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Ant example source code file (

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Java - Ant tags/keywords

abstractfileset, abstractfileset, buildexception, buildexception, directoryscanner, directoryscanner, enumeration, file, io, object, patternset, patternset, selectorscanner, string, util, vector

The source code

 *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 *  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 *  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 *  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.Enumeration;


 * Class that holds an implicit patternset and supports nested
 * patternsets and creates a DirectoryScanner using these patterns.
 * <p>Common base class for DirSet and FileSet.

* */ public abstract class AbstractFileSet extends DataType implements Cloneable, SelectorContainer { private PatternSet defaultPatterns = new PatternSet(); private Vector additionalPatterns = new Vector(); private Vector selectors = new Vector(); private File dir; private boolean useDefaultExcludes = true; private boolean caseSensitive = true; private boolean followSymlinks = true; /* cached DirectoryScanner instance for our own Project only */ private DirectoryScanner directoryScanner = null; /** * Construct a new <code>AbstractFileSet. */ public AbstractFileSet() { super(); } /** * Construct a new <code>AbstractFileSet, shallowly cloned * from the specified <code>AbstractFileSet. * @param fileset the <code>AbstractFileSet to use as a template. */ protected AbstractFileSet(AbstractFileSet fileset) { this.dir = fileset.dir; this.defaultPatterns = fileset.defaultPatterns; this.additionalPatterns = fileset.additionalPatterns; this.selectors = fileset.selectors; this.useDefaultExcludes = fileset.useDefaultExcludes; this.caseSensitive = fileset.caseSensitive; this.followSymlinks = fileset.followSymlinks; setProject(fileset.getProject()); } /** * Makes this instance in effect a reference to another instance. * * <p>You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside * this element if you make it a reference.</p> * @param r the <code>Reference to use. * @throws BuildException on error */ public void setRefid(Reference r) throws BuildException { if (dir != null || defaultPatterns.hasPatterns(getProject())) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (!additionalPatterns.isEmpty()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } if (!selectors.isEmpty()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } super.setRefid(r); } /** * Sets the base-directory for this instance. * @param dir the directory's <code>File instance. * @throws BuildException on error */ public synchronized void setDir(File dir) throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } this.dir = dir; directoryScanner = null; } /** * Retrieves the base-directory for this instance. * @return <code>File. */ public File getDir() { return getDir(getProject()); } /** * Retrieves the base-directory for this instance. * @param p the <code>Project against which the * reference is resolved, if set. * @return <code>File. */ public synchronized File getDir(Project p) { return (isReference()) ? getRef(p).getDir(p) : dir; } /** * Creates a nested patternset. * @return <code>PatternSet. */ public synchronized PatternSet createPatternSet() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } PatternSet patterns = new PatternSet(); additionalPatterns.addElement(patterns); directoryScanner = null; return patterns; } /** * Add a name entry to the include list. * @return <code>PatternSet.NameEntry. */ public synchronized PatternSet.NameEntry createInclude() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } directoryScanner = null; return defaultPatterns.createInclude(); } /** * Add a name entry to the include files list. * @return <code>PatternSet.NameEntry. */ public synchronized PatternSet.NameEntry createIncludesFile() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } directoryScanner = null; return defaultPatterns.createIncludesFile(); } /** * Add a name entry to the exclude list. * @return <code>PatternSet.NameEntry. */ public synchronized PatternSet.NameEntry createExclude() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } directoryScanner = null; return defaultPatterns.createExclude(); } /** * Add a name entry to the excludes files list. * @return <code>PatternSet.NameEntry. */ public synchronized PatternSet.NameEntry createExcludesFile() { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } directoryScanner = null; return defaultPatterns.createExcludesFile(); } /** * Creates a single file fileset. * @param file the single <code>File included in this * <code>AbstractFileSet. */ public synchronized void setFile(File file) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } setDir(file.getParentFile()); createInclude().setName(file.getName()); } /** * Appends <code>includes to the current list of include * patterns. * * <p>Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space.

* * @param includes the <code>String containing the include patterns. */ public synchronized void setIncludes(String includes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } defaultPatterns.setIncludes(includes); directoryScanner = null; } /** * Appends <code>includes to the current list of include * patterns. * * @param includes array containing the include patterns. * @since Ant 1.7 */ public synchronized void appendIncludes(String[] includes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (includes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < includes.length; i++) { defaultPatterns.createInclude().setName(includes[i]); } directoryScanner = null; } } /** * Appends <code>excludes to the current list of exclude * patterns. * * <p>Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space.

* * @param excludes the <code>String containing the exclude patterns. */ public synchronized void setExcludes(String excludes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } defaultPatterns.setExcludes(excludes); directoryScanner = null; } /** * Appends <code>excludes to the current list of include * patterns. * * @param excludes array containing the exclude patterns. * @since Ant 1.7 */ public synchronized void appendExcludes(String[] excludes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } if (excludes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < excludes.length; i++) { defaultPatterns.createExclude().setName(excludes[i]); } directoryScanner = null; } } /** * Sets the <code>File containing the includes patterns. * * @param incl <code>File instance. * @throws BuildException on error */ public synchronized void setIncludesfile(File incl) throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } defaultPatterns.setIncludesfile(incl); directoryScanner = null; } /** * Sets the <code>File containing the excludes patterns. * * @param excl <code>File instance. * @throws BuildException on error */ public synchronized void setExcludesfile(File excl) throws BuildException { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } defaultPatterns.setExcludesfile(excl); directoryScanner = null; } /** * Sets whether default exclusions should be used or not. * * @param useDefaultExcludes <code>boolean. */ public synchronized void setDefaultexcludes(boolean useDefaultExcludes) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } this.useDefaultExcludes = useDefaultExcludes; directoryScanner = null; } /** * Whether default exclusions should be used or not. * @return the default exclusions value. * @since Ant 1.6.3 */ public synchronized boolean getDefaultexcludes() { return (isReference()) ? getRef(getProject()).getDefaultexcludes() : useDefaultExcludes; } /** * Sets case sensitivity of the file system. * * @param caseSensitive <code>boolean. */ public synchronized void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } this.caseSensitive = caseSensitive; directoryScanner = null; } /** * Find out if the fileset is case sensitive. * * @return <code>boolean indicating whether the fileset is * case sensitive. * * @since Ant 1.7 */ public synchronized boolean isCaseSensitive() { return (isReference()) ? getRef(getProject()).isCaseSensitive() : caseSensitive; } /** * Sets whether or not symbolic links should be followed. * * @param followSymlinks whether or not symbolic links should be followed. */ public synchronized void setFollowSymlinks(boolean followSymlinks) { if (isReference()) { throw tooManyAttributes(); } this.followSymlinks = followSymlinks; directoryScanner = null; } /** * Find out if the fileset wants to follow symbolic links. * * @return <code>boolean indicating whether symbolic links * should be followed. * * @since Ant 1.6 */ public synchronized boolean isFollowSymlinks() { return (isReference()) ? getRef(getProject()).isFollowSymlinks() : followSymlinks; } /** * Returns the directory scanner needed to access the files to process. * @return a <code>DirectoryScanner instance. */ public DirectoryScanner getDirectoryScanner() { return getDirectoryScanner(getProject()); } /** * Returns the directory scanner needed to access the files to process. * @param p the Project against which the DirectoryScanner should be configured. * @return a <code>DirectoryScanner instance. */ public DirectoryScanner getDirectoryScanner(Project p) { if (isReference()) { return getRef(p).getDirectoryScanner(p); } DirectoryScanner ds = null; synchronized (this) { if (directoryScanner != null && p == getProject()) { ds = directoryScanner; } else { if (dir == null) { throw new BuildException("No directory specified for " + getDataTypeName() + "."); } if (!dir.exists()) { throw new BuildException(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " not found."); } if (!dir.isDirectory()) { throw new BuildException(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " is not a directory."); } ds = new DirectoryScanner(); setupDirectoryScanner(ds, p); ds.setFollowSymlinks(followSymlinks); directoryScanner = (p == getProject()) ? ds : directoryScanner; } } ds.scan(); return ds; } /** * Set up the specified directory scanner against this * AbstractFileSet's Project. * @param ds a <code>FileScanner instance. */ public void setupDirectoryScanner(FileScanner ds) { setupDirectoryScanner(ds, getProject()); } /** * Set up the specified directory scanner against the specified project. * @param ds a <code>FileScanner instance. * @param p an Ant <code>Project instance. */ public synchronized void setupDirectoryScanner(FileScanner ds, Project p) { if (isReference()) { getRef(p).setupDirectoryScanner(ds, p); return; } if (ds == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ds cannot be null"); } ds.setBasedir(dir); PatternSet ps = mergePatterns(p); p.log(getDataTypeName() + ": Setup scanner in dir " + dir + " with " + ps, Project.MSG_DEBUG); ds.setIncludes(ps.getIncludePatterns(p)); ds.setExcludes(ps.getExcludePatterns(p)); if (ds instanceof SelectorScanner) { SelectorScanner ss = (SelectorScanner) ds; ss.setSelectors(getSelectors(p)); } if (useDefaultExcludes) { ds.addDefaultExcludes(); } ds.setCaseSensitive(caseSensitive); } /** * Performs the check for circular references and returns the * referenced FileSet. * @param p the current project * @return the referenced FileSet */ protected AbstractFileSet getRef(Project p) { return (AbstractFileSet) getCheckedRef(p); } // SelectorContainer methods /** * Indicates whether there are any selectors here. * * @return whether any selectors are in this container. */ public synchronized boolean hasSelectors() { return (isReference() && getProject() != null) ? getRef(getProject()).hasSelectors() : !(selectors.isEmpty()); } /** * Indicates whether there are any patterns here. * * @return whether any patterns are in this container. */ public synchronized boolean hasPatterns() { if (isReference() && getProject() != null) { return getRef(getProject()).hasPatterns(); } if (defaultPatterns.hasPatterns(getProject())) { return true; } Enumeration e = additionalPatterns.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { PatternSet ps = (PatternSet) e.nextElement(); if (ps.hasPatterns(getProject())) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gives the count of the number of selectors in this container. * * @return the number of selectors in this container as an <code>int. */ public synchronized int selectorCount() { return (isReference() && getProject() != null) ? getRef(getProject()).selectorCount() : selectors.size(); } /** * Returns the set of selectors as an array. * @param p the current project * @return a <code>FileSelector[] of the selectors in this container. */ public synchronized FileSelector[] getSelectors(Project p) { return (isReference()) ? getRef(p).getSelectors(p) : (FileSelector[]) (selectors.toArray( new FileSelector[selectors.size()])); } /** * Returns an enumerator for accessing the set of selectors. * * @return an <code>Enumeration of selectors. */ public synchronized Enumeration selectorElements() { return (isReference() && getProject() != null) ? getRef(getProject()).selectorElements() : selectors.elements(); } /** * Add a new selector into this container. * * @param selector the new <code>FileSelector to add. */ public synchronized void appendSelector(FileSelector selector) { if (isReference()) { throw noChildrenAllowed(); } selectors.addElement(selector); directoryScanner = null; } /* Methods below all add specific selectors */ /** * Add a "Select" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>SelectSelector to add. */ public void addSelector(SelectSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add an "And" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>AndSelector to add. */ public void addAnd(AndSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add an "Or" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>OrSelector to add. */ public void addOr(OrSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a "Not" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>NotSelector to add. */ public void addNot(NotSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a "None" selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>NoneSelector to add. */ public void addNone(NoneSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a majority selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>MajoritySelector to add. */ public void addMajority(MajoritySelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a selector date entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>DateSelector to add. */ public void addDate(DateSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a selector size entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>SizeSelector to add. */ public void addSize(SizeSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a DifferentSelector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>DifferentSelector to add. */ public void addDifferent(DifferentSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a selector filename entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>FilenameSelector to add. */ public void addFilename(FilenameSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a selector type entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>TypeSelector to add. */ public void addType(TypeSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add an extended selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>ExtendSelector to add. */ public void addCustom(ExtendSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a contains selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>ContainsSelector to add. */ public void addContains(ContainsSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a present selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>PresentSelector to add. */ public void addPresent(PresentSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a depth selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>DepthSelector to add. */ public void addDepth(DepthSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a depends selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>DependSelector to add. */ public void addDepend(DependSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add a regular expression selector entry on the selector list. * @param selector the <code>ContainsRegexpSelector to add. */ public void addContainsRegexp(ContainsRegexpSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add the modified selector. * @param selector the <code>ModifiedSelector to add. * @since ant 1.6 */ public void addModified(ModifiedSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Add an arbitary selector. * @param selector the <code>FileSelector to add. * @since Ant 1.6 */ public void add(FileSelector selector) { appendSelector(selector); } /** * Returns included files as a list of semicolon-separated filenames. * * @return a <code>String of included filenames. */ public String toString() { DirectoryScanner ds = getDirectoryScanner(getProject()); String[] files = ds.getIncludedFiles(); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { sb.append(';'); } sb.append(files[i]); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Creates a deep clone of this instance, except for the nested * selectors (the list of selectors is a shallow clone of this * instance's list). * @return the cloned object * @since Ant 1.6 */ public synchronized Object clone() { if (isReference()) { return (getRef(getProject())).clone(); } else { try { AbstractFileSet fs = (AbstractFileSet) super.clone(); fs.defaultPatterns = (PatternSet) defaultPatterns.clone(); fs.additionalPatterns = new Vector(additionalPatterns.size()); Enumeration e = additionalPatterns.elements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { fs.additionalPatterns .addElement(((PatternSet) e.nextElement()).clone()); } fs.selectors = new Vector(selectors); return fs; } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new BuildException(e); } } } /** * Get the merged include patterns for this AbstractFileSet. * @param p the project to use. * @return the include patterns of the default pattern set and all * nested patternsets. * * @since Ant 1.7 */ public String[] mergeIncludes(Project p) { return mergePatterns(p).getIncludePatterns(p); } /** * Get the merged exclude patterns for this AbstractFileSet. * @param p the project to use. * @return the exclude patterns of the default pattern set and all * nested patternsets. * * @since Ant 1.7 */ public String[] mergeExcludes(Project p) { return mergePatterns(p).getExcludePatterns(p); } /** * Get the merged patterns for this AbstractFileSet. * @param p the project to use. * @return the default patternset merged with the additional sets * in a new PatternSet instance. * * @since Ant 1.7 */ public synchronized PatternSet mergePatterns(Project p) { if (isReference()) { return getRef(p).mergePatterns(p); } PatternSet ps = (PatternSet) defaultPatterns.clone(); final int count = additionalPatterns.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Object o = additionalPatterns.elementAt(i); ps.append((PatternSet) o, p); } return ps; } }

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