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Lift Framework example source code file (BoxSpec.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (BoxSpec.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

a, arbitrary, box, box, empty, empty, failure, failure, full, full, int, it, list, option

The Lift Framework BoxSpec.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package common

import org.specs.{ScalaCheck, Specification}
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Prop}
import Gen._
import Prop.forAll

import Box._

 * System under specification for Box.
object BoxSpec extends Specification("Box Specification") with ScalaCheck with BoxGenerator {

  "A Box" can {
    "be created from a Option. It is Empty if the option is None" in {
      Box(None) mustBe Empty
    "be created from a Option. It is Full(x) if the option is Some(x)" in {
      Box(Some(1)) must_== Full(1)
    "be created from a List containing one element. It is Empty if the list is empty" in {
      Box(Nil) mustBe Empty
    "be created from a List containing one element. It is Full(x) if the list is List(x)" in {
      Box(List(1)) must_== Full(1)
    "be created from a List containing more than one element. It is Full(x) if the list is x::rest" in {
      Box(List(1, 2, 3)) must_== Full(1)
    "be used as an iterable" in {
      Full(1) reduceLeft {(x: Int, y: Int) => x + y} must_== 1
    "be used as an Option" in {
      Full(1).get must_== 1
      Empty.isDefined must beFalse
    "be implicitly defined from an Option. The open_! method can be used on an Option for example" in {
      Some(1).open_! must_== 1
    "be defined from some legacy code (possibly passing null values). If the passed value is not null, a Full(value) is returned" in {
      Box.legacyNullTest("s") must_== Full("s")
    "be defined from some legacy code (possibly passing null values). If the passed value is null, an Empty is returned" in {
      Box.legacyNullTest(null) must_== Empty

  "A Box" should {
    "provide a 'choice' method to either apply a function to the Box value or return another default can" in {
      def gotIt = (x: Int) => Full("got it: " + x.toString)

      Full(1).choice(gotIt)(Full("nothing")) must_== Full("got it: 1")
      Empty.choice(gotIt)(Full("nothing")) must_== Full("nothing")

  "A Full Box" should {
    "not beEmpty" in {
      Full(1).isEmpty must beFalse
    "be defined" in {
      Full(1).isDefined must beTrue
    "return its value when opened" in {
      Full(1).open_! mustBe 1
    "return its value when opened with openOr(default value)" in {
      Full(1) openOr 0 mustBe 1
    "return itself when or'ed with another Box" in {
      Full(1) or Full(2) must_== Full(1)
    "define an 'exists' method returning true if the Box value verifies the function" in {
      Full(1) exists {_ > 0} must beTrue
    "define an exists method returning false if the Box value doesn't verify the function" in {
      Full(0) exists {_ > 0} must beFalse
    "define a 'filter' method, returning a Full Box if the filter is satisfied" in {
      Full(1) filter {_ > 0} must_== Full(1)
    "define a 'filter' method, returning Empty if the filter is not satisfied" in {
      Full(1) filter {_ == 0} mustBe Empty
    "define a 'filterMsg' method, returning a Failure if the filter predicate is not satisfied" in {
      Full(1).filterMsg("not equal to 0")(_ == 0) must_== Failure("not equal to 0", Empty, Empty)
    "define a 'foreach' method using its value (to display it for instance)" in {
      var total = 0
      Full(1) foreach { total += _ }
      total must_== 1
    "define a 'map' method to transform its value" in {
      Full(1) map { _.toString } must_== Full("1")
    "define a 'flatMap' method transforming its value in another Box. If the value is transformed in a Full can, the total result is a Full can" in {
      Full(1) flatMap { x: Int => if (x > 0) Full("full") else Empty } must_== Full("full")
    "define a 'flatMap' method transforming its value in another Box. If the value is transformed in an Empty can, the total result is an Empty can" in {
      Full(0) flatMap { x: Int => if (x > 0) Full("full") else Empty } mustBe Empty
    "define an 'elements' method returning an iterator containing its value" in {
      Full(1) must_== 1
    "define a 'toList' method returning a List containing its value" in {
      Full(1).toList must_== List(1)
    "define a 'toOption' method returning a Some object containing its value" in {
      Full(1).toOption must_== Some(1)
    "return itself if asked for its status with the operator ?~" in {
      Full(1) ?~ "error" must_== Full(1)
    "return itself if asked for its status with the operator ?~!" in {
      Full(1) ?~! "error" must_== Full(1)
    "define a 'pass' method passing the can to a function and returning itself (alias: $)" in {
      var empty = false
      def emptyString(s: Box[String]) = s foreach {c: String => empty = c.isEmpty}
      Full("") $ emptyString _
      empty must beTrue
    "define a 'run' method either returning a default value or applying a user-defined function on it" in {
      def appendToString(s: String, x: Int) = s + x.toString
      Full(1).run("string")(appendToString) must_== "string1"
    "define a 'isA' method returning a Full(value) if the value is the instance of a given class" in {
      Full("s").isA(classOf[String]) must_== Full("s")
    "define a 'isA' method returning Empty if the value is not the instance of a given class" in {
      Full("s").isA(classOf[Double]) must_== Empty
    "define a 'asA' method returning a Full(value) if the value is the instance of a given type" in {
      Full("s").asA[String] must_== Full("s")
    "define a 'asA' method returning Empty if the value is not the instance of a given type" in {
      Full("s").asA[Double] must_== Empty

    "define a 'asA' method must work with Boolean" in {
      Full(true).asA[Boolean] must_== Full(true)
      Full(3).asA[Boolean] must_== Empty

    "define a 'asA' method must work with Character" in {
      Full('a').asA[Char] must_== Full('a')
      Full('a').asA[Boolean] must_== Empty

    "define a 'asA' method must work with Byte" in {
      Full(3.toByte).asA[Byte] must_== Full(3.toByte)
      Full(3.toByte).asA[Boolean] must_== Empty

    "define a 'asA' method must work with Double" in {
      Full(44d).asA[Double] must_== Full(44D)
      Full(44d).asA[Boolean] must_== Empty

    "define a 'asA' method must work with Float" in {
      Full(32f).asA[Float] must_== Full(32f)
      Full(33f).asA[Boolean] must_== Empty

    "define a 'asA' method must work with Integer" in {
      Full(3).asA[Int] must_== Full(3)
      Full(3).asA[Boolean] must_== Empty

    "define a 'asA' method must work with Long" in {
      Full(32L).asA[Long] must_== Full(32L)
      Full(32L).asA[Boolean] must_== Empty

    "define a 'asA' method must work with Short" in {
      Full(8.toShort).asA[Short] must_== Full(8.toShort)
      Full(8.toShort).asA[Boolean] must_== Empty


  "An Empty Box" should {
    "beEmpty" in {
      Empty.isEmpty must beTrue
    "not be defined" in {
      Empty.isDefined must beFalse
    "throw an exception if opened" in {
      {Empty.open_!; ()} must throwA[NullPointerException]
    "return a default value if opened with openOr" in {
      Empty.openOr(1) mustBe 1
    "return the other Box if or'ed with another Box" in {
      Empty.or(Full(1)) must_== Full(1)
    "return itself if filtered with a predicate" in {
      val empty: Box[Int] = Empty
      empty.filter {_ > 0} mustBe Empty
    "define an 'exists' method returning false" in {
      val empty: Box[Int] = Empty
      empty exists {_ > 0} must beFalse
    "define a 'filter' method, returning Empty" in {
      val empty: Box[Int] = Empty
      empty filter {_ > 0} mustBe Empty
    "define a 'filterMsg' method, returning a Failure" in {
      Empty.filterMsg("not equal to 0")(_ == 0) must_== Failure("not equal to 0", Empty, Empty)
    "define a 'foreach' doing nothing" in {
      var total = 0
      val empty: Box[Int] = Empty
      empty foreach {total += _}
      total must_== 0
    "define a 'map' method returning Empty" in {
      Empty map {_.toString} mustBe Empty
    "define a 'flatMap' method returning Empty" in {
      Empty flatMap {x: Int => Full("full")} mustBe Empty
    "define an 'elements' method returning an empty iterator" in {
      Empty.elements.hasNext must beFalse
    "define a 'toList' method returning Nil" in {
      Empty.toList must_== Nil
    "define a 'toOption' method returning None" in {
      Empty.toOption must_== None
    "return a failure with a message if asked for its status with the operator ?~" in {
      Empty ?~ "nothing" must_== Failure("nothing", Empty, Empty)
    "return a failure with a message if asked for its status with the operator ?~!" in {
      Empty ?~! "nothing" must_== Failure("nothing", Empty, Empty)
    "define a 'isA' method returning Empty" in {
      Empty.isA(classOf[Double]) must_== Empty
    "define a 'asA' method returning Empty" in {
      Empty.asA[Double] must_== Empty

  "A Failure is an Empty Box which" can {
    "return its cause as an exception" in {
      case class LiftException(m: String) extends Exception
      Failure("error", Full(new LiftException("broken")), Empty).exception.get must_== new LiftException("broken")
    "return a chained list of causes" in {
              Full(new Exception("broken")),
              Full(Failure("nested cause", Empty, Empty))).chain must_== Full(Failure("nested cause", Empty, Empty))

  "A Failure is an Empty Box which" should {
    "return itself if mapped or flatmapped" in {
      Failure("error", Empty, Empty) map {_.toString} must_== Failure("error", Empty, Empty)
      Failure("error", Empty, Empty) flatMap {x: String => Full(x.toString)} must_== Failure("error", Empty, Empty)
    "return a itself when asked for its status with the operator ?~" in {
      Failure("error", Empty, Empty) ?~ "nothing" must_== Failure("error", Empty, Empty)
    "create a new failure with a chained message if asked for its status with the operator ?~!" in {
      Failure("error", Empty, Empty) ?~! "error2" must_== Failure("error2", Empty, Full(Failure("error", Empty, Empty)))

  "A Box equals method" should {

    "return true with comparing two identical Box messages" in {
      val equality = (c1: Box[Int], c2: Box[Int]) => (c1, c2) match {
        case (Empty, Empty) => c1 == c2
        case (Full(x), Full(y)) => (c1 == c2) == (x == y)
        case (Failure(m1, e1, l1), Failure(m2, e2, l2)) => (c1 == c2) == ((m1, e1, l1) == (m2, e2, l2))
        case _ => c1 != c2
      forAll(equality) must pass

    "return false with comparing one Full and another object" in {
      Full(1) must_!= "hello"

    "return false with comparing one Empty and another object" in {
      Empty must_!= "hello"

    "return false with comparing one Failure and another object" in {
      Failure("", Empty, Empty) must_!= "hello"


trait BoxGenerator {

  implicit def genThrowable: Arbitrary[Throwable] = Arbitrary[Throwable] {
    case object UserException extends Throwable

  implicit def genBox[T](implicit a: Arbitrary[T]): Arbitrary[Box[T]] = Arbitrary[Box[T]] {
      (3, value(Empty)),
      (1, genFailureBox)

  def genFailureBox: Gen[Failure] = for {
    msgLen <- choose(0, 4)
    msg <- listOfN(msgLen, alphaChar)
    exception <- value(Full(new Exception("")))
    chainLen <- choose(1, 5)
    chain <- frequency((1, listOfN(chainLen, genFailureBox)), (3, value(Nil)))
  } yield Failure(msg.mkString, exception, Box(chain.headOption))


Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework BoxSpec.scala source code file:

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