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Akka/Scala example source code file (RemotingSpec.scala)

This example Akka source code file (RemotingSpec.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, actorforreq, actorref, actorsystem, akka, concurrent, eventfilter, identify, poisonpill, props, remote, some, string, test, testing, transport

The RemotingSpec.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.remote

import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.remote.transport.AssociationRegistry
import akka.testkit._
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.typesafe.config._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom
import akka.TestUtils.temporaryServerAddress

object RemotingSpec {

  final case class ActorForReq(s: String)
  final case class ActorSelReq(s: String)

  class Echo1 extends Actor {
    var target: ActorRef = context.system.deadLetters

    def receive = {
      case (p: Props, n: String) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorOf(Props[Echo1], n)
      case ex: Exception         ⇒ throw ex
      case ActorForReq(s)        ⇒ sender() ! context.actorFor(s)
      case ActorSelReq(s)        ⇒ sender() ! context.actorSelection(s)
      case x                     ⇒ target = sender(); sender() ! x

    override def preStart() {}
    override def preRestart(cause: Throwable, msg: Option[Any]) {
      target ! "preRestart"
    override def postRestart(cause: Throwable) {}
    override def postStop() {
      target ! "postStop"

  class Echo2 extends Actor {
    def receive = {
      case "ping"                ⇒ sender() ! (("pong", sender()))
      case a: ActorRef           ⇒ a ! (("ping", sender()))
      case ("ping", a: ActorRef) ⇒ sender() ! (("pong", a))
      case ("pong", a: ActorRef) ⇒ a ! (("pong", sender().path.toSerializationFormat))

  class Proxy(val one: ActorRef, val another: ActorRef) extends Actor {
    def receive = {
      case s if sender().path == one.path     ⇒ another ! s
      case s if sender().path == another.path ⇒ one ! s

  val cfg: Config = ConfigFactory parseString (s"""
    common-ssl-settings {
      key-store = "${getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("keystore").getPath}"
      trust-store = "${getClass.getClassLoader.getResource("truststore").getPath}"
      key-store-password = "changeme"
      key-password = "changeme"
      trust-store-password = "changeme"
      protocol = "TLSv1"
      random-number-generator = "AES128CounterSecureRNG"
      enabled-algorithms = [TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA]

    common-netty-settings {
      port = 0
      hostname = "localhost"

    akka {
      actor.provider = "akka.remote.RemoteActorRefProvider"

      remote {
        transport = "akka.remote.Remoting"

        retry-gate-closed-for = 1 s
        log-remote-lifecycle-events = on

        enabled-transports = [

        netty.tcp = $${common-netty-settings}
        netty.udp = $${common-netty-settings}
        netty.ssl = $${common-netty-settings} = $${common-ssl-settings}

        test {
          transport-class = "akka.remote.transport.TestTransport"
          applied-adapters = []
          registry-key = aX33k0jWKg
          local-address = "test://RemotingSpec@localhost:12345"
          maximum-payload-bytes = 32000 bytes
          scheme-identifier = test

      actor.deployment {
        /blub.remote = "akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346"
        /looker1/child.remote = "akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346"
        /looker1/child/grandchild.remote = "akka.test://RemotingSpec@localhost:12345"
        /looker2/child.remote = "akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346"
        /looker2/child/grandchild.remote = "akka.test://RemotingSpec@localhost:12345"

  def muteSystem(system: ActorSystem) {
      EventFilter.error(start = "AssociationError"),
      EventFilter.warning(start = "AssociationError"),
      EventFilter.warning(pattern = "received dead letter.*")))

class RemotingSpec extends AkkaSpec(RemotingSpec.cfg) with ImplicitSender with DefaultTimeout {

  import RemotingSpec._

  val conf = ConfigFactory.parseString(
      akka.remote.test {
        local-address = "test://remote-sys@localhost:12346"
        maximum-payload-bytes = 48000 bytes
  val remoteSystem = ActorSystem("remote-sys", conf)

  for (
    (name, proto) ← Seq(
      "/gonk" -> "tcp",
      "/zagzag" -> "udp",
      "/roghtaar" -> "ssl.tcp")
  ) deploy(system, Deploy(name, scope = RemoteScope(addr(remoteSystem, proto))))

  def addr(sys: ActorSystem, proto: String) =
    sys.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].provider.getExternalAddressFor(Address(s"akka.$proto", "", "", 0)).get
  def port(sys: ActorSystem, proto: String) = addr(sys, proto).port.get
  def deploy(sys: ActorSystem, d: Deploy) {

  val remote = remoteSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo2], "echo")

  val here = system.actorFor("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/user/echo")

  private def verifySend(msg: Any)(afterSend: ⇒ Unit) {
    val bigBounceId = s"bigBounce-${ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextInt()}"
    val bigBounceOther = remoteSystem.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
      def receive = {
        case x: Int ⇒ sender() ! byteStringOfSize(x)
        case x      ⇒ sender() ! x
    }).withDeploy(Deploy.local), bigBounceId)
    val bigBounceHere = system.actorFor(s"akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/user/$bigBounceId")

    val eventForwarder = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
      def receive = {
        case x ⇒ testActor ! x
    system.eventStream.subscribe(eventForwarder, classOf[AssociationErrorEvent])
    system.eventStream.subscribe(eventForwarder, classOf[DisassociatedEvent])
    try {
      bigBounceHere ! msg
    } finally {
      system.eventStream.unsubscribe(eventForwarder, classOf[AssociationErrorEvent])
      system.eventStream.unsubscribe(eventForwarder, classOf[DisassociatedEvent])
      eventForwarder ! PoisonPill
      bigBounceOther ! PoisonPill

  override def atStartup() = {
      EventFilter.error(start = "AssociationError"),
      EventFilter.warning(pattern = "received dead letter.*(InboundPayload|Disassociate|HandleListener)")))

  private def byteStringOfSize(size: Int) = ByteString.fromArray(Array.fill(size)(42: Byte))

  val maxPayloadBytes = system.settings.config.getBytes("akka.remote.test.maximum-payload-bytes").toInt

  override def afterTermination() {

  "Remoting" must {

    "support remote look-ups" in {
      here ! "ping"
      expectMsg(("pong", testActor))

    "send warning message for wrong address" in {
      filterEvents(EventFilter.warning(pattern = "Address is now gated for ", occurrences = 1)) {
        system.actorFor("akka.test://nonexistingsystem@localhost:12346/user/echo") ! "ping"

    "support ask" in {
      Await.result(here ? "ping", timeout.duration) match {
        case ("pong", s: akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef) ⇒ // good
        case m                                         ⇒ fail(m + " was not (pong, AskActorRef)")

    "send dead letters on remote if actor does not exist" in {
      EventFilter.warning(pattern = "dead.*buh", occurrences = 1).intercept {
        system.actorFor("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/does/not/exist") ! "buh"

    "not be exhausted by sending to broken connections" in {
      val tcpOnlyConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString("""akka.remote.enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]""").
      val moreSystems = Vector.fill(5)(ActorSystem(, tcpOnlyConfig))
      moreSystems foreach { sys ⇒
          EventFilter.warning(pattern = "received dead letter.*")))
        sys.actorOf(Props[Echo2], name = "echo")
      val moreRefs = moreSystems map (sys ⇒ system.actorSelection(RootActorPath(addr(sys, "tcp")) / "user" / "echo"))
      val aliveEcho = system.actorSelection(RootActorPath(addr(remoteSystem, "tcp")) / "user" / "echo")
      val n = 100

      // first everything is up and running
      1 to n foreach { x ⇒
        aliveEcho ! "ping"
        moreRefs(x % moreSystems.size) ! "ping"

      within(5.seconds) {
        receiveN(n * 2) foreach { reply ⇒ reply should be(("pong", testActor)) }

      // then we shutdown all but one system to simulate broken connections
      moreSystems foreach { sys ⇒

      1 to n foreach { x ⇒
        aliveEcho ! "ping"
        moreRefs(x % moreSystems.size) ! "ping"

      // ping messages to aliveEcho should go through even though we use many different broken connections
      within(5.seconds) {
        receiveN(n) foreach { reply ⇒ reply should be(("pong", testActor)) }

    "create and supervise children on remote node" in {
      val r = system.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "blub")
      r.path.toString should be("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/remote/akka.test/RemotingSpec@localhost:12345/user/blub")
      r ! 42
      EventFilter[Exception]("crash", occurrences = 1).intercept {
        r ! new Exception("crash")
      r ! 42

    "not send to remote re-created actor with same name" in {
      val echo = remoteSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "otherEcho1")
      echo ! 71
      echo ! PoisonPill
      echo ! 72

      val echo2 = remoteSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "otherEcho1")
      echo2 ! 73
      // msg to old ActorRef (different uid) should not get through
      echo2.path.uid should not be (echo.path.uid)
      echo ! 74

      remoteSystem.actorFor("/user/otherEcho1") ! 75

      system.actorFor("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/user/otherEcho1") ! 76

      remoteSystem.actorSelection("/user/otherEcho1") ! 77

      system.actorSelection("akka.test://remote-sys@localhost:12346/user/otherEcho1") ! 78

    "look-up actors across node boundaries" in {
      val l = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
        def receive = {
          case (p: Props, n: String) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorOf(p, n)
          case ActorForReq(s)        ⇒ sender() ! context.actorFor(s)
      }), "looker1")
      // child is configured to be deployed on remote-sys (remoteSystem)
      l ! ((Props[Echo1], "child"))
      val child = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      // grandchild is configured to be deployed on RemotingSpec (system)
      child ! ((Props[Echo1], "grandchild"))
      val grandchild = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      grandchild.asInstanceOf[ActorRefScope].isLocal should be(true)
      grandchild ! 43
      val myref = system.actorFor(system / "looker1" / "child" / "grandchild")
      myref.isInstanceOf[RemoteActorRef] should be(true)
      myref ! 44
      lastSender should be(grandchild)
      lastSender should be theSameInstanceAs grandchild
      child.asInstanceOf[RemoteActorRef].getParent should be(l)
      system.actorFor("/user/looker1/child") should be theSameInstanceAs child
      Await.result(l ? ActorForReq("child/.."), timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] should be theSameInstanceAs l
      Await.result(system.actorFor(system / "looker1" / "child") ? ActorForReq(".."), timeout.duration).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] should be theSameInstanceAs l

      child ! PoisonPill
      l ! ((Props[Echo1], "child"))
      val child2 = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      child2 ! 45
      // msg to old ActorRef (different uid) should not get through
      child2.path.uid should not be (child.path.uid)
      child ! 46
      system.actorFor(system / "looker1" / "child") ! 47

    "select actors across node boundaries" in {
      val l = system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
        def receive = {
          case (p: Props, n: String) ⇒ sender() ! context.actorOf(p, n)
          case ActorSelReq(s)        ⇒ sender() ! context.actorSelection(s)
      }), "looker2")
      // child is configured to be deployed on remoteSystem
      l ! ((Props[Echo1], "child"))
      val child = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      // grandchild is configured to be deployed on RemotingSpec (system)
      child ! ((Props[Echo1], "grandchild"))
      val grandchild = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      grandchild.asInstanceOf[ActorRefScope].isLocal should be(true)
      grandchild ! 53
      val mysel = system.actorSelection(system / "looker2" / "child" / "grandchild")
      mysel ! 54
      lastSender should be(grandchild)
      lastSender should be theSameInstanceAs grandchild
      mysel ! Identify(mysel)
      val grandchild2 = expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref
      grandchild2 should be(Some(grandchild))
      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child") ! Identify(None)
      expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref should be(Some(child))
      l ! ActorSelReq("child/..")
      expectMsgType[ActorSelection] ! Identify(None)
      expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref.get should be theSameInstanceAs l
      system.actorSelection(system / "looker2" / "child") ! ActorSelReq("..")
      expectMsgType[ActorSelection] ! Identify(None)
      expectMsgType[ActorIdentity].ref.get should be theSameInstanceAs l

      grandchild ! ((Props[Echo1], "grandgrandchild"))
      val grandgrandchild = expectMsgType[ActorRef]

      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child") ! Identify("idReq1")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq1", Some(child)))
      system.actorSelection(child.path) ! Identify("idReq2")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq2", Some(child)))
      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/*") ! Identify("idReq3")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq3", Some(child)))

      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/grandchild") ! Identify("idReq4")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq4", Some(grandchild)))
      system.actorSelection(child.path / "grandchild") ! Identify("idReq5")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq5", Some(grandchild)))
      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/*/grandchild") ! Identify("idReq6")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq6", Some(grandchild)))
      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/*") ! Identify("idReq7")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq7", Some(grandchild)))
      system.actorSelection(child.path / "*") ! Identify("idReq8")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq8", Some(grandchild)))

      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/grandchild/grandgrandchild") ! Identify("idReq9")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq9", Some(grandgrandchild)))
      system.actorSelection(child.path / "grandchild" / "grandgrandchild") ! Identify("idReq10")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq10", Some(grandgrandchild)))
      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/*/grandgrandchild") ! Identify("idReq11")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq11", Some(grandgrandchild)))
      system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/*/*") ! Identify("idReq12")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq12", Some(grandgrandchild)))
      system.actorSelection(child.path / "*" / "grandgrandchild") ! Identify("idReq13")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq13", Some(grandgrandchild)))

      val sel1 = system.actorSelection("/user/looker2/child/grandchild/grandgrandchild")
      system.actorSelection(sel1.toSerializationFormat) ! Identify("idReq18")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq18", Some(grandgrandchild)))

      child ! Identify("idReq14")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq14", Some(child)))
      child ! PoisonPill
      expectMsgType[Terminated].actor should be(child)
      l ! ((Props[Echo1], "child"))
      val child2 = expectMsgType[ActorRef]
      child2 ! Identify("idReq15")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq15", Some(child2)))
      system.actorSelection(child.path) ! Identify("idReq16")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq16", Some(child2)))
      child ! Identify("idReq17")
      expectMsg(ActorIdentity("idReq17", None))

      child2 ! 55
      // msg to old ActorRef (different uid) should not get through
      child2.path.uid should not be (child.path.uid)
      child ! 56
      system.actorSelection(system / "looker2" / "child") ! 57

    "not fail ask across node boundaries" in within(5.seconds) {
      import system.dispatcher
      val f = for (_ ← 1 to 1000) yield here ? "ping" mapTo manifest[(String, ActorRef)]
      Await.result(Future.sequence(f), timeout.duration).map(_._1).toSet should be(Set("pong"))

    "be able to use multiple transports and use the appropriate one (TCP)" in {
      val r = system.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "gonk")
      r.path.toString should be ===
        s"akka.tcp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "tcp")}/remote/akka.tcp/RemotingSpec@localhost:${port(system, "tcp")}/user/gonk"
      r ! 42
      EventFilter[Exception]("crash", occurrences = 1).intercept {
        r ! new Exception("crash")
      r ! 42

    "be able to use multiple transports and use the appropriate one (UDP)" in {
      val r = system.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "zagzag")
      r.path.toString should be ===
        s"akka.udp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "udp")}/remote/akka.udp/RemotingSpec@localhost:${port(system, "udp")}/user/zagzag"
      r ! 42
      expectMsg(10.seconds, 42)
      EventFilter[Exception]("crash", occurrences = 1).intercept {
        r ! new Exception("crash")
      r ! 42

    "be able to use multiple transports and use the appropriate one (SSL)" in {
      val r = system.actorOf(Props[Echo1], "roghtaar")
      r.path.toString should be ===
        s"akka.ssl.tcp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "ssl.tcp")}/remote/akka.ssl.tcp/RemotingSpec@localhost:${port(system, "ssl.tcp")}/user/roghtaar"
      r ! 42
      expectMsg(10.seconds, 42)
      EventFilter[Exception]("crash", occurrences = 1).intercept {
        r ! new Exception("crash")
      r ! 42

    "drop unserializable messages" in {
      object Unserializable
      EventFilter[NotSerializableException](pattern = ".*No configured serialization.*", occurrences = 1).intercept {
        verifySend(Unserializable) {
          expectNoMsg(1.second) // No AssocitionErrorEvent should be published

    "allow messages up to payload size" in {
      val maxProtocolOverhead = 500 // Make sure we're still under size after the message is serialized, etc
      val big = byteStringOfSize(maxPayloadBytes - maxProtocolOverhead)
      verifySend(big) {
        expectMsg(1.second, big)

    "drop sent messages over payload size" in {
      val oversized = byteStringOfSize(maxPayloadBytes + 1)
      EventFilter[OversizedPayloadException](pattern = ".*Discarding oversized payload sent.*", occurrences = 1).intercept {
        verifySend(oversized) {
          expectNoMsg(1.second) // No AssocitionErrorEvent should be published

    "drop received messages over payload size" in {
      // Receiver should reply with a message of size maxPayload + 1, which will be dropped and an error logged
      EventFilter[OversizedPayloadException](pattern = ".*Discarding oversized payload received.*", occurrences = 1).intercept {
        verifySend(maxPayloadBytes + 1) {
          expectNoMsg(1.second) // No AssocitionErrorEvent should be published

    "be able to serialize a local actor ref from another actor system" in {
      val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
        # Additional internal serialization verification need so be off, otherwise it triggers two error messages
        # instead of one: one for the internal check, and one for the actual remote send -- tripping off this test = off
        akka.remote.enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.test", "akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
        akka.remote.test.local-address = "test://other-system@localhost:12347"
      val otherSystem = ActorSystem("other-system", config)
      try {
        val otherGuy = otherSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo2], "other-guy")
        // check that we use the specified transport address instead of the default
        val otherGuyRemoteTcp = otherGuy.path.toSerializationFormatWithAddress(addr(otherSystem, "tcp"))
        val remoteEchoHereTcp = system.actorFor(s"akka.tcp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "tcp")}/user/echo")
        val proxyTcp = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Proxy], remoteEchoHereTcp, testActor), "proxy-tcp")
        proxyTcp ! otherGuy
        expectMsg(3.seconds, ("pong", otherGuyRemoteTcp))
        // now check that we fall back to default when we haven't got a corresponding transport
        val otherGuyRemoteTest = otherGuy.path.toSerializationFormatWithAddress(addr(otherSystem, "test"))
        val remoteEchoHereSsl = system.actorFor(s"akka.ssl.tcp://remote-sys@localhost:${port(remoteSystem, "ssl.tcp")}/user/echo")
        val proxySsl = system.actorOf(Props(classOf[Proxy], remoteEchoHereSsl, testActor), "proxy-ssl")
        EventFilter[RemoteTransportException](start = "Error while resolving address", occurrences = 1).intercept {
          proxySsl ! otherGuy
          expectMsg(3.seconds, ("pong", otherGuyRemoteTest))
      } finally {

    "be able to connect to system even if it's not there at first" in {
      val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
        akka.remote.enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
        akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = 0
        akka.remote.retry-gate-closed-for = 5s
      val thisSystem = ActorSystem("this-system", config)
      try {
        val probe = new TestProbe(thisSystem)
        val probeSender = probe.ref
        val otherAddress = temporaryServerAddress()
        val otherConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
          akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = ${otherAddress.getPort}
        val otherSelection = thisSystem.actorSelection(s"akka.tcp://other-system@localhost:${otherAddress.getPort}/user/echo")
        otherSelection.tell("ping", probeSender)
        probe.expectNoMsg(1 seconds)
        val otherSystem = ActorSystem("other-system", otherConfig)
        try {
          probe.expectNoMsg(2 seconds)
          otherSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo2], "echo")
          within(5 seconds) {
            awaitAssert {
              otherSelection.tell("ping", probeSender)
              assert(probe.expectMsgType[(String, ActorRef)](500 millis)._1 == "pong")
        } finally {
      } finally {

    "allow other system to connect even if it's not there at first" in {
      val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
        akka.remote.enabled-transports = ["akka.remote.netty.tcp"]
        akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = 0
        akka.remote.retry-gate-closed-for = 5s
      val thisSystem = ActorSystem("this-system", config)
      try {
        val thisProbe = new TestProbe(thisSystem)
        val thisSender = thisProbe.ref
        thisSystem.actorOf(Props[Echo2], "echo")
        val otherAddress = temporaryServerAddress()
        val otherConfig = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
          akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = ${otherAddress.getPort}
        val otherSelection = thisSystem.actorSelection(s"akka.tcp://other-system@localhost:${otherAddress.getPort}/user/echo")
        otherSelection.tell("ping", thisSender)
        thisProbe.expectNoMsg(1 seconds)
        val otherSystem = ActorSystem("other-system", otherConfig)
        try {
          thisProbe.expectNoMsg(2 seconds)
          val otherProbe = new TestProbe(otherSystem)
          val otherSender = otherProbe.ref
          val thisSelection = otherSystem.actorSelection(s"akka.tcp://this-system@localhost:${port(thisSystem, "tcp")}/user/echo")
          within(5 seconds) {
            awaitAssert {
              thisSelection.tell("ping", otherSender)
              assert(otherProbe.expectMsgType[(String, ActorRef)](500 millis)._1 == "pong")
        } finally {
      } finally {

Other Akka source code examples

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