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Glassfish example source code file (sun-server_1_0.dtd)

This example Glassfish source code file (sun-server_1_0.dtd) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Glassfish tags/keywords

a, attlist, cdata, cdata, element, element, if, implied, implied, required, required, server, the, this

The Glassfish sun-server_1_0.dtd source code

  Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  Use is subject to License Terms

<!ENTITY % boolean "(yes | no | on | off | 1 | 0 | true | false)">
<!ENTITY % isolation "(read-uncommitted | read-committed | repeatable-read | serializable)">

<!-- J2EE Application Server Configuration 

     Each Application Server instance is a J2EEv1.3 compliant container. 
     One server instance is specially designated as the Administration Server. 
     User applications cannot be deployed to an Adminsitration Server instance.

     instance-name     name of the server instance.

     locale            If present logging and Administration interface, will use 
                       the specified locale. Overrides OS locale setting.

     log-root          specifies where the server instance's log files are kept,
                       including HTTP access logs, server logs, and transaction 
                       logs. Default is $INSTANCE_ROOT/logs

     session-store     specifies the directory where passivated beans and 
                       persisted HTTP sessions are stored on the file system. 
                       Defaults to $INSTANCE_ROOT/session-store 
     applications-root Directory where deployed application are stored. Defaults 
                       to $INSTANCE_ROOT/applications
<!ELEMENT server (http-service, iiop-service, admin-service?, 
                  web-container, ejb-container, mdb-container, 
                  jms-service, log-service, security-service, transaction-service, 
                  java-config, resources, applications, property*)>
<!ATTLIST server name                            CDATA #REQUIRED
                 locale                          CDATA #IMPLIED
                 log-root                        CDATA #IMPLIED
                 application-root                CDATA #IMPLIED
                 session-store                   CDATA #IMPLIED>

<!-- HTTP service configuration -->
<!ELEMENT http-service ((http-listener | mime | acl | virtual-server-class)*, http-qos?, property*)>
<!ATTLIST http-service qos-metrics-interval-in-seconds       CDATA      "30"
                       qos-recompute-time-interval-in-millis CDATA      "100"
                       qos-enabled                           %boolean;  "true">

<!-- Configure HTTP listener

    id     Unique identifier for http listener.

    address IP address of the listen socket. Can be in dotted-pair or IPv6 notation. 
            Can also be any for INADDR_ANY. Configuring a listen socket to listen on 
            any is required if more than one http-listener is configured to it. 

    port    Port number to create the listen socket on. Legal values are 1 - 65535. 
            On Unix, creating sockets that listen on ports 1 - 1024 requires
            superuser privileges. Configuring an SSL listen socket to listen on 
            port 443 is recommended. 

    security-enabled (optional) Determines whether the http listener runs SSL. You can 
                     turn SSL2 or SSL3 on or off and set ciphers using an ssl element 
                     The Security setting in the init.conf file globally enables or disables 
                     SSL by making certificates available to the server instance. Therefore, 
                     Security in init.conf must be on or security in server.xml does not work. 

    acceptor-threads (optional) Number of acceptor threads for the listen socket. 
                     The recommended value is the number of processors in the machine. 

    family   (optional) The socket family type. The default is inet. Legal values are 
             inet, inet6, and nca. Use the value inet6 for IPv6 listen sockets.
             When using the value of inet6, IPv4 addresses will be prefixed with 
             ::ffff: in the log file. Specify nca to make use of the 
             Solaris Network Cache and Accelerator. 

    blocking-enabled (optional) Determines whether the http listener socket and the accepted 
             socket are put in to blocking mode. Use of blocking mode may improve
             benchmark scores. 

    default-virtual-server The id attribute of the default virtual server for this 
                           particular connection group. 

    server-name Tells the server what to put in the host name section of any URLs 
                it sends to the client. This affects URLs the server automatically generates;
                it doesn't affect the URLs for directories and files stored in the server. 
                This name should be the alias name if your server uses an alias. 
                If you append a colon and port number, that port will be used in URLs 
                the server sends to the client. 
<!ELEMENT http-listener (ssl?)>
<!ATTLIST http-listener  id                     CDATA     #REQUIRED
                         address                CDATA     #REQUIRED
                         port                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
                         family                 CDATA     #IMPLIED
                         acceptor-threads       CDATA     "1"
                         blocking-enabled       %boolean; "false"
                         security-enabled       %boolean; "false"
                         default-virtual-server CDATA     #REQUIRED
                         server-name            CDATA     #REQUIRED
                         enabled                %boolean; "true">

<!-- Define SSL processing parameters

     cert-nickname nickname of the server certificate in the certificate database 
                   or the PKCS#11 token. In the certificate, the name format is
                   tokenname:nickname. Including the tokenname: part of the name 
                   in this attribute is optional. 

     ssl2-enabled  (optional) Determines whether SSL2 is enabled. 

     ssl3-enabled  (optional) Determines whether SSL3 is enabled. 

                   If both SSL2 and SSL3 are enabled for a virtual server, the server 
                   tries SSL3 encryption first. If that fails, the server tries SSL2

     ssl2-ciphers  (optional) A comma-separated list of the SSL2 ciphers used, with 
                   the prefix + to enable or - to disable, for example +rc4. Allowed 
                   values are rc4, rc4export, rc2, rc2export, idea, des, desede3. 
                   If no value is specified, all supported ciphers are assumed to 
                   be enabled.

     ssl3-tls-ciphers (optional) A comma-separated list of the SSL3 ciphers used, with 
                      the prefix + to enable or - to disable, for example +rsa_des_sha.
                      Allowed SSL3 values are rsa_rc4_128_md5, rsa3des_sha, rsa_des_sha, 
                      rsa_rc4_40_md5, rsa_rc2_40_md5, rsa_null_md5. Allowed TLS values 
                      are rsa_des_56_sha, rsa_rc4_56_sha. If no value is specified, 
                      all supported ciphers are assumed to be enabled.

     tls-enabled     (optional) Determines whether TLS is enabled. 

     tls-rollback-enabled  (optional) Determines whether TLS rollback is enabled. TLS 
                           rollback should be enabled for Microsoft Internet Explorer 
                           5.0 and 5.5. 
     client-auth-enabled   (optional) Determines whether SSL3 client authentication is 
                          performed on every request, independent of ACL-based access 
<!ATTLIST ssl cert-nickname        CDATA     #REQUIRED
              ssl2-enabled         %boolean; "false"
              ssl2-ciphers         CDATA     #IMPLIED
              ssl3-enabled         %boolean; "true"
              ssl3-tls-ciphers     CDATA     #IMPLIED
              tls-enabled          %boolean; "true"
              tls-rollback-enabled %boolean; "true"
              client-auth-enabled  %boolean; "false">

<!-- Defines MIME types. 

    The most common way that the server determines the MIME type of a requested 
    resource is by invoking the type-by-extension directive in the ObjectType
    section of the obj.conf file. The type-by-extension function does not work 
    if no MIME element has been defined in the SERVER element. 

    id      Internal name for the MIME types listing. Used in a virtual-server 
            element to define the MIME types used by the virtual server. 
    file    name of a MIME types file. 

               file CDATA  #REQUIRED>

<!-- ACL File references

    id       internal name for the ACL file listing. Used in a Vrtual Server 
             element to define the ACL file used by the virtual server.
    file     name of the default ACL file 
              file CDATA  #REQUIRED>

<!-- virtual-server-class provides a way to specify a set of properties that will 
     apply to several virtual server instances. 

    id              Virtual server class ID. This is a unique ID that allows lookup of a 
                    specific virtual server class.

    config-file     file name of alternative obj.conf file for class of virtual servers. 
                    Can be overridden in a virtual-server element. 

    default-object  (optional) names the object loaded from an obj.conf file which is 
                    the default. The default object is expected to have all the name
                    translation (NameTrans) directives for the virtual server; any 
                    server behavior that is configured in the default object affects 
                    the entire virtual server class. The default value is default. 
                    If you specify an object that doesn't exist, the server doesn't 
                    report an error until a client tries to retrieve a document. The 
                    Server Manager assumes the default to be the object named default. 
                    Don't deviate from this convention if you use (or plan to use) the 
                    Server Manager. 
    accept-language (optional) If on, the server parses the Accept-Language header 
                    and sends an appropriate language version based on which language 
                    the client can accept. You should set this value to on only if the 
                    server supports multiple languages. The default is off. Can be 
                    overridden in a virtual-server element. 
<!ELEMENT virtual-server-class (virtual-server*, http-qos?, property*)>
<!ATTLIST virtual-server-class  id                 CDATA     #REQUIRED
                                config-file        CDATA     #IMPLIED
                                default-object     CDATA     "default"
                                accept-language    %boolean; "false" 
                                enabled            %boolean; "true">

<!-- Configuration of Virtual Server
     Virtualization in Application Server allows multiple URL domains to be served by 
     the same HTTP server process, which is listening on multiple host addresses If 
     an application is available at two virtual servers, they still share same physical 
     resource pools, such as JDBC connection pools.

     Sun Application Server allows a list of virtual servers, to be specified 
     along with web-module and j2ee-application elements. This establishes an 
     association between URL domains, represented by the virtual server and the web 
     modules (standalone web modules or web modules inside the ear file)

     id          Virtual server ID. This is a unique ID that allows lookup of a 
                 specific virtual server. Can also be referred to as the 
                 variable $id in an obj.conf file. A virtual server ID cannot 
                 begin with a number. 

     http-listeners  (optional) A comma-separated list of http-listener id(s),
                     Required only for a Virtual Server that is not the default 
                     virtual server. 

     default-web-module (optional) stand alone web module associated with this 
                        virtual server by default.

     config-file        (optional) Typically all virtual server initialization is 
                        from $INSTANCE_ROOT/config/obj.conf. This can be changed 
                        using this attribute.

     hosts              A comma-separated list of values allowed in the Host request 
                        header to select the current virtual server. Each Virtual Server 
                        that is configured to the same Connection Group must have a 
                        unique hosts value for that group. 

     mime               The id of the mime element used by the virtual server. 

     state              (optional) Determines whether a Virtual Server is active 
                        (on) or inactive (off, disable). The default is on (active). 
                        When inactive, a Virtual Server does not service requests. 
                        If a Virtual Server is disabled, only the server administrator 
                        can turn it on. 

     acls               (optional) One or more id attributes of <acl> elements, 
                        separated by commas. Specifies the ACL file(s) used by the 
                        virtual server. 

     log-file           (optional) Specifies a log file for virtual-server-specific 
                        log messages. If this is not specified, log messages go to

     accept-language    (optional) If on, the server parses the Accept-Language header 
                        and sends an appropriate language version based on which language 
                        the client can accept. You should set this value to on only if 
                        the server supports multiple languages. The default is picked
                        up from the virtual-server-class.
<!ELEMENT virtual-server (http-qos?, auth-db*, property*)>
<!ATTLIST virtual-server  id                 CDATA     #REQUIRED
                          http-listeners     CDATA     #IMPLIED
                          default-web-module CDATA     #IMPLIED
                          config-file        CDATA     #IMPLIED
                          default-object     CDATA     #IMPLIED
                          hosts              CDATA     #REQUIRED
                          mime               CDATA     #REQUIRED
                          state              (on | off | disabled )  "on"
                          acls               CDATA     #IMPLIED
                          accept-language    %boolean; #IMPLIED
                          log-file           CDATA     #IMPLIED>

<!-- http-qos defines the Quality of Service paramaters on HTTP path.

    bandwidth-limit          (optional) maximum bandwidth limit for the Virtual Server Class, 
                             or Virtual Server, in bytes per second. Default is No Limit.
    enforce-bandwidth-limit  (optional) whether the bandwidth limit should be enforced or not. 
    connection-limit         (optional) maximum number of concurrent connections for the 
                             server, virtual-server-class, or virtual-server. 
    enforce-connection-limit (optional) whether the connection limit should be enforced or not. 
<!ELEMENT http-qos EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST http-qos bandwidth-limit          CDATA     #IMPLIED
                   enforce-bandwidth-limit  %boolean; "false"
                   connection-limit         CDATA     #IMPLIED
                   enforce-connection-limit %boolean; "false">

<!-- auth-db defines the user database used by the virtual server. 

    id          user database name in the virtual server's ACL file. 
    database    user database name in the dbswitch.conf file. 
    basedn      (optional) Overrides the base DN lookup in the dbswitch.conf file. 
                However, the basedn value is still relative to the base DN value from the
                dbswitch.conf entry. 
    certmaps    (optional) certificate to LDAP entry mappings (defined in certmap.conf) 
                to use. If not present, all mappings are used. All lookups based on mappings 
                in certmap.conf are relative to the final base DN (distinguished name) 
                of the Virtual Server. 
<!ELEMENT auth-db EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST auth-db id       CDATA  #REQUIRED
                  database CDATA  #REQUIRED
                  basedn   CDATA  #IMPLIED
                  certmaps CDATA  #IMPLIED>
<!-- ORB underlies the EJB container. Requests for EJBs from Application Client 
     Container(s) or from another EJB interoperability capable J2EE Container(s) 
     are serviced by iiop listener(s). One non-SSL iiop listener can be configured.
     SSL support may require up to two SSL secured IIOP listeners to be configured: 
     Server Authentication only, Mutual Authentication only, or both.

     ssl-client-config element specifies the SSL configuration when the Application 
     Server is making outbound IIOP/SSL connections.

     By default, a server instance will configure non-secure IIOP access.
     Administrator can create and configure IIOP/SSL listener(s).
<!ELEMENT iiop-service (orb, ssl-client-config?, iiop-listener*)>

<!-- Orb Configuration properties 

     message-fragment-size           GIOPv1.2 messages larger than this will get fragmented.
     steady-thread-pool-size         minimum number of threads listening for incoming requests.
     max-thread-pool-size            maximum number of threads that can listen for requests
     idle-thread-timeout-in-seconds  idle threads are removed from pool, after this time
     log-level                       Can be set to control verbosity of log messages from Orb
     monitoring-enabled              Enables statistics collection
     max-connections                 maximum number of incoming connections, on all listeners
<!ELEMENT orb (property*)>
<!ATTLIST orb  message-fragment-size          CDATA     "1024"
               steady-thread-pool-size        CDATA     "10"
               max-thread-pool-size           CDATA     "200"
               idle-thread-timeout-in-seconds CDATA     "300"
               max-connections                CDATA     "1024"
               log-level                      %severity;#IMPLIED
               monitoring-enabled             %boolean; "false">

<!-- Client SSL Configuration -->
<!ELEMENT ssl-client-config (ssl)>

<!-- IIOP Listener Configuration.
     ssl             element specifies optional SSL configuration 
     id              unique identifier for this listener.
     address         ip address or hostname (resolvable by DNS) 
     port            port number
     enabled         if false, a configured listener, is disabled
<!ELEMENT iiop-listener (ssl?, property*)>
<!ATTLIST iiop-listener  id              CDATA     #REQUIRED
                         address         CDATA     #REQUIRED
                         port            CDATA     "1072"
                         enabled         %boolean; "true">

<!-- Administration Server is a distinguished server instance.

     server-instance    group of server instances administered by this 
                        Administration Server.
     log-level          controls verbosity of log messages from Administration
<!ELEMENT admin-service (server-instance |  property)*>
<!ATTLIST admin-service  log-level  %severity; #IMPLIED>

<!-- Administered Server instance
     name        Name of the server instance
<!ELEMENT server-instance EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST server-instance name       CDATA  #REQUIRED>

<!-- J2EE Applications look up resources registered with the 
     Application server, using portable JNDI names.
<!ELEMENT resources ((custom-resource | external-jndi-resource |
                     jdbc-resource | mail-resource | jms-resource |
                     persistence-manager-factory-resource |

<!-- Textual description of a configured entity -->
<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>

<!-- custom (or generic) resource managed by a user-written factory class. -->
<!ELEMENT custom-resource (description?, property*)>

   JNDI name for generic resource, the fully qualified type of the resource 
   and whether it is enabled at runtime 
<!ATTLIST custom-resource jndi-name     CDATA     #REQUIRED
                          res-type      CDATA     #REQUIRED
                          factory-class CDATA     #REQUIRED
                          enabled       %boolean; "true">

<!-- resource residing in an external JNDI repository -->
<!ELEMENT external-jndi-resource (description? , property*)>
<!ATTLIST external-jndi-resource  jndi-name        CDATA     #REQUIRED
                                  jndi-lookup-name CDATA     #REQUIRED
                                  res-type         CDATA     #REQUIRED
                                  factory-class    CDATA     #REQUIRED
                                  enabled          %boolean; "true">

<!-- JDBC javax.sql.(XA)DataSource resource definition -->
<!ELEMENT jdbc-resource (description?, property*)>
<!ATTLIST jdbc-resource  jndi-name                    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                         pool-name                    CDATA  #REQUIRED
                         enabled                      %boolean; "true">

  jdbc-connection-pool defines configuration used to create and manage 
  a pool physical database connections. Pool definition is named, and 
  can be referred to by multiple jdbc-resource elements (See <jdbc-resource>). 

  Each named pool definition results in a pool instantiated at server 
  start-up. Pool is populated when accessed for the first time. If two 
  or more jdbc-resource elements point to the same jdbc-connection-pool 
  element, they are using the same pool of connections, at run time. 

  name                                unique name of the pool definition.

  datasource-classname                Name of the vendor supplied JDBC datasource 
                                      resource manager. An XA or global transactions
                                      capable datasource class will implement 
                                      javax.sql.XADatasource interface. Non XA or 
                                      Local transactions only datasources will 
                                      implement javax.sql.Datasource interface. 

  res-type                            DataSource implementation class could implement 
                                      one or both of javax.sql.DataSource, javax.sql.XADataSource 
                                      interfaces. This optional attribute must be specified to 
                                      disambiguate when a Datasource class implements both 
                                      interfaces. An error is produced when this attribute has 
                                      a legal value and the indicated interface is not implemented 
                                      by the datasource class. This attribute has no default value. 

  steady-pool-size                    minimum and initial number of connections 
                                      maintained in the pool.

  max-pool-size                       maximum number of conections that can be created 

  max-wait-time-in-millis             amount of time the caller will wait before getting 
                                      a connection timeout. The default is 60 seconds.
                                      A value of 0 will force caller to wait indefinitely. 

  pool-resize-quantity                number of connections to be removed when 
                                      idle-timeout-in-seconds timer expires. Connections 
                                      that have idled for longer than the timeout are 
                                      candidates for removal. When the pool size reaches 
                                      steady-pool-size, the connection removal stops.

  idle-timeout-in-seconds             maximum time in seconds, that a connection can 
                                      remain idle in the pool. After this time, the pool 
                                      implementation can close this connection.  Note that 
                                      this does not control connection timeouts enforced
                                      at the database server side. Adminsitrators are 
                                      advised to keep this timeout shorter than the database
                                      server side timeout (if such timeouts are configured 
                                      on the specific vendor's database), to prevent 
                                      accumulation of unusable connection in Application Server.

  transaction-isolation-level         Specifies the Transaction Isolation Level on the pooled
                                      database connections. Optional. Has no default. If left unspecified 
                                      the pool operates with default isolation level provided by the 
                                      JDBC Driver. A desired isolation level can be set using one 
                                      of the standard transaction isolation levels: 
                                      read-uncommitted, read-committed, repeatable-read, serializable

                                      Applications that change the Isolation level on a pooled 
                                      connection programmatically, risk polluting the pool and this
                                      could lead to program errors. 
                                      Also see: is-isolation-level-guaranteed

  is-isolation-level-guaranteed       Applicable only when a particular isolation level is specified
                                      for transaction-isolation-level. The default value is true. 
                                      This assures that every time a connection is obtained from 
                                      the pool, it is guaranteed to have the isolation set to the 
                                      desired value. This could have some performance impact on 
                                      some JDBC drivers. Can be set to false by that administrator 
                                      when they are certain that the application does not 
                                      change the isolation level before returning the connection.

  is-connection-validation-required   if true, connections are validated (checked to 
                                      find out if they are usable) before giving out to 
                                      the application. The default is false. 

     If is-connection-validation-required is true then connection-validation-type 
     specifies the type of validation to be performed. Three types of validation
     are supported:

        1) using connection.autoCommit(), 
        2) using connection.getMetaData() 
        3) performing a query on a user specified table (see validation-table-name). 

     The possible values are one of:  auto-commit | meta-data | table 

     validation-table-name specifies the table name to be used to perform a query to 
     validate a connection. This parameter is mandatory, if connection-validation-type 
     set to table. Verification by accessing a user specified table may become necessary
     for connection validation, particularly if database driver caches calls to
     setAutoCommit() and getMetaData(). 

  fail-all-connections:              indicates if all connections in the pool must be 
                                     closed should a single validation check fail. The 
                                     default is false. One attempt will be made to 
                                     re-establish failed connections.

  Use of property lists:

  Most JDBC 2.0 drivers permit use of standard property lists, to specify User, Password 
  and other resource configuration. While these are optional properties, according to the 
  specification, several of these properties may be necessary for most databases. See 
  Section 5.3 of JDBC 2.0 Standard Extension API.

  Name                                Value

  databaseName                        Name of the Database.
  serverName                          Database Server name.
  port                                Port where a Database server is listening for requests. 
  networkProtocol                     Communication Protocol used.
  user                                default name of the database user with which connections 
                                      will be stablished. Programmatic database authentication
                                      or default-resource-principal specified in vendor specific 
                                      web and ejb deployment descriptors will take precedence, 
                                      over this default. The details and caveats are described 
                                      in detail in the Administrator's guide.
  password                            password for default database user
  roleName                            The initial SQL role name.
  datasourceName                      used to name an underlying XADataSource, or 
                                      ConnectionPoolDataSource when pooling of connections is done
  description                         Textual description

  When one or more of these properties are specified, they are passed as is using set<Name>() 
  methods to the vendors Datasource class (specified in datasource-classname). User and Password 
  properties are used as default principal, if Container Managed authentication is specified and 
  a default-resource-principal is not found in application deployment descriptors.
<!ELEMENT jdbc-connection-pool (description?, property*)>
<!ATTLIST jdbc-connection-pool  name                               CDATA      #REQUIRED
                                datasource-classname               CDATA      #REQUIRED
                                res-type                           CDATA      #IMPLIED
                                steady-pool-size                   CDATA      "8"
                                max-pool-size                      CDATA      "32"
                                max-wait-time-in-millis            CDATA      "60000"
                                pool-resize-quantity               CDATA      "2"
                                idle-timeout-in-seconds            CDATA      "300"
                                transaction-isolation-level        %isolation; #IMPLIED
                                is-isolation-level-guaranteed      %boolean;   "true"
                                is-connection-validation-required  %boolean;   "false" 
                                connection-validation-method       (auto-commit | 
                                                                   meta-data   | 
                                                                   table )    "auto-commit"
                                validation-table-name              CDATA      #IMPLIED
                                fail-all-connections               %boolean;  "false">

<!-- The mail-resource element describes a javax.mail.Session resource -->
<!ELEMENT mail-resource (description?, property*)> 
<!ATTLIST mail-resource jndi-name                CDATA        #REQUIRED 
                        store-protocol           CDATA        "imap" 
                        store-protocol-class     CDATA        "com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPStore"
                        transport-protocol       CDATA        "smtp" 
                        transport-protocol-class CDATA        "com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport" 
                        host                     CDATA        #REQUIRED 
                        user                     CDATA        #REQUIRED 
                        from                     CDATA        #REQUIRED 
                        debug                    %boolean;    "false"
                        enabled                  %boolean;    "true"> 

     Persistence Manager runtime configuration.

     jndi-name                     JNDI name for this resource
     jdbc-resource-jndi-name:      jdbc resource with which database connections are obtained. 
                                   must be the name of one of pre-created jdbc resources.
     factory-class:                Class that creates persistence manager instance. 
<!ELEMENT persistence-manager-factory-resource (description? , property*)>
<!ATTLIST persistence-manager-factory-resource  jndi-name                   CDATA     #REQUIRED
                                                factory-class               CDATA     
                                                jdbc-resource-jndi-name     CDATA     #IMPLIED
                                                enabled 	            %boolean; "true">
    The jms-resource element contains JMS resource definitions for the
    built-in JMS service that is managed by the Application Server.

    property            This is used to list optional JMS vendor specific
                        attribute=value pairs for configuring the resource.

    jndi-name           JNDI name.

    res-type            JMS resource type. This can be one of:

    enabled             Determines whether the resource is enabled (can be used)
                        at runtime or not. This attribute is not used currently.
<!ELEMENT jms-resource (description?, property*)>
<!ATTLIST jms-resource  jndi-name     CDATA     #REQUIRED
                        res-type      CDATA     #REQUIRED
                        enabled       %boolean; "true">

     The jms-service element specifies information about the bundled/built-in
     JMS service that is managed by Application Server.

     If the "enabled" attribute is set to "true", the server instance
     will be responsible for starting up and shutting down the JMS service.
     If the "enabled" attribute is set to "false", the server instance
     will not startup nor shutdown the JMS service (either because JMS
     is not used or because it is managed independently of application server).

     "port" attribute specifies the port number used by the JMS service.
     "admin-username" attribute specifies the admin username.
     "admin-password" attribute specifies the admin password.

     "init-timeout-in-seconds" specifies the time server instance
     will wait at start up, for its corresponding JMS service instance
     to respond. If there is no response within the specifies timeout
     period, application server startup is aborted.

     "start-args" specifies the arguments that will be supplied to
     start up the corresponding JMS service instance.
<!ELEMENT jms-service (property*)>
<!ATTLIST jms-service  port                    CDATA     "7676"
                       admin-user-name          CDATA     "admin"
                       admin-password          CDATA     "admin"
                       init-timeout-in-seconds CDATA     "60"
                       start-args              CDATA     #IMPLIED
                       log-level               %severity;#IMPLIED
                       enabled                 %boolean; "true">

    Configuration of EJB Container. Properties apply to all beans in all deployed applications, 
    unless different parameters are specified in Sun Application Server specific deployment 
    descriptors. Applicability is indicated in middle column, using the following acronyms:

    slsb  - stateless session bean 
    sfsb  - stateful session bean 
    eb    - entity bean (incl. read-only)

    steady-pool-size            slsb,eb    number of bean instances normally maintained in pool. When a pool 
                                           is first created, it will be populated with size equal to 
                                           steady-pool-size. When an instance is removed from the pool, it 
                                           is replenished asynchronously, so that the pool size is at 
                                           or above the steady-pool-size. This additions will be in multiples
                                           of pool-resize-quantity. When a bean is disassociated from a 
                                           method invocation, it is put back in the pool, subject to 
                                           max-pool-size limit. If the max pool size is exceeded the bean 
                                           id destroyed immediately. A pool cleaning thread, executes at 
                                           an interval defined by pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds. This thread 
                                           reduces the pool size to steady-pool-size, in steps defined by 
                                           pool-resize-quantity. If the pool is empty, the required object 
                                           will be created and returned immediately. This prevents threads
                                           from blocking till the pool is replenished by the background
                                           thread. steady-pool-size must be greater than 1 and at most equal
                                           to the max-pool-size. 

    max-pool-size               slsb,eb    maximum size, a pool can grow to. A value of 0 implies 
                                           an unbounded pool. Unbounded pools eventually shrink to the 
                                           steady-pool-size, in steps defined by pool-resize-quantity. 

    pool-resize-quantity        slsb,eb    size of bean pool grows (shrinks) in steps specified by 
                                           pool-resize-quantity, subject to max-pool-size (steady-pool-size) limit.

                                           Pool is resized when the pool cleaner thread runs. This rate at which 
                                           this thread runs is defined by pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds 

					   pool-resize-quantity must be greater 1 and less than max-pool-size.
                                           pool will never be resized below the steady pool size.

    pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds  slsb,eb  defines the rate at which the pool cleaning thread is executed.
                                           this thread checks if current size is greater than steady pool 
                                           size, it removes pool-resize-quantity elements. If the current 
                                           size is less than steady-pool-size it is increased by 
                                           pool-resize-quantity, with a ceiling of 
                                           min (current-pool-size + pool-resize-quantity, max-pool-size)
                                           Only objects that have not been accessed for more than 
                                           pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds are candidates for removal.

    cache-resize-quantity       eb,sfsb    Cache elements have identity, hence growth is in unit steps
                                           and created on demand. Shrinking of cache happens 

                                           when cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds timer expires and a cleaner 
                                           thread passivates beans which have been idle for longer than 
                                           cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds. All idle instances are passivated at once.
                                           cache-resize-quantity does not apply in this case.

                                           when max cache size is reached, an asynchronous task is created 
                                           to bring the size back under the max-cache-size limit. This task 
                                           removes cache-resize-quantity elements, consulting the 

                                           Must be greater than 1 and less than max-cache-size.

    max-cache-size              sfsb,eb    specifies the maximum number of instances that can be cached.
                                           For entity beans, internally two caches are maintained for 
                                           higher concurrency: (i) Ready (R$) (ii) Active in an Incomplete 
                                           Transaction (TX$). The TX$ is populated with instances from R$ 
                                           or from the Pool directly. When an instance in TX$ completes the 
                                           transaction, it is placed back in the R$ (or in pool, in case an 
                                           instance with same identity already is in R$). max-cache-size 
                                           only specifies the upper limit for R$. The container computes 
                                           an appropriate size for TX$. For SFSBs, after the
                                           max-cache-size is reached, beans (as determined by
                                           the victim-selection-policy) get passivated.

    cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds sfsb,eb  specifies the rate at which the cache cleaner thread is scheduled.
                                           All idle instances are passivated at once.

    removal-timeout-in-seconds    sfsb     Instance is removed from cache or passivation store, if it is 
                                           not accesed within this time. All instances that can be removed, 
                                           will be removed.

    victim-selection-policy       sfsb     Victim selection policy  when cache needs to shrink. fifo method 
                                           picks victims, oldest instance first. lru algorithm picks least 
                                           recently accessed instances.  nru policy tries to pick 
                                           "not recently used" instances and is a pseudo-random selection 
                                           process. Victims are passivated. Entity Bean Victims are selected 
                                           always using fifo discipline. Does not apply to slsb because it 
                                           does not matter, which particular instances are removed. 

    commit-option                 eb	   Entity Beans caching is controlled by this setting. Commit Option 
                                           C implies that no caching is performed in the container. 

    Above defaults, apply only if they are not specified in vendor specific Bean Deployment Descriptors.

    log-level                              Log level verbosity, set for messages that appear from container.

    monitoring-enabled                     Enable statistics gathering in EJB container.
<!ELEMENT ejb-container (property*)>
<!ATTLIST ejb-container  steady-pool-size              CDATA         "32"
                         pool-resize-quantity          CDATA         "16"
                         max-pool-size                 CDATA         "64"
                         cache-resize-quantity         CDATA         "32"
                         max-cache-size                CDATA         "512"
                         pool-idle-timeout-in-seconds  CDATA         "600"
                         cache-idle-timeout-in-seconds CDATA         "600"
                         removal-timeout-in-seconds    CDATA         "5400"
                         victim-selection-policy       (fifo | lru | nru)  "nru"
                         commit-option                 (B | C)       "B"
                         log-level                     %severity;    #IMPLIED
                         monitoring-enabled            %boolean;     "false">

<!ELEMENT web-container (property*)>
<!ATTLIST web-container  monitoring-enabled %boolean; "false"
                         log-level          %severity;#IMPLIED>

    Configuration of MDB Container 

    steady-pool-size                     minimum and initial number of message driven beans in pool. 
    pool-resize-quantity                 quantum of increase/decrease, when the size of pool grows/shrinks. 
    max-pool-size                        maximum size, pool can grow to.
    idle-timeout-in-seconds              idle bean instance in pool becomes a candidate for deletion, 
                                         when this timeout expires.

                                         The above pool defaults, apply if they are not specified in the 
                                         Sun Application Server specific Deployment Descriptors.

    log-level                            Log level verbosity, set for messages that appear from MDB container.
    monitoring-enabled                   Enable statistics gathering in MDB container.
<!ELEMENT mdb-container (property*)>
<!ATTLIST mdb-container  steady-pool-size                   CDATA     "10"
                         pool-resize-quantity               CDATA     "2"
                         max-pool-size                      CDATA     "60"
                         idle-timeout-in-seconds            CDATA     "600"
                         log-level                          %severity;#IMPLIED
                         monitoring-enabled                 %boolean; "false">

<!-- Logging Configuration 

     By default, logs would be kept in $INSTANCE_ROOT/logs. This can be changed 
     by changing server.log-root attribute. The following log files will be stored 
     under the logs directory. 

        access.log keeps default virtual server HTTP access messages. 
        server.log keeps log messages from default virtual server. 
                         Messages from other configured virtual servers 
                         also go here, unless log-file is explicitly
                         specified in the virtual-server element.

     file attribute can be used to rename or relocate server.log using absolute 
     path or relative to logs-root (specified in <server> element)

     level specifies the system default log verbosity level. Various server
     sub systems can override this level, so as to configure different log 
     reporting levels. See log-level attribute under <transaction-service>,
     <admin-service>, , ,  

     log-stdout  if true, messages written to stdout will appear in log file.

     log-stderr  if true, messages written to stderr will appear in log file.

     echo-log-messages-to-stderr  if true, all log messages will also appear 
                 on console, if avaialable

     create-console if true, console window will be created to show log messages.

     log-virtual-server-id if true, log message is also decorated with the 
                 virtual server instance from which the log message was 
                 produced. Useful when multiple virtual servers are 
                 configured and they do not have separate log files. 
                 It is possible to configure separate log files for each 
                 virtual server. See <virtual-server> element.

     use-system-logging if true, will utilize Unix syslog service or Windows
                 Event Logging to produce and manage logs.

<!ELEMENT log-service (property*)>
<!ATTLIST log-service  file                        CDATA      #IMPLIED
                       level                       %severity; "INFO"
                       log-stdout                  %boolean;  "true"
                       log-stderr                  %boolean;  "true"
                       echo-log-messages-to-stderr %boolean;  "true"
                       create-console              %boolean;  "false"
                       log-virtual-server-id       %boolean;  "false"
                       use-system-logging          %boolean;  "false">

   The security service element defines parameters and configuration
   information needed by the core J2EE security service. Some
   container-specific security configuration elements are in the various
   container configuration elements and not here. SSL configuration is also
   elsewhere. At this time the security service configuration consists of a set of 
   authentication realms. A number of top-level attributes are defined as well.

   default-realm: Specifies which realm (by name) is used by default when no 
       realm is specifically requested. The file realm is the common default.
   default-principal: Used as the identity of default security contexts when
       necessary and no principal is provided.
   default-principal-pwd: Password of default principal.
   anonymous-role: Used as role name for default/anonymous role.
   audit-enabled: If true, additional access logging is performed to provide
     audit information.
<!ELEMENT security-service (auth-realm+ , property*)>
<!ATTLIST security-service  default-realm                CDATA     "file"
                            default-principal            CDATA     #IMPLIED
                            default-principal-password   CDATA     #IMPLIED
                            anonymous-role               CDATA     "ANYONE"
			                audit-enabled	             %boolean; "false"
                            log-level                    %severity;#IMPLIED>

The auth-realm element defines and configures one authentication realm.
There must be at least one realm available for a server instance; any 
number can be configured, as desired.

Authentication realms need provider-specific parameters which vary depending
on what a particular implementation needs; these are defined as properties
since they vary by provider and cannot be predicted for any custom or add-on

For the default file provider, the param used is: filename.

  name: defines the name of this realm
  classname: defines the java class which implements this realm
  property: name/value pairs of provider implementation specific attributes.


<!ELEMENT auth-realm (property*)>
<!ATTLIST auth-realm name            CDATA   #REQUIRED
                     classname       CDATA   #REQUIRED>

<!-- Configuration for Transaction Manager. 
     automatic-recovery   if true, server instance attempts recovery at restart.
     timeout-in-seconds   amount of time the transaction manager waits for 
                          response from a datasource participating in transaction. 
                          A value of 0 implies infinite timeout. 

     tx-log-dir           By default the transaction log is kept in the directory
                          $INSTANCE_ROOT/logs/tx.log. If user specifies log-root 
                          attribute under <server> element, tx.log would appear 
                          in that directory. User can also specify an alternative 
                          location using transaction-service.txlog-file attribute. 
                          The transaction service creates and uses 3 files for 
                          logging and tracking transactions in progress. 
     heuristic-decision   During recovery, if outcome of a transaction cannot be 
                          determined from the logs, then this property is used 
                          to fix the outcome.

     keypoint-interval    property used to specify the number of transactions between 
                          keypoint operations on the log.  A Keypoint operations could 
                          reduce the size of the transaction log files.  A larger value 
                          for this property (for example, 1000) will result in larger 
                          transaction log files, between log compactions, but less 
                          keypoint operations, and potentially better performance.  
                          A smaller value (e.g. 20) results in smaller log files but 
                          slightly reduced performance due to the greater frequency of 
                          keypoint operations.

     interoperability     this flag when true, propagates the transaction context 
                          over IIOP. Transactions can span across beans executing in 
                          separate, J2EE interoperability capable, containers.

     log-level            If greater or less verbosity is desired from transaction 
                          sub-system this can be adjusted. Note that this refers to 
                          logging messages and not transaction co-ordination logs.
     monitoring-enabled   If true, statistics will be collected
<!ELEMENT transaction-service (property*)>
<!ATTLIST transaction-service  automatic-recovery %boolean;   "false"
                               timeout-in-seconds CDATA       "0"
                               tx-log-dir         CDATA       #IMPLIED
                               heuristic-decision (rollback | commit) "rollback"
                               keypoint-interval  CDATA       "2048"
                               log-level          %severity;  #IMPLIED 
                               monitoring-enabled %boolean;   "false">

<!-- Various types of applications that can be deployed on Sun Application 
     Server instance

     applications-dir specifies an absolute path to where deployed 
     applications will reside for this instance. The default location
     is $INSTANCE_ROOT/applications 

     dynamic-reload-enabled when true, server checks timestamp on a .reload
     file at every module and application directory level to trigger reload.
     polling frequency is controlled by reload-poll-interval-in-seconds
<!ELEMENT applications ((lifecycle-module | j2ee-application | ejb-module | 
                         web-module | connector-module)*)>
<!ATTLIST applications dynamic-reload-enabled                   %boolean; "false"
                       dynamic-reload-poll-interval-in-seconds  CDATA     "2">
     Server Lifecycle Listener Modules 

     name       unqiue identifier for the deployed server lifecycle event 
                listener module. 
     class-name fully qualified name of the startup class.
     classpath  where this module is actually located, if it is not under 
     load-order integer value that can be used to force the order in which deployed 
                lifecycle modules are loaded at server start up. Smaller numbered
                modules get loaded sooner. Order is unspecified if two or more 
                lifecycle modules have the same load-order value.
     is-failure-fatal, if true, aborts server start up if this module does not 
                load properly.
     enabled    boolean attribute. If set to "false" this module will not be 
                loaded at server start up.
<!ELEMENT lifecycle-module (description?, property*)>
<!ATTLIST lifecycle-module  name             CDATA     #REQUIRED
                            class-name       CDATA     #REQUIRED
                            classpath        CDATA     #IMPLIED
                            load-order       CDATA     #IMPLIED
                            is-failure-fatal %boolean; "false"
                            enabled          %boolean; "true">

<!ELEMENT j2ee-application (description?)>
<!ATTLIST j2ee-application  name                      CDATA     #REQUIRED
                            location                  CDATA     #REQUIRED
                            virtual-servers           CDATA     #IMPLIED
                            enabled                   %boolean; "true">
<!ELEMENT web-module (description?)>
<!ATTLIST web-module  name                      CDATA     #REQUIRED
                      context-root              CDATA     #REQUIRED
                      location                  CDATA     #REQUIRED
                      virtual-servers           CDATA     #IMPLIED
                      enabled                   %boolean; "true">
<!ELEMENT ejb-module (description?)>
<!ATTLIST ejb-module  name      CDATA      #REQUIRED
                      location  CDATA      #REQUIRED
                      enabled   %boolean;  "true">

<!ELEMENT connector-module (description?)>
<!ATTLIST connector-module  name      CDATA      #REQUIRED
                            location  CDATA      #REQUIRED
                            enabled   %boolean;  "true">

<!-- Java Runtime environment configuration 

     java-home 		Specifies the installation directory for Java runtime. JDK 1.4 or higher is supported.
     debug-enabled 	If set to true, the server starts up in debug mode ready for attaching with a JPDA
                        based debugger.
     debug-options      JPDA based debugging options string.
     rmic-options       Options string passed to RMI compiler, at application deployment time.
     javac-options      Options string passed to Java compiler, at application deployment time.
     classpath-prefix   A java classpath string that is prefixed to server-classpath
     classpath-suffix   A java classpath string that is  appended to server-classpath
     server-classpath   A java classpath string that specifies the classes needed by the Application server. 
                        Do not expect users to change this under normal conditions.

     native-library-path is automatically constructed to be a concatenation of Application Server 
     installation relative path for its native shared libraries, standard JRE native library path,
     the shell environment setting (LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Unix) and any path that may be specified 
     in the profile element. Since this is synthesied, it is not required to have this appear 
     explicitly in the server configuration. 

     native-library-path-prefix (native-library-path-suffix) is prepended (appended) to the native 
     library path, which is constricted as per the above description.

     bytecode-preprocessors A comma separated list of classnames, each of which must implement the 
                            com.sun.appserv.BytecodePreprocessor interface. Each of the specified
                            preprocessor class will be called in the order specified. At the moment 
                            the comelling use is for a 3rd party Performance Profiling tool. 

     env-classpath-ignored  If set to false, the CLASSPATH environment variable will be read and 
                            appended to the Application Server classpath, which is constructed as
                            described above. The CLASSPATH environment variable will be added after 
                            the classpath-suffix, at the very end.
<!ELEMENT java-config (profiler?, (jvm-options | property)*)>
<!ATTLIST java-config java-home                  CDATA      #REQUIRED
                      debug-enabled              %boolean;  "false"
                      debug-options              CDATA      "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n"
                      rmic-options               CDATA      "-iiop -poa -alwaysgenerate -keepgenerated -g"
                      javac-options              CDATA      "-g"
                      classpath-prefix           CDATA      #IMPLIED
                      server-classpath           CDATA      #IMPLIED
                      classpath-suffix           CDATA      #IMPLIED
                      native-library-path-prefix CDATA      #IMPLIED
                      native-library-path-suffix CDATA      #IMPLIED
                      bytecode-preprocessors     CDATA      #IMPLIED
                      env-classpath-ignored      %boolean;  "true">

<!-- String value for options that will be passed to the JVM -->
<!ELEMENT jvm-options (#PCDATA)>

<!-- Profilers could be one of jprobe, optimizeit, hprof, wily and so on
     jvm-options and property elements are used to record the settings
     needed to get a particular profiler going. A server instance is tied
     to a particular profiler, by the profiler element in java-config.  
     Changing the profiler will require a server restart.

     The adminstrative graphical interfaces, could list multiple supported 
     profilers (incomplete at this point) and will populate server.xml 
     appropriately. Admin CLI support for profilers, need not be supported. 
<!ELEMENT profiler ((jvm-options | property)*)>
<!ATTLIST profiler name                CDATA     #REQUIRED
                   classpath           CDATA     #IMPLIED
                   native-library-path CDATA     #IMPLIED
                   enabled             %boolean; "true">

<!-- Syntax for supplying properties as name value pairs -->
<!ELEMENT property (description?)>
<!ATTLIST property name  CDATA  #REQUIRED
                   value CDATA  #REQUIRED>

Other Glassfish examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Glassfish sun-server_1_0.dtd source code file:

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