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Groovy example source code file (JmxMetaMapBuilder.groovy)

This example Groovy source code file (JmxMetaMapBuilder.groovy) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Groovy tags/keywords

constructor, jmx, jmxbuilderexception, jmxbuilderexception, list, list, managed, management, map, map, metaproperty, object, objectname, reflection, string, string

The Groovy JmxMetaMapBuilder.groovy source code

 * Copyright 2008 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package groovy.jmx.builder

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor

 * The JmxMetaMapBuilder class is used to collect meta data passed in JmxBuilder nodes.  Once collected,
 * the data is then normalized to be represented uniformly regardless of the resource where it was obtained.
 * @author Vladimir Vivien
class JmxMetaMapBuilder {
    private static def ATTRIB_EXCEPTION_LIST = ["class", "descriptor", "jmx", "metaClass"]
    private static def OPS_EXCEPTION_LIST = [
            "getClass", "getProperty",
            "notify", "notifyAll",

     * Builds a complete meta map graph for the specified object using default values.
     * All generated attributes are set to read-only.
     * @param object used to build meta data graph
     * @return fully-realized meta map of the object
     * @see #buildAttributeMapFrom(Object)
     * @see #buildConstructorMapFrom(Object)
     * @see #buildOperationMapFrom(Object)
    public static Map buildObjectMapFrom(def object) {
        if (!object) {
            throw new JmxBuilderException("Unable to create MBean, missing target object.")

        def map

        // 1. look for embedded descriptor,
        // 2. if none is found, build default
        def metaProp = object.metaClass.getMetaProperty("descriptor") ?: object.metaClass.getMetaProperty("jmx")
        if (metaProp) {
            def descriptor = object.metaClass.getProperty(object.getClass(), metaProp?.name)

            // if only the jmx name is provided fill in the rest.
            if (descriptor.size() == 1 && {
                map = [
                        target: object,
                        name: object.getClass().name,
                        jmxName: getObjectName(descriptor),
                        displayName: "JMX Managed Object ${object.class.canonicalName}".toString(),
                        attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object),
                        constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object),
                        operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object)

            // else, build description from descriptor
            else {
                map = [
                        target: object,
                        name: object.getClass().name,
                        displayName: descriptor.desc ?: descriptor.desc,
                        attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object, descriptor.attributes ?: descriptor.attribs),
                        constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object, descriptor.constructors ?: descriptor.ctors),
                        operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object, descriptor.operations ?: descriptor.ops),
                        listeners: buildListenerMapFrom(descriptor.listeners),
                        mbeanServer: descriptor.server ?: descriptor.mbeanServer

                // validate object Name
                map.jmxName = getObjectName(descriptor) ?:

        // build meta map with default info if no descriptor is provided.
        else {
            map = [
                    target: object,
                    name: object.getClass().name,
                    jmxName: JmxBeanInfoManager.buildDefaultObjectName(
                    displayName: "JMX Managed Object ${object.class.canonicalName}".toString(),
                    attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object),
                    constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object),
                    operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object)

        return map

     * Builds a complete meta map graph for a given target and descriptor.
     * @param object used to build meta data graph
     * @param descriptor a full descriptor map describing object attributes and ops.
     * @return fully-realized meta map of the object
     * @see #buildAttributeMapFrom(Object, Map)
     * @see #buildConstructorMapFrom(Object, Map)
     * @see #buildOperationMapFrom(Object, Map)
    public static Map buildObjectMapFrom(def object, def descriptor) {
        if (!object) {
            throw new JmxBuilderException("Unable to create MBean, missing target object.")
        def map
        // if only the name & target is specified, fill in rest with defaults
        if (descriptor.size() == 2 && ( && {
            map = [
                    target: object,
                    jmxName: getObjectName(descriptor),
                    name: object.getClass().name,
                    displayName: "JMX Managed Object ${object.class.canonicalName}".toString(),
                    attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object),
                    constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object),
                    operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object)

        // assume all needed info is there
        else {

            map = [
                    target: object,
                    name: object.getClass().name,
                    displayName: descriptor.desc ?: descriptor.desc,
                    attributes: buildAttributeMapFrom(object, descriptor.attributes ?: descriptor.attribs),
                    constructors: buildConstructorMapFrom(object, descriptor.constructors ?: descriptor.ctors),
                    operations: buildOperationMapFrom(object, descriptor.operations ?: descriptor.ops),
                    listeners: buildListenerMapFrom(descriptor.listeners),
                    mbeanServer: descriptor.server ?: descriptor.mbeanServer

            map.jmxName = getObjectName(descriptor) ?:


    private static ObjectName getObjectName(def map) {
        if (!map) return null
        def jmxName
        if ( instanceof String) {
            jmxName = new ObjectName(
        } else if ( instanceof ObjectName) {
            jmxName =

    /** *
     * Builds attribute meta map with default information from an instance of an object.
     * @param the object from which attribute info will be retrieved
     * @return the meta map for the attribute
    public static Map buildAttributeMapFrom(def object) {
        def properties = object.metaClass.getProperties()

        def attribs = [:]
        properties.each {MetaProperty prop ->
            if (!ATTRIB_EXCEPTION_LIST.contains( {
                def attrib = [:]
                def getterPrefix = ( == "java.lang.Boolean" || == "boolean") ? "is" : "get"
                def name = JmxBuilderTools.capitalize(
       = name
                attrib.displayName = "Property ${}".toString()
                attrib.readable = true
                attrib.getMethod = getterPrefix + name
                attrib.writable = false
                attrib.type =
       = prop
                attribs.put(name, attrib)
        return attribs

    /** *
     * Sanitizes and builds an attribute meta map from a descriptor collection.
     * The collection can either be a map of the form [attribName:[descriptor...],...]
     * or [attribName1,...attribNameN].
     * The code guests sensible defaults when values are not provided
     * @param the object about which meta data is collected
     * @param descriptor collection: either a map or a list
     * @return a Map of meta information about the object.
    public static Map buildAttributeMapFrom(def object, def descCollection) {
        def map = [:]

        // attribs:"*"
        if (descCollection instanceof String && descCollection.equals("*")) {
            map = buildAttributeMapFrom(object)
        // attribs:["attrName1",attrName2",...,"attrNameN"]
        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof List) {
            descCollection.each {attrib ->
                MetaProperty prop = object.metaClass.getMetaProperty(JmxBuilderTools.uncapitalize(attrib))
                if (prop) {
                    map.put(JmxBuilderTools.capitalize(attrib), createAttributeMap(prop, attrib, "*"))
        //attribs:[desc:..., readable:..., writable:...]
        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
            descCollection.each {attrib, attrDescriptor ->
                MetaProperty prop = object.metaClass.getMetaProperty(JmxBuilderTools.uncapitalize(attrib))
                if (prop) {
                    map.put(JmxBuilderTools.capitalize(attrib), createAttributeMap(prop, attrib, attrDescriptor))

        return map

     * Builds a fully-nornalized meta map for a given POJO property and its associated descriptor.
     * The method fills in defaults where possible and creates listeners for onChange attribute events.
     * @param prop - property to build meta map for.
     * @param attribName - the descriptive name of attribute.
     * @param descriptor - the descriptor collected from JmxBuilder.bean() node.
     * @return - a well-formed meta map.
    private static Map createAttributeMap(prop, attribName, descriptor) {
        def desc = (descriptor instanceof Map) ? descriptor : [:]
        def map = [:]
        def name = JmxBuilderTools.capitalize(attribName)
        def getterPrefix = ( == "java.lang.Boolean" || == "boolean") ? "is" : "get" = name
        map.displayName = desc.desc ?: desc.description ?: "Property ${name}".toString()
        map.type =
        map.readable = (desc.readable != null) ? desc.readable : true
        if (map.readable) {
            map.getMethod = getterPrefix + name
        map.writable = (desc.writable != null) ? desc.writable : false
        if (map.writable) {
            map.setMethod = "set" + name
        map.defaultValue = desc.defaultValue ?: desc.default = prop

        // attrib change listener setup
        def listener = desc.onChange ?: desc.onChanged
        if (listener) {
            map.methodListener = [:]
            map.methodListener.callback = listener
   = "set" + name
            map.methodListener.type = "attributeChangeListener"
            map.methodListener.attribute = name
        return map

    // ******************* CONSTRUCTORS ********************** */

     * Returns a meta map of constructors from given object.
     * @param object to profile
     * @return The meta map generated.
    public static Map buildConstructorMapFrom(def object) {
        def methods = object.getClass().getDeclaredConstructors()
        def ctors = [:]
        def cntr = 0
        for (Constructor ctor in methods) {
            def map = [:]
            map.displayName = "Constructor for class ${object.getClass().getName()}".toString()
            map.role = "constructor"
            map.constructor = ctor
            map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(ctor))
            ctors.put([".") + 1..-1] + "@" + cntr++, map)
        return ctors

     * Builds a fully normalized constructor meta map.
     * @param the object where constructor is defined.
     * @param the meta map that will be normalized
     * @return a normalized meta map for the constructor
    public static Map buildConstructorMapFrom(def object, def descCollection) {
        def map = [:]

        // ctors:"*"
        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof String && descCollection.equals("*")) {
            map = buildConstructorMapFrom(object)

        // ctor:[ctorName:...]
        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
            descCollection.each {ctorKey, descriptor ->
                def params

                // ctorName:[]
                if (descriptor && (descriptor instanceof List && descriptor.size() == 0)) {
                    params = null // represnts a ctor with no params
                // ctorName:["paramType1","paramType2"..."paramTypeN"]
                if (descriptor && (descriptor instanceof List && descriptor.size() > 0)) {
                    params = []
                    descriptor.each {param ->
                        params << JmxBuilderTools.TYPE_MAP[JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(param)]
                // ctorName:[desc:"...", params:[paramName1:"*", paramName2:[name:"...",desc:"..."]]
                if (descriptor && descriptor instanceof Map) {
                    def paramTypes = []
                    if (descriptor.params && descriptor.params instanceof Map) {
                        paramTypes = descriptor.params.keySet().toList()
                    } else if (descriptor.params && descriptor.params instanceof List) {
                        paramTypes = descriptor.params

                    params = []
                    paramTypes.each {p ->
                        params << JmxBuilderTools.TYPE_MAP[JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(p)]
                // find matching constructors
                Constructor ctor = object.class.getDeclaredConstructor((params != null) ? (Class[]) params : null)
                map.put(ctorKey, createConstructorMap(ctor, descriptor))

        return map

     * Builds a fully-normalized constructor meta map for the specified constructor.  The method provides
     * defaults where necessary and uses the descriptor to fill in the collected data from JmxBuilder.bean() node..
     * @param ctor - the Constructor instance being described.
     * @param descriptor - descriptor meta data collected from JmxBulider.bean() node.
     * @return a fully-normalized meta map of the constructor.
    private static Map createConstructorMap(ctor, descriptor) {
        def desc = (descriptor && descriptor instanceof Map) ? descriptor : [:]
        def map = [:] =
        map.displayName = desc.description ?: desc.desc ?: "Class constructor"
        map.role = "constructor"
        map.constructor = ctor
        if (desc.params)
            map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(ctor, desc.params))
            map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(ctor))

        return map

    /* **************************************
     * **************************************/
     * Returns a meta map of operations from given object.
     * @param object to profile
     * @return The meta map generated.
    public static Map buildOperationMapFrom(def object) {
        def methods = object.metaClass.getMethods()
        def ops = [:]

        def declaredMethods = object.getClass().getDeclaredMethods()*.name

        methods.each {method ->
            // avoid picking up extra methods from parents
            if ((declaredMethods.contains( && !OPS_EXCEPTION_LIST.contains( || (!OPS_EXCEPTION_LIST.contains( {
                String mName =
                MetaProperty prop = (mName.startsWith("get") || mName.startsWith("set")) ?
                    object.metaClass.getMetaProperty(JmxBuilderTools.uncapitalize(mName[3..-1])) : null
                // skip exporting getters/setters to avoid dbl exposure.  They are exported differently.
                if (!prop) {
                    def map = [:]
           = mName
                    map.displayName = "Method ${} for class ${object.getClass().getName()}".toString()
                    map.role = "operation"
                    map.method = method
                    map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(method))
                    ops.put(mName, map)
        return ops

    public static Map buildOperationMapFrom(object, descCollection) {
        def map = [:]

        // operations:"*"
        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof String && descCollection.equals("*")) {
            map = buildOperationMapFrom(object)

        // operations:["opName1","opName2",..., "opNameN"]
        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof List) {
            descCollection.each {opName ->
                // find the first method that matches the name
                def method
                for (m in object.metaClass.getMethods()) {
                    if ( {
                        method = m

                if (method) {
                    map.put(opName, createOperationMap(object, method, "*"))

        // operations:[foo1:[:], foo2[:], foo3:[:]...]
        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
            descCollection.each {opName, descriptor ->
                def params
                def method

                // opName:"*"
                if (descriptor && (descriptor instanceof String && descriptor.equals("*"))) {
                    method = object.metaClass.respondsTo(object, opName)[0] // grab the first method that matches
                } else {
                    // foo:["int",...,"bool"]
                    if (descriptor && descriptor instanceof List) {
                        params = descriptor

                    // foo:[:]
                    if (descriptor && descriptor instanceof Map) {
                        // foo:[params:["paramTypeName0":[name:"",desc:""], paramTypeNameN[:]]]
                        if (descriptor.params && descriptor.params instanceof Map) {
                            params = descriptor?.params.keySet().toList()
                        // foo:[params:["paramTypeName0",...,"paramTypeNameN"]]
                        if (descriptor.params && descriptor.params instanceof List) {
                            params = descriptor.params

                    // gather clas array Class[]
                    if (params) {
                        def paramTypes = []
                        params?.each {key ->
                            paramTypes << JmxBuilderTools.TYPE_MAP[JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(key)]
                        params = paramTypes ?: null
                    def signature = (params != null) ? (Object[]) params : null
                    def methods = object.metaClass.respondsTo(object, opName, signature)
                    method = methods[0] ?: null

                if (method) {
                    map.put(opName, createOperationMap(object, method, descriptor))

        return map

     * Creates a fully-normalized meta map for a given method (or operation).  The method uses the descriptor
     * to create a map object of the meta data provided with defaults where necessary.
     * @param method - the method being described
     * @param descriptor - the meta data collected from JmxBuilder.bean()
     * @return fully-normalized meta map 
    private static Map createOperationMap(object, method, descriptor) {
        def desc = (descriptor && descriptor instanceof Map) ? descriptor : [:]
        def map = [:] =
        map.displayName = desc.description ?: desc.desc ?: "Method ${} for class ${object.getClass().getName()}".toString()
        map.role = "operation"
        map.method = method
        if (desc.size() > 0 && desc.params) {
            map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(method, desc.params))
        } else {
            map.put("params", buildParameterMapFrom(method))
        // operation invoke listener setup
        def listener = desc.onInvoke ?: desc.onInvoked ?: desc.onCall ?: desc.onCalled
        if (listener) {
            map.methodListener = [:]
            map.methodListener.callback = listener
            map.methodListener.type = "operationCallListener"

        return map

    /* **************************************
     * **************************************/
    /** *
     * Builds a normalized parameter meta map for all params on provided method.
     * @param the method with parameters to normalized
     * @return the normalized map
    public static Map buildParameterMapFrom(def method) {
        def map = [:]
        if (!method) return map
        def params = method.getParameterTypes()
        if (params) {
            params.each {def param ->
                map.put(, createParameterMap(method, param, "*"))
        return map

    /** *
     * Builds a fully normalized parameter meta map for the method and the given meta map.
     * @param the method from which to extract normalized info.
     * @param a given meta map which will be normalized
     * @return the normalized map
    public static Map buildParameterMapFrom(method, descCollection) {
        def map = [:]
        if (!method) return map

        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
            descCollection.each {param, paramMap ->
                def type = getParamTypeByName(method, JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(param))
                if (type) {
                    map.put(, createParameterMap(method, type, paramMap))
        } else if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof List) {
            descCollection.each {param ->
                def type = getParamTypeByName(method, JmxBuilderTools.getNormalizedType(param))
                if (type) {
                    map.put(, createParameterMap(method, type, "*"))
        return map

    /** *
     * Creates a fully-normalized meta map for a given parmater type on a give method.
     * The descriptor represents data collected from JmxBuilder.bean() node.
     * @param method - method with parameter being described
     * @param type - type of parameter being described
     * @param descriptor - descriptor from JmxBuilder.bean() node.
     * @return - a fully-realized meta map.
    private static Map createParameterMap(method, type, descriptor) {
        def desc = (descriptor instanceof Map) ? descriptor : [:]
        def map = [:] = ?:
        map.displayName = desc.description ?: desc.desc ?: "Parameter ${} for ${}".toString()
        map.type = type
        map.method = method

        return map

    private static def getParamTypeByName(method, typeName) {
        for (type in method.getParameterTypes()) {
            if (
                return type
        return null

    /* **************************************
     * **************************************/

     * Creates a fully-normalized meta map for agiven collection of listeners.
     * @param - collection of descriptors to normalize
     * @see JmxMetaMapBuilder#createListenerMap(Object)
    public static buildListenerMapFrom(descCollection) {
        def map = [:]
        if (descCollection && descCollection instanceof Map) {
            descCollection.each {name, listenerMap ->
                map.put(name, createListenerMap(listenerMap))

        return map

     * Builds normalized meta map of the provided listener descriptor.
     * @param descriptor - descriptive data collected from JmxBuilder listener nodes.
     * @return - fully normalized meta map of listener data.
    public static Map createListenerMap(descriptor) {
        def map = [:]
        map.type = "eventListener"
        map.event = descriptor.event

        map.from = descriptor.from ?: descriptor.source ?: descriptor.broadcaster
        if (!map.from) {
            throw new JmxBuilderException("Missing event source: specify source ObjectName (i.e. from:'...').")
        try {
            map.from = (map.from instanceof String) ? new ObjectName(map.from) : map.from
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new JmxBuilderException(e)
        map.callback =


Other Groovy examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Groovy JmxMetaMapBuilder.groovy source code file:

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