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jforum example source code file (

This example jforum source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The jforum source code

# JForum default configuration options
# If you are a developer and want to specify options specific to your
# machine, like database driver and password, that should not be 
# commited to the CVS, please create a file named 
# jforum-custom.conf under WEB-INF/config and put the custom
# keys and values there. 
# Version: $Id:,v 1.176 2007/09/25 23:38:48 rafaelsteil Exp $

##################### = http://localhost:8080/jforum = http://localhost:8080 = My Forum = ${} - your board description = some keywords for your board = here goes the board description

# If "true", all redirect URLs will include the value of "redirect.base.url" as prefix
redirect.absolute.paths = false

# This property is only used when redirect.absolute.paths = true. You can use
# it to force a redirect prefix other than It is specially useful
# when using proxied.context.path
redirect.base.url = ${}

# In case you're using mod_proxy or something similar, you can set this
# property to force JForum to use a specific context path.
# Leave it blank if you don't need to use it.
# Note that if you set this property, you will also want to properly
# set "" to use the same context path.  
proxied.context.path =

# Default language to use. Can be any value
# existent at config/languages/
i18n.board.default = en_US

# Security Hash. You should change this value just before the
# first run of your forum. The value can be anything and *should*
# very a large and complex sequence. This value will be used to 
# increase security
user.hash.sequence = 04904SDFfhfh449911-**%$nvMDFHDhskda6546546as4df4ads6f54ads654

# Page encoding
encoding = UTF-8

# Set it to "true" to require that Moderators log their actions
moderation.logging.enabled = true

# Database type to use = mysql

# Can be net.jforum.SimpleConnection, net.jforum.PooledConnection 
# or net.jforum.DataSourceConnection
database.connection.implementation = net.jforum.PooledConnection

# Enable / Disable transactions
database.use.transactions = true

# DataSource name, in case of using net.jforum.core.db.DataSourceConnection = java:/MySqlDS

# Time in seconds to healthcheck all database connections = 3600

# Extra parameters to pass to C3P0 (only when using PooledConnection)
# Form is key=value;key2=value2;keyN=valueN
c3p0.extra.params = checkoutTimeout=120000;debugUnreturnedConnectionStackTraces=false;unreturnedConnectionTimeout=180

# ######
# Cache 
# ######
topic.cache.enabled = true
security.cache.enabled = true
topicsPerPage = 15
postsPerPage = 15
usersPerPage = 30
hot.topic.begin = 20
topic.recent = 50
topic.hottest = 50
posts.cache.enabled = false
posts.cache.size = 100

# Delay (in ms) between each post from the user
# Set it to 0 (zero) to disable the config = 15000

# If set to "true", only moderators and admins are
# allowed to see the error stack trace when an exception
# occurs in the board. 
stacktrace.moderators.only = false

# Enable or disable registration of new users.
registration.enabled = true

dateTime.format = dd/MM/yyyy HH\:mm\:ss

# RSS date and time format. 
# If you want to include the timezone, use
# EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z
# However, currently, JForum does not include timezone 
# when writing messages data to the database
rss.datetime.format = EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss

rss.enabled = true

# Proxy handling when logging in
# If set to true, the header X-Forwarded-Host will be ignored
# when building the redirect URL after a sucessfull login. 
# Usually useful when running behind a reverse proxy
login.ignore.xforwardedhost = false

# If true, JForum will not try to redirect the browser
# session to the HTTP Referer (if any) after successfully
# logging in an user
login.ignore.referer = false

# ########
# Captcha
# ########
captcha.registration = false
captcha.posts = false = false

captcha.width = 250
captcha.height = 50

captcha.min.words = 5
captcha.max.words = 7

captcha.min.font.size = 25
captcha.max.font.size = 35

# Allowed HTML tags to be used when posting a message
html.tags.welcome = u, a, img, i, u, li, ul, font, br, p, b, hr
html.attributes.welcome = src, href, size, face, color, target, rel

# Allow or not relative links in the messages. If set to true, 
# links starting with / are allowed, otherwise it should start
# with the values defined in the key html.links.allow.protocols
html.links.allow.relative = false

# Protocols allowed in the links posted in the messages. Only used
# if html.links.allow.relative is set to false. Any value different
# of those declared will result in an empty link. 
html.links.allow.protocols = http://, https://, mailto:, ftp://

# Max length for the username
username.max.length = 25

avatar.maxHeight = 150
avatar.maxWidth = 150

# Allow or not the user to link to an external avatar
# To disable, set to "false"
avatar.allow.external.url = true

# #########################
# Terms Agreement / COPPA
# ######################### = true
agreement.files.path = /templates/agreement
agreement.default.file = terms_en_US.txt

# #############
# #############
attachments.anonymous = true

# Maximum of attachments per post = 3

# Create thumbnails for attached images
attachments.images.createthumb = true

# If the image size is less than the specified
# size, then thumbs are not created
attachments.images.thumb.maxsize.w = 400
attachments.images.thumb.maxsize.h = 400

# If "true", tell the application to display the
# regular download box for thumbnails as well. 
# If "false", then only the thumb will be shown 
# within the message, and then the user should
# click on the image to download the full version = true

# Icon to identify topics / posts with attachments
attachments.icon = images/icon_clip.gif

# Directory to store the files
attachments.upload.dir = upload = ${application.path}/${attachments.upload.dir}

mail.lostPassword.messageFile = mail/lostPassword.txt
mail.lostPassword.subject = [${}] Password recovery

# If "true", a mail will be send to users when a topic is
# answered. To disable, set to "false"
mail.notify.answers = true

# SMTP config
mail.sender = email@sender.address
mail.smtp.auth = true = localhost

# Non-SSL default port is 25. If SSL, the default por is 465.
mail.smtp.port = 25

mail.smtp.username = your@smtp.username
mail.smtp.password = smtppassword

# the period in milliseconds JForum waits before sending next mail to SMTP server.
# Some SMTP server will response 421 if you sending a lot of mails in a very short time. 
# set it to 0 (zero) to disable it completely
mail.smtp.delay = 2000

# SSL support for SMTP. Set it to "true" if your
# host requires that (GMail does). Don't forget
# to change the mail.smtp.port too
mail.smtp.ssl = false

# If true, allow users to interact to the forum using any
# email client, by just sending a message to a specific address
mail.pop3.integration.enabled = false

# If "false", deletes all messages retrieved from a POP3
# connection. If "true", keep them in the server
mail.pop3.debug.keep.messages = true

# If the cannot be resolved, JavaMail sends a HELO 
# without an hostname - which is a violation of the SMTP protocol
# You can set this property to force the hostname
mail.smtp.localhost = 

# If "true", requires all new users to validate their email
# addresses in order to be accepted in the system = false

# Can be "text" or "html"
mail.messageFormat = text

mail.charset = UTF-8
mail.template.encoding = UTF-8

mail.newAnswer.messageFile = mail/mailNewReply.txt
mail.newAnswer.subject = [${}] Message posted: {0}

mail.newPm.subject = [${}] Private Message
mail.newPm.messageFile = mail/newPrivateMessage.txt

mail.newTopic.messageFile = mail/mailNewTopic.txt
mail.newTopic.subject = [${}] New Topic: {0}

mail.activationKey.subject = [${}] Activate forum account
mail.activationKey.messageFile = mail/activateAccount.txt

mail.summary.weekly.messageFile = mail/summaryMessage.txt
mail.summary.weekly.subject = [${}] Weekly Summary

# ##############
# Helper Sutff
# ##############
extension.field = extension

# ##################
# Banning of users
# ##################
# Set it to "true" to send "403 Forbidden" header instead of
# displaying a nice error message to the user, in case of banning
banlist.send.403forbidden = false

# ########
# ########
search.indexing.enabled = true
search.indexer.default =
search.indexer.implementation = ${search.indexer.default}

lucene.analyzer = org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer

# Full path to where the index should be written. It must be writable by the
# user who's running the webserver
lucene.index.write.path = ${resource.dir}/jforumLuceneIndex

# Used for re-indexation. It is the number of documents
# to keep in memory before flushing them to the disk
# Please keep in mind that a higher number means a higher memory usage
lucene.indexer.ram.numdocs = 10000

# Number of posts to retrieve on each read from the database
# Please keep in mind that a higher number means a higher memory usage
lucene.indexer.db.fetch.count = 50

# #######
# #######
karma.min.points = 1
karma.max.points = 5

# SSO / User authentication
# Auhentication type: use one of the following options
# sso: SSO based authentication. The called class will be the one
#	specified by the key "sso.implementation", whic must be an implementation
# 	of net.jforum.sso.SSO
# default: Non-SSO authentication, which relies on the key 
#	"login.authenticator" to validate users. For more information, please see
#	net.jforum.sso.LoginAuthenticator and the default implementation.
authentication.type = default

# The above key will be used when "authentication.type" is set to "default"
# Can be any implementation of net.jforum.sso.LoginAuthenticator
# For LDAP authentication, set the value to net.jforum.sso.LDAPAuthenticator. Also,
# see the LDAP section below
login.authenticator = net.jforum.sso.DefaultLoginAuthenticator

# When using authentication.type = default, you may choose to disable
# the automatic login feature, which will prevents users to get 
# automatic logged in when they come back to the forum
auto.login.enabled = true

# The above key will be be used then "authentication.type" is set to "sso"
# The default implementation (used here) only checks if request.getRemoteUser()
# is not null. This may be enough for many situations.
sso.implementation = net.jforum.sso.RemoteUserSSO

# Special attributes used when creating a new user
# Only if auhentication.type = sso
# The attribute name to search in the session for the password.
sso.password.attribute = password

# Same as above = email

# The default email to use if is empty = sso@user

# The default password to use if sso.password.attribute is empty
sso.default.password = sso 

# Optional redirect for SSO
# If a value is set, the user will be redirected to the defined
# URL, using the following logic:
# ${sso.redirect}?returnUrl=${} + <the original JForum URL>
# The value MUST start with the protocol (http:// or https://)
sso.redirect = 

# #######
# #######
# Security protocol to use, e.g: "ssl"
# Leave it empty (default) to let the provider figure it out =

# Security authentication to use. Possible values: "none", "simple", "strong", 
# "EXTERNAL" (SASL). Leave empty (default) to let the provider figure it out
ldap.authentication = 

# Class that provides a LDAP factory
ldap.factory = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

# The prefix your LDAP server requires. e.g 'uid='
# The username supplied gets inserted just after the prefix,
#  e.g: 'uid=username' so adjust the prefix properly
ldap.login.prefix = uid=

# The suffix your LDAP server requires.
# e.g 'ou=Users,dc=department,dc=company,dc=com'
ldap.login.suffix = ou=Users,dc=department,dc=company,dc=com

# The url of your LDAP server.
# Notice that if your LDAP server uses SSL you will need to configure your
# server certificate so that Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) will accept it.
# Read
ldap.server.url = ldap://localhost

# Field that holds the user's email = mail

# ActiveDirectory
# To configure LDAPAuthenticator integrating with Microsoft Active Directory. The following two keys should be necessary.
# They are similar to ldap.login.prefix and ldap.login.suffix , but it's used when looking up user infomation 
# rather than authentication. It's used when the login Distinguished Name (DN) is formatted differently from the lookup 
# DN on some LDAP servers, for example, Microsoft Active Directory. If it's the case, you should add these keys in additional 
# to ldap.login.prefix and ldap.login.suffix .
# The following example is for configuring on Microsoft Active Directory:
# ===========================
# ldap.login.prefix=CN=
# ldap.login.suffix=CN=Users,DC=jform,DC=net
# ldap.lookup.suffix=CN=Users
# =========================== 
ldap.lookup.prefix = 
ldap.lookup.suffix = 

i18n.internal = en_US

database.driver.config = ${config.dir}/database/${}/${}.properties
sql.queries.driver = ${config.dir}/database/${}/${}.sql
sql.queries.generic = ${config.dir}/database/generic/generic_queries.sql = false

# ${application.path}, ${installation}, and ${} are set by the web application
resource.dir = ${application.path}/WEB-INF
config.dir = ${resource.dir}/config
installation.config = ${config.dir}/jforum-custom.conf

# Only change these values if you know what you're doing
anonymous.userId = 1
defaultUserGroup = 1

cache.engine.default = net.jforum.cache.DefaultCacheEngine
cache.engine.jboss = net.jforum.cache.JBossCacheEngine = ${config.dir}/jboss-cache-cluster.xml

cache.engine.implementation = ${cache.engine.default}

cacheable.objects = net.jforum.repository.BBCodeRepository, \
	net.jforum.repository.RankingRepository, \
	net.jforum.repository.SmiliesRepository, \
	net.jforum.repository.ForumRepository, \
	net.jforum.repository.TopicRepository, \
	net.jforum.SessionFacade, \
	net.jforum.repository.PostRepository, \
	net.jforum.repository.Tpl, \
	net.jforum.repository.RolesRepository, \
	net.jforum.repository.SecurityRepository, \

# The template to use
template.dir = default

# If you change this value, is necessary to edit WEB-INF/web.xml as well
servlet.extension = .page

########### = jforumUserId = jforumUserInfo = jforumAutoLogin = jforumUserHash

tmp.dir = tmp
cache.dir = cache
templates.mapping = ${config.dir}/
locales.dir = config/languages/
locales.names =

smilie.image.dir = images/smilies
smilie.image.pattern = <img src\="#CONTEXT#/images/smilies/\#IMAGE\#" border\="0">

useFilesystemCache = false
avatarMaxKbSize = 25

background.tasks = true

clickstream.config = ${config.dir}/clickstream-jforum.xml
quartz.config = ${config.dir}/

# Default charset used by the servlet container. 
# **It's unlikely** you will have tho change this value, 
# even if you're using a Cyrillic alphabet.
# For detailed information, please see
default.container.encoding = ISO-8859-1

# the period in milliseconds the config files are watched for changes
# set it to 0 (zero) to disable it completely
file.changes.delay = 2000

# System version
version = 2.1.8

# If you have freemarker templates residing outside of the JForum webapp
# you can add the path to the directory containing them here. 
# Add the full path to the directory. 
freemarker.extra.template.path =

# Summary
summary.enabled = false
summary.days.before = 7

jforum.version.url =

Other jforum examples (source code examples)

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