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// $Id:,v 1.212 2004/09/21 15:47:50 mvw Exp $
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package org.argouml.model;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;

import org.argouml.model.uml.UmlFactory;
import org.argouml.uml.diagram.static_structure.ui.CommentEdge;
import org.tigris.gef.base.Diagram;

import ru.novosoft.uml.MBase;
import ru.novosoft.uml.MElementListener;
import ru.novosoft.uml.MExtension;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.activity_graphs.MActionState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.activity_graphs.MActivityGraph;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.activity_graphs.MCallState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.activity_graphs.MClassifierInState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.activity_graphs.MObjectFlowState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.activity_graphs.MPartition;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.activity_graphs.MSubactivityState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.collaborations.MAssociationEndRole;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.collaborations.MAssociationRole;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.collaborations.MClassifierRole;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.collaborations.MCollaboration;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.collaborations.MInteraction;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.collaborations.MMessage;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MAction;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MActionSequence;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MArgument;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MAttributeLink;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MCallAction;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MComponentInstance;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MCreateAction;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MDataValue;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MDestroyAction;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MException;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MInstance;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MLink;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MLinkEnd;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MNodeInstance;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MObject;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MReception;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MReturnAction;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MSendAction;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MSignal;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MStimulus;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.common_behavior.MTerminateAction;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MCallEvent;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MChangeEvent;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MCompositeState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MEvent;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MFinalState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MGuard;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MPseudostate;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MSignalEvent;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MStateImpl;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MStateMachine;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MStateVertex;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MSubmachineState;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MTimeEvent;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.state_machines.MTransition;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.use_cases.MActor;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.use_cases.MExtend;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.use_cases.MExtensionPoint;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.use_cases.MInclude;
import ru.novosoft.uml.behavior.use_cases.MUseCase;
import ru.novosoft.uml.model_management.MElementImport;
import ru.novosoft.uml.model_management.MModel;
import ru.novosoft.uml.model_management.MPackage;
import ru.novosoft.uml.model_management.MSubsystem;

 * Facade object for the Model component in ArgoUML.

* * The purpose of this Facade object is to allow for decoupling other modules * from the insides of the model. For this purpose all of the methods in this * class give away and accept handles (of type java.lang.Object) to the * objects within the model.

* * This is just getters and recognizers. This is because the Model * component has an extremely complicated internal data structure * with lots of internal dependencies. To manipulate these there is * a whole set of factories and helpers within the Model that is to * be used but to use them you need knowledge of the internals of * the Model, specifically the NS-UML objects.

* * All methods in this facade are static.

* * Signature for all recognizers in this Facade: *

  • public static boolean isA(Object handle) *
  • public static boolean is(Object handle) *
* * Signature for all getters in this Facade: *
  • public static Object get(Object handle) - 1..1 *
  • public static Iterator get(Object handle) - 0..* *
  • public static String getName(Object handle) - Name *
* * @stereotype utility * @author Linus Tolke */ public class ModelFacade { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constants // TODO: deprecate all of these constants in favor of a separate declaration /** * The constant ACC_PUBLIC determines visibility. */ public static final short ACC_PUBLIC = 1; /** * The constant ACC_PRIVATE determines visibility. */ public static final short ACC_PRIVATE = 2; /** * The constant ACC_PROTECTED determines visibility. */ public static final short ACC_PROTECTED = 3; /** * The constant CLASSIFIER_SCOPE determines scope. */ public static final short CLASSIFIER_SCOPE = 1; /** * The constant INSTANCE_SCOPE determines scope. */ public static final short INSTANCE_SCOPE = 2; /** * The constant GUARDED determines concurrency. */ public static final short GUARDED = 1; /** * The constant SEQUENTIAL determines concurrency. */ public static final short SEQUENTIAL = 2; // Types of line /** Type of line: ABSTRACTION */ public static final Object ABSTRACTION = MAbstraction.class; /** Type of line: ASSOCIATION */ public static final Object ASSOCIATION = MAssociation.class; /** Type of line: ASSOCIATION_CLASS */ public static final Object ASSOCIATION_CLASS = MAssociationClass.class; /** Type of line: ASSOCIATION_ROLE */ public static final Object ASSOCIATION_ROLE = MAssociationRole.class; /** Type of line: COLLABORATION */ public static final Object COLLABORATION = MCollaboration.class; /** Type of line: DEPENDENCY */ public static final Object DEPENDENCY = MDependency.class; /** Type of line: EXTEND */ public static final Object EXTEND = MExtend.class; /** Type of line: GENERALIZATION */ public static final Object GENERALIZATION = MGeneralization.class; /** Type of line: INCLUDE */ public static final Object INCLUDE = MInclude.class; /** Type of line: LINK */ public static final Object LINK = MLink.class; /** Type of line: MESSAGE */ public static final Object MESSAGE = MMessage.class; /** Type of line: PERMISSION */ public static final Object PERMISSION = MPermission.class; /** Type of line: SIGNAL */ public static final Object SIGNAL = MSignal.class; /** Type of line: USAGE */ public static final Object USAGE = MUsage.class; /** Type of line: TRANSITION */ public static final Object TRANSITION = MTransition.class; // Types of node /** Type of node: ACTOR */ public static final Object ACTOR = MActor.class; /** Type of node: CLASS */ public static final Object CLASS = MClass.class; /** Type of node: CLASSIFIER */ public static final Object CLASSIFIER = MClassifier.class; /** Type of node: CLASSIFIER_ROLE */ public static final Object CLASSIFIER_ROLE = MClassifierRole.class; /** Type of node: COMMENT */ public static final Object COMMENT = MComment.class; /** Type of node: COMPONENT */ public static final Object COMPONENT = MComponent.class; /** Type of node: COMPONENT_INSTANCE */ public static final Object COMPONENT_INSTANCE = MComponentInstance.class; /** Type of node: EXCEPTION */ public static final Object EXCEPTION = MException.class; /** Type of node: INSTANCE */ public static final Object INSTANCE = MInstance.class; /** Type of node: INTERFACE */ public static final Object INTERFACE = MInterface.class; /** Type of node: NODE */ public static final Object NODE = MNode.class; /** Type of node: NODE_INSTANCE */ public static final Object NODE_INSTANCE = MNodeInstance.class; /** Type of node: OBJECT */ public static final Object OBJECT = MObject.class; /** Type of node: PACKAGE */ public static final Object PACKAGE = MPackage.class; /** Type of node: MODEL */ public static final Object MODEL = MModel.class; /** Type of node: SUBSYSTEM */ public static final Object SUBSYSTEM = MSubsystem.class; /** Type of node: STATE */ public static final Object STATE = MState.class; /** Type of node: STATEIMPL */ public static final Object STATEIMPL = MStateImpl.class; /** Type of node: COMPOSITESTATE */ public static final Object COMPOSITESTATE = MCompositeState.class; /** Type of node: STATEVERTEX */ public static final Object STATEVERTEX = MStateVertex.class; /** Type of node: PSEUDOSTATE */ public static final Object PSEUDOSTATE = MPseudostate.class; /** Type of node: FINALSTATE */ public static final Object FINALSTATE = MFinalState.class; /** Type of node: USE_CASE */ public static final Object USE_CASE = MUseCase.class; /** Type of node: CALLSTATE */ public static final Object CALLSTATE = MCallState.class; /** Type of node: OBJECTFLOWSTATE */ public static final Object OBJECTFLOWSTATE = MObjectFlowState.class; /** Type of node: SUBACTIVITYSTATE */ public static final Object SUBACTIVITYSTATE = MSubactivityState.class; // Invisible model elements /** Invisible model element: ACTION */ public static final Object ACTION = MAction.class; /** Invisible model element: ACTION_EXPRESSION */ public static final Object ACTION_EXPRESSION = MActionExpression.class; /** Invisible model element: ACTION_STATE */ public static final Object ACTION_STATE = MActionState.class; /** Invisible model element: ASSOCIATION_END */ public static final Object ASSOCIATION_END = MAssociationEnd.class; /** Invisible model element: ASSOCIATION_END_ROLE */ public static final Object ASSOCIATION_END_ROLE = MAssociationEndRole.class; /** Invisible model element: CALL_ACTION */ public static final Object CALL_ACTION = MCallAction.class; /** Invisible model element: CALLCONCURRENCYKIND */ public static final Object CALLCONCURRENCYKIND = MCallConcurrencyKind.class; /** Invisible model element: CREATE_ACTION */ public static final Object CREATE_ACTION = MCreateAction.class; /** Invisible model element: DESTROY_ACTION */ public static final Object DESTROY_ACTION = MDestroyAction.class; /** Invisible model element: TERMINATE_ACTION */ public static final Object TERMINATE_ACTION = MTerminateAction.class; /** Invisible model element: NAMESPACE */ public static final Object NAMESPACE = MNamespace.class; /** Invisible model element: RECEPTION */ public static final Object RECEPTION = MReception.class; /** Invisible model element: RETURN_ACTION */ public static final Object RETURN_ACTION = MReturnAction.class; /** Invisible model element: SCOPEKIND */ public static final Object SCOPEKIND = MScopeKind.class; /** Invisible model element: SEND_ACTION */ public static final Object SEND_ACTION = MSendAction.class; /** Invisible model element: STEREOTYPE */ public static final Object STEREOTYPE = MStereotype.class; /** Invisible model element: PARTITION */ public static final Object PARTITION = MPartition.class; /** Invisible model element: PARAMETER */ public static final Object PARAMETER = MParameter.class; /** Invisible model element: PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND */ public static final Object PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND = MParameterDirectionKind.class; /** Invisible model element: GENERALAIZABLE_ELEMENT */ public static final Object GENERALAIZABLE_ELEMENT = MGeneralizableElement.class; /** Invisible model element: DATATYPE */ public static final Object DATATYPE = MDataType.class; /** Invisible model element: STATEMACHINE */ public static final Object STATEMACHINE = MStateMachine.class; /** Invisible model element: ATTRIBUTE */ public static final Object ATTRIBUTE = MAttribute.class; /** Invisible model element: OPERATION */ public static final Object OPERATION = MOperation.class; /** Invisible model element: MULTIPLICITY */ public static final Object MULTIPLICITY = MMultiplicity.class; /** Invisible model element: VISIBILITYKIND */ public static final Object VISIBILITYKIND = MVisibilityKind.class; /** Invisible model element: MODELELEMENT */ public static final Object MODELELEMENT = MModelElement.class; /** Invisible model element: STIMULUS */ public static final Object STIMULUS = MStimulus.class; /** Invisible model element: AGGREGATIONKIND */ public static final Object AGGREGATIONKIND = MAggregationKind.class; /** Invisible model element: BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION */ public static final Object BOOLEAN_EXPRESSION = MBooleanExpression.class; /** Invisible model element: GUARD */ public static final Object GUARD = MGuard.class; /** Invisible model element: EVENT */ public static final Object EVENT = MEvent.class; /** Changeability kind: ADD_ONLY_CHANGEABLEKIND */ public static final Object ADD_ONLY_CHANGEABLEKIND = MChangeableKind.ADD_ONLY; /** Changeability kind: CHANGEABLE_CHANGEABLEKIND */ public static final Object CHANGEABLE_CHANGEABLEKIND = MChangeableKind.CHANGEABLE; /** Changeability kind: FROZEN_CHANGEABLEKIND */ public static final Object FROZEN_CHANGEABLEKIND = MChangeableKind.FROZEN; /** Concurrency kind: CONCURRENT_CONCURRENCYKIND */ public static final Object CONCURRENT_CONCURRENCYKIND = MCallConcurrencyKind.CONCURRENT; /** Concurrency kind: GUARDED_CONCURRENCYKIND */ public static final Object GUARDED_CONCURRENCYKIND = MCallConcurrencyKind.GUARDED; /** Concurrency kind: SEQUENTIAL_CONCURRENCYKIND */ public static final Object SEQUENTIAL_CONCURRENCYKIND = MCallConcurrencyKind.SEQUENTIAL; /** Type of node: PSEUDOSTATEKIND */ public static final Object PSEUDOSTATEKIND = MPseudostateKind.class; /** Pseudo state kind: INITIAL_PSEUDOSTATEKIND */ public static final Object INITIAL_PSEUDOSTATEKIND = MPseudostateKind.INITIAL; /** Pseudo state kind: DEEPHISTORY_PSEUDOSTATEKIND */ public static final Object DEEPHISTORY_PSEUDOSTATEKIND = MPseudostateKind.DEEP_HISTORY; /** Pseudo state kind: SHALLOWHISTORY_PSEUDOSTATEKIND */ public static final Object SHALLOWHISTORY_PSEUDOSTATEKIND = MPseudostateKind.SHALLOW_HISTORY; /** Pseudo state kind: FORK_PSEUDOSTATEKIND */ public static final Object FORK_PSEUDOSTATEKIND = MPseudostateKind.FORK; /** Pseudo state kind: JOIN_PSEUDOSTATEKIND */ public static final Object JOIN_PSEUDOSTATEKIND = MPseudostateKind.JOIN; /** Pseudo state kind: JUNCTION_PSEUDOSTATEKIND */ public static final Object JUNCTION_PSEUDOSTATEKIND = MPseudostateKind.JUNCTION; /** Pseudo state kind: BRANCH_PSEUDOSTATEKIND */ public static final Object BRANCH_PSEUDOSTATEKIND = MPseudostateKind.BRANCH; /** Visibility kind: PUBLIC_VISIBILITYKIND */ public static final Object PUBLIC_VISIBILITYKIND = MVisibilityKind.PUBLIC; /** Visibility kind: PRIVATE_VISIBILITYKIND */ public static final Object PRIVATE_VISIBILITYKIND = MVisibilityKind.PRIVATE; /** Visibility kind: PROTECTED_VISIBILITYKIND */ public static final Object PROTECTED_VISIBILITYKIND = MVisibilityKind.PROTECTED; /** Aggregation kind: AGGREGATE_AGGREGATIONKIND */ public static final Object AGGREGATE_AGGREGATIONKIND = MAggregationKind.AGGREGATE; /** Aggregation kind: COMPOSITE_AGGREGATIONKIND */ public static final Object COMPOSITE_AGGREGATIONKIND = MAggregationKind.COMPOSITE; /** Aggregation kind: NONE_AGGREGATIONKIND */ public static final Object NONE_AGGREGATIONKIND = MAggregationKind.NONE; /** Ordering kind: ORDERED_ORDERINGKIND */ public static final Object ORDERED_ORDERINGKIND = MOrderingKind.ORDERED; /** Ordering kind: UNORDERED_ORDERINGKIND */ public static final Object UNORDERED_ORDERINGKIND = MOrderingKind.UNORDERED; /** Ordering kind: SORTED_ORDERINGKIND */ public static final Object SORTED_ORDERINGKIND = MOrderingKind.SORTED; /** Multiplicity value: M1_1_MULTIPLICITY */ public static final Object M1_1_MULTIPLICITY = MMultiplicity.M1_1; /** Multiplicity value: M0_1_MULTIPLICITY */ public static final Object M0_1_MULTIPLICITY = MMultiplicity.M0_1; /** Multiplicity value: M0_N_MULTIPLICITY */ public static final Object M0_N_MULTIPLICITY = MMultiplicity.M0_N; /** Multiplicity value: M1_N_MULTIPLICITY */ public static final Object M1_N_MULTIPLICITY = MMultiplicity.M1_N; /** Scope kind: CLASSIFIER_SCOPEKIND */ public static final Object CLASSIFIER_SCOPEKIND = MScopeKind.CLASSIFIER; /** Scope kind: INSTANCE_SCOPEKIND */ public static final Object INSTANCE_SCOPEKIND = MScopeKind.INSTANCE; /** Parameter direction kind: INOUT_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND */ public static final Object INOUT_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND = MParameterDirectionKind.INOUT; /** Parameter direction kind: IN_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND */ public static final Object IN_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND = MParameterDirectionKind.IN; /** Parameter direction kind: OUT_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND */ public static final Object OUT_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND = MParameterDirectionKind.OUT; /** Parameter direction kind: RETURN_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND */ public static final Object RETURN_PARAMETERDIRECTIONKIND = MParameterDirectionKind.RETURN; /** * This tag is set on elements that are generated by reference when * importing. * If it is set, then the critics could ignore those objects if they want. */ public static final String GENERATED_TAG = "GeneratedFromImport"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Object Creation methods /** * Create a model object from the implementation.

* * This will allow abstraction of the create mechanism at a single point. * * TODO: Document the intention of this function. * It is not used anywhere in ArgoUML. * BTW: Does it work? I (MVW) once did a test, and it didn't. * * @param entity Class to create - * must implement {@link org.argouml.model.UmlModelEntity} * @return the created object or null if it cannot create the class. */ public static Object create(ModelEntity entity) { if (entity instanceof UmlModelEntity) { return UmlFactory.getFactory().create((UmlModelEntity) entity); } return null; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Recognizer methods for the UML model (in alphabetic order) /** * Recognizer for Abstraction. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Abstraction */ public static boolean isAAbstraction(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MAbstraction; } /** * Recognizer for Action. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Action */ public static boolean isAAction(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MAction; } /** * Recognizer for ActionExpression * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an ActionExpression */ public static boolean isAActionExpression(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MActionExpression; } /** * Recognizer for ActionSequence * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an action sequence */ public static boolean isAActionSequence(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MActionSequence; } /** * Recognizer for Action state * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Action state */ public static boolean isAActionState(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MActionState; } /** * Recognizer for CallState * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an call state */ public static boolean isACallState(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MCallState; } /** * Recognizer for ObjectFlowState * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an objectflow state */ public static boolean isAObjectFlowState(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MObjectFlowState; } /** * Recognizer for SubactivityState * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an subactivity state */ public static boolean isASubactivityState(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MSubactivityState; } /** * Recognizer for Actor * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Actor */ public static boolean isAActor(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MActor; } /** * Recognizer for AggregationKind * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an AggregationKind */ public static boolean isAAggregationKind(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MAggregationKind; } /** * Recognizer for Association. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Association */ public static boolean isAAssociation(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MAssociation; } /** * Recognizer for AssociationEnd. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an AssociationEnd */ public static boolean isAAssociationEnd(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MAssociationEnd; } /** * Recognizer for AssociationRole * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an AssociationRole */ public static boolean isAAssociationRole(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MAssociationRole; } /** * Recognizer for AssociationEndRole * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an AssociationEndRole */ public static boolean isAAssociationEndRole(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MAssociationEndRole; } /** * Recognizer for Attribute * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Attribute */ public static boolean isAAttribute(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MAttribute; } /** * Recognizer for asynchronisity of an action * * @param handle candidate * @return true if the argument is asynchronous */ public static boolean isAsynchronous(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAction) { return ((MAction) handle).isAsynchronous(); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for abstract classes and operations. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is abstract. */ public static boolean isAbstract(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MOperation) return ((MOperation) handle).isAbstract(); if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement) return ((MGeneralizableElement) handle).isAbstract(); if (handle instanceof MAssociation) return ((MAssociation) handle).isAbstract(); // isAbstarct() is not a typo! mistake in nsuml! if (handle instanceof MReception) return ((MReception) handle).isAbstarct(); // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for ActivityGraph * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is ActivityGraph. */ public static boolean isAActivityGraph(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MActivityGraph; } /** * Recognizer for bases. A base is an object that is some form of * an element in the model. MBase in Novosoft terms. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a base. */ public static boolean isABase(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MBase; } /** * Recognizer for behavioral features. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a behavioral feature */ public static boolean isABehavioralFeature(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature; } /** * Recognizer for CallAction * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a CallAction */ public static boolean isACallAction(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MCallAction; } /** * Recognizer for CallEvent * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a CallEvent */ public static boolean isACallEvent(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MCallEvent; } /** * Recognizer for ChangeEvent * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a ChangeEvent */ public static boolean isAChangeEvent(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MChangeEvent; } /** * Recognizer for Class * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Class */ public static boolean isAClass(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MClass; } /** * Recognizer for Classifier * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Classifier */ public static boolean isAClassifier(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MClassifier; } /** * Recognizer for ClassifierInState * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a ClassifierInState */ public static boolean isAClassifierInState(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MClassifierInState; } /** * Recognizer for ClassifierRole * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a ClassifierRole */ public static boolean isAClassifierRole(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MClassifierRole; } /** * Recognizer for Comment * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Comment */ public static boolean isAComment(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MComment; } /** * Recognizer for Collaboration * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Collaboration */ public static boolean isACollaboration(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MCollaboration; } /** * Recognizer for Component * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Component */ public static boolean isAComponent(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MComponent; } /** * Recognizer for ComponentInstance * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a ComponentInstance */ public static boolean isAComponentInstance(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MComponentInstance; } /** * Recognizer for Constraint * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Constraint */ public static boolean isAConstraint(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MConstraint; } /** * Recognizer for CreateAction * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a CreateAction */ public static boolean isACreateAction(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MCreateAction; } /** * Recognizer for DataType * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a DataType */ public static boolean isADataType(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MDataType; } /** * Recognizer for DataValue * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a DataValue */ public static boolean isADataValue(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MDataValue; } /** * Recognizer for Dependency * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Dependency */ public static boolean isADependency(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MDependency; } /** * Recognizer for DestroyAction * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a DestroyAction */ public static boolean isADestroyAction(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MDestroyAction; } /** * Recognizer for CompositeState * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a CompositeState */ public static boolean isACompositeState(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MCompositeState; } /** * Recognizer for Element * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Element */ public static boolean isAElement(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MElement; } /** * Recognizer for ElementImport * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an ElementImport */ public static boolean isAElementImport(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MElementImport; } /** * Recognizer for ElementListener * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an ElementListener */ public static boolean isAElementListener(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MElementListener; } /** * Recognizer for ElementResidence * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an ElementResidence */ public static boolean isAElementResidence(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MElementResidence; } /** * Recognizer for Event * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Event */ public static boolean isAEvent(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MEvent; } /** * Recognizer for Exception * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Exception */ public static boolean isAException(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MException; } /** * Recognizer for Expression * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Expression */ public static boolean isAExpression(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MExpression; } /** * Recognizer for Extend * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Extend */ public static boolean isAExtend(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MExtend; } /** * Recognizer for ExtensionPoint * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an ExtensionPoint */ public static boolean isAExtensionPoint(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MExtensionPoint; } /** * Recognizer for Feature * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Feature */ public static boolean isAFeature(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MFeature; } /** * Recognizer for FinalState * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a FinalState */ public static boolean isAFinalState(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MFinalState; } /** * Recognizer for Flow * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Flow */ public static boolean isAFlow(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MFlow; } /** * Recognizer for Guard * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Guard */ public static boolean isAGuard(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MGuard; } /** * Recognizer for GeneralizableElement * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a GeneralizableElement */ public static boolean isAGeneralizableElement(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement; } /** * Recognizer for GeneralizableElement * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a GeneralizableElement */ public static boolean isAGeneralization(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MGeneralization; } /** * Recognizer for Include * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Include */ public static boolean isAInclude(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MInclude; } /** * Recognizer for Instance * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Instance */ public static boolean isAInstance(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MInstance; } /** * Recognizer for Interaction * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Interaction */ public static boolean isAInteraction(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MInteraction; } /** * Recognizer for Interface * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Interface */ public static boolean isAInterface(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MInterface; } /** * Recognizer for Link * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Link */ public static boolean isALink(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MLink; } /** * Recognizer for LinkEnd * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a LinkEnd */ public static boolean isALinkEnd(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MLinkEnd; } /** * Recognizer for Message * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Method */ public static boolean isAMessage(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MMessage; } /** * Recognizer for Method * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Method */ public static boolean isAMethod(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MMethod; } /** * Recognizer for Model * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Model */ public static boolean isAModel(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MModel; } /** * Recognizer for ModelElement * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a ModelElement */ public static boolean isAModelElement(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MModelElement; } /** * Recognizer for Multiplicity * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Multiplicity */ public static boolean isAMultiplicity(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MMultiplicity; } /** * Recognizer for MultiplicityRange * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a MultiplicityRange */ public static boolean isAMultiplicityRange(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MMultiplicityRange; } /** * Recognizer for Namespace * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Namespace */ public static boolean isANamespace(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MNamespace; } /** * Recognizer for a Node * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Node */ public static boolean isANode(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MNode; } /** * Recognizer for a NodeInstance * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a NodeInstance */ public static boolean isANodeInstance(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MNodeInstance; } /** * Recognizer for Operation * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Operation */ public static boolean isAOperation(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MOperation; } /** * Recognizer for Object * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Object */ public static boolean isAObject(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MObject; } /** * Recognizer for Parameter * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Parameter */ public static boolean isAParameter(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MParameter; } /** * Recognizer for Partition * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Partition */ public static boolean isAPartition(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MPartition; } /** * Recognizer for Permission * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an Permission */ public static boolean isAPermission(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MPermission; } /** * Recognizer for Package * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Package */ public static boolean isAPackage(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MPackage; } /** * Recognizer for Pseudostate * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Pseudostate */ public static boolean isAPseudostate(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MPseudostate; } /** * Recognizer for PseudostateKind * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a PseudostateKind */ public static boolean isAPseudostateKind(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MPseudostateKind; } /** * Returns the Kind of a Pseudostate * * TODO: - Do we need this as well as getKind - I think not * * @param handle the Pseudostate * @return the Kind */ public static Object getPseudostateKind(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MPseudostate) { return ((MPseudostate) handle).getKind(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the Kind of a Pseudostate or Parameter * @param handle the Pseudostate or Parameter * @return the Kind */ public static Object getKind(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MPseudostate) { return ((MPseudostate) handle).getKind(); } if (handle instanceof MParameter) { return ((MParameter) handle).getKind(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the receiver object of a message or stimulus * @param handle candidate * @return receiver */ public static Object getReceiver(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStimulus) { return ((MStimulus) handle).getReceiver(); } if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getReceiver(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the Link belonging to the given LinkEnd * @param handle the LinkEnd * @return the Link */ public static Object getLink(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MLinkEnd) { return ((MLinkEnd) handle).getLink(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Check whether two pseudostatekinds are equal/of the same type. * * @return true if the are the same type * @param ps1 one kind * @param ps2 one kind */ public static boolean equalsPseudostateKind(Object ps1, Object ps2) { if (isAPseudostateKind(ps1)) { return ((MPseudostateKind) ps1).equals(ps2); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(ps1); } /** * Recognizer for Reception * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Reception */ public static boolean isAReception(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MReception; } /** * Recognizer for Returnaction * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a returnaction */ public static boolean isAReturnAction(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MReturnAction; } /** * Recognizer for Relationship * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Relationship */ public static boolean isARelationship(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MRelationship; } /** * Recognizer for SendAction * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a SendAction */ public static boolean isASendAction(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MSendAction; } /** * Recognizer for Signal * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Signal */ public static boolean isASignal(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MSignal; } /** * Recognizer for SignalEvent * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a SignalEvent */ public static boolean isASignalEvent(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MSignalEvent; } /** * Recognizer for StateMachine * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a StateMachine */ public static boolean isAStateMachine(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MStateMachine; } /** * Recognizer for stimulus * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a stimulus */ public static boolean isAStimulus(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MStimulus; } /** * Recognizer for StateVertex * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a StateVertex */ public static boolean isAStateVertex(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MStateVertex; } /** * Recognizer for Stereotype * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Stereotype */ public static boolean isAStereotype(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MStereotype; } /** * Recognizer for StructuralFeature * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a StructuralFeature */ public static boolean isAStructuralFeature(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MStructuralFeature; } /** * Recognizer for State * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a State */ public static boolean isAState(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MState; } /** * Recognizer for Subsystem * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Subsystem */ public static boolean isASubsystem(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MSubsystem; } /** * Recognizer for TaggedValue * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a TaggedValue */ public static boolean isATaggedValue(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MTaggedValue; } /** * Recognizer for Transition * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Transition */ public static boolean isATransition(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MTransition; } /** * Recognizer for TimeEvent * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a TimeEvent */ public static boolean isATimeEvent(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MTimeEvent; } /** * Recognizer for Usage * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Usage */ public static boolean isAUsage(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MUsage; } /** * Recognizer for a Use Case * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a Transition */ public static boolean isAUseCase(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MUseCase; } /** * Recognizer for VisibilityKind * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a VisibilityKind */ public static boolean isAVisibilityKind(Object handle) { return handle instanceof MVisibilityKind; } /** * Recognizer for Classes that are Active * * @param handle candidate * @return true if Class is Active */ public static boolean isActive(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClass) { return ((MClass) handle).isActive(); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for attributes that are changeable * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is changeable */ public static boolean isChangeable(Object handle) { if (handle != null && handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { MChangeableKind changeability = ((MStructuralFeature) handle).getChangeability(); return MChangeableKind.CHANGEABLE.equals(changeability); } else if (handle != null && handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { MChangeableKind changeability = ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getChangeability(); return MChangeableKind.CHANGEABLE.equals(changeability); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for attributes with classifier scope. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle has classifier scope. */ public static boolean isClassifierScope(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAttribute) { MAttribute a = (MAttribute) handle; return MScopeKind.CLASSIFIER.equals(a.getOwnerScope()); } if (handle instanceof MFeature) { MFeature f = (MFeature) handle; return MScopeKind.CLASSIFIER.equals(f.getOwnerScope()); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for concurent composite state. * * @param handle composite state * @return true if concurent. */ public static boolean isConcurent(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MCompositeState) { return ((MCompositeState) handle).isConcurent(); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for constructor. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a constructor. */ public static boolean isConstructor(Object handle) { Object stereo = null; if (isAOperation(handle)) { if (ModelFacade.getStereotypes(handle).size() > 0) { stereo = ModelFacade.getStereotypes(handle).iterator().next(); } if (ExtensionMechanismsHelper.getHelper() .isStereotypeInh(stereo, "create", "BehavioralFeature")) { return true; } return false; } if (isAMethod(handle)) { Object specification = CoreHelper.getHelper().getSpecification(handle); if (ModelFacade.getStereotypes(specification).size() > 0) { stereo = ModelFacade.getStereotypes(specification).iterator().next(); } if (ExtensionMechanismsHelper.getHelper() .isStereotypeInh(stereo, "create", "BehavioralFeature")) { return true; } return false; } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Returns true if the given element is Frozen * @param handle candidate * @return boolean true if Frozen */ public static boolean isFrozen(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MChangeableKind) { MChangeableKind ck = (MChangeableKind) handle; return MChangeableKind.FROZEN.equals(ck); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Returns true if a given associationend is a composite. * @param handle candidate * @return boolean */ public static boolean isComposite(Object handle) { if (isAAssociationEnd(handle)) { boolean composite = false; MAssociationEnd end = (MAssociationEnd) handle; if (end.getAggregation() != null && end.getAggregation().equals(MAggregationKind.COMPOSITE)) composite = true; return composite; } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Returns true if a given associationend is a composite. * @param handle candidate * @return boolean */ public static boolean isAggregate(Object handle) { if (isAAssociationEnd(handle)) { boolean composite = false; MAssociationEnd end = (MAssociationEnd) handle; if (end.getAggregation() != null && end.getAggregation().equals(MAggregationKind.AGGREGATE)) composite = true; return composite; } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for attributes that are initialized. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if the attribute is initialized. */ public static boolean isInitialized(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAttribute) { MExpression init = ((MAttribute) handle).getInitialValue(); if (init != null && init.getBody() != null && init.getBody().trim().length() > 0) return true; return false; } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for attributes with instance scope. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle has instance scope. */ public static boolean isInstanceScope(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MFeature) { MFeature a = (MFeature) handle; return MScopeKind.INSTANCE.equals(a.getOwnerScope()); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for internal transitions. * * @author mvw * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is an internal transition. */ public static boolean isInternal(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MTransition) { Object state = getState(handle); Object end0 = getSource(handle); Object end1 = getTarget(handle); if (end0 != null) { return ((state == end0) && (state == end1)); } } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for leafs * * @param handle candidate GeneralizableElement * @return true if handle is a leaf */ public static boolean isLeaf(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { return ((MGeneralizableElement) handle).isLeaf(); } if (handle instanceof MOperation) { return ((MOperation) handle).isLeaf(); } if (handle instanceof MReception) { return ((MReception) handle).isLeaf(); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for roots * * @param handle candidate GeneralizableElement * @return true if handle is a leaf */ public static boolean isRoot(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { return ((MGeneralizableElement) handle).isRoot(); } if (handle instanceof MOperation) { return ((MOperation) handle).isRoot(); } if (handle instanceof MReception) { return ((MReception) handle).isRoot(); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for specifications * * @param handle candidate ModelElement * @return true if handle is a specification */ public static boolean isSpecification(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).isSpecification(); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for Navigable elements * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is navigable */ public static boolean isNavigable(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).isNavigable(); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for primary objects.

* * A primary object is an object that is created by the parser or * by a user. * Object that are created when importing some other object are not.

* * @param handle candidate * @return true if primary object. */ public static boolean isPrimaryObject(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement element = (MModelElement) handle; for (Iterator i = element.getTaggedValues().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { MTaggedValue tv = (MTaggedValue); if ((GENERATED_TAG).equals(tv.getTag())) { return false; } } return true; } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for attributes with private * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle has private */ public static boolean isPrivate(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement element = (MModelElement) handle; return MVisibilityKind.PRIVATE.equals(element.getVisibility()); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for attributes with public * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle has public */ public static boolean isPublic(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement element = (MModelElement) handle; return MVisibilityKind.PUBLIC.equals(element.getVisibility()); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for MBehaviouralFeature's that are queries. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if it is a query */ public static boolean isQuery(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature) { return ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).isQuery(); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for attributes with protected * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle has protected */ public static boolean isProtected(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement element = (MModelElement) handle; return MVisibilityKind.PROTECTED.equals(element.getVisibility()); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for realize * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle has a realize stereotype */ public static boolean isRealize(Object handle) { return isStereotype(handle, "realize"); } /** * Recognizer for return * * @param handle candidate parameter * @return true if handle is a return parameter. */ public static boolean isReturn(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MParameter) { MParameter p = (MParameter) handle; return MParameterDirectionKind.RETURN.equals(p.getKind()); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for singleton. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a singleton. */ public static boolean isSingleton(Object handle) { return isStereotype(handle, "singleton"); } /** * Recognizer for model elements with a given stereotype. * * @param handle candidate model element * @param stereotypename a string that is the stereotype name. * @return true if handle is an object that has the given stereotype. */ public static boolean isStereotype(Object handle, String stereotypename) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement element = (MModelElement) handle; MStereotype meSt = element.getStereotype(); if (meSt == null) return false; String name = meSt.getName(); if (name == null) return false; return name.equalsIgnoreCase(stereotypename); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** Returns true if the given CompositeState is the top state * @param handle CompositeState * @return boolean true if top state */ public static boolean isTop(Object handle) { if (isACompositeState(handle)) { return ((MCompositeState) handle).getStateMachine() != null; } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Recognizer for type. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a type. */ public static boolean isType(Object handle) { return isStereotype(handle, "type"); } /** * Recognizer for utility. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a utility. */ public static boolean isUtility(Object handle) { return isStereotype(handle, "utility"); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Recognizer methods for the diagrams (in alphabetic order) /** * Recognizer for Diagram. * * @param handle candidate * @return true if handle is a diagram. */ public static boolean isADiagram(Object handle) { return handle instanceof Diagram; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Getters for the UML model (in alphabetic order) /** * Returns the association connected to an association end or * the association belonging to the given link. * * @param handle is the link * @return association end */ public static Object getAssociation(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getAssociation(); } if (handle instanceof MLink) { return ((MLink) handle).getAssociation(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the association end between some classifier and some associaton. * * @param handle is the classifier * @param assoc is the association * @return association end */ public static Object getAssociationEnd(Object handle, Object assoc) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier && assoc instanceof MAssociation) { MClassifier classifier = (MClassifier) handle; Iterator it = classifier.getAssociationEnds().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MAssociationEnd end = (MAssociationEnd); if (((MAssociation) assoc).getConnections().contains(end)) return end; } return null; } return illegalArgumentObject(handle, assoc); } /** * The list of Association Ends * * @param handle the object that we get the association ends from. * @return Collection with association ends. */ public static Collection getAssociationEnds(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { Collection endc = ((MClassifier) handle).getAssociationEnds(); return endc; } //... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * The list of association roles * * @param handle the object that we get the association roles from. * @return Collection of association roles. */ public static Collection getAssociationRoles(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociation) { return ((MAssociation) handle).getAssociationRoles(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * The list of Attributes. * * @param handle classifier to examine. * @return iterator with attributes. */ public static Collection getAttributes(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { MClassifier c = (MClassifier) handle; // TODO: We are converting back and forth between collections and // iterators. I (Linus) prefer iterators. //return getStructuralFeatures(c).iterator(); //...But I (thn) got CVS conflicts, so: return getStructuralFeatures(c); } // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * The baseclass of some stereotype * @param handle the stereotype * @return the baseclass */ public static Object getBaseClass(Object handle) { if (isAStereotype(handle)) { return ((MStereotype) handle).getBaseClass(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * The base of some model element * There is a bug in NSUML which gets the addition and base * relationships back to front for include relationships. Solve * by reversing their accessors in the code * @param handle the model element * @return the base */ public static Object getBase(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEndRole) { return ((MAssociationEndRole) handle).getBase(); } else if (handle instanceof MAssociationRole) { return ((MAssociationRole) handle).getBase(); } else if (handle instanceof MExtend) { return ((MExtend) handle).getBase(); } else if (handle instanceof MInclude) { return ((MInclude) handle).getAddition(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the bases of a classifier role. * * * @param handle classifier role. * @return the bases. */ public static Collection getBases(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifierRole) { return ((MClassifierRole) handle).getBases(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the behaviors of a Modelelement. * * * @param handle modelelement to examine. * @return the behaviors. */ public static Collection getBehaviors(Object handle) { if (isAModelElement(handle)) return ((MModelElement) handle).getBehaviors(); return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the behavioral feature of an parameter. * * @param handle expression. * @return the behavioral feature. */ public static Object getBehavioralFeature(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MParameter) return ((MParameter) handle).getBehavioralFeature(); return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the body of an method/constraint/expression. * * * @param handle expression. * @return the body. */ public static Object getBody(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MMethod) return ((MMethod) handle).getBody(); if (handle instanceof MConstraint) return ((MConstraint) handle).getBody(); if (handle instanceof MExpression) return ((MExpression) handle).getBody(); return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Return Changeability of a StructuralFeature or a AssociationEnd * @param handle the StructuralFeature or AssociationEnd * @return the Changeability */ public static Object getChangeability(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { return ((MStructuralFeature) handle).getChangeability(); } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getChangeability(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the child of a generalization. * * @param handle generalization. * @return the child. */ public static Object getChild(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralization) { return ((MGeneralization) handle).getChild(); } // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the children of some generalizable element * * @param handle to the generalizable element. * @return a collection with all children. */ public static Collection getChildren(Object handle) { if (isAGeneralizableElement(handle)) { return ((MGeneralizableElement) handle).getChildren(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets the classifiers roles of some model element * @param handle the model element * @return the classifiers roles of the instance */ public static Collection getClassifierRoles(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MFeature) { return ((MFeature) handle).getClassifierRoles(); } if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getClassifierRoles(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets the classifierss of some instance * @param handle the instance * @return the classifierss of the instance */ public static Collection getClassifiers(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MInstance) { return ((MInstance) handle).getClassifiers(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets the classifiers in state of some model element * @param handle the model element * @return the classifierss in state */ public static Collection getClassifiersInState(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getClassifiersInState(); } if (handle instanceof MState) { return ((MState) handle).getClassifiersInState(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets the clients of some dependency * @param handle the dependency * @return the clients of the dependency */ public static Collection getClients(Object handle) { if (isADependency(handle)) { return ((MDependency) handle).getClients(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the client dependencies of some classifier * * @param handle to the classifier. * @return an iterator with all client dependencies. */ public static Collection getClientDependencies(Object handle) { if (isAModelElement(handle)) { Collection c = ((MModelElement) handle).getClientDependencies(); return c; } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the condition of an extend. * * @param handle The extend. * @return the condition */ public static Object getCondition(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MExtend) { return ((MExtend) handle).getCondition(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the concurrency of an operation. * * @param handle The operation. * @return the concurrency. */ public static Object getConcurrency(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MOperation) { return ((MOperation) handle).getConcurrency(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } // public static short getConcurrency(Object handle) { // if (handle != null && handle instanceof MOperation) { // return ((MOperation) handle).getConcurrency() // == MCallConcurrencyKind.GUARDED // ? GUARDED // : SEQUENTIAL; // } // illegalArgument(handle); // return (short) 0; // } /** * The list of connections to an association or link. * * @param handle to the association or link * @return a Collection with all connections. */ public static Collection getConnections(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociation) { return ((MAssociation) handle).getConnections(); } if (handle instanceof MLink) { return ((MLink) handle).getConnections(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Determine if a model element contains a connection. * * @param handle is the model element * @param connection is the connection that is searched for. * @return true if the model element contains a connection */ public boolean containsConnection(Object handle, Object connection) { if (handle instanceof MAssociation) { return ((MAssociation) handle).getConnections().contains( connection); } // ... return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Returns the effect of some transition * * @param handle is the transition * @return the effect */ public static Object getEffect(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MTransition) { return ((MTransition) handle).getEffect(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the residences of an element. * * @param handle the model element that we are getting the residences of * @return the residence collection */ public static Collection getElementResidences(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) return ((MModelElement) handle).getElementResidences(); // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the ElementImports of this ModelElement * @param handle the ModelElement * @return the collection of ElementImports */ public static Collection getElementImports2(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getElementImports2(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the entry action to a state * * @param handle is the state * @return the entry */ public static Object getEntry(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MState) { return ((MState) handle).getEntry(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the exit action to a state * * @param handle is the state * @return the exit action */ public static Object getExit(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MState) { return ((MState) handle).getExit(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the Expression belonging to a Guard, ChangeEvent or timeEvent * @param handle the Object to get the Expression from * @return Object the Expression */ public static Object getExpression(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGuard) { return ((MGuard) handle).getExpression(); } if (handle instanceof MChangeEvent) { return ((MChangeEvent) handle).getChangeExpression(); } if (handle instanceof MTimeEvent) { return ((MTimeEvent) handle).getWhen(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns all extends of a use case or extension point * * @param handle is the use case or the extension point * @return the extends */ public static Collection getExtends(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MUseCase) { return ((MUseCase) handle).getExtends(); } if (handle instanceof MExtensionPoint) { return ((MExtensionPoint) handle).getExtends(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns all extends of a use case * * @param handle is the use case * @return the extends */ public static Collection getExtends2(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MUseCase) { return ((MUseCase) handle).getExtends2(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets the use case extension of an extend * * @param handle is the extend * @return The extension */ public static Object getExtension(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MExtend) { return ((MExtend) handle).getExtension(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the Extensionpoint at given index-number * @param handle Extend * @param index int * @return ExtensionPoint */ public static Object getExtensionPoint(Object handle, int index) { if (handle instanceof MExtend) { return ((MExtend) handle).getExtensionPoint(index); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns all extends of a use case * * @param handle is the use case or the extend * @return the extends */ public static Collection getExtensionPoints(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MUseCase) { return ((MUseCase) handle).getExtensionPoints(); } if (handle instanceof MExtend) { return ((MExtend) handle).getExtensionPoints(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * The list of Features from a Classifier. * * @param handle Classifier to retrieve from. * @return Collection with Features */ public static Collection getFeatures(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getFeatures(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets the generalization between two generalizable elements. * Returns null if there is none. * * @param handle is the child * @param parent is the parent * @return The generalization */ public static Object getGeneralization(Object handle, Object parent) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement && parent instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { Iterator it = getGeneralizations(handle).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MGeneralization gen = (MGeneralization); if (gen.getParent() == parent) { return gen; } } return null; } return illegalArgumentObject(handle, parent); } /** * The list of Generalizations from a GeneralizableElement. * * @param handle GeneralizableElement to retrieve from. * @return Generalizations */ public static Collection getGeneralizations(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { MGeneralizableElement ge = (MGeneralizableElement) handle; return ge.getGeneralizations(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets the guard for some given transition. * * @param handle is the transition * @return Object */ public static Object getGuard(Object handle) { if (isATransition(handle)) { return ((MTransition) handle).getGuard(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the Icon of a Stereotype * @param handle the Stereotype to get the Icon from * @return the Icon */ public static Object getIcon(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStereotype) { return ((MStereotype) handle).getIcon(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Gets the component of some element residence * * @param handle is an element residence * @return component */ public static Object getImplementationLocation(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MElementResidence) { return ((MElementResidence) handle).getImplementationLocation(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the includes for some use case * * @param handle is the use case * @return the includes as a Collection */ public static Collection getIncludes(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MUseCase) { return ((MUseCase) handle).getIncludes(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the includes for some use case * * @param handle is the use case * @return the includes as a Collection */ public static Collection getIncludes2(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MUseCase) { return ((MUseCase) handle).getIncludes(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the incoming transitions for some statevertex * * @param handle is the state vertex * @return Collection */ public static Collection getIncomings(Object handle) { if (isAStateVertex(handle)) { return ((MStateVertex) handle).getIncomings(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the initial value for some attribute. * * @param handle is the attribute * @return initial value */ public static Object getInitialValue(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAttribute) { return ((MAttribute) handle).getInitialValue(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the instance of an AttributeLink or LinkEnd * * @param handle is the attribute link or link end * @return initial value */ public static Object getInstance(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAttributeLink) { return ((MAttributeLink) handle).getInstance(); } if (handle instanceof MLinkEnd) { return ((MLinkEnd) handle).getInstance(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the Instances for some Clasifier * * @param handle is the classifier * @return Collection */ public static Collection getInstances(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getInstances(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the collection of States for some ClasifierInState * * @param handle is the classifierInState * @return Collection */ public static Collection getInStates(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifierInState) { return ((MClassifierInState) handle).getInStates(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the interaction for some message * * @param handle is the message * @return the interaction */ public static Object getInteraction(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getInteraction(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the interactions belonging to a collaboration * * @param handle is the collaboration * @return Collection */ public static Collection getInteractions(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MCollaboration) { return ((MCollaboration) handle).getInteractions(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the internal transitions belonging to a state * * @param handle is the state * @return Collection */ public static Collection getInternalTransitions(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MState) { return ((MState) handle).getInternalTransitions(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the messages belonging to some interaction * * @param handle candidate * @return Collection */ public static Collection getMessages(Object handle) { if (isAInteraction(handle)) { return ((MInteraction) handle).getMessages(); } if (handle instanceof MAssociationRole) { return ((MAssociationRole) handle).getMessages(); } if (handle instanceof MAction) { return ((MAction) handle).getMessages(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the messages belonging to some other message * * @param handle is the message * @return Collection */ public static Collection getMessages3(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getMessages3(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the messages that are activated by the given message * @param handle Message * @return the Collection of Messages */ public static Collection getMessages4(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getMessages4(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the messages received by the given classifier role * * @param handle is the classifier role * @return Collection */ public static Collection getMessages1(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifierRole) { return ((MClassifierRole) handle).getMessages1(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the messages send by the given classifier role * * @param handle is the classifier role * @return Collection */ public static Collection getMessages2(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifierRole) { return ((MClassifierRole) handle).getMessages2(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the model of some model element * * @param handle to the model element. * @return model for the model element. */ public static Object getModel(Object handle) { if (isAModelElement(handle)) { MModel m = ((MModelElement) handle).getModel(); return m; } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * @param handle an Element Import. * @return the model element */ public static Object getModelElement(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MElementImport) { return ((MElementImport) handle).getModelElement(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the Multiplicity from a model element. * * @param handle model element to retrieve from. * @return multiplicity */ public static Object getMultiplicity(Object handle) { if ((handle instanceof MAssociationEnd)) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getMultiplicity(); } if ((handle instanceof MAssociationRole)) { return ((MAssociationRole) handle).getMultiplicity(); } if ((handle instanceof MClassifierRole)) { return ((MClassifierRole) handle).getMultiplicity(); } if ((handle instanceof MStructuralFeature)) { return ((MStructuralFeature) handle).getMultiplicity(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the Ranges from a Multiplicity. * * @param handle multiplicity to retrieve from. * @return iterator containing ranges */ public static Iterator getRanges(Object handle) { if ((handle instanceof MMultiplicity)) { Collection c = ((MMultiplicity) handle).getRanges(); if (c == null) { return null; } return c.iterator(); } illegalArgument(handle); return null; } /** * Get the comments of an element. * * @param handle the model element that we are getting the comments of * @return the comment (or null) */ public static Collection getComments(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getComments(); } // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the communication connection of an message. * * @param handle the message that we are getting the communication * connection * @return the communication connection */ public static Object getCommunicationConnection(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getCommunicationConnection(); } // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the communication link of a stimulus. * * @param handle the message that we are getting the communication link * @return the communication link */ public static Object getCommunicationLink(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStimulus) { return ((MStimulus) handle).getCommunicationLink(); } // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the collaborations of an element. * * @param handle the model element that we are getting the * collaborations of. * @return the collaborations */ public static Collection getCollaborations(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MOperation) { return ((MOperation) handle).getCollaborations(); } if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getCollaborations(); } // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Add a new comment to a model element * * @param element the element to which the comment is to be added * @param comment the comment for the model element */ public static void addComment(Object element, Object comment) { if (element instanceof MModelElement && comment instanceof MComment) { ((MModelElement) element).addComment((MComment) comment); return; } illegalArgument(element); } /** * Get the component instance of an instance * * @param handle is the instance * @return the component instance */ public static Object getComponentInstance(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MInstance) { return ((MInstance) handle).getComponentInstance(); } // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the collection of ConstrainingElements of a Collaboration * @param handle the Collaboration * @return the collection of ConstrainingElements */ public static Collection getConstrainingElements(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MCollaboration) { return ((MCollaboration) handle).getConstrainingElements(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the collection of ConstrainedElements of a constraint * @param handle the Constraint * @return the collection of ConstrainedElements */ public static Collection getConstrainedElements(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MConstraint) { return ((MConstraint) handle).getConstrainedElements(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the collection of all constraints of the given ModelElement * @param handle the ModelElement * @return the collection of all constraints */ public static Collection getConstraints(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getConstraints(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the container for the given modelelement. The container is the * owner of the modelelement. It will be null for elements that don't have * an owner. All elements except for the root element in a project should * have an owner. The root element is allways a model.

* * In the future, this function could return the container of Figs too. * * @param handle is the base * @return Object */ public static Object getModelElementContainer(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MBase) { return ((MBase) handle).getModelElementContainer(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the CompositeState that is the container of the given StateVertex * @param handle the StateVertex * @return the CompositeState that is the container */ public static Object getContainer(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStateVertex) { return ((MStateVertex) handle).getContainer(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the collection of ModelElements contained in a Partition * @param handle the Partition * @return the contents of the Partition */ public static Collection getContents(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MPartition) { return ((MPartition) handle).getContents(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the context of some given statemachine or the context * of some given interaction. * * @param handle the statemachine or the interaction * @return the context of the statemachine or interaction or null * if the statemachine or interaction doesn't have a context. */ public static Object getContext(Object handle) { if (isAStateMachine(handle)) { return ((MStateMachine) handle).getContext(); } if (isAInteraction(handle)) { return ((MInteraction) handle).getContext(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Return the collection of the Contexts of a given Signal * @param handle the Signal * @return a collection of the Contexts */ public static Collection getContexts(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MSignal) { return ((MSignal) handle).getContexts(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Return the collection of Actions that create/instantiate * the given Classifier * * @param handle the Classifier * @return a collection containing all the creating actions */ public static Collection getCreateActions(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getCreateActions(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the default value of a parameter * * @param handle the parameter that we are getting the defaultvalue from * @return the default value */ public static Object getDefaultValue(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MParameter) { return ((MParameter) handle).getDefaultValue(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get deferrable events of a state * * @param handle the state that we are getting the deferrable event from * @return the deferrable events collection */ public static Collection getDeferrableEvents(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MState) { return ((MState) handle).getDeferrableEvents(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the context of some given statemachine or the context * of some given interaction * @param handle the statemachine or the interaction * @return the context of the statemachine or interaction or null * if the statemachine or interaction doesn't have a context. */ public static Collection getDeploymentLocations(Object handle) { if (isAComponent(handle)) { return ((MComponent) handle).getDeploymentLocations(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the discriminator. * * @param handle the Generalization * @return the discriminator a String */ public static Object getDiscriminator(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralization) { return ((MGeneralization) handle).getDiscriminator(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * * @param handle a generalization * @param discriminator the discriminator to set */ public static void setDiscriminator(Object handle, String discriminator) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralization) { ((MGeneralization) handle).setDiscriminator(discriminator); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Get the dispatchaction of a stimulus. * * @param handle the stimulus that we are getting the dispatchaction of * @return the dispatchaction (or null) */ public static Object getDispatchAction(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStimulus) { return ((MStimulus) handle).getDispatchAction(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the do activity action of a state * * @param handle is the state * @return the do activity */ public static Object getDoActivity(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MState) { return ((MState) handle).getDoActivity(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Return the Links of a given Association * @param handle the Association * @return the collection of Links */ public static Collection getLinks(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociation) { return ((MAssociation) handle).getLinks(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Return the LinkEnds of a given Instance or AssociationEnd * @param handle the candidate * @return the collection of LinkEnds */ public static Collection getLinkEnds(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MInstance) { return ((MInstance) handle).getLinkEnds(); } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getLinkEnds(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets a location of some extension point. * * @param handle extension point * @return the location */ public static String getLocation(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MExtensionPoint) { return ((MExtensionPoint) handle).getLocation(); } return illegalArgumentString(handle); } /** * Get the methods of an operation. * * @param handle the operation that we are getting the methods of * @return methods collection (or null) */ public static Collection getMethods(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MOperation) return ((MOperation) handle).getMethods(); // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the namespace of an element. * * @param handle the model element that we are getting the namespace of * @return the namespace (or null) */ public static Object getNamespace(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) return ((MModelElement) handle).getNamespace(); // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the node instance of a component instance. * * @param handle the model element that we are getting the node instance of * @return the node instance */ public static Object getNodeInstance(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MComponentInstance) return ((MComponentInstance) handle).getNodeInstance(); // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * The collection of object flow states * * @param handle the classifier * @return collection of object flow states */ public static Collection getObjectFlowStates(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getObjectFlowStates(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the operation of a Call Action or Call Event. * * @param handle the model element that we are getting the operation of * @return the Operation */ public static Object getOperation(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MCallAction) { return ((MCallAction) handle).getOperation(); } if (handle instanceof MCallEvent) { return ((MCallEvent) handle).getOperation(); } // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the list of operations. * * @param handle classifier to examine. * @return Collection with operations. */ public static Collection getOperations(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { MClassifier c = (MClassifier) handle; return getOperations(c); } // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the list of Operations of this classifier and all inherited. * * @param handle classifier to examine. * @return Iterator with operations. */ public static Iterator getOperationsInh(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { MClassifier c = (MClassifier) handle; // TODO: We are converting back and forth between collections and // iterators. I (Linus) prefer iterators. return CoreHelper.getHelper().getOperationsInh(c).iterator(); } // ... illegalArgument(handle); return null; } /** * Returns the opposite end of an association end. * * @param handle is the association end * @return Object the opposite end. */ public static Object getOppositeEnd(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getOppositeEnd(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get ordering of an association end * * @param handle association end to retrieve from * @return ordering */ public static Object getOrdering(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getOrdering(); // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the list of Transitions outgoing from the given stateVertex. * * @param handle statevertex * @return Collection */ public static Collection getOutgoings(Object handle) { if (ModelFacade.isAStateVertex(handle)) { return ((MStateVertex) handle).getOutgoings(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the list of Associations Ends connected to this association end. * * @param handle association end to start from * @return Iterator with all connected association ends. */ public static Collection getOtherAssociationEnds(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { MAssociation a = ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getAssociation(); if (a == null) return emptyCollection(); Collection allEnds = a.getConnections(); if (allEnds == null) return emptyCollection(); // TODO: An Iterator filter would be nice here instead of the // mucking around with the Collection. allEnds = new ArrayList(allEnds); allEnds.remove(handle); return allEnds; } // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * The list of owned elements of the the package. * * @param handle package to retrieve from. * @return Iterator with operations */ public static Collection getOwnedElements(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MNamespace) { return ((MNamespace) handle).getOwnedElements(); } // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the owner scope of a feature * * @param handle feature * @return owner scope */ public static Object getOwnerScope(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MFeature) { return ((MFeature) handle).getOwnerScope(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the powertype of a generalization * * @param handle generalization * @return powertype */ public static Object getPowertype(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralization) { return ((MGeneralization) handle).getPowertype(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the powertype ranges of a classifier. * * @param handle classifier to retrieve from * @return collection of poertype ranges */ public static Collection getPowertypeRanges(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getPowertypeRanges(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the predecessors of a message. * * @param handle message to retrieve from * @return collection of predecessors */ public static Collection getPredecessors(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getPredecessors(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Determine if the passed parameter has a RETURN direction kind * * @return true if it is a return direction kind * @param handle is the parameter */ public static boolean hasReturnParameterDirectionKind(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MParameter) { MParameter parameter = (MParameter) handle; return (MParameterDirectionKind.RETURN.equals(parameter.getKind())); } return illegalArgumentBoolean(handle); } /** * Returns the Package that is connected by the given ElementImport * @param handle the ElementImport * @return the Package */ public static Object getPackage(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MElementImport) { return ((MElementImport) handle).getPackage(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get a parameter of a behavioral feature. * * @param handle behavioral feature to retrieve from * @param n parameter number * @return parameter. */ public static Object getParameter(Object handle, int n) { if (handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature) { return ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).getParameter(n); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the parameters of a Object Flow State, Behavioral Feature, * Classifier or Event. * * @param handle operation to retrieve from * @return Iterator with operations. */ public static Collection getParameters(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MObjectFlowState) { return ((MObjectFlowState) handle).getParameters(); } if (handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature) { return ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).getParameters(); } if (handle instanceof MEvent) { return ((MEvent) handle).getParameters(); } if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { return ((MClassifier) handle).getParameters(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Get the parent of a generalization. * * @param handle generalization. * @return the parent. */ public static Object getParent(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralization) { return ((MGeneralization) handle).getParent(); } // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the raised signals of an operation. * * @param handle is the operation * @return raised signals */ public static Collection getRaisedSignals(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MOperation) { return ((MOperation) handle).getRaisedSignals(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the receptions of a signal. * * @param handle is the signal * @return receptions */ public static Collection getReceptions(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MSignal) { return ((MSignal) handle).getReceptions(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the recurrence iteration expression of an action. * * @param handle is the action. * @return the recurrence */ public static Object getRecurrence(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAction) { return ((MAction) handle).getRecurrence(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the represented classifier of a collaboration. * * @param handle is the collaboration * @return represented classifier */ public static Object getRepresentedClassifier(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MCollaboration) { return ((MCollaboration) handle).getRepresentedClassifier(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the represented operation of a collaboration. * * @param handle is the collaboration * @return represented operation */ public static Object getRepresentedOperation(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MCollaboration) { return ((MCollaboration) handle).getRepresentedOperation(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the script belonging to a given action * * @param handle is the action * @return the script */ public static Object getScript(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAction) { return ((MAction) handle).getScript(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the sender object of a stimulus or a message * * @param handle is the stimulus or message * @return the sender */ public static Object getSender(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStimulus) { return ((MStimulus) handle).getSender(); } if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getSender(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the sender object of a stimulus or a message * TODO: Check if this javadoc comment is really correct? * * @param handle is the object * @return the signal */ public static Object getSignal(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MSendAction) { return ((MSendAction) handle).getSignal(); } if (handle instanceof MSignalEvent) { return ((MSignalEvent) handle).getSignal(); } if (handle instanceof MReception) { return ((MReception) handle).getSignal(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the resident element * * @param handle is the element residence * @return resident element */ public static Object getResident(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MElementResidence) { return ((MElementResidence) handle).getResident(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the collection of elements in a given component * @param handle the component * @return the Collection of ResidentElements */ public static Collection getResidentElements(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MComponent) { return ((MComponent) handle).getResidentElements(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns a collection with all residents belonging to the given * node. * * @param handle is the node, nodeinstance, componentinstance * @return Collection */ public static Collection getResidents(Object handle) { if (isANode(handle)) { return ((MNode) handle).getResidents(); } if (isANodeInstance(handle)) { return ((MNodeInstance) handle).getResidents(); } if (isAComponentInstance(handle)) { return ((MComponentInstance) handle).getResidents(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Gets the source for a given transition. * * @param handle is the transition * @return Object (MStateVertex) */ public static Object getSource(Object handle) { if (isATransition(handle)) { return ((MTransition) handle).getSource(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Gets the source for some given flow. * * @param handle is the flow * @return Collection */ public static Collection getSources(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MFlow) { return ((MFlow) handle).getSources(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the sourceflows of a model element * * @param handle is the model element * @return a collection of sourceflows */ public static Collection getSourceFlows(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getSourceFlows(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * The list of Specializations from a GeneralizableElement. * * @param handle GeneralizableElement to retrieve from. * @return Collection of Specializations. */ public static Collection getSpecializations(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { MGeneralizableElement ge = (MGeneralizableElement) handle; return ge.getSpecializations(); } // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the state machine belonging to some given state or transition * If you need to find the StateMachine for an internal transition, * or for ANY state, * use StateMachinesHelper.getStateMachine() instead. * * @param handle is the state or transition * @return Object */ public static Object getStateMachine(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MState) { return ((MState) handle).getStateMachine(); } if (handle instanceof MTransition) { return ((MTransition) handle).getStateMachine(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the state belonging to some given transition. * * @param handle is the transition * @return Object */ public static Object getState(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MTransition) { return ((MTransition) handle).getState(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the states from a deferable event * * @param handle is the event * @return Object */ public static Collection getStates(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MEvent) { return ((MEvent) handle).getStates(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the stereotype belonging to some given model element * * @param handle is a model element * @return Object * @deprecated 0.15 in favor of getStereotypes since UML 1.5 supports * multiple stereotypes */ public static Object getStereoType(Object handle) { if (isAModelElement(handle)) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getStereotype(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the stereotypes belonging to some given model element * * @param handle is the model element * @return stereotype collection */ public static Collection getStereotypes(Object handle) { if (isAModelElement(handle)) { // This returns a collection as we have an eye on the future // and multiple stereotypes in UML1.5 ArrayList list = new ArrayList(1); list.add(((MModelElement) handle).getStereotype()); return list; } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the stimuli belonging to some given link * * @param handle is the link * @return Object */ public static Collection getStimuli(Object handle) { if (isALink(handle)) { return ((MLink) handle).getStimuli(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the Stimuli that are received by the given Instance * * @param handle the Instance * @return the collection of stimuli */ public static Collection getStimuli2(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MInstance) { return ((MInstance) handle).getStimuli2(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the Stimuli that are send by the given Instance * * @param handle the Instance * @return the collection of stimuli */ public static Collection getStimuli3(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MInstance) { return ((MInstance) handle).getStimuli3(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns a collection with all subvertices belonging to the given * composite state. * * @param handle is the composite state * @return Collection */ public static Collection getSubvertices(Object handle) { if (isACompositeState(handle)) { return ((MCompositeState) handle).getSubvertices(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the submachie of a submachine state * * @param handle is the submachine state * @return submachine */ public static Object getSubmachine(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MSubmachineState) { return ((MSubmachineState) handle).getStateMachine(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the submachine of a submachine state * * @param handle is the submachine state * @return submachine */ public static Collection getSubmachineStates(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStateMachine) { return ((MStateMachine) handle).getSubmachineStates(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * The list of SupplierDependencies from a ModelElement. * * @param handle model element. * @return Iterator with the supplier dependencies. */ public static Collection getSupplierDependencies(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement me = (MModelElement) handle; return me.getSupplierDependencies(); } // ... return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * The top of a state machine * * @param handle the state machine * @return the top */ public static Object getTop(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStateMachine) { return ((MStateMachine) handle).getTop(); } // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the transition of a guard or action * * @param handle the guard or action * @return the transition */ public static Object getTransition(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MGuard) { return ((MGuard) handle).getTransition(); } if (handle instanceof MAction) { return ((MAction) handle).getTransition(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Get the trigger of a transition * * @param handle the transition * @return the trigger */ public static Object getTrigger(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MTransition) { return ((MTransition) handle).getTrigger(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * The type of a StructuralFeature, AssociationEnd, Parameter or * ObjectFlowState * * @param handle the StructuralFeature, AssociationEnd, Parameter or * ObjectFlowState * @return the type */ public static Object getType(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { return ((MAttribute) handle).getType(); } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getType(); } if (handle instanceof MParameter) { return ((MParameter) handle).getType(); } if (handle instanceof MObjectFlowState) { return ((MObjectFlowState) handle).getType(); } // ... return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the target of some transition * * @param handle is the transition * @return Object */ public static Object getTarget(Object handle) { if (isATransition(handle)) { return ((MTransition) handle).getTarget(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the target scope of some model element * * @param handle is the model element * @return Object */ public static Object getTargetScope(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { return ((MStructuralFeature) handle).getTargetScope(); } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getTargetScope(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the targetflows of a model element * * @param handle is the model element * @return a collection of targetflows */ public static Collection getTargetFlows(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getTargetFlows(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the upper bound of the multiplicity of the given handle (an * associationend). * * @param handle is the model element * @return int */ public static int getUpper(Object handle) { if (isAAssociationEnd(handle)) { int upper = 0; MAssociationEnd end = (MAssociationEnd) handle; if (end.getMultiplicity() != null) upper = end.getMultiplicity().getUpper(); return upper; } if (isAMultiplicity(handle)) { MMultiplicity up = (MMultiplicity) handle; return up.getUpper(); } if (isAMultiplicityRange(handle)) { MMultiplicityRange up = (MMultiplicityRange) handle; return up.getUpper(); } illegalArgument(handle); return 0; } /** * Returns the use case of an extension point * * @param handle is the extension point * @return a use case */ public static Object getUseCase(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MExtensionPoint) { return ((MExtensionPoint) handle).getUseCase(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the upper bound of the multiplicity of the given handle (an * associationend). * * @param handle is the model element * @return int */ public static int getLower(Object handle) { if (isAAssociationEnd(handle)) { int lower = 0; MAssociationEnd end = (MAssociationEnd) handle; if (end.getMultiplicity() != null) lower = end.getMultiplicity().getLower(); return lower; } if (isAMultiplicity(handle)) { MMultiplicity low = (MMultiplicity) handle; return low.getLower(); } if (isAMultiplicityRange(handle)) { MMultiplicityRange low = (MMultiplicityRange) handle; return low.getLower(); } illegalArgument(handle); return 0; } /** * Returns the transitions belonging to the given handle. The handle can be * a statemachine or a composite state or an event. * If it's a statemachine the * transitions will be given back belonging to that statemachine. If it's a * compositestate the internal transitions of that compositestate will be * given back. * If it's an event, all transitions triggered by this event * will be given back. * * @param handle is the model element * @return Collection */ public static Collection getTransitions(Object handle) { if (isAStateMachine(handle)) { return ((MStateMachine) handle).getTransitions(); } else if (isACompositeState(handle)) { return ((MCompositeState) handle).getInternalTransitions(); } else if (isAEvent(handle)) { return ((MEvent) handle).getTransitions(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * This method returns all attributes of a given Classifier. * * @param handle is the classifier you want to have the attributes for. * @return a collection of the attributes */ public static Collection getStructuralFeatures(Object handle) { Collection result = new ArrayList(); if (ModelFacade.isAClassifier(handle)) { MClassifier mclassifier = (MClassifier) handle; Iterator features = mclassifier.getFeatures().iterator(); while (features.hasNext()) { MFeature feature = (MFeature); if (ModelFacade.isAStructuralFeature(feature)) result.add(feature); } return result; } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * This method returns all operations of a given Classifier * * @param mclassifier the classifier you want to have the operations for * @return a collection of the operations */ protected static Collection getOperations(MClassifier mclassifier) { Collection result = new ArrayList(); Iterator features = mclassifier.getFeatures().iterator(); while (features.hasNext()) { MFeature feature = (MFeature); if (ModelFacade.isAOperation(feature)) result.add(feature); } return result; } /** * Returns the Specification of a given Reception * @param handle the Reception * @return String the Specification */ public static String getSpecification(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MReception) { return ((MReception) handle).getSpecification(); } return illegalArgumentString(handle); } /** * Returns all Interfaces of which this class is a realization. * * @param handle the class you want to have the interfaces for * @return a collection of the Interfaces */ public static Collection getSpecifications(Object handle) { Collection result = new Vector(); if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getSpecifications(); } if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { Collection deps = ((MClassifier) handle).getClientDependencies(); Iterator depIterator = deps.iterator(); while (depIterator.hasNext()) { MDependency dep = (MDependency); if ((dep instanceof MAbstraction) && dep.getStereotype() != null && dep.getStereotype().getName() != null && dep.getStereotype().getName().equals("realize")) { MInterface i = (MInterface) dep.getSuppliers().toArray()[0]; result.add(i); } } return result; } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the suppliers of a dependency. * * @param handle is the dependency * @return a collection of the suppliers */ public static Collection getSuppliers(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MDependency) { return ((MDependency) handle).getSuppliers(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns the action belonging to some message * * @param handle is the message * @return the action */ public static Object getAction(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getAction(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the activator belonging to some message * * @param handle is the message * @return the activator */ public static Object getActivator(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { return ((MMessage) handle).getActivator(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the actual arguments for a given action. * * @param handle is the action * @return the actual arguments */ public static Collection getActualArguments(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAction) { return ((MAction) handle).getActualArguments(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Returns an addition for a given inlcude. * There is a bug in NSUML which gets the addition and base * relationships back to front for include relationships. Solve * reversing their accessors in the code * * @param handle is the include * @return the addition */ public static Object getAddition(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MInclude) { return ((MInclude) handle).getBase(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns the AggregationKind of a given AssociationEnd * @param handle the AssociationEnd * @return the AggregationKind */ public static Object getAggregation(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { return ((MAssociationEnd) handle).getAggregation(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Returns all associated classes for some given classifier. * Returns an empty collection if the given argument handle is not * a classifier. The given parameter is included in the returned * collection if it has a self-referencing association. * * @param handle is the classifier * @return Collection */ public static Collection getAssociatedClasses(Object handle) { Collection col = new ArrayList(); if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { MClassifier classifier = (MClassifier) handle; Collection ends = classifier.getAssociationEnds(); Iterator it = ends.iterator(); Set associations = new HashSet(); while (it.hasNext()) { MAssociationEnd ae = (MAssociationEnd); associations.add(ae.getAssociation()); } Collection otherEnds = new ArrayList(); it = associations.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { otherEnds.addAll(((MAssociation); } otherEnds.removeAll(ends); it = otherEnds.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { col.add(((MAssociationEnd); } return col; } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common getters /** * The name of a model element or some diagram part. * * @param handle that points out the object. * @return the name */ public static String getName(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getName(); } if (handle instanceof Diagram) { return ((Diagram) handle).getName(); } if (handle instanceof MOrderingKind) { return ((MOrderingKind) handle).getName(); } if (handle instanceof MAggregationKind) { return ((MAggregationKind) handle).getName(); } if (handle instanceof MVisibilityKind) { return ((MVisibilityKind) handle).getName(); } if (handle instanceof MCallConcurrencyKind) { return ((MCallConcurrencyKind) handle).getName(); } illegalArgument(handle); return ""; } /** * Return the owner of a feature. * * @param handle is the feature * @return classifier */ public static Object getOwner(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MFeature) { return ((MFeature) handle).getOwner(); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Return the tag of a tagged value. * * @param handle The tagged value belongs to this. * @return The found tag as a String. */ public static String getTag(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MTaggedValue) { return ((MTaggedValue) handle).getTag(); } return illegalArgumentString(handle); } /** * Return the tagged values iterator of a model element. * * @param handle The tagged values belong to this. * @return The tagged values iterator */ public static Iterator getTaggedValues(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getTaggedValues().iterator(); } illegalArgument(handle); return null; } /** * Returns the TaggedValues of a ModelElement * @param handle the ModelElement * @return the Collection of TaggedValues */ public static Collection getTaggedValuesCollection(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getTaggedValues(); } return illegalArgumentCollection(handle); } /** * Return the tagged value with a specific tag. * * @param handle The model element the tagged value belongs to. * @param name The tag name. * @return The found tag, null if not found */ public static Object getTaggedValue(Object handle, String name) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement me = ((MModelElement) handle); Iterator i = me.getTaggedValues().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { MTaggedValue tv = (MTaggedValue); if (tv.getTag().equals(name)) { return tv; } } return null; } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Return the value of a tagged value with a specific tag. * * @param handle The model element that the tagged value belongs to. * @param name The tag name. * @return The value of the found tag. "" if not found. */ public static String getTaggedValueValue(Object handle, String name) { Object taggedValue = getTaggedValue(handle, name); if (taggedValue == null) { return ""; } return getValueOfTag(taggedValue); } /** * Return the key (tag) of some tagged value. * * TODO: This does exactly the same as getTag(Object). Remove one of them. * * @param handle The tagged value. * @return The found value as String. */ public static String getTagOfTag(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MTaggedValue) { return ((MTaggedValue) handle).getTag(); } return illegalArgumentString(handle); } /** * Returns the Value of some UML Object * @param handle Object * @return Object the exact type depends on the handle type * (String, Expression, Instance, TaggedValue...) */ public static Object getValue(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MTaggedValue) { return ((MTaggedValue) handle).getValue(); } if (handle instanceof MArgument) { return ((MArgument) handle).getValue(); } if (handle instanceof MExtension) { return ((MExtension) handle).getValue(); } if (handle instanceof MAttributeLink) { return ((MAttributeLink) handle).getValue(); } if (handle instanceof MAggregationKind) { return new Integer(((MAggregationKind) handle).getValue()); } if (handle instanceof MOrderingKind) { return new Integer(((MOrderingKind) handle).getValue()); } if (handle instanceof MOperationDirectionKind) { return new Integer(((MOperationDirectionKind) handle).getValue()); } if (handle instanceof MVisibilityKind) { return new Integer(((MVisibilityKind) handle).getValue()); } if (handle instanceof MScopeKind) { return new Integer(((MScopeKind) handle).getValue()); } if (handle instanceof MMessageDirectionKind) { return new Integer(((MMessageDirectionKind) handle).getValue()); } if (handle instanceof MChangeableKind) { return new Integer(((MChangeableKind) handle).getValue()); } if (handle instanceof MPseudostateKind) { return new Integer(((MPseudostateKind) handle).getValue()); } if (handle instanceof MCallConcurrencyKind) { return new Integer(((MCallConcurrencyKind) handle).getValue()); } return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } /** * Return the value of some tagged value. * * @param handle The tagged value. * @return The found value as String. */ public static String getValueOfTag(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MTaggedValue) { return ((MTaggedValue) handle).getValue(); } return illegalArgumentString(handle); } /** * Return the UUID of this element * * @param base base element (MBase type) * @return UUID */ public static String getUUID(Object base) { if (isABase(base)) { return ((MBase) base).getUUID(); } if (base instanceof CommentEdge) { return (String) ((CommentEdge) base).getUUID(); } // illegalArgument(base); return ""; } /** * Return the visibility of this element * @param handle an nsuml model element * @return visibility */ public static Object getVisibility(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { return ((MModelElement) handle).getVisibility(); } // return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Other querying methods /** * Returns a named object in the given object by calling it's lookup method. * * @param handle the object that we search through * @param name of the model element * @return found object, null otherwise */ public static Object lookupIn(Object handle, String name) { if (handle instanceof MModel) return ((MModel) handle).lookup(name); if (handle instanceof MNamespace) return ((MNamespace) handle).lookup(name); if (handle instanceof MClassifier) return ((MClassifier) handle).lookup(name); return illegalArgumentObject(handle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Model modifying methods /** * Adds a feature to some classifier. * @param handle classifier * @param f feature */ public static void addFeature(Object handle, Object f) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier && f instanceof MFeature) { ((MClassifier) handle).addFeature((MFeature) f); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Adds an instance to a classifier role. * * @param classifierRole is the classifier role * @param instance is the instance to add */ public static void addInstance(Object classifierRole, Object instance) { if (classifierRole instanceof MClassifierRole && instance instanceof MInstance) { MClassifierRole clr = (MClassifierRole) classifierRole; clr.addInstance((MInstance) instance); return; } illegalArgument(classifierRole, instance); } /** * @author mvw * @param classifierInState the classifierInState * @param state the state that will be linked */ public static void addInState(Object classifierInState, Object state) { if (classifierInState instanceof MClassifierInState && state instanceof MState) { ((MClassifierInState) classifierInState).addInState((MState) state); } else illegalArgument(classifierInState, state); } /** * Adds a feature to some classifier. * * @param handle classifier * @param index position * @param f feature */ public static void addFeature(Object handle, int index, Object f) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier && f instanceof MFeature) { ((MClassifier) handle).addFeature(index, (MFeature) f); return; } illegalArgument(handle, f); } /** * Add the given Link to the given Link or Association * @param handle the Link or Association * @param link Link */ public static void addLink(Object handle, Object link) { if (handle instanceof MAssociation && link instanceof MLink) { ((MAssociation) handle).addLink((MLink) link); return; } illegalArgument(handle, link); } /** * Add Message to a predecessor Message * @param handle predecessor Message * @param mess Message to be added */ public static void addMessage3(Object handle, Object mess) { if (handle instanceof MMessage && mess instanceof MMessage) { ((MMessage) handle).addMessage3((MMessage) mess); return; } illegalArgument(handle, mess); } /** * Adds a method to some operation and copies the op's attributes * to the method. * * @param handle is the operation * @param m is the method */ public static void addMethod(Object handle, Object m) { if (handle instanceof MOperation && m instanceof MMethod) { ((MMethod) m).setVisibility(((MOperation) handle).getVisibility()); ((MMethod) m).setOwnerScope(((MOperation) handle).getOwnerScope()); ((MOperation) handle).addMethod((MMethod) m); return; } illegalArgument(handle, m); } /** * Adds a model element to some namespace. * @param handle namespace * @param me model element */ public static void addOwnedElement(Object handle, Object me) { if (handle instanceof MNamespace && me instanceof MModelElement) { ((MNamespace) handle).addOwnedElement((MModelElement) me); return; } illegalArgument(handle, me); } /** * Add a Parameter to the given object * @param handle the object that will get the Parameter: * MObjectFlowState, MEvent, MBehavioralFeature, MClassifier * @param parameter Object that will be added */ public static void addParameter(Object handle, Object parameter) { if (parameter instanceof MParameter) { if (handle instanceof MObjectFlowState) { ((MObjectFlowState) handle).addParameter( (MParameter) parameter); return; } if (handle instanceof MEvent) { ((MEvent) handle).addParameter((MParameter) parameter); return; } if (handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature) { ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).addParameter( (MParameter) parameter); return; } if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { ((MClassifier) handle).addParameter((MParameter) parameter); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, parameter); } /** * Add a Parameter to the given object at given location * @param handle the object that will get the Parameter: * MEvent, MBehavioralFeature * @param index the location * @param parameter Object that will be added */ public static void addParameter( Object handle, int index, Object parameter) { if (parameter instanceof MParameter) { if (handle instanceof MEvent) { ((MEvent) handle).addParameter(index, (MParameter) parameter); return; } if (handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature) { ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).addParameter( index, (MParameter) parameter); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, parameter); } /** * Adds a predecessor to a message. * * @param handle the message * @param predecessor is the predecessor */ public static void addPredecessor(Object handle, Object predecessor) { if (handle != null && handle instanceof MMessage && predecessor != null && predecessor instanceof MMessage) { ((MMessage) handle).addPredecessor((MMessage) predecessor); return; } illegalArgument(handle, predecessor); } /** * Add a raised Signal to a Message or Operation * @param handle the Message or Operation * @param sig the Signal that is raised */ public static void addRaisedSignal(Object handle, Object sig) { if (sig instanceof MSignal) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).addRaisedSignal((MSignal) sig); return; } if (handle instanceof MOperation) { ((MOperation) handle).addRaisedSignal((MSignal) sig); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, sig); } /** * Adds a stimulus to a action or link * * @param handle the action or link * @param stimulus is the stimulus */ public static void addStimulus(Object handle, Object stimulus) { if (handle != null && stimulus != null && stimulus instanceof MStimulus) { if (handle instanceof MAction) { ((MAction) handle).addStimulus((MStimulus) stimulus); return; } if (handle instanceof MLink) { ((MLink) handle).addStimulus((MStimulus) stimulus); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, stimulus); } /** * Add a subvertex to a composite state * @param handle the CompositeState * @param subvertex the StateVertex */ public static void addSubvertex(Object handle, Object subvertex) { if (handle instanceof MCompositeState && subvertex instanceof MStateVertex) { ((MCompositeState) handle).addSubvertex((MStateVertex) subvertex); return; } illegalArgument(handle, subvertex); } /** * Adds a supplier classifier to some abstraction. * * @param handle abstraction * @param element supplier model element */ public static void addSupplier(Object handle, Object element) { if (isADependency(handle) && isAModelElement(element)) { ((MDependency) handle).addSupplier((MModelElement) element); return; } illegalArgument(handle, element); } /** * Adds a supplier dependency to some modelelement * @param supplier the supplier * @param dependency the dependency */ public static void addSupplierDependency( Object supplier, Object dependency) { if (isAModelElement(supplier) && isADependency(dependency)) { MModelElement me = (MModelElement) supplier; me.addSupplierDependency((MDependency) dependency); return; } illegalArgument(supplier, dependency); } /** * Adds an actual argument to an action * @param handle the action * @param argument the argument */ public static void addActualArgument(Object handle, Object argument) { if (handle instanceof MAction && argument instanceof MArgument) { ((MAction) handle).addActualArgument((MArgument) argument); return; } illegalArgument(handle, argument); } /** * Adds an annotated element to a comment. * @param comment The comment to which the element is annotated * @param annotatedElement The element to annotate */ public static void addAnnotatedElement(Object comment, Object annotatedElement) { if (comment instanceof MComment && annotatedElement instanceof MModelElement) { ((MComment) comment) .addAnnotatedElement(((MModelElement) annotatedElement)); return; } illegalArgument(comment, annotatedElement); } /** * This method adds a classifier to a classifier role. * * @param handle is the classifier role * @param c is the classifier */ public static void addBase(Object handle, Object c) { if (handle instanceof MClassifierRole && c instanceof MClassifier) { ((MClassifierRole) handle).addBase((MClassifier) c); return; } illegalArgument(handle, c); } /** * Adds a Classifier to an Instance * @param handle Instance * @param classifier Classifier */ public static void addClassifier(Object handle, Object classifier) { if (handle instanceof MInstance && classifier instanceof MClassifier) { ((MInstance) handle).addClassifier((MClassifier) classifier); return; } illegalArgument(handle, classifier); } /** * Adds a client model element to some dependency. * * @param handle dependency. * @param element The model element. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the handle is not a dependency * or the element is not a model element. */ public static void addClient(Object handle, Object element) { if (handle instanceof MDependency && element instanceof MModelElement) { ((MDependency) handle).addClient((MModelElement) element); return; } illegalArgument(handle, element); } /** * Adds a client dependency to some modelelement * * @param handle the modelelement * @param dependency the dependency */ public static void addClientDependency(Object handle, Object dependency) { if (isAModelElement(handle) && isADependency(dependency)) { MModelElement me = (MModelElement) handle; me.addClientDependency((MDependency) dependency); return; } illegalArgument(handle, dependency); } /** * Adds a TaggedValue to a ModelElement * @param handle ModelElement * @param taggedValue TaggedValue */ public static void addTaggedValue(Object handle, Object taggedValue) { if (isAModelElement(handle) && isATaggedValue(taggedValue)) { ((MModelElement) handle).addTaggedValue((MTaggedValue) taggedValue); return; } illegalArgument(handle, taggedValue); } /** * Removes the actual Argument from an Action * @param handle Action * @param argument Argument */ public static void removeActualArgument(Object handle, Object argument) { if (handle instanceof MAction && argument instanceof MArgument) { ((MAction) handle).removeActualArgument((MArgument) argument); return; } illegalArgument(handle, argument); } /** * This method removes a classifier from a classifier role. * * @param handle is the classifier role * @param c is the classifier */ public static void removeBase(Object handle, Object c) { if (handle instanceof MClassifierRole && c instanceof MClassifier) { ((MClassifierRole) handle).removeBase((MClassifier) c); return; } illegalArgument(handle, c); } /** * This method removes a dependency from a model element. * * @param handle is the model element * @param dep is the dependency */ public static void removeClientDependency(Object handle, Object dep) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement && dep instanceof MDependency) { ((MModelElement) handle).removeClientDependency((MDependency) dep); return; } illegalArgument(handle, dep); } /** * Remove the given constraint from a given ModelElement * @param handle ModelElement * @param cons Constraint */ public static void removeConstraint(Object handle, Object cons) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement && cons instanceof MConstraint) { ((MModelElement) handle).removeConstraint((MConstraint) cons); return; } illegalArgument(handle, cons); } /** * Remove the given context (BehavioralFeature) from a Signal * @param handle Signal * @param context BehavioralFeature */ public static void removeContext(Object handle, Object context) { if (handle instanceof MSignal && context instanceof MBehavioralFeature) { ((MSignal) handle).removeContext((MBehavioralFeature) context); return; } illegalArgument(handle, context); } /** * This method classifier from an instance * * @param handle is the instance * @param classifier is the classifier */ public static void removeClassifier(Object handle, Object classifier) { if (handle instanceof MInstance && classifier instanceof MClassifier) { ((MInstance) handle).removeClassifier((MClassifier) classifier); return; } illegalArgument(handle, classifier); } /** * This method removes a feature from a classifier. * * @param handle is the classifier * @param feature to remove */ public static void removeFeature(Object handle, Object feature) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier && feature instanceof MFeature) { ((MClassifier) handle).removeFeature((MFeature) feature); return; } illegalArgument(handle, feature); } /** * This method removes an extension point from a use case. * * @param uc is the use case * @param ep is the extension point */ public static void removeExtensionPoint(Object uc, Object ep) { if (uc instanceof MUseCase && ep instanceof MExtensionPoint) { ((MUseCase) uc).removeExtensionPoint((MExtensionPoint) ep); return; } illegalArgument(uc, ep); } /**Removes a successor message * @param handle the Message that needs to loose a successor * @param mess the Message that is removed */ public static void removeMessage3(Object handle, Object mess) { if (handle instanceof MMessage && mess instanceof MMessage) { ((MMessage) handle).removeMessage3((MMessage) mess); return; } illegalArgument(handle, mess); } /** * Removes a owned model element from a namespace. * * @param handle is the name space * @param value is the model element */ public static void removeOwnedElement(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MNamespace && value instanceof MModelElement) { ((MNamespace) handle).removeOwnedElement((MModelElement) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle, value); } /** * This method removes a parameter from an operation. * * @param handle is the operation * @param p is the parameter */ public static void removeParameter(Object handle, Object p) { if (handle instanceof MOperation && p instanceof MParameter) { ((MOperation) handle).removeParameter((MParameter) p); return; } illegalArgument(handle, p); } /** * Removes a predecessor message * @param handle the Message that needs to loose a predecessor * @param message the Message that is removed */ public static void removePredecessor(Object handle, Object message) { if (handle instanceof MMessage && message instanceof MMessage) { ((MMessage) handle).removePredecessor((MMessage) message); return; } illegalArgument(handle, message); } /** * Remove a given Reception from a given Signal * @param handle the Signal * @param reception the Reception */ public static void removeReception(Object handle, Object reception) { if (handle instanceof MSignal && reception instanceof MReception) { ((MSignal) handle).removeReception((MReception) reception); return; } illegalArgument(handle, reception); } /** * Remove a given subvertex from a given composite state * @param handle the composite state * @param subvertex the StateVertex */ public static void removeSubvertex(Object handle, Object subvertex) { if (handle instanceof MCompositeState && subvertex instanceof MStateVertex) { ((MCompositeState) handle).removeSubvertex( (MStateVertex) subvertex); return; } illegalArgument(handle, subvertex); } /** * Removes a named tagged value from a model element, ie subsequent calls * to getTaggedValue will return null for name, at least until a tagged * value with that name has been added again. * * @param handle the model element to remove the tagged value from * @param name the name of the tagged value * @throws IllegalArgumentException if handle isn't a model element */ public static void removeTaggedValue(Object handle, String name) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement me = (MModelElement) handle; me.removeTaggedValue(name); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the base of some model element. * * @param handle is the model element * @param base is the base */ public static void setBase(Object handle, Object base) { checkExists(handle); checkExists(base); if (handle instanceof MAssociationRole && base instanceof MAssociation) { ((MAssociationRole) handle).setBase((MAssociation) base); return; } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEndRole && base instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociationEndRole) handle).setBase((MAssociationEnd) base); return; } if (handle instanceof MExtend && base instanceof MUseCase) { ((MExtend) handle).setBase((MUseCase) base); return; } if (handle instanceof MInclude && base instanceof MUseCase) { ((MInclude) handle).setAddition((MUseCase) base); return; } illegalArgument(handle, base); } /** * Set the baseclass of some stereotype. * * @param handle the stereotype * @param baseClass the baseclass */ public static void setBaseClass(Object handle, Object baseClass) { if (isAStereotype(handle) && baseClass instanceof String) { ((MStereotype) handle).setBaseClass((String) baseClass); return; } illegalArgument(handle, baseClass); } /** * Sets a body of a given Method, Constraint or Expression. * * @param handle is the method, expression * @param expr is the body string for the expression */ public static void setBody(Object handle, Object expr) { if (handle instanceof MMethod && (expr == null || expr instanceof MProcedureExpression)) { ((MMethod) handle).setBody((MProcedureExpression) expr); return; } if (handle instanceof MConstraint && (expr == null || expr instanceof MBooleanExpression)) { ((MConstraint) handle).setBody((MBooleanExpression) expr); return; } /* TODO: MVW: The next part is fooling the user of setBody() * in thinking that the body of the object is changed. * Instead, a new object is created and as a side-effect * the language is lost. * Maybe we should just copy the language? */ if (handle instanceof MExpression) { MExpressionEditor expressionEditor = (MExpressionEditor) UmlFactory.getFactory().getDataTypes() .createExpressionEditor(handle); expressionEditor.setBody((String) expr); handle = (Object) expressionEditor.toExpression(); // this last step creates a new MExpression return; } illegalArgument(handle, expr); } /** * Sets the language of an expression. * * TODO: This operation is fooling the user * in thinking that the body of the object is changed. * Instead, a new object is created and as a side-effect the body is lost. * There is no other way: a MExpression can not be altered, * once created! * So, this operation should return the created object instead! * Or should it simply copy the body? * * @param handle is the expression * @param language is the lang */ public static void setLanguage(Object handle, String language) { if (handle instanceof MExpression) { MExpression expression = (MExpression) handle; MExpressionEditor expressionEditor = (MExpressionEditor) UmlFactory.getFactory().getDataTypes(). createExpressionEditor(handle); expressionEditor.setLanguage(language); handle = expressionEditor.toExpression(); return; } illegalArgument(handle, language); } /** * Gets the language attribute of an Expression. * * @param handle is the Expression of which the language is retrieved * @return String the language */ public static String getLanguage(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MExpression) { return ((MExpression) handle).getLanguage(); } return illegalArgumentString(handle); } /** * Sets a default value of some parameter. * * @param handle is the parameter * @param expr is the expression */ public static void setDefaultValue(Object handle, Object expr) { if (handle instanceof MParameter && expr instanceof MExpression) { ((MParameter) handle).setDefaultValue((MExpression) expr); return; } illegalArgument(handle, expr); } /** * Sets the guard of a transition. * * @param handle to the transition * @param guard to be set. Can be null. */ public static void setGuard(Object handle, Object guard) { if (handle instanceof MTransition && (guard == null || guard instanceof MGuard)) { ((MTransition) handle).setGuard((MGuard) guard); return; } illegalArgument(handle, guard); } /** * Set the Transition of a guard or effect (Action). * @param handle the Guard or Action * @param trans the Transition */ public static void setTransition(Object handle, Object trans) { if (trans instanceof MTransition) { if (handle instanceof MGuard) { ((MGuard) handle).setTransition((MTransition) trans); return; } if (handle instanceof MAction) { ((MAction) handle).setTransition((MTransition) trans); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, trans); } /** * Sets the trigger event of a transition. * * @param handle is the transition * @param event is the trigger event */ public static void setTrigger(Object handle, Object event) { if (handle instanceof MTransition && (event == null || event instanceof MEvent)) { ((MTransition) handle).setTrigger((MEvent) event); return; } illegalArgument(handle, event); } /** * Set the icon for a stereotype * @param handle Stereotype * @param icon String */ public static void setIcon(Object handle, Object icon) { if (handle instanceof MStereotype && (icon == null || icon instanceof String)) { ((MStereotype) handle).setIcon((String) icon); return; } illegalArgument(handle, icon); } /** Set the ImplementationLocation of the given ElementResidence * to the given Component. * @param handle the ElementResidence * @param component the Component */ public static void setImplementationLocation( Object handle, Object component) { if (handle instanceof MElementResidence && (component == null || component instanceof MComponent)) { ((MElementResidence) handle).setImplementationLocation( (MComponent) component); return; } illegalArgument(handle, component); } /** * Set the collection of Include relationships for a usecase * @param handle UseCase * @param includes the collection of Include relationships */ public static void setIncludes(Object handle, Collection includes) { if (handle instanceof MUseCase) { ((MUseCase) handle).setIncludes(includes); return; } illegalArgument(handle, includes); } /** * Sets an initial value. * * @param at attribute that we set the initial value of * @param expr that is the value to set. Can be null. */ public static void setInitialValue(Object at, Object expr) { if (at instanceof MAttribute && (expr == null || expr instanceof MExpression)) { ((MAttribute) at).setInitialValue((MExpression) expr); return; } illegalArgument(at, expr); } /** Sets the given Instance to the given LinkEnd or AttributeLink * @param handle LinkEnd or AttributeLink * @param inst null or Instance */ public static void setInstance(Object handle, Object inst) { if (inst == null || inst instanceof MInstance) { if (handle instanceof MLinkEnd) { ((MLinkEnd) handle).setInstance((MInstance) inst); return; } if (handle instanceof MAttributeLink) { ((MAttributeLink) handle).setInstance((MInstance) inst); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, inst); } /** * @param handle is the target. * @param intTrans is a collection of transitions. */ public static void setInternalTransitions( Object handle, Collection intTrans) { if (handle instanceof MState) { ((MState) handle).setInternalTransitions(intTrans); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * @param handle Message * @param messages Collection of predecessor messages */ public static void setMessages3(Object handle, Collection messages) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { ((MMessage) handle).setMessages3(messages); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets a location of some extension point. * * @param handle is the extension point * @param loc is the location */ public static void setLocation(Object handle, String loc) { if (handle instanceof MExtensionPoint) { ((MExtensionPoint) handle).setLocation(loc); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** *

Sets the container that owns the handle. This must be set * correctly so every modelelement except the root model does have * an owner. Otherwise the saving/loading will fail.

* *

Warning: when changing the implementation of this method * be warned that the sequence of the if then else tree DOES * matter. Most notabely, do not move the setNamespace method * any level up in the tree.

* *

Warning: the implementation does not support setting the * owner of actions. Use setState1 etc. on action for that * goal

* * @param handle The modelelement that must be added to the container * @param container The owning modelelement * @exception IllegalArgumentException when the handle or * container is null or if the handle cannot be added to the * container. */ public static void setModelElementContainer( Object handle, Object container) { if (handle instanceof MPartition && container instanceof MActivityGraph) { ((MPartition) handle).setActivityGraph((MActivityGraph) container); } else if (handle instanceof MModelElement && container instanceof MPartition) { ((MPartition) container).addContents((MModelElement) handle); } else if ( handle instanceof MConstraint && container instanceof MStereotype) { MConstraint c = (MConstraint) handle; c.setConstrainedElement2((MStereotype) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MInteraction && container instanceof MCollaboration) { ((MInteraction) handle).setContext((MCollaboration) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MElementResidence && container instanceof MComponent) { MElementResidence er = (MElementResidence) handle; er.setImplementationLocation((MComponent) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MAttributeLink && container instanceof MInstance) { ((MAttributeLink) handle).setInstance((MInstance) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MMessage && container instanceof MInteraction) { ((MMessage) handle).setInteraction((MInteraction) container); } else if (handle instanceof MLinkEnd && container instanceof MLink) { ((MLinkEnd) handle).setLink((MLink) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MAttributeLink && container instanceof MLinkEnd) { ((MAttributeLink) handle).setLinkEnd((MLinkEnd) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MTaggedValue && container instanceof MStereotype) { ((MTaggedValue) handle).setStereotype((MStereotype) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MTaggedValue && container instanceof MModelElement) { ((MTaggedValue) handle).setModelElement((MModelElement) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MStateVertex && container instanceof MCompositeState) { ((MStateVertex) handle).setContainer((MCompositeState) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MElementImport && container instanceof MPackage) { ((MElementImport) handle).setPackage((MPackage) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MTransition && container instanceof MState) { ((MTransition) handle).setState((MState) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MState && container instanceof MStateMachine) { ((MState) handle).setStateMachine((MStateMachine) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MTransition && container instanceof MStateMachine) { ((MTransition) handle).setStateMachine((MStateMachine) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MAction && container instanceof MTransition) { ((MAction) handle).setTransition((MTransition) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MGuard && container instanceof MTransition) { ((MGuard) handle).setTransition((MTransition) container); } else if ( handle instanceof MModelElement && container instanceof MNamespace) { ((MModelElement) handle).setNamespace((MNamespace) container); } else { illegalArgument(handle, container); } } /** * Sets a multiplicity of some model element. * * @param handle model element * @param arg multiplicity as string OR multiplicity object */ public static void setMultiplicity(Object handle, Object arg) { if (arg instanceof String) { arg = ("1_N".equals(arg)) ? MMultiplicity.M1_N : MMultiplicity.M1_1; } if (arg instanceof MMultiplicity) { MMultiplicity mult = (MMultiplicity) arg; if (handle instanceof MAssociationRole) { ((MAssociationRole) handle).setMultiplicity(mult); return; } if (handle instanceof MClassifierRole) { ((MClassifierRole) handle).setMultiplicity(mult); return; } if (handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { ((MStructuralFeature) handle).setMultiplicity(mult); return; } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle).setMultiplicity(mult); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, arg); } /** * Sets the classifiers of some instance. * * @param handle is the instance * @param v is the classifier vector */ public static void setClassifiers(Object handle, Vector v) { if (handle instanceof MInstance) { ((MInstance) handle).setClassifiers(v); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets a name of some modelelement. * * @param handle is the model element * @param name to set */ public static void setName(Object handle, String name) { if ((handle instanceof MModelElement) && (name != null)) { ((MModelElement) handle).setName(name); return; } illegalArgument(handle, name); } /** * Sets a namespace of some modelelement. * * @param handle is the model element * @param ns is the namespace. Can be null. */ public static void setNamespace(Object handle, Object ns) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement && (ns == null || ns instanceof MNamespace)) { ((MModelElement) handle).setNamespace((MNamespace) ns); return; } illegalArgument(handle, ns); } /** * Sets the navigability of some association end. * * @param handle is the association end * @param flag is the navigability flag */ public static void setNavigable(Object handle, boolean flag) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle).setNavigable(flag); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** Set the value of a given object * * @param handle the Object of which the value will be set * @param value Object */ public static void setValue(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MArgument) { ((MArgument) handle).setValue((MExpression) value); return; } if (handle instanceof MAttributeLink) { ((MAttributeLink) handle).setValue((MInstance) value); return; } if (handle instanceof MExtension) { ((MExtension) handle).setValue(value); return; } if (handle instanceof MTaggedValue) { ((MTaggedValue) handle).setValue((String) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the visibility of some modelelement. * * @param handle element * @param visibility is the visibility */ public static void setVisibility(Object handle, Object visibility) { if (visibility instanceof MVisibilityKind) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { ((MModelElement) handle).setVisibility( (MVisibilityKind) visibility); return; } if (handle instanceof MElementResidence) { ((MElementResidence) handle).setVisibility( (MVisibilityKind) visibility); return; } if (handle instanceof MElementImport) { ((MElementImport) handle).setVisibility( (MVisibilityKind) visibility); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, visibility); } /** * Set the visibility of some modelelement. * * @param handle is the model element * @param v is the visibility */ public static void setVisibility(Object handle, short v) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement me = (MModelElement) handle; if (v == ACC_PRIVATE) { me.setVisibility(MVisibilityKind.PRIVATE); } else if (v == ACC_PROTECTED) { me.setVisibility(MVisibilityKind.PROTECTED); } else if (v == ACC_PUBLIC) { me.setVisibility(MVisibilityKind.PUBLIC); } return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the NodeInstance of a ComponentInstance * @param handle ComponentInstance * @param nodeInstance NodeInstance */ public static void setNodeInstance(Object handle, Object nodeInstance) { if (handle instanceof MComponentInstance && nodeInstance instanceof MNodeInstance) { ((MComponentInstance) handle).setNodeInstance( (MNodeInstance) nodeInstance); return; } illegalArgument(handle, nodeInstance); } /** * Set the owner of a Feature * @param handle Feature * @param owner Classifier or null */ public static void setOwner(Object handle, Object owner) { if (handle instanceof MFeature && (owner == null || owner instanceof MClassifier)) { ((MFeature) handle).setOwner((MClassifier) owner); return; } illegalArgument(handle, owner); } /** * Set the Operation of a CallAction or CallEvent * @param handle CallAction or CallEvent * @param operation Operation */ public static void setOperation(Object handle, Object operation) { if (handle instanceof MCallAction) { ((MCallAction) handle).setOperation((MOperation) operation); return; } if (handle instanceof MCallEvent) { ((MCallEvent) handle).setOperation((MOperation) operation); return; } illegalArgument(handle, operation); } /** * Set the OrderingKind of a given AssociationEnd * @param handle AssociationEnd * @param ok OrderingKind */ public static void setOrdering(Object handle, Object ok) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd && ok instanceof MOrderingKind) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle).setOrdering((MOrderingKind) ok); return; } illegalArgument(handle, ok); } /** * Set the owner scope of some feature. * * @param handle is the feature * @param os is the owner scope */ public static void setOwnerScope(Object handle, short os) { if (handle instanceof MFeature) { if (os == CLASSIFIER_SCOPE) { ((MFeature) handle).setOwnerScope(MScopeKind.CLASSIFIER); return; } else if (os == INSTANCE_SCOPE) { ((MFeature) handle).setOwnerScope(MScopeKind.INSTANCE); return; } } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * @param handle Feature * @param os ScopeKind */ public static void setOwnerScope(Object handle, Object os) { if (handle instanceof MFeature && (os == null || os instanceof MScopeKind)) { ((MFeature) handle).setOwnerScope((MScopeKind) os); return; } illegalArgument(handle, os); } /** * Sets the extension points of some use cases. * * @param handle the use case * @param parameters is a Collection of extensionPoints */ public static void setParameters(Object handle, Collection parameters) { if (handle instanceof MObjectFlowState) { ((MObjectFlowState) handle).setParameters(parameters); return; } if (handle instanceof MClassifier) { ((MClassifier) handle).setParameters(parameters); return; } if (handle instanceof MEvent && parameters instanceof List) { ((MEvent) handle).setParameters((List) parameters); return; } if (handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature && parameters instanceof List) { ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).setParameters((List) parameters); return; } illegalArgument(handle, parameters); } /** * Sets the target of some action or transition. * * @param handle the model element * @param element the target of the model elemnet */ public static void setTarget(Object handle, Object element) { if (handle instanceof MAction && element instanceof MObjectSetExpression) { ((MAction) handle).setTarget((MObjectSetExpression) element); return; } if (handle instanceof MTransition && element instanceof MStateVertex) { ((MTransition) handle).setTarget((MStateVertex) element); return; } illegalArgument(handle, element); } /** * Sets the state of an internal transition. * * @param handle the internal transition * @param element the state that contains this transition */ public static void setState(Object handle, Object element) { if (handle instanceof MTransition && element instanceof MState) { ((MTransition) handle).setState((MState) element); return; } illegalArgument(handle, element); } /** * Set the target scope of some association end or structural feature. * * @param handle the model element * @param scopeKind the target scope */ public static void setTargetScope(Object handle, Object scopeKind) { if (scopeKind instanceof MScopeKind) { if (handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { ((MStructuralFeature) handle).setTargetScope( (MScopeKind) scopeKind); return; } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle) .setTargetScope((MScopeKind) scopeKind); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, scopeKind); } /** * Set the target scope of some association end. * * @param handle is the association end * @param ts is the target scope */ public static void setTargetScope(Object handle, short ts) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { MAssociationEnd ae = (MAssociationEnd) handle; if (ts == CLASSIFIER_SCOPE) { ae.setTargetScope(MScopeKind.CLASSIFIER); return; } else if (ts == INSTANCE_SCOPE) { ae.setTargetScope(MScopeKind.INSTANCE); return; } return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * @param handle Instance * @param c ComponentInstance or null */ public static void setComponentInstance(Object handle, Object c) { if (handle instanceof MInstance && (c == null || c instanceof MComponentInstance)) { ((MInstance) handle).setComponentInstance((MComponentInstance) c); return; } illegalArgument(handle, c); } /** * Sets the communicationLink between a link c and a stimulus handle. * * @param handle the stimulus * @param c the link */ public static void setCommunicationLink(Object handle, Object c) { if (handle instanceof MStimulus && c instanceof MLink) { ((MStimulus) handle).setCommunicationLink((MLink) c); return; } illegalArgument(handle, c); } /** * Set the concurrency of some operation. * * @param handle is the operation * @param c is the concurrency */ public static void setConcurrency(Object handle, short c) { if (handle instanceof MOperation) { MOperation oper = (MOperation) handle; if (c == GUARDED) { oper.setConcurrency(MCallConcurrencyKind.GUARDED); return; } else if (c == SEQUENTIAL) { oper.setConcurrency(MCallConcurrencyKind.SEQUENTIAL); } return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the concurrency of some operation. * * @param handle is the operation * @param concurrencyKind is the concurrency */ public static void setConcurrency( Object handle, Object concurrencyKind) { if (handle instanceof MOperation && concurrencyKind instanceof MCallConcurrencyKind) { ((MOperation) handle).setConcurrency( (MCallConcurrencyKind) concurrencyKind); return; } illegalArgument(handle, concurrencyKind); } /** * Makes a Composite State concurrent * @param handle the CompositState * @param concurrent boolean */ public static void setConcurent(Object handle, boolean concurrent) { if (handle instanceof MCompositeState) { ((MCompositeState) handle).setConcurent(concurrent); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the condition of an extend * * @param handle is the extend * @param booleanExpression is the condition */ public static void setCondition(Object handle, Object booleanExpression) { if (handle instanceof MExtend && booleanExpression instanceof MBooleanExpression) { ((MExtend) handle).setCondition( (MBooleanExpression) booleanExpression); return; } illegalArgument(handle, booleanExpression); } /** * Set the container of a statevertex. * * @param handle is the stateVertex * @param compositeState is the container. Can be null. */ public static void setContainer(Object handle, Object compositeState) { if (handle instanceof MStateVertex && (compositeState == null || compositeState instanceof MCompositeState)) { ((MStateVertex) handle).setContainer( (MCompositeState) compositeState); return; } illegalArgument(handle, compositeState); } /** * Sets the contexts for a Signal * @param handle the Signal * @param c the collection of contexts */ public static void setContexts(Object handle, Collection c) { if (handle instanceof MSignal) { ((MSignal) handle).setContexts(c); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the dispatch action for some stimulus. * * @param handle the stimulus * @param value the action. Can be null. */ public static void setDispatchAction(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MStimulus && (value == null || value instanceof MAction)) { ((MStimulus) handle).setDispatchAction((MAction) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle, value); } /** * Sets the do activity of a state * * @param handle is the state * @param value the activity. Can be null. */ public static void setDoActivity(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MState && (value == null || value instanceof MAction)) { ((MState) handle).setDoActivity((MAction) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle, value); } /** * Sets the effect of some transition * * @param handle is the transition * @param value is the effect. Can be null. */ public static void setEffect(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MTransition && (value == null || value instanceof MAction)) { ((MTransition) handle).setEffect((MAction) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle, value); } /** * Sets the entry action of some state. * * @param handle is the state * @param value is the action. Can be null. */ public static void setEntry(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MState && (value == null || value instanceof MAction)) { ((MState) handle).setEntry((MAction) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle, value); } /** * Sets the exit action of some state * * @param handle is the state * @param value is the action. Can be null. */ public static void setExit(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MState && (value == null || value instanceof MAction)) { ((MState) handle).setExit((MAction) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle, value); } /**Set the Expression of a Guard or ChangeEvent * @param handle Guard or ChangeEvent * @param value BooleanExpression or null */ public static void setExpression(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MGuard && (value == null || value instanceof MBooleanExpression)) { ((MGuard) handle).setExpression((MBooleanExpression) value); return; } if (handle instanceof MChangeEvent && (value == null || value instanceof MBooleanExpression)) { MChangeEvent ce = (MChangeEvent) handle; ce.setChangeExpression((MBooleanExpression) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle, value); } /** * Sets the time-expression for a TimeEvent. * @param handle Object (MTimeEvent) * @param value Object (MTimeExpression) */ public static void setWhen(Object handle, Object value) { if (handle instanceof MTimeEvent && (value == null || value instanceof MTimeExpression)) { ((MTimeEvent) handle).setWhen((MTimeExpression) value); return; } illegalArgument(handle, value); } /** * Set the extension of a usecase * @param handle Extend * @param ext UseCase or null */ public static void setExtension(Object handle, Object ext) { checkExists(handle); checkExists(ext); if (handle instanceof MExtend && (ext == null || ext instanceof MUseCase)) { ((MExtend) handle).setExtension((MUseCase) ext); return; } illegalArgument(handle, ext); } /** * Sets the extension points of some use cases. * * @param handle the use case * @param extensionPoints is the extension points */ public static void setExtensionPoints( Object handle, Collection extensionPoints) { if (handle instanceof MUseCase && extensionPoints instanceof List) { ((MUseCase) handle).setExtensionPoints(extensionPoints); return; } illegalArgument(handle, extensionPoints); } /** * Sets the features of some model element. * * @param handle the model element to set features to * @param features the list of features */ public static void setFeatures(Object handle, Collection features) { if (handle instanceof MClassifier && features instanceof List) { ((MClassifier) handle).setFeatures((List) features); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the aggregation of some model element. * * @param handle the model element to set aggregation * @param aggregationKind the aggregation kind */ public static void setAggregation(Object handle, Object aggregationKind) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd && aggregationKind instanceof MAggregationKind) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle).setAggregation( (MAggregationKind) aggregationKind); return; } illegalArgument(handle, aggregationKind); } /** * Sets the association of some model element. * * @param handle the model element to set association * @param association is the association */ public static void setAssociation(Object handle, Object association) { if (association instanceof MAssociation) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle).setAssociation( (MAssociation) association); return; } if (handle instanceof MLink) { ((MLink) handle).setAssociation((MAssociation) association); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, association); } /**Set the Changeability of a StructuralFeature or AssociationEnd * @param handle StructuralFeature or AssociationEnd * @param ck ChangeableKind */ public static void setChangeability(Object handle, Object ck) { if (ck == null || ck instanceof MChangeableKind) { MChangeableKind changeableKind = (MChangeableKind) ck; if (handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { ((MStructuralFeature) handle).setChangeability(changeableKind); return; } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle).setChangeability(changeableKind); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, ck); } /** * Set the changeability of some feature. * * @param handle is the feature * @param flag is the changeability flag */ public static void setChangeable(Object handle, boolean flag) { // TODO: the implementation is ugly, because I have no spec // at hand... if (handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { if (flag) { ((MStructuralFeature) handle).setChangeability( MChangeableKind.CHANGEABLE); return; } else { ((MStructuralFeature) handle).setChangeability( MChangeableKind.FROZEN); return; } } else if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { MAssociationEnd ae = (MAssociationEnd) handle; if (flag) ae.setChangeability(MChangeableKind.CHANGEABLE); else ae.setChangeability(MChangeableKind.FROZEN); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /**Set the child for a generalization * @param handle Generalization * @param child GeneralizableElement */ public static void setChild(Object handle, Object child) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralization) { ((MGeneralization) handle).setChild((MGeneralizableElement) child); return; } illegalArgument(handle, child); } /** * Sets if of some model element is abstract. * * @param handle is the classifier * @param flag is true if it should be abstract */ public static void setAbstract(Object handle, boolean flag) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { ((MGeneralizableElement) handle).setAbstract(flag); return; } if (handle instanceof MOperation) { ((MOperation) handle).setAbstract(flag); return; } if (handle instanceof MReception) { ((MReception) handle).setAbstarct(flag); } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the addition to an include. * There is a bug in NSUML that reverses additions and bases for includes. * @param handle Include * @param useCase UseCase */ public static void setAddition(Object handle, Object useCase) { checkExists(handle); checkExists(useCase); if (handle instanceof MInclude) { ((MInclude) handle).setBase((MUseCase) useCase); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the action to a message * * @param handle is the message * @param action is the action */ public static void setAction(Object handle, Object action) { if (handle instanceof MMessage && (action == null || action instanceof MAction)) { ((MMessage) handle).setAction((MAction) action); return; } illegalArgument(handle, action); } /** * Set the Activator message of an message * @param handle Message * @param message Message */ public static void setActivator(Object handle, Object message) { if (handle instanceof MMessage && (message == null || message instanceof MMessage)) { ((MMessage) handle).setActivator((MMessage) message); return; } illegalArgument(handle, message); } /**Makes a Class active * @param handle Class * @param active boolean */ public static void setActive(Object handle, boolean active) { if (handle instanceof MClass) { ((MClass) handle).setActive(active); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the asynchronous property of an action. * * @param handle the action * @param value the value to alter the asynchronous property to */ public static void setAsynchronous(Object handle, boolean value) { if (handle instanceof MAction) { ((MAction) handle).setAsynchronous(value); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets if some model element is a leaf. * * @param handle model element * @param flag is true if it is a leaf. */ public static void setLeaf(Object handle, boolean flag) { if (handle instanceof MReception) { ((MReception) handle).setLeaf(flag); return; } if (handle instanceof MOperation) { ((MOperation) handle).setLeaf(flag); return; } if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { ((MGeneralizableElement) handle).setLeaf(flag); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the raised signals of some behavioural feature. * * @param handle the behavioural feature * @param raisedSignals the raised signals */ public static void setRaisedSignals( Object handle, Collection raisedSignals) { if (handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature) { ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).setRaisedSignals(raisedSignals); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the receiver of some model element. * @param handle model element * @param receiver the receiver */ public static void setReceiver(Object handle, Object receiver) { if (handle instanceof MMessage && receiver instanceof MClassifierRole) { ((MMessage) handle).setReceiver((MClassifierRole) receiver); return; } if (handle instanceof MStimulus && receiver instanceof MInstance) { ((MStimulus) handle).setReceiver((MInstance) receiver); return; } illegalArgument(handle, receiver); } /** * Set the recurrence of an Action * @param handle Action * @param expr IterationExpression */ public static void setRecurrence(Object handle, Object expr) { if (handle instanceof MAction && expr instanceof MIterationExpression) { ((MAction) handle).setRecurrence((MIterationExpression) expr); return; } illegalArgument(handle, expr); } /** * Sets the represented classifier of some collaboration * * @param handle the collaboration * @param classifier is the classifier */ public static void setRepresentedClassifier( Object handle, Object classifier) { if (handle instanceof MCollaboration && classifier instanceof MClassifier) { ((MCollaboration) handle).setRepresentedClassifier( (MClassifier) classifier); return; } illegalArgument(handle, classifier); } /** * Sets the represented operation of some collaboration * * @param handle the collaboration * @param operation is the operation */ public static void setRepresentedOperation( Object handle, Object operation) { if (handle instanceof MCollaboration && operation instanceof MOperation) { ((MCollaboration) handle).setRepresentedOperation( (MOperation) operation); return; } illegalArgument(handle, operation); } /** * * @param handle ElementResidence * @param resident ModelElement or null */ public static void setResident(Object handle, Object resident) { if (handle instanceof MElementResidence && (resident == null || resident instanceof MModelElement)) { ((MElementResidence) handle).setResident((MModelElement) resident); return; } illegalArgument(handle, resident); } /** * Sets the residents of some model element. * * @param handle the model element * @param residents collection */ public static void setResidents(Object handle, Collection residents) { if (handle instanceof MNodeInstance) { ((MNodeInstance) handle).setResidents(residents); return; } if (handle instanceof MComponentInstance) { ((MComponentInstance) handle).setResidents(residents); return; } if (handle instanceof MNode) { ((MNode) handle).setResidents(residents); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets if some model element is a root. * * @param handle model element * @param flag is true if it is a root */ public static void setRoot(Object handle, boolean flag) { if (handle instanceof MReception) { ((MReception) handle).setRoot(flag); return; } if (handle instanceof MOperation) { ((MOperation) handle).setRoot(flag); return; } if (handle instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { ((MGeneralizableElement) handle).setRoot(flag); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the Expression (script) for an Action * @param handle Action * @param expr the script (ActionExpression) */ public static void setScript(Object handle, Object expr) { if (handle instanceof MAction && (expr == null || expr instanceof MActionExpression)) { ((MAction) handle).setScript((MActionExpression) expr); return; } illegalArgument(handle, expr); } /** * Sets the sender of some model element.

* * @param handle model element * @param sender the sender */ public static void setSender(Object handle, Object sender) { if (handle instanceof MMessage && sender instanceof MClassifierRole) { ((MMessage) handle).setSender((MClassifierRole) sender); return; } if (handle instanceof MStimulus && sender instanceof MInstance) { ((MStimulus) handle).setSender((MInstance) sender); return; } illegalArgument(handle, sender); } /** * Set the Signal * @param handle SendAction or Reception or SignalEvent * @param signal Signal or null */ public static void setSignal(Object handle, Object signal) { if (signal == null || signal instanceof MSignal) { if (handle instanceof MSendAction) { ((MSendAction) handle).setSignal((MSignal) signal); return; } if (handle instanceof MReception) { ((MReception) handle).setSignal((MSignal) signal); return; } if (handle instanceof MSignalEvent) { ((MSignalEvent) handle).setSignal((MSignal) signal); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, signal); } /** * Sets the source state of some message. * * @param handle the message * @param state the source state */ public static void setSource(Object handle, Object state) { if (handle instanceof MTransition && state instanceof MStateVertex) { ((MTransition) handle).setSource((MStateVertex) state); return; } illegalArgument(handle, state); } /** * @param handle Flow * @param specifications the collection of ModelEvents (sourceFlow) */ public static void setSources(Object handle, Collection specifications) { if (handle instanceof MFlow) { ((MFlow) handle).setSources(specifications); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * * @param handle a reception * @param specification the specification */ public static void setSpecification(Object handle, String specification) { if (handle instanceof MReception) { ((MReception) handle).setSpecification(specification); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the Specification flag for a ModelElement * @param handle ModelElement * @param specification boolean */ public static void setSpecification(Object handle, boolean specification) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { ((MModelElement) handle).setSpecification(specification); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the specifications of some association end. * * @param handle the association end * @param specifications collection */ public static void setSpecifications( Object handle, Collection specifications) { if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle).setSpecifications(specifications); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set some parameters kind. * * @param handle is the parameter * @param kind is the directionkind */ public static void setKind(Object handle, Object kind) { if (handle instanceof MParameter && kind instanceof MParameterDirectionKind) { ((MParameter) handle).setKind((MParameterDirectionKind) kind); return; } if (handle instanceof MPseudostate && kind instanceof MPseudostateKind) { ((MPseudostate) handle).setKind((MPseudostateKind) kind); return; } illegalArgument(handle, kind); } /** * Set some parameters kind to 'in'. * * @param handle is the parameter */ public static void setKindToIn(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MParameter) { ((MParameter) handle).setKind(MParameterDirectionKind.IN); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set some parameters kind to 'in/out'. * * @param handle is the parameter */ public static void setKindToInOut(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MParameter) { ((MParameter) handle).setKind(MParameterDirectionKind.INOUT); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set some parameters kind to 'out'. * * @param handle is the parameter */ public static void setKindToOut(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MParameter) { ((MParameter) handle).setKind(MParameterDirectionKind.OUT); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set some parameters kind to 'return'. * * @param handle is the parameter */ public static void setKindToReturn(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MParameter) { ((MParameter) handle).setKind(MParameterDirectionKind.RETURN); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the parent of a generalization. * * @param handle generalization * @param parent generalizable element (parent) */ public static void setParent(Object handle, Object parent) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralization && parent instanceof MGeneralizableElement) { ((MGeneralization) handle).setParent( (MGeneralizableElement) parent); return; } illegalArgument(handle, parent); } /** * @param handle Generalization * @param pt Classifier */ public static void setPowertype(Object handle, Object pt) { if (handle instanceof MGeneralization && pt instanceof MClassifier) { ((MGeneralization) handle).setPowertype((MClassifier) pt); return; } illegalArgument(handle, pt); } /** * Set the collection of predecessing messages * @param handle Message * @param predecessors Collection of Messages */ public static void setPredecessors( Object handle, Collection predecessors) { if (handle instanceof MMessage) { ((MMessage) handle).setPredecessors(predecessors); return; } illegalArgument(handle, predecessors); } /** * Sets the query flag of a behavioral feature. * * @param handle is the behavioral feature * @param flag is the query flag */ public static void setQuery(Object handle, boolean flag) { if (handle instanceof MBehavioralFeature) { ((MBehavioralFeature) handle).setQuery(flag); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets the type of some parameter. * * @param handle is the model element * @param type is the type (a classifier) */ public static void setType(Object handle, Object type) { if (type == null || type instanceof MClassifier) { if (handle instanceof MObjectFlowState) { ((MObjectFlowState) handle).setType((MClassifier) type); return; } if (handle instanceof MClassifierInState) { ((MClassifierInState) handle).setType((MClassifier) type); return; } if (handle instanceof MParameter) { ((MParameter) handle).setType((MClassifier) type); return; } if (handle instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociationEnd) handle).setType((MClassifier) type); return; } if (handle instanceof MStructuralFeature) { ((MStructuralFeature) handle).setType((MClassifier) type); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, type); } /** * Set the UUID of this element * * @param handle base element (MBase type) * @param uuid is the UUID */ public static void setUUID(Object handle, String uuid) { if (isABase(handle)) { ((MBase) handle).setUUID(uuid); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the Tag of a TaggedValue * @param handle TaggedValue * @param tag String */ public static void setTag(Object handle, Object tag) { if (handle instanceof MTaggedValue && tag instanceof String) { ((MTaggedValue) handle).setTag((String) tag); return; } illegalArgument(handle, tag); } /** * Sets a tagged value of some modelelement. * * @param handle is the model element * @param tag is the tag name (a string) * @param value is the value */ public static void setTaggedValue( Object handle, String tag, String value) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { ((MModelElement) handle).setTaggedValue(tag, value); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Set the TaggedValues of a ModelElement * @param handle ModelElement * @param taggedValues Collection of TaggedValues */ public static void setTaggedValues( Object handle, Collection taggedValues) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { ((MModelElement) handle).setTaggedValues(taggedValues); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets a value of some taggedValue. * * @param handle is the tagged value * @param value is the value */ public static void setValueOfTag(Object handle, String value) { if (handle instanceof MTaggedValue) { ((MTaggedValue) handle).setValue(value); return; } illegalArgument(handle); } /** * Sets a state machine of some state or transition. * * @param handle is the state or transition * @param stm is the state machine */ public static void setStateMachine(Object handle, Object stm) { if (handle instanceof MState && (stm == null || stm instanceof MStateMachine)) { ((MState) handle).setStateMachine((MStateMachine) stm); return; } if (handle instanceof MTransition && (stm == null || stm instanceof MStateMachine)) { ((MTransition) handle).setStateMachine((MStateMachine) stm); return; } illegalArgument(handle, stm); } /** * Sets the stereotype of some modelelement. The method also * copies a stereotype that is not a part of the current model to * the current model.

* *

TODO: Currently does not copy the stereotype, but changes the * namespace to the new model (kidnapping it). That might possibly be * dangerous, especially if more complex profile models are developed. * This documentation should say what is supposed to be done. I think * it would have been better if the caller had been responsible for the * stereotype being in the right model and been adviced of * eg ModelManagementHelper.getCorrespondingElement(...). Or if that had * been used here. This function could possibly assert that the caller had * got it right. * * @param handle model element * @param stereo stereotype */ public static void setStereotype(Object handle, Object stereo) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement) { MModelElement me = (MModelElement) handle; if (stereo instanceof MStereotype && me.getModel() != ((MStereotype) stereo).getModel()) { ((MStereotype) stereo).setNamespace(me.getModel()); } if (stereo == null || stereo instanceof MStereotype) { me.setStereotype((MStereotype) stereo); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, stereo); } /** * Set the collection of substates for a CompositeState * @param handle CompositeState * @param subvertices collection of sub-StateVertexes */ public static void setSubvertices(Object handle, Collection subvertices) { if (handle instanceof MCompositeState) { ((MCompositeState) handle).setSubvertices(subvertices); return; } illegalArgument(handle, subvertices); } /** Add an End to a connection * @param handle Association or Link * @param connection AssociationEnd or LinkEnd */ public static void addConnection(Object handle, Object connection) { if (handle instanceof MAssociation && connection instanceof MAssociationEnd) { ((MAssociation) handle).addConnection((MAssociationEnd) connection); return; } if (handle instanceof MLink && connection instanceof MLinkEnd) { ((MLink) handle).addConnection((MLinkEnd) connection); return; } illegalArgument(handle, connection); } /** * Adds a constraint to some model element. * * @param handle model element * @param mc constraint */ public static void addConstraint(Object handle, Object mc) { if (handle instanceof MModelElement && mc instanceof MConstraint) { ((MModelElement) handle).addConstraint((MConstraint) mc); return; } illegalArgument(handle, mc); } /** * @param handle Component * @param node Node */ public static void addDeploymentLocation(Object handle, Object node) { if (handle instanceof MComponent && node instanceof MNode) { ((MComponent) handle).addDeploymentLocation((MNode) node); return; } illegalArgument(handle, node); } /** * Add an extended element to a stereotype * @param handle Stereotype * @param extendedElement ExtensionPoint */ public static void addExtendedElement( Object handle, Object extendedElement) { if (handle instanceof MStereotype && extendedElement instanceof MExtensionPoint) { ((MStereotype) handle).addExtendedElement( (MModelElement) extendedElement); return; } illegalArgument(handle, extendedElement); } /** * Adds an extension point to some model element. * * @param handle is the model element * @param extensionPoint is the extension point */ public static void addExtensionPoint( Object handle, Object extensionPoint) { if (extensionPoint instanceof MExtensionPoint) { if (handle instanceof MUseCase) { ((MUseCase) handle).addExtensionPoint( (MExtensionPoint) extensionPoint); return; } if (handle instanceof MExtend) { ((MExtend) handle).addExtensionPoint( (MExtensionPoint) extensionPoint); return; } } illegalArgument(handle, extensionPoint); } /** * Returns the name of the UML Model class, e.g. it it will return * Class for an object of type MClass. * * @param handle MBase * @return classname of modelelement */ public static String getUMLClassName(Object handle) { if (handle instanceof MBase) { return ((MBase) handle).getUMLClassName(); } return illegalArgumentString(handle); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convenience methods /** * Tests if an element is marked removed. * *

Model specific: NSUML is littered with calls to a function also * named checkExists. That function is however a NOP (it is empty in * MBaseImpl, and it is final so it cannot be overridden anywhere). * * @param obj the element to test. * @throws IllegalStateException iff obj is marked removed. */ private static void checkExists(Object obj) { if ((obj instanceof MBase) && ((MBase) obj).isRemoved()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Operation on a removed object [" + obj + "]"); } } /** * The empty set. * * @return an empty collection. */ private static Collection emptyCollection() { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } /** * Get a string representation of the class type. * Purpose: documenting an exception * @param handle the Class or null * @return String */ protected static String getClassNull(Object handle) { if (handle == null) { return "[null]"; } else { return "[" + handle + "/" + handle.getClass() + "]"; } } /** * Method that throws an error when a ModelFacade method is called with * an incorrect argument. * * @param arg is the incorrect argument. */ private static void illegalArgument(Object arg) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized object " + getClassNull(arg)); } /** * Method that throws an error when a ModelFacade method is called with * an incorrect argument.

* * @param arg is the incorrect argument. * @return a boolean for use in the return statement. */ private static boolean illegalArgumentBoolean(Object arg) { illegalArgument(arg); return false; } /** * Method that throws an error when a ModelFacade method is called with * an incorrect argument.

* * @param arg is the incorrect argument. * @return Object for use in the return statement. */ private static Object illegalArgumentObject(Object arg) { illegalArgument(arg); return null; } /** * Method that throws an error when a ModelFacade method is called with * an incorrect argument.

* * @param arg is the incorrect argument. * @return Collection for use in the return statement. */ private static Collection illegalArgumentCollection(Object arg) { illegalArgument(arg); return null; } /** * Method that throws an error when a ModelFacade method is called with * an incorrect argument.

* * @param arg is the incorrect argument. * @return String for use in the return statement. */ private static String illegalArgumentString(Object arg) { illegalArgument(arg); return null; } /** * Method that throws an error when a ModelFacade method is called * with an incorrect argument. At least one of the arguments given * is incorrect.

* * @param arg1 is one of the argument, possibly incorrect. * @param arg2 is one of the argument, possibly incorrect. */ private static Object illegalArgument(Object arg1, Object arg2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized object " + getClassNull(arg1) + " or " + getClassNull(arg2)); } /** * Method that throws an error when a ModelFacade method is called * with an incorrect argument. At least one of the arguments given * is incorrect.

* * @param arg1 is one of the argument, possibly incorrect. * @param arg2 is one of the argument, possibly incorrect. * @return Object for use in the return statement. */ private static Object illegalArgumentObject(Object arg1, Object arg2) { illegalArgument(arg1, arg2); return null; } }

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