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Akka/Scala example source code file (FailureInjectorTransportAdapter.scala)

This example Akka source code file (FailureInjectorTransportAdapter.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

address, akka, boolean, concurrent, failureinjectorschemeidentifier, failureinjectortransportadapter, forkjoin, future, gremlinmode, passthru, promise, remote, serialversionuid, transport, unit, utilities

The FailureInjectorTransportAdapter.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.remote.transport

import FailureInjectorTransportAdapter._
import akka.AkkaException
import{ Address, ExtendedActorSystem }
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle.{ HandleEvent, HandleEventListener }
import akka.remote.transport.Transport._
import akka.util.ByteString
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.util.control.NoStackTrace
import scala.util.Try

final case class FailureInjectorException(msg: String) extends AkkaException(msg) with NoStackTrace

class FailureInjectorProvider extends TransportAdapterProvider {

  override def create(wrappedTransport: Transport, system: ExtendedActorSystem): Transport =
    new FailureInjectorTransportAdapter(wrappedTransport, system)


private[remote] object FailureInjectorTransportAdapter {
  val FailureInjectorSchemeIdentifier = "gremlin"

  trait FailureInjectorCommand
  final case class All(mode: GremlinMode)
  final case class One(remoteAddress: Address, mode: GremlinMode)

  sealed trait GremlinMode
  case object PassThru extends GremlinMode {
     * Java API: get the singleton instance
    def getInstance = this
  final case class Drop(outboundDropP: Double, inboundDropP: Double) extends GremlinMode

private[remote] class FailureInjectorTransportAdapter(wrappedTransport: Transport, val extendedSystem: ExtendedActorSystem)
  extends AbstractTransportAdapter(wrappedTransport)(extendedSystem.dispatcher) with AssociationEventListener {

  private def rng = ThreadLocalRandom.current()
  private val log = Logging(extendedSystem, "FailureInjector (gremlin)")
  private val shouldDebugLog: Boolean = extendedSystem.settings.config.getBoolean("akka.remote.gremlin.debug")

  @volatile private var upstreamListener: Option[AssociationEventListener] = None
  private[transport] val addressChaosTable = new ConcurrentHashMap[Address, GremlinMode]()
  @volatile private var allMode: GremlinMode = PassThru

  override val addedSchemeIdentifier = FailureInjectorSchemeIdentifier
  protected def maximumOverhead = 0

  override def managementCommand(cmd: Any): Future[Boolean] = cmd match {
    case All(mode) ⇒
      allMode = mode
    case One(address, mode) ⇒
      //  don't care about the protocol part - we are injected in the stack anyway!
      addressChaosTable.put(address.copy(protocol = "", system = ""), mode)
    case _ ⇒ wrappedTransport.managementCommand(cmd)

  protected def interceptListen(listenAddress: Address,
                                listenerFuture: Future[AssociationEventListener]): Future[AssociationEventListener] = {
    log.warning("FailureInjectorTransport is active on this system. Gremlins might munch your packets.")
    listenerFuture.onSuccess {
      // Side effecting: As this class is not an actor, the only way to safely modify state is through volatile vars.
      // Listen is called only during the initialization of the stack, and upstreamListener is not read before this
      // finishes.
      case listener: AssociationEventListener ⇒ upstreamListener = Some(listener)

  protected def interceptAssociate(remoteAddress: Address, statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle]): Unit = {
    // Association is simulated to be failed if there was either an inbound or outbound message drop
    if (shouldDropInbound(remoteAddress, Unit, "interceptAssociate") || shouldDropOutbound(remoteAddress, Unit, "interceptAssociate"))
      statusPromise.failure(new FailureInjectorException("Simulated failure of association to " + remoteAddress))
      statusPromise.completeWith(wrappedTransport.associate(remoteAddress).map { handle ⇒
        addressChaosTable.putIfAbsent(handle.remoteAddress.copy(protocol = "", system = ""), PassThru)
        new FailureInjectorHandle(handle, this)

  def notify(ev: AssociationEvent): Unit = ev match {
    case InboundAssociation(handle) if shouldDropInbound(handle.remoteAddress, ev, "notify") ⇒ //Ignore
    case _ ⇒ upstreamListener match {
      case Some(listener) ⇒ listener notify interceptInboundAssociation(ev)
      case None           ⇒

  def interceptInboundAssociation(ev: AssociationEvent): AssociationEvent = ev match {
    case InboundAssociation(handle) ⇒ InboundAssociation(FailureInjectorHandle(handle, this))
    case _                          ⇒ ev

  def shouldDropInbound(remoteAddress: Address, instance: Any, debugMessage: String): Boolean = chaosMode(remoteAddress) match {
    case PassThru ⇒ false
    case Drop(_, inboundDropP) ⇒
      if (rng.nextDouble() <= inboundDropP) {
        if (shouldDebugLog) log.debug("Dropping inbound [{}] for [{}] {}", instance.getClass, remoteAddress, debugMessage)
      } else false

  def shouldDropOutbound(remoteAddress: Address, instance: Any, debugMessage: String): Boolean = chaosMode(remoteAddress) match {
    case PassThru ⇒ false
    case Drop(outboundDropP, _) ⇒
      if (rng.nextDouble() <= outboundDropP) {
        if (shouldDebugLog) log.debug("Dropping outbound [{}] for [{}] {}", instance.getClass, remoteAddress, debugMessage)
      } else false

  def chaosMode(remoteAddress: Address): GremlinMode = {
    val mode = addressChaosTable.get(remoteAddress.copy(protocol = "", system = ""))
    if (mode eq null) PassThru else mode

private[remote] final case class FailureInjectorHandle(_wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle,
                                                       private val gremlinAdapter: FailureInjectorTransportAdapter)
  extends AbstractTransportAdapterHandle(_wrappedHandle, FailureInjectorSchemeIdentifier)
  with HandleEventListener {
  import gremlinAdapter.extendedSystem.dispatcher

  @volatile private var upstreamListener: HandleEventListener = null

  override val readHandlerPromise: Promise[HandleEventListener] = Promise()
  readHandlerPromise.future.onSuccess {
    case listener: HandleEventListener ⇒
      upstreamListener = listener

  override def write(payload: ByteString): Boolean =
    if (!gremlinAdapter.shouldDropOutbound(wrappedHandle.remoteAddress, payload, "handler.write")) wrappedHandle.write(payload)
    else true

  override def disassociate(): Unit = wrappedHandle.disassociate()

  override def notify(ev: HandleEvent): Unit =
    if (!gremlinAdapter.shouldDropInbound(wrappedHandle.remoteAddress, ev, "handler.notify"))
      upstreamListener notify ev


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka FailureInjectorTransportAdapter.scala source code file:

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