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Glassfish example source code file (

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amxproxy, amxproxy, class, domainroot, exception, io, management, map, mbeaninfo, objectname, objectname, proxyfactory, proxyfactory, reflection, set, string, string, threading, threads, util

The Glassfish source code

 * Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * GPL Classpath Exception:
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package org.glassfish.admin.amx.core.proxy;

import org.glassfish.admin.amx.base.DomainRoot;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.core.AMXProxy;

import org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.AMXDebugHelper;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.jmx.JMXUtil;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.ExceptionUtil;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.StringUtil;

import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import org.glassfish.external.arc.Stability;
import org.glassfish.external.arc.Taxonomy;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.config.AMXConfigProxy;
import org.glassfish.admin.amx.core.Util;
import static org.glassfish.external.amx.AMX.*;
import org.glassfish.external.amx.AMXGlassfish;

//import org.glassfish.api.amx.AMXUtil;

	Factory for {@link AMXProxy} proxies.
@Taxonomy(stability = Stability.UNCOMMITTED)
public final class ProxyFactory implements NotificationListener
	private final MBeanServerConnection	mMBeanServerConnection;
	private final String			    mMBeanServerID;
	private final ObjectName		    mDomainRootObjectName;
	private final DomainRoot		    mDomainRoot;
        For immutable MBeanInfo, we want to pay the cost once and only once of a trip to the server.
        Can we assume it's unique per *type* so that we can cache it once per type? If we could so so,
        the size of the cache would stay much smaller.
    private final ConcurrentMap<ObjectName,MBeanInfo> mMBeanInfoCache = new ConcurrentHashMap();
    private static final AMXDebugHelper mDebug  =
        new AMXDebugHelper( ProxyFactory.class.getName() );
    private static void debug( final Object... args )
        //mDebug.println( args );
        System.out.println( StringUtil.toString( ", ", args) );
	private static final Map<MBeanServerConnection,ProxyFactory> INSTANCES	=
	    Collections.synchronizedMap( new HashMap<MBeanServerConnection,ProxyFactory>() );
        Because ProxyFactory is used on both client and server, emitting anything to stdout
        or to the log is unacceptable in some circumstances.  Warnings remain available
        if the AMX-DEBUG system property allows it.
        private static void
    warning( final Object... args )
        debug( args );
	ProxyFactory( final MBeanServerConnection conn )
        mDebug.setEchoToStdOut( true );
		assert( conn != null );
		mMBeanServerConnection	= conn;
			mMBeanServerID		= JMXUtil.getMBeanServerID( conn );
			mDomainRootObjectName = AMXGlassfish.DEFAULT.domainRoot();
            if ( mDomainRootObjectName == null )
                throw new IllegalStateException( "ProxyFactory: AMX has not been started" );
            mDomainRoot           = getProxy(mDomainRootObjectName, DomainRoot.class);
			// we should always be able to listen to MBeans--
			// but the http connector does not support listeners
				final MBeanServerNotificationFilter	filter	= new MBeanServerNotificationFilter();
				filter.enableType( MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION );
				JMXUtil.listenToMBeanServerDelegate( conn, this, filter, null );
			catch( Exception e )
				warning( "ProxyFactory: connection does not support notifications: ",
                    mMBeanServerID, conn);
		catch( Exception e )
			warning( "ProxyFactory.ProxyFactory:\n", e );
			throw new RuntimeException( e );
		The connection is bad.  Tell each proxy its gone and remove it.
		private void
        final Set<AMXProxy>   proxies  = new HashSet();
        for( final AMXProxy amx : proxies )
            final AMXProxyHandler proxy = AMXProxyHandler.unwrap(amx);
		Verify that the connection is still alive.
		public boolean
		boolean	connectionGood	= true;
			getMBeanServerConnection().isRegistered( JMXUtil.getMBeanServerDelegateObjectName() );
			connectionGood	= true;
		catch( Exception e )
		return( connectionGood );

		// should probably check each proxy for validity, but not clear if it's important...
		Listens for MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION and
		JMXConnectionNotification and takes appropriate action.
	    Used internally as callback for {@link}.
		public void
		final Notification	notifIn, 
		final Object		handback) 
		final String	type	= notifIn.getType();
		if ( type.equals( MBeanServerNotification.UNREGISTRATION_NOTIFICATION)  )
			final MBeanServerNotification	notif	= (MBeanServerNotification)notifIn;
			final ObjectName	objectName	= notif.getMBeanName();
			//debug( "ProxyFactory.handleNotification: UNREGISTERED: ", objectName );
		else if ( notifIn instanceof JMXConnectionNotification )
			if ( type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.CLOSED ) ||
				type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.FAILED ) )
                debug( "ProxyFactory.handleNotification: connection closed or failed: ", notifIn);
			else if ( type.equals( JMXConnectionNotification.NOTIFS_LOST ) )
                debug( "ProxyFactory.handleNotification: notifications lost: ", notifIn);
			debug( "ProxyFactory.handleNotification: UNKNOWN notification: ", notifIn );
	private final static String	DOMAIN_ROOT_KEY	= "DomainRoot";
		public DomainRoot
	createDomainRoot( )
		throws IOException
		return( mDomainRoot );
		public DomainRoot
	initDomainRoot( )
		throws IOException
		final ObjectName	domainRootObjectName	= getDomainRootObjectName( );
		final DomainRoot dr	= getProxy(domainRootObjectName, DomainRoot.class);
		return( dr );

		Return the ObjectName for the DomainMBean.
		public ObjectName
		return( mDomainRootObjectName );
	    Return the DomainRoot. AMX is guaranteed to be ready after this call returns.
		@return the DomainRoot for this factory.
		public DomainRoot
	getDomainRootProxy( )
		return getDomainRootProxy( false );
	    If 'waitReady' is true, then upon return AMX
	    is guaranteed to be fully loaded.  Otherwise
	    AMX MBeans may continue to initialize asynchronously.
	    @param waitReady
		@return the DomainRoot for this factory.
		public DomainRoot
	getDomainRootProxy( boolean waitReady )
	    if ( waitReady )
		return( mDomainRoot );
		@return the JMX MBeanServerID for the MBeanServer in which MBeans reside.
		public String
		return( mMBeanServerID );
		Get an instance of the ProxyFactory for the MBeanServer.  Generally
		not applicable for remote clients.
		@param server
		public static ProxyFactory
	getInstance( final MBeanServer server )
		return getInstance( server, true );
		Get an instance of the ProxyFactory for the MBeanServerConnection.
		Creates a ConnectionSource for it and calls getInstance( connSource, true ).
		public static ProxyFactory
	getInstance( final MBeanServerConnection conn )
		return getInstance( conn, true );
		Get an instance.  If 'useMBeanServerID' is false, and
		the ConnectionSource is not one that has been passed before, a new ProxyFactory
		is instantiated which will not share its proxies with any previously-instantiated
		ones.  Such usage is discouraged, as it duplicates proxies.  Pass 'true' unless
		there is an excellent reason to pass 'false'.
		@param connSource			the ConnectionSource
		@param useMBeanServerID		use the MBeanServerID to determine if it's the same server
		public static synchronized ProxyFactory
		final MBeanServerConnection	conn,
		final boolean			    useMBeanServerID )
		ProxyFactory	instance	= findInstance( conn );
		if ( instance == null )
				// if not found, match based on MBeanServerID as requested, or if this
				// is an in-process MBeanServer
				if ( useMBeanServerID )
					final String	id	= JMXUtil.getMBeanServerID( conn );
					instance	= findInstanceByID( id );
				if ( instance == null )
                    //debug( "Creating new ProxyFactory for ConnectionSource / conn", connSource, conn );
					instance	= new ProxyFactory( conn );
					INSTANCES.put( conn, instance );
			catch( Exception e )
				warning( "ProxyFactory.getInstance: failure creating ProxyFactory: ", e );
				throw new RuntimeException( e );
		return( instance );
		@return ProxyFactory corresponding to the MBeanServerConnection
		public static synchronized ProxyFactory
	findInstance( final MBeanServerConnection conn )
		ProxyFactory	instance	= null;
		final Collection<ProxyFactory> values	= INSTANCES.values();
		for( final ProxyFactory factory : values )
			if ( factory.getMBeanServerConnection() == conn )
				instance	= factory;
		return( instance );
		@return ProxyFactory corresponding to the MBeanServerID
		public static synchronized ProxyFactory
	findInstanceByID( final String mbeanServerID )
		ProxyFactory	instance	= null;
		final Collection<ProxyFactory> values	= INSTANCES.values();
		for( final ProxyFactory factory : values )
			if ( factory.getMBeanServerID().equals( mbeanServerID ) )
				instance	= factory;
		return( instance );
        Return (possibly cached) MBeanInfo.  If the MBean does not exist,
        then null is returned.
    public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo( final ObjectName objectName )
            MBeanInfo info = mMBeanInfoCache.get(objectName);
            if ( info == null )
                // race condition: doesn't matter if two threads both get it
                info = getMBeanServerConnection().getMBeanInfo(objectName);
                if ( invariantMBeanInfo(info)  )
                    mMBeanInfoCache.put(objectName, info);
            return info;
        catch( final InstanceNotFoundException e )
            // OK, return null
        catch ( Exception e )
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        return null;
    public static boolean invariantMBeanInfo(final MBeanInfo info )
        final Descriptor d = info.getDescriptor();
        if ( d == null ) return false;
        final String value =  "" + d.getFieldValue( DESC_STD_IMMUTABLE_INFO);
        return Boolean.valueOf( value );
		@return MBeanServerConnection used by this factory
		protected MBeanServerConnection
		return mMBeanServerConnection;
		Get any existing proxy, returning null if none exists and 'create' is false.
        If an MBean is no longer registered, the proxy returned will be null.
		@param objectName	ObjectName for which a proxy should be created
		@param intf         class of returned proxy, avoids casts and compiler warnings
		@return an appropriate {@link AMXProxy} interface for the ObjectName
		public <T extends AMXProxy> T
	    final ObjectName	objectName,
	    Class<T>            intf)
        final MBeanInfo info = getMBeanInfo(objectName);
        if ( info == null ) return null;
		final T proxy = getProxy( objectName, info, intf);
		return proxy;
    /** Call getProxy(objectName, getGenericAMXInterface() */
    	public AMXProxy
	getProxy( final ObjectName	objectName)
        final MBeanInfo info = getMBeanInfo(objectName);
        if ( info == null ) return null;
        final Class<? extends AMXProxy>  intf = genericInterface(info);
		final AMXProxy proxy = getProxy( objectName, info, intf);
        return proxy;

    public static Class<? extends AMXProxy> genericInterface(final MBeanInfo info)
        final String intfName = AMXProxyHandler.genericInterfaceName(info);
        Class<? extends AMXProxy> intf = AMXProxy.class;

        if (intfName == null || AMXProxy.class.getName().equals(intfName))
            intf = AMXProxy.class;
        else if (AMXConfigProxy.class.getName().equals(intfName))
            intf = AMXConfigProxy.class;
        else if (intfName.startsWith(AMXProxy.class.getPackage().getName()))
                intf = Class.forName(intfName, false, ProxyFactory.class.getClassLoader()).asSubclass(AMXProxy.class);
            catch (final Exception e)
                // ok, use generic
                debug("ProxyFactory.getInterfaceClass(): Unable to load interface " + intfName);
            intf = AMXProxy.class;
        return intf;

    /** NOTE: a null proxy may be returned if the MBean is no longer registered */
        <T extends AMXProxy> T
        final ObjectName objectName,
        final MBeanInfo  mbeanInfoIn, 
        final Class<T>   intfIn)
        //debug( "ProxyFactory.createProxy: " + objectName + " of class " + expected.getName() + " with interface " + JMXUtil.interfaceName(mbeanInfo) + ", descriptor = " + mbeanInfo.getDescriptor() );
		AMXProxy proxy = null;
            MBeanInfo mbeanInfo = mbeanInfoIn;
            if ( mbeanInfo == null )
                mbeanInfo = getMBeanInfo(objectName);
            // if it's a plain AMXProxy, it might have a more generic sub-interface we should use.
            Class<? extends AMXProxy>  intf = intfIn; 
            if ( AMXProxy.class == intf )
                intf = genericInterface(mbeanInfoIn);
            final AMXProxyHandler handler	= new AMXProxyHandler( getMBeanServerConnection(), objectName, mbeanInfo);
            proxy	= (AMXProxy)Proxy.newProxyInstance( intf.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { intf }, handler);
            //debug( "CREATED proxy of type " + intf.getName() + ", metadata specifies " + AMXProxyHandler.interfaceName(mbeanInfo) );
        catch( IllegalArgumentException e )
            //debug( "createProxy", e );
            throw e;
        catch( Exception e )
            final Throwable rootCause = ExceptionUtil.getRootCause(e);
            if ( ! ( rootCause instanceof InstanceNotFoundException) )
                //debug( "createProxy", e );
                throw new RuntimeException( e );
            proxy = null;
		return proxy == null ? null : intfIn.cast( proxy );

		protected static String
	toString( final Object o )
		//return( org.glassfish.admin.amx.util.stringifier.SmartStringifier.toString( o ) );
        return "" + o;
        Array entries for MBeans that are no longer registered will contain null values.
        public AMXProxy[]
    toProxy( final ObjectName[] objectNames )
        final AMXProxy[] result = new AMXProxy[objectNames.length];
        for( int i = 0; i < objectNames.length; ++i )
            result[i] = getProxy(objectNames[i]);
        return result;
		Convert a Set of ObjectName to a Set of AMX.
		The resulting Set may be smaller than the original if, for example, some MBeans
        are no longer registered.
		public Set<AMXProxy>
	toProxySet( final Set<ObjectName> objectNames )
		final Set<AMXProxy>	s	= new HashSet();
		for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
				final AMXProxy	proxy	= getProxy( objectName );
                if ( proxy != null )
                    s.add( proxy );
			catch( final Exception e )
			    debug( "ProxyFactory.toProxySet: exception for MBean ",
                    objectName, " = ", ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e ) );
		return( s );
		Convert a Set of ObjectName to a Set of AMX.
		The resulting Set may be smaller than the original if, for example, some MBeans
        are no longer registered.
        public Set<AMXProxy>
	toProxySet( final ObjectName[] objectNames, final Class<? extends AMXProxy> intf)
		final Set<AMXProxy> result = new HashSet();
		for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
            final AMXProxy  proxy = getProxy( objectName, intf);
            if ( proxy != null )
                result.add( proxy );
		return( result );
		Convert a Collection of ObjectName to a List of AMX.
        Resulting Map could differ in size if some MBeans are no longer registered.
		@return a List of AMX from a List of ObjectName.
		public List<AMXProxy>
	toProxyList( final Collection<ObjectName> objectNames )
		final List<AMXProxy>	list	= new ArrayList();
		for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
				final AMXProxy	proxy	= getProxy( objectName );
                if ( proxy != null )
                    list.add( proxy );
			catch( final Exception e )
			    debug( "ProxyFactory.toProxySet: exception for MBean ",
                    objectName, " = ", ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e ) );
		return( list );
		Convert a Map of ObjectName, and convert it to a Map
		of AMX, with the same keys.
        Resulting Map could differ in size if some MBeans are no longer registered.
		@return a Map of AMX from a Map of ObjectName.
		public Map<String,AMXProxy>
		final Map<String,ObjectName>	objectNameMap )
		final Map<String,AMXProxy> resultMap	= new HashMap();
		final Set<String>   keys    = objectNameMap.keySet();
		for( final String key : keys )
			final ObjectName	objectName	= objectNameMap.get( key );
				final AMXProxy	proxy	= getProxy( objectName );
                if ( proxy != null )
                    resultMap.put( key, proxy );
			catch( final Exception e )
			    debug( "ProxyFactory.toProxySet: exception for MBean ",
                    objectName, " = ", ExceptionUtil.getRootCause( e ) );
		return( resultMap );
    /** Resulting Map could differ in size if some MBeans are no longer registered */
        public Map<String,AMXProxy>
	toProxyMap( final ObjectName[] objectNames, final Class<? extends AMXProxy> intf)
		final Map<String,AMXProxy> resultMap	= new HashMap();
		for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
            final String key = Util.unquoteIfNeeded(objectName.getKeyProperty(NAME_KEY));

            final AMXProxy	proxy	= getProxy( objectName, intf);
            if ( proxy != null )
                resultMap.put( key, proxy );
		return( resultMap );
    /** Resulting list could differ in size if some MBeans are no longer registered */
        public List<AMXProxy>
	toProxyList( final ObjectName[] objectNames, final Class<? extends AMXProxy> intf)
		final List<AMXProxy> result = new ArrayList();
		for( final ObjectName objectName : objectNames )
            final AMXProxy proxy = getProxy( objectName, intf);
            if ( proxy != null )
                result.add( proxy );
		return( result );

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