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Akka/Scala example source code file (TestExtras.scala)

This example Akka source code file (TestExtras.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Akka and Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Akka tags/keywords

akka, build, enable, example, int, seq, set, string, tags, test, unit, utilities

The TestExtras.scala Akka example source code

package akka

import sbt._
import Keys._

import com.timgroup.statsd.{StatsDClientErrorHandler, NonBlockingStatsDClient}
import sbt.testing.{TestSelector, Status, Event}
import scala.util.Try
import{InputStreamReader, BufferedReader, DataOutputStream, OutputStreamWriter}
import{InetAddress, URLEncoder, HttpURLConnection, Socket}
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit
import com.typesafe.sbt.SbtGit.GitKeys._

object TestExtras {

  object JUnitFileReporting {
    val settings = Seq(
      // we can enable junit-style reports everywhere with this
      testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-v", "-a", "-u", (target.value / "test-reports").getAbsolutePath),
      testOptions += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaTest, "-u", (target.value / "test-reports").getAbsolutePath)

  object GraphiteBuildEvents {
    val graphite = config("graphite")

    val enabled = settingKey[Boolean]("Set to true when you want to send build events to graphite; Enable with `-Dakka.sbt.graphite=true`")

    val host = settingKey[String]("Host where graphite is located (ip, or hostname)")

    val port = settingKey[Int]("Port on which graphite is listening, defaults to 80")

    private val notifier = settingKey[Option[GraphiteBuildNotifier]]("Notifies graphite about this build")

    val settings = SbtGit.settings ++ SbtGit.projectSettings ++ Seq(
      enabled in graphite := sys.props("akka.sbt.graphite") == "true",
      host in graphite := sys.props.get("").getOrElse(""),
      port in graphite := sys.props.get("akka.sbt.graphite.port").flatMap(p => Try(p.toInt).toOption).getOrElse(80),

      notifier := ( match {
        case true => Some(new GraphiteBuildNotifier(gitCurrentBranch.value, gitHeadCommit.value,,
        case _ => None

      // this wraps the test task in order to send events before and after it
      test in Test := Def.settingDyn {
        val g = notifier.value

        // todo support complete(failed / successful)
        val task = (test in Test).taskValue andFinally { g.foreach(_.complete()) }


     * Notifies graphite by sending an *event*, when a build starts.
     * It will be tagged as "akka-build" and "branch:...", for filtering in UIs.
     * Event includes branch and commit id of the build that is running.
    class GraphiteBuildNotifier(branch: String, commitId: Option[String], host: String, port: Int)  {

      private val url = new URL(s"http://$host:$port/events/")

      private val hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName

      private val marker = branch + commitId.fold("")(id => s" @ $id")

      private def json(what: String, tag: String, data: String = "") =
        s"""{ "what": "$what", "tags": "akka-build,branch:${sanitize(branch)},$tag", "data": "$data"}""".stripMargin

      def start(): Unit = send(s"Build started: $marker", data = "host = " + hostname, tag = "started")

      def complete(): Unit = send(s"Build completed: $marker", data = "host = " + hostname, tag = "completed")

      def send(msg: String, data: String, tag: String) = try {
        // specifically not using Akka-IO (even though I'd love to), in order to not make the akka build depend on akka itself
        val con = url.openConnection().asInstanceOf[HttpURLConnection]
        try {
          val bytes = json(msg, data, tag).getBytes("UTF-8")
          con.setDoOutput(true) // triggers POST

          val out = new DataOutputStream(con.getOutputStream)
          try {

            // sigh, if left un-consumed graphite wouldn't take the write (*really*)!

          } finally {
        } finally {

      private def sanitize(s: String): String = s.replaceAll("""[^\w]+""", "-")

      private def consume(con: HttpURLConnection) {
        val in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream))
        var inputLine = ""
        try {
          while (inputLine != null) {
            inputLine = in.readLine()
        } finally {

  object StatsDMetrics {

    val statsd = config("statsd")

    val enabled = settingKey[Boolean]("Set to true when you want to send stats to statsd; Enable with `-Dakka.sbt.statsd=true`")

    val prefix = settingKey[String]("Prefix given to all metrics sent to statsd")

    val host = settingKey[String]("Host where statsd is located (ip, or hostname)")

    val port = settingKey[Int]("Port on which statsd is listening, defaults to 8125")

    val settings = Seq(
      // configuration
      enabled in statsd := sys.props("akka.sbt.statsd") == "true",
      prefix in statsd := Option(sys.props("akka.sbt.statsd.prefix")).getOrElse("akka_master"),
      host in statsd := Option(sys.props("")).getOrElse(""),
      port in statsd := Option(sys.props("akka.sbt.statsd.port")).flatMap(p => Try(p.toInt).toOption).getOrElse(8125),

      testListeners in(Test, test) ++= {
        // for `test` match {
          case true => Seq(StatsDTestListener(streams.value.log,,,
          case _ => Nil
      testListeners ++= {
        // for `testOnly` match {
          case true => Seq(StatsDTestListener(streams.value.log,,,
          case _ => Nil

    case class StatsDTestListener(log: Logger, prefix: String, host: String, port: Int) extends TestsListener {

      var client: NonBlockingStatsDClient = _

      override def doInit(): Unit = {"Initialised StatsDTestsListener (sending stats to $host:$port)")
        client = new NonBlockingStatsDClient(prefix, host, port, new StatsDClientErrorHandler {
          override def handle(exception: Exception): Unit = log.error(exception.toString)

      override def testEvent(event: TestEvent) {
        event.detail foreach { det =>
          det.status match {
            case Status.Success =>
              client.incrementCounter(testCounterKey(det, det.status))
              client.recordExecutionTime(testTimerKey(det), det.duration.toInt)

            case status =>
              client.incrementCounter(testCounterKey(det, status))

      override def endGroup(name: String, result: TestResult.Value) {
        // manual switch instead of toStringing class name all the time
        result match {
          case TestResult.Passed => client.incrementCounter(keySuccess(name))
          case TestResult.Failed => client.incrementCounter(keyFail(name))
          case TestResult.Error => client.incrementCounter(keyError(name))

      override def endGroup(name: String, t: Throwable) {

      override def startGroup(name: String) {
        // do nothing

      override def doComplete(finalResult: TestResult.Value): Unit = {
        log.debug("Final test run result: " + finalResult)"Shutting down StatsDTestsListener client...")
        if (client != null)

      private def testTimerKey(det: Event): String = s"${det.fullyQualifiedName}.${testSelectorToId(det.selector)}"

      private def testSelectorToId(sel: testing.Selector): String = sanitize(sel.asInstanceOf[TestSelector].testName())

      private def testCounterKey(det: Event, status: Status): String = s"${sanitize(det.fullyQualifiedName)}.${status.toString.toLowerCase}"

      private def keySuccess(fullyQualifiedName: String): String = fullyQualifiedName + ".success"

      private def keyFail(fullyQualifiedName: String): String = fullyQualifiedName + ".fail"

      private def keyError(fullyQualifiedName: String): String = fullyQualifiedName + ".error"

      private def sanitize(s: String): String = s.replaceAll("""[^\w]""", "_")



  object Filter {
    object Keys {
      val excludeTestNames = settingKey[Set[String]]("Names of tests to be excluded. Not supported by MultiJVM tests. Example usage: -Dakka.test.names.exclude=TimingSpec")
      val excludeTestTags = settingKey[Set[String]]("Tags of tests to be excluded. It will not be used if you specify -Dakka.test.tags.only. Example usage: -Dakka.test.tags.exclude=long-running")
      val onlyTestTags = settingKey[Set[String]]("Tags of tests to be ran. Example usage: -Dakka.test.tags.only=long-running")

    import Keys._

    private[Filter] object Params {
      val testNamesExclude = systemPropertyAsSeq("akka.test.names.exclude").toSet
      val testTagsExlcude = systemPropertyAsSeq("akka.test.tags.exclude").toSet
      val testTagsOnly = systemPropertyAsSeq("akka.test.tags.only").toSet

    def settings = {
        excludeTestNames := Params.testNamesExclude,
        excludeTestTags := {
          if (onlyTestTags.value.isEmpty) Params.testTagsExlcude
          else Set.empty
        onlyTestTags := Params.testTagsOnly,

        // add filters for tests excluded by name
        testOptions in Test <++= excludeTestNames map { => Tests.Filter(test => !test.contains(exclude))) },

        // add arguments for tests excluded by tag
        testOptions in Test <++= excludeTestTags map { tags =>
          if (tags.isEmpty) Seq.empty else Seq(Tests.Argument("-l", tags.mkString(" ")))

        // add arguments for running only tests by tag
        testOptions in Test <++= onlyTestTags map { tags =>
          if (tags.isEmpty) Seq.empty else Seq(Tests.Argument("-n", tags.mkString(" ")))

    def containsOrNotExcludesTag(tag: String) = {
      Params.testTagsOnly.contains(tag) || !Params.testTagsExlcude(tag)

    def systemPropertyAsSeq(name: String): Seq[String] = {
      val prop = sys.props.get(name).getOrElse("")
      if (prop.isEmpty) Seq.empty else prop.split(",").toSeq


Other Akka source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Akka TestExtras.scala source code file:

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