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Lift Framework example source code file (MongoDocumentExamplesSpec.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (MongoDocumentExamplesSpec.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

date, int, int, mongo, mongodocument, mongodocument, mongodocumentmeta, mongodocumentmeta, objectid, objectidserializer, person, regex, simpleperson, string, string, util

The Lift Framework MongoDocumentExamplesSpec.scala source code

 * Copyright 2010-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package mongodb

import java.util.{Calendar, Date, UUID}
import java.util.regex.Pattern

import org.bson.types.ObjectId
import com.mongodb.{BasicDBList, BasicDBObject, DBObject, MongoException}

import org.specs.Specification

import json.DefaultFormats
import json.JsonParser._
import json.JsonDSL._

package mongotestdocs {
  * MongoIdentifiers
  object TstDBa extends MongoIdentifier {
    val jndiName = "test_a"
  object TstDBb extends MongoIdentifier {
    val jndiName = "test_b"

  * _id as a ObjectId
  case class SimplePerson(_id: ObjectId, name: String, age: Int) extends MongoDocument[SimplePerson] {
    def meta = SimplePerson
  object SimplePerson extends MongoDocumentMeta[SimplePerson] {
    override val collectionName = "simplepersons"
    override def mongoIdentifier = DefaultMongoIdentifier
    override def formats = super.formats + new ObjectIdSerializer
    // index name
    ensureIndex(("name" -> 1))

  case class Address(street: String, city: String)
  case class Child(name: String, age: Int, birthdate: Option[Date])

  * _id as UUID
  case class Person(_id: UUID, name: String, age: Int, address: Address, children: List[Child], dob: Date)
    extends MongoDocument[Person] {

    def meta = Person

  object Person extends MongoDocumentMeta[Person] {
    override def mongoIdentifier = TstDBa
    override def collectionName = "mypersons"
    override def formats = super.formats + new UUIDSerializer

  * _id as ObjectId.toString
  case class TCInfo(x: Int, y: Int, uuid: UUID)
  case class TstCollection(_id: String, name: String, dbtype: String, count: Int, info: TCInfo)
    extends MongoDocument[TstCollection] {

    def meta = TstCollection

  object TstCollection extends MongoDocumentMeta[TstCollection] {
    override def formats = super.formats + new UUIDSerializer
    // create a unique index on name
    ensureIndex(("name" -> 1), true)
    // create a non-unique index on dbtype passing unique = false.
    ensureIndex(("dbtype" -> 1), false)

  case class IDoc(_id: ObjectId, i: Int) extends MongoDocument[IDoc] {

    def meta = IDoc

  object IDoc extends MongoDocumentMeta[IDoc] {
    override def formats = super.formats + new ObjectIdSerializer
    // create an index on "i", descending with custom name
    ensureIndex(("i" -> -1), ("name" -> "i_ix1"))

  case class SessCollection(_id: ObjectId, name: String, dbtype: String, count: Int)
    extends MongoDocument[SessCollection] {

    def meta = SessCollection

  object SessCollection extends MongoDocumentMeta[SessCollection] {
    override def formats = super.formats + new ObjectIdSerializer
    // create a unique index on name
    ensureIndex(("name" -> 1), true)

  * mongo-java-driver is not compatible with numbers that have an e in them
  case class Primitive(
    _id: ObjectId,
    intfield: Int,
    longfield: Long,
    doublefield: Double,
    floatfield: Float,
    bigintfield: BigInt,
    bytefield: Byte,
    booleanfield: Boolean,
    shortfield: Short,
    datefield: Date
  ) extends MongoDocument[Primitive] {

    def meta = Primitive

  object Primitive extends MongoDocumentMeta[Primitive] {
    override def formats = super.formats + new ObjectIdSerializer

  case class MainJDoc(_id: ObjectId, name: String, refdoc: Option[MongoRef], refId: Option[ObjectId]) extends MongoDocument[MainJDoc] {
    def meta = MainJDoc

  object MainJDoc extends MongoDocumentMeta[MainJDoc] {
    override def formats = super.formats + new ObjectIdSerializer

  case class RefJDoc(_id: ObjectId) extends MongoDocument[RefJDoc] {
    def meta = RefJDoc

  object RefJDoc extends MongoDocumentMeta[RefJDoc] {
    override def formats = super.formats + new ObjectIdSerializer

  case class PatternDoc(_id: ObjectId, regx: Pattern) extends MongoDocument[PatternDoc] {
    def meta = PatternDoc
  object PatternDoc extends MongoDocumentMeta[PatternDoc] {
    override def formats = super.formats + new ObjectIdSerializer + new PatternSerializer

  case class StringDateDoc(_id: ObjectId, dt: Date) extends MongoDocument[StringDateDoc] {
    def meta = StringDateDoc
  object StringDateDoc extends MongoDocumentMeta[StringDateDoc] {
    override def formats = new DefaultFormats {
      override def dateFormatter = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'")
    } + new DateSerializer + new ObjectIdSerializer


 * Systems under specification for MongoDocumentExamples.
object MongoDocumentExamplesSpec extends Specification("MongoDocumentExamples Specification") with MongoTestKit {
  import mongotestdocs._

  override def dbName = "lift_mongodocumentexamples"

  override def dbs = (TstDBa, defaultHost, "lift_mongodocumentexamples_a") :: super.dbs

  "Simple Person example" in {


    // create a new SimplePerson
    val pid = ObjectId.get
    val p = SimplePerson(pid, "Tim", 38)

    // save it

    // retrieve it
    def pFromDb = SimplePerson.find(pid)

    pFromDb.isDefined must_== true
    p mustEqual pFromDb.get

    // retrieve it using a Json query
    def pFromDbViaJson = SimplePerson.find(("_id" -> ("$oid" -> p._id.toString)))

    pFromDbViaJson.isDefined must_== true

    p mustEqual pFromDbViaJson.get

    // modify and save the person
    // with scala 2.8 you can use the copy function to do this
    // val p3 = p.copy(name = "Tim3")
    val p2 = SimplePerson(p._id, "Timm", 27)
    pFromDb.isDefined must_== true
    p2 must_== pFromDb.get must_==

    // find all documents
    val all = SimplePerson.findAll

    all.isEmpty must_== false

    if (!debug) {
      all.size must_== 1
      all.head must_== p2

      // delete it

      pFromDb.isEmpty must_== true
      pFromDbViaJson.isEmpty must_== true


  "Multiple Simple Person example" in {


    // create new SimplePersons
    val p = SimplePerson(ObjectId.get, "Jill", 27)
    val p2 = SimplePerson(ObjectId.get, "Bob", 25)
    val p3 = SimplePerson(ObjectId.get, "Bob", 29)

    // save them

    // retrieve them
    def pFromDb = SimplePerson.find(p._id)
    def p2FromDb = SimplePerson.find(p2._id)
    def p3FromDb = SimplePerson.find(("_id" -> ("$oid" -> p3._id.toString)))

    pFromDb.isDefined must_== true
    p2FromDb.isDefined must_== true
    p3FromDb.isDefined must_== true

    p mustEqual pFromDb.get
    p2 mustEqual p2FromDb.get
    p3 mustEqual p3FromDb.get

    // find all persons named 'Bob'
    val allBobs = SimplePerson.findAll(("name" -> "Bob"))
    val allBobs2 = SimplePerson.findAll("name", "Bob")

    allBobs.isEmpty must_== false
    allBobs2.isEmpty must_== false

    if (!debug) {
      allBobs.size must_== 2
      allBobs2.size must_== 2

      // delete them

      pFromDb.isEmpty must_== true
      p2FromDb.isEmpty must_== true
      p3FromDb.isEmpty must_== true


  "Person example" in {


    def date(s: String) = Person.formats.dateFormat.parse(s).get

    val cal = Calendar.getInstance
    cal.set(2009, 10, 2)

    // create a new Person UUID.randomUUID.toString
    val p = Person(UUID.randomUUID, "joe", 27, Address("Bulevard", "Helsinki"), List(Child("Mary", 5, Some(cal.getTime)), Child("Mazy", 3, None)), date("2004-09-04T18:06:22.000Z"))

    // save it

    // retrieve it
    def pFromDb = Person.find(p._id)

    // compare to original
    val p2 = pFromDb
    p2.isDefined must_== true
    p must_== p2.get

    Person.count must_== 1

    if (!debug) {
      // delete it

      pFromDb.isEmpty must_== true


  "Mongo tutorial example" in {

    import scala.collection.JavaConversions._


    // get the indexes
    val ixs = MongoDB.useCollection(TstCollection.collectionName)( coll => {

    // unique index on name
    val ixName = ixs.find(dbo => dbo.get("name") == "name_1")
    ixName must notBeEmpty
    ixName foreach { ix =>
      ix.containsField("unique") must beTrue
      ix.get("unique").asInstanceOf[Boolean] must beTrue

    // non-unique index on dbtype
    val ixDbtype = ixs.find(dbo => dbo.get("name") == "dbtype_1")
    ixDbtype must notBeEmpty
    ixDbtype foreach { ix =>
      ix.containsField("unique") must beFalse

    // build a TstCollection
    val info = TCInfo(203, 102, UUID.randomUUID)
    val tc = TstCollection(ObjectId.get.toString, "MongoDB", "database", 1, info)
    val tc2 = TstCollection(ObjectId.get.toString, "OtherDB", "database", 1, info)

    // save to db

    // Query
    def tcFromDb = TstCollection.find(tc._id)
    def tc2FromDb = TstCollection.find(tc2._id)

    tcFromDb.isDefined must_== true
    tcFromDb.get must_== tc
    tc2FromDb.isDefined must_== true
    tc2FromDb.get must_== tc2

    // update
    val tc3 = TstCollection(tc._id, "MongoDB", "document", 2, info) // the new object to update with, replaces the entire document, except possibly _id
    val q = ("name" -> "MongoDB") // the query to select the document(s) to update
    TstCollection.update(q, tc3)
    tcFromDb.isDefined must_== true
    tcFromDb.get must_== tc3

    // Upsert - this should add a new row
    val tc4 = TstCollection(ObjectId.get.toString, "nothing", "document", 1, info)
    TstCollection.update(("name" -> "nothing"), tc4, Upsert)
    TstCollection.findAll.length must_== 3

    // modifier operations $inc, $set, $push...
    val o2 = (("$inc" -> ("count" -> 1)) ~ ("$set" -> ("dbtype" -> "docdb")))
    TstCollection.update(q, o2)
    tcFromDb.isDefined must_== true
    tcFromDb.get must_== TstCollection(tc._id,, "docdb", 3, info)

    // this one shouldn't update anything
    val o3 = (("$inc" -> ("count" -> 1)) ~ ("$set" -> ("dbtype" -> "docdb")))
    // when using $ modifiers, apply has to be false
    TstCollection.update(("name" -> "nothing"), o3)
    TstCollection.findAll.length must_== 3

    if (!debug) {
      // delete them

      TstCollection.findAll.size must_== 0

    // insert multiple documents
    for (i <- List.range(1, 101)) {
      IDoc(ObjectId.get, i).save

    // count the docs
    IDoc.count must_== 100

    // get the count using a query
    IDoc.count(("i" -> ("$gt" -> 50))) must_== 50

    // get a List of all documents
    val all = IDoc.findAll
    all.length must_== 100

    // get a single document with a query ( i = 71 )
    val doc = IDoc.find(("i" -> 71))

    doc.isDefined must_== true
    doc.get.i must_== 71

    // get a set of documents with a query
    // e.g. find all where i > 50
    val list1 = IDoc.findAll(("i" -> ("$gt" -> 50)))

    list1.length must_== 50

    // range - 20 < i <= 30
    val list2 = IDoc.findAll(("i" -> ("$gt" -> 20) ~ ("$lte" -> 30)))

    list2.length must_== 10

    // limiting result set
    val list3 = IDoc.findAll(("i" -> ("$gt" -> 50)), Limit(3))

    list3.length must_== 3

    // skip
    val list4 = IDoc.findAll(("i" -> ("$gt" -> 50)), ("i" -> 1), Skip(10))
    list4.size must_== 40
    var cntr4 = 0
    for (idoc <- list4) {
      cntr4 += 1
      idoc.i must_== 60+cntr4

    // skip and limit (get first 10, skipping the first 5, where i > 50)
    val list5 = IDoc.findAll(("i" -> ("$gt" -> 50)), ("i" -> 1), Limit(10), Skip(5))
    var cntr5 = 0
    for (idoc <- list5) {
      cntr5 += 1
      idoc.i must_== 55+cntr5
    list5.length must_== 10

    // sorting (it's also easy to sort the List after it's returned)
    val list6 = IDoc.findAll(("i" -> ("$gt" -> 0)), ("i" -> -1)) // descending
    var cntr6 = 100
    for (idoc <- list6) {
      idoc.i must_== cntr6
      cntr6 -= 1
    list6.length must_== 100

    // remove some docs by a query
    IDoc.delete(("i" -> ("$gt" -> 50)))
    IDoc.findAll.length must_== 50


  "Mongo useSession example" in {


    val tc = SessCollection(ObjectId.get, "MongoSession", "db", 1)
    val tc2 = SessCollection(ObjectId.get, "MongoSession", "db", 1)
    val tc3 = SessCollection(ObjectId.get, "MongoDB", "db", 1)

    // use a Mongo instance directly with a session
    MongoDB.useSession(DefaultMongoIdentifier) ( db => {

      // save to db, db)
      db.getLastError.get("err") must beNull, db) // this should return an error
      db.getLastError.get("err").toString must startWith("E11000 duplicate key error index"), db)
      db.getLastError.get("err") must beNull

      // query for the docs by type
      val qry = ("dbtype" -> "db")
      SessCollection.findAll(qry).size must_== 2

      // modifier operations $inc, $set, $push...
      val o2 = ("$inc" -> ("count" -> 1)) // increment count by 1
      //("$set" -> ("dbtype" -> "docdb")) // set dbtype
      SessCollection.update(qry, o2, db)
      db.getLastError.get("updatedExisting") must_== true
      /* The update method only updates one document. */
      db.getLastError.get("n") must_== 1

      /* Multiple documents now supported */
      SessCollection.update(qry, o2, db, Multi)
      db.getLastError.get("updatedExisting") must_== true
      db.getLastError.get("n") must_== 2

      // regex query example
      val lst = SessCollection.findAll(new BasicDBObject("name", Pattern.compile("^Mongo")))
      lst.size must_== 2

      // jobject query now also works
      val lstjobj = SessCollection.findAll(("name" -> (("$regex" -> "^Mon") ~ ("$flags" -> 0))))
      lstjobj.size must_== 2

      // use regex and another clause
      val lst2 = SessCollection.findAll(new BasicDBObject("name", Pattern.compile("^Mon")).append("count", 2))
      lst2.size must_== 1

      val lstjobj2 = SessCollection.findAll(("name" -> (("$regex" -> "^Mongo") ~ ("$flags" -> 0))) ~ ("count" -> 3))
      lstjobj2.size must_== 1

      if (!debug) {
        // delete them
        SessCollection.findAll.size must_== 0



  "Primitives example" in {


    def date(s: String) = Primitive.formats.dateFormat.parse(s).get

    val p = Primitive(ObjectId.get, 2147483647, 2147483648L, 1797693, 3.4028235F, 1000, 0, true, 512, date("2004-09-04T18:06:22.000Z"))

    // save it

    // retrieve it
    def pFromDb = Primitive.find(p._id)

    pFromDb.isDefined must_== true

    p mustEqual pFromDb.get

    if (!debug) {
      // delete it

      pFromDb.isEmpty must_== true

  "Ref example" in {


    val ref1 = RefJDoc(ObjectId.get)
    val ref2 = RefJDoc(ObjectId.get)

    val md1 = MainJDoc(ObjectId.get, "md1", ref1.getRef, Some(ref1._id))
    val md2 = MainJDoc(ObjectId.get, "md2", ref1.getRef, None)
    val md3 = MainJDoc(ObjectId.get, "md3", ref2.getRef, None)
    val md4 = MainJDoc(ObjectId.get, "md4", ref2.getRef, None)

    MainJDoc.count must_== 4
    RefJDoc.count must_== 2

    // query for a single doc with a JObject query
    val md1a = MainJDoc.find(("name") -> "md1")
    md1a.isDefined must_== true
    md1a.foreach(o => o._id must_== md1._id)

    // query for a single doc with a k, v query
    val md1b = MainJDoc.find(md1._id)
    md1b.isDefined must_== true
    md1b.foreach(o => o._id must_== md1._id)

    // find all documents
    MainJDoc.findAll.size must_== 4
    RefJDoc.findAll.size must_== 2

    // find all documents with JObject query
    val mdq1 = MainJDoc.findAll(("name" -> "md1"))
    mdq1.size must_== 1

    // find all documents with $in query, sorted
    val qry = ("name" -> ("$in" -> List("md1", "md2")))
    val mdq2 = MainJDoc.findAll(qry, ("name" -> -1))
    mdq2.size must_== 2
    mdq2.head._id must_== md2._id

    // Find all documents using a k, v query
    val mdq3 = MainJDoc.findAll("_id", md1._id)
    mdq3.size must_== 1


  "Pattern example" in {


    val pdoc1 = PatternDoc(ObjectId.get, Pattern.compile("^Mo", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE))

    PatternDoc.find(pdoc1._id).map {
      pdoc =>
        pdoc._id must_== pdoc1._id
        pdoc.regx.pattern must_== pdoc1.regx.pattern
        pdoc.regx.flags must_== pdoc1.regx.flags

  "Issue 586 Date test" in {


    def date(s: String): Date = StringDateDoc.formats.dateFormat.parse(s).get

    val newId = ObjectId.get
    val dtStr = "2004-09-04T18:06Z"
    val newDt = date(dtStr)

    // create a document manually with a String for the Date field
    MongoDB.useCollection("stringdatedocs") { coll => BasicDBObject("_id", newId).append("dt", dtStr))

    val fromDb = StringDateDoc.find(newId)
    fromDb.isDefined must_== true
    fromDb.foreach {
      sdd =>
        sdd._id must_== newId
        sdd.dt must_== newDt

        StringDateDoc.find(newId).foreach {
          sdd2 =>
            sdd2.dt must_== sdd.dt


Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework MongoDocumentExamplesSpec.scala source code file:

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