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Lift Framework example source code file (Field.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Field.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, box, box, failure, full, full, jdbc, list, list, mytype, nil, ownertype, sql, string, string, valuetype

The Lift Framework Field.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package record

import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.http.js.{JsExp}
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST.{JNothing, JNull, JString, JValue}
import net.liftweb.util._
import scala.reflect.Manifest
import scala.xml._
import http.SHtml

/** Base trait of record fields, with functionality common to any type of field owned by any type of record */
trait BaseField extends FieldIdentifier with util.BaseField {
  private[record] var fieldName: String = _
  private[record] var dirty = false

  protected def dirty_?(b: Boolean) = dirty = b

  def resetDirty {
    if (safe_?) dirty_?(false)

  def dirty_? : Boolean = dirty

   * Should the field be ignored by the OR Mapper?
  def ignoreField_? = false

   * Is the value of this field optional (e.g. NULLable)?
  def optional_? = false

   * The text name of this field
  def name: String = fieldName

   * Can the value of this field be read without obscuring the result?
  def canRead_? : Boolean = safe_? || checkCanRead_?

   * If the owner is not in "safe" mode, check the current environment to see if
   * the field can be read
  def checkCanRead_? = true

   * Can the value of this field be written?
  def canWrite_? : Boolean = safe_? || checkCanWrite_?

   * If the owner is not in "safe" mode, check the current environment to see if
   * the field can be written
  def checkCanWrite_? = true

   * Convert the field value to an XHTML representation
  def toXHtml: NodeSeq = Text(toString)

   * Generate a form control for the field
  def toForm: Box[NodeSeq]

   * Returns the field's value as a valid JavaScript expression
  def asJs: JsExp

  /** Encode the field value into a JValue */
  def asJValue: JValue

   * What form elements are we going to add to this field?
  def formElemAttrs: Seq[SHtml.ElemAttr] = Nil

   * Set the name of this field
  private[record] final def setName_!(newName : String) : String = {
    if (safe_?) fieldName = newName

   * The error message used when the field value could not be set
  def noValueErrorMessage : String = "Value cannot be changed"

   * The error message used when the field value must be set
  def notOptionalErrorMessage : String = "Value required"

  def tabIndex: Int = 1

  override def uniqueFieldId: Box[String] = Full(name+"_id")

  def label: NodeSeq = uniqueFieldId match {
    case Full(id) =>  <label for={id}>{displayName}
    case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

  def asString: String

  def safe_? : Boolean = true // let owned fields make it unsafe some times

/** Refined trait for fields owned by a particular record type */
trait OwnedField[OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends BaseField {
   * Return the owner of this field
  def owner: OwnerType

   * Are we in "safe" mode (i.e., the value of the field can be read or written without any security checks.)
  override final def safe_? : Boolean = owner.safe_?

/** Refined trait for fields holding a particular value type */
trait TypedField[ThisType] extends BaseField {
  type MyType = ThisType // For backwards compatability

  type ValidationFunction = ValueType => List[FieldError]

  private[record] var data: Box[MyType] = Empty
  private[record] var needsDefault: Boolean = true
   * Helper for implementing asJValue for a conversion to an encoded JString
   * @param encode function to transform the field value into a String
  protected def asJString(encode: MyType => String): JValue = => JString(encode(v))) openOr (JNothing: JValue)

  /** Decode the JValue and set the field to the decoded value. Returns Empty or Failure if the value could not be set */
  def setFromJValue(jvalue: JValue): Box[MyType]

   * Helper for implementing setFromJValue for a conversion from an encoded JString
   * @param decode function to try and transform a String into a field value
  protected def setFromJString(jvalue: JValue)(decode: String => Box[MyType]): Box[MyType] = jvalue match {
    case JNothing|JNull if optional_? => setBox(Empty)
    case JString(s)                   => setBox(decode(s))
    case other                        => setBox(FieldHelpers.expectedA("JString", other))

  def validations: List[ValidationFunction] = Nil

  /** Validate this field's setting, returning any errors found */
  def validate: List[FieldError] = runValidation(valueBox)

  /** Helper function that does validation of a value by using the validators specified for the field */
  protected def runValidation(in: Box[MyType]): List[FieldError] = in match {
    case Full(_) => validations.flatMap(_(toValueType(in))).distinct
    case Empty => Nil
    case Failure(msg, _, _) => Text(msg)

  protected implicit def boxNodeToFieldError(in: Box[Node]): List[FieldError] =
    in match {
      case Full(node) => List(FieldError(this, node))
      case _ => Nil

  protected implicit def nodeToFieldError(node: Node): List[FieldError] =
    List(FieldError(this, node))

  protected implicit def boxNodeFuncToFieldError(in: Box[MyType] => Box[Node]):
  Box[MyType] => List[FieldError] =
    param => boxNodeToFieldError(in(param))

  /** The default value of the field when no value is set. Must return a Full Box unless optional_? is true */
  def defaultValueBox: Box[MyType]

   * Convert the field to a String... usually of the form "displayName=value"
  def asString = displayName + "=" + data

  def obscure(in: MyType): Box[MyType] = Failure("value obscured")

  def setBox(in: Box[MyType]): Box[MyType] = synchronized {
    needsDefault = false
    data = in match {
      case _ if !canWrite_?      => Failure(noValueErrorMessage)
      case Full(_)               => set_!(in)
      case _ if optional_?       => set_!(in)
      case (f: Failure)          => set_!(f) // preserve failures set in
      case _                     => Failure(notOptionalErrorMessage)

  // Helper methods for things to easily use mixins and so on that use ValueType instead of Box[MyType], regardless of the optional-ness of the field
  protected def toValueType(in: Box[MyType]): ValueType
  protected def toBoxMyType(in: ValueType): Box[MyType]

  protected def set_!(in: Box[MyType]): Box[MyType] = runFilters(in, setFilterBox)

  def setFilter: List[ValueType => ValueType] = Nil

  /** OptionalTypedField and MandatoryTypedField implement this to do the appropriate lifting of Box[MyType] to ValueType */
  protected def liftSetFilterToBox(in: Box[MyType]): Box[MyType]

   * A list of functions that transform the value before it is set.  The transformations
   * are also applied before the value is used in a query.  Typical applications
   * of this are trimming and/or toLowerCase-ing strings
  protected def setFilterBox: List[Box[MyType] => Box[MyType]] = liftSetFilterToBox _ :: Nil

  def runFilters(in: Box[MyType], filter: List[Box[MyType] => Box[MyType]]): Box[MyType] = filter match {
    case Nil => in
    case x :: xs => runFilters(x(in), xs)

   * Set the value of the field from anything.
   * Implementations of this method should accept at least the following (pattern => valueBox)
   *   - value: MyType       => setBox(Full(value))
   *   - Some(value: MyType) => setBox(Full(value))
   *   - Full(value: MyType) => setBox(Full(value))
   *   - (value: MyType)::_  => setBox(Full(value))
   *   - s: String           => setFromString(s)
   *   - Some(s: String)     => setFromString(s)
   *   - Full(s: String)     => setFromString(s)
   *   - null|None|Empty     => setBox(defaultValueBox)
   *   - f: Failure          => setBox(f)
   * And usually convert the input to a string and uses setFromString as a last resort.
   * Note that setFromAny should _always_ call setBox, even if the conversion fails. This is so that validation
   * properly notes the error.
   * The method genericSetFromAny implements this guideline.
  def setFromAny(in: Any): Box[MyType]

  /** Generic implementation of setFromAny that implements exactly what the doc for setFromAny specifies, using a Manifest to check types */
  protected final def genericSetFromAny(in: Any)(implicit m: Manifest[MyType]): Box[MyType] = in match {
    case value       if m.erasure.isInstance(value) => setBox(Full(value.asInstanceOf[MyType]))
    case Some(value) if m.erasure.isInstance(value) => setBox(Full(value.asInstanceOf[MyType]))
    case Full(value) if m.erasure.isInstance(value) => setBox(Full(value.asInstanceOf[MyType]))
    case (value)::_  if m.erasure.isInstance(value) => setBox(Full(value.asInstanceOf[MyType]))
    case     (value: String) => setFromString(value)
    case Some(value: String) => setFromString(value)
    case Full(value: String) => setFromString(value)
    case (value: String)::_  => setFromString(value)
    case null|None|Empty     => setBox(defaultValueBox)
    case (failure: Failure)  => setBox(failure)
    case Some(other)         => setFromString(String.valueOf(other)) 
    case Full(other)         => setFromString(String.valueOf(other))
    case other               => setFromString(String.valueOf(other))
   * Set the value of the field using some kind of type-specific conversion from a String.
   * By convention, if the field is optional_?, then the empty string should be treated as no-value (Empty).
   * Note that setFromString should _always_ call setBox, even if the conversion fails. This is so that validation
   * properly notes the error.
   * @return Full(convertedValue) if the conversion succeeds (the field value will be set by side-effect)
   *         Empty or Failure if the conversion does not succeed
  def setFromString(s: String): Box[MyType]

  def valueBox: Box[MyType] = synchronized {
    if (needsDefault) {
      needsDefault = false
      data = defaultValueBox

    if (canRead_?) data
    else data.flatMap(obscure)

  /** Clear the value of this field */
  def clear: Unit = optional_? match {
    case true  => setBox(Empty)
    case false => setBox(defaultValueBox)

trait MandatoryTypedField[ThisType] extends TypedField[ThisType] with Product1[ThisType] {
  type ValueType = ThisType // For util.BaseField

  //TODO: fullfil the contract of Product1[ThisType]
  def canEqual(a:Any) = false
  def _1 = value

  override def optional_? = false

   * Set the value of the field to the given value.
   * Note: Because setting a field can fail (return non-Full), this method will
   * return defaultValue if the field could not be set.
  def set(in: MyType): MyType = setBox(Full(in)) openOr defaultValue

  def toValueType(in: Box[MyType]) = in openOr defaultValue
  def toBoxMyType(in: ValueType) = Full(in)

  def value: MyType = valueBox openOr defaultValue

  def get: MyType = value
  def is: MyType = value

  protected def liftSetFilterToBox(in: Box[MyType]): Box[MyType] = => setFilter.foldLeft(v)((prev, f) => f(prev)))

   * The default value of the field when a field has no value set and is optional, or a method that must return a value (e.g. value) is used
  def defaultValue: MyType

  def defaultValueBox: Box[MyType] = if (optional_?) Empty else Full(defaultValue)

  override def toString = valueBox match {
    case Full(null)|null => "null"
    case Full(v) => v.toString
    case _ => => if (v != null) v.toString else "null") openOr ""
trait OptionalTypedField[ThisType] extends TypedField[ThisType] with Product1[Box[ThisType]] {
  type ValueType = Option[ThisType] // For util.BaseField

  //TODO: fullfil the contract of Product1[ThisType]
  def canEqual(a:Any) = false
  def _1 = value

  final override def optional_? = true

   * Set the value of the field to the given value.
   * Note: Because setting a field can fail (return non-Full), this method will
   * return defaultValueBox if the field could not be set.
  def set(in: Option[MyType]): Option[MyType] = setBox(in) or defaultValueBox

  def toValueType(in: Box[MyType]) = in
  def toBoxMyType(in: ValueType) = in

  def value: Option[MyType] = valueBox

  def get: Option[MyType] = value
  def is: Option[MyType] = value

  protected def liftSetFilterToBox(in: Box[MyType]): Box[MyType] = setFilter.foldLeft(in)((prev, f) => f(prev))

  def defaultValueBox: Box[MyType] = Empty

  override def toString = valueBox match {
    case Full(null)|null => "null"
    case Full(v) => v.toString
    case _ => => if (v != null) v.toString else "null") openOr ""


 * A simple field that can store and retreive a value of a given type
trait Field[ThisType, OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends OwnedField[OwnerType] with TypedField[ThisType] {

  def apply(in: MyType): OwnerType = apply(Full(in))

  def apply(in: Box[MyType]): OwnerType = if (owner.meta.mutable_?) {
  } else {
    owner.meta.createWithMutableField(owner, this, in)

 * Mix in to a field to change its form display to be formatted with the label aside.
 * E.g.
 *   <div id={ id + "_holder" }>
 *     <div>
* { control } * </div> */ trait DisplayWithLabel[OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType]] extends OwnedField[OwnerType] { override abstract def toForm: Box[NodeSeq] = for (id <- uniqueFieldId; control <- super.toForm) yield <div id={ id + "_holder" }> <div> { control } <lift:msg id={id} errorClass="lift_error"/> </div> } import java.sql.{ResultSet, Types} import net.liftweb.db.{DriverType} /** * Desribes common aspects related with JDBC */ @deprecated("This was never fully implemented. If you're looking for a SQL implementation of Record, please see Squeryl-Record. If you have any questions, please bring them up on the mailing list.") trait JDBCFieldFlavor[MyType] { def jdbcFriendly(field : String) : AnyRef def targetSQLType : Int /** * Given the driver type, return the string required to create the column in the database */ def fieldCreatorString(dbType: DriverType, colName: String): String } trait KeyField[MyType, OwnerType <: Record[OwnerType] with KeyedRecord[OwnerType, MyType]] extends Field[MyType, OwnerType] { def ===(other: KeyField[MyType, OwnerType]): Boolean = this.valueBox == other.valueBox } object FieldHelpers { def expectedA(what: String, notA: AnyRef): Failure = Failure("Expected a " + what + ", not a " + (if (notA == null) "null" else notA.getClass.getName)) } trait LifecycleCallbacks { this: BaseField => def beforeValidation {} def afterValidation {} def beforeSave {} def beforeCreate {} def beforeUpdate {} def afterSave {} def afterCreate {} def afterUpdate {} def beforeDelete {} def afterDelete {} }

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Field.scala source code file:

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