gossip = new Gossip(Gossip.emptyMembers)

  def apply(members: immutable.SortedSet[Member]) =
    if (members.isEmpty) empty else empty.copy(members = members)

  private val leaderMemberStatus = Set[MemberStatus](Up, Leaving)
  private val convergenceMemberStatus = Set[MemberStatus](Up, Leaving)
  val convergenceSkipUnreachableWithMemberStatus = Set[MemberStatus](Down, Exiting)
  val removeUnreachableWithMemberStatus = Set[MemberStatus](Down, Exiting)


 * Represents the state of the cluster; cluster ring membership, ring convergence -
 * all versioned by a vector clock.
 * When a node is joining the `Member`, with status `Joining`, is added to `members`.
 * If the joining node was downed it is moved from `overview.unreachable` (status `Down`)
 * to `members` (status `Joining`). It cannot rejoin if not first downed.
 * When convergence is reached the leader change status of `members` from `Joining`
 * to `Up`.
 * When failure detector consider a node as unavailable it will be moved from
 * `members` to `overview.unreachable`.
 * When a node is downed, either manually or automatically, its status is changed to `Down`.
 * It is also removed from `overview.seen` table. The node will reside as `Down` in the
 * `overview.unreachable` set until joining again and it will then go through the normal
 * joining procedure.
 * When a `Gossip` is received the version (vector clock) is used to determine if the
 * received `Gossip` is newer or older than the current local `Gossip`. The received `Gossip`
 * and local `Gossip` is merged in case of conflicting version, i.e. vector clocks without
 * same history.
 * When a node is told by the user to leave the cluster the leader will move it to `Leaving`
 * and then rebalance and repartition the cluster and start hand-off by migrating the actors
 * from the leaving node to the new partitions. Once this process is complete the leader will
 * move the node to the `Exiting` state and once a convergence is complete move the node to
 * `Removed` by removing it from the `members` set and sending a `Removed` command to the
 * removed node telling it to shut itself down.
private[cluster] final case class Gossip(
  members: immutable.SortedSet[Member], // sorted set of members with their status, sorted by address
  overview: GossipOverview = GossipOverview(),
  version: VectorClock = VectorClock()) { // vector clock version

  if (Cluster.isAssertInvariantsEnabled) assertInvariants()

  private def assertInvariants(): Unit = {

    if (members.exists(_.status == Removed))
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Live members must have status [${Removed}], " +
        s"got [${members.filter(_.status == Removed)}]")

    val inReachabilityButNotMember = overview.reachability.allObservers --
    if (inReachabilityButNotMember.nonEmpty)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nodes not part of cluster in reachability table, got [%s]"
        format inReachabilityButNotMember.mkString(", "))

    val seenButNotMember = overview.seen --
    if (seenButNotMember.nonEmpty)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Nodes not part of cluster have marked the Gossip as seen, got [%s]"
        format seenButNotMember.mkString(", "))

  @transient private lazy val membersMap: Map[UniqueAddress, Member] = ⇒ m.uniqueAddress -> m)(collection.breakOut)

   * Increments the version for this 'Node'.
  def :+(node: VectorClock.Node): Gossip = copy(version = version :+ node)

   * Adds a member to the member node ring.
  def :+(member: Member): Gossip = {
    if (members contains member) this
    else this copy (members = members + member)

   * Marks the gossip as seen by this node (address) by updating the address entry in the 'gossip.overview.seen'
  def seen(node: UniqueAddress): Gossip = {
    if (seenByNode(node)) this
    else this copy (overview = overview copy (seen = overview.seen + node))

   * Marks the gossip as seen by only this node (address) by replacing the 'gossip.overview.seen'
  def onlySeen(node: UniqueAddress): Gossip = {
    this copy (overview = overview copy (seen = Set(node)))

   * The nodes that have seen the current version of the Gossip.
  def seenBy: Set[UniqueAddress] = overview.seen

   * Has this Gossip been seen by this node.
  def seenByNode(node: UniqueAddress): Boolean = overview.seen(node)

   * Merges the seen table of two Gossip instances.
  def mergeSeen(that: Gossip): Gossip =
    this copy (overview = overview copy (seen = overview.seen ++ that.overview.seen))

   * Merges two Gossip instances including membership tables, and the VectorClock histories.
  def merge(that: Gossip): Gossip = {
    import Member.ordering

    // 1. merge vector clocks
    val mergedVClock = this.version merge that.version

    // 2. merge members by selecting the single Member with highest MemberStatus out of the Member groups
    val mergedMembers = Gossip.emptyMembers ++ Member.pickHighestPriority(this.members, that.members)

    // 3. merge reachability table by picking records with highest version
    val mergedReachability = this.overview.reachability.merge(,

    // 4. Nobody can have seen this new gossip yet
    val mergedSeen = Set.empty[UniqueAddress]

    Gossip(mergedMembers, GossipOverview(mergedSeen, mergedReachability), mergedVClock)

   * Checks if we have a cluster convergence. If there are any unreachable nodes then we can't have a convergence -
   * waiting for user to act (issuing DOWN) or leader to act (issuing DOWN through auto-down).
   * @return true if convergence have been reached and false if not
  def convergence: Boolean = {
    // First check that:
    //   1. we don't have any members that are unreachable, or
    //   2. all unreachable members in the set have status DOWN or EXITING
    // Else we can't continue to check for convergence
    // When that is done we check that all members with a convergence
    // status is in the seen table and has the latest vector clock
    // version
    val unreachable = overview.reachability.allUnreachableOrTerminated map member
    unreachable.forall(m ⇒ Gossip.convergenceSkipUnreachableWithMemberStatus(m.status)) &&
      !members.exists(m ⇒ Gossip.convergenceMemberStatus(m.status) && !seenByNode(m.uniqueAddress))

  def isLeader(node: UniqueAddress): Boolean = leader == Some(node)

  def leader: Option[UniqueAddress] = leaderOf(members)

  def roleLeader(role: String): Option[UniqueAddress] = leaderOf(members.filter(_.hasRole(role)))

  private def leaderOf(mbrs: immutable.SortedSet[Member]): Option[UniqueAddress] = {
    val reachableMembers =
      if (overview.reachability.isAllReachable) mbrs
      else mbrs.filter(m ⇒ overview.reachability.isReachable(m.uniqueAddress))
    if (reachableMembers.isEmpty) None
    else reachableMembers.find(m ⇒ Gossip.leaderMemberStatus(m.status)).

  def allRoles: Set[String] = members.flatMap(_.roles)

  def isSingletonCluster: Boolean = members.size == 1

  def member(node: UniqueAddress): Member = {
      Member.removed(node)) // placeholder for removed member

  def hasMember(node: UniqueAddress): Boolean = membersMap.contains(node)

  def youngestMember: Member = {
    require(members.nonEmpty, "No youngest when no members")
    members.maxBy(m ⇒ if (m.upNumber == Int.MaxValue) 0 else m.upNumber)

  override def toString =
    s"Gossip(members = [${members.mkString(", ")}], overview = ${overview}, version = ${version})"

 * Represents the overview of the cluster, holds the cluster convergence table and set with unreachable nodes.
private[cluster] final case class GossipOverview(
  seen: Set[UniqueAddress] = Set.empty,
  reachability: Reachability = Reachability.empty) {

  override def toString =
    s"GossipOverview(reachability = [$reachability], seen = [${seen.mkString(", ")}])"

object GossipEnvelope {
  def apply(from: UniqueAddress, to: UniqueAddress, gossip: Gossip): GossipEnvelope =
    new GossipEnvelope(from, to, gossip, null, null)

  def apply(from: UniqueAddress, to: UniqueAddress, serDeadline: Deadline, ser: () ⇒ Gossip): GossipEnvelope =
    new GossipEnvelope(from, to, null, serDeadline, ser)

 * Envelope adding a sender and receiver address to the gossip.
 * The reason for including the receiver address is to be able to
 * ignore messages that were intended for a previous incarnation of
 * the node with same host:port. The `uid` in the `UniqueAddress` is
 * different in that case.
private[cluster] class GossipEnvelope private (
  val from: UniqueAddress,
  val to: UniqueAddress,
  @volatile var g: Gossip,
  serDeadline: Deadline,
  @transient @volatile var ser: () ⇒ Gossip) extends ClusterMessage {

  def gossip: Gossip = {

  private def deserialize(): Unit = {
    if ((g eq null) && (ser ne null)) {
      if (serDeadline.hasTimeLeft)
        g = ser()
        g = Gossip.empty
      ser = null

  private def writeReplace(): AnyRef = {


 * When there are no known changes to the node ring a `GossipStatus`
 * initiates a gossip chat between two members. If the receiver has a newer
 * version it replies with a `GossipEnvelope`. If receiver has older version
 * it replies with its `GossipStatus`. Same versions ends the chat immediately.
private[cluster] final case class GossipStatus(from: UniqueAddress, version: VectorClock) extends ClusterMessage

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka Gossip.scala source code file:

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