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Akka/Scala example source code file (Player.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Player.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorref, akka, channelhandlercontext, channelstateevent, collection, concurrent, data, dispatch, done, duration, event, none, runtimeexception, state, testconductor, time

The Player.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.remote.testconductor

import language.postfixOps

import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import akka.remote.testconductor.RemoteConnection.getAddrString
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Await, Future }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import scala.reflect.classTag
import akka.util.Timeout
import{ Channel, SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler, ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelStateEvent, MessageEvent, WriteCompletionEvent, ExceptionEvent }
import akka.pattern.{ ask, pipe, AskTimeoutException }
import akka.event.{ LoggingAdapter, Logging }
import{ InetSocketAddress, ConnectException }
import akka.remote.transport.ThrottlerTransportAdapter.{ SetThrottle, TokenBucket, Blackhole, Unthrottled }
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }

 * The Player is the client component of the
 * [[akka.remote.testconductor.TestConductorExt]] extension. It registers with
 * the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Conductor]]’s [[akka.remote.testconductor.Controller]]
 * in order to participate in barriers and enable network failure injection.
trait Player { this: TestConductorExt ⇒

  private var _client: ActorRef = _
  private def client = _client match {
    case null                     ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("TestConductor client not yet started")
    case _ if system.isTerminated ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException("TestConductor unavailable because system is shutdown; you need to startNewSystem() before this point")
    case x                        ⇒ x

   * Connect to the conductor on the given port (the host is taken from setting
   * ``). The connection is made asynchronously, but you
   * should await completion of the returned Future because that implies that
   * all expected participants of this test have successfully connected (i.e.
   * this is a first barrier in itself). The number of expected participants is
   * set in [[akka.remote.testconductor.Conductor]]`.startController()`.
  def startClient(name: RoleName, controllerAddr: InetSocketAddress): Future[Done] = {
    import ClientFSM._
    import Settings.BarrierTimeout

    if (_client ne null) throw new IllegalStateException("TestConductorClient already started")
    _client = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[ClientFSM], name, controllerAddr), "TestConductorClient")
    val a = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
      var waiting: ActorRef = _
      def receive = {
        case fsm: ActorRef ⇒
          waiting = sender(); fsm ! SubscribeTransitionCallBack(self)
        case Transition(_, f: ClientFSM.State, t: ClientFSM.State) if (f == Connecting && t == AwaitDone) ⇒ // step 1, not there yet // // SI-5900 workaround
        case Transition(_, f: ClientFSM.State, t: ClientFSM.State) if (f == AwaitDone && t == Connected) ⇒ // SI-5900 workaround
          waiting ! Done; context stop self
        case t: Transition[_] ⇒
          waiting ! Status.Failure(new RuntimeException("unexpected transition: " + t)); context stop self
        case CurrentState(_, s: ClientFSM.State) if (s == Connected) ⇒ // SI-5900 workaround
          waiting ! Done; context stop self
        case _: CurrentState[_] ⇒

    a ? client mapTo classTag[Done]

   * Enter the named barriers, one after the other, in the order given. Will
   * throw an exception in case of timeouts or other errors.
  def enter(name: String*): Unit = enter(Settings.BarrierTimeout,[immutable.Seq])

   * Enter the named barriers, one after the other, in the order given. Will
   * throw an exception in case of timeouts or other errors.
  def enter(timeout: Timeout, name: immutable.Seq[String]) {
    system.log.debug("entering barriers " + name.mkString("(", ", ", ")"))
    val stop = + timeout.duration
    name foreach { b ⇒
      val barrierTimeout = stop.timeLeft
      if (barrierTimeout < Duration.Zero) {
        client ! ToServer(FailBarrier(b))
        throw new TimeoutException("Server timed out while waiting for barrier " + b);
      try {
        implicit val timeout = Timeout(barrierTimeout + Settings.QueryTimeout.duration)
        Await.result(client ? ToServer(EnterBarrier(b, Option(barrierTimeout))), Duration.Inf)
      } catch {
        case e: AskTimeoutException ⇒
          client ! ToServer(FailBarrier(b))
          // Why don't TimeoutException have a constructor that takes a cause?
          throw new TimeoutException("Client timed out while waiting for barrier " + b);
      system.log.debug("passed barrier {}", b)

   * Query remote transport address of named node.
  def getAddressFor(name: RoleName): Future[Address] = {
    import Settings.QueryTimeout
    client ? ToServer(GetAddress(name)) mapTo classTag[Address]

private[akka] object ClientFSM {
  sealed trait State
  case object Connecting extends State
  case object AwaitDone extends State
  case object Connected extends State
  case object Failed extends State

  final case class Data(channel: Option[Channel], runningOp: Option[(String, ActorRef)])

  final case class Connected(channel: Channel) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded
  final case class ConnectionFailure(msg: String) extends RuntimeException(msg) with NoStackTrace
  case object Disconnected

 * This is the controlling entity on the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Player]]
 * side: in a first step it registers itself with a symbolic name and its remote
 * address at the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Controller]], then waits for the
 * `Done` message which signals that all other expected test participants have
 * done the same. After that, it will pass barrier requests to and from the
 * coordinator and react to the [[akka.remote.testconductor.Conductor]]’s
 * requests for failure injection.
 * Note that you can't perform requests concurrently, e.g. enter barrier
 * from one thread and ask for node address from another thread.
private[akka] class ClientFSM(name: RoleName, controllerAddr: InetSocketAddress) extends Actor
  with LoggingFSM[ClientFSM.State, ClientFSM.Data] with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
  import ClientFSM._

  val settings = TestConductor().Settings

  val handler = new PlayerHandler(controllerAddr, settings.ClientReconnects, settings.ReconnectBackoff,
    settings.ClientSocketWorkerPoolSize, self, Logging(context.system, "PlayerHandler"),

  startWith(Connecting, Data(None, None))

  when(Connecting, stateTimeout = settings.ConnectTimeout) {
    case Event(msg: ClientOp, _) ⇒
      stay replying Status.Failure(new IllegalStateException("not connected yet"))
    case Event(Connected(channel), _) ⇒
      channel.write(Hello(, TestConductor().address))
      goto(AwaitDone) using Data(Some(channel), None)
    case Event(_: ConnectionFailure, _) ⇒
    case Event(StateTimeout, _) ⇒
      log.error("connect timeout to TestConductor")

  when(AwaitDone, stateTimeout = settings.BarrierTimeout.duration) {
    case Event(Done, _) ⇒
      log.debug("received Done: starting test")
    case Event(msg: NetworkOp, _) ⇒
      log.error("received {} instead of Done", msg)
    case Event(msg: ServerOp, _) ⇒
      stay replying Status.Failure(new IllegalStateException("not connected yet"))
    case Event(StateTimeout, _) ⇒
      log.error("connect timeout to TestConductor")

  when(Connected) {
    case Event(Disconnected, _) ⇒"disconnected from TestConductor")
      throw new ConnectionFailure("disconnect")
    case Event(ToServer(_: Done), Data(Some(channel), _)) ⇒
    case Event(ToServer(msg), d @ Data(Some(channel), None)) ⇒
      val token = msg match {
        case EnterBarrier(barrier, timeout) ⇒ barrier
        case GetAddress(node)               ⇒
      stay using d.copy(runningOp = Some(token -> sender()))
    case Event(ToServer(op), Data(channel, Some((token, _)))) ⇒
      log.error("cannot write {} while waiting for {}", op, token)
    case Event(op: ClientOp, d @ Data(Some(channel), runningOp)) ⇒
      op match {
        case BarrierResult(b, success) ⇒
          runningOp match {
            case Some((barrier, requester)) ⇒
              val response =
                if (b != barrier) Status.Failure(new RuntimeException("wrong barrier " + b + " received while waiting for " + barrier))
                else if (!success) Status.Failure(new RuntimeException("barrier failed: " + b))
                else b
              requester ! response
            case None ⇒
              log.warning("did not expect {}", op)
          stay using d.copy(runningOp = None)
        case AddressReply(node, addr) ⇒
          runningOp match {
            case Some((_, requester)) ⇒ requester ! addr
            case None                 ⇒ log.warning("did not expect {}", op)
          stay using d.copy(runningOp = None)
        case t: ThrottleMsg ⇒
          import settings.QueryTimeout
          import context.dispatcher // FIXME is this the right EC for the future below?
          val mode = if (t.rateMBit < 0.0f) Unthrottled
          else if (t.rateMBit == 0.0f) Blackhole
          // Conversion needed as the TokenBucket measures in octets: 125000 Octets/s = 1Mbit/s
          // FIXME: Initial capacity should be carefully chosen
          else TokenBucket(capacity = 1000, tokensPerSecond = t.rateMBit * 125000.0, nanoTimeOfLastSend = 0, availableTokens = 0)

          val cmdFuture = TestConductor().transport.managementCommand(SetThrottle(, t.direction, mode))

          cmdFuture onSuccess {
            case true ⇒ self ! ToServer(Done)
            case _ ⇒ throw new RuntimeException("Throttle was requested from the TestConductor, but no transport " +
              "adapters available that support throttling. Specify `testTransport(on = true)` in your MultiNodeConfig")
        case d: DisconnectMsg ⇒
          import settings.QueryTimeout
          import context.dispatcher // FIXME is this the right EC for the future below?
          // FIXME: Currently ignoring, needs support from Remoting
        case TerminateMsg(Left(false)) ⇒
        case TerminateMsg(Left(true)) ⇒
        case TerminateMsg(Right(exitValue)) ⇒
          stay // needed because Java doesn’t have Nothing
        case _: Done ⇒ stay //FIXME what should happen?

  when(Failed) {
    case Event(msg: ClientOp, _) ⇒
      stay replying Status.Failure(new RuntimeException("cannot do " + msg + " while Failed"))
    case Event(msg: NetworkOp, _) ⇒
      log.warning("ignoring network message {} while Failed", msg)

  onTermination {
    case StopEvent(_, _, Data(Some(channel), _)) ⇒


 * This handler only forwards messages received from the conductor to the [[akka.remote.testconductor.ClientFSM]].
private[akka] class PlayerHandler(
  server: InetSocketAddress,
  private var reconnects: Int,
  backoff: FiniteDuration,
  poolSize: Int,
  fsm: ActorRef,
  log: LoggingAdapter,
  scheduler: Scheduler)(implicit executor: ExecutionContext)
  extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler {

  import ClientFSM._


  var nextAttempt: Deadline = _

  override def channelOpen(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = log.debug("channel {} open", event.getChannel)
  override def channelClosed(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = log.debug("channel {} closed", event.getChannel)
  override def channelBound(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = log.debug("channel {} bound", event.getChannel)
  override def channelUnbound(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = log.debug("channel {} unbound", event.getChannel)
  override def writeComplete(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: WriteCompletionEvent) = log.debug("channel {} written {}", event.getChannel, event.getWrittenAmount)

  override def exceptionCaught(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ExceptionEvent) = {
    log.debug("channel {} exception {}", event.getChannel, event.getCause)
    event.getCause match {
      case c: ConnectException if reconnects > 0 ⇒
        reconnects -= 1
      case e ⇒ fsm ! ConnectionFailure(e.getMessage)

  private def reconnect(): Unit = {
    nextAttempt = + backoff
    RemoteConnection(Client, server, poolSize, this)

  override def channelConnected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = {
    val ch = event.getChannel
    log.debug("connected to {}", getAddrString(ch))
    fsm ! Connected(ch)

  override def channelDisconnected(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: ChannelStateEvent) = {
    val channel = event.getChannel
    log.debug("disconnected from {}", getAddrString(channel))
    fsm ! PoisonPill
    executor.execute(new Runnable { def run = RemoteConnection.shutdown(channel) }) // Must be shutdown outside of the Netty IO pool

  override def messageReceived(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, event: MessageEvent) = {
    val channel = event.getChannel
    log.debug("message from {}: {}", getAddrString(channel), event.getMessage)
    event.getMessage match {
      case msg: NetworkOp ⇒
        fsm ! msg
      case msg ⇒"server {} sent garbage '{}', disconnecting", getAddrString(channel), msg)

Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka Player.scala source code file:

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