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Java example source code file (protocols.clj)

This example Java source code file (protocols.clj) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Java project at its project page.

Java - Java tags/keywords

defrecordobjectmethodswidgeta, elusive, exampleprotocol, exception, extendstestwidget, illegalargumentexception, recordtotestboolhint, recordtotestbytehint, recordtotestfactories, recordtotestliterals, recordtotestlonghint, string, testnode, typetotesthugefactories

The protocols.clj Java example source code

;   Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;   The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;   Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;   which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;   By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;   the terms of this license.
;   You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

; Author: Stuart Halloway

(ns clojure.test-clojure.protocols
  (:use clojure.test clojure.test-clojure.protocols.examples)
  (:require [clojure.test-clojure.protocols.more-examples :as other]
            [clojure.set :as set]
  (:import [clojure.test_clojure.protocols.examples ExampleInterface]))

;; temporary hack until I decide how to cleanly reload protocol
;; this no longer works
(defn reload-example-protocols
  (alter-var-root #'clojure.test-clojure.protocols.examples/ExampleProtocol
                  assoc :impls {})
  (alter-var-root #'clojure.test-clojure.protocols.more-examples/SimpleProtocol
                  assoc :impls {})
  (require :reload

(defn method-names
  "return sorted list of method names on a class"
  (->> (.getMethods c)
     (map #(.getName %))

(defrecord EmptyRecord [])
(defrecord TestRecord [a b])
(defn r
  ([a b] (TestRecord. a b))
  ([a b meta ext] (TestRecord. a b meta ext)))
(defrecord MapEntry [k v]
  (getKey [_] k)
  (getValue [_] v))

(deftest protocols-test
  (testing "protocol fns have useful metadata"
    (let [common-meta {:ns (find-ns 'clojure.test-clojure.protocols.examples)
                       :protocol #'ExampleProtocol}]
      (are [m f] (= (merge (quote m) common-meta)
                    (meta (var f)))
           {:name foo :arglists ([a]) :doc "method with one arg"} foo
           {:name bar :arglists ([a b]) :doc "method with two args"} bar
           {:name baz :arglists ([a] [a b]) :doc "method with multiple arities" :tag String} baz
           {:name with-quux :arglists ([a]) :doc "method name with a hyphen"} with-quux)))
  (testing "protocol fns throw IllegalArgumentException if no impl matches"
    (is (thrown-with-msg?
          #"No implementation of method: :foo of protocol: #'clojure.test-clojure.protocols.examples/ExampleProtocol found for class: java.lang.Long"
          (foo 10))))
  (testing "protocols generate a corresponding interface using _ instead of - for method names"
    (is (= ["bar" "baz" "baz" "foo" "with_quux"] (method-names clojure.test_clojure.protocols.examples.ExampleProtocol))))
  (testing "protocol will work with instances of its interface (use for interop, not in Clojure!)"
    (let [obj (proxy [clojure.test_clojure.protocols.examples.ExampleProtocol] []
                (foo [] "foo!"))]
      (is (= "foo!" (.foo obj)) "call through interface")
      (is (= "foo!" (foo obj)) "call through protocol")))
  (testing "you can implement just part of a protocol if you want"
    (let [obj (reify ExampleProtocol
                     (baz [a b] "two-arg baz!"))]
      (is (= "two-arg baz!" (baz obj nil)))
      (is (thrown? AbstractMethodError (baz obj)))))
  (testing "error conditions checked when defining protocols"
    (is (thrown-with-msg?
         #"Definition of function m in protocol badprotdef must take at least one arg."
         (eval '(defprotocol badprotdef (m [])))))
    (is (thrown-with-msg?
         #"Function m in protocol badprotdef was redefined. Specify all arities in single definition."
         (eval '(defprotocol badprotdef (m [this arg]) (m [this arg1 arg2]))))))
  (testing "you can redefine a protocol with different methods"
    (eval '(defprotocol Elusive (old-method [x])))
    (eval '(defprotocol Elusive (new-method [x])))
    (is (= :new-method (eval '(new-method (reify Elusive (new-method [x] :new-method))))))
    (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"No method of interface: .*\.Elusive found for function: old-method of protocol: Elusive \(The protocol method may have been defined before and removed\.\)"
          (eval '(old-method (reify Elusive (new-method [x] :new-method))))))))

(deftype HasMarkers []
  (foo [this] "foo")

(deftype WillGetMarker []
  (foo [this] "foo"))

(extend-type WillGetMarker MarkerProtocol)

(deftest marker-tests
  (testing "That a marker protocol has no methods"
    (is (= '() (method-names clojure.test_clojure.protocols.examples.MarkerProtocol))))
  (testing "That types with markers are reportedly satifying them."
    (let [hm (HasMarkers.)
          wgm (WillGetMarker.)]
      (is (satisfies? MarkerProtocol hm))
      (is (satisfies? MarkerProtocol2 hm))
      (is (satisfies? MarkerProtocol wgm)))))

(deftype ExtendTestWidget [name])
(deftype HasProtocolInline []
  (foo [this] :inline))
(deftest extend-test
  (testing "you can extend a protocol to a class"
    (extend String ExampleProtocol
            {:foo identity})
    (is (= "pow" (foo "pow"))))
  (testing "you can have two methods with the same name. Just use namespaces!"
    (extend String other/SimpleProtocol
     {:foo (fn [s] (.toUpperCase s))})
    (is (= "POW" (other/foo "pow"))))
  (testing "you can extend deftype types"
     {:foo (fn [this] (str "widget " (.name this)))})
    (is (= "widget z" (foo (ExtendTestWidget. "z"))))))

(deftest record-marker-interfaces
  (testing "record? and type? return expected result for IRecord and IType"
    (let [r (TestRecord. 1 2)]
      (is (record? r)))))

(deftest illegal-extending
  (testing "you cannot extend a protocol to a type that implements the protocol inline"
    (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #".*HasProtocolInline already directly implements interface"
          (eval '(extend clojure.test_clojure.protocols.HasProtocolInline
                         {:foo (fn [_] :extended)})))))
  (testing "you cannot extend to an interface"
    (is (fails-with-cause? IllegalArgumentException #"interface clojure.test_clojure.protocols.examples.ExampleProtocol is not a protocol"
          (eval '(extend clojure.test_clojure.protocols.HasProtocolInline
                         {:foo (fn [_] :extended)}))))))

(deftype ExtendsTestWidget []
#_(deftest extends?-test
  (testing "returns false if a type does not implement the protocol at all"
    (is (false? (extends? other/SimpleProtocol ExtendsTestWidget))))
  (testing "returns true if a type implements the protocol directly" ;; semantics changed 4/15/2010
    (is (true? (extends? ExampleProtocol ExtendsTestWidget))))
  (testing "returns true if a type explicitly extends protocol"
     {:foo identity})
    (is (true? (extends? other/SimpleProtocol ExtendsTestWidget)))))

(deftype ExtendersTestWidget [])
#_(deftest extenders-test
  (testing "a fresh protocol has no extenders"
    (is (nil? (extenders ExampleProtocol))))
  (testing "extending with no methods doesn't count!"
    (deftype Something [])
    (extend ::Something ExampleProtocol)
    (is (nil? (extenders ExampleProtocol))))
  (testing "extending a protocol (and including an impl) adds an entry to extenders"
    (extend ExtendersTestWidget ExampleProtocol {:foo identity})
    (is (= [ExtendersTestWidget] (extenders ExampleProtocol)))))

(deftype SatisfiesTestWidget []
#_(deftest satisifies?-test
  (let [whatzit (SatisfiesTestWidget.)]
    (testing "returns false if a type does not implement the protocol at all"
      (is (false? (satisfies? other/SimpleProtocol whatzit))))
    (testing "returns true if a type implements the protocol directly"
      (is (true? (satisfies? ExampleProtocol whatzit))))
    (testing "returns true if a type explicitly extends protocol"
       {:foo identity})
      (is (true? (satisfies? other/SimpleProtocol whatzit)))))  )

(deftype ReExtendingTestWidget [])
#_(deftest re-extending-test
   {:foo (fn [_] "first foo")
    :baz (fn [_] "first baz")})
  (testing "if you re-extend, the old implementation is replaced (not merged!)"
     {:baz (fn [_] "second baz")
      :bar (fn [_ _] "second bar")})
    (let [whatzit (ReExtendingTestWidget.)]
      (is (thrown? IllegalArgumentException (foo whatzit)))
      (is (= "second bar" (bar whatzit nil)))
      (is (= "second baz" (baz whatzit))))))

(defrecord DefrecordObjectMethodsWidgetA [a])
(defrecord DefrecordObjectMethodsWidgetB [a])
(deftest defrecord-object-methods-test
  (testing "= depends on fields and type"
    (is (true? (= (DefrecordObjectMethodsWidgetA. 1) (DefrecordObjectMethodsWidgetA. 1))))
    (is (false? (= (DefrecordObjectMethodsWidgetA. 1) (DefrecordObjectMethodsWidgetA. 2))))
    (is (false? (= (DefrecordObjectMethodsWidgetA. 1) (DefrecordObjectMethodsWidgetB. 1))))))

(deftest defrecord-acts-like-a-map
  (let [rec (r 1 2)]
    (is (.equals (r 1 3 {} {:c 4}) (merge rec {:b 3 :c 4})))
    (is (.equals {:foo 1 :b 2} (set/rename-keys rec {:a :foo})))
    (is (.equals {:a 11 :b 2 :c 10} (merge-with + rec {:a 10 :c 10})))))

(deftest degenerate-defrecord-test
  (let [empty (EmptyRecord.)]
    (is (nil? (seq empty)))
    (is (not (.containsValue empty :a)))))

(deftest defrecord-interfaces-test
  (testing "java.util.Map"
    (let [rec (r 1 2)]
      (is (= 2 (.size rec)))
      (is (= 3 (.size (assoc rec :c 3))))
      (is (not (.isEmpty rec)))
      (is (.isEmpty (EmptyRecord.)))
      (is (.containsKey rec :a))
      (is (not (.containsKey rec :c)))
      (is (.containsValue rec 1))
      (is (not (.containsValue rec 3)))
      (is (= 1 (.get rec :a)))
      (is (thrown? UnsupportedOperationException (.put rec :a 1)))
      (is (thrown? UnsupportedOperationException (.remove rec :a)))
      (is (thrown? UnsupportedOperationException (.putAll rec {})))
      (is (thrown? UnsupportedOperationException (.clear rec)))
      (is (= #{:a :b} (.keySet rec)))
      (is (= #{1 2} (set (.values rec))))
      (is (= #{[:a 1] [:b 2]} (.entrySet rec)))
  (testing "IPersistentCollection"
    (testing ".cons"
      (let [rec (r 1 2)]
        (are [x] (= rec (.cons rec x))
             nil {})
        (is (= (r 1 3) (.cons rec {:b 3})))
        (is (= (r 1 4) (.cons rec [:b 4])))
        (is (= (r 1 5) (.cons rec (MapEntry. :b 5))))))))

(defrecord RecordWithSpecificFieldNames [this that k m o])
(deftest defrecord-with-specific-field-names
  (let [rec (new RecordWithSpecificFieldNames 1 2 3 4 5)]
    (is (= rec rec))
    (is (= 1 (:this (with-meta rec {:foo :bar}))))
    (is (= 3 (get rec :k)))
    (is (= (seq rec) '([:this 1] [:that 2] [:k 3] [:m 4] [:o 5])))
    (is (= (dissoc rec :k) {:this 1, :that 2, :m 4, :o 5}))))

(defrecord RecordToTestStatics1 [a])
(defrecord RecordToTestStatics2 [a b])
(defrecord RecordToTestStatics3 [a b c])
(defrecord RecordToTestBasis [a b c])
(defrecord RecordToTestBasisHinted [^String a ^Long b c])
(defrecord RecordToTestHugeBasis [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z])
(defrecord TypeToTestBasis [a b c])
(defrecord TypeToTestBasisHinted [^String a ^Long b c])

(deftest test-statics
  (testing "that a record has its generated static methods"
    (let [r1 (RecordToTestStatics1. 1)
          r2 (RecordToTestStatics2. 1 2)
          r3 (RecordToTestStatics3. 1 2 3)
          rn (RecordToTestStatics3. 1 nil nil)]
      (testing "that a record created with the ctor equals one by the static factory method"
        (is (= r1    (RecordToTestStatics1/create {:a 1})))
        (is (= r2    (RecordToTestStatics2/create {:a 1 :b 2})))
        (is (= r3    (RecordToTestStatics3/create {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})))
        (is (= rn    (RecordToTestStatics3/create {:a 1}))))
      (testing "that a literal record equals one by the static factory method"
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestStatics1{:a 1} (RecordToTestStatics1/create {:a 1})))
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestStatics2{:a 1 :b 2} (RecordToTestStatics2/create {:a 1 :b 2})))
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestStatics3{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} (RecordToTestStatics3/create {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})))
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestStatics3{:a 1} (RecordToTestStatics3/create {:a 1})))
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestStatics3{:a 1 :b nil :c nil} (RecordToTestStatics3/create {:a 1}))))))
  (testing "that records and types have a sane generated basis method"
    (let [rb  (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestBasis/getBasis)
          rbh (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestBasisHinted/getBasis)
          rhg (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestHugeBasis/getBasis)
          tb (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TypeToTestBasis/getBasis)
          tbh (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TypeToTestBasisHinted/getBasis)]
      (is (= '[a b c] rb))
      (is (= '[a b c] rb))
      (is (= '[a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z] rhg))
      (testing "that record basis hinting looks as we expect"
        (is (= (:tag (meta (rbh 0))) 'String))
        (is (= (:tag (meta (rbh 1))) 'Long))
        (is (nil? (:tag (meta (rbh 2))))))
      (testing "that type basis hinting looks as we expect"
        (is (= (:tag (meta (tbh 0))) 'String))
        (is (= (:tag (meta (tbh 1))) 'Long))
        (is (nil? (:tag (meta (tbh 2)))))))))

(defrecord RecordToTestFactories [a b c])
(defrecord RecordToTestA [a])
(defrecord RecordToTestB [b])
(defrecord RecordToTestHugeFactories [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z])
(defrecord RecordToTestDegenerateFactories [])

(deftest test-record-factory-fns
  (testing "if the definition of a defrecord generates the appropriate factory functions"
    (let [r    (RecordToTestFactories. 1 2 3)
          r-n  (RecordToTestFactories. nil nil nil)
          huge (RecordToTestHugeFactories. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26)
          r-a  (map->RecordToTestA {:a 1 :b 2})
          r-b  (map->RecordToTestB {:a 1 :b 2})
          r-d  (RecordToTestDegenerateFactories.)]
      (testing "that a record created with the ctor equals one by the positional factory fn"
        (is (= r    (->RecordToTestFactories 1 2 3)))
        (is (= huge (->RecordToTestHugeFactories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26))))
      (testing "that a record created with the ctor equals one by the map-> factory fn"
        (is (= r    (map->RecordToTestFactories {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})))
        (is (= r-n  (map->RecordToTestFactories {})))
        (is (= r    (map->RecordToTestFactories (map->RecordToTestFactories {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}))))
        (is (= r-n  (map->RecordToTestFactories (map->RecordToTestFactories {}))))
        (is (= r-d  (map->RecordToTestDegenerateFactories {})))
        (is (= r-d  (map->RecordToTestDegenerateFactories
                     (map->RecordToTestDegenerateFactories {})))))
      (testing "that ext maps work correctly"
        (is (= (assoc r :xxx 42)  (map->RecordToTestFactories {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :xxx 42})))
        (is (= (assoc r :xxx 42)  (map->RecordToTestFactories (map->RecordToTestFactories
                                                               {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :xxx 42}))))
        (is (= (assoc r-n :xxx 42) (map->RecordToTestFactories {:xxx 42})))
        (is (= (assoc r-n :xxx 42) (map->RecordToTestFactories (map->RecordToTestFactories
  {:xxx 42}))))
        (is (= (assoc r-d :xxx 42) (map->RecordToTestDegenerateFactories {:xxx 42})))
        (is (= (assoc r-d :xxx 42) (map->RecordToTestDegenerateFactories
                                    (map->RecordToTestDegenerateFactories {:xxx 42})))))
      (testing "record equality"
        (is (not= r-a r-b))
        (is (= (into {} r-a) (into {} r-b)))
        (is (not= (into {} r-a) r-b))
        (is (= (map->RecordToTestA {:a 1 :b 2})
               (map->RecordToTestA (map->RecordToTestB {:a 1 :b 2}))))
        (is (= (map->RecordToTestA {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})
               (map->RecordToTestA (map->RecordToTestB {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3}))))
        (is (= (map->RecordToTestA {:a 1 :d 4})
               (map->RecordToTestA (map->RecordToTestDegenerateFactories {:a 1 :d 4}))))
        (is (= r-n (map->RecordToTestFactories (java.util.HashMap.))))
        (is (= r-a (map->RecordToTestA (into {} r-b))))
        (is (= r-a (map->RecordToTestA r-b)))
        (is (not= r-a (map->RecordToTestB r-a)))
        (is (= r (assoc r-n :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)))
        (is (not= r-a (assoc r-n :a 1 :b 2)))
        (is (not= (assoc r-b :c 3 :d 4) (assoc r-n :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4)))
        (is (= (into {} (assoc r-b :c 3 :d 4)) (into {} (assoc r-n :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4))))
        (is (= (assoc r :d 4) (assoc r-n :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 4))))
      (testing "that factory functions have docstrings"
        ;; just test non-nil to avoid overspecifiying what's in the docstring
        (is (false? (-> ->RecordToTestFactories var meta :doc nil?)))
        (is (false? (->  map->RecordToTestFactories var meta :doc nil?))))
      (testing "that a literal record equals one by the positional factory fn"
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestFactories{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} (->RecordToTestFactories 1 2 3)))
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestFactories{:a 1 :b nil :c nil} (->RecordToTestFactories 1 nil nil)))
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestFactories{:a [] :b {} :c ()} (->RecordToTestFactories [] {} ()))))      
      (testing "that a literal record equals one by the map-> factory fn"
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestFactories{:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} (map->RecordToTestFactories {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3})))
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestFactories{:a 1 :b nil :c nil} (map->RecordToTestFactories {:a 1})))
        (is (= #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestFactories{:a nil :b nil :c nil} (map->RecordToTestFactories {})))))))

(defn compare-huge-types
  [hugeL hugeR]
   (= (.a hugeL) (.a hugeR))
   (= (.b hugeL) (.b hugeR))
   (= (.c hugeL) (.c hugeR))
   (= (.d hugeL) (.d hugeR))
   (= (.e hugeL) (.e hugeR))
   (= (.f hugeL) (.f hugeR))
   (= (.g hugeL) (.g hugeR))
   (= (.h hugeL) (.h hugeR))
   (= (.i hugeL) (.i hugeR))
   (= (.j hugeL) (.j hugeR))
   (= (.k hugeL) (.k hugeR))
   (= (.l hugeL) (.l hugeR))
   (= (.m hugeL) (.m hugeR))
   (= (.n hugeL) (.n hugeR))
   (= (.o hugeL) (.o hugeR))
   (= (.p hugeL) (.p hugeR))
   (= (.q hugeL) (.q hugeR))
   (= (.r hugeL) (.r hugeR))
   (= (.s hugeL) (.s hugeR))
   (= (.t hugeL) (.t hugeR))
   (= (.u hugeL) (.u hugeR))
   (= (.v hugeL) (.v hugeR))
   (= (.w hugeL) (.w hugeR))
   (= (.x hugeL) (.x hugeR))
   (= (.y hugeL) (.y hugeR))
   (= (.z hugeL) (.z hugeR))))

(deftype TypeToTestFactory [a])
(defrecord TypeToTestHugeFactories [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z])

(deftest deftype-factory-fn
  (testing "that the ->T factory is gen'd for a deftype and that it works"
    (is (= (.a (TypeToTestFactory. 42)) (.a (->TypeToTestFactory 42))))
    (is (compare-huge-types
         (TypeToTestHugeFactories.  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26)
         (->TypeToTestHugeFactories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26))))
  (testing "that the generated factory checks arity constraints"
    (is (thrown? clojure.lang.ArityException (->TypeToTestHugeFactories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25)))
    (is (thrown? clojure.lang.ArityException (->TypeToTestHugeFactories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27)))))

(deftest test-ctor-literals
  (testing "that constructor calls to print-dup'able classes are supported as literals"
    (is (= "Hi" #java.lang.String["Hi"]))
    (is (= 42 #java.lang.Long[42]))
    (is (= 42 #java.lang.Long["42"]))
    (is (= [:a 42] #clojure.lang.MapEntry[:a 42])))
  (testing "that constructor literals are embeddable"
    (is (= 42 #java.lang.Long[#java.lang.String["42"]])))
  (testing "that constructor literals work for deftypes too"
    (is (= (.a (TypeToTestFactory. 42)) (.a #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TypeToTestFactory[42])))
    (is (compare-huge-types
         (TypeToTestHugeFactories.  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26)
         #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TypeToTestHugeFactories[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26]))))

(defrecord RecordToTestLiterals [a])
(defrecord TestNode [v l r])
(deftype TypeToTestLiterals [a])
(def lang-str "en")
(deftest exercise-literals
  (testing "that ctor literals can be used in common 'places'"
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. ()) #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[()]))
    (is (= (.a (TypeToTestLiterals. ())) (.a #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TypeToTestLiterals[()])))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. 42) (into #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[0] {:a 42})))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. (RecordToTestLiterals. 42))  (RecordToTestLiterals. #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[42])))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. (RecordToTestLiterals. 42))  (->RecordToTestLiterals #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[42])))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. (RecordToTestLiterals. 42))
    (is (= (TestNode. 1
                      (TestNode. 2
                                 (TestNode. 3
                      (TestNode. 4
                                 (TestNode. 5
                                            (TestNode. 6
                                 (TestNode. 7
           #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TestNode{:v 1
                                                    :l #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TestNode{:v 2
                                                                                                :l #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TestNode{:v 3 :l nil :r nil}
                                                                                                :r nil}
                                                    :r #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TestNode{:v 4
                                                                                                :l #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TestNode{:v 5
                                                                                                                                            :l #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TestNode{:v 6 :l nil :r nil}
                                                                                                                                            :r nil}
                                                                                                :r #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TestNode{:v 7 :l nil :r nil}}})))

  (testing "that records and types are evalable"
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. 42) (eval #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[42])))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. 42) (eval #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals{:a 42})))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. 42) (eval (RecordToTestLiterals. 42))))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. (RecordToTestLiterals. 42))
           (eval #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[42]])))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. (RecordToTestLiterals. 42))
           (eval #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals{:a 42}])))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. (RecordToTestLiterals. 42))
           (eval #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals{:a #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals[42]})))
    (is (= 42 (.a (eval #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TypeToTestLiterals[42])))))
  (testing "that ctor literals only work with constants or statics"
    (is (thrown? Exception (read-string "#java.util.Locale[(str 'en)]")))
    (is (thrown? Exception (read-string "(let [s \"en\"] #java.util.Locale[(str 'en)])")))
    (is (thrown? Exception (read-string "#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals{(keyword \"a\") 42}"))))
  (testing "that ctors can have whitespace after class name but before {"
    (is (= (RecordToTestLiterals. 42)
           (read-string "#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLiterals   {:a 42}"))))

  (testing "that the correct errors are thrown with malformed literals"
    (is (thrown-with-msg?
          #"Unreadable constructor form.*"
          (read-string "#java.util.Locale(\"en\")")))
    (is (thrown-with-msg?
          #"Unexpected number of constructor arguments.*"
          (read-string "#java.util.Locale[\"\" \"\" \"\" \"\"]")))
    (is (thrown? Exception (read-string "#java.util.Nachos(\"en\")")))))

(defrecord RecordToTestPrinting [a b])
(deftest defrecord-printing
  (testing "that the default printer gives the proper representation"
    (let [r   (RecordToTestPrinting. 1 2)]
      (is (= "#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestPrinting{:a 1, :b 2}"
             (pr-str r)))
      (is (= "#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestPrinting[1, 2]"
             (binding [*print-dup* true] (pr-str r))))
      (is (= "#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestPrinting{:a 1, :b 2}"
             (binding [*print-dup* true *verbose-defrecords* true] (pr-str r)))))))

(defrecord RecordToTest__ [__a ___b])
(defrecord TypeToTest__   [__a ___b])

(deftest test-record-and-type-field-names
  (testing "that types and records allow names starting with double-underscore.
            This is a regression test for CLJ-837."
    (let [r (RecordToTest__. 1 2)
          t (TypeToTest__. 3 4)]
      (are [x y] (= x y)
           1 (:__a r)
           2 (:___b r)
           3 (.__a t)
           4 (.___b t)))))

(defrecord RecordToTestLongHint [^long a])
(defrecord RecordToTestByteHint [^byte a])
(defrecord RecordToTestBoolHint [^boolean a])
(defrecord RecordToTestCovariantHint [^String a]) ;; same for arrays also
(deftype TypeToTestLongHint [^long a])
(deftype TypeToTestByteHint [^byte a])

(deftest hinting-test
  (testing "that primitive hinting requiring no coercion works as expected"
    (is (= (RecordToTestLongHint. 42) #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLongHint{:a 42}))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLongHint. 42) #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLongHint[42]))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLongHint. 42) (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLongHint/create {:a 42})))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLongHint. 42) (map->RecordToTestLongHint {:a 42})))
    (is (= (RecordToTestLongHint. 42) (->RecordToTestLongHint 42)))
    (is (= (.a (TypeToTestLongHint. 42)) (.a (->TypeToTestLongHint (long 42)))))
    (testing "that invalid primitive types on hinted defrecord fields fails"
      (is (thrown?
            (read-string "#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLongHint{:a \"\"}")))
      (is (thrown?
            (read-string "#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLongHint[\"\"]")))
      (is (thrown?
            (read-string "#clojure.test_clojure.protocols.TypeToTestLongHint[\"\"]")))
      (is (thrown?
            (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestLongHint/create {:a ""})))
      (is (thrown?
            (map->RecordToTestLongHint {:a ""})))
      (is (thrown?
            (->RecordToTestLongHint "")))))
  (testing "that primitive hinting requiring coercion works as expected"
    (is (= (RecordToTestByteHint. 42) (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestByteHint/create {:a (byte 42)})))
    (is (= (RecordToTestByteHint. 42) (map->RecordToTestByteHint {:a (byte 42)})))
    (is (= (RecordToTestByteHint. 42) (->RecordToTestByteHint (byte 42))))
    (is (= (.a (TypeToTestByteHint. 42)) (.a (->TypeToTestByteHint (byte 42))))))
  (testing "that primitive hinting for non-numerics works as expected"
    (is (= (RecordToTestBoolHint. true) #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestBoolHint{:a true}))
    (is (= (RecordToTestBoolHint. true) #clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestBoolHint[true]))
    (is (= (RecordToTestBoolHint. true) (clojure.test_clojure.protocols.RecordToTestBoolHint/create {:a true})))
    (is (= (RecordToTestBoolHint. true) (map->RecordToTestBoolHint {:a true})))
    (is (= (RecordToTestBoolHint. true) (->RecordToTestBoolHint true))))
  (testing "covariant hints -- deferred"))

(deftest reify-test
  (testing "of an interface"
    (let [s :foo
          r (reify
             (contains [_ o] (= s o)))]
      (testing "implemented methods"
        (is (true? (.contains r :foo)))
        (is (false? (.contains r :bar))))
      (testing "unimplemented methods"
        (is (thrown? AbstractMethodError (.add r :baz))))))
  (testing "of two interfaces"
    (let [r (reify
             (contains [_ o] (= :foo o))
             (isEmpty [_] false))]
      (is (true? (.contains r :foo)))
      (is (false? (.contains r :bar)))
      (is (false? (.isEmpty r)))))
  (testing "you can't define a method twice"
    (is (thrown? Exception
         (eval '(reify
                 (size [_] 10)
                 (size [_] 20))))))
  (testing "you can't define a method not on an interface/protocol/j.l.Object"
    (is (thrown? Exception
         (eval '(reify java.util.List (foo [_]))))))
  (testing "of a protocol"
    (let [r (reify
             (bar [this o] o)
             (baz [this] 1)
             (baz [this o] 2))]
      (= :foo (.bar r :foo))
      (= 1 (.baz r))
      (= 2 (.baz r nil))))
  (testing "destructuring in method def"
    (let [r (reify
             (bar [this [_ _ item]] item))]
      (= :c (.bar r [:a :b :c]))))
  (testing "methods can recur"
    (let [r (reify
             (get [_ index]
                  (if (zero? index)
                    (recur (dec index)))))]
      (is (= :done (.get r 0)))
      (is (= :done (.get r 1)))))
  (testing "disambiguating with type hints"
    (testing "you must hint an overloaded method"
      (is (thrown? Exception
            (eval '(reify clojure.test_clojure.protocols.examples.ExampleInterface (hinted [_ o]))))))
    (testing "hinting"
      (let [r (reify
               (hinted [_ ^int i] (inc i))
               (hinted [_ ^String s] (str s s)))]
        (is (= 2 (.hinted r 1)))
        (is (= "xoxo" (.hinted r "xo")))))))

; see CLJ-845
(defprotocol SyntaxQuoteTestProtocol
  (sqtp [p]))

(defmacro try-extend-type [c]
  `(extend-type ~c
     (sqtp [p#] p#)))

(defmacro try-extend-protocol [c]
  `(extend-protocol SyntaxQuoteTestProtocol
     (sqtp [p#] p#)))

(try-extend-type String)
(try-extend-protocol clojure.lang.Keyword)

(deftest test-no-ns-capture
  (is (= "foo" (sqtp "foo")))
  (is (= :foo (sqtp :foo))))

(defprotocol Dasherizer
  (-do-dashed [this]))
(deftype Dashed []
  (-do-dashed [this] 10))

(deftest test-leading-dashes
  (is (= 10 (-do-dashed (Dashed.))))
  (is (= [10] (map -do-dashed [(Dashed.)]))))

Other Java examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Java protocols.clj source code file:

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