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Groovy example source code file (AstBrowser.groovy)

This example Groovy source code file (AstBrowser.groovy) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Groovy tags/keywords

ast, astbrowseruipreferences, awt, compilephaseadapter, compilephaseadapter, defaultmutabletreenode, defaultmutabletreenode, event, groovy, gui, jtree, list, list, s, string, string, swing, t, tree, treenodewithproperties

The Groovy AstBrowser.groovy source code

 * Copyright 2003-2007 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package groovy.inspect.swingui

import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import java.awt.Cursor
import java.awt.Font
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent
import java.util.prefs.Preferences
import javax.swing.JSplitPane
import javax.swing.KeyStroke
import javax.swing.UIManager
import javax.swing.WindowConstants
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionEvent
import javax.swing.event.TreeSelectionListener
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode
import javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel
import javax.swing.tree.TreeNode
import javax.swing.tree.TreeSelectionModel
import org.codehaus.groovy.control.Phases
import static java.awt.GridBagConstraints.*
import java.awt.Component

 * This object is a GUI for looking at the AST that Groovy generates. 
 * Usage: java groovy.inspect.swingui.AstBrowser [filename]
 *         where [filename] is an existing Groovy script. 
 * @author Hamlet D'Arcy (
 * @author Guillaume Laforge, highlighting the code corresponding to a node selected in the tree view
 * @author Roshan Dawrani - separated out the swing UI related code from the model part so model could be used for various UIs

public class AstBrowser {

    private inputArea, rootElement, decompiledSource, jTree, propertyTable, splitterPane, mainSplitter
    boolean showScriptFreeForm, showScriptClass, showTreeView
    GroovyClassLoader classLoader
    def prefs = new AstBrowserUiPreferences()

    AstBrowser(inputArea, rootElement, classLoader) {
        this.inputArea = inputArea
        this.rootElement = rootElement
        this.classLoader = classLoader

    def swing, frame

    public static void main(args) {

        if (!args) {
            println "Usage: java groovy.inspect.swingui.AstBrowser [filename]\nwhere [filename] is a Groovy script"
        } else {
            def file = new File((String) args[0])
            if (!file.exists()) {
                println "File $args[0] cannot be found."
            } else {
                new AstBrowser(null, null, new GroovyClassLoader()).run({file.text}, file.path)

    void run(Closure script) {
        run(script, null)

    void run(Closure script, String name) {

        swing = new SwingBuilder()
        def phasePicker

        showScriptFreeForm = prefs.showScriptFreeForm
        showScriptClass = prefs.showScriptClass
        showTreeView = prefs.showTreeView

        frame = swing.frame(title: 'Groovy AST Browser' + (name ? " - $name" : ''),
                location: prefs.frameLocation,
                size: prefs.frameSize,
                iconImage: swing.imageIcon(groovy.ui.Console.ICON_PATH).image,
                defaultCloseOperation: WindowConstants.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE,
                windowClosing: { event ->, splitterPane, mainSplitter, showScriptFreeForm, showScriptClass, phasePicker.selectedItem, showTreeView) }) {

            menuBar {
                menu(text: 'Show Script', mnemonic: 'S') {
                    checkBoxMenuItem(selected: showScriptFreeForm) {
                        action(name: 'Free Form', closure: this.&showScriptFreeForm,
                                mnemonic: 'F',)
                    checkBoxMenuItem(selected: showScriptClass) {
                        action(name: 'Class Form', closure: this.&showScriptClass,
                                mnemonic: 'C')
                    checkBoxMenuItem(selected: showTreeView) {
                        action(name: 'Tree View', closure: this.&showTreeView,
                                mnemonic: 'T')
                menu(text: 'View', mnemonic: 'V') {
                    menuItem() {action(name: 'Larger Font', closure: this.&largerFont, mnemonic: 'L', accelerator: shortcut('shift L'))}
                    menuItem() {action(name: 'Smaller Font', closure: this.&smallerFont, mnemonic: 'S', accelerator: shortcut('shift S'))}
                    menuItem() {
                        action(name: 'Refresh', closure: {
                            decompile(phasePicker.selectedItem.phaseId, script())
                            compile(jTree, script(), phasePicker.selectedItem.phaseId)
                        }, mnemonic: 'R', accelerator: KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F5, 0))
                menu(text: 'Help', mnemonic: 'H') {
                    menuItem() {action(name: 'About', closure: this.&showAbout, mnemonic: 'A')}
            panel {
                label(text: "At end of Phase: ",
                        constraints: gbc(gridx: 0, gridy: 0, gridwidth: 1, gridheight: 1, weightx: 0, weighty: 0, anchor: WEST, fill: HORIZONTAL, insets: [2, 2, 2, 2]))
                phasePicker = comboBox(items: CompilePhaseAdapter.values(),
                        selectedItem: prefs.selectedPhase,
                        actionPerformed: {
                            decompile(phasePicker.selectedItem.phaseId, script())
                            compile(jTree, script(), phasePicker.selectedItem.phaseId)
                        constraints: gbc(gridx: 1, gridy: 0, gridwidth: 1, gridheight: 1, weightx: 1.0, weighty: 0, anchor: NORTHWEST, fill: NONE, insets: [2, 2, 2, 2]))
                button(text: 'Refresh',
                        actionPerformed: {
                            decompile(phasePicker.selectedItem.phaseId, script())
                            compile(jTree, script(), phasePicker.selectedItem.phaseId)
                        constraints: gbc(gridx: 2, gridy: 0, gridwidth: 1, gridheight: 1, weightx: 0, weighty: 0, anchor: NORTHEAST, fill: NONE, insets: [2, 2, 2, 3]))
                splitterPane = splitPane(
                        visible: showTreeView, 
                        leftComponent: scrollPane() {
                            jTree = tree(
                                    name: "AstTreeView",
                                    model: new DefaultTreeModel(new DefaultMutableTreeNode("Loading..."))) {}
                        rightComponent: scrollPane() {
                            propertyTable = table() {
                                tableModel(list: [[:]]) {
                                    propertyColumn(header: 'Name', propertyName: 'name')
                                    propertyColumn(header: 'Value', propertyName: 'value')
                                    propertyColumn(header: 'Type', propertyName: 'type')
                ) { }
                mainSplitter = splitPane(
                        orientation: JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT,
                        topComponent: splitterPane,
                        bottomComponent: decompiledSource = new groovy.ui.ConsoleTextEditor(editable: false, showLineNumbers: false), 
                        constraints: gbc(gridx: 0, gridy: 2, gridwidth: 3, gridheight: 1, weightx: 1.0, weighty: 1.0, anchor: NORTHWEST, fill: BOTH, insets: [2, 2, 2, 2])) { }


        propertyTable.model.rows.clear() //for some reason this suppress an empty row

        jTree.selectionModel.selectionMode = TreeSelectionModel.SINGLE_TREE_SELECTION;
        jTree.addTreeSelectionListener({ TreeSelectionEvent e ->

            TreeNode node = jTree.lastSelectedPathComponent
            if (node instanceof TreeNodeWithProperties) {

                    propertyTable.model.rows << ["name": it[0], "value": it[1], "type": it[2]]

                if (inputArea && rootElement) {
                    // get the line / column information to select the text represented by the current selected node
                    def lineInfo = { it[0] in ['lineNumber', 'columnNumber', 'lastLineNumber', 'lastColumnNumber'] }
                    def lineInfoMap = lineInfo.inject([:]) { map, info -> map[(info[0])] = Integer.valueOf(info[1]); return map }

                    // when there are valid line / column information (ie. != -1), create a selection in the input area
                    if (!lineInfoMap.every { k, v -> v == -1 }) {
                        def startOffset = rootElement.getElement(lineInfoMap.lineNumber - 1).startOffset
                        inputArea.setCaretPosition(startOffset + lineInfoMap.columnNumber - 1)

                        def endOffset = rootElement.getElement(lineInfoMap.lastLineNumber - 1).startOffset
                        inputArea.moveCaretPosition(endOffset + lineInfoMap.lastColumnNumber - 1)
                    } else {
                        // if no line number is provided, unselect the current selection
                        // but keep the caret at the same position
        } as TreeSelectionListener)


        frame.location = prefs.frameLocation
        frame.size = prefs.frameSize
        splitterPane.dividerLocation = prefs.verticalDividerLocation
        mainSplitter.dividerLocation = prefs.horizontalDividerLocation

        String source = script()
        decompile(phasePicker.selectedItem.phaseId, source)
        compile(jTree, source, phasePicker.selectedItem.phaseId)
        jTree.rootVisible = false
        jTree.showsRootHandles = true   // some OS's require this as a step to show nodes


    void largerFont(EventObject evt = null) {
        updateFontSize(decompiledSource.textEditor.font.size + 2)

    void smallerFont(EventObject evt = null) {
        updateFontSize(decompiledSource.textEditor.font.size - 2)

    private updateFontSize = {newFontSize ->
        if (newFontSize > 40) {
            newFontSize = 40
        } else if (newFontSize < 4) {
            newFontSize = 4

        prefs.decompiledSourceFontSize = newFontSize

        def newDecompilerFont = new Font(,, newFontSize)
        decompiledSource.textEditor.font = newDecompilerFont

        def newFont = new Font(,, newFontSize)
        jTree.cellRenderer.font = newFont
        propertyTable.tableHeader.font = newFont
        propertyTable.font = newFont
        propertyTable.rowHeight = newFontSize + 2

    void showAbout(EventObject evt) {
        def pane = swing.optionPane()
        pane.setMessage('An interactive GUI to explore AST capabilities.')
        def dialog = pane.createDialog(frame, 'About Groovy AST Browser')

    void showScriptFreeForm(EventObject evt) {
        showScriptFreeForm = evt.source.selected

    void showScriptClass(EventObject evt) {
        showScriptClass = evt.source.selected

    void showTreeView(EventObject evt = null) {
        showTreeView = !showTreeView
        splitterPane.visible = showTreeView
        if (showTreeView) {
            mainSplitter.dividerLocation = 100
        } else {
            mainSplitter.dividerLocation = 0

    void decompile(phaseId, source) {

        decompiledSource.textEditor.text = 'Loading...';

        swing.doOutside {
            try {

                String result = new AstNodeToScriptAdapter().compileToScript(source, phaseId, classLoader, showScriptFreeForm, showScriptClass)
                swing.doLater {
                    decompiledSource.textEditor.text = result 
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                swing.doLater {
                    decompiledSource.textEditor.text = t.getMessage();
                throw t

    void compile(jTree, String script, int compilePhase) {
        def model = jTree.model
        swing.edt {
            def root = model.getRoot();
            root.add(new DefaultMutableTreeNode(new DefaultMutableTreeNode('Loading...')));
        swing.doOutside {
            try {
                def nodeMaker = new SwingTreeNodeMaker()
                def adapter = new ScriptToTreeNodeAdapter(classLoader, showScriptFreeForm, showScriptClass, nodeMaker)
                def result = adapter.compile(script, compilePhase)
                swing.doLater {
            } catch (Throwable t) {
                swing.doLater {
                throw t

 * This class sets and restores control positions in the browser.
 * @author Hamlet D'Arcy
class AstBrowserUiPreferences {

    final def frameLocation
    final def frameSize
    final def verticalDividerLocation
    final def horizontalDividerLocation
    final boolean showScriptFreeForm
    final boolean showTreeView
    final boolean showScriptClass
    int decompiledSourceFontSize
    final CompilePhaseAdapter selectedPhase

    def AstBrowserUiPreferences() {
        Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(AstBrowserUiPreferences)
        frameLocation = [
                prefs.getInt("frameX", 200),
                prefs.getInt("frameY", 200)]
        frameSize = [
                prefs.getInt("frameWidth", 800),
                prefs.getInt("frameHeight", 600)]

        decompiledSourceFontSize = prefs.getInt("decompiledFontSize", 12)
        verticalDividerLocation = Math.max(prefs.getInt("verticalSplitterLocation", 100), 100)
        horizontalDividerLocation = Math.max(prefs.getInt("horizontalSplitterLocation", 100), 100)
        showScriptFreeForm = prefs.getBoolean("showScriptFreeForm", false)
        showScriptClass = prefs.getBoolean("showScriptClass", true)
        showTreeView = prefs.getBoolean("showTreeView", true)
        int phase = prefs.getInt('compilerPhase', Phases.SEMANTIC_ANALYSIS)
        selectedPhase = CompilePhaseAdapter.values().find {
            it.phaseId == phase

    def save(frame, vSplitter, hSplitter, scriptFreeFormPref, scriptClassPref, CompilePhaseAdapter phase, showTreeView) {
        Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(AstBrowserUiPreferences)
        prefs.putInt("decompiledFontSize", decompiledSourceFontSize as int)
        prefs.putInt("frameX", frame.location.x as int)
        prefs.putInt("frameY", frame.location.y as int)
        prefs.putInt("frameWidth", frame.size.width as int)
        prefs.putInt("frameHeight", frame.size.height as int)
        prefs.putInt("verticalSplitterLocation", vSplitter.dividerLocation)
        prefs.putInt("horizontalSplitterLocation", hSplitter.dividerLocation)
        prefs.putBoolean("showScriptFreeForm", scriptFreeFormPref)
        prefs.putBoolean("showScriptClass", scriptClassPref)
        prefs.putBoolean("showTreeView", showTreeView)
        prefs.putInt('compilerPhase', phase.phaseId)

 * An adapter for the CompilePhase enum that can be entered into a Swing combobox.
 * @author Hamlet D'Arcy
enum CompilePhaseAdapter {
    INITIALIZATION(Phases.INITIALIZATION, "Initialization"),
    PARSING(Phases.PARSING, "Parsing"),
    CONVERSION(Phases.CONVERSION, "Conversion"),
    CLASS_GENERATION(Phases.CLASS_GENERATION, "Class Generation"),
    OUTPUT(Phases.OUTPUT, "Output"),
    FINALIZATION(Phases.FINALIZATION, "Finalization")

    final int phaseId
    final String string

    def CompilePhaseAdapter(phaseId, string) {
        this.phaseId = phaseId
        this.string = string

    public String toString() {
        return string

 * This class is a TreeNode and you can store additional properties on it.
 * @author Hamlet D'Arcy
class TreeNodeWithProperties extends DefaultMutableTreeNode {

    List<List properties

     * Creates a tree node and attaches properties to it.
     * @param userObject same as a DefaultMutableTreeNode requires
     * @param properties a list of String lists
    def TreeNodeWithProperties(userObject, List<List properties) {
        super(userObject) = properties

 * This interface is used to create tree nodes of various types 
 * @author Roshan Dawrani
interface AstBrowserNodeMaker<T> {
    T makeNode(Object userObject)

    T makeNodeWithProperties(Object userObject, List<List properties)

 * Creates tree nodes for swing UI  
 * @author Roshan Dawrani
class SwingTreeNodeMaker implements AstBrowserNodeMaker<DefaultMutableTreeNode> {
    DefaultMutableTreeNode makeNode(Object userObject) {
        new DefaultMutableTreeNode(userObject)

    DefaultMutableTreeNode makeNodeWithProperties(Object userObject, List<List properties) {
        new TreeNodeWithProperties(userObject, properties)

Other Groovy examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Groovy AstBrowser.groovy source code file:

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