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Akka/Scala example source code file (ThrottlerTransportAdapter.scala)

This example Akka source code file (ThrottlerTransportAdapter.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

address, akka, boolean, concurrent, direction, dispatch, event, int, long, remote, serialversionuid, setthrottleack, throttlemode, throttlerhandle, transport, utilities

The ThrottlerTransportAdapter.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.remote.transport

import akka.pattern.{ PromiseActorRef, ask, pipe }
import akka.remote.transport.ActorTransportAdapter.AssociateUnderlying
import akka.remote.transport.AkkaPduCodec.Associate
import akka.remote.transport.AssociationHandle.{ DisassociateInfo, ActorHandleEventListener, Disassociated, InboundPayload, HandleEventListener }
import akka.remote.transport.ThrottlerManager.{ Listener, Handle, ListenerAndMode, Checkin }
import akka.remote.transport.ThrottlerTransportAdapter._
import akka.remote.transport.Transport._
import akka.util.{ Timeout, ByteString }
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
import scala.concurrent.{ Future, Promise }
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.math.min
import scala.util.{ Success, Failure }
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg.{ Unwatch, Watch }
import akka.dispatch.{ UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics, RequiresMessageQueue }
import akka.remote.RARP

class ThrottlerProvider extends TransportAdapterProvider {

  override def create(wrappedTransport: Transport, system: ExtendedActorSystem): Transport =
    new ThrottlerTransportAdapter(wrappedTransport, system)


object ThrottlerTransportAdapter {
  val SchemeIdentifier = "trttl"
  val UniqueId = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(0)

  sealed trait Direction {
    def includes(other: Direction): Boolean

  object Direction {

    case object Send extends Direction {
      override def includes(other: Direction): Boolean = other match {
        case Send ⇒ true
        case _    ⇒ false

       * Java API: get the singleton instance
      def getInstance = this

    case object Receive extends Direction {
      override def includes(other: Direction): Boolean = other match {
        case Receive ⇒ true
        case _       ⇒ false

       * Java API: get the singleton instance
      def getInstance = this

    case object Both extends Direction {
      override def includes(other: Direction): Boolean = true

       * Java API: get the singleton instance
      def getInstance = this

  final case class SetThrottle(address: Address, direction: Direction, mode: ThrottleMode)

  case object SetThrottleAck {
     * Java API: get the singleton instance
    def getInstance = this

  sealed trait ThrottleMode extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
    def tryConsumeTokens(nanoTimeOfSend: Long, tokens: Int): (ThrottleMode, Boolean)
    def timeToAvailable(currentNanoTime: Long, tokens: Int): FiniteDuration

  final case class TokenBucket(capacity: Int, tokensPerSecond: Double, nanoTimeOfLastSend: Long, availableTokens: Int)
    extends ThrottleMode {

    private def isAvailable(nanoTimeOfSend: Long, tokens: Int): Boolean =
      if ((tokens > capacity && availableTokens > 0)) {
        true // Allow messages larger than capacity through, it will be recorded as negative tokens
      } else min((availableTokens + tokensGenerated(nanoTimeOfSend)), capacity) >= tokens

    override def tryConsumeTokens(nanoTimeOfSend: Long, tokens: Int): (ThrottleMode, Boolean) = {
      if (isAvailable(nanoTimeOfSend, tokens))
          nanoTimeOfLastSend = nanoTimeOfSend,
          availableTokens = min(availableTokens - tokens + tokensGenerated(nanoTimeOfSend), capacity)), true)
      else (this, false)

    override def timeToAvailable(currentNanoTime: Long, tokens: Int): FiniteDuration = {
      val needed = (if (tokens > capacity) 1 else tokens) - tokensGenerated(currentNanoTime)
      (needed / tokensPerSecond).seconds

    private def tokensGenerated(nanoTimeOfSend: Long): Int =
      (TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(nanoTimeOfSend - nanoTimeOfLastSend) * tokensPerSecond / 1000.0).toInt

  case object Unthrottled extends ThrottleMode {
    override def tryConsumeTokens(nanoTimeOfSend: Long, tokens: Int): (ThrottleMode, Boolean) = (this, true)
    override def timeToAvailable(currentNanoTime: Long, tokens: Int): FiniteDuration = Duration.Zero

     * Java API: get the singleton instance
    def getInstance = this


  case object Blackhole extends ThrottleMode {
    override def tryConsumeTokens(nanoTimeOfSend: Long, tokens: Int): (ThrottleMode, Boolean) = (this, false)
    override def timeToAvailable(currentNanoTime: Long, tokens: Int): FiniteDuration = Duration.Zero

     * Java API: get the singleton instance
    def getInstance = this

   * Management Command to force dissocation of an address.
  final case class ForceDisassociate(address: Address)

   * Management Command to force dissocation of an address with an explicit error.
  final case class ForceDisassociateExplicitly(address: Address, reason: DisassociateInfo)

  case object ForceDisassociateAck {
     * Java API: get the singleton instance
    def getInstance = this

class ThrottlerTransportAdapter(_wrappedTransport: Transport, _system: ExtendedActorSystem) extends ActorTransportAdapter(_wrappedTransport, _system) {

  override protected def addedSchemeIdentifier = SchemeIdentifier
  override protected def maximumOverhead = 0
  protected def managerName: String = s"throttlermanager.${wrappedTransport.schemeIdentifier}${UniqueId.getAndIncrement}"
  protected def managerProps: Props = {
    val wt = wrappedTransport
    Props(classOf[ThrottlerManager], wt)

  override def managementCommand(cmd: Any): Future[Boolean] = {
    import ActorTransportAdapter.AskTimeout
    cmd match {
      case s: SetThrottle                 ⇒ manager ? s map { case SetThrottleAck ⇒ true }
      case f: ForceDisassociate           ⇒ manager ? f map { case ForceDisassociateAck ⇒ true }
      case f: ForceDisassociateExplicitly ⇒ manager ? f map { case ForceDisassociateAck ⇒ true }
      case _                              ⇒ wrappedTransport.managementCommand(cmd)

private[transport] object ThrottlerManager {
  final case class Checkin(origin: Address, handle: ThrottlerHandle) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  final case class AssociateResult(handle: AssociationHandle, statusPromise: Promise[AssociationHandle])
    extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  final case class ListenerAndMode(listener: HandleEventListener, mode: ThrottleMode) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  final case class Handle(handle: ThrottlerHandle) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

  final case class Listener(listener: HandleEventListener) extends NoSerializationVerificationNeeded

private[transport] class ThrottlerManager(wrappedTransport: Transport) extends ActorTransportAdapterManager {

  import ThrottlerManager._
  import context.dispatcher

  private var throttlingModes = Map[Address, (ThrottleMode, Direction)]()
  private var handleTable = List[(Address, ThrottlerHandle)]()

  private def nakedAddress(address: Address): Address = address.copy(protocol = "", system = "")

  override def ready: Receive = {
    case InboundAssociation(handle) ⇒
      val wrappedHandle = wrapHandle(handle, associationListener, inbound = true)
      wrappedHandle.throttlerActor ! Handle(wrappedHandle)
    case AssociateUnderlying(remoteAddress, statusPromise) ⇒
      wrappedTransport.associate(remoteAddress) onComplete {
        // Slight modification of pipe, only success is sent, failure is propagated to a separate future
        case Success(handle) ⇒ self ! AssociateResult(handle, statusPromise)
        case Failure(e)      ⇒ statusPromise.failure(e)
    // Finished outbound association and got back the handle
    case AssociateResult(handle, statusPromise) ⇒
      val wrappedHandle = wrapHandle(handle, associationListener, inbound = false)
      val naked = nakedAddress(handle.remoteAddress)
      val inMode = getInboundMode(naked)
      wrappedHandle.readHandlerPromise.future map { ListenerAndMode(_, inMode) } pipeTo wrappedHandle.throttlerActor
      handleTable ::= naked -> wrappedHandle
    case SetThrottle(address, direction, mode) ⇒
      val naked = nakedAddress(address)
      throttlingModes = throttlingModes.updated(naked, (mode, direction))
      val ok = Future.successful(SetThrottleAck)
      Future.sequence(handleTable map {
        case (`naked`, handle) ⇒ setMode(handle, mode, direction)
        case _                 ⇒ ok
      }).map(_ ⇒ SetThrottleAck) pipeTo sender()
    case ForceDisassociate(address) ⇒
      val naked = nakedAddress(address)
      handleTable foreach {
        case (`naked`, handle) ⇒ handle.disassociate()
        case _                 ⇒
      sender() ! ForceDisassociateAck
    case ForceDisassociateExplicitly(address, reason) ⇒
      val naked = nakedAddress(address)
      handleTable foreach {
        case (`naked`, handle) ⇒ handle.disassociateWithFailure(reason)
        case _                 ⇒
      sender() ! ForceDisassociateAck

    case Checkin(origin, handle) ⇒
      val naked: Address = nakedAddress(origin)
      handleTable ::= naked -> handle
      setMode(naked, handle)


  private def getInboundMode(nakedAddress: Address): ThrottleMode = {
    throttlingModes.get(nakedAddress) match {
      case Some((mode, direction)) if direction.includes(Direction.Receive) ⇒ mode
      case _ ⇒ Unthrottled

  private def getOutboundMode(nakedAddress: Address): ThrottleMode = {
    throttlingModes.get(nakedAddress) match {
      case Some((mode, direction)) if direction.includes(Direction.Send) ⇒ mode
      case _ ⇒ Unthrottled

  private def setMode(nakedAddress: Address, handle: ThrottlerHandle): Future[SetThrottleAck.type] = {
    throttlingModes.get(nakedAddress) match {
      case Some((mode, direction)) ⇒ setMode(handle, mode, direction)
      case None                    ⇒ setMode(handle, Unthrottled, Direction.Both)

  private def setMode(handle: ThrottlerHandle, mode: ThrottleMode, direction: Direction): Future[SetThrottleAck.type] = {
    if (direction.includes(Direction.Send))
    if (direction.includes(Direction.Receive))
      askModeWithDeathCompletion(handle.throttlerActor, mode)(ActorTransportAdapter.AskTimeout)

  private def askModeWithDeathCompletion(target: ActorRef, mode: ThrottleMode)(implicit timeout: Timeout): Future[SetThrottleAck.type] = {
    if (target.isTerminated) Future successful SetThrottleAck
    else {
      val internalTarget = target.asInstanceOf[InternalActorRef]
      val ref = PromiseActorRef(internalTarget.provider, timeout, target.toString)
      internalTarget.sendSystemMessage(Watch(internalTarget, ref))
      target.tell(mode, ref)
        case Terminated(t) if t.path == target.path ⇒ SetThrottleAck
        case SetThrottleAck                         ⇒ { internalTarget.sendSystemMessage(Unwatch(target, ref)); SetThrottleAck }
      }, t ⇒ { internalTarget.sendSystemMessage(Unwatch(target, ref)); t })(ref.internalCallingThreadExecutionContext)

  private def wrapHandle(originalHandle: AssociationHandle, listener: AssociationEventListener, inbound: Boolean): ThrottlerHandle = {
    val managerRef = self
          Props(classOf[ThrottledAssociation], managerRef, listener, originalHandle, inbound)).withDeploy(Deploy.local),
        "throttler" + nextId()))

private[transport] object ThrottledAssociation {
  private final val DequeueTimerName = "dequeue"

  case object Dequeue

  sealed trait ThrottlerState

  // --- Chain of states for inbound associations

  // Waiting for the ThrottlerHandle coupled with the throttler actor.
  case object WaitExposedHandle extends ThrottlerState
  // Waiting for the ASSOCIATE message that contains the origin address of the remote endpoint
  case object WaitOrigin extends ThrottlerState
  // After origin is known and a Checkin message is sent to the manager, we must wait for the ThrottlingMode for the
  // address
  case object WaitMode extends ThrottlerState
  // After all information is known, the throttler must wait for the upstream listener to be able to forward messages
  case object WaitUpstreamListener extends ThrottlerState

  // --- States for outbound associations

  // Waiting for the tuple containing the upstream listener and ThrottleMode
  case object WaitModeAndUpstreamListener extends ThrottlerState

  // Fully initialized state
  case object Throttling extends ThrottlerState

  sealed trait ThrottlerData
  case object Uninitialized extends ThrottlerData
  final case class ExposedHandle(handle: ThrottlerHandle) extends ThrottlerData

  final case class FailWith(reason: DisassociateInfo)

private[transport] class ThrottledAssociation(
  val manager: ActorRef,
  val associationHandler: AssociationEventListener,
  val originalHandle: AssociationHandle,
  val inbound: Boolean)
  extends Actor with LoggingFSM[ThrottledAssociation.ThrottlerState, ThrottledAssociation.ThrottlerData]
  with RequiresMessageQueue[UnboundedMessageQueueSemantics] {
  import ThrottledAssociation._
  import context.dispatcher

  var inboundThrottleMode: ThrottleMode = _
  var throttledMessages = Queue.empty[ByteString]
  var upstreamListener: HandleEventListener = _

  override def postStop(): Unit = originalHandle.disassociate()

  if (inbound) startWith(WaitExposedHandle, Uninitialized) else {
    startWith(WaitModeAndUpstreamListener, Uninitialized)

  when(WaitExposedHandle) {
    case Event(Handle(handle), Uninitialized) ⇒
      // register to downstream layer and wait for origin
      goto(WaitOrigin) using ExposedHandle(handle)

  when(WaitOrigin) {
    case Event(InboundPayload(p), ExposedHandle(exposedHandle)) ⇒
      throttledMessages = throttledMessages enqueue p
      peekOrigin(p) match {
        case Some(origin) ⇒
          manager ! Checkin(origin, exposedHandle)
        case None ⇒ stay()

  when(WaitMode) {
    case Event(InboundPayload(p), _) ⇒
      throttledMessages = throttledMessages enqueue p
    case Event(mode: ThrottleMode, ExposedHandle(exposedHandle)) ⇒
      inboundThrottleMode = mode
      try if (mode == Blackhole) {
        throttledMessages = Queue.empty[ByteString]
      } else {
        associationHandler notify InboundAssociation(exposedHandle) pipeTo self
      } finally sender() ! SetThrottleAck

  when(WaitUpstreamListener) {
    case Event(InboundPayload(p), _) ⇒
      throttledMessages = throttledMessages enqueue p
    case Event(Listener(listener), _) ⇒
      upstreamListener = listener
      self ! Dequeue

  when(WaitModeAndUpstreamListener) {
    case Event(ListenerAndMode(listener: HandleEventListener, mode: ThrottleMode), _) ⇒
      upstreamListener = listener
      inboundThrottleMode = mode
      self ! Dequeue
    case Event(InboundPayload(p), _) ⇒
      throttledMessages = throttledMessages enqueue p

  when(Throttling) {
    case Event(mode: ThrottleMode, _) ⇒
      inboundThrottleMode = mode
      if (mode == Blackhole) throttledMessages = Queue.empty[ByteString]
      if (throttledMessages.nonEmpty)
        scheduleDequeue(inboundThrottleMode.timeToAvailable(System.nanoTime(), throttledMessages.head.length))
      sender() ! SetThrottleAck
    case Event(InboundPayload(p), _) ⇒

    case Event(Dequeue, _) ⇒
      if (throttledMessages.nonEmpty) {
        val (payload, newqueue) = throttledMessages.dequeue
        upstreamListener notify InboundPayload(payload)
        throttledMessages = newqueue
        inboundThrottleMode = inboundThrottleMode.tryConsumeTokens(System.nanoTime(), payload.length)._1
        if (throttledMessages.nonEmpty)
          scheduleDequeue(inboundThrottleMode.timeToAvailable(System.nanoTime(), throttledMessages.head.length))


  whenUnhandled {
    // we should always set the throttling mode
    case Event(mode: ThrottleMode, _) ⇒
      inboundThrottleMode = mode
      sender() ! SetThrottleAck
    case Event(Disassociated(info), _) ⇒
      stop() // not notifying the upstream handler is intentional: we are relying on heartbeating
    case Event(FailWith(reason), _) ⇒
      upstreamListener notify Disassociated(reason)

  // This method captures ASSOCIATE packets and extracts the origin address
  private def peekOrigin(b: ByteString): Option[Address] = {
    try {
      AkkaPduProtobufCodec.decodePdu(b) match {
        case Associate(info) ⇒ Some(info.origin)
        case _               ⇒ None
    } catch {
      // This layer should not care about malformed packets. Also, this also useful for testing, because
      // arbitrary payload could be passed in
      case NonFatal(e) ⇒ None

  def forwardOrDelay(payload: ByteString): Unit = {
    if (inboundThrottleMode == Blackhole) {
      // Do nothing
    } else {
      if (throttledMessages.isEmpty) {
        val tokens = payload.length
        val (newbucket, success) = inboundThrottleMode.tryConsumeTokens(System.nanoTime(), tokens)
        if (success) {
          inboundThrottleMode = newbucket
          upstreamListener notify InboundPayload(payload)
        } else {
          throttledMessages = throttledMessages.enqueue(payload)
          scheduleDequeue(inboundThrottleMode.timeToAvailable(System.nanoTime(), tokens))
      } else {
        throttledMessages = throttledMessages.enqueue(payload)

  def scheduleDequeue(delay: FiniteDuration): Unit = inboundThrottleMode match {
    case Blackhole                   ⇒ // Do nothing
    case _ if delay <= Duration.Zero ⇒ self ! Dequeue
    case _                           ⇒ setTimer(DequeueTimerName, Dequeue, delay, repeat = false)


private[transport] final case class ThrottlerHandle(_wrappedHandle: AssociationHandle, throttlerActor: ActorRef)
  extends AbstractTransportAdapterHandle(_wrappedHandle, SchemeIdentifier) {

  private[transport] val outboundThrottleMode = new AtomicReference[ThrottleMode](Unthrottled)

  override val readHandlerPromise: Promise[HandleEventListener] = Promise()

  override def write(payload: ByteString): Boolean = {
    val tokens = payload.length

    @tailrec def tryConsume(currentBucket: ThrottleMode): Boolean = {
      val timeOfSend = System.nanoTime()
      val (newBucket, allow) = currentBucket.tryConsumeTokens(timeOfSend, tokens)
      if (allow) {
        if (outboundThrottleMode.compareAndSet(currentBucket, newBucket)) true
        else tryConsume(outboundThrottleMode.get())
      } else false

    outboundThrottleMode.get match {
      case Blackhole ⇒ true
      case bucket @ _ ⇒
        val success = tryConsume(outboundThrottleMode.get())
        if (success) wrappedHandle.write(payload) else false
      // FIXME: this depletes the token bucket even when no write happened!! See #2825


  override def disassociate(): Unit = {
    throttlerActor ! PoisonPill

  def disassociateWithFailure(reason: DisassociateInfo): Unit = {
    throttlerActor ! ThrottledAssociation.FailWith(reason)


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka ThrottlerTransportAdapter.scala source code file:

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