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Java example source code file (metadata.clj)

This example Java source code file (metadata.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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can, clj-850, clj-852, currently, eclipse, hickey, like, not, otherwise, seems, string, tbd, this

The metadata.clj Java example source code

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

; Authors: Stuart Halloway, Frantisek Sodomka

(ns clojure.test-clojure.metadata
  (:use clojure.test
        [clojure.test-helper :only (eval-in-temp-ns)])
  (:require [clojure.set :as set]))

(def public-namespaces

(doseq [ns public-namespaces]
  (require ns))

(def public-vars
  (mapcat #(vals (ns-publics %)) public-namespaces))

(def public-vars-with-docstrings
  (filter (comp :doc meta) public-vars))

(def public-vars-with-docstrings-not-generated
  (remove #(re-find #"^->[A-Z]" (name (.sym %))) public-vars-with-docstrings))

(deftest public-vars-with-docstrings-have-added
  (is (= [] (remove (comp :added meta) public-vars-with-docstrings-not-generated))))

(deftest interaction-of-def-with-metadata
  (testing "initial def sets metadata"
    (let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
             (def ^{:a 1} foo 0)
      (is (= 1 (-> v meta :a)))))
  #_(testing "subsequent declare doesn't overwrite metadata"
    (let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
             (def ^{:b 2} bar 0)
             (declare bar)
      (is (= 2 (-> v meta :b))))
    (testing "when compiled"
      (let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
               (def ^{:c 3} bar 0)
               (defn declare-bar []
                 (declare bar))
        (is (= 3 (-> v meta :c))))))
  (testing "subsequent def with init-expr *does* overwrite metadata"
    (let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
             (def ^{:d 4} quux 0)
             (def quux 1)
      (is (nil? (-> v meta :d))))
    (testing "when compiled"
      (let [v (eval-in-temp-ns
               (def ^{:e 5} quux 0)
               (defn def-quux []
                 (def quux 1))
        (is (nil? (-> v meta :e))))))
  (testing "IllegalArgumentException should not be thrown"
    (testing "when defining var whose value is calculated with a primitive fn."
      (testing "This case fails without a fix for CLJ-852"
        (is (eval-in-temp-ns
             (defn foo ^long [^long x] x)
             (def x (inc (foo 10))))))
      (testing "This case should pass even without a fix for CLJ-852"
        (is (eval-in-temp-ns
             (defn foo ^long [^long x] x)
             (def x (foo (inc 10)))))))))
 (deftest fns-preserve-metadata-on-maps
   (let [xm {:a 1 :b -7}
         x (with-meta {:foo 1 :bar 2} xm)
         ym {:c "foo"}
         y (with-meta {:baz 4 :guh x} ym)]
     (is (= xm (meta (:guh y))))
     (is (= xm (meta (reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (inc %2)) x (range 1000)))))
     (is (= xm (meta (-> x (dissoc :foo) (dissoc :bar)))))
     (let [z (assoc-in y [:guh :la] 18)]
       (is (= ym (meta z)))
       (is (= xm (meta (:guh z)))))
     (let [z (update-in y [:guh :bar] inc)]
       (is (= ym (meta z)))
       (is (= xm (meta (:guh z)))))
     (is (= xm (meta (get-in y [:guh]))))
     (is (= xm (meta (into x y))))
     (is (= ym (meta (into y x))))
     (is (= xm (meta (merge x y))))
     (is (= ym (meta (merge y x))))
     (is (= xm (meta (merge-with + x y))))
     (is (= ym (meta (merge-with + y x))))
     (is (= xm (meta (select-keys x [:bar]))))
     (is (= xm (meta (set/rename-keys x {:foo :new-foo}))))
     ;; replace returns a seq when given a set.  Can seqs have
     ;; metadata?
     ;; TBD: rseq, subseq, and rsubseq returns seqs.  If it is even
     ;; possible to put metadata on a seq, does it make sense that the
     ;; seqs returned by these functions should have the same metadata
     ;; as the sorted collection on which they are called?
 (deftest fns-preserve-metadata-on-vectors
   (let [xm {:a 1 :b -7}
         x (with-meta [1 2 3] xm)
         ym {:c "foo"}
         y (with-meta [4 x 6] ym)]
     (is (= xm (meta (y 1))))
     (is (= xm (meta (assoc x 1 "one"))))
     (is (= xm (meta (reduce #(conj %1 %2) x (range 1000)))))
     (is (= xm (meta (pop (pop (pop x))))))
     (let [z (assoc-in y [1 2] 18)]
       (is (= ym (meta z)))
       (is (= xm (meta (z 1)))))
     (let [z (update-in y [1 2] inc)]
       (is (= ym (meta z)))
       (is (= xm (meta (z 1)))))
     (is (= xm (meta (get-in y [1]))))
     (is (= xm (meta (into x y))))
     (is (= ym (meta (into y x))))
     (is (= xm (meta (replace {2 "two"} x))))
     (is (= [1 "two" 3] (replace {2 "two"} x)))
     ;; TBD: Currently subvec drops metadata.  Should it preserve it?
     ;;(is (= xm (meta (subvec x 2 3))))
     ;; TBD: rseq returns a seq.  If it is even possible to put
     ;; metadata on a seq, does it make sense that the seqs returned by
     ;; these functions should have the same metadata as the sorted
     ;; collection on which they are called?
 (deftest fns-preserve-metadata-on-sets
   ;; TBD: Do tests independently for set, hash-set, and sorted-set,
   ;; perhaps with a loop here.
   (let [xm {:a 1 :b -7}
         x (with-meta #{1 2 3} xm)
         ym {:c "foo"}
         y (with-meta #{4 x 6} ym)]
     (is (= xm (meta (y #{3 2 1}))))
     (is (= xm (meta (reduce #(conj %1 %2) x (range 1000)))))
     (is (= xm (meta (-> x (disj 1) (disj 2) (disj 3)))))
     (is (= xm (meta (into x y))))
     (is (= ym (meta (into y x))))
     (is (= xm (meta (set/select even? x))))
     (let [cow1m {:what "betsy cow"}
           cow1 (with-meta {:name "betsy" :id 33} cow1m)
           cow2m {:what "panda cow"}
           cow2 (with-meta {:name "panda" :id 34} cow2m)
           cowsm {:what "all the cows"}
           cows (with-meta #{cow1 cow2} cowsm)
           cow-names (set/project cows [:name])
           renamed (set/rename cows {:id :number})]
       (is (= cowsm (meta cow-names)))
       (is (= cow1m (meta (first (filter #(= "betsy" (:name %)) cow-names)))))
       (is (= cow2m (meta (first (filter #(= "panda" (:name %)) cow-names)))))
       (is (= cowsm (meta renamed)))
       (is (= cow1m (meta (first (filter #(= "betsy" (:name %)) renamed)))))
       (is (= cow2m (meta (first (filter #(= "panda" (:name %)) renamed))))))
     ;; replace returns a seq when given a set.  Can seqs have
     ;; metadata?
     ;; union: Currently returns the metadata of the largest input set.
     ;; This is an artifact of union's current implementation.  I doubt
     ;; any explicit design decision was made to do so.  Like join,
     ;; there doesn't seem to be much reason to prefer the metadata of
     ;; one input set over another, if at least two input sets are
     ;; given, but perhaps defining it to always return a set with the
     ;; metadata of the first input set would be reasonable?
     ;; intersection: Returns metadata of the smallest input set.
     ;; Otherwise similar to union.
     ;; difference: Seems to always return a set with metadata of first
     ;; input set.  Seems reasonable.  Not sure we want to add a test
     ;; for it, if it is an accident of the current implementation.
     ;; join, index, map-invert: Currently always returns a value with
     ;; no metadata.  This seems reasonable.

(deftest defn-primitive-args
  (testing "Hinting the arg vector of a primitive-taking fn with a non-primitive type should not result in AbstractMethodError when invoked."
    (testing "CLJ-850 is fixed when this case passes."
      (is (= "foo"
              (defn f ^String [^String s ^long i] s)
              (f "foo" 1)))))
    (testing "These cases should pass, even without a fix for CLJ-850."
      (is (= "foo"
              (defn f ^String [^String s] s)
              (f "foo"))))
      (is (= 1
              (defn f ^long [^String s ^long i] i)
              (f "foo" 1))))
      (is (= 1
              (defn f ^long [^long i] i)
              (f 1)))))))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

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