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Akka/Scala example source code file (Channel.scala)

This example Akka source code file (Channel.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actorref, akka, channel, channelsettings, collection, concurrent, deliver, delivered, duration, long, persistence, props, redeliver, string, time, unit

The Channel.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>

package akka.persistence

import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable }

import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps


import akka.persistence.serialization.Message
import akka.persistence.JournalProtocol._

// TODO: remove Channel

 * A [[Channel]] configuration object.
 * @param redeliverMax Maximum number of redelivery attempts.
 * @param redeliverInterval Interval between redelivery attempts.
 * @param redeliverFailureListener Receiver of [[RedeliverFailure]] notifications which are sent when the number
 *                                 of redeliveries reaches `redeliverMax` for a sequence of messages. To enforce
 *                                 a redelivery of these messages, the listener has to restart the sending processor.
 *                                 Alternatively, it can also confirm these messages, preventing further redeliveries.
@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
final case class ChannelSettings(
  val redeliverMax: Int = 5,
  val redeliverInterval: FiniteDuration = 5.seconds,
  val redeliverFailureListener: Option[ActorRef] = None) {

   * Java API.
  def withRedeliverMax(redeliverMax: Int): ChannelSettings =
    copy(redeliverMax = redeliverMax)

   * Java API.
  def withRedeliverInterval(redeliverInterval: FiniteDuration): ChannelSettings =
    copy(redeliverInterval = redeliverInterval)

   * Java API.
  def withRedeliverFailureListener(redeliverFailureListener: ActorRef): ChannelSettings =
    copy(redeliverFailureListener = Option(redeliverFailureListener))

@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
object ChannelSettings {
   * Java API.
  def create() = ChannelSettings.apply()

 * A channel is used by [[Processor]]s (and [[View]]s) for sending [[Persistent]] messages to destinations.
 * The main responsibility of a channel is to prevent redundant delivery of replayed messages to destinations
 * when a processor is recovered.
 * A channel is instructed to deliver a persistent message to a destination with the [[Deliver]] command. A
 * destination is provided as `ActorPath` and messages are sent via that path's `ActorSelection`.
 * {{{
 * class ForwardExample extends Processor {
 *   val destination = context.actorOf(Props[MyDestination])
 *   val channel = context.actorOf(Channel.props(), "myChannel")
 *   def receive = {
 *     case m @ Persistent(payload, _) =>
 *       // forward modified message to destination
 *       channel forward Deliver(m.withPayload(s"fw: ${payload}"), destination.path)
 *   }
 * }
 * }}}
 * To reply to the sender of a persistent message, the `sender` reference should be used as channel
 * destination.
 * {{{
 * class ReplyExample extends Processor {
 *   val channel = context.actorOf(Channel.props(), "myChannel")
 *   def receive = {
 *     case m @ Persistent(payload, _) =>
 *       // reply modified message to sender
 *       channel ! Deliver(m.withPayload(s"re: ${payload}"), sender.path)
 *   }
 * }
 * }}}
 * Redundant delivery of messages to destinations is only prevented if the receipt of these messages
 * is explicitly confirmed. Therefore, persistent messages that are delivered via a channel are of type
 * [[ConfirmablePersistent]]. Their receipt can be confirmed by a destination by calling the `confirm()`
 * method on these messages.
 * {{{
 * class MyDestination extends Actor {
 *   def receive = {
 *     case cp @ ConfirmablePersistent(payload, sequenceNr, redeliveries) => cp.confirm()
 *   }
 * }
 * }}}
 * If a destination does not confirm the receipt of a `ConfirmablePersistent` message, it will be redelivered
 * by the channel according to the parameters in [[ChannelSettings]]. Redelivered messages have a `redeliveries`
 * value greater than zero.
 * If the maximum number of redeliveries is reached for certain messages, they are removed from the channel and
 * a `redeliverFailureListener` (if specified, see [[ChannelSettings]]) is notified about these messages with a
 * [[RedeliverFailure]] message. Besides other application-specific tasks, this listener can restart the sending
 * processor to enforce a redelivery of these messages or confirm these messages to prevent further redeliveries.
 * @see [[Deliver]]
@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
final class Channel private[akka] (_channelId: Option[String], channelSettings: ChannelSettings) extends Actor {
  import channelSettings._

  private val id = _channelId match {
    case Some(cid) ⇒ cid
    case None      ⇒ Persistence(context.system).channelId(self)

  private val journal = Persistence(context.system).confirmationBatchingJournalForChannel(id)
  private val delivery = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[ReliableDelivery], channelSettings))

  def receive = {
    case d @ Deliver(persistent: PersistentRepr, _) ⇒
      if (!persistent.confirms.contains(id)) delivery forward d.copy(prepareDelivery(persistent))
    case d: RedeliverFailure ⇒ redeliverFailureListener.foreach(_ ! d)
    case d: Delivered        ⇒ delivery forward d

  private def prepareDelivery(persistent: PersistentRepr): PersistentRepr =
      confirmTarget = journal,
      confirmMessage = DeliveredByChannel(persistent.persistenceId, id, persistent.sequenceNr, channel = self))

@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
object Channel {
   * Returns a channel actor configuration object for creating a [[Channel]] with a
   * generated id and default [[ChannelSettings]].
  def props(): Props =

   * Returns a channel actor configuration object for creating a [[Channel]] with a
   * generated id and specified `channelSettings`.
   * @param channelSettings channel configuration object.
  def props(channelSettings: ChannelSettings): Props =
    Props(classOf[Channel], None, channelSettings)

   * Returns a channel actor configuration object for creating a [[Channel]] with the
   * specified id and default [[ChannelSettings]].
   * @param channelId channel id.
  def props(channelId: String): Props =
    props(channelId, ChannelSettings())

   * Returns a channel actor configuration object for creating a [[Channel]] with the
   * specified id  and specified `channelSettings`.
   * @param channelId channel id.
   * @param channelSettings channel configuration object.
  def props(channelId: String, channelSettings: ChannelSettings): Props =
    Props(classOf[Channel], Some(channelId), channelSettings)

 * Instructs a [[Channel]] or [[PersistentChannel]] to deliver a `persistent` message to
 * a `destination`.
 * @param persistent persistent message.
 * @param destination persistent message destination.
@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
final case class Deliver(persistent: Persistent, destination: ActorPath) extends Message

@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
object Deliver {
   * Java API.
  def create(persistent: Persistent, destination: ActorPath) = Deliver(persistent, destination)

 * Plugin API: confirmation message generated by receivers of [[ConfirmablePersistent]] messages
 * by calling `ConfirmablePersistent.confirm()`.
@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
trait Delivered extends Message {
  def channelId: String
  def persistentSequenceNr: Long
  def deliverySequenceNr: Long
  def channel: ActorRef

  private[persistence] def update(deliverySequenceNr: Long = deliverySequenceNr, channel: ActorRef = channel): Delivered

 * Plugin API.
@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
final case class DeliveredByChannel(
  @deprecatedName('processorId) persistenceId: String,
  channelId: String,
  persistentSequenceNr: Long,
  deliverySequenceNr: Long = 0L,
  channel: ActorRef = null) extends Delivered with PersistentConfirmation {

  def sequenceNr: Long = persistentSequenceNr
  def update(deliverySequenceNr: Long, channel: ActorRef): DeliveredByChannel =
    copy(deliverySequenceNr = deliverySequenceNr, channel = channel)

@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
private[persistence] class DeliveredByChannelBatching(journal: ActorRef, settings: PersistenceSettings) extends Actor {
  private val publish = settings.internal.publishConfirmations
  private val batchMax = settings.journal.maxConfirmationBatchSize

  private var batching = false
  private var batch = Vector.empty[DeliveredByChannel]

  def receive = {
    case WriteConfirmationsSuccess(confirmations) ⇒
      if (batch.isEmpty) batching = false else journalBatch()
      confirmations.foreach { c ⇒
        val dbc = c.asInstanceOf[DeliveredByChannel]
        if ( != null) ! c
        if (publish) context.system.eventStream.publish(c)
    case WriteConfirmationsFailure(_) ⇒
      if (batch.isEmpty) batching = false else journalBatch()
    case d: DeliveredByChannel ⇒
      if (!batching || maxBatchSizeReached) journalBatch()
    case m ⇒ journal forward m

  def addToBatch(pc: DeliveredByChannel): Unit =
    batch = batch :+ pc

  def maxBatchSizeReached: Boolean =
    batch.length >= batchMax

  def journalBatch(): Unit = {
    journal ! WriteConfirmations(batch, self)
    batch = Vector.empty
    batching = true

 * Notification message to inform channel listeners about messages that have reached the maximum
 * number of redeliveries.
@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
final case class RedeliverFailure(messages: immutable.Seq[ConfirmablePersistent]) {
   * Java API.
  def getMessages: JIterable[ConfirmablePersistent] = messages.asJava

 * Reliably deliver messages contained in [[Deliver]] requests to their destinations. Unconfirmed
 * messages are redelivered according to the parameters in [[ChannelSettings]].
@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
private class ReliableDelivery(redeliverSettings: ChannelSettings) extends Actor {
  import redeliverSettings._
  import ReliableDelivery._

  private val redelivery = context.actorOf(Props(classOf[Redelivery], redeliverSettings))
  private var deliveryAttempts: DeliveryAttempts = immutable.SortedMap.empty
  private var deliverySequenceNr: Long = 0L

  def receive = {
    case d @ Deliver(persistent: ConfirmablePersistentImpl, destination) ⇒
      val dsnr = nextDeliverySequenceNr()
      val psnr = persistent.sequenceNr
      val confirm = persistent.confirmMessage.update(deliverySequenceNr = dsnr)
      val updated = persistent.update(confirmMessage = confirm, sequenceNr = if (psnr == 0) dsnr else psnr)
      context.actorSelection(destination).tell(updated, sender())
      deliveryAttempts += (dsnr -> DeliveryAttempt(updated, destination, sender()))
    case d: Delivered ⇒
      deliveryAttempts -= d.deliverySequenceNr
      redelivery forward d
    case Redeliver ⇒
      val limit = System.nanoTime - redeliverInterval.toNanos
      val (older, younger) = deliveryAttempts.span { case (_, a) ⇒ a.timestamp < limit }
      redelivery ! Redeliver(older, redeliverMax)
      deliveryAttempts = younger

  private def nextDeliverySequenceNr(): Long = {
    deliverySequenceNr += 1

@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
private object ReliableDelivery {
  type DeliveryAttempts = immutable.SortedMap[Long, DeliveryAttempt]
  type FailedAttempts = Vector[ConfirmablePersistentImpl]

  final case class DeliveryAttempt(persistent: ConfirmablePersistentImpl, destination: ActorPath, sender: ActorRef, timestamp: Long = System.nanoTime) {
    def incrementRedeliveryCount =
      copy(persistent.update(redeliveries = persistent.redeliveries + 1))

  final case class Redeliver(attempts: DeliveryAttempts, redeliveryMax: Int)

 * Redelivery process used by [[ReliableDelivery]].
@deprecated("Channel will be removed, see `akka.persistence.AtLeastOnceDelivery` instead.", since = "2.3.4")
private class Redelivery(redeliverSettings: ChannelSettings) extends Actor {
  import context.dispatcher
  import redeliverSettings._
  import ReliableDelivery._

  private var redeliveryAttempts: DeliveryAttempts = immutable.SortedMap.empty
  private var redeliverySchedule: Cancellable = _

  def receive = {
    case Redeliver(as, max) ⇒
      val (attempts, failed) = (redeliveryAttempts ++ as).foldLeft[(DeliveryAttempts, FailedAttempts)]((immutable.SortedMap.empty, Vector.empty)) {
        case ((attempts, failed), (k, attempt)) ⇒
          val persistent = attempt.persistent
          if (persistent.redeliveries >= redeliverMax) {
            (attempts, failed :+ persistent)
          } else {
            val updated = attempt.incrementRedeliveryCount
            context.actorSelection(updated.destination).tell(updated.persistent, updated.sender)
            (attempts.updated(k, updated), failed)

      redeliveryAttempts = attempts
      failed.headOption.foreach( ! RedeliverFailure(failed))
    case c: Delivered ⇒
      redeliveryAttempts -= c.deliverySequenceNr

  override def preStart(): Unit =

  override def postStop(): Unit =

  private def scheduleRedelivery(): Unit =
    redeliverySchedule = context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(redeliverInterval, context.parent, Redeliver)

Other Akka source code examples

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