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Lift Framework example source code file (dom.js)

This example Lift Framework source code file (dom.js) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

css1compat, css1compat, dom, gecko, ie, ie, note, note, opera, opera, quirks, regexp, safari, standards

The Lift Framework dom.js source code

Copyright (c) 2008, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.6.0
 * The dom module provides helper methods for manipulating Dom elements.
 * @module dom

(function() {
    var Y = YAHOO.util,     // internal shorthand
        lang = YAHOO.lang,
        getStyle,           // for load time browser branching
        setStyle,           // ditto
        propertyCache = {}, // for faster hyphen converts
        reClassNameCache = {},          // cache regexes for className
        document = window.document;     // cache for faster lookups
    YAHOO.env._id_counter = YAHOO.env._id_counter || 0;     // for use with generateId (global to save state if Dom is overwritten)

    // brower detection
    var isOpera =,
        isSafari =, 
        isGecko =,
        isIE =; 
    // regex cache
    var patterns = {
        HYPHEN: /(-[a-z])/i, // to normalize get/setStyle
        ROOT_TAG: /^body|html$/i, // body for quirks mode, html for standards,

    var toCamel = function(property) {
        if ( !patterns.HYPHEN.test(property) ) {
            return property; // no hyphens
        if (propertyCache[property]) { // already converted
            return propertyCache[property];
        var converted = property;
        while( patterns.HYPHEN.exec(converted) ) {
            converted = converted.replace(RegExp.$1,
        propertyCache[property] = converted;
        return converted;
        //return property.replace(/-([a-z])/gi, function(m0, m1) {return m1.toUpperCase()}) // cant use function as 2nd arg yet due to safari bug
    var getClassRegEx = function(className) {
        var re = reClassNameCache[className];
        if (!re) {
            re = new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)');
            reClassNameCache[className] = re;
        return re;

    // branching at load instead of runtime
    if (document.defaultView && document.defaultView.getComputedStyle) { // W3C DOM method
        getStyle = function(el, property) {
            var value = null;
            if (property == 'float') { // fix reserved word
                property = 'cssFloat';

            var computed = el.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el, '');
            if (computed) { // test computed before touching for safari
                value = computed[toCamel(property)];
            return[property] || value;
    } else if (document.documentElement.currentStyle && isIE) { // IE method
        getStyle = function(el, property) {                         
            switch( toCamel(property) ) {
                case 'opacity' :// IE opacity uses filter
                    var val = 100;
                    try { // will error if no DXImageTransform
                        val = el.filters['DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha'].opacity;

                    } catch(e) {
                        try { // make sure its in the document
                            val = el.filters('alpha').opacity;
                        } catch(e) {
                    return val / 100;
                case 'float': // fix reserved word
                    property = 'styleFloat'; // fall through
                    // test currentStyle before touching
                    var value = el.currentStyle ? el.currentStyle[property] : null;
                    return ([property] || value );
    } else { // default to inline only
        getStyle = function(el, property) { return[property]; };
    if (isIE) {
        setStyle = function(el, property, val) {
            switch (property) {
                case 'opacity':
                    if ( lang.isString( ) { // in case not appended
               = 'alpha(opacity=' + val * 100 + ')';
                        if (!el.currentStyle || !el.currentStyle.hasLayout) {
                   = 1; // when no layout or cant tell
                case 'float':
                    property = 'styleFloat';
      [property] = val;
    } else {
        setStyle = function(el, property, val) {
            if (property == 'float') {
                property = 'cssFloat';
  [property] = val;

    var testElement = function(node, method) {
        return node && node.nodeType == 1 && ( !method || method(node) );

     * Provides helper methods for DOM elements.
     * @namespace YAHOO.util
     * @class Dom
    YAHOO.util.Dom = {
         * Returns an HTMLElement reference.
         * @method get
         * @param {String | HTMLElement |Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID for getting a DOM reference, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
         * @return {HTMLElement | Array} A DOM reference to an HTML element or an array of HTMLElements.
        get: function(el) {
            if (el) {
                if (el.nodeType || el.item) { // Node, or NodeList
                    return el;

                if (typeof el === 'string') { // id
                    return document.getElementById(el);
                if ('length' in el) { // array-like 
                    var c = [];
                    for (var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; ++i) {
                        c[c.length] = Y.Dom.get(el[i]);
                    return c;

                return el; // some other object, just pass it back

            return null;
         * Normalizes currentStyle and ComputedStyle.
         * @method getStyle
         * @param {String | HTMLElement |Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
         * @param {String} property The style property whose value is returned.
         * @return {String | Array} The current value of the style property for the element(s).
        getStyle: function(el, property) {
            property = toCamel(property);
            var f = function(element) {
                return getStyle(element, property);
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Wrapper for setting style properties of HTMLElements.  Normalizes "opacity" across modern browsers.
         * @method setStyle
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
         * @param {String} property The style property to be set.
         * @param {String} val The value to apply to the given property.
        setStyle: function(el, property, val) {
            property = toCamel(property);
            var f = function(element) {
                setStyle(element, property, val);
            Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Gets the current position of an element based on page coordinates.  Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
         * @method getXY
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements
         * @return {Array} The XY position of the element(s)
        getXY: function(el) {
            var f = function(el) {
                // has to be part of document to have pageXY
                if ( (el.parentNode === null || el.offsetParent === null ||
                        this.getStyle(el, 'display') == 'none') && el != el.ownerDocument.body) {
                    return false;
                return getXY(el);
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Gets the current X position of an element based on page coordinates.  The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
         * @method getX
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements
         * @return {Number | Array} The X position of the element(s)
        getX: function(el) {
            var f = function(el) {
                return Y.Dom.getXY(el)[0];
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Gets the current Y position of an element based on page coordinates.  Element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
         * @method getY
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements
         * @return {Number | Array} The Y position of the element(s)
        getY: function(el) {
            var f = function(el) {
                return Y.Dom.getXY(el)[1];
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Set the position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
         * The element(s) must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
         * @method setXY
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements
         * @param {Array} pos Contains X & Y values for new position (coordinates are page-based)
         * @param {Boolean} noRetry By default we try and set the position a second time if the first fails
        setXY: function(el, pos, noRetry) {
            var f = function(el) {
                var style_pos = this.getStyle(el, 'position');
                if (style_pos == 'static') { // default to relative
                    this.setStyle(el, 'position', 'relative');
                    style_pos = 'relative';

                var pageXY = this.getXY(el);
                if (pageXY === false) { // has to be part of doc to have pageXY
                    return false; 
                var delta = [ // assuming pixels; if not we will have to retry
                    parseInt( this.getStyle(el, 'left'), 10 ),
                    parseInt( this.getStyle(el, 'top'), 10 )
                if ( isNaN(delta[0]) ) {// in case of 'auto'
                    delta[0] = (style_pos == 'relative') ? 0 : el.offsetLeft;
                if ( isNaN(delta[1]) ) { // in case of 'auto'
                    delta[1] = (style_pos == 'relative') ? 0 : el.offsetTop;
                if (pos[0] !== null) { = pos[0] - pageXY[0] + delta[0] + 'px'; }
                if (pos[1] !== null) { = pos[1] - pageXY[1] + delta[1] + 'px'; }
                if (!noRetry) {
                    var newXY = this.getXY(el);

                    // if retry is true, try one more time if we miss 
                   if ( (pos[0] !== null && newXY[0] != pos[0]) || 
                        (pos[1] !== null && newXY[1] != pos[1]) ) {
                       this.setXY(el, pos, true);
            Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Set the X position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
         * The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
         * @method setX
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
         * @param {Int} x The value to use as the X coordinate for the element(s).
        setX: function(el, x) {
            Y.Dom.setXY(el, [x, null]);
         * Set the Y position of an html element in page coordinates, regardless of how the element is positioned.
         * The element must be part of the DOM tree to have page coordinates (display:none or elements not appended return false).
         * @method setY
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
         * @param {Int} x To use as the Y coordinate for the element(s).
        setY: function(el, y) {
            Y.Dom.setXY(el, [null, y]);
         * Returns the region position of the given element.
         * The element must be part of the DOM tree to have a region (display:none or elements not appended return false).
         * @method getRegion
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el Accepts a string to use as an ID, an actual DOM reference, or an Array of IDs and/or HTMLElements.
         * @return {Region | Array} A Region or array of Region instances containing "top, left, bottom, right" member data.
        getRegion: function(el) {
            var f = function(el) {
                if ( (el.parentNode === null || el.offsetParent === null ||
                        this.getStyle(el, 'display') == 'none') && el != el.ownerDocument.body) {
                    return false;

                var region = Y.Region.getRegion(el);
                return region;
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Returns the width of the client (viewport).
         * @method getClientWidth
         * @deprecated Now using getViewportWidth.  This interface left intact for back compat.
         * @return {Int} The width of the viewable area of the page.
        getClientWidth: function() {
            return Y.Dom.getViewportWidth();
         * Returns the height of the client (viewport).
         * @method getClientHeight
         * @deprecated Now using getViewportHeight.  This interface left intact for back compat.
         * @return {Int} The height of the viewable area of the page.
        getClientHeight: function() {
            return Y.Dom.getViewportHeight();

         * Returns a array of HTMLElements with the given class.
         * For optimized performance, include a tag and/or root node when possible.
         * Note: This method operates against a live collection, so modifying the 
         * collection in the callback (removing/appending nodes, etc.) will have
         * side effects.  Instead you should iterate the returned nodes array,
         * as you would with the native "getElementsByTagName" method. 
         * @method getElementsByClassName
         * @param {String} className The class name to match against
         * @param {String} tag (optional) The tag name of the elements being collected
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} root (optional) The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @param {Function} apply (optional) A function to apply to each element when found 
         * @return {Array} An array of elements that have the given class name
        getElementsByClassName: function(className, tag, root, apply) {
            className = lang.trim(className);
            tag = tag || '*';
            root = (root) ? Y.Dom.get(root) : null || document; 
            if (!root) {
                return [];

            var nodes = [],
                elements = root.getElementsByTagName(tag),
                re = getClassRegEx(className);

            for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; ++i) {
                if ( re.test(elements[i].className) ) {
                    nodes[nodes.length] = elements[i];
                    if (apply) {
              [i], elements[i]);
            return nodes;

         * Determines whether an HTMLElement has the given className.
         * @method hasClass
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el The element or collection to test
         * @param {String} className the class name to search for
         * @return {Boolean | Array} A boolean value or array of boolean values
        hasClass: function(el, className) {
            var re = getClassRegEx(className);

            var f = function(el) {
                return re.test(el.className);
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Adds a class name to a given element or collection of elements.
         * @method addClass         
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el The element or collection to add the class to
         * @param {String} className the class name to add to the class attribute
         * @return {Boolean | Array} A pass/fail boolean or array of booleans
        addClass: function(el, className) {
            var f = function(el) {
                if (this.hasClass(el, className)) {
                    return false; // already present
                el.className = lang.trim([el.className, className].join(' '));
                return true;
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Removes a class name from a given element or collection of elements.
         * @method removeClass         
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el The element or collection to remove the class from
         * @param {String} className the class name to remove from the class attribute
         * @return {Boolean | Array} A pass/fail boolean or array of booleans
        removeClass: function(el, className) {
            var re = getClassRegEx(className);
            var f = function(el) {
                var ret = false,
                    current = el.className;

                if (className && current && this.hasClass(el, className)) {
                    el.className = current.replace(re, ' ');
                    if ( this.hasClass(el, className) ) { // in case of multiple adjacent
                        this.removeClass(el, className);

                    el.className = lang.trim(el.className); // remove any trailing spaces
                    if (el.className === '') { // remove class attribute if empty
                        var attr = (el.hasAttribute) ? 'class' : 'className';
                    ret = true;
                return ret;
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Replace a class with another class for a given element or collection of elements.
         * If no oldClassName is present, the newClassName is simply added.
         * @method replaceClass  
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el The element or collection to remove the class from
         * @param {String} oldClassName the class name to be replaced
         * @param {String} newClassName the class name that will be replacing the old class name
         * @return {Boolean | Array} A pass/fail boolean or array of booleans
        replaceClass: function(el, oldClassName, newClassName) {
            if (!newClassName || oldClassName === newClassName) { // avoid infinite loop
                return false;
            var re = getClassRegEx(oldClassName);

            var f = function(el) {
                if ( !this.hasClass(el, oldClassName) ) {
                    this.addClass(el, newClassName); // just add it if nothing to replace
                    return true; // NOTE: return
                el.className = el.className.replace(re, ' ' + newClassName + ' ');

                if ( this.hasClass(el, oldClassName) ) { // in case of multiple adjacent
                    this.removeClass(el, oldClassName);

                el.className = lang.trim(el.className); // remove any trailing spaces
                return true;
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true);
         * Returns an ID and applies it to the element "el", if provided.
         * @method generateId  
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el (optional) An optional element array of elements to add an ID to (no ID is added if one is already present).
         * @param {String} prefix (optional) an optional prefix to use (defaults to "yui-gen").
         * @return {String | Array} The generated ID, or array of generated IDs (or original ID if already present on an element)
        generateId: function(el, prefix) {
            prefix = prefix || 'yui-gen';

            var f = function(el) {
                if (el && { // do not override existing ID

                var id = prefix + YAHOO.env._id_counter++;

                if (el) {
           = id;
                return id;

            // batch fails when no element, so just generate and return single ID
            return Y.Dom.batch(el, f, Y.Dom, true) || f.apply(Y.Dom, arguments);
         * Determines whether an HTMLElement is an ancestor of another HTML element in the DOM hierarchy.
         * @method isAncestor
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} haystack The possible ancestor
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} needle The possible descendent
         * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the haystack is an ancestor of needle
        isAncestor: function(haystack, needle) {
            haystack = Y.Dom.get(haystack);
            needle = Y.Dom.get(needle);
            var ret = false;

            if ( (haystack && needle) && (haystack.nodeType && needle.nodeType) ) {
                if (haystack.contains && haystack !== needle) { // contains returns true when equal
                    ret = haystack.contains(needle);
                else if (haystack.compareDocumentPosition) { // gecko
                    ret = !!(haystack.compareDocumentPosition(needle) & 16);
            } else {
            return ret;
         * Determines whether an HTMLElement is present in the current document.
         * @method inDocument         
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} el The element to search for
         * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the element is present in the current document
        inDocument: function(el) {
            return this.isAncestor(document.documentElement, el);
         * Returns a array of HTMLElements that pass the test applied by supplied boolean method.
         * For optimized performance, include a tag and/or root node when possible.
         * Note: This method operates against a live collection, so modifying the 
         * collection in the callback (removing/appending nodes, etc.) will have
         * side effects.  Instead you should iterate the returned nodes array,
         * as you would with the native "getElementsByTagName" method. 
         * @method getElementsBy
         * @param {Function} method - A boolean method for testing elements which receives the element as its only argument.
         * @param {String} tag (optional) The tag name of the elements being collected
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} root (optional) The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @param {Function} apply (optional) A function to apply to each element when found 
         * @return {Array} Array of HTMLElements
        getElementsBy: function(method, tag, root, apply) {
            tag = tag || '*';
            root = (root) ? Y.Dom.get(root) : null || document; 

            if (!root) {
                return [];

            var nodes = [],
                elements = root.getElementsByTagName(tag);
            for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; ++i) {
                if ( method(elements[i]) ) {
                    nodes[nodes.length] = elements[i];
                    if (apply) {

            return nodes;
         * Runs the supplied method against each item in the Collection/Array.
         * The method is called with the element(s) as the first arg, and the optional param as the second ( method(el, o) ).
         * @method batch
         * @param {String | HTMLElement | Array} el (optional) An element or array of elements to apply the method to
         * @param {Function} method The method to apply to the element(s)
         * @param {Any} o (optional) An optional arg that is passed to the supplied method
         * @param {Boolean} override (optional) Whether or not to override the scope of "method" with "o"
         * @return {Any | Array} The return value(s) from the supplied method
        batch: function(el, method, o, override) {
            el = (el && (el.tagName || el.item)) ? el : Y.Dom.get(el); // skip get() when possible

            if (!el || !method) {
                return false;
            var scope = (override) ? o : window;
            if (el.tagName || el.length === undefined) { // element or not array-like 
                return, el, o);

            var collection = [];
            for (var i = 0, len = el.length; i < len; ++i) {
                collection[collection.length] =, el[i], o);
            return collection;
         * Returns the height of the document.
         * @method getDocumentHeight
         * @return {Int} The height of the actual document (which includes the body and its margin).
        getDocumentHeight: function() {
            var scrollHeight = (document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat') ? document.body.scrollHeight : document.documentElement.scrollHeight;

            var h = Math.max(scrollHeight, Y.Dom.getViewportHeight());
            return h;
         * Returns the width of the document.
         * @method getDocumentWidth
         * @return {Int} The width of the actual document (which includes the body and its margin).
        getDocumentWidth: function() {
            var scrollWidth = (document.compatMode != 'CSS1Compat') ? document.body.scrollWidth : document.documentElement.scrollWidth;
            var w = Math.max(scrollWidth, Y.Dom.getViewportWidth());
            return w;

         * Returns the current height of the viewport.
         * @method getViewportHeight
         * @return {Int} The height of the viewable area of the page (excludes scrollbars).
        getViewportHeight: function() {
            var height = self.innerHeight; // Safari, Opera
            var mode = document.compatMode;
            if ( (mode || isIE) && !isOpera ) { // IE, Gecko
                height = (mode == 'CSS1Compat') ?
                        document.documentElement.clientHeight : // Standards
                        document.body.clientHeight; // Quirks
            return height;
         * Returns the current width of the viewport.
         * @method getViewportWidth
         * @return {Int} The width of the viewable area of the page (excludes scrollbars).
        getViewportWidth: function() {
            var width = self.innerWidth;  // Safari
            var mode = document.compatMode;
            if (mode || isIE) { // IE, Gecko, Opera
                width = (mode == 'CSS1Compat') ?
                        document.documentElement.clientWidth : // Standards
                        document.body.clientWidth; // Quirks
            return width;

         * Returns the nearest ancestor that passes the test applied by supplied boolean method.
         * For performance reasons, IDs are not accepted and argument validation omitted.
         * @method getAncestorBy
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point 
         * @param {Function} method - A boolean method for testing elements which receives the element as its only argument.
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getAncestorBy: function(node, method) {
            while ( (node = node.parentNode) ) { // NOTE: assignment
                if ( testElement(node, method) ) {
                    return node;

            return null;
         * Returns the nearest ancestor with the given className.
         * @method getAncestorByClassName
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @param {String} className
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement
        getAncestorByClassName: function(node, className) {
            node = Y.Dom.get(node);
            if (!node) {
                return null;
            var method = function(el) { return Y.Dom.hasClass(el, className); };
            return Y.Dom.getAncestorBy(node, method);

         * Returns the nearest ancestor with the given tagName.
         * @method getAncestorByTagName
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @param {String} tagName
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement
        getAncestorByTagName: function(node, tagName) {
            node = Y.Dom.get(node);
            if (!node) {
                return null;
            var method = function(el) {
                 return el.tagName && el.tagName.toUpperCase() == tagName.toUpperCase();

            return Y.Dom.getAncestorBy(node, method);

         * Returns the previous sibling that is an HTMLElement. 
         * For performance reasons, IDs are not accepted and argument validation omitted.
         * Returns the nearest HTMLElement sibling if no method provided.
         * @method getPreviousSiblingBy
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point 
         * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test siblings
         * that receives the sibling node being tested as its only argument
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getPreviousSiblingBy: function(node, method) {
            while (node) {
                node = node.previousSibling;
                if ( testElement(node, method) ) {
                    return node;
            return null;

         * Returns the previous sibling that is an HTMLElement 
         * @method getPreviousSibling
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getPreviousSibling: function(node) {
            node = Y.Dom.get(node);
            if (!node) {
                return null;

            return Y.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(node);

         * Returns the next HTMLElement sibling that passes the boolean method. 
         * For performance reasons, IDs are not accepted and argument validation omitted.
         * Returns the nearest HTMLElement sibling if no method provided.
         * @method getNextSiblingBy
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point 
         * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test siblings
         * that receives the sibling node being tested as its only argument
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getNextSiblingBy: function(node, method) {
            while (node) {
                node = node.nextSibling;
                if ( testElement(node, method) ) {
                    return node;
            return null;

         * Returns the next sibling that is an HTMLElement 
         * @method getNextSibling
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getNextSibling: function(node) {
            node = Y.Dom.get(node);
            if (!node) {
                return null;

            return Y.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(node);

         * Returns the first HTMLElement child that passes the test method. 
         * @method getFirstChildBy
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point 
         * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test children
         * that receives the node being tested as its only argument
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getFirstChildBy: function(node, method) {
            var child = ( testElement(node.firstChild, method) ) ? node.firstChild : null;
            return child || Y.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(node.firstChild, method);

         * Returns the first HTMLElement child. 
         * @method getFirstChild
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getFirstChild: function(node, method) {
            node = Y.Dom.get(node);
            if (!node) {
                return null;
            return Y.Dom.getFirstChildBy(node);

         * Returns the last HTMLElement child that passes the test method. 
         * @method getLastChildBy
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to use as the starting point 
         * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test children
         * that receives the node being tested as its only argument
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getLastChildBy: function(node, method) {
            if (!node) {
                return null;
            var child = ( testElement(node.lastChild, method) ) ? node.lastChild : null;
            return child || Y.Dom.getPreviousSiblingBy(node.lastChild, method);

         * Returns the last HTMLElement child. 
         * @method getLastChild
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @return {Object} HTMLElement or null if not found
        getLastChild: function(node) {
            node = Y.Dom.get(node);
            return Y.Dom.getLastChildBy(node);

         * Returns an array of HTMLElement childNodes that pass the test method. 
         * @method getChildrenBy
         * @param {HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement to start from
         * @param {Function} method A boolean function used to test children
         * that receives the node being tested as its only argument
         * @return {Array} A static array of HTMLElements
        getChildrenBy: function(node, method) {
            var child = Y.Dom.getFirstChildBy(node, method);
            var children = child ? [child] : [];

            Y.Dom.getNextSiblingBy(child, function(node) {
                if ( !method || method(node) ) {
                    children[children.length] = node;
                return false; // fail test to collect all children

            return children;
         * Returns an array of HTMLElement childNodes. 
         * @method getChildren
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} node The HTMLElement or an ID to use as the starting point 
         * @return {Array} A static array of HTMLElements
        getChildren: function(node) {
            node = Y.Dom.get(node);
            if (!node) {

            return Y.Dom.getChildrenBy(node);
         * Returns the left scroll value of the document 
         * @method getDocumentScrollLeft
         * @param {HTMLDocument} document (optional) The document to get the scroll value of
         * @return {Int}  The amount that the document is scrolled to the left
        getDocumentScrollLeft: function(doc) {
            doc = doc || document;
            return Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft);

         * Returns the top scroll value of the document 
         * @method getDocumentScrollTop
         * @param {HTMLDocument} document (optional) The document to get the scroll value of
         * @return {Int}  The amount that the document is scrolled to the top
        getDocumentScrollTop: function(doc) {
            doc = doc || document;
            return Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop, doc.body.scrollTop);

         * Inserts the new node as the previous sibling of the reference node 
         * @method insertBefore
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} newNode The node to be inserted
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} referenceNode The node to insert the new node before 
         * @return {HTMLElement} The node that was inserted (or null if insert fails) 
        insertBefore: function(newNode, referenceNode) {
            newNode = Y.Dom.get(newNode); 
            referenceNode = Y.Dom.get(referenceNode); 
            if (!newNode || !referenceNode || !referenceNode.parentNode) {
                return null;

            return referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode); 

         * Inserts the new node as the next sibling of the reference node 
         * @method insertAfter
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} newNode The node to be inserted
         * @param {String | HTMLElement} referenceNode The node to insert the new node after 
         * @return {HTMLElement} The node that was inserted (or null if insert fails) 
        insertAfter: function(newNode, referenceNode) {
            newNode = Y.Dom.get(newNode); 
            referenceNode = Y.Dom.get(referenceNode); 
            if (!newNode || !referenceNode || !referenceNode.parentNode) {
                return null;

            if (referenceNode.nextSibling) {
                return referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode.nextSibling); 
            } else {
                return referenceNode.parentNode.appendChild(newNode);

         * Creates a Region based on the viewport relative to the document. 
         * @method getClientRegion
         * @return {Region} A Region object representing the viewport which accounts for document scroll
        getClientRegion: function() {
            var t = Y.Dom.getDocumentScrollTop(),
                l = Y.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(),
                r = Y.Dom.getViewportWidth() + l,
                b = Y.Dom.getViewportHeight() + t;

            return new Y.Region(t, r, b, l);
    var getXY = function() {
        if (document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect) { // IE
            return function(el) {
                var box = el.getBoundingClientRect(),
                    round = Math.round;

                var rootNode = el.ownerDocument;
                return [round(box.left + Y.Dom.getDocumentScrollLeft(rootNode)), round( +
        } else {
            return function(el) { // manually calculate by crawling up offsetParents
                var pos = [el.offsetLeft, el.offsetTop];
                var parentNode = el.offsetParent;

                // safari: subtract body offsets if el is abs (or any offsetParent), unless body is offsetParent
                var accountForBody = (isSafari &&
                        Y.Dom.getStyle(el, 'position') == 'absolute' &&
                        el.offsetParent == el.ownerDocument.body);

                if (parentNode != el) {
                    while (parentNode) {
                        pos[0] += parentNode.offsetLeft;
                        pos[1] += parentNode.offsetTop;
                        if (!accountForBody && isSafari && 
                                Y.Dom.getStyle(parentNode,'position') == 'absolute' ) { 
                            accountForBody = true;
                        parentNode = parentNode.offsetParent;

                if (accountForBody) { //safari doubles in this case
                    pos[0] -= el.ownerDocument.body.offsetLeft;
                    pos[1] -= el.ownerDocument.body.offsetTop;
                parentNode = el.parentNode;

                // account for any scrolled ancestors
                while ( parentNode.tagName && !patterns.ROOT_TAG.test(parentNode.tagName) ) 
                    if (parentNode.scrollTop || parentNode.scrollLeft) {
                        pos[0] -= parentNode.scrollLeft;
                        pos[1] -= parentNode.scrollTop;
                    parentNode = parentNode.parentNode; 

                return pos;
    }() // NOTE: Executing for loadtime branching
 * A region is a representation of an object on a grid.  It is defined
 * by the top, right, bottom, left extents, so is rectangular by default.  If 
 * other shapes are required, this class could be extended to support it.
 * @namespace YAHOO.util
 * @class Region
 * @param {Int} t the top extent
 * @param {Int} r the right extent
 * @param {Int} b the bottom extent
 * @param {Int} l the left extent
 * @constructor
YAHOO.util.Region = function(t, r, b, l) {

     * The region's top extent
     * @property top
     * @type Int
     */ = t;
     * The region's top extent as index, for symmetry with set/getXY
     * @property 1
     * @type Int
    this[1] = t;

     * The region's right extent
     * @property right
     * @type int
    this.right = r;

     * The region's bottom extent
     * @property bottom
     * @type Int
    this.bottom = b;

     * The region's left extent
     * @property left
     * @type Int
    this.left = l;
     * The region's left extent as index, for symmetry with set/getXY
     * @property 0
     * @type Int
    this[0] = l;

 * Returns true if this region contains the region passed in
 * @method contains
 * @param  {Region}  region The region to evaluate
 * @return {Boolean}        True if the region is contained with this region, 
 *                          else false
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.contains = function(region) {
    return ( region.left   >= this.left   && 
             region.right  <= this.right  && 
       >=    && 
             region.bottom <= this.bottom    );


 * Returns the area of the region
 * @method getArea
 * @return {Int} the region's area
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.getArea = function() {
    return ( (this.bottom - * (this.right - this.left) );

 * Returns the region where the passed in region overlaps with this one
 * @method intersect
 * @param  {Region} region The region that intersects
 * @return {Region}        The overlap region, or null if there is no overlap
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.intersect = function(region) {
    var t = Math.max(,    );
    var r = Math.min( this.right,  region.right  );
    var b = Math.min( this.bottom, region.bottom );
    var l = Math.max( this.left,   region.left   );
    if (b >= t && r >= l) {
        return new YAHOO.util.Region(t, r, b, l);
    } else {
        return null;

 * Returns the region representing the smallest region that can contain both
 * the passed in region and this region.
 * @method union
 * @param  {Region} region The region that to create the union with
 * @return {Region}        The union region
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.union = function(region) {
    var t = Math.min(,    );
    var r = Math.max( this.right,  region.right  );
    var b = Math.max( this.bottom, region.bottom );
    var l = Math.min( this.left,   region.left   );

    return new YAHOO.util.Region(t, r, b, l);

 * toString
 * @method toString
 * @return string the region properties
YAHOO.util.Region.prototype.toString = function() {
    return ( "Region {"    +
             "top: "       +    + 
             ", right: "   + this.right  + 
             ", bottom: "  + this.bottom + 
             ", left: "    + this.left   + 
             "}" );

 * Returns a region that is occupied by the DOM element
 * @method getRegion
 * @param  {HTMLElement} el The element
 * @return {Region}         The region that the element occupies
 * @static
YAHOO.util.Region.getRegion = function(el) {
    var p = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(el);

    var t = p[1];
    var r = p[0] + el.offsetWidth;
    var b = p[1] + el.offsetHeight;
    var l = p[0];

    return new YAHOO.util.Region(t, r, b, l);


 * A point is a region that is special in that it represents a single point on 
 * the grid.
 * @namespace YAHOO.util
 * @class Point
 * @param {Int} x The X position of the point
 * @param {Int} y The Y position of the point
 * @constructor
 * @extends YAHOO.util.Region
YAHOO.util.Point = function(x, y) {
   if (YAHOO.lang.isArray(x)) { // accept input from Dom.getXY, Event.getXY, etc.
      y = x[1]; // dont blow away x yet
      x = x[0];
     * The X position of the point, which is also the right, left and index zero (for Dom.getXY symmetry)
     * @property x
     * @type Int

    this.x = this.right = this.left = this[0] = x;
     * The Y position of the point, which is also the top, bottom and index one (for Dom.getXY symmetry)
     * @property y
     * @type Int
    this.y = = this.bottom = this[1] = y;

YAHOO.util.Point.prototype = new YAHOO.util.Region();

YAHOO.register("dom", YAHOO.util.Dom, {version: "2.6.0", build: "1321"});

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework dom.js source code file:

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