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Lift Framework example source code file (BindHelpers.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (BindHelpers.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

bindparam, box, box, csssel, elem, elem, iterableconst, list, nodeseq, nodeseq, option, seq, string, string, util

The Lift Framework BindHelpers.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package util

import scala.xml._
import common._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import java.util.{List => JavaList}

 * This trait is used to identify an object that is representable as a {@link NodeSeq}.
trait Bindable {
  def asHtml: NodeSeq

trait AttrHelper[+Holder[X]] {
  type Info

  def apply(key: String): Holder[Info] = convert(findAttr(key))
  def apply(prefix: String, key: String): Holder[Info] =
    convert(findAttr(prefix, key))

  def apply(key: String, default: => Info): Info =
    findAttr(key) getOrElse default

  def apply(prefix: String, key: String, default: => Info): Info =
    findAttr(prefix, key) getOrElse default

  def apply[T](key: String, f: Info => T): Holder[T] =

  def apply[T](prefix: String, key: String, f: Info => T): Holder[T] =
    convert(findAttr(prefix, key).map(f))

  def apply[T](key: String, f: Info => T, default: => T): T =
    findAttr(key).map(f) getOrElse default

  def apply[T](prefix: String, key: String, f: Info => T, default: => T): T =
    findAttr(prefix, key).map(f) getOrElse default

  protected def findAttr(key: String): Option[Info]
  protected def findAttr(prefix: String, key: String): Option[Info]
  protected def convert[T](in: Option[T]): Holder[T]

 * BindHelpers can be used to obtain additional information while a {@link bind} call is executing.
 * This informaiton includes node attributes of the current bound node or the entire NodeSeq that is
 * to be bound. Since the context is created during bind execution and destroyed when bind terminates,
 * you can benefit of these helpers in the context of FuncBindParam or FuncAttrBindParam. You can
 * also provide your own implementation of BindParam and your BindParam#calcValue function will be called
 * in the appropriate context.
 * Example:
 * <pre name="code" class="scala">
 * bind("hello", xml,
 *      "someNode" -> {node: NodeSeq => <function-body>})
 * </pre>
 * In <code>function-body you can safely use BindHelpers methods to obtain correctly-scoped information.
object BindHelpers extends BindHelpers {

  private val _bindNodes = new ThreadGlobal[List[NodeSeq]]
  private val _currentNode = new ThreadGlobal[Elem]

   * A list of NodeSeq that preceeds the NodeSeq passed to bind. The head of the list
   * is the most recent NodeSeq. This returns Empty if it is called outside its context,
   * or Full(Nil) if there are no child nodes but the function is called within the
   * appropriate context.
  def bindNodes: Box[List[NodeSeq]] =

   * A Box containing the current Elem, the children of which are passed to the bindParam
  def currentNode: Box[Elem] =

   * Helpers for obtaining attributes of the current Elem
  object attr extends AttrHelper[Option] {
    type Info = NodeSeq

    protected def findAttr(key: String): Option[Info] =
      for { n <-
            at <- n.attributes.find(at => at.key == key && !at.isPrefixed) }
      yield at.value

    protected def findAttr(prefix: String, key: String): Option[Info] =
      for { n <-
            at <- n.attributes.find {
              case at: PrefixedAttribute => at.key == key && at.pre == prefix
              case _ => false
      yield at.value

    protected def convert[T](in: Option[T]): Option[T] = in


 * Helpers assocated with bindings
trait BindHelpers {
  private lazy val logger = Logger(classOf[BindHelpers])

  def errorDiv(body: NodeSeq): Box[NodeSeq] = 
    Props.mode match {
      case Props.RunModes.Development | Props.RunModes.Test =>
        Full(<div class="snippeterror" style="display: block; padding: 4px; margin: 8px; border: 2px solid red">
          <i>note: this error is displayed in the browser because
          your application is running in "development" or "test" mode.If you
          set the system property run.mode=production, this error will not
          be displayed, but there will be errors in the output logs.

        case _ => Empty

   * Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create
   * the class attribute
  def addCssClass(cssClass: Box[String], elem: Elem): Elem = 
    cssClass match {
      case Full(css) => addCssClass(css, elem)
      case _ => elem

   * Adds a css class to the existing class tag of an Elem or create
   * the class attribute
  def addCssClass(cssClass: String, elem: Elem): Elem = {
    elem.attribute("class") match {
      case Some(clz) => {
        def fix(in: MetaData) =
          new UnprefixedAttribute("class", clz.text.trim + " " + cssClass.trim, 
                                    case p: UnprefixedAttribute =>
                                      p.key != "class"
                                    case _ => true

        new Elem(elem.prefix,
                 elem.child :_*)
      case _ => elem % new UnprefixedAttribute("class", cssClass, Null)

   * Takes attributes from the first node of 'in' (if any) and mixes
   * them into 'out'. Curried form can be used to produce a
   * NodeSeq => NodeSeq for bind.
   * @param in where to take the attributes from
   * @param out where to put the attributes
   * @return 'out' element with attributes from 'in'
  def mixinAttributes(out: Elem)(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
    val attributes =
    out % attributes

   * Finds and returns one of many templates from the children based
   * upon the namespace and tag name: for example, for prefix "choose"
   * and tag name "stuff" this would return the contents of the
   * first tag <code><choose:stuff> ... </choose:stuff>
   * in the specified NodeSeq.
   * @param prefix the prefix (e.g., "choose")
   * @param tag the tag to choose (e.g., "stuff")
   * @param xhtml the node sequence to search for the specified element
   * @return the first matching node sequence
  def chooseTemplate(prefix: String, tag: String, xhtml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
    Helpers.findElems(xhtml)(e => e.label == tag && e.prefix == prefix).toList match {
      case Nil => NodeSeq.Empty
      case x :: xs => x.child

   * Similar to chooseTemplate, this returns the contents of the element in a Full Box if
   * found or an Empty Box otherwise.
  def template(xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag: String): Box[NodeSeq] =
    Helpers.findElems(xhtml)(e => e.label == tag && e.prefix == prefix).toList match {
      case Nil => Empty
      case x :: xs => Full(x.child)

   * Find two of many templates from the children
  def template(xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag1: String,
               tag2: String): Box[(NodeSeq, NodeSeq)] =
    for (x1 <- template(xhtml, prefix, tag1);
         x2 <- template(xhtml, prefix, tag2)) yield (x1, x2)

   * Find three of many templates from the children
  def template(xhtml: NodeSeq, prefix: String, tag1: String,
               tag2: String, tag3: String): Box[(NodeSeq, NodeSeq, NodeSeq)] =
    for (x1 <- template(xhtml, prefix, tag1);
         x2 <- template(xhtml, prefix, tag2);
         x3 <- template(xhtml, prefix, tag3)) yield (x1, x2, x3)

   * Base class for Bind parameters. A bind parameter has a name and is able to extract its value from a NodeSeq.
  sealed trait BindParam {
    def name: String
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq]

   * A trait that indicates what the newly bound attribute name should be.
  trait BindWithAttr {
    def newAttr: String

   * A case class that wraps attribute-oriented BindParams to allow prefixing the resulting attribute
  sealed case class PrefixedBindWithAttr(prefix : String, binding: BindParam with BindWithAttr) extends BindParam with BindWithAttr {
    val name =
    def calcValue(in : NodeSeq) = binding.calcValue(in)
    val newAttr = binding.newAttr

   * Constant BindParam always returning the same value
  final class TheBindParam(val name: String, value: NodeSeq)
          extends Tuple2(name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(value)

  object TheBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: NodeSeq) = new TheBindParam(name, value)

   * Constant BindParam always returning the same value
  final class TheStrBindParam(val name: String, value: String)
    extends Tuple2(name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = value match {
      case null => Some(NodeSeq.Empty)
      case str => Some(Text(str))

  object TheStrBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: String) = new TheStrBindParam(name, value)

   * BindParam that binds a given value into a new attribute.
   * For example, given the following markup:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   * <lift:AttrBinds >
   *   <div test:w="foo" />
   *   <div test:x="foo" />
   *   <div test:y="foo" />
   *   <div test:z="foo" />
   * </lift:AttrBinds >
   * </pre>
   * The following snippet:
   * <pre name="code" class="scala">
   * import scala.xml._
   * class AttrBinds {
   *   def render(xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq =
   *     BindHelpers.bind("test", xhtml,
   *       AttrBindParam("w", Text("fooW"), "id"),
   *       AttrBindParam("x", "fooX", "id"),
   *       AttrBindParam("y", Text("fooW"), ("lift","calcId")),
   *       AttrBindParam("z", "fooZ", ("lift", "calcId")))
   * </pre>
   * produces this markup:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   *   <div id="fooW" />
   *   <div id="fooX" />
   *   <div lift:calcId="fooY" />
   *   <div lift:calcId="fooZ" />
   * </pre>
   * @param name the name of the binding to replace
   * @param myValue the value of the new attribute
   * @param newAttr The new attribute label
  final class AttrBindParam(val name: String, myValue: => NodeSeq, val newAttr: String)
          extends BindParam with BindWithAttr {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(myValue)

   * BindParam that binds a given value into a new attribute.
   * This object provides factory methods for convenience.
  object AttrBindParam {
     * Returns an unprefixed attribute binding containing the specified NodeSeq
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param myValue The value to place in the new attribute
     * @param newAttr The new attribute label
    def apply(name: String, myValue: => NodeSeq, newAttr: String) = 
      new AttrBindParam(name, myValue, newAttr)

     * Returns an unprefixed attribute binding containing the specified String
     * wrapped in a Text() element
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param myValue The value to place in the new attribute
     * @param newAttr The new attribute label
    def apply(name: String, myValue: String, newAttr: String) = 
      new AttrBindParam(name, if (null eq myValue) NodeSeq.Empty else Text(myValue), newAttr)

     * Returns a prefixed attribute binding containing the specified NodeSeq
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param myValue The value to place in the new attribute
     * @param newAttr The new attribute in the form (prefix,label)
    def apply(name: String, myValue: => NodeSeq, newAttr: Pair[String,String]) = 
      PrefixedBindWithAttr(newAttr._1, new AttrBindParam(name, myValue, newAttr._2))

     * Returns a prefixed attribute binding containing the specified String
     * wrapped in a Text() element
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param myValue The value to place in the new attribute
     * @param newAttr The new attribute in the form (prefix,label)
    def apply(name: String, myValue: String, newAttr: Pair[String,String]) = 
      PrefixedBindWithAttr(newAttr._1, new AttrBindParam(name,
        if (null eq myValue) NodeSeq.Empty else Text(myValue), newAttr._2))

   * BindParam using a function to calculate its value
  final class FuncBindParam(val name: String, value: NodeSeq => NodeSeq)
          extends Tuple2(name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(value(in))

  object FuncBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: NodeSeq => NodeSeq) = new FuncBindParam(name, value)

   * BindParam that computes a new attribute value based on the current
   * attribute value. For example, given the following markup:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   * <lift:AttrBinds >
   *   <div test:x="foo" />
   *   <div test:y="foo" />
   * </lift:AttrBinds >
   * </pre>
   * The following snippet:
   * <pre name="code" class="scala">
   * import scala.xml._
   * class AttrBinds {
   *   def render(xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq =
   *     BindHelpers.bind("test", xhtml,
   *       FuncAttrBindParam("x", { ns : NodeSeq => Text(ns.text.toUpperCase + "X")}, "id"),
   *       FuncAttrBindParam("y", { ns : NodeSeq => Text(ns.text.length + "Y")}, ("lift","calcId")))
   * </pre>
   * produces this markup:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   *   <div id="FOOX" />
   *   <div lift:calcId="3Y" />
   * </pre>
   * @param name The name to bind against
   * @param value A function that takes the current attribute's value and computes
   * the new attribute value
   * @param newAttr The new attribute label
  final class FuncAttrBindParam(val name: String, value: => NodeSeq => NodeSeq, val newAttr: String)
          extends BindParam with BindWithAttr {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(value(in))

   * BindParam using a function to calculate its value.
   * This object provides factory methods for convenience.
  object FuncAttrBindParam {
     * Returns an unprefixed attribute binding computed by the provided function
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param value The function that will transform the original attribute value
     * into the new attribute value
     * @param newAttr The new attribute label
    def apply(name: String, value: => NodeSeq => NodeSeq, newAttr: String) = new FuncAttrBindParam(name, value, newAttr)

     * Returns a prefixed attribute binding computed by the provided function
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param value The function that will transform the original attribute value
     * into the new attribute value
     * @param newAttr The new attribute name in the form (prefix,label)
    def apply(name: String, value: => NodeSeq => NodeSeq, newAttr: Pair[String,String]) = 
      PrefixedBindWithAttr(newAttr._1, new FuncAttrBindParam(name, value, newAttr._2))

  final class OptionBindParam(val name: String, value: Option[NodeSeq])
          extends Tuple2(name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = value

  object OptionBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: Option[NodeSeq]) = new OptionBindParam(name, value)

  final class BoxBindParam(val name: String, value: Box[NodeSeq])
          extends Tuple2(name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = value

  object BoxBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: Box[NodeSeq]) = new BoxBindParam(name, value)

   * BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on
   * the current attribute value. Returning None in the transform function
   * will result in the Attribute being omitted. For example, given the
   * following markup:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   * <lift:AttrBinds>
   *   <div test:x="foo">
   *   <div test:y="foo">
   * </lift:AttrBinds>
   * </pre>
   * The following snippet:
 <pre name="code" class="scala">
 import scala.xml._
 class AttrBinds {
   def render(xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq =
     BindHelpers.bind("test", xhtml,
       FuncAttrOptionBindParam("x", { ns : NodeSeq =>
           Some(Text(ns.text.toUpperCase + "X"))
         }, ("lift","calcId")),
       FuncAttrOptionBindParam("y", { ns : NodeSeq =>
         if (ns.text.length > 10) {
           Some(Text(ns.text.length + "Y"))
         } else {
         }, ("lift","calcId")))
   * produces this markup:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   *   <div lift:calcId="FOOX" />
   *   <div />
   * </pre>
   * @param name The name to bind against
   * @param value The function that will transform the original attribute value
   * into the new attribute value. Returning None will cause this attribute to
   * be omitted.
   * @param newAttr The new attribute label
  final class FuncAttrOptionBindParam(val name: String, func: => NodeSeq => Option[NodeSeq], val newAttr: String)
          extends BindParam with BindWithAttr {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = func(in)

   * BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on
   * the current attribute value. Returning None in the transform function
   * will result in the Attribute not being bound.
   * This object provides factory methods for convenience.
  object FuncAttrOptionBindParam {
     * Returns an unprefixed attribute binding computed by the provided function
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param value The function that will transform the original attribute value
     * into the new attribute value. Returning None will cause this attribute to
     * be omitted.
     * @param newAttr The new attribute label
    def apply(name: String, func: => NodeSeq => Option[NodeSeq], newAttr: String) =
      new FuncAttrOptionBindParam(name, func, newAttr)

     * Returns a prefixed attribute binding computed by the provided function
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param value The function that will transform the original attribute value
     * into the new attribute value. Returning None will cause this attribute to
     * be omitted.
     * @param newAttr The new attribute name in the form (prefix,label)
    def apply(name: String, func: => NodeSeq => Option[NodeSeq], newAttr: Pair[String,String]) =
      PrefixedBindWithAttr(newAttr._1, new FuncAttrOptionBindParam(name, func, newAttr._2))

   * BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on
   * the current attribute value. Returning Empty in the transform function
   * will result in the Attribute being omitted. For example, given the
   * following markup:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   * <lift:AttrBinds>
   *   <div test:x="foo">
   *   <div test:y="foo">
   * </lift:AttrBinds>
   * </pre>
   * The following snippet:
 <pre name="code" class="scala">
 import scala.xml._
 class AttrBinds {
   def render(xhtml : NodeSeq) : NodeSeq =
     BindHelpers.bind("test", xhtml,
       FuncAttrBoxBindParam("x", { ns : NodeSeq => Full(Text(ns.text.toUpperCase + "X"))}, ("lift","calcId")),
       FuncAttrBoxBindParam("y", { ns : NodeSeq =>
         if (ns.text.length > 10) {
           Full(Text(ns.text.length + "Y"))
         } else {
         }, ("lift","calcId")))
   * produces this markup:
   * <pre name="code" class="xml">
   *   <div lift:calcId="FOOX" />
   *   <div />
   * </pre>
   * @param name The name to bind against
   * @param value The function that will transform the original attribute value
   * into the new attribute value. Returning Empty will cause this attribute to
   * be omitted.
   * @param newAttr The new attribute label
  final class FuncAttrBoxBindParam(val name: String, func: => NodeSeq => Box[NodeSeq], val newAttr: String)
          extends BindParam with BindWithAttr {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = func(in)

   * BindParam that computes an optional new attribute value based on
   * the current attribute value. Returning Empty in the transform function
   * will result in the Attribute being omitted.
   * This object provides factory methods for convenience.
  object FuncAttrBoxBindParam {
     * Returns an unprefixed attribute binding computed by the provided function
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param value The function that will transform the original attribute value
     * into the new attribute value. Returning Empty will cause this attribute to
     * be omitted.
     * @param newAttr The new attribute label
    def apply(name: String, func: => NodeSeq => Box[NodeSeq], newAttr: String) =
      new FuncAttrBoxBindParam(name, func, newAttr)

     * Returns a prefixed attribute binding computed by the provided function
     * @param name The name to bind against
     * @param value The function that will transform the original attribute value
     * into the new attribute value. Returning Empty will cause this attribute to
     * be omitted.
     * @param newAttr The new attribute name in the form (prefix,label)
    def apply(name: String, func: => NodeSeq => Box[NodeSeq], newAttr: Pair[String,String]) =
      PrefixedBindWithAttr(newAttr._1, new FuncAttrBoxBindParam(name, func, newAttr._2))

  final class SymbolBindParam(val name: String, value: Symbol)
          extends Tuple2(name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(if (null eq NodeSeq.Empty else Text(

  object SymbolBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: Symbol) = new SymbolBindParam(name, value)

  final class IntBindParam(val name: String, value: Int)
          extends Tuple2[String, Int](name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(value.toString match {
      case null => NodeSeq.Empty
      case str => Text(str)})

  object IntBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: Int) = new IntBindParam(name, value)

  final class LongBindParam(val name: String, value: Long)
          extends Tuple2[String, Long](name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(Text(value.toString))

  object LongBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: Long) = new LongBindParam(name, value)

  final class BooleanBindParam(val name: String, value: Boolean)
          extends Tuple2[String, Boolean](name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(Text(value.toString))

  object BooleanBindParam {
    def apply(name: String, value: Boolean) = new BooleanBindParam(name, value)

  final class TheBindableBindParam[T <: Bindable](val name: String, value: T)
          extends Tuple2[String, T](name, value) with BindParam {
    def calcValue(in: NodeSeq): Option[NodeSeq] = Some(value.asHtml)

  object TheBindableBindParam {
    def apply[T <: Bindable](name: String, value: T) = new TheBindableBindParam(name, value)

   * Remove all the <head> tags, just leaving the child tags
  def stripHead(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
    ("head" #> ((ns: NodeSeq) => ns.asInstanceOf[Elem].child))(in)
    import scala.xml.transform._

    val rewrite = new RewriteRule {
      override def transform(in: Node): Seq[Node] = in match {
        case e: Elem if e.label == "head" && (e.namespace eq null) => this.transform(e.child)
        case x => x

    (new RuleTransformer(rewrite)).transform(in)

   * Replace the element with the id that matches with the replacement
   * nodeseq.
  def replaceIdNode(in: NodeSeq, id: String, replacement: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
    (("#"+id) #> replacement)(in)
    import scala.xml.transform._

    val cmp = Some(Text(id))

    val rewrite = new RewriteRule {
      override def transform(in: Node): Seq[Node] = in match {
        case e: Elem if e.attribute("id") == cmp => replacement

        case x => x

    (new RuleTransformer(rewrite)).transform(in)

   *  transforms a Box into a Text node
  @deprecated("use -> instead")
  object BindParamAssoc {
    implicit def canStrBoxNodeSeq(in: Box[Any]): Box[NodeSeq] = match {
      case null => Text("null")
      case v => v.toString match {
        case null => NodeSeq.Empty
        case str => Text(str)

   * takes a NodeSeq and applies all the attributes to all the Elems at the top level of the
   * NodeSeq.  The id attribute is applied to the first-found Elem only
  def addAttributes(in: NodeSeq, attributes: MetaData): NodeSeq = {
    if (attributes == Null) in
    else {
      val noId = attributes.filter(_.key != "id")
      var doneId = false
      in map {
        case e: Elem =>
          if (doneId) e % noId else {
            doneId = true
            e % attributes
        case x => x

  private def snToNs(in: Seq[Node]): NodeSeq = in

  class SuperArrowAssoc(name: String) {
    // Because JsObj is a subclass of Node, we don't want it
    // getting caught because it's not a bind param
    def ->[T <: SpecialNode](in: T with SpecialNode) = Tuple2[String, T](name, in)

    def ->(in: String) = TheStrBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: NodeSeq) = TheBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Text) = TheBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Node) = TheBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Seq[Node]) = TheBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: NodeSeq => NodeSeq) = FuncBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Box[NodeSeq]) = BoxBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Option[NodeSeq]) = OptionBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Symbol) = SymbolBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Int) = IntBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Long) = LongBindParam(name, in)
    def ->(in: Boolean) = BooleanBindParam(name, in)
    def ->[T <: Bindable](in: T with Bindable) = TheBindableBindParam[T](name, in)
    def ->[T](in: T) = Tuple2[String, T](name, in)

    def -%>(in: NodeSeq) = FuncBindParam(name, old => addAttributes(in , ( openOr Null)))
    def -%>(in: Box[NodeSeq]) = FuncBindParam(name, 
                                              old => => addAttributes(a, 
                                                                               ( openOr Null))) openOr
    def -%>(in: Option[NodeSeq]) = FuncBindParam(name, old => => addAttributes(a,
                                                                                        ( openOr
                                                                                         Null))) getOrElse NodeSeq.Empty)
    def -%>(in: NodeSeq => NodeSeq) = FuncBindParam(name, old => addAttributes(in(old),
                                                                               ( openOr Null)))

    def _id_>(in: Elem) = FuncBindParam(name, _ => in % new UnprefixedAttribute("id", name, Null))
    def _id_>(in: Box[Elem]) = FuncBindParam(name, _ => % new UnprefixedAttribute("id", name, Null)) openOr NodeSeq.Empty)
    def _id_>(in: Option[Elem]) = FuncBindParam(name, _ => % new UnprefixedAttribute("id", name, Null)) getOrElse NodeSeq.Empty)
    def _id_>(in: NodeSeq => Elem) = FuncBindParam(name, kids => in(kids) % new UnprefixedAttribute("id", name, Null))


  implicit def strToSuperArrowAssoc(in: String): SuperArrowAssoc = new SuperArrowAssoc(in)

   * This class creates a BindParam from an input value
   * @deprecated use -> instead
  @deprecated("use -> instead")
  class BindParamAssoc(val name: String) {
    def -->(value: String): BindParam = TheBindParam(name, if (null eq value) NodeSeq.Empty else Text(value))
    def -->(value: NodeSeq): BindParam = TheBindParam(name, value)
    def -->(value: Symbol): BindParam = TheBindParam(name, Text(
    def -->(value: Any): BindParam = TheBindParam(name, Text(value match {
      case null => "null"
      case v => v.toString match {
        case null => ""
        case str => str
    def -->(func: NodeSeq => NodeSeq): BindParam = FuncBindParam(name, func)
    def -->(value: Box[NodeSeq]): BindParam = TheBindParam(name, value.openOr(Text("Empty")))

   * transforms a String to a BindParamAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object
   * using the --> operator.<p/>
   * Usage: <code>"David" --> "name"
   * @deprecated use -> instead
  @deprecated("use -> instead")
  implicit def strToBPAssoc(in: String): BindParamAssoc = new BindParamAssoc(in)

   * transforms a Symbol to a BindParamAssoc object which can be associated to a BindParam object
   * using the --> operator.<p/>
   * Usage: <code>'David --> "name"
   * @deprecated use -> instead
  @deprecated("use -> instead")
  implicit def symToBPAssoc(in: Symbol): BindParamAssoc = new BindParamAssoc(

   * Experimental extension to bind which passes in an additional "parameter" from the XHTML to the transform
   * function, which can be used to format the returned NodeSeq.
   * @deprecated use bind instead
  @deprecated("use bind instead")
  def xbind(namespace: String, xml: NodeSeq)(transform: PartialFunction[String, NodeSeq => NodeSeq]): NodeSeq = {
    def rec_xbind(xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
      xml.flatMap {
        node => node match {
          case s: Elem if (node.prefix == namespace) =>
            if (transform.isDefinedAt(node.label))
              Text("FIX"+"ME failed to bind <"+namespace+":"+node.label+" />")
          case Group(nodes) => Group(rec_xbind(nodes))
          case s: Elem => Elem(node.prefix, node.label, node.attributes, node.scope, rec_xbind(node.child): _*)
          case n => node


   * Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML.<p/>
   * For example: <pre name="code" class="scala">
   *   bind("user", <user:hello>replace this, "hello" -> 

) * </pre> * will return <pre>

* @param namespace the namespace of tags to bind * @param xml the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound. * @param params the list of BindParam bindings to be applied * * @return the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms */ def bind(namespace: String, xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*): NodeSeq = bind(namespace, Empty, Empty, xml, params: _*) /** * Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML * with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified * namespace.<p/> * * For example:<pre name="code" class="scala"> * bind("user", * Full(xhtml: NodeSeq => Text("Default Value")), * Empty, * <user:hello>replace thisreplace with default, * "hello" -> <h1/>) * </pre> * will return <pre>

Default Value * * @param namespace the namespace of tags to bind * @param nodeFailureXform a box containing the function to use as the default transform * for tags in the specified namespace that do not have bindings specified. * @param paramFailureXform a box containing the function to use as the default transform * for unrecognized attributes in bound elements. * @param xml the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound. * @param params the list of BindParam bindings to be applied * * @return the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms */ def bind(namespace: String, nodeFailureXform: Box[NodeSeq => NodeSeq], paramFailureXform: Box[PrefixedAttribute => MetaData], xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*): NodeSeq = bind(namespace, nodeFailureXform, paramFailureXform, false, xml, params: _*) /** * Bind a set of values to parameters and attributes in a block of XML * with defined transforms for unbound elements within the specified * namespace.<p/> * * For example:<pre name="code" class="scala"> * bind("user", * Full(xhtml: NodeSeq => Text("Default Value")), * Empty, * <user:hello>replace thisreplace with default, * "hello" -> <h1/>) * </pre> * will return <pre>

Default Value * * @param namespace the namespace of tags to bind * @param nodeFailureXform a box containing the function to use as the default transform * for tags in the specified namespace that do not have bindings specified. * @param paramFailureXform a box containing the function to use as the default transform * for unrecognized attributes in bound elements. * @param preserveScope: true if the scope should be preserved, false is the normal setting * @param xml the NodeSeq in which to find elements to be bound. * @param params the list of BindParam bindings to be applied * * @return the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms */ def bind(namespace: String, nodeFailureXform: Box[NodeSeq => NodeSeq], paramFailureXform: Box[PrefixedAttribute => MetaData], preserveScope: Boolean, xml: NodeSeq, params: BindParam*): NodeSeq = { val nsColon = namespace + ":" BindHelpers._bindNodes.doWith(xml :: ( { val map: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String, BindParam] = scala.collection.immutable.HashMap.empty ++ => (, p)) def attrBind(attr: MetaData): MetaData = attr match { case Null => Null case upa: UnprefixedAttribute => new UnprefixedAttribute(upa.key, upa.value, attrBind( case pa: PrefixedAttribute if pa.pre == namespace => map.get(pa.key) match { case None => openOr new PrefixedAttribute(pa.pre, pa.key, Text("FIX"+"ME find to bind attribute"), attrBind( case Some(PrefixedBindWithAttr(prefix,binding)) => binding.calcValue(pa.value).map(v => new PrefixedAttribute(prefix, binding.newAttr, v, attrBind( getOrElse attrBind( case Some(abp: BindWithAttr) => abp.calcValue(pa.value).map(v => new UnprefixedAttribute(abp.newAttr, v, attrBind( getOrElse attrBind( case Some(bp: BindParam) => bp.calcValue(pa.value).map(v => new PrefixedAttribute(pa.pre, pa.key, v, attrBind( getOrElse attrBind( } case pa: PrefixedAttribute => new PrefixedAttribute(pa.pre, pa.key, pa.value, attrBind( } def in_bind(xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { xml.flatMap { case BoundAttr(e, av) if av.startsWith(nsColon) => { val fixedAttrs = e.attributes.filter { case up: UnprefixedAttribute => true case pa: PrefixedAttribute => { val res = !(pa.pre == "lift" && pa.key == "bind") res } case _ => true } val fixedLabel = av.substring(nsColon.length) val fake = new Elem(namespace, fixedLabel, fixedAttrs, e.scope, new Elem(e.namespace, e.label, fixedAttrs, e.scope, e.child :_*)) BindHelpers._currentNode.doWith(fake) { map.get(fake.label) match { case None => openOr fake case Some(ns) => ns.calcValue(fake.child) getOrElse NodeSeq.Empty } } } case s: Elem if s.prefix == namespace => BindHelpers._currentNode.doWith(s) { map.get(s.label) match { case None => openOr s case Some(ns) => //val toRet = ns.calcValue(s.child) //mergeBindAttrs(toRet, namespace, s.attributes) ns.calcValue(s.child) getOrElse NodeSeq.Empty } } case s: Elem if bindByNameType(s.label) && (attrStr(s, "name").startsWith(namespace+":")) && bindByNameTag(namespace, s) != "" => BindHelpers._currentNode.doWith(s) { val tag = bindByNameTag(namespace, s) map.get(tag) match { case None => openOr s case Some(bindParam) => bindByNameMixIn(bindParam, s) } } case Group(nodes) => Group(in_bind(nodes)) case s: Elem => Elem(s.prefix, s.label, attrBind(s.attributes), if (preserveScope) s.scope else TopScope, in_bind(s.child): _*) case n => n } } in_bind(xml) } } private object BoundAttr { def unapply(in: Node): Option[(Elem, String)] = { in match { case e: Elem => { val bound = e.attributes.filter { case up: UnprefixedAttribute => false case pa: PrefixedAttribute => pa.pre == "lift" && pa.key == "bind" && (null ne pa.value) case _ => false } bound.iterator.toList match { case xs :: _ => Some(e -> xs.value.text) case _ => None } } case _ => None } } } private def setElemId(in: NodeSeq, attr: String, value: Seq[Node]): NodeSeq = { case e: Elem => e % new UnprefixedAttribute(attr, value, Null) case v => v } /** * Replace the content of lift:bind nodes with the corresponding nodes found in a map, * according to the value of the "name" attribute.<p/> * Usage: <pre name="code" class="scala"> * bind(Map("a" -> <h1/>), change this) must ==/(

) * </pre> * * @param vals map of name/nodes to replace * @param xml nodes containing lift:bind nodes * * @return the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms */ def bind(vals: Map[String, NodeSeq], xml: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = bind(vals,xml,true,scala.collection.mutable.Set(vals.keySet.toSeq : _*)) /** * This method exists so that we can do recursive binding with only root-node * error reporting. * * Replace the content of lift:bind nodes with the corresponding nodes found in a map, * according to the value of the "name" attribute.<p/> * Usage: <pre name="code" class="scala"> * bind(Map("a" -> <h1/>), change this) must ==/(

) * </pre> * * @param vals map of name/nodes to replace * @param xml nodes containing lift:bind nodes * @param reportUnused If true, report unused binding vals to the log * @param unusedBindings The set of unused binding values. Mutable for expediency, but it would be * nice to figure out a cleaner way * * @return the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms */ private def bind(vals: Map[String, NodeSeq], xml: NodeSeq, reportUnused : Boolean, unusedBindings : scala.collection.mutable.Set[String]): NodeSeq = { val isBind = (node: Elem) => { node.prefix == "lift" && node.label == "bind" } val bindResult = xml.flatMap { node => node match { case s: Elem if (isBind(s)) => { node.attributes.get("name") match { case None => { if (Props.devMode) { logger.warn("<lift:bind> tag encountered without name attribute!") } bind(vals, node.child, false, unusedBindings) } case Some(ns) => { vals.get(ns.text) match { case None => { if (Props.devMode) { logger.warn("No binding values match the <lift:bind> name attribute: " + ns.text) } bind(vals, node.child, false, unusedBindings) } case Some(nodes) => { // Mark this bind as used by removing from the unused Set unusedBindings -= ns.text nodes } } } } } case Group(nodes) => Group(bind(vals, nodes)) case s: Elem => Elem(node.prefix, node.label, node.attributes, node.scope, bind(vals, node.child, false, unusedBindings): _*) case n => node } } if (Props.devMode && reportUnused && unusedBindings.size > 0) { logger.warn("Unused binding values for <lift:bind>: " + unusedBindings.mkString(", ")) } bindResult } /** * Bind a list of name/xml maps to a block of XML containing lift:bind nodes (see the bind(Map, NodeSeq) function) * @return the NodeSeq that results from the specified transforms */ def bindlist(listvals: List[Map[String, NodeSeq]], xml: NodeSeq): Box[NodeSeq] = { def build(listvals: List[Map[String, NodeSeq]], ret: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = listvals match { case Nil => ret case vals :: rest => build(rest, ret ++ bind(vals, xml)) } if (listvals.length > 0) Full(build(listvals.drop(1), bind(listvals.head, xml))) else Empty } /** * Bind parameters to XML. * * @param around XML with lift:bind elements * @param atWhat data to bind * @deprecated use the bind function instead */ @deprecated("use the bind function instead") def processBind(around: NodeSeq, atWhat: Map[String, NodeSeq]): NodeSeq = { /** Find element matched predicate f(x).isDefined, and return f(x) if found or None otherwise. */ def findMap[A, B](s: Iterable[A])(f: A => Option[B]): Option[B] = around.flatMap { v => v match { case Group(nodes) => Group(processBind(nodes, atWhat)) case Elem("lift", "bind", attr @ _, _, kids @ _*) => findMap(atWhat) { case (at, what) if attr("name").text == at => Some(what) case _ => None }.getOrElse(processBind(v.asInstanceOf[Elem].child, atWhat)) case e: Elem => {Elem(e.prefix, e.label, e.attributes, e.scope, processBind(e.child, atWhat): _*)} case _ => {v} } } } /** * Finds the named attribute in specified XML element and returns * a Full Box containing the value of the attribute if found. * Empty otherwise. * * @return a Full Box containing the value of the attribute if found; Empty otherwise */ def xmlParam(in: NodeSeq, param: String): Box[String] = { val tmp = (in \ ("@" + param)) if (tmp.length == 0) Empty else Full(tmp.text) } /** * Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns an Option[T], * return the first value found in which the function evaluates * to Some */ def findOption[T](nodes: Seq[Node])(f: Elem => Option[T]): Option[T] = { nodes.view.flatMap { case Group(g) => findOption(g)(f) case e: Elem => f(e) orElse findOption(e.child)(f) case _ => None }.headOption } /** * Given an id value, find the Elem with the specified id */ def findId(nodes: Seq[Node], id: String): Option[Elem] = findOption(nodes) { e => e.attribute("id").filter(_.text == id).map(i => e) } /** * Given a NodeSeq and a function that returns a Box[T], * return the first value found in which the function evaluates * to Full */ def findBox[T](nodes: Seq[Node])(f: Elem => Box[T]): Box[T] = { nodes.view.flatMap { case Group(g) => findBox(g)(f) case e: Elem => f(e) or findBox(e.child)(f) case _ => Empty }.headOption } /** * Find the first Elem in the NodeSeq. If it has an id attribute, * then call the function, f, with that id. If the first Elem * does not have an id attribute, create an id attribute and * pass that id attribute to the function */ def findOrCreateId(f: String => NodeSeq => NodeSeq): NodeSeq => NodeSeq = ns => { var id: Box[String] = Empty val realNs = ns map { case e: Elem if id.isEmpty => { id = e.attribute("id").map(_.text) if (id.isDefined) { e } else { val tid = Helpers.nextFuncName id = Full(tid) import Helpers._ e % ("id" -> tid) } } case x => x } f(id openOr Helpers.nextFuncName)(realNs) } /** * Finds the first Element in the NodeSeq (or any children) * that has an ID attribute */ def findId(ns: NodeSeq): Box[String] = findBox(ns)(_.attribute("id").map(_.text)) /** * Ensure that the first Element has the specified ID */ def ensureId(ns: NodeSeq, id: String): NodeSeq = { var found = false { case x if found => x case e: Elem => { val meta = e.attributes.filter { case up: UnprefixedAttribute => up.key != "id" case _ => true } found = true new Elem(e.prefix, e.label, new UnprefixedAttribute("id", id, meta), e.scope, e.child :_*) } case x => x } } /** * Finds and returns the first node in the specified NodeSeq and its children * with the same label and prefix as the specified element. */ def findNode(in: Elem, nodes: NodeSeq): Box[Elem] = nodes match { case seq if seq.isEmpty => Empty case Seq(x: Elem, xs @_*) if x.label == in.label && x.prefix == in.prefix => Full(x) case Seq(x, xs @_*) => findNode(in, x.child) or findNode(in, xs) } // get the attribute string or blank string if it doesnt exist private def attrStr(elem: Elem, attr: String): String = elem.attributes.get(attr) match { case None => "" case Some(Nil) => "" // why is a blank string converted to a List case Some(x) => x.toString // get string on scala.xml.Text } // types that can be bindByName private def bindByNameType(b: String) = b == "input" || b == "select" || b == "button" || b == "a" // allow bind by name eg - <input name="namespace:tag"/> private def bindByNameTag(namespace: String, elem: Elem) = attrStr(elem, "name").replaceAll(namespace+":", "") // mixin what comes from xhtml with what is programatically added private def bindByNameMixIn(bindParam: BindParam, s: Elem): NodeSeq = { def mix(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = nodeSeq match { case elem: Elem => // mix in undefined attributes val attributes = s.attributes.filter(attr => !elem.attribute(attr.key).isDefined) elem % attributes case Seq(x1: Elem, x2: Elem) if attrStr(x2, "type") == "checkbox" => x1 ++ mix(x2) case other => other } mix(bindParam.calcValue(s) getOrElse NodeSeq.Empty) } /** * promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor */ implicit def strToCssBindPromoter(str: String): ToCssBindPromoter = new ToCssBindPromoter(Full(str), CssSelectorParser.parse(str)) /** * promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor */ implicit def cssSelectorToCssBindPromoter(sel: CssSelector): ToCssBindPromoter = new ToCssBindPromoter(Empty, Full(sel)) /** * For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems * are unique. If there's a duplicate, that Elem will be returned * without an id */ def ensureUniqueId(in: Seq[NodeSeq]): Seq[NodeSeq] = { var ids: Set[String] = Set() def ensure(in: Elem): Elem = { in.attribute("id") match { case Some(id) => { if (ids.contains(id.text)) { new Elem(in.prefix, in.label, in.attributes.filter { case up: UnprefixedAttribute => up.key != "id" case _ => true }, in.scope, in.child :_*) } else { ids += id.text in } } case _ => in } } { case e: Elem => ensure(e) case x => { case e: Elem => ensure(e) case x => x } } } /** * For a list of NodeSeq, ensure that the the id of the root Elems * are unique. If there's a duplicate, that Elem will be returned * without an id */ def deepEnsureUniqueId(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { var ids: Set[String] = Set() def ensure(node: Node): Node = node match { case Group(ns) => Group( case in: Elem => in.attribute("id") match { case Some(id) => { if (ids.contains(id.text)) { new Elem(in.prefix, in.label, in.attributes.filter { case up: UnprefixedAttribute => up.key != "id" case _ => true }, in.scope, :_*) } else { ids += id.text new Elem(in.prefix, in.label, in.attributes, in.scope, :_*) } } case _ => new Elem(in.prefix, in.label, in.attributes, in.scope, :_*) } case x => x } } } /** * An intermediate class used to promote a String or a CssSelector to * something that can be associated with a value to apply to the selector */ final class ToCssBindPromoter(stringSelector: Box[String], css: Box[CssSelector]) { /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def #>(str: String): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(if (null eq str) NodeSeq.Empty else Text(str)) } /** * Inserts a NodeSeq constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def #>(ns: NodeSeq): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(ns) } /** * A function that transforms the content according to the CssSelector rules */ def #>(nsFunc: NodeSeq => NodeSeq): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(nsFunc(in)) } /** * Inserts a Bindable constant according to the CssSelector rules. * Mapper and Record fields implement Bindable. */ def #>(bindable: Bindable): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(bindable.asHtml) } /** * Inserts a StringPromotable constant according to the CssSelector rules. * StringPromotable includes Int, Long, Boolean, and Symbol */ def #>(strPromo: StringPromotable): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(Text(strPromo.toString)) } /** * Applies the N constants according to the CssSelector rules. * This allows for Seq[String], Seq[NodeSeq], Box[String], * Box[NodeSeq], Option[String], Option[NodeSeq] */ def #>(itrConst: IterableConst): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = itrConst.constList(in) } /** * Apply the function and then apply the results account the the CssSelector * rules. * This allows for NodeSeq => Seq[String], NodeSeq =>Seq[NodeSeq], * NodeSeq => Box[String], * NodeSeq => Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq => Option[String], * NodeSeq =>Option[NodeSeq] */ def #>(itrFunc: IterableFunc): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = itrFunc(in) } /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def replaceWith(str: String): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(if (null eq str) NodeSeq.Empty else Text(str)) } /** * Inserts a NodeSeq constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def replaceWith(ns: NodeSeq): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(ns) } /** * A function that transforms the content according to the CssSelector rules */ def replaceWith(nsFunc: NodeSeq => NodeSeq): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(nsFunc(in)) } /** * Inserts a Bindable constant according to the CssSelector rules. * Mapper and Record fields implement Bindable. */ def replaceWith(bindable: Bindable): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(bindable.asHtml) } /** * Inserts a StringPromotable constant according to the CssSelector rules. * StringPromotable includes Int, Long, Boolean, and Symbol */ def replaceWith(strPromo: StringPromotable): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = strPromo.toString match { case null => NodeSeq.Empty case str => List(Text(str)) } } /** * Applies the N constants according to the CssSelector rules. * This allows for Seq[String], Seq[NodeSeq], Box[String], * Box[NodeSeq], Option[String], Option[NodeSeq] */ def replaceWith(itrConst: IterableConst): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = itrConst.constList(in) } /** * Apply the function and then apply the results account the the CssSelector * rules. * This allows for NodeSeq => Seq[String], NodeSeq =>Seq[NodeSeq], * NodeSeq => Box[String], * NodeSeq => Box[NodeSeq], NodeSeq => Option[String], * NodeSeq =>Option[NodeSeq] */ def replaceWith(itrFunc: IterableFunc): CssSel = new CssBindImpl(stringSelector, css) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = itrFunc(in) } } /** * A trait that has some helpful implicit conversions from * Iterable[NodeSeq], Seq[String], Box[String], and Option[String] */ trait IterableConst { def constList(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] } import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ /** * The implementation for a NodeSeq Iterable Const */ final case class NodeSeqIterableConst(it: Iterable[NodeSeq]) extends IterableConst { def this(it: JavaList[NodeSeq]) = this(it: Iterable[NodeSeq]) def constList(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = it.toSeq } /** * The implementation for a NodeSeq => NodeSeq Iterable Const */ final case class NodeSeqFuncIterableConst(it: Iterable[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]) extends IterableConst { def this(it: JavaList[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]) = this(it: Iterable[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]) def constList(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = Helpers.ensureUniqueId( } /** * The implementation for a Box[NodeSeq => Node] Iterable Const */ final case class BoxNodeSeqFuncIterableConst(it: Box[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]) extends IterableConst { def constList(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = } /** * The implementation for a Option[NodeSeq => Node] Iterable Const */ final case class OptionNodeSeqFuncIterableConst(it: Option[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]) extends IterableConst { def constList(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = } /** * Sequence of String iterable const */ final case class SeqStringIterableConst(it: Iterable[String]) extends IterableConst { def this(it: JavaList[String]) = this(it: Iterable[String]) def constList(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = => Text(a)).toSeq } /** * Sequence of Bindable iterable const */ final case class SeqBindableIterableConst(it: Iterable[Bindable]) extends IterableConst { def this(it: JavaList[Bindable]) = this(it: Iterable[Bindable]) def constList(nodeSeq: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = } /** * The companion object that does the helpful promotion of common * collection types into an IterableConst, * e.g. Iterable[NodeSeq], Seq[String], Box[String], and Option[String] */ object IterableConst { /** * Converts anything that can be converted into an Iterable[NodeSeq] * into an IterableConst. This includes Seq[NodeSeq] */ implicit def itNodeSeq(it: Iterable[NodeSeq]): IterableConst = NodeSeqIterableConst(it) /** * Converts anything that can be converted into an Box[NodeSeq] */ implicit def boxNodeSeq(it: Box[NodeSeq]): IterableConst = NodeSeqIterableConst(it.toList) /** * Converts anything that can be converted into an Box[NodeSeq] */ implicit def optionNodeSeq(it: Option[NodeSeq]): IterableConst = NodeSeqIterableConst(it.toList) /** * Converts anything that can be converted into an Iterable[NodeSeq] * into an IterableConst. This includes Seq[NodeSeq], Option[NodeSeq], * and Box[NodeSeq] */ implicit def itNodeSeq(it: JavaList[NodeSeq]): IterableConst = new NodeSeqIterableConst(it) implicit def itNodeSeqFunc(it: Iterable[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]): IterableConst = NodeSeqFuncIterableConst(it) implicit def itNodeSeqFunc(it: JavaList[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]): IterableConst = new NodeSeqFuncIterableConst(it) implicit def boxNodeSeqFunc(it: Box[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]): IterableConst = BoxNodeSeqFuncIterableConst(it) implicit def optionNodeSeqFunc(it: Option[NodeSeq => NodeSeq]): IterableConst = OptionNodeSeqFuncIterableConst(it) implicit def itStringPromotable(it: Iterable[String]): IterableConst = SeqStringIterableConst(it) implicit def javaListStringPromotable(it: JavaList[String]): IterableConst = new SeqStringIterableConst(it) implicit def boxString(it: Box[String]): IterableConst = SeqStringIterableConst(it.toList) implicit def optionString(it: Option[String]): IterableConst = SeqStringIterableConst(it.toList) implicit def itBindable(it: Iterable[Bindable]): IterableConst = SeqBindableIterableConst(it) implicit def itBindable(it: JavaList[Bindable]): IterableConst = new SeqBindableIterableConst(it) implicit def boxBindablePromotable(it: Box[Bindable]): IterableConst = SeqBindableIterableConst(it.toList) implicit def optionBindablePromotable(it: Option[Bindable]): IterableConst = SeqBindableIterableConst(it.toList) implicit def optionStringPromotable[T](o: Option[T])(implicit view:T=>StringPromotable) = optionString( } sealed trait IterableFunc extends Function1[NodeSeq, Seq[NodeSeq]] { def apply(ns: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] } object IterableFunc { implicit def itNodeSeq[C <% Iterable[NodeSeq]](it: NodeSeq => C): IterableFunc = new IterableFunc { def apply(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = it(in).toSeq } implicit def itNodeSeqPromotable(it: NodeSeq => NodeSeq): IterableFunc = new IterableFunc { def apply(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = List(it(in)) } implicit def itStringFuncPromotable(it: NodeSeq => String): IterableFunc = new IterableFunc { def apply(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = it(in) match { case null => List(NodeSeq.Empty) case str => List(Text(str))} } implicit def itStringPromotable(it: NodeSeq => Seq[String]): IterableFunc = new IterableFunc { def apply(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = it(in).filter(_ ne null).map(a => Text(a)) } implicit def boxStringPromotable(it: NodeSeq => Box[String]): IterableFunc = new IterableFunc { def apply(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = it(in).filter(_ ne null) => Text(a)) } implicit def optionStringPromotable(it: NodeSeq => Option[String]): IterableFunc = new IterableFunc { def apply(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = it(in).filter(_ ne null) => Text(a)) } } /** * This trait marks something that can be promoted into a String. * The companion object has helpful conversions from Int, * Symbol, Long, and Boolean */ trait StringPromotable object StringPromotable { implicit def jsCmdToStrPromo(in: ToJsCmd): StringPromotable = new StringPromotable { override val toString = in.toJsCmd } implicit def jsCmdToStrPromo(in: (_, ToJsCmd)): StringPromotable = new StringPromotable { override val toString = in._2.toJsCmd } implicit def intToStrPromo(in: Int): StringPromotable = new StringPromotable { override val toString = in.toString } implicit def symbolToStrPromo(in: Symbol): StringPromotable = new StringPromotable { override val toString = } implicit def longToStrPromo(in: Long): StringPromotable = new StringPromotable { override val toString = in.toString } implicit def booleanToStrPromo(in: Boolean): StringPromotable = new StringPromotable { override val toString = in.toString } } /** * This trait is both a NodeSeq => NodeSeq and has the ability * to chain CssSel instances so that they can be applied * en masse to incoming NodeSeq and do the transformation. */ sealed trait CssSel extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] { def &(other: CssSel): CssSel = (this, other) match { case (AggregatedCssBindFunc(a), AggregatedCssBindFunc(b)) => AggregatedCssBindFunc(a ::: b) case (AggregatedCssBindFunc(a), o: CssBind) => AggregatedCssBindFunc(a ::: List(o)) case (t: CssBind, AggregatedCssBindFunc(a)) => AggregatedCssBindFunc(t :: a) case (t: CssBind, o: CssBind) => AggregatedCssBindFunc(List(t, o)) } /** * A Java callable aggregator */ def and(that: CssSel): CssSel = this & that /** * promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor */ private implicit def strToCssBindPromoter(str: String): ToCssBindPromoter = new ToCssBindPromoter(Full(str), CssSelectorParser.parse(str)) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: String): CssSel = this & (selector #> str) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: NodeSeq): CssSel = this & (selector #> str) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: NodeSeq => NodeSeq): CssSel = this & (selector #> str) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: Bindable): CssSel = this & (selector #> str) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: StringPromotable): CssSel = this & (selector #> str) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: IterableConst): CssSel = this & (selector #> str) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: IterableFunc): CssSel = this & (selector #> str) } /** * A passthrough function that does not change the nodes * * @tag CssFunction */ object PassThru extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] { def apply(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = in } /** * Replaces the nodes with an Empty NodeSeq. Useful * for removing unused nodes * * @tag CssFunction */ object ClearNodes extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] { def apply(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty } private final case class AggregatedCssBindFunc(binds: List[CssBind]) extends CssSel { private lazy val (good, bad) = binds.partition{_.css.isDefined} private lazy val selectorMap = new SelectorMap(good) def apply(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = bad match { case Nil => selectorMap(in) case bv => bad.flatMap(_(in)) ++ selectorMap(in) } } /** * This CssBind will clear all nodes marked with the class * clearable. Designers can mark extra nodes in markup with * class="clearable" and this Bind will make them go away */ class ClearClearable extends CssBindImpl(Full(".clearable"), CssSelectorParser.parse(".clearable")) { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] = Nil } /** * This CssBind will clear all nodes marked with the class * clearable. Designers can mark extra nodes in markup with * class="clearable" and this Bind will make them go away */ object ClearClearable extends ClearClearable private class SelectorMap(binds: List[CssBind]) extends Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq] { // The KidsSubNode always has to go last or else we // get into an issue where we're trying to apply the whole // transform to the whole shooting match private def sortBinds(lst: List[CssBind]): List[CssBind] = { lst.sortWith { case (SubNode(me: EmptyBox), SubNode(_)) => true case (SubNode(_), SubNode(them: EmptyBox)) => false case (SubNode(Full(KidsSubNode())), SubNode(_)) => false case (SubNode(Full(PrependKidsSubNode())), SubNode(_)) => false case (SubNode(Full(AppendKidsSubNode())), SubNode(_)) => false case (SubNode(_), SubNode(Full(KidsSubNode()))) => true case (SubNode(_), SubNode(Full(PrependKidsSubNode()))) => true case (SubNode(_), SubNode(Full(AppendKidsSubNode()))) => true case _ => true } } private val (idMap, nameMap, clzMap, attrMap, elemMap, starFunc, selectThis: Box[CssBind]) = { var idMap: Map[String, List[CssBind]] = Map() var nameMap: Map[String, List[CssBind]] = Map() var clzMap: Map[String, List[CssBind]] = Map() var attrMap: Map[String, Map[String, List[CssBind]]] = Map() var elemMap: Map[String, List[CssBind]] = Map() var starFunc: Box[List[CssBind]] = Empty val selThis: Box[CssBind] = binds.flatMap { b => b.css.open_!.subNodes match { case Full(SelectThisNode(_)) => List(b) case _ => Nil } }.headOption binds.foreach { case i @ CssBind(IdSelector(id, _)) => idMap += (id -> sortBinds(i :: idMap.getOrElse(id, Nil))) case i @ CssBind(ElemSelector(id, _)) => elemMap += (id -> sortBinds(i :: elemMap.getOrElse(id, Nil))) case i @ CssBind(StarSelector(_)) => starFunc = Full(sortBinds(i :: starFunc.openOr(Nil))) case i @ CssBind(NameSelector(name, _)) => nameMap += (name -> sortBinds(i :: nameMap.getOrElse(name, Nil))) case i @ CssBind(ClassSelector(clz, _)) => clzMap += (clz -> sortBinds(i :: clzMap.getOrElse(clz, Nil))) case i @ CssBind(AttrSelector(name, value, _)) => { val oldMap = attrMap.getOrElse(name, Map()) attrMap += (name -> (oldMap + (value -> sortBinds(i :: oldMap.getOrElse(value, Nil))))) } } (idMap, nameMap, clzMap, attrMap, elemMap, starFunc, selThis) } private def findElemIfThereIsOne(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = in match { case e: Elem => e case ns if ns.length == 1 && ns(0).isInstanceOf[Elem] => ns(0) case ns => ns } private abstract class SlurpedAttrs(val id: Box[String],val name: Box[String]) { def attrs: Map[String, String] def classes: List[String] def removeId(in: MetaData) = in.filter { case up: UnprefixedAttribute => up.key != "id" case _ => true } private final def isSelThis(bind: CssBind): Boolean = bind.css.open_!.subNodes match { case Full(SelectThisNode(_)) => true case _ => false } final def applyRule(bindList: List[CssBind], realE: Elem, onlySelThis: Boolean): NodeSeq = bindList match { case Nil => realE // ignore selectThis commands outside the // select context case bind :: xs if onlySelThis && isSelThis(bind) => applyRule(xs, realE, onlySelThis) case bind :: xs => { applyRule(bind, realE) flatMap { case e: Elem => applyRule(xs, e, onlySelThis) case x => x } } } final def applyAttributeRules(bindList: List[CssBind], elem: Elem): Elem = { => (b, b.css.open_!.subNodes.open_!)). foldLeft(elem){ case (elem, (bind, AttrSubNode(attr))) => { val calced = bind.calculate(elem).map(findElemIfThereIsOne _) val filtered = elem.attributes.filter{ case up: UnprefixedAttribute => up.key != attr case _ => true } val newAttr = if (calced.isEmpty) { filtered } else { val flat: NodeSeq = calced.flatMap(a => a) new UnprefixedAttribute(attr, flat, filtered) } new Elem(elem.prefix, elem.label, newAttr, elem.scope, elem.child :_*) } case (elem, (bind, AttrAppendSubNode(attr))) => { val org: NodeSeq = elem.attribute(attr).getOrElse(NodeSeq.Empty) val calced = bind.calculate(elem) _) if (calced.isEmpty) { elem } else { val filtered = elem.attributes.filter{ case up: UnprefixedAttribute => up.key != attr case _ => true } val flat: NodeSeq = if (attr == "class") { if (org.isEmpty) { calced.dropRight(1).flatMap(a => a ++ Text(" ")) ++ calced.takeRight(1).head } else { org ++ Text(" ") ++ calced.dropRight(1).flatMap(a => a ++ Text(" ")) ++ calced.takeRight(1).head } } else { org ++ (calced.flatMap(a => a): NodeSeq) } val newAttr = new UnprefixedAttribute(attr, flat, filtered) new Elem(elem.prefix, elem.label, newAttr, elem.scope, elem.child :_*) } } case (elem, (bind, AttrRemoveSubNode(attr))) => { val org: NodeSeq = elem.attribute(attr).getOrElse(NodeSeq.Empty) val calced = bind.calculate(elem) _) if (calced.isEmpty || org.isEmpty) { // if either is empty, then return the Elem unmodified elem } else { val filtered = elem.attributes.filter{ case up: UnprefixedAttribute => up.key != attr case _ => true } val flat: Box[NodeSeq] = if (attr == "class") { val set = Set( :_*) SuperString(org.text).charSplit(' ').toList. filter(_.length > 0).filter(s => !set.contains(s)) match { case Nil => Empty case xs => Full(Text(xs.mkString(" "))) } } else { if (org.text == calced.flatMap(a => a).text) Empty else Full(org) } val newAttr = flat match { case Full(a) => new UnprefixedAttribute(attr, a, filtered) case _ => filtered } new Elem(elem.prefix, elem.label, newAttr, elem.scope, elem.child :_*) } } } } // This is where the rules are applied final def applyRule(bind: CssBind, realE: Elem): NodeSeq = { def uniqueClasses(cv: String*): String = { import Helpers._ val ls: List[String] = cv.toList.flatMap(_.charSplit(' ')) import scala.collection.mutable._ val hs: HashSet[String] = new HashSet() val ret: ListBuffer[String] = new ListBuffer() ls.foreach { v => if (!hs.contains(v)) { hs += v ret += v } } ret.mkString(" ") } def mergeAll(other: MetaData, stripId: Boolean): MetaData = { var oldAttrs = attrs - (if (stripId) "id" else "") var builtMeta: MetaData = Null var pos = other while (pos != Null) { pos match { case up: UnprefixedAttribute if stripId && up.key == "id" => // ignore the id attribute case up: UnprefixedAttribute if up.key == "class" => { oldAttrs.get("class") match { case Some(ca) => { oldAttrs -= "class" builtMeta = new UnprefixedAttribute("class", uniqueClasses(up.value. text, ca), builtMeta) } case _ => builtMeta = up.copy(builtMeta) } } case up: UnprefixedAttribute => { oldAttrs -= up.key builtMeta = up.copy(builtMeta) } case pa: PrefixedAttribute => { oldAttrs -= (pa.pre+":"+pa.key) builtMeta = pa.copy(builtMeta) } case _ => } pos = } for { (k, v) <- oldAttrs } { import Helpers._ k.charSplit(':') match { case p :: k :: _ => builtMeta = new PrefixedAttribute(p, k, v, builtMeta) case k :: _ => builtMeta = new UnprefixedAttribute(k, v, builtMeta) case _ => } } builtMeta } // we can do an open_! here because all the CssBind elems // have been vetted bind.css.open_!.subNodes match { case Full(SelectThisNode(kids)) => { throw new RetryWithException(if (kids) realE.child else realE) } case Full(todo: WithKids) => { val calced = bind.calculate(realE.child) calced.length match { case 0 => new Elem(realE.prefix, realE.label, realE.attributes, realE.scope) case 1 => new Elem(realE.prefix, realE.label, realE.attributes, realE.scope, todo.transform(realE.child, calced.head) :_*) case _ if id.isEmpty => => new Elem(realE.prefix, realE.label, realE.attributes, realE.scope, todo.transform(realE.child, kids) :_*)) case _ => { val noId = removeId(realE.attributes) { case (kids, 0) => new Elem(realE.prefix, realE.label, realE.attributes, realE.scope, todo.transform(realE.child, kids) :_*) case (kids, _) => new Elem(realE.prefix, realE.label, noId, realE.scope, todo.transform(realE.child, kids) :_*) } } } } case x: EmptyBox => { val calced = bind.calculate(realE).map(findElemIfThereIsOne _) calced.length match { case 0 => NodeSeq.Empty case 1 => { calced.head match { case Group(g) => g case e: Elem => new Elem(e.prefix, e.label, mergeAll(e.attributes, false), e.scope, e.child :_*) case x => x } } case n => { calced.toList.zipWithIndex.flatMap { case (Group(g), _) => g case (e: Elem, 0) => new Elem(e.prefix, e.label, mergeAll(e.attributes, false), e.scope, e.child :_*) case (e: Elem, _) => new Elem(e.prefix, e.label, mergeAll(e.attributes, true), e.scope, e.child :_*) case (x, _) => x } } } } } } final def forId(in: Elem, buff: ListBuffer[CssBind]) { for { rid <- id bind <- idMap.get(rid) } buff ++= bind } final def forElem(in: Elem, buff: ListBuffer[CssBind]) { for { bind <- elemMap.get(in.label) } buff ++= bind } final def forStar(buff: ListBuffer[CssBind]) { for { bind <- starFunc } buff ++= bind } final def forName(in: Elem, buff: ListBuffer[CssBind]) { for { rid <- name bind <- nameMap.get(rid) } buff ++= bind } def findClass(clz: List[String], buff: ListBuffer[CssBind]) { clz match { case Nil => () case x :: xs => { clzMap.get(x) match { case Some(cb) => buff ++= cb case _ => } findClass(xs, buff) } } } def forClass(in: Elem, buff: ListBuffer[CssBind]) { findClass(classes, buff) } def forAttr(in: Elem, buff: ListBuffer[CssBind]) { if (attrMap.isEmpty || attrs.isEmpty) () else { for { (key, map) <- attrMap v <- attrs.get(key) cb <- map.get(v) } buff ++= cb } } } private def slurpAttrs(in: MetaData): SlurpedAttrs = { var id: Box[String] = Empty var cur: MetaData = in var name: Box[String] = Empty var clzs: List[String] = Nil var theAttrs: Map[String, String] = Map() while (cur != Null) { cur match { case up: UnprefixedAttribute if (null ne up.value) => { val key = up.key val value = up.value.text import Helpers._ key match { case "id" => id = Full(value) case "name" => name = Full(value) case "class" => clzs = value.charSplit(' ') case _ => } theAttrs += key -> value } case pa: PrefixedAttribute if (null ne pa.value) => { theAttrs += ((pa.pre+":"+pa.key) -> pa.value.text) } case _ => } cur = } new SlurpedAttrs(id, name) { def attrs: Map[String, String] = theAttrs def classes: List[String] = clzs } } final private def treatElem(e: Elem, onlySel: Boolean): NodeSeq = { val slurp = slurpAttrs(e.attributes) val lb = new ListBuffer[CssBind] slurp.forId(e, lb) slurp.forName(e, lb) slurp.forClass(e, lb) slurp.forElem(e, lb) slurp.forAttr(e, lb) slurp.forStar(lb) if (onlySel) { lb.toList.filter(_.selectThis_?) match { case Nil => { run(e.child, onlySel) NodeSeq.Empty } case csb :: _ => throw new RetryWithException(if (csb.selectThisChildren_?) e.child else e) } } else { lb.toList.filterNot(_.selectThis_?) match { case Nil => new Elem(e.prefix, e.label, e.attributes, e.scope, run(e.child, onlySel) :_*) case csb => // do attributes first, then the body csb.partition(_.attrSel_?) match { case (Nil, rules) => slurp.applyRule(rules, e, onlySel) case (attrs, Nil) => { val elem = slurp.applyAttributeRules(attrs, e) new Elem(elem.prefix, elem.label, elem.attributes, elem.scope, run(elem.child, onlySel) :_*) } case (attrs, rules) => { slurp.applyRule(rules, slurp.applyAttributeRules(attrs, e), onlySel) } } // slurp.applyRule(csb, e, onlySel) } } } final def apply(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = selectThis match { case Full(_) => { try { run(in, true) } catch { case RetryWithException(newElem) => run(newElem, false) } } case _ => run(in, false) } final private def run(in: NodeSeq, onlyRunSel: Boolean): NodeSeq = in flatMap { case Group(g) => run(g, onlyRunSel) case e: Elem => treatElem(e, onlyRunSel) case x => x } } private case class RetryWithException(e: NodeSeq) extends Exception() object CssBind { def unapply(in: CssBind): Option[CssSelector] = in.css } sealed trait CssBind extends CssSel { def stringSelector: Box[String] def css: Box[CssSelector] override def toString(): String = "CssBind("+stringSelector+", "+ css+")" def apply(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = css match { case Full(c) => selectorMap(in) case _ => Helpers.errorDiv( <div> Syntax error in CSS selector definition: {stringSelector openOr "N/A"}. The selector will not be applied. </div>) openOr NodeSeq.Empty } /** * Is this CssBind a SelectThis bind? */ private[util] def selectThis_? : Boolean = css match { case Full(sel) => { sel.subNodes match { case Full(SelectThisNode(_)) => true case _ => false } } case _ => false } /** * Is this an Attribute mutating node? */ private[util] def attrSel_? : Boolean = css match { case Full(sel) => { sel.subNodes match { case Full(x: AttributeRule) => true case _ => false } } case _ => false } private[util] def selectThisChildren_? : Boolean = css match { case Full(sel) => { sel.subNodes match { case Full(SelectThisNode(children)) => children case _ => false } } case _ => false } private lazy val selectorMap: SelectorMap = new SelectorMap(List(this)) def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] } /** * An abstract implementation of CssBind. You can instantiate * this class and create a custom calculate method */ abstract class CssBindImpl(val stringSelector: Box[String], val css: Box[CssSelector]) extends CssBind { def calculate(in: NodeSeq): Seq[NodeSeq] } /** * Bridge from Java-land to Scala */ final class CssJBridge { /** * promote a String to a ToCssBindPromotor */ private implicit def strToCssBindPromoter(str: String): ToCssBindPromoter = new ToCssBindPromoter(Full(str), CssSelectorParser.parse(str)) def sel(selector: String, value: String): CssSel = selector #> value def sel(selector: String, value: NodeSeq): CssSel = selector #> value def sel(selector: String, value: NodeSeq => NodeSeq): CssSel = selector #> value def sel(selector: String, value: Bindable): CssSel = selector #> value /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: StringPromotable): CssSel = (selector #> str) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: IterableConst): CssSel = (selector #> str) /** * Inserts a String constant according to the CssSelector rules */ def sel(selector: String, str: IterableFunc): CssSel = (selector #> str) } // vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et:

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