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Groovy example source code file (assemble.gradle)

This example Groovy source code file (assemble.gradle) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Groovy tags/keywords

codehaus, date, file, file, groovy, groovy, import-package, jar, jar, linkedhashset, manifest, manifest, text, the, zip

The Groovy assemble.gradle source code

import java.util.jar.Manifest
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat

apply plugin: 'osgi'

group = 'org.codehaus.groovy'
archivesBaseName = 'groovy'

allManifest = manifest {
            "Extension-Name": 'groovy',
            "Specification-Title": 'Groovy: a powerful, dynamic language for the JVM',
            "Specification-Version": project.version,
            "Specification-Vendor": 'The Codehaus',
            "Implementation-Title": 'Groovy: a powerful, dynamic language for the JVM',
            "Implementation-Version": project.version,
            "Implementation-Vendor": 'The Codehaus',
            "Bundle-ManifestVersion": '2',
            "Bundle-Name": 'Groovy Runtime',
            "Bundle-Description": 'Groovy Runtime',
            "Bundle-Version": groovyBundleVersion,
            "Bundle-Vendor": 'The Codehaus',
            "Bundle-ClassPath": '.',
            "Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment": 'J2SE-1.5',
            "Eclipse-BuddyPolicy": 'dependent',
            "Eclipse-LazyStart": 'true',
            "DynamicImport-Package": '*',
            "Main-class": 'groovy.ui.GroovyMain')

licenseSpec = copySpec {
    from "$projectDir/config/build"
    from(zipTree(configurations.compile.fileCollection { 'commons-cli' }.singleFile).matching {
        include 'META-INF/LICENSE.txt'
    }) {
        eachFile {details ->
            details.path = details.path - 'META-INF'
   = "CLI-LICENSE.txt"

binaryJarsMetaInf = {
    Date buildTime = new Date()
    from "$projectDir/LICENSE.txt"
    from("$projectDir/src/main/META-INF/") {
        filter {String line ->
            ['##ImplementationVersion##': project.version, '##BundleVersion##': project.groovyBundleVersion,
                    '##BuildDate##': new SimpleDateFormat('dd-MMM-yyyy').format(buildTime),
                    '##BuildTime##': new SimpleDateFormat('hh:mm aa').format(buildTime)].each {key, value ->
                line = line.replace(key, value)

task copy(type: Copy) {
    into "$buildDir/meta"
    with licenseSpec

commonOsgiManifest = {
    // We exclude the Bnd-LastModified attribute as it always triggers a rebuild without being really needed.
    from(allManifest) {
        eachEntry {details ->
            if (details.key == 'Bnd-LastModified') {
    version = groovyBundleVersion
    instruction '-nouses', 'true'
    instruction 'Export-Package', "*;version=${version}"
    classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath

jar {
    metaInf binaryJarsMetaInf
    manifest = osgiManifest {
        symbolicName = 'groovy'
        instruction 'Import-Package', "antlr", "org.objectweb.asm", "*;resolution:=optional"
        classesDir = sourceSets.main.classesDir
    manifest commonOsgiManifest
    exclude '**/package-info.class'

task jarAll(type: Jar, dependsOn: jar) {
    metaInfDir = "$buildDir/tmp/groovy-all-metainf"
    inputs.files jar.archivePath
    inputs.dir metaInfDir
    appendix = 'all'
    doLast {
        copy {
            into "$buildDir/tmp/groovy-all-metainf"
            with licenseSpec
        project.ant {
            taskdef name: "jarjar", classname: "com.tonicsystems.jarjar.JarJarTask", classpath:
            jarjar(jarfile: archivePath, manifest: "$metaInfDir/MANIFEST.MF") {
                zipfileset(dir: "$metaInfDir", prefix: 'META-INF')
                zipfileset(src: jar.archivePath)
                configurations.runtime.files.findAll {file ->
                    ['antlr', 'asm', 'commons-cli'].any { } && ['asm-attr', 'asm-util', 'asm-analysis'].every { ! }
                }.each {jarjarFile ->
                    zipfileset(src: jarjarFile)
                rule pattern: "antlr.**", result: "groovyjarjarantlr.@1"
                rule pattern: "org.objectweb.**", result: "groovyjarjarasm.@1"
                rule pattern: "org.apache.commons.cli.**", result: "groovyjarjarcommonscli.@1"
    // We exclude the Bnd-LastModified attribute as it always triggers a rebuild without being really needed.
    manifest = osgiManifest {
        symbolicName = 'groovy-all'
        instruction 'Import-Package', "*;resolution:=optional"
        classesDir = jar.archivePath
    manifest commonOsgiManifest

task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
    classifier = 'sources'
    //    from sourceSets.main.allSource
    from "$projectDir/src/main"

task sourceAllJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: sourceJar) {
    appendix = 'all'
    classifier = 'sources'
    with sourceJar.rootSpec

task javadocJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadoc) {
    classifier = 'javadoc'
    from javadoc.destinationDir

task javadocAllJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: javadocJar) {
    appendix = 'all'
    classifier = 'javadoc'
    with javadocJar.rootSpec

distSpec = copySpec {
    from("$projectDir") {
        include "LICENSE.txt", "NOTICE.txt"
    into("lib") {
        from configurations.runtime.fileCollection {dep ->
            !(dep instanceof FileCollectionDependency) && !'livetribe')
        }, jar.archivePath
    into("conf") {
        from "src/conf"
    into("bin") {
        from("src/bin") {
            filter(ReplaceTokens, tokens: [GROOVYJAR:jar.archiveName])
            fileMode = 0755
    into("embeddable") {
        from jarAll.archivePath

task installGroovy(type: Sync, dependsOn: [jar, jarAll]) {
    from distSpec
    into ?: "$buildDir/install"

//task jars(dependsOn: tasks.withType(Jar))
//task dists(dependsOn: tasks.withType(Zip).matching {task -> !(task instanceof Jar)})

task distBin(type: Zip, dependsOn: [jar, jarAll]) {
    appendix = 'binary'
    into("groovy-$version") {
        with distSpec
        with licenseSpec

task distDoc(type: Zip, dependsOn: doc) {
    appendix = 'docs'
    into("pdf") {
        from 'src/wiki-snapshot.pdf'
    into("html/api") {
        from javadoc.destinationDir
    into("html/gapi") {
        from groovydoc.destinationDir
    into("html/groovy-jdk") {
        from docGDK.destinationDir

task distSrc(type: Zip, dependsOn: [javadoc, groovydoc, docGDK]) {
    appendix = 'src'
    from(projectDir) {
        exclude 'target', buildDirName, 'classes/**', 'cruise/**', '.clover/*', '',
                'cobertura.ser', 'junitvmwatcher*.properties'

task compareArchives << {
    jarTasks = tasks.withType(Zip)
    jarTasks.each {jar ->
        File antJar = "$projectDir/target/dist/${}" as File
        println "Comparing $ with ant jar $antJar. Ant jar exists=${antJar.isFile()}"
        if (antJar.isFile()) {
            compare(jar.archiveName, jar.archivePath, antJar, true)

def compare(String name, File gradleJar, File antJar, boolean checkManifest) {
    def File diffDir = new File(buildDir, "diff/$name")
    ant.delete(dir: diffDir)
    def unzipGradle = new File(diffDir, "gradle")
    def unzipAnt = new File(diffDir, "ant")
    ant.unzip(src: gradleJar, dest: unzipGradle)
    ant.unzip(src: antJar, dest: unzipAnt)

    def antFiles = [:]
    def gradleFiles = [:]

    FileUtils.listFiles(unzipAnt, null, true).each {File file ->
        antFiles[file.absolutePath - unzipAnt.absolutePath] = file
    FileUtils.listFiles(unzipGradle, null, true).each {File file ->
        gradleFiles[file.absolutePath - unzipGradle.absolutePath] = file

    antFiles.each {key, value ->
        if (!gradleFiles[key]) {
            println "ant only: $key"
        } else if (checkManifest && key == '/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF') {
            Manifest manifestAnt = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(antFiles[key]))
            Manifest manifestGradle = new Manifest(new FileInputStream(gradleFiles[key]))
            if (!manifestAnt.equals(manifestGradle)) {
                def ant = manifestAnt.mainAttributes
                def gradle = manifestGradle.mainAttributes
                compareMap(ant, gradle)

    gradleFiles.keySet().each {file ->
        println "gradle only: $file"

def compareMap(Map ant, Map gradle) {
    (ant.keySet() + gradle.keySet()).each {attribute ->
        antValue = ant[attribute]
        gradleValue = gradle[attribute]
        if (!(['Ant-Version', 'Created-By', 'Bnd-LastModified', 'Tool', 'Originally-Created-By'].contains(attribute as String))) {
            if (antValue) {
                if (!gradleValue) {
                    println "$attribute: ant only"
                } else if (antValue != gradleValue) {
                    if (attribute.toString() == 'Export-Package' || attribute.toString() == 'Import-Package') {
                        def antOnly = antValue.split(',') as LinkedHashSet
                        def gradleOnly = gradleValue.split(',') as LinkedHashSet
                        gradleOnly.removeAll(antValue.split(',') as LinkedHashSet)
                            ant only: $antOnly
                            gradle only: $gradleOnly""")
                    } else {
                            ant value: ${antValue}
                            gradle value: ${gradleValue}""")
            } else {
                println "$attribute: gradle only"

Other Groovy examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Groovy assemble.gradle source code file:

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