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Glassfish example source code file (

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Java - Glassfish tags/keywords

certificateexception, crypto, file, io, ioexception, keystore, keystore, keystoreexception, keystoreexception, nosuchalgorithmexception, nosuchalgorithmexception, passwordadapter, runtimeexception, security, string, string, unrecoverablekeyexception, util

The Glassfish source code

 * Copyright (c) 1997-2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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 * GPL Classpath Exception:
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import com.sun.enterprise.util.SystemPropertyConstants;

import javax.crypto.SecretKey;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;

import java.util.Enumeration;

 * This class implements an adapter for password manipulation a JCEKS.
 ** Note that although it uses locks ('synchronized'), it tends to be created
 ** anew with each use, an inefficient and potentially problematic use that
 ** could create more than one instance accessing the same keystore at a time.
public final class PasswordAdapter {
    public static final String PASSWORD_ALIAS_KEYSTORE = "domain-passwords";

    private KeyStore    _pwdStore;
    private final File  _keyFile;            
    private char[]      _masterPassword;

    private char[] getMasterPassword() {
        return _masterPassword;
    private void setMasterPassword(char[] smp) {
        _masterPassword = smp;
    private static final boolean DEBUG = true;
    private void //debug( final Object o )
        if ( DEBUG )
            System.out.println( "PasswordAdapter.debug: " + o );
        private void
    debugState( final String when)
        if ( DEBUG )
            final String INDENT = "    ";
                String s = "PasswordAdapter Status: " + when + "\n";
                s = s +INDENT + "Master password: " + new String( getMasterPassword() ) +"\n";
                s = s + INDENT + "Key file: " + _keyFile + "\n";
                s = s +INDENT + "Aliases:\n";
                final Enumeration<String>   aliases = getAliases();
                while ( aliases.hasMoreElements() )
                    final String alias  = aliases.nextElement();
                    s = s +INDENT + INDENT + alias + "=" +
                            new String( getPasswordForAlias(alias) ) + "\n";
            catch( Throwable t )
        private static String
        return System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTANCE_ROOT_PROPERTY) +
            File.separator + "config" + File.separator + PASSWORD_ALIAS_KEYSTORE;
     * Construct a PasswordAdapter with given Shared Master Password,
     * SMP using the default keyfile (domain-passwords.jceks)
     * @param smp master password
     * @throws CertificateException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws KeyStoreException
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
    public PasswordAdapter(char[] masterPassword)
            throws CertificateException, IOException,
            KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException 
       this( getDefaultKeyFileName(), masterPassword );
     * Construct a PasswordAdapter with given Shared Master Password,
     * SMP.
     * @param keyfileName the jceks key file name
     * @param smp master password
     * @throws CertificateException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws KeyStoreException
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
    public PasswordAdapter(
        final String keyStoreFileName,
        final char[] masterPassword)
            throws CertificateException, IOException,
            KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException 
        final File  keyStoreFile    = new File( keyStoreFileName );
        _pwdStore   = loadKeyStore( keyStoreFile, masterPassword);
        // assign these only once the store is good; no need to keep copies otherwise!
        _keyFile            = keyStoreFile;
        _masterPassword     = masterPassword;
        //debugState( "PasswordAdapter constructor" );
     * Construct a PasswordAdapter with given Shared Master Password,
     * SMP.
     * @param keyfileName the jceks key file name
     * @param smp the master password
     * @exception CertificateException
     * @exception IOException
     * @exception KeyStoreException
     * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException
       private static KeyStore
    loadKeyStore( final File keyStoreFile, final char[] masterPassword )
            throws CertificateException, IOException,
            KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException 
        final KeyStore  keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS");

        if ( keyStoreFile.exists() )
            // don't buffer keystore; it's tiny anyway
            final FileInputStream   input   = new FileInputStream( keyStoreFile );
            try {
                keyStore.load( input, masterPassword );
            finally {
            keyStore.load( null, masterPassword );

        return keyStore;       
     * This methods returns password String for a given alias and SMP.
     * @param alias     
     * @return corresponding password or null if the alias does not exist.
     * @exception KeyStoreException
     * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @exception UnrecoverableKeyException
    public synchronized String getPasswordForAlias(final String alias)
            throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
        String passwordString = null;
        final Key key = _pwdStore.getKey( alias, getMasterPassword() );
        if ( key != null )
            passwordString  = new String( key.getEncoded() );
        return passwordString;

     * This methods returns password SecretKey for a given alias and SMP.
     * @param alias     
     * @return corresponding password SecretKey or
     *         null if the alias does not exist.
     * @exception KeyStoreException
     * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @exception UnrecoverableKeyException
    public synchronized SecretKey getPasswordSecretKeyForAlias(String alias)
            throws KeyStoreException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
            UnrecoverableKeyException {

        return (SecretKey)_pwdStore.getKey(alias, getMasterPassword()); 

     * See if the given alias exists
     * @param alias the alias name 
     * @return true if the alias exists in the keystore
    public synchronized boolean aliasExists( final String alias) throws KeyStoreException
        return _pwdStore.containsAlias(alias);
     * Remove an alias from the keystore
     * @param alias The name of the alias to remove
     * @throws KeyStoreException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @throws CertificateException
    public synchronized void removeAlias( final String alias)
        throws KeyStoreException, IOException,
            NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, UnrecoverableKeyException
     * Return the aliases from the keystore.
     * @return An enumeration containing all the aliases in the keystore.
    public synchronized Enumeration<String> getAliases()
        throws KeyStoreException
        return _pwdStore.aliases();

     * Writes the keystore to disk
     * @throws KeyStoreException
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
     * @throws CertificateException
    public void writeStore() throws KeyStoreException, IOException, 
        NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException, UnrecoverableKeyException
        writeKeyStoreSafe( getMasterPassword() );
     * This methods set alias, secretKey into JCEKS keystore.
     * @param alias
     * @param secretKey     
     * @exception CertificateException
     * @exception IOException
     * @exception KeyStoreException
     * @exception NoSuchAlgorithmException
    public synchronized void setPasswordForAlias(
        final String alias, 
        final byte[] keyBytes)
        throws CertificateException, IOException, KeyStoreException, 
            NoSuchAlgorithmException, UnrecoverableKeyException
        //debugState( "BEFORE setPasswordForAlias" );
        final Key key = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, "AES");
        _pwdStore.setKeyEntry( alias, key, getMasterPassword(), null);
        //debugState( "AFTER setPasswordForAlias" );

        Make a new in-memory KeyStore with all the keys secured with
        the new master password.
        private KeyStore
    duplicateKeyStore( final char[] newMasterPassword)
        throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
            CertificateException, UnrecoverableKeyException
        final char[]    oldMasterPassword       = getMasterPassword();

        final KeyStore oldStore = _pwdStore;
        final KeyStore newKeyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS", _pwdStore.getProvider() );
        newKeyStore.load( null, newMasterPassword );

        final Enumeration<String>   aliasesEnum = oldStore.aliases();
        while ( aliasesEnum.hasMoreElements() )
            final String alias  = aliasesEnum.nextElement();

            if ( ! oldStore.isKeyEntry( alias ) )
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Expecting keys only" );

            final Key key      = oldStore.getKey( alias, oldMasterPassword );
            newKeyStore.setKeyEntry( alias, key, newMasterPassword, null);

        return newKeyStore;

        Write the KeyStore to disk.  Calling code should protect against
        overwriting any original file.
        @param keyStore
        @param file
        @param masterPassword
        private static void
        final KeyStore  keyStore,
        final File      file,
        final char[]    masterPassword )
           throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, CertificateException
        final FileOutputStream  out = new FileOutputStream(file);
   out, masterPassword);

        Writes the current KeyStore to disk in a manner that preserves its
        on-disk representation from being destroyed if something goes wrong;
        a temporary file is used.
        private synchronized void
    writeKeyStoreSafe( final char[] masterPassword)
        throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
            CertificateException, UnrecoverableKeyException
        final boolean keystoreExists = _keyFile.exists();
        // if the KeyStore exists, update it in a manner that doesn't destroy
        // the existing store if a failure occurs.
        if ( keystoreExists )
            final KeyStore oldStore = _pwdStore;
            final KeyStore newKeyStore = duplicateKeyStore( masterPassword );   
            // 'newKeyStore' is now complete; rename the old KeyStore, the write the new one in its place
            final File  saveOld = new File( _keyFile.toString() + ".save" );

            if ( ! _keyFile.renameTo( saveOld ) )
                final String msg    = "Can't rename " + _keyFile + " to " + saveOld;
                throw new IOException( msg );

                //debug( "Writing KeyStore to " + _keyFile + " using master password = " + new String(masterPassword) );
                writeKeyStoreToFile( newKeyStore, _keyFile, masterPassword );
                _pwdStore   = newKeyStore;
                _masterPassword = masterPassword;
                //debug( "KeyStore written successfully" );
            catch( final Throwable t )
                    saveOld.renameTo( _keyFile );
                catch( final Throwable tt )
                    /* best effort failed */
                    throw new RuntimeException( "Could not write new KeyStore, and " +
                        "cannot restore KeyStore to original state", tt );
                throw new RuntimeException( "Can't write new KeyStore", t );

                //debug( "deleting old keystore " + saveOld );
               // //debug( "done deleting old keystore "  saveOld );
            catch( Throwable t )
                throw new RuntimeException( "Can't remove old KeyStore \"" +  _keyFile  + "\"", t );
            //debug( "Writing new KeyStore to " + _keyFile + " using master password = " + new String(masterPassword) );
            writeKeyStoreToFile( _pwdStore, _keyFile, masterPassword );

        //debugState( "AFTER changing master password" );

        loadKeyStore( _keyFile, getMasterPassword() );

        //debugState( "AFTER forcing reload from file" );

        Changes the keystore password, including the encoding of the keys within it.
        There are several error conditions that could occur:
            <li>Problem extracting existing alias keys with new ones.
            <li>Problem writing the keystore, including destroying it if an I/O problem occurs.
        For these reasons,  make a new KeyStore and write it, then swap it with the old
      * @param newpassword the new keystore password
      * @throws KeyStoreException
      * @throws IOException
      * @throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
      * @throws CertificateException
    public synchronized void changePassword(char[] newMasterPassword)
        throws KeyStoreException, IOException, NoSuchAlgorithmException,
            CertificateException, UnrecoverableKeyException
        final char[]    oldMasterPassword       = getMasterPassword();
        //debug( "Changing master password from " + new String(oldMasterPassword) + " to "  + new String(newMasterPassword) );
        //debugState( "BEFORE changing master password" );

        //debugState( "AFTER changing master password" );

Other Glassfish examples (source code examples)

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