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Java example source code file (numbers.clj)

This example Java source code file (numbers.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

arithmeticexception, boxed, byte/max_value, delta, double/max_value, double/nan, float, float/max_value, illegalargumentexception, integer/max_value, long/max_value, long/min_value, short/max_value, test

The numbers.clj Java example source code

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

; Author: Stephen C. Gilardi
;;  scgilardi (gmail)
;;  Created 30 October 2008

(ns clojure.test-clojure.numbers
  (:use clojure.test
        [clojure.test.generative :exclude (is)]
  (:require [ :as gen]
            [clojure.test-helper :as helper]))

; ==
; and more...

;; *** Types ***

(deftest Coerced-BigDecimal
  (doseq [v [(bigdec 3) (bigdec (inc (bigint Long/MAX_VALUE)))]]
    (are [x] (true? x)
     (instance? BigDecimal v)
     (number? v)
     (decimal? v)
     (not (float? v)))))

(deftest BigInteger-conversions
  (doseq [coerce-fn [bigint biginteger]]
    (doseq [v (map coerce-fn [ Long/MAX_VALUE
                              (- Float/MAX_VALUE)
                              (- Double/MAX_VALUE)
                              (* 2 (bigdec Double/MAX_VALUE)) ])]
      (are [x] (true? x)
        (integer? v)
        (number? v)
        (not (decimal? v))
        (not (float? v))))))

(defn all-pairs-equal [equal-var vals]
  (doseq [val1 vals]
    (doseq [val2 vals]
      (is (equal-var val1 val2)
          (str "Test that " val1 " (" (class val1) ") "
               equal-var " " val2 " (" (class val2) ")")))))

(defn all-pairs-hash-consistent-with-= [vals]
  (doseq [val1 vals]
    (doseq [val2 vals]
      (when (= val1 val2)
        (is (= (hash val1) (hash val2))
            (str "Test that (hash " val1 ") (" (class val1) ") "
                 " = (hash " val2 ") (" (class val2) ")"))))))

(deftest equality-tests
  ;; = only returns true for numbers that are in the same category,
  ;; where category is one of INTEGER, FLOATING, DECIMAL, RATIO.
  (all-pairs-equal #'= [(byte 2) (short 2) (int 2) (long 2)
                        (bigint 2) (biginteger 2)])
  (all-pairs-equal #'= [(float 2.0) (double 2.0)])
  (all-pairs-equal #'= [2.0M 2.00M])
  (all-pairs-equal #'= [(float 1.5) (double 1.5)])
  (all-pairs-equal #'= [1.50M 1.500M])
  (all-pairs-equal #'= [0.0M 0.00M])
  (all-pairs-equal #'= [(/ 1 2) (/ 2 4)])

  ;; No BigIntegers or floats in following tests, because hash
  ;; consistency with = for them is out of scope for Clojure
  ;; (CLJ-1036).
  (all-pairs-hash-consistent-with-= [(byte 2) (short 2) (int 2) (long 2)
                                     (bigint 2)
                                     (double 2.0) 2.0M 2.00M])
  (all-pairs-hash-consistent-with-= [(/ 3 2) (double 1.5) 1.50M 1.500M])
  (all-pairs-hash-consistent-with-= [(double 0.0) 0.0M 0.00M])

  ;; == tests for numerical equality, returning true even for numbers
  ;; in different categories.
  (all-pairs-equal #'== [(byte 0) (short 0) (int 0) (long 0)
                         (bigint 0) (biginteger 0)
                         (float 0.0) (double 0.0) 0.0M 0.00M])
  (all-pairs-equal #'== [(byte 2) (short 2) (int 2) (long 2)
                         (bigint 2) (biginteger 2)
                         (float 2.0) (double 2.0) 2.0M 2.00M])
  (all-pairs-equal #'== [(/ 3 2) (float 1.5) (double 1.5) 1.50M 1.500M]))

(deftest unchecked-cast-num-obj
  (do-template [prim-array cast]
    (are [n]
      (let [a (prim-array 1)]
        (aset a 0 (cast n)))
      (Byte. Byte/MAX_VALUE)
      (Short. Short/MAX_VALUE)
      (Integer. Integer/MAX_VALUE)
      (Long. Long/MAX_VALUE)
      (Float. Float/MAX_VALUE)
      (Double. Double/MAX_VALUE))

(deftest unchecked-cast-num-prim
  (do-template [prim-array cast]
    (are [n]
      (let [a (prim-array 1)]
        (aset a 0 (cast n)))

(deftest unchecked-cast-char
  ; in keeping with the checked cast functions, char and Character can only be cast to int
  (is (unchecked-int (char 0xFFFF)))
  (is (let [c (char 0xFFFF)] (unchecked-int c)))) ; force primitive char

(def expected-casts
   [:input           [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  Short/MAX_VALUE  Integer/MAX_VALUE  Long/MAX_VALUE         Float/MAX_VALUE    Double/MAX_VALUE]]
   [char             [:error        (char 0)    (char 1)    (char 127)      (char 32767)     :error             :error                 :error             :error]]
   [unchecked-char   [(char 65535)  (char 0)    (char 1)    (char 127)      (char 32767)     (char 65535)       (char 65535)           (char 65535)       (char 65535)]]
   [byte             [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  :error           :error             :error                 :error             :error]]
   [unchecked-byte   [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  -1               -1                 -1                     -1                 -1]]
   [short            [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  Short/MAX_VALUE  :error             :error                 :error             :error]]
   [unchecked-short  [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  Short/MAX_VALUE  -1                 -1                     -1                 -1]] 
   [int              [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  Short/MAX_VALUE  Integer/MAX_VALUE  :error                 :error             :error]]
   [unchecked-int    [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  Short/MAX_VALUE  Integer/MAX_VALUE  -1                     Integer/MAX_VALUE  Integer/MAX_VALUE]]
   [long             [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  Short/MAX_VALUE  Integer/MAX_VALUE  Long/MAX_VALUE         :error             :error]]
   [unchecked-long   [-1            0           1           Byte/MAX_VALUE  Short/MAX_VALUE  Integer/MAX_VALUE  Long/MAX_VALUE         Long/MAX_VALUE     Long/MAX_VALUE]]
                                                                                             ;; 2.14748365E9 if when float/double conversion is avoided...
   [float            [-1.0          0.0         1.0         127.0           32767.0          2.147483648E9      9.223372036854776E18   Float/MAX_VALUE    :error]]
   [unchecked-float  [-1.0          0.0         1.0         127.0           32767.0          2.147483648E9      9.223372036854776E18   Float/MAX_VALUE    Float/POSITIVE_INFINITY]]
   [double           [-1.0          0.0         1.0         127.0           32767.0          2.147483647E9      9.223372036854776E18   Float/MAX_VALUE    Double/MAX_VALUE]]
   [unchecked-double [-1.0          0.0         1.0         127.0           32767.0          2.147483647E9      9.223372036854776E18   Float/MAX_VALUE    Double/MAX_VALUE]]])

(deftest test-expected-casts
  (let [[[_ inputs] & expectations] expected-casts]
    (doseq [[f vals] expectations]
      (let [wrapped (fn [x]
                       (f x)
                       (catch IllegalArgumentException e :error)))]
        (is (= vals (map wrapped inputs)))))))

;; *** Functions ***

(defonce DELTA 1e-12)

(deftest test-add
  (are [x y] (= x y)
      (+) 0
      (+ 1) 1
      (+ 1 2) 3
      (+ 1 2 3) 6

      (+ -1) -1
      (+ -1 -2) -3
      (+ -1 +2 -3) -2

      (+ 1 -1) 0
      (+ -1 1) 0

      (+ 2/3) 2/3
      (+ 2/3 1) 5/3
      (+ 2/3 1/3) 1 )

  (are [x y] (< (- x y) DELTA)
      (+ 1.2) 1.2
      (+ 1.1 2.4) 3.5
      (+ 1.1 2.2 3.3) 6.6 )

  (is (> (+ Integer/MAX_VALUE 10) Integer/MAX_VALUE))  ; no overflow
  (is (thrown? ClassCastException (+ "ab" "cd"))) )    ; no string concatenation

(deftest test-subtract
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (-)))
  (are [x y] (= x y)
      (- 1) -1
      (- 1 2) -1
      (- 1 2 3) -4

      (- -2) 2
      (- 1 -2) 3
      (- 1 -2 -3) 6

      (- 1 1) 0
      (- -1 -1) 0

      (- 2/3) -2/3
      (- 2/3 1) -1/3
      (- 2/3 1/3) 1/3 )

  (are [x y] (< (- x y) DELTA)
      (- 1.2) -1.2
      (- 2.2 1.1) 1.1
      (- 6.6 2.2 1.1) 3.3 )

  (is (< (- Integer/MIN_VALUE 10) Integer/MIN_VALUE)) )  ; no underflow

(deftest test-multiply
  (are [x y] (= x y)
      (*) 1
      (* 2) 2
      (* 2 3) 6
      (* 2 3 4) 24

      (* -2) -2
      (* 2 -3) -6
      (* 2 -3 -1) 6

      (* 1/2) 1/2
      (* 1/2 1/3) 1/6
      (* 1/2 1/3 -1/4) -1/24 )

  (are [x y] (< (- x y) DELTA)
      (* 1.2) 1.2
      (* 2.0 1.2) 2.4
      (* 3.5 2.0 1.2) 8.4 )

  (is (> (* 3 (int (/ Integer/MAX_VALUE 2.0))) Integer/MAX_VALUE)) )  ; no overflow

(deftest test-multiply-longs-at-edge
  (are [x] (= x 9223372036854775808N)
       (*' -1 Long/MIN_VALUE)
       (*' Long/MIN_VALUE -1)
       (* -1N Long/MIN_VALUE)
       (* Long/MIN_VALUE -1N)
       (* -1 (bigint Long/MIN_VALUE))
       (* (bigint Long/MIN_VALUE) -1))
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (* Long/MIN_VALUE -1)))
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (* -1 Long/MIN_VALUE))))

(deftest test-ratios-simplify-to-ints-where-appropriate
  (testing "negative denominator (assembla #275)"
    (is (integer? (/ 1 -1/2)))
    (is (integer? (/ 0 -1/2)))))

(deftest test-divide
  (are [x y] (= x y)
      (/ 1) 1
      (/ 2) 1/2
      (/ 3 2) 3/2
      (/ 4 2) 2
      (/ 24 3 2) 4
      (/ 24 3 2 -1) -4

      (/ -1) -1
      (/ -2) -1/2
      (/ -3 -2) 3/2
      (/ -4 -2) 2
      (/ -4 2) -2 )

  (are [x y] (< (- x y) DELTA)
      (/ 4.5 3) 1.5
      (/ 4.5 3.0 3.0) 0.5 )

  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (/ 0)))
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (/ 2 0)))
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (/))) )

(deftest test-divide-bigint-at-edge
  (are [x] (= x (-' Long/MIN_VALUE))
       (/ Long/MIN_VALUE -1N)
       (/ (bigint Long/MIN_VALUE) -1)
       (/ (bigint Long/MIN_VALUE) -1N)
       (quot Long/MIN_VALUE -1N)
       (quot (bigint Long/MIN_VALUE) -1)
       (quot (bigint Long/MIN_VALUE) -1N)))

;; mod
;; is mod correct?
;; Issue 23: mod (modulo) operator

(deftest test-mod
  ; wrong number of args
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (mod)))
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (mod 1)))
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (mod 3 2 1)))

  ; divide by zero
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (mod 9 0)))
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (mod 0 0)))

  (are [x y] (= x y)
    (mod 4 2) 0
    (mod 3 2) 1
    (mod 6 4) 2
    (mod 0 5) 0

    (mod 2 1/2) 0
    (mod 2/3 1/2) 1/6
    (mod 1 2/3) 1/3

    (mod 4.0 2.0) 0.0
    (mod 4.5 2.0) 0.5

    ; |num| > |div|, num != k * div
    (mod 42 5) 2      ; (42 / 5) * 5 + (42 mod 5)        = 8 * 5 + 2        = 42
    (mod 42 -5) -3    ; (42 / -5) * (-5) + (42 mod -5)   = -9 * (-5) + (-3) = 42
    (mod -42 5) 3     ; (-42 / 5) * 5 + (-42 mod 5)      = -9 * 5 + 3       = -42
    (mod -42 -5) -2   ; (-42 / -5) * (-5) + (-42 mod -5) = 8 * (-5) + (-2)  = -42

    ; |num| > |div|, num = k * div
    (mod 9 3) 0       ; (9 / 3) * 3 + (9 mod 3) = 3 * 3 + 0 = 9
    (mod 9 -3) 0
    (mod -9 3) 0
    (mod -9 -3) 0

    ; |num| < |div|
    (mod 2 5) 2       ; (2 / 5) * 5 + (2 mod 5)        = 0 * 5 + 2          = 2
    (mod 2 -5) -3     ; (2 / -5) * (-5) + (2 mod -5)   = (-1) * (-5) + (-3) = 2
    (mod -2 5) 3      ; (-2 / 5) * 5 + (-2 mod 5)      = (-1) * 5 + 3       = -2
    (mod -2 -5) -2    ; (-2 / -5) * (-5) + (-2 mod -5) = 0 * (-5) + (-2)    = -2

    ; num = 0, div != 0
    (mod 0 3) 0       ; (0 / 3) * 3 + (0 mod 3) = 0 * 3 + 0 = 0
    (mod 0 -3) 0

    ; large args
    (mod 3216478362187432 432143214) 120355456

;; rem & quot

(deftest test-rem
  ; wrong number of args
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (rem)))
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (rem 1)))
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (rem 3 2 1)))

  ; divide by zero
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (rem 9 0)))
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (rem 0 0)))
  (are [x y] (= x y)
    (rem 4 2) 0
    (rem 3 2) 1
    (rem 6 4) 2
    (rem 0 5) 0

    (rem 2 1/2) 0
    (rem 2/3 1/2) 1/6
    (rem 1 2/3) 1/3

    (rem 4.0 2.0) 0.0
    (rem 4.5 2.0) 0.5

    ; |num| > |div|, num != k * div
    (rem 42 5) 2      ; (8 * 5) + 2 == 42
    (rem 42 -5) 2     ; (-8 * -5) + 2 == 42
    (rem -42 5) -2    ; (-8 * 5) + -2 == -42
    (rem -42 -5) -2   ; (8 * -5) + -2 == -42

    ; |num| > |div|, num = k * div
    (rem 9 3) 0
    (rem 9 -3) 0
    (rem -9 3) 0
    (rem -9 -3) 0

    ; |num| < |div|
    (rem 2 5) 2
    (rem 2 -5) 2
    (rem -2 5) -2
    (rem -2 -5) -2
    ; num = 0, div != 0
    (rem 0 3) 0
    (rem 0 -3) 0

(deftest test-quot
  ; wrong number of args
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (quot)))
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (quot 1)))
;  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (quot 3 2 1)))

  ; divide by zero
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (quot 9 0)))
  (is (thrown? ArithmeticException (quot 0 0)))
  (are [x y] (= x y)
    (quot 4 2) 2
    (quot 3 2) 1
    (quot 6 4) 1
    (quot 0 5) 0

    (quot 2 1/2) 4
    (quot 2/3 1/2) 1
    (quot 1 2/3) 1

    (quot 4.0 2.0) 2.0
    (quot 4.5 2.0) 2.0

    ; |num| > |div|, num != k * div
    (quot 42 5) 8     ; (8 * 5) + 2 == 42
    (quot 42 -5) -8   ; (-8 * -5) + 2 == 42
    (quot -42 5) -8   ; (-8 * 5) + -2 == -42
    (quot -42 -5) 8   ; (8 * -5) + -2 == -42

    ; |num| > |div|, num = k * div
    (quot 9 3) 3
    (quot 9 -3) -3
    (quot -9 3) -3
    (quot -9 -3) 3

    ; |num| < |div|
    (quot 2 5) 0
    (quot 2 -5) 0
    (quot -2 5) 0
    (quot -2 -5) 0

    ; num = 0, div != 0
    (quot 0 3) 0
    (quot 0 -3) 0

;; *** Predicates ***

;; pos? zero? neg?

(deftest test-pos?-zero?-neg?
  (let [nums [[(byte 2) (byte 0) (byte -2)]
              [(short 3) (short 0) (short -3)]
              [(int 4) (int 0) (int -4)]
              [(long 5) (long 0) (long -5)]
              [(bigint 6) (bigint 0) (bigint -6)]
              [(float 7) (float 0) (float -7)]
              [(double 8) (double 0) (double -8)]
              [(bigdec 9) (bigdec 0) (bigdec -9)]
              [2/3 0 -2/3]]
        pred-result [[pos?  [true false false]]
                     [zero? [false true false]]
                     [neg?  [false false true]]] ]
    (doseq [pr pred-result]
      (doseq [n nums]
        (is (= (map (first pr) n) (second pr))
          (pr-str (first pr) n))))))

;; even? odd?

(deftest test-even?
  (are [x] (true? x)
    (even? -4)
    (not (even? -3))
    (even? 0)
    (not (even? 5))
    (even? 8))
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (even? 1/2)))
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (even? (double 10)))))

(deftest test-odd?
  (are [x] (true? x)
    (not (odd? -4))
    (odd? -3)
    (not (odd? 0))
    (odd? 5)
    (not (odd? 8)))
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (odd? 1/2)))
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (odd? (double 10)))))

(defn- expt
  "clojure.contrib.math/expt is a better and much faster impl, but this works.
Math/pow overflows to Infinity."
  [x n] (apply *' (replicate n x)))

(deftest test-bit-shift-left
  (are [x y] (= x y)
       2r10 (bit-shift-left 2r1 1)
       2r100 (bit-shift-left 2r1 2)
       2r1000 (bit-shift-left 2r1 3)
       2r00101110 (bit-shift-left 2r00010111 1)
       2r00101110 (apply bit-shift-left [2r00010111 1])
       0 (bit-shift-left 2r10 -1) ; truncated to least 6-bits, 63
       (expt 2 32) (bit-shift-left 1 32)
       (expt 2 16) (bit-shift-left 1 10000) ; truncated to least 6-bits, 16
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (bit-shift-left 1N 1))))

(deftest test-bit-shift-right
  (are [x y] (= x y)
       2r0 (bit-shift-right 2r1 1)
       2r010 (bit-shift-right 2r100 1)
       2r001 (bit-shift-right 2r100 2)
       2r000 (bit-shift-right 2r100 3)
       2r0001011 (bit-shift-right 2r00010111 1)
       2r0001011 (apply bit-shift-right [2r00010111 1])
       0 (bit-shift-right 2r10 -1) ; truncated to least 6-bits, 63
       1 (bit-shift-right (expt 2 32) 32)
       1 (bit-shift-right (expt 2 16) 10000) ; truncated to least 6-bits, 16
       -1 (bit-shift-right -2r10 1)
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (bit-shift-right 1N 1))))

(deftest test-unsigned-bit-shift-right
  (are [x y] (= x y)
       2r0 (unsigned-bit-shift-right 2r1 1)
       2r010 (unsigned-bit-shift-right 2r100 1)
       2r001 (unsigned-bit-shift-right 2r100 2)
       2r000 (unsigned-bit-shift-right 2r100 3)
       2r0001011 (unsigned-bit-shift-right 2r00010111 1)
       2r0001011 (apply unsigned-bit-shift-right [2r00010111 1])
       0 (unsigned-bit-shift-right 2r10 -1) ; truncated to least 6-bits, 63
       1 (unsigned-bit-shift-right (expt 2 32) 32)
       1 (unsigned-bit-shift-right (expt 2 16) 10000) ; truncated to least 6-bits, 16
       9223372036854775807 (unsigned-bit-shift-right -2r10 1)
  (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (unsigned-bit-shift-right 1N 1))))

(deftest test-bit-clear
  (is (= 2r1101 (bit-clear 2r1111 1)))
  (is (= 2r1101 (bit-clear 2r1101 1))))

(deftest test-bit-set
  (is (= 2r1111 (bit-set 2r1111 1)))
  (is (= 2r1111 (bit-set 2r1101 1))))

(deftest test-bit-flip
  (is (= 2r1101 (bit-flip 2r1111 1)))
  (is (= 2r1111 (bit-flip 2r1101 1))))

(deftest test-bit-test
  (is (true? (bit-test 2r1111 1)))
  (is (false? (bit-test 2r1101 1))))

;; arrays
(deftest test-array-types
  (are [x y z] (= (Class/forName x) (class y) (class z))
       "[Z" (boolean-array 1) (booleans (boolean-array 1 true))
       "[B" (byte-array 1) (bytes (byte-array 1 (byte 1)))
       "[C" (char-array 1) (chars (char-array 1 \a))
       "[S" (short-array 1) (shorts (short-array 1 (short 1)))
       "[F" (float-array 1) (floats (float-array 1 1))
       "[D" (double-array 1) (doubles (double-array 1 1))
       "[I" (int-array 1) (ints (int-array 1 1))
       "[J" (long-array 1) (longs (long-array 1 1))))

(deftest test-ratios
  (is (== (denominator 1/2) 2))
  (is (== (numerator 1/2) 1))
  (is (= (bigint (/ 100000000000000000000 3)) 33333333333333333333))
  (is (= (long 10000000000000000000/3) 3333333333333333333)))

(deftest test-arbitrary-precision-subtract
  (are [x y] (= x y)
       9223372036854775808N (-' 0 -9223372036854775808)
       clojure.lang.BigInt  (class (-' 0 -9223372036854775808))
       java.lang.Long       (class (-' 0 -9223372036854775807))))

(deftest test-min-max
  (testing "min/max on different numbers of floats and doubles"
    (are [xmin xmax a]
         (and (= (Float. xmin) (min (Float. a)))
              (= (Float. xmax) (max (Float. a)))
              (= xmin (min a))
              (= xmax (max a)))
         0.0 0.0 0.0)
    (are [xmin xmax a b]
         (and (= (Float. xmin) (min (Float. a) (Float. b)))
              (= (Float. xmax) (max (Float. a) (Float. b)))
              (= xmin (min a b))
              (= xmax (max a b)))
         -1.0  0.0  0.0 -1.0
         -1.0  0.0 -1.0  0.0
         0.0  1.0  0.0  1.0
         0.0  1.0  1.0  0.0)
    (are [xmin xmax a b c]
         (and (= (Float. xmin) (min (Float. a) (Float. b) (Float. c)))
              (= (Float. xmax) (max (Float. a) (Float. b) (Float. c)))
              (= xmin (min a b c))
              (= xmax (max a b c)))
         -1.0  1.0  0.0  1.0 -1.0
         -1.0  1.0  0.0 -1.0  1.0
         -1.0  1.0 -1.0  1.0  0.0))
  (testing "min/max preserves type of winner"
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (max 10))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (max 1.0 10))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (max 10 1.0))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (max 10 1.0 2.0))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (max 1.0 10 2.0))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (max 1.0 2.0 10))))
    (is (= java.lang.Double (class (max 1 2 10.0 3 4 5))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (min 10))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (min 1.0 -10))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (min -10 1.0))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (min -10 1.0 2.0))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (min 1.0 -10 2.0))))
    (is (= java.lang.Long (class (min 1.0 2.0 -10))))
    (is (= java.lang.Double (class (min 1 2 -10.0 3 4 5))))))

(deftest clj-868
  (testing "min/max: NaN is contagious"
    (letfn [(fnan? [^Float x] (Float/isNaN x))
            (dnan? [^double x] (Double/isNaN x))]
      (are [minmax]
           (are [nan? nan zero]
                (every? nan? (map minmax
                                  [ nan zero zero]
                                  [zero  nan zero]
                                  [zero zero  nan]))
                fnan?  Float/NaN  (Float. 0.0)
                dnan? Double/NaN          0.0)

(defn integer
  "Distribution of integers biased towards the small, but
   including all longs."
  (gen/one-of #(gen/uniform -1 32) gen/byte gen/short gen/int gen/long))

(defn longable?
   (long n)
   (catch Exception _)))

(defspec integer-commutative-laws
  (partial map identity)
  [^{:tag `integer} a ^{:tag `integer} b]
  (if (longable? (+' a b))
    (assert (= (+ a b) (+ b a)
               (+' a b) (+' b a)
               (unchecked-add a b) (unchecked-add b a)))
    (assert (= (+' a b) (+' b a))))
  (if (longable? (*' a b))
    (assert (= (* a b) (* b a)
               (*' a b) (*' b a)
               (unchecked-multiply a b) (unchecked-multiply b a)))
    (assert (= (*' a b) (*' b a)))))

(defspec integer-associative-laws
  (partial map identity)
  [^{:tag `integer} a ^{:tag `integer} b ^{:tag `integer} c]
  (if (every? longable? [(+' a b) (+' b c) (+' a b c)])
    (assert (= (+ (+ a b) c) (+ a (+ b c))
               (+' (+' a b) c) (+' a (+' b c))
               (unchecked-add (unchecked-add a b) c) (unchecked-add a (unchecked-add b c))))
    (assert (= (+' (+' a b) c) (+' a (+' b c))
               (+ (+ (bigint a) b) c) (+ a (+ (bigint b) c)))))
  (if (every? longable? [(*' a b) (*' b c) (*' a b c)])
    (assert (= (* (* a b) c) (* a (* b c))
               (*' (*' a b) c) (*' a (*' b c))
               (unchecked-multiply (unchecked-multiply a b) c) (unchecked-multiply a (unchecked-multiply b c))))
    (assert (= (*' (*' a b) c) (*' a (*' b c))
               (* (* (bigint a) b) c) (* a (* (bigint b) c))))))

(defspec integer-distributive-laws
  (partial map identity)
  [^{:tag `integer} a ^{:tag `integer} b ^{:tag `integer} c]
  (if (every? longable? [(*' a (+' b c)) (+' (*' a b) (*' a c))
                         (*' a b) (*' a c) (+' b c)])
    (assert (= (* a (+ b c)) (+ (* a b) (* a c))
               (*' a (+' b c)) (+' (*' a b) (*' a c))
               (unchecked-multiply a (+' b c)) (+' (unchecked-multiply a b) (unchecked-multiply a c))))
    (assert (= (*' a (+' b c)) (+' (*' a b) (*' a c))
               (* a (+ (bigint b) c)) (+ (* (bigint a) b) (* (bigint a) c))))))

(defspec addition-undoes-subtraction
  (partial map identity)
  [^{:tag `integer} a ^{:tag `integer} b]
  (if (longable? (-' a b))
    (assert (= a
               (-> a (- b) (+ b))
               (-> a (unchecked-subtract b) (unchecked-add b)))))
  (assert (= a
             (-> a (-' b) (+' b)))))

(defspec quotient-and-remainder
  (fn [a b] (sort [a b]))
  [^{:tag `integer} a ^{:tag `integer} b]
  (when-not (zero? (second %))
    (let [[a d] %
          q (quot a d)
          r (rem a d)]
      (assert (= a
                 (+ (* q d) r)
                 (unchecked-add (unchecked-multiply q d) r))))))

(defmacro check-warn-on-box [warn? form]
  `(do (binding [*unchecked-math* :warn-on-boxed]
                (is (= ~warn?
                         (re-find #"^Boxed math warning"
                                    (helper/eval-in-temp-ns ~form)))))))
       (binding [*unchecked-math* true]
                (is (false?
                        (re-find #"^Boxed math warning"
                                   (helper/eval-in-temp-ns ~form)))))))
       (binding [*unchecked-math* false]
                (is (false?
                        (re-find #"^Boxed math warning"
                                   (helper/eval-in-temp-ns ~form)))))))))

(deftest warn-on-boxed
  (check-warn-on-box true (#(inc %) 2))
  (check-warn-on-box false (#(inc ^long %) 2))
  (check-warn-on-box false (long-array 5))
  (check-warn-on-box true (> (first (range 3)) 0))
  (check-warn-on-box false (> ^long (first (range 3)) 0)))

(deftest comparisons
  (let [small-numbers [1 1.0 (Integer. 1) (Float. 1.0) 9/10 1N 1M]
        big-numbers [10 10.0 (Integer. 10) (Float. 10.0) 99/10 10N 10N]]
    (doseq [small small-numbers big big-numbers]
      (is (< small big))
      (is (not (< big small)))
      (is (not (< small small)))
      (is (< (int small) (int big)))
      (is (not (< (int big) (int small))))
      (is (not (< (int small) (int small))))
      (is (< (double small) (double big)))
      (is (not (< (double big) (double small))))
      (is (not (< (double small) (double small))))
      (is (<= small big))
      (is (<= small small))
      (is (not (<= big small)))
      (is (<= (int small) (int big)))
      (is (<= (int small) (int small)))
      (is (not (<= (int big) (int small))))
      (is (<= (double small) (double big)))
      (is (<= (double small) (double small)))
      (is (not (<= (double big) (double small))))
      (is (> big small))
      (is (not (> small big)))
      (is (not (> small small)))
      (is (> (int big) (int small)))
      (is (not (> (int small) (int big))))
      (is (not (> (int small) (int small))))
      (is (> (double big) (double small)))
      (is (not (> (double small) (double big))))
      (is (not (> (double small) (double small))))
      (is (>= big small))
      (is (>= small small))
      (is (not (>= small big)))
      (is (>= (int big) (int small)))
      (is (>= (int small) (int small)))
      (is (not (>= (int small) (int big))))
      (is (>= (double big) (double small)))
      (is (>= (double small) (double small)))
      (is (not (>= (double small) (double big)))))))

(deftest test-nan-comparison
  (are [x y] (= x y)
       (< 1000 Double/NaN) (< 1000 (Double. Double/NaN))
       (<= 1000 Double/NaN) (<= 1000 (Double. Double/NaN))
       (> 1000 Double/NaN) (> 1000 (Double. Double/NaN))
       (>= 1000 Double/NaN) (>= 1000 (Double. Double/NaN))))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java numbers.clj source code file:

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