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Glassfish example source code file (

This example Glassfish source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Glassfish tags/keywords

configuration, configuration, jvm, log, monitoring, name, name, password, provider, provider, service, settings, statistics, statistics

The Glassfish source code

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tree.adminServer=server (Admin Server)

msg.JS.confirmDeleteRealms=Selected Realm(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteJaccProviders=Selected JACC Provider(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteAuditModules=Selected Audit Module(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteMsgSecurities=Selected Message Security Configuration(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteMsgProviders=Selected Provider(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteUser=Selected User(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteLifecycle=Selected Lifecycle Module(s) will be deleted. Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteProfiler=Profiler will be deleted.  Continue?
msg.JS.confirmDeleteConfigs=Selected Configuration(s) will be deleted.  Continue?
msg.error.noSuchProvider=No Such Provider
msg.JS.reg.passwordLength=Password must be at least 6 characters.
msg.JS.confirmRotateLog=Log file would be rotated.  Continue ?
msg.JS.confirmDeletePswdAlias=Selected Password Alias(es) will be deleted.  Continue?
msg.JS.confirmEmptyPswdForPswdAlias=Set empty password for this password alias ?

msg.seeServerLog=See server.log for details.
msg.command.warning=Command succeeded with Warning
# Security
security.SecurityPageHelp=Set security properties for the entire server.
security.SecurityManager=Security Manager
security.SecurityManagerHelp=Enable the security manager for the domain by adding an option in the JVM Settings
security.AuditLogging=Audit Logging
security.AuditLoggingHelp=Enable server to load and run all audit modules specified in the Audit Modules setting
security.DefaultRealm=Default Realm
security.DefaultRealmHelp=Default realm used by all applications for authentication
security.DefaultPrincipal=Default Principal
security.DefaultPrincipalHelp=User name used by the server when no principal is provided; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
security.DefaultPrincipalPassword=Default Principal Password
security.DefaultPrincipalPasswordHelp=Required if Default Principal contains a value
security.JaccHelp=Name of the <tt>jacc-provider element to use for configuring the JACC infrastructure
security.AuditModules=Audit Modules
security.AuditModulesHelp=List of audit provider modules used by the audit subsystem; Control-click to multiple-select
security.RoleMapping=Default Principal To Role Mapping
security.RoleMappingHelp=Apply default principal-to-role mapping at deployment when application-specific mapping is not defined; does not affect currently deployed applications
security.MappedPrincipalClass=Mapped Principal Class
security.MappedPrincipalClassHelp=Customize the implementation class used for default principal-to-role mapping
security.AuditModule.auditOn=Audit On

## Realms
realm.NewPageTitle=New Realm
realm.NewPageHelp=Create a new security (authentication) realm. Valid realm types are PAM, OSGi, File, Certificate, LDAP, JDBC, Digest, Oracle Solaris, and Custom.
realm.PageHelp=Create, modify, or delete security (authentication) realms.
realm.colClassname=Class Name
realm.Classname=Class Name:
realm.EditPageTitle=Edit Realm
realm.EditPageTitleHelp=Edit an existing security (authentication) realm.
realm.ClassnameHelp=Choose a realm class name from the drop-down list or specify a custom class
realm.specificProps=Properties specific to this Class
realm.realmName=Realm Name:
realm.jaax=JAAS Context:
realm.jaaxHelp=Identifier for the login module to use for this realm
realm.keyFile=Key File:
realm.keyFileHelp=Full path and name of the file where the server will store all user, group, and password information for this realm
realm.asgroup=Assign Groups:
realm.asgroupHelp=Comma-separated list of group names
realm.directoryHelp=LDAP URL for your server
realm.baseDn=Base DN:
realm.baseDnHelp=LDAP base DN for the location of user data
realm.jndiHelp=JNDI name for this realm
realm.userTable=User Table:
realm.userTableHelp=Name of the database table that contains the list of authorized users for this realm
realm.userName=User Name Column:
realm.userNameHelp=Name of the column in the user table that contains the list of user names
realm.pswd=Password Column:
realm.pswdHelp=Name of the column in the user table that contains the user passwords
realm.groupTable=Group Table:
realm.groupTableHelp=Name of the database table that contains the list of groups for this realm
realm.groupName=Group Name Column:
realm.groupNameHelp=Name of the column in the group table that contains the list of group names
realm.dbUser=Database User:
realm.dbUserHelp=Specify the database user name in the realm instead of the JDBC connection pool
realm.dbPswd=Database Password:
realm.dbPswdHelp=Specify the database password in the realm instead of the JDBC connection pool
realm.digest=Digest Algorithm:
realm.digestHelp=Digest algorithm (default is SHA-256); note that the default was MD5 in GlassFish versions prior to 3.1
realm.encodingHelp=Encoding (allowed values are Hex and Base64)
realm.charsetHelp=Character set for the digest algorithm
realm.internalError=Internal error. No realm name specified. 

## Audit Modules
auditModule.PageTitle=Audit Modules
auditModule.PageHelp=Use audit modules to develop an audit trail of all authentication and authorization decisions.
auditModule.Classname=Class Name:
auditModule.ClassnameHelp=Name of audit module class
auditModule.EditPageTitle=Edit Audit Module
auditModule.EditPageTitleHelp=Develops an audit trail of all authentication and authorization decisions.
auditModule.NewPageTitle=New Audit Module
auditModule.NewPageTitleHelp=Use audit modules to develop an audit trail of all authentication and authorization decisions.

## Manage Users
manageUsers.UserID=User ID:
manageUsers.UserIDHelp=Name can be up to 255 characters, must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
manageUsers.GroupList=Group List:
manageUsers.GroupListHelp=Separate multiple groups with colon
manageUsers.NewPassword=New Password:
manageUsers.ConfirmNewPassword=Confirm New Password:
manageUsers.TablePageTitle=File Users
manageUsers.TablePageHelp=Manage user accounts for the currently selected security realm.
manageUsers.TableTitle=File Users
manageAdminUsers.TableTitle=Admin Users
manageUsers.UserIdCol=User ID
manageUsers.EditPageTitle=Edit File Realm User
manageUsers.EditPageTitleHelp=Modify existing user accounts for the currently selected security realm.
manageUsers.NewPageTitle=New File Realm User
manageUsers.NewPageTitleHelp=Create new user accounts for the currently selected security realm.
msg.error.cannotDeleteCurrent=Cannot delete current admin user.

## Message Security Configuration
headings.NewMsgSecurity=New Message Security Configuration
msgSecurity.NewMsgSecurityInfo=Configure security for all messages and all applications for which a specific provider has not been bound.
msgSecurity.TableTitle=Message Security Configuration
msgSecurity.ListPageTitle=Message Security Configurations
msgSecurity.ListPageHelp=Configure message security providers; enables server to perform end-to-end authentication of web service invocations and responses at the message layer.
msgSecurity.colAuthLayer=Authentication Layer
msgSecurity.colDefaultProv=Default Provider
msgSecurity.colDefaultClientProv=Default Client Provider
msgSecurity.EditMsgSecurity=Edit Message Security Configuration
msgSecurity.EditMsgSecurityInfo=Specify default server and client provider configuration. Selecting the blank option configures a null provider.
msgSecurity.msgSecurityTab=Message Security
msgSecurity.msgSecurityTab.tooltip=Message Security
msgSecurity.providersTab.tooltip=Providers Tab
msgSecurity.authLayerLabel=Authentication Layer:
msgSecurity.defaultProviderLabel=Default Provider:
msgSecurity.defaultProviderHelp=Enable server-side message layer security
msgSecurity.defaultClProviderLabel=Default Client Provider:
msgSecurity.defaultClProviderHelp=Enable client-side message layer security

## Providers
msgSecProvider.TableTitle=Provider Configurations
msgSecProvider.ListPageTitle=Provider Configuration
msgSecProvider.ListPageHelp=Configure the message security provider.
msgSecProvider.colProvId=Provider ID
msgSecProvider.colProvType=Provider Type
msgSecProvider.defaultProviderCol=Default Provider
msgSecProvider.colClassName=Class Name
msgProvider.EditPageTitle=Edit Provider Configuration
msgProvider.EditPageTitleHelp=Edit properties for the message security provider.
msgSecProvider.providerConfLabel=Provider Configuration
msgSecProvider.providerTypeLabel=Provider Type:
msgSecProvider.providerTypeHelp=Type of authentication provider being configured
msgSecProvider.ProviderIdLabel=Provider ID:
msgSecProvider.classNameLabel=Class Name:
msgSecProvider.classNameHelp=Java implementation class for the provider; for example, <tt>com.sun.xml.wss.provider.ClientSecurityAuthModule or com.sun.xml.wss.provider.ServerSecurityAuthModule
msgSecProvider.requestPolicyLabel=Request Policy
msgSecProvider.authSourceLabel=Authenticate Source:
msgSecProvider.authSourceRequestHelp=Type of authentication to be applied to request messages
msgSecProvider.authRecepientLabel=Authenticate Recipient:
msgSecProvider.authRecepientHelp=When authentication should occur
msgSecProvider.responsePolicyLabel=Response Policy
msgSecProvider.authSourceResponseHelp=Type of authentication to be applied to response messages
msgSecProvider.NewPageTitle=New Provider Configuration
msgSecProvider.NewPageTitleHelp=Specify security provider configuration and add provider to the message layer.
msgSecProvider.defaultProviderLabel=Default Provider:
msgSecProvider.defaultProviderLabeHelp=Whether the provider is the default client provider, the default server provider, or both is determined by the Provider Type.
msgSecProvider.ProviderIdHelp=Name to use when referencing the provider

## Jacc Providers
jacc.colPolicyProvider=Policy Provider
jacc.TableTitle=JACC Providers
jacc.PageTitle=JACC Providers
jacc.PageHelp=Manage Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) providers.
## JACC Providers (1)
jacc.NewPageTitle=New JACC Provider
jacc.NewPageHelp=Define a new JACC provider.
jacc.NameHelp=JACC provider name; must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters
jacc.PolicyConfig=Policy Configuration:
jacc.PolicyConfigHelp=Class that implements policy configuration factory
jacc.PolicyProvider=Policy Provider:
jacc.PolicyProviderHelp=Class that implements policy factory
jacc.EditTitle=Edit JACC Provider
jacc.EditPageHelp=Edit an existing JACC provider.

# Log Viewer
logViewer.colLogLevel=Log Level

logViewer.PageTitle=Log Viewer
logViewer.PageHelp=View, search, and filter a server log file using basic and advanced options. Refer to the Log Levels page for information about log levels you can filter here.
logViewer.searchCriteriaLabel=Search Criteria
logViewer.dateRangeLabelHelp=Specify most recent or a specific date/time range
logViewer.dateDisabled=Most Recent
logViewer.dateEnabled=Specific Range:
logViewer.fromDateHelp=Example: {0}
logViewer.fromTimeHelp=Example: {0}
logViewer.toDateHelp=Example: {0}
logViewer.toTimeHelp=Example: {0}
logViewer.levelLabel=Log Level:
logViewer.levelLabelHelp=Log entries are limited to those stored in the log file. Set appropriate log level in the Log Level page to ensure data is logged.
logViewer.modifySearch=Modify Search
logViewer.PaginationText=Log File Record Numbers {0} through {1}  
logViewer.RecordsBefore=Records before {0}
logViewer.RecordsAfter=Records after {0}
logViewer.moduleLabelHelp=Select one or more module logs to view
logViewer.moduleHelp=Control-click to multiple-select
logViewer.customLoggerLabel=Custom Logger:
logViewer.customLoggerLabelHelp=Specify custom module logs to view
logViewer.customLoggerHelp=Put multiple values on separate lines
logViewer.anySearch=Text search:
logViewer.anySearchHelp=Only log entries containing the specified text will be displayed. Search is case sensitive.
logViewer.numberToDisplayLabelHelp=Select number of log entries to display.
logViewer.numberToDisplayLabelRight=entries per page
logViewer.title=Log Viewer Results
logViewer.nvpLabel=Name-Value Pairs
logViewer.priorMatches=Continue search for prior matches
logViewer.logResultSummary=Log File Record Numbers
logViewer.nextMatches=Continue search for later matches
logViewer.emptyTable=No Matching Records. Please try searching again.
logViewer.summary=Log Viewer Summary
logViewer.optionsJumpMessage=Modify Search
logViewer.topJumpMessage=Back to top
logViewer.truncateMessageLabel=Limit excessively long messages
logViewer.truncateMessageHelp=Complete message text is available on detail page
logViewer.serverNameLabel=Instance Name:
logViewer.advancedSearch=Advanced Search
logViewer.basicSearch=Basic Search
logViewer.searchResults=Search Results
logViewer.recordNumberLabel=Record Number
logViewer.logFile=Log File:
logViewer.advancedOptions=Advanced Options
logViewer.prevButtonMessage=Records before {0}
logViewer.nextButtonMessage=Records after {0}
logViewer.nodeAgentNotRunning=The node agent, {0}, must be running to view the logs.
logViewer.noSevereMessages=Do not include more severe messages
logViewer.NoRecordsFound=No Records Found

logDetail.PageTitle=Log Entry Detail
logDetail.levelLabel=Log Level
logDetail.nvpLabel=Name-Value Pairs
logDetail.recordNumberLabel=Record Number
logDetail.messageIDLabel=Message ID
logDetail.messageLabel=Complete Message
logDetail.diagnosticCausesLabel=Diagnostic Causes
logDetail.diagnosticChecksLabel=Diagnostic Checks

logging.Default=DEFAULT [INFO]

# Logging
log.LogLevels=Log Levels
log.LogLevelsTab=Log Levels Tab
log.LoggingSettings=Logger Settings
log.LoggingSettingsHelp=GlassFish Server logging messages are recorded in the server log
log.LoggingSettingsHelp2=GlassFish Server logging messages are recorded in the server log.  Click <a href="#{request.contextPath}/web/configuration/accessLog.jsf?configName=server-config">Configuration Access Log for access logging information.
log.LogFile=Log File:
log.LogFileHelp=Rename or relocate the server log file using absolute path
log.AlarmsHelp=Route SEVERE and WARNING messages through the JMX framework
log.WriteSystemLog=Write to system log:
log.WriteSystemlogHelp=Use UNIX syslog service to produce and manage log messages
log.LogtoConsole=Log to Console:
log.LogtoConsoleHelp=Write log messages to system console
log.Handler=Log Handler:
log.HandlerHelp=Specify custom log handler to log to a different destination
log.Filter=Log Filter:
log.FilterHelp=Specify log filter to do custom filtering of log records
log.FileRotationLimit=File Rotation Limit:
log.FileRotationLimitHelp=Rotate log files when file size limit is reached; oldest logs are deleted to make space for new logs
log.FileRotationTimeLimit=File Rotation Time Limit:
log.FileRotationTimeLimitHelp=If set to 0, rotate files based on the size specified in log rotation limit
log.RetainErrorStats=Retain Error Statistics
log.LogLevelsPageTitle=Module Log Levels
log.LogLevelsPageTitleHelp=Specify log levels for individual loggers. Choose a log level from the Log Level list next to the desired logger name, or select multiple loggers and use the Level drop-down list at the top of the table.
log.FlushFrequency=Flush Frequency
log.FlushFrequencyHelp=Maximum number of messages written to server log at a time

log.LoggerLevelTableTitle=Logger Settings
log.LoggerNameCol=Logger Name
log.LoggerLeveCol=Log Level

log.logLevelTab=Server Log Level
log.accessLogTab=Access Log

log.Button.logRotation=Rotate Log
log.Button.logRotationTip=Rotate server log file

log.Button.accessLogRotation=Rotate Access Log
log.Button.accessLogRotationTip=Rotate access log file

log.Button.logRotationAll=Rotate All LogFiles
log.Button.logRotationAllTip=Rotate both server log and access log file

inst.jvmReport=JVM Report

jvm.jvmReportPageName=JVM Report
jvm.jvmReportEEPageName=JVM Report for {0}
jvmReport.ClLoading=Class Loading
jvmReport.ThDump=Thread Dump

lifecycleModules.title=Lifecycle Modules
lifecycleModules.titleHelp=A lifecycle module performs tasks when it is triggered by one or more events in the server's lifecycle. Possible trigger server events are: initialization, startup, ready to service requests, and shutdown. Lifecycle modules are not part of the Java specification, but are an enhancement to GlassFish Server.
lifecycleModule.editPageTitle=Edit Lifecycle Module
lifecycleModule.editPageTitleHelp=Modify an existing lifecycle module.
lifecycleModule.newPageTitle=New Lifecycle Module
lifecycleModule.newPageTitleHelp=A lifecycle module performs tasks when it is triggered by one or more events in the server's lifecycle. Possible trigger server events are: initialization, startup, ready to service requests, and shutdown.
lifecycleModule.targetPageTitle=Lifecycle Module Targets
lifecycleModule.targetPageTitleHelp=Manage the targets (clusters and stand-alone server instances) on which this lifecycle module is available.

lifecycleModule.classname=Class Name:
lifecycleModule.classnameHelp=Name must contain only alphanumeric, underscore, dash, or dot characters.
lifecycleModule.classPathHelp=Can be blank if the class is already in the server classpath.
lifecycleModule.loadOrder=Load Order:
lifecycleModule.loadOrderHelp=Order in which lifecycle modules are loaded when the server starts up. Modules with smaller integers are loaded sooner.
lifecycleModule.onLoadFailure=On Load Failure:
lifecycleModule.preventStart=Prevent Instance Startup
lifecycleModule.onLoadFailureHelp=If module load fails, do not start the instance.

button.DeleteProfiler=Delete Profiler
button.CreateProfiler=Create Profiler
# JVM Settings
jvm.GeneralTitle=JVM General Settings
jvm.GeneralPageHelp=Change the general configuration settings for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Some of these settings control interactions with a Java Platform Debugger Architecture (JPDA) debugger.
jvm.JavaHomeLabel=Java Home:
jvm.JavaHomeHelp=Path to the directory in which the Java Development Kit is installed
jvm.JavacOptionsLabel=Javac Options:
jvm.JavacOptionsHelp=Command line options to pass to the javac compiler
jvm.DebugHelp=Start server in debug mode ready for JPDA-based debugger
jvm.DebugOptionsLabel=Debug Options:
jvm.DebugOptionsHelp=JPDA options passed to JVM when debugging is enabled
jvm.RMICompileOptionsLabel=RMI Compile Options:
jvm.RMICompileOptionsHelp=<tt>-keepgenerated saves generated source for stubs and ties
jvm.BytecodePreprocessorLabel=Bytecode Preprocessor:
jvm.BytecodePreprocessorHelp=Parameters for bytecode preprocessing
jvm.PathSettingsTitle=JVM Path Settings
jvm.PathSettingsPageHelp=Change the path settings for your Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

jvm.unsupportedSectionHelp=Unsupported Attributes
jvm.SystemClasspath=System Classpath:
jvm.SystemClasspathHelp=Append to system classpath (not supported in v3)
jvm.EnvironmentClasspath=Environment Classpath:
jvm.EnvironmentClasspathHelp=Ignore the CLASSPATH environment variable (not supported in v3)
jvm.ServerClasspath=Server Classpath:
jvm.ServerClasspathHelp=GlassFish Server classpath (not supported in v3)
jvm.ClasspathPrefix=Classpath Prefix:
jvm.ClasspathPrefixHelp=Prepend to server classpath (not supported in v3)
jvm.ClasspathSuffix=Classpath Suffix:
jvm.ClasspathSuffixHelp=Append to server classpath (not supported in v3)
jvm.NativeLibraryPathPrefix=Native Library Path Prefix:
jvm.NativeLibraryPathPrefixHelp=Added before virtual machine and server-related library paths
jvm.NativeLibraryPathSuffix=Native Library Path Suffix:
jvm.NativeLibraryPathSuffixHelp=Added after virtual machine and server-related library paths

jvm.JvmSettings=JVM Settings
jvm.PathSettings=Path Settings
jvm.PathSettingsTab=Path Settings Tab
jvm.Options=JVM Options
jvm.OptionsTab=JVM Options Tab
jvm.ProfilerTab=Profiler Tab
jvm.ProfilerName=Profiler Name:
jvm.ClasspathHelp=Classpath required to run server and/or profiler
jvm.NativeLibraryPath=Native Library Path:
jvm.NativeLibraryPathHelp=Profiler-specific native library path
jvm.ProfilerPageName=JVM Profiler Settings
jvm.ProfilerPageHelp=Manage settings for third-party profilers. Click Add JVM Option to enable profiler-specific JVM options.
jvm.ProfilerDeleted=Profiler successfully deleted.
jvm.ProfilerCreated=Profiler successfully created.

# JVM Options
jvmOptions.Title=JVM Options
jvmOptions.PageHelp=Manage JVM options for the server. Values containing one or more spaces must be enclosed in double quotes ("<i>value string").
jvmOptions.AddJvmOption=Add JVM Option
msg.jvmOptionInvalid=JVM option {0} is invalid because it does not start with a "-"

reg.whyRegisterList=Gain Convenient Access to:<br> 
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  • and More! reg.sample=Sample reg.PageTitle=Product Registration reg.PageTitleHelp=<a href="" target="_blank" >Why Register ? Receive patch information and bug updates, screencasts and tutorials, support and training offerings, and more ...
    To register your product, you must have a Sun Online Account. If you do not already have a Sun Online Account, you can create an account while registering your product. reg.whyRegister=Why Register? reg.hasAccount=I already have a Sun Online Account or a Sun Developer Network (SDN) Account reg.userName=User Name: reg.userNameHelp=Example: <tt>Jim123 or reg.pswd=Password: reg.resetPswdHelp=Forget your user name or password ? <a href="" target="_blank" >Retrieve it here. reg.pswdHelp=At least 6 characters, case sensitive reg.doNotHaveAccount=I don't have a Sun Online Account. Sign me up. reg.emailAdr=Email Address: reg.emailAdrHelp=Your email address will be your <b>user name reg.retypePswd=Retype Password: reg.screenName=Screen Name: reg.screenNameHelp=Screen name is your public identity displayed on Sun community sites such as forums; <br>3-30 characters (., -, _ allowed) reg.personalInfo=Personal Information reg.firstName=First Name: reg.lastName=Last Name: reg.companyName=Company: reg.proxy=Proxy Host: reg.proxyHelp=Proxy host of the server machine reg.port=Proxy Port: reg.pleaseReg=Please Register reg.yourPrivacy=Your Privacy reg.privacy=Sun Microsystems, Inc. respects your desire for privacy. Personal information collected from this form will not be shared with organizations external to Sun without your consent, except to process data on Sun's behalf in connection with this transaction. reg.privacy2=If you have any questions please refer to the <a href="" target="_blank" >Sun Privacy Policy or contact us at reg.agree=By clicking the Register button, you agree with the <a href="" target="_blank"> Sun Online Account terms of use. reg.error.noRegService=Cannot Create Registration Service. Check server log for error. support.PageTitle=GlassFish News support.PageTitleHelp= support.techDays=Tech Days Registration Updates support.techDaysDesc=Get practical information, examples of real-world solutions, and hands-on training. Read <a href="" target="_blank">blog reports from each city. support.newsBlogs=News / Blogs support.techTips=Tech Tips support.sunDevNews=Sun Developer News support.moreDevEvents=More Developer Events... support.moreTechTips=More Technical Articles and Tips... support.moreIssues=See all fixed issues from the past week support.morePodCast=More GlassFish Podcasts... support.moreDeveloperNews=More Developer News... support.moreEnterpriseArticles=More Enterprise Java Articles... support.javeEENewsAndArticles=Java EE News and Articles... support.moreStories=More References... support.moreAquarium=More from the Aquarium... support.learning=Learning / References support.podcast=GlassFish Podcast support.service=Service and Support support.coreTechTips=Core Java Tech Tips support.entTechTips=Enterprise Java Tech Tips support.gfIssues=GlassFish Issues support.bugList=List of bugs fixed in the past week support.supportAndService=GlassFish Server Support and Services support.s1=Gain flexibility and support on a global scale 24/7. Count on Sun's full enterprise support whenever you need it. and Certification support.t1=Find out about training and various Sun certification courses for programmers and enterprise architects, preparation methods, and savings programs. support.devSupportService=Developer Support Services support.d1=Sun support services for developers provide how-to help, product support, and custom solution support. Forum support.forum1=Forum is for discussing the GlassFish project, the Community Development of the latest version of the Java EE SDK. support.issueTracker=GlassFish Issue Tracker support.issueTracker1=Search for issues and defects or report a specific issue. support.adoption=Adoption Stories support.GlassFishBusiness=GlassFish For Business support.moreBusiness=More Business News... # the following links is used in the support page. If there is localized site for these link, replace them. # otherwise, leave it as is. support.aquariumLink= support.eventsLink= support.tipsLink= support.javaeeLink= support.devNewsLink= support.businessLink= support.appServerSubscriptionLink= support.trainingLink= support.devSupportLink= support.forumLink= support.issueLink= support.storyLink= support.podcastLink= ## Monitoring monitoring=Monitor monitoringTab=Monitor Tab monitoring.webContainer.PageHelp=Click <a href="#{request.contextPath}/common/monitor/monitoringPage.jsf?configName=#{pageSession.configName}">Configure Monitoring and enable monitoring for a component or service by selecting either LOW or HIGH. See the Online Help for more information. monitoring.webContainer.NoStats=No statistics available. Configure Monitoring to turn on monitoring. webContainer=Web Container httpService=HTTP Service jvm=JVM server=Server serverTab=Server Tab resources=Resources resourcesTab=Resources Tab appMonitor=Application Monitoring serverMonitor=Server Monitoring resourcesMonitor=Resource Monitoring monitoring.webContainer.pageTitle=Web Container Monitoring monitoring.httpService.pageTitle=HTTP Service Monitoring monitoring.jvm.pageTitle=JVM Monitoring monitoring.requestStatistics=Request Statistics monitoring.sessionStatistics=Session Statistics monitoring.servletStatistics=Servlet Statistics monitoring.jspStatistics=JSP Statistics monitoring.requestStatisticsHttp=Request Statistics monitoring.requestStatisticsWeb=Web Container: Request Statistics monitoring.sessionStatisticsWeb=Web Container: Session Statistics monitoring.servletStatisticsWeb=Web Container: Servlet Statistics monitoring.jspStatisticsWeb=Web Container: JSP Statistics monitoring.jRubyStatisticsHttp=JRuby: HTTP Service Statistics monitoring.jRubyStatisticsRuntime=JRuby: Runtime Statistics monitoring.jRubyStatistics=JRuby Statistics monitoring.jRubyProbeStatistics=JRuby: Container Statistics monitoring.WorkManagement=Work Management monitoring.WorkManagementStats=Work Management Statistics monitoring.Connector=Work Management monitoring.View=View monitoring.Login=Login monitoring.LoginStats=Login Statistics monitoring.ConnectionQueueStatistics=Connection Queue Statistics monitoring.ThreadPoolStatistics=Thread Pool Statistics monitoring.VirtualServer=Virtual Server monitoring.NetworkListener=Listener monitoring.FileCacheStats=File Cache Statistics monitoring.KeepAliveStats=Keep Alive Statistics monitoring.ConnectionQueueStats=Connection Queue Statistics monitoring.ConnectionsStats=Connection Manager Statistics monitoring.jAppStatistics=Jersey Application Statistics monitoring.jGlobalStatistics=Jersey Global Statistics monitoring.HTTPListener=HTTP Listener monitoring.jvmStatistics= JVM Memory Usage (bytes) monitoring.jvm.init.tooltip=Initial memory that JVM requests from OS for memory management during startup monitoring.jvm.used.tooltip=Amount of memory currently used monitoring.jvm.committed.tooltip=Amount of memory that is guaranteed to be available for use by the JVM monitoring.jvm.max.tooltip=Maximum amount of memory that can be used for memory management monitoring.jvm.classLoadingJvm=JVM: Class Loading Statistics monitoring.jvm.classLoading=Class Loading monitoring.jvm.compilation=Compilation monitoring.jvm.compilationJvm=JVM: Compilation Statistics monitoring.jvm.garbageCollectorsStats=Garbage Collectors Statistics monitoring.jvm.garbageCollectors=Garbage Collectors monitoring.jvm.garbageCollectorsJvm=JVM: Garbage Collectors Statistics monitoring.jvm.operatingSystemJvm=JVM: Operating System Statistics monitoring.jvm.operatingSystem=Operating System monitoring.jvm.memory=Memory (bytes) monitoring.jvm.memoryJvm=JVM: Memory Statistics monitoring.jvm.runtime=Runtime monitoring.jvm.runtimeJvm=JVM: Runtime Statistics monitoring.realm=Security Realm Statistics monitoring.ConnectionManagers=Connection Managers Statistics monitoring.ThreadPools=Thread Pools Statistics monitoring.ORB=ORB Statistics monitoring.ThreadSystem=JVM: Thread System Statistics monitoring.ThreadInfo=Thread Info Statistics monitoring.EJB=EJB Application Statistics monitoring.EJBMethod=EJB Methods Statistics monitoring.EJBPool=EJB Pool Statistics monitoring.EJBCache=EJB Cache Statistics monitoring.EJBTimer=EJB Timer Statistics monitoring.virtualServerStatistics=Virtual Server Statistics monitoring.JDBC=JDBC Connection Pool Statistics monitoring.ConnectorConnectionPool=Connector Connection Pool Statistics monitoring.webSecurity=Web Application Security Deployment monitoring.webSecurityStats=Web Application Security Deployment Statistics monitoring.transaction=Transaction Service Statistics monitoring.ejb=EJB Security Statistics monitoring.webServicesStats=Web Services Statistics monitoring.deployLifeCycleStats=Deployment Lifecycle Statistics monitoring.startTimeCol=Start Time monitoring.lastTimeCol=Last Sample Time monitoring.DetailsCol=Details monitoring.DescCol=Description monitoring.runTimesCol=Runtimes monitoring.ThresholdsCol=Thresholds monitoring.queueSizeCol=Queue Size monitoring.MaxTime=Maximum Time monitoring.MinTime=Minimum Time monitoring.Level=Level: monitoring.DTrace=DTrace: monitoring.DTraceHelp=Use Solaris(TM) DTrace tool; available with Oracle GlassFish Server DTrace Monitoring monitoring.statistics=Statistics monitoring.Title=Monitoring Service monitoring.PageHelp=Enable monitoring for a component or service by selecting either LOW or HIGH. Monitoring Service and Monitoring MBeans must both be enabled to use Administration Console monitoring features. monitoring.Http=HTTP Service: monitoring.Web=Web Container: monitoring.Jvm=JVM: monitoring.ThreadPool=Thread Pool: monitoring.Low=LOW monitoring.High=HIGH monitoring.Off=OFF monitoring.MonitorCompNameCol=Component monitoring.MonitorCompLevelCol=Monitoring Level monitoring.MonitorLevelTableTitle=Component Level Settings monitoring.Off=OFF monitoring.monService=Monitoring Service: monitoring.monServiceHelp=Enable monitoring for GlassFish Server monitoring.monMbeans=Monitoring MBeans: monitoring.monMbeansHelp=Deploy all MBeans needed for monitoring tree.monitoring=Monitoring tree.monitoring.tooltip=Monitoring monitoring.servletInstanceStatistics=Servlet Instance Statistics monitoring.Sfull=EJB Stateful Session Bean Statistics monitoring.Sless=EJB Stateless Session Bean Statistics monitoring.Component=Component monitoring.Application=Application monitoring.MDB=EJB Message Driven Bean Statistics monitoring.ORBInStatistics=ORB Inbound Statistics monitoring.ORBOutStatistics=ORB Outbound Statistics monitoring.EntityBean=EJB Entity Bean Statistics monitoring.SingletonBean=EJB Singleton Bean Statistics monitoring.jmsStats=JMS Service Statistics endpoint.PageTitle=Web Service Endpoint Information endpoint.PageTitleHelp=View details about a web service endpoint. endpoint.appName=Application Name: endpoint.endpointName=Endpoint Name: endpoint.address=Endpoint Address URI: endpoint.deploymentType=Deployment Type: endpoint.description=Description: endpoint.implClass=Implementation Class Name: endpoint.implType=Implementation Type: endpoint.namespace=Namespace: endpoint.portName=Port Name: endpoint.serviceName=Service Name: endpoint.tester=Tester: endpoint.wsdl=WSDL: endpoint.viewWsdl=View WSDL endpoint.testButton=Test appClientLaunch.PageTitleHelp=If the server or listener is not running, links may not work. In this case, check the status of the server instance. appClientLaunch.PageTitle=Application Client Launch Page appClientLaunch.application=Application: appClientLaunch.module=Module: appClientLaunch.linkLabel=Links: appClientLaunch.argLabel=Arguments: appClientLaunch.argHelp=Arguments to append to the URL for launching the application; for example, <tt>arg=first&arg=second # Domain Attrs # domain.DomainAttrsPageTitle=Domain Attributes domain.DomainAttrsPageTitleHelp=Specify default attributes to use for the domain when custom attributes are not specified for a component. domain.AppsConfigPageTitle=Applications Configuration domain.AppsConfigPageHelp=Enable reloading so that changes to deployed applications are detected and the modified classes reloaded. Also enable and configure automatic deployment of applications. Click Add Property to specify additional settings. domain.Reload=Reload domain.ReloadHelp=Enables dynamic reloading of applications. domain.ReloadPollInterval=Reload Poll Interval domain.ReloadPollIntervalHelp=Frequency for checking reload requests. domain.AdminTimeout=Admin Session Timeout domain.AdminTimeoutHelp=A value of <tt>0 means the session never times out. domain.AutoDeploySettings=Auto Deploy Settings domain.AutoDeploy=Auto Deploy domain.AutoDeployHelp=Automatically deploys applications in the autodeploy directory. domain.AutoDeployPollInterval=Auto Deploy Poll Interval domain.AutoDeployPollIntervalHelp=Frequency at which the autodeploy directory is checked for applications; interval does not affect amount of time to load the application or module. domain.AutoDeployTimeout=Auto Deploy Retry Timeout domain.AutoDeployTimeoutHelp=Time to report failure after a file remains stable in size but cannot be opened. domain.AutoDeployDirectory=Auto Deploy Directory domain.AutoDeployDirectoryHelp=Directory to monitor for autodeploy applications. domain.LogRoot=Log Root domain.LogRootHelp=Location of server instance's access and transaction log files. domain.Verifier=Verifier domain.VerifierHelp=Performs detailed verification before deployment. domain.Precompile=Precompile domain.PrecompileHelp=Precompiles JSPs, deploys only resulting class files. domain.AppRoot=Application Root domain.AppRootHelp=Directory from which applications are deployed. domain.Locale=Locale domain.LocaleHelp=Overrides the OS locale setting. domain.AdminPasswordTitle=New Administrator Password domain.AdminPasswordTitleHelp=Changes the password for the current admin user. domain.Userid=User ID domain.GroupList=Group List domain.NewPassword=New Password domain.ConfirmNewPassword=Confirm New Password domain.Full=Full domain.Parsing=Parsing domain.None=None domain.deployXmlValidation=XML Validation: domain.deployXmlValidationHelp=Type of deployment descriptor validation. configurations.PageTitle=Configurations configurations.NewPageTitle=New Configuration configurations.PageTitleHelp=Manage configurations, and view the target server instances or clusters using the configurations. configurations.TableTitle=Configurations configurations.instanceCol=Instance configurations.SystemPropertiesTitle=System Properties Monitor.ApplicationsTab=Applications Monitor.ApplicationsTab.tooltip=Applications Tab Monitor.ResourcesTab=Resources Monitor.ResourcesTab.tooltip=Resources Tab Monitor.MonitoringTab=Monitoring Monitor.MonitoringTab.tooltip=Monitoring Tab GeneralTab=General PropertiesTab=Properties status.image.RUNNING=<img src="/theme/com/sun/webui/jsf/suntheme/images/alerts/ok_small.gif"/> status.image.NOT_RUNNING=<img src="/theme/com/sun/webui/jsf/suntheme/images/alerts/failed_small.gif"/> status.image.REQUIRES_RESTART=<img src="/theme/com/sun/webui/jsf/suntheme/images/alerts/degraded_small.gif"/> status.image.UNKNOWN= status.RUNNING=Running status.NOT_RUNNING=Stopped status.REQUIRES_RESTART=Restart Required status.UNKNOWN=Unknown status.NO_RESPONSE=No Response status.STARTING=Starting resourcesTarget.pageTitle=Resources resourcesTarget.pageTitleHelp=Enable, disable, or create a new resource type to associate with the instance. Physical Destinations ## in launching web App and Web Services page application.Links=Links: webServiceTestLinks.PageTitle=Web Service Test Links webServiceTestLinks.PageTitleHelp=If the server or listener is not running, the link may not work. In this case, check the status of the server instance. After launching the web service test form, use the browser's Back button to return to this screen webServiceWsdlLinks.PageTitle=View WSDL webServiceWsdlLinks.PageTitleHelp=If the server or listener is not running, the link may not work. In this case, check the status of the server instance. After launching the web service test form, use the browser's Back button to return to this screen LOG_INIT_SESSION=Admin Console: Initializing Session Attributes... LOG_MSG_WARNING_NO_ADMIN_LISTENER_PORT=getDeploymentFacility: cannot get admin listener port, default to 4848 LOG_REST_REQUEST_INFO=restRequest: endpoint={0}\nattrs={1}\nmethod={2} LOG_REQUEST_RESULT=RestResponse.getResponse() gives {0}. endpoint = ''{1}''; attrs = ''{2}'' LOG_UPDATE_ENTITY_FAILED=updateEntity failed. parent=''{0}''; attrs =''{1}'' LOG_BUILD_MULTI_VALUE_MAP_ERROR=Unable to add key ("{0}") w/ value ("{1}"). LOG_EXCEPTION_OCCURED=Exception Occurred : LOG_SAVE_INSTANCE_WEIGHT_ERROR=Error in saveInstanceWeight ; \nendpoint = ''{0}'' ; attrsMap=''{1}'' LOG_NODE_ACTION_ERROR=Error in nodeAction ; \nendpoint = ''{0}/{1}.json\n attrsMap={2} LOG_CREATE_CLUSTER=Error in createCluster ; \nendpoint={0}\nattrsMap={1} LOG_CREATE_CLUSTER_INSTANCE=Error in create instance for cluster {0} ;\nendpoint={1}\nattrsMap={2} LOG_DELETE_INSTANCE=Error in deleteInstance ; \nendpoint ={0};attrsMap={1}; LOG_LIST_INSTANCES=Error in listInstances: \nendpoint={0}"\nattrs={1} LOG_GET_CLUSTERNAME_FOR_INSTANCE=Error occurs at getClusterNameForInstance LOG_ERROR_INSTANCE_ACTION=Error in instanceAction ; \nendpoint={0};attrsMap={1} LOG_LONGADD_ERROR=Exception in longAdd, (0}, {1}, return 0 LOG_IGNORE_DUP_PROP=Ignored Duplicate Property Name: {0} log.successfullyUploadedTmp=Successfully uploaded to temp file: log.writeToTmpFile=Writing to temp file... log.afterWriteToTmpFile=After writing to temp file ... log.inUploadFileToTmpDir=In upLoadFileToTempDir Aliases pswdAlias.tabTip=Password Aliases pswdAliases.title=Password Aliases pswdAliases.titleHelp=A password alias stores a password in encrypted form in the domain keystore, providing a clear-text alias name to use instead of the password. In password files and the domain configuration file, use the form ${alias=<i>alias-name} to refer to the encrypted password. pswdAliasNew.title=New Password Alias pswdAliasNew.titleHelp=Create a new password alias for storing a password in encrypted form in the domain keystore. pswdAlias.aliasName=Alias Name: pswdAlias.aliasNameHelp=Must be unique across all password alias names in the domain. pswdAlias.password=Password: pswdAlias.passwordHelp=Password to encrypt pswdAlias.confirmPassword=Confirm Password: pswdAlias.confirmPasswordHelp=Password to encrypt. Compared to Password to confirm correct entry of password. pswdAliasEdit.title=Edit Password Alias pswdAliasEdit.titleHelp=Modify an existing password alias. pswdAliases.tableTitle=Password Aliases pswdAlias.nameCol=Alias Name instanceProperties.PropertiesTitle=Instance Properties instanceProperties.SystemPropertiesTitle=System Properties #Recover Transactions recoverTransactionsTitle=Recover Transactions recoverTransactionsTitleHelp=Recover transactions that have not completed. destServer=Destination Server: destServerHelp=The selected server performs the recovery. txnLogDir=Transaction Log Directory: txnLogDirHelp=Directory for storing transaction logs; should be accessible by the destination server. recoverTransactions.selfRecover=Recovery is performed by the running server itself: recoverTransactions.instanceName=Instance Name: msg.recoverTransactionsSuccessful=Transaction Recovered Successfully. msg.JS.recoverTransactions.enterLogDir=Enter a value for Transaction Log Directory log.error.wsException=Exception in getting Web Service endpoint information: log.error.appTarget=Exception in getting Application Target: log.error.getRefEndpoints=Exception in getRefEndpoints: log.error.initSession=Exception in InitSessionAttributes(): log.error.prepareAlert=Exception in prepareAlert(): log.error.getClusters=Exception in getClusters(). log.error.getTargetEndpoint=Exception in getTargetEndpoint(). log.error.getDeployedAppsInfo=Exception in getDeployedAppsInfo(). log.error.getSubComponents=Exception in getSubComponents(). log.error.getGroupNames=Exception in getGroupNames(). log.error.getSubComponentDetail=Exception in getSubComponentDetail(). log.error.getLifecyclesInfo=Exception in getLifecyclesInfo(). log.error.getURLs=Exception in getURLs(). log.error.updateJDBCPoolWizardStep1=Exception in updateJDBCPoolWizardStep1(). log.error.getWebStatsUrl=Exception in getWebStatsUrl(). log.error.getStatsUrl=Exception in getStatsUrl(). log.error.convertScheduleToString=Exception in convertScheduleToString(). log.error.sortMonths=Exception in sortMonths(). log.error.decodeString=Exception in decodeString(). log.error.roundTo2DecimalPoint=Exception in roundTo2DecimalPoint(). log.error.dateFormat=Exception in getFormattedDateTime().

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