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Akka/Scala example source code file (TestEventListener.scala)

This example Akka source code file (TestEventListener.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

actor, akka, boolean, concurrent, eventfilter, int, left, logevent, mute, option, regex, string, test, testing, time, unmute

The TestEventListener.scala Akka example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Typesafe Inc. <>
package akka.testkit

import language.existentials
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.collection.immutable
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import{ DeadLetter, ActorSystem, Terminated, UnhandledMessage }
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg.{ SystemMessage, Terminate }
import akka.event.Logging.{ Warning, LogEvent, InitializeLogger, Info, Error, Debug, LoggerInitialized }
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.japi.Util.immutableSeq
import java.lang.{ Iterable ⇒ JIterable }
import akka.util.BoxedType

 * Implementation helpers of the EventFilter facilities: send `Mute`
 * to the TestEventListener to install a filter, and `UnMute` to
 * deinstall it.
 * You should always prefer the filter methods in the package object
 * (see [[akka.testkit]] `filterEvents` and `filterException`) or on the
 * EventFilter implementations.
sealed trait TestEvent

 * Implementation helpers of the EventFilter facilities: send <code>Mute</code>
 * to the TestEventFilter to install a filter, and <code>UnMute</code> to
 * deinstall it.
 * You should always prefer the filter methods in the package object
 * (see [[akka.testkit]] `filterEvents` and `filterException`) or on the
 * EventFilter implementations.
object TestEvent {
  object Mute {
    def apply(filter: EventFilter, filters: EventFilter*): Mute = new Mute(filter +:[immutable.Seq])
  final case class Mute(filters: immutable.Seq[EventFilter]) extends TestEvent with NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
     * Java API: create a Mute command from a list of filters
    def this(filters: JIterable[EventFilter]) = this(immutableSeq(filters))
  object UnMute {
    def apply(filter: EventFilter, filters: EventFilter*): UnMute = new UnMute(filter +:[immutable.Seq])
  final case class UnMute(filters: immutable.Seq[EventFilter]) extends TestEvent with NoSerializationVerificationNeeded {
     * Java API: create an UnMute command from a list of filters
    def this(filters: JIterable[EventFilter]) = this(immutableSeq(filters))

 * Facilities for selectively filtering out expected events from logging so
 * that you can keep your test run’s console output clean and do not miss real
 * error messages.
 * See the companion object for convenient factory methods.
 * If the `occurrences` is set to Int.MaxValue, no tracking is done.
abstract class EventFilter(occurrences: Int) {

  @volatile // JMM does not guarantee visibility for non-final fields
  private var todo = occurrences

   * This method decides whether to filter the event (<code>true</code>) or not
   * (<code>false</code>).
  protected def matches(event: LogEvent): Boolean

  final def apply(event: LogEvent): Boolean = {
    if (matches(event)) {
      if (todo != Int.MaxValue) todo -= 1
    } else false

  def awaitDone(max: Duration): Boolean = {
    if (todo != Int.MaxValue && todo > 0) TestKit.awaitCond(todo == 0, max, noThrow = true)
    todo == Int.MaxValue || todo == 0

   * Apply this filter while executing the given code block. Care is taken to
   * remove the filter when the block is finished or aborted.
  def intercept[T](code: ⇒ T)(implicit system: ActorSystem): T = {
    system.eventStream publish TestEvent.Mute(this)
    val leeway = TestKitExtension(system).TestEventFilterLeeway
    try {
      val result = code
      if (!awaitDone(leeway))
        if (todo > 0)
          throw new AssertionError("Timeout (" + leeway + ") waiting for " + todo + " messages on " + this)
          throw new AssertionError("Received " + (-todo) + " messages too many on " + this)
    } finally system.eventStream publish TestEvent.UnMute(this)

   * these default values are just there for easier subclassing
  protected val source: Option[String] = None
  protected val message: Either[String, Regex] = Left("")
  protected val complete: Boolean = false
   * internal implementation helper, no guaranteed API
  protected def doMatch(src: String, msg: Any) = {
    val msgstr = if (msg != null) msg.toString else "null"
    (source.isDefined && source.get == src || source.isEmpty) &&
      (message match {
        case Left(s)  ⇒ if (complete) msgstr == s else msgstr.startsWith(s)
        case Right(p) ⇒ p.findFirstIn(msgstr).isDefined

 * Facilities for selectively filtering out expected events from logging so
 * that you can keep your test run’s console output clean and do not miss real
 * error messages.
 * '''Also have a look at the [[akka.testkit]] package object’s `filterEvents` and
 * `filterException` methods.'''
 * The source filters do accept `Class[_]` arguments, matching any
 * object which is an instance of the given class, e.g.
 * {{{
 * = classOf[MyActor]) // will match Info events from any MyActor instance
 * }}}
 * The message object will be converted to a string before matching (`"null"` if it is `null`).
object EventFilter {

   * Create a filter for Error events. Give up to one of <code>start</code> and <code>pattern</code>:
   * {{{
   * EventFilter[MyException]()                                         // filter only on exception type
   * EventFilter[MyException]("message")                                // filter on exactly matching message
   * EventFilter[MyException](source = obj)                             // filter on event source
   * EventFilter[MyException](start = "Expected")                       // filter on start of message
   * EventFilter[MyException](source = obj, pattern = "weird.*message") // filter on pattern and message
   * }}}
   * ''Please note that filtering on the `source` being
   * `null` does NOT work (passing `null` disables the
   * source filter).''
  def apply[A <: Throwable: ClassTag](message: String = null, source: String = null, start: String = "", pattern: String = null, occurrences: Int = Int.MaxValue): EventFilter =
    ErrorFilter(implicitly[ClassTag[A]].runtimeClass, Option(source),
      if (message ne null) Left(message) else Option(pattern) map (new Regex(_)) toRight start,
      message ne null)(occurrences)

   * Create a filter for Error events which do not have a cause set (i.e. use
   * implicitly supplied Logging.Error.NoCause). See apply() for more details.
  def error(message: String = null, source: String = null, start: String = "", pattern: String = null, occurrences: Int = Int.MaxValue): EventFilter =
    ErrorFilter(Logging.Error.NoCause.getClass, Option(source),
      if (message ne null) Left(message) else Option(pattern) map (new Regex(_)) toRight start,
      message ne null)(occurrences)

   * Create a filter for Warning events. Give up to one of <code>start</code> and <code>pattern</code>:
   * {{{
   * EventFilter.warning()                                         // filter only on exception type
   * EventFilter.warning(source = obj)                             // filter on event source
   * EventFilter.warning(start = "Expected")                       // filter on start of message
   * EventFilter.warning(source = obj, pattern = "weird.*message") // filter on pattern and message
   * }}}
   * ''Please note that filtering on the `source` being
   * `null` does NOT work (passing `null` disables the
   * source filter).''
  def warning(message: String = null, source: String = null, start: String = "", pattern: String = null, occurrences: Int = Int.MaxValue): EventFilter =
      if (message ne null) Left(message) else Option(pattern) map (new Regex(_)) toRight start,
      message ne null)(occurrences)

   * Create a filter for Info events. Give up to one of <code>start</code> and <code>pattern</code>:
   * {{{
   *                                         // filter only on exception type
   * = obj)                             // filter on event source
   * = "Expected")                       // filter on start of message
   * = obj, pattern = "weird.*message") // filter on pattern and message
   * }}}
   * ''Please note that filtering on the `source` being
   * `null` does NOT work (passing `null` disables the
   * source filter).''
  def info(message: String = null, source: String = null, start: String = "", pattern: String = null, occurrences: Int = Int.MaxValue): EventFilter =
      if (message ne null) Left(message) else Option(pattern) map (new Regex(_)) toRight start,
      message ne null)(occurrences)

   * Create a filter for Debug events. Give up to one of <code>start</code> and <code>pattern</code>:
   * {{{
   * EventFilter.debug()                                         // filter only on exception type
   * EventFilter.debug(source = obj)                             // filter on event source
   * EventFilter.debug(start = "Expected")                       // filter on start of message
   * EventFilter.debug(source = obj, pattern = "weird.*message") // filter on pattern and message
   * }}}
   * ''Please note that filtering on the `source` being
   * `null` does NOT work (passing `null` disables the
   * source filter).''
  def debug(message: String = null, source: String = null, start: String = "", pattern: String = null, occurrences: Int = Int.MaxValue): EventFilter =
      if (message ne null) Left(message) else Option(pattern) map (new Regex(_)) toRight start,
      message ne null)(occurrences)

   * Create a custom event filter. The filter will affect those events for
   * which the supplied partial function is defined and returns
   * `true`.
   * {{{
   * EventFilter.custom {
   *   case Warning(ref, "my warning") if ref == actor || ref == null => true
   * }
   * }}}
  def custom(test: PartialFunction[LogEvent, Boolean], occurrences: Int = Int.MaxValue): EventFilter =

 * Filter which matches Error events, if they satisfy the given criteria:
 * <ul>
 * <li><code>throwable</code> applies an upper bound on the type of exception contained in the Error event</li>
 * <li><code>source</code>, if given, applies a filter on the event’s origin</li>
 * <li><code>message</code> applies a filter on the event’s message (either
 *   with String.startsWith or Regex.findFirstIn().isDefined); if the message
 *   itself does not match, the match is retried with the contained Exception’s
 *   message; if both are <code>null</code>, the filter always matches if at
 *   the same time the Exception’s stack trace is empty (this catches
 *   JVM-omitted “fast-throw” exceptions)</li>
 * </ul>
 * If you want to match all Error events, the most efficient is to use <code>Left("")</code>.
final case class ErrorFilter(
  throwable: Class[_],
  override val source: Option[String],
  override val message: Either[String, Regex],
  override val complete: Boolean)(occurrences: Int) extends EventFilter(occurrences) {

  def matches(event: LogEvent) = {
    event match {
      case Error(cause, src, _, msg) if throwable isInstance cause ⇒
        (msg == null && cause.getMessage == null && cause.getStackTrace.length == 0) ||
          doMatch(src, msg) || doMatch(src, cause.getMessage)
      case _ ⇒ false

   * Java API: create an ErrorFilter
   * @param source
   *   apply this filter only to events from the given source; do not filter on source if this is given as <code>null</code>
   * @param message
   *   apply this filter only to events whose message matches; do not filter on message if this is given as <code>null</code>
   * @param pattern
   *   if <code>false</code>, the message string must start with the given
   *   string, otherwise the <code>message</code> argument is treated as
   *   regular expression which is matched against the message (may match only
   *   a substring to filter)
   * @param complete
   *   whether the event’s message must match the given message string or pattern completely
  def this(throwable: Class[_], source: String, message: String, pattern: Boolean, complete: Boolean, occurrences: Int) =
    this(throwable, Option(source),
      if (message eq null) Left("")
      else if (pattern) Right(new Regex(message))
      else Left(message),

   * Java API: filter only on the given type of exception
  def this(throwable: Class[_]) = this(throwable, null, null, false, false, Int.MaxValue)


 * Filter which matches Warning events, if they satisfy the given criteria:
 * <ul>
 * <li><code>source</code>, if given, applies a filter on the event’s origin</li>
 * <li><code>message</code> applies a filter on the event’s message (either with String.startsWith or Regex.findFirstIn().isDefined)</li>
 * </ul>
 * If you want to match all Warning events, the most efficient is to use <code>Left("")</code>.
final case class WarningFilter(
  override val source: Option[String],
  override val message: Either[String, Regex],
  override val complete: Boolean)(occurrences: Int) extends EventFilter(occurrences) {

  def matches(event: LogEvent) = {
    event match {
      case Warning(src, _, msg) ⇒ doMatch(src, msg)
      case _                    ⇒ false

   * Java API: create a WarningFilter
   * @param source
   *   apply this filter only to events from the given source; do not filter on source if this is given as <code>null</code>
   * @param message
   *   apply this filter only to events whose message matches; do not filter on message if this is given as <code>null</code>
   * @param pattern
   *   if <code>false</code>, the message string must start with the given
   *   string, otherwise the <code>message</code> argument is treated as
   *   regular expression which is matched against the message (may match only
   *   a substring to filter)
   * @param complete
   *   whether the event’s message must match the given message string or pattern completely
  def this(source: String, message: String, pattern: Boolean, complete: Boolean, occurrences: Int) =
      if (message eq null) Left("")
      else if (pattern) Right(new Regex(message))
      else Left(message),

 * Filter which matches Info events, if they satisfy the given criteria:
 * <ul>
 * <li><code>source</code>, if given, applies a filter on the event’s origin</li>
 * <li><code>message</code> applies a filter on the event’s message (either with String.startsWith or Regex.findFirstIn().isDefined)</li>
 * </ul>
 * If you want to match all Info events, the most efficient is to use <code>Left("")</code>.
final case class InfoFilter(
  override val source: Option[String],
  override val message: Either[String, Regex],
  override val complete: Boolean)(occurrences: Int) extends EventFilter(occurrences) {

  def matches(event: LogEvent) = {
    event match {
      case Info(src, _, msg) ⇒ doMatch(src, msg)
      case _                 ⇒ false

   * Java API: create an InfoFilter
   * @param source
   *   apply this filter only to events from the given source; do not filter on source if this is given as <code>null</code>
   * @param message
   *   apply this filter only to events whose message matches; do not filter on message if this is given as <code>null</code>
   * @param pattern
   *   if <code>false</code>, the message string must start with the given
   *   string, otherwise the <code>message</code> argument is treated as
   *   regular expression which is matched against the message (may match only
   *   a substring to filter)
   * @param complete
   *   whether the event’s message must match the given message string or pattern completely
  def this(source: String, message: String, pattern: Boolean, complete: Boolean, occurrences: Int) =
      if (message eq null) Left("")
      else if (pattern) Right(new Regex(message))
      else Left(message),

 * Filter which matches Debug events, if they satisfy the given criteria:
 * <ul>
 * <li><code>source</code>, if given, applies a filter on the event’s origin</li>
 * <li><code>message</code> applies a filter on the event’s message (either with String.startsWith or Regex.findFirstIn().isDefined)</li>
 * </ul>
 * If you want to match all Debug events, the most efficient is to use <code>Left("")</code>.
final case class DebugFilter(
  override val source: Option[String],
  override val message: Either[String, Regex],
  override val complete: Boolean)(occurrences: Int) extends EventFilter(occurrences) {

  def matches(event: LogEvent) = {
    event match {
      case Debug(src, _, msg) ⇒ doMatch(src, msg)
      case _                  ⇒ false

   * Java API: create a DebugFilter
   * @param source
   *   apply this filter only to events from the given source; do not filter on source if this is given as <code>null</code>
   * @param message
   *   apply this filter only to events whose message matches; do not filter on message if this is given as <code>null</code>
   * @param pattern
   *   if <code>false</code>, the message string must start with the given
   *   string, otherwise the <code>message</code> argument is treated as
   *   regular expression which is matched against the message (may match only
   *   a substring to filter)
   * @param complete
   *   whether the event’s message must match the given message string or pattern completely
  def this(source: String, message: String, pattern: Boolean, complete: Boolean, occurrences: Int) =
      if (message eq null) Left("")
      else if (pattern) Right(new Regex(message))
      else Left(message),

 * Custom event filter when the others do not fit the bill.
 * If the partial function is defined and returns true, filter the event.
final case class CustomEventFilter(test: PartialFunction[LogEvent, Boolean])(occurrences: Int) extends EventFilter(occurrences) {
  def matches(event: LogEvent) = {
    test.isDefinedAt(event) && test(event)

object DeadLettersFilter {
  def apply[T](implicit t: ClassTag[T]): DeadLettersFilter =
    new DeadLettersFilter(t.runtimeClass.asInstanceOf[Class[T]])(Int.MaxValue)
 * Filter which matches DeadLetter events, if the wrapped message conforms to the
 * given type.
final case class DeadLettersFilter(val messageClass: Class[_])(occurrences: Int) extends EventFilter(occurrences) {

  def matches(event: LogEvent) = {
    event match {
      case Warning(_, _, msg) ⇒ BoxedType(messageClass) isInstance msg
      case _                  ⇒ false


 * EventListener for running tests, which allows selectively filtering out
 * expected messages. To use it, include something like this into
 * <code>akka.test.conf</code> and run your tests with system property
 * <code>"akka.mode"</code> set to <code>"test"</code>:
 * <pre><code>
 * akka {
 *   loggers = ["akka.testkit.TestEventListener"]
 * }
 * </code></pre>
class TestEventListener extends Logging.DefaultLogger {
  import TestEvent._

  var filters: List[EventFilter] = Nil

  override def receive = {
    case InitializeLogger(bus) ⇒
      Seq(classOf[Mute], classOf[UnMute], classOf[DeadLetter], classOf[UnhandledMessage]) foreach (bus.subscribe(context.self, _))
      sender() ! LoggerInitialized
    case Mute(filters)   ⇒ filters foreach addFilter
    case UnMute(filters) ⇒ filters foreach removeFilter
    case event: LogEvent ⇒ if (!filter(event)) print(event)
    case DeadLetter(msg, snd, rcp) ⇒
      if (!msg.isInstanceOf[Terminate]) {
        val event = Warning(rcp.path.toString, rcp.getClass, msg)
        if (!filter(event)) {
          val msgStr =
            if (msg.isInstanceOf[SystemMessage]) "received dead system message: " + msg
            else "received dead letter from " + snd + ": " + msg
          val event2 = Warning(rcp.path.toString, rcp.getClass, msgStr)
          if (!filter(event2)) print(event2)
    case UnhandledMessage(msg, sender, rcp) ⇒
      val event = Warning(rcp.path.toString, rcp.getClass, "unhandled message from " + sender + ": " + msg)
      if (!filter(event)) print(event)
    case m ⇒ print(Debug(, this.getClass, m))

  def filter(event: LogEvent): Boolean = filters exists (f ⇒ try { f(event) } catch { case e: Exception ⇒ false })

  def addFilter(filter: EventFilter): Unit = filters ::= filter

  def removeFilter(filter: EventFilter) {
    def removeFirst(list: List[EventFilter], zipped: List[EventFilter] = Nil): List[EventFilter] = list match {
      case head :: tail if head == filter ⇒ tail.reverse_:::(zipped)
      case head :: tail                   ⇒ removeFirst(tail, head :: zipped)
      case Nil                            ⇒ filters // filter not found, just return original list
    filters = removeFirst(filters)


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka TestEventListener.scala source code file:

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