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Lift Framework example source code file (Menu.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Menu.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, elem, elem, full, full, menuitem, nil, nodeseq, nodeseq, null, null, seq, text, topscope

The Lift Framework Menu.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package builtin
package snippet

import http.{S, DispatchSnippet, LiftRules}
import http.js._
import sitemap._
import util._
import common._
import scala.xml._
import JsCmds._
import JE._
import Helpers._

 * <p>This built-in snippet can be used to render a menu representing your SiteMap.
 * There are three main snippet methods that you can use:</p>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>builder - Renders the entire SiteMap, optionally expanding all child menus
 *   <li>group - Renders the MenuItems corresponding to the specified group.
 *   <li>item - Renders the specific named MenuItem
 * </ul>
 * <p>More detailed usage of each method is provided below

*/ object Menu extends DispatchSnippet { def dispatch: DispatchIt = { case "builder" => builder case "title" => title case "item" => item case "group" => group case "json" => jsonMenu } /** * <p>This snippet method renders a menu representing your SiteMap contents. The * menu is rendered as a set of nested unordered lists (<ul />). By * default, it only renders nested child menus for menus that match the current request path. * You can add the "expandAll" attribute to the snippet tag to force full expansion of * all child menus. Additionally, you can use the following attribute prefixes to further customize * the generated list and list item elements:</p> * * <ul> * <li>top - Adds the specified attribute to the top-level <ul> element that makes up the menu * <li>ul - Adds the specified attribute to each <ul> element (top-level and nested children) that makes up the menu * <li>li - Adds the specified attribute to each <li> element for the menu * <li>li_item - Adds the specified attribute to the current page’s menu item * <li>outer_tag - the tag for the outer XML element (ul by default) * <li>inner_tag - the tag for the inner XML element (li by default) * <li>li_path - Adds the specified attribute to the current page’s breadcrumb path. The * breadcrumb path is the set of menu items leading to this one.</li> * <li>linkToSelf - False by default, but available as 'true' to generate link to the current page * <li>level - Controls the level of menus that will be output. "0" is the top-level menu, "1" is children of * the current menu item, and so on. Child menus will be expanded unless the "expand" attribute is set to <pre>false
. * <li>expand - Controls whether or not to expand child menus. Defaults to
. * </ul> * * <p>If you are using designer friendly invocation, you can access the namespaced attributes:
* <div class="lift:Menu?li_item:class=foo+bar">menu</div> * </p> * * <p>For a simple, default menu, simply add

* * <pre> * <lift:Menu.builder /> * </pre> * * <p>To your template. You can render the entire sitemap with

* * <pre> * <lift:Menu.builder expandAll="true" /> * </pre> * * <p>Customizing the elements is handled through the prefixed attributes described above. * For instance, you could make the current page menu item red:</p> * * <pre> * <lift:Menu.builder li_item:style="color: red;" /> * </pre> */ def builder(info: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { val outerTag: String = S.attr("outer_tag") openOr "ul" val innerTag: String = S.attr("inner_tag") openOr "li" val expandAll = (S.attr("expandAll") or S.attr("expandall")).isDefined val linkToSelf: Boolean = (S.attr("linkToSelf") or S.attr("linktoself")).map(Helpers.toBoolean) openOr false val expandAny: Boolean = S.attr("expand").map(Helpers.toBoolean) openOr true val level: Box[Int] = for (lvs <- S.attr("level"); i <- Helpers.asInt(lvs)) yield i val toRender: Seq[MenuItem] = (S.attr("item"), S.attr("group")) match { case (Full(item), _) => for{ sm <- LiftRules.siteMap.toList req <- S.request.toList loc <- sm.findLoc(item).toList item <- buildItemMenu(loc, req.location, expandAll) } yield item case (_, Full(group)) => for{ sm <- LiftRules.siteMap.toList loc <- sm.locForGroup(group) req <- S.request.toList item <- buildItemMenu(loc, req.location, expandAll) } yield item case _ => renderWhat(expandAll) } def ifExpandCurrent(f: => NodeSeq): NodeSeq = if (expandAny || expandAll) f else NodeSeq.Empty def ifExpandAll(f: => NodeSeq): NodeSeq = if (expandAll) f else NodeSeq.Empty toRender.toList match { case Nil if S.attr("group").isDefined => NodeSeq.Empty case Nil => Text("No Navigation Defined.") case xs => val liMap = S.prefixedAttrsToMap("li") val li = S.mapToAttrs(liMap) def buildANavItem(i: MenuItem) = { i match { // Per Loc.PlaceHolder, placeholder implies HideIfNoKids case m@MenuItem(text, uri, kids, _, _, _) if m.placeholder_? && kids.isEmpty => NodeSeq.Empty case m@MenuItem(text, uri, kids, _, _, _) if m.placeholder_? => Helpers.addCssClass(i.cssClass, Elem(null, innerTag, Null, TopScope, // Is a placeholder useful if we don't display the kids? I say no (DCB, 20101108) <xml:group> {text}{buildUlLine(kids)}) % (if (m.path) S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("li_path", liMap) else Null) % (if (m.current) S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("li_item", liMap) else Null)) case MenuItem(text, uri, kids, true, _, _) if linkToSelf => Helpers.addCssClass(i.cssClass, Elem(null, innerTag, Null, TopScope, <xml:group> {text}{ifExpandCurrent(buildUlLine(kids))}) % S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("li_item", liMap)) case MenuItem(text, uri, kids, true, _, _) => Helpers.addCssClass(i.cssClass, Elem(null, innerTag, Null, TopScope, <xml:group> {text}{ifExpandCurrent(buildUlLine(kids))}) % S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("li_item", liMap)) // Not current, but on the path, so we need to expand children to show the current one case MenuItem(text, uri, kids, _, true, _) => Helpers.addCssClass(i.cssClass, Elem(null, innerTag, Null, TopScope, <xml:group> {text}{buildUlLine(kids)}) % S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("li_path", liMap)) case MenuItem(text, uri, kids, _, _, _) => Helpers.addCssClass(i.cssClass, Elem(null, innerTag, Null, TopScope, <xml:group> {text}{ifExpandAll(buildUlLine(kids))}) % li) } } def buildUlLine(in: Seq[MenuItem]): NodeSeq = if (in.isEmpty) { NodeSeq.Empty } else { if (outerTag.length > 0) { Elem(null, outerTag, Null, TopScope, <xml:group>{in.flatMap(buildANavItem)}) % S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("ul") } else { in.flatMap(buildANavItem) } } val realMenuItems = level match { case Full(lvl) if lvl > 0 => def findKids(cur: Seq[MenuItem], depth: Int): Seq[MenuItem] = if (depth == 0) cur else findKids(cur.flatMap(mi =>, depth - 1) findKids(xs, lvl) case _ => xs } buildUlLine(realMenuItems) match { case top: Elem => top % S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("top") case other => other } } } // This is used to build a MenuItem for a single Loc private def buildItemMenu [A] (loc : Loc[A], currLoc: Box[Loc[_]], expandAll : Boolean) : List[MenuItem] = { val kids : List[MenuItem] = if (expandAll) loc.buildKidMenuItems( else Nil loc.buildItem(kids, currLoc == Full(loc), currLoc == Full(loc)).toList } private def renderWhat(expandAll: Boolean): Seq[MenuItem] = (if (expandAll) for {sm <- LiftRules.siteMap; req <- S.request} yield sm.buildMenu(req.location).lines else openOr Nil def jsonMenu(ignore: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { val toRender = renderWhat(true) def buildItem(in: MenuItem): JsExp = in match { case MenuItem(text, uri, kids, current, path, _) => JsObj("text" -> text.toString, "uri" -> uri.toString, "children" -> buildItems(kids), "current" -> current, "cssClass" -> (in.cssClass openOr ""), "placeholder" -> in.placeholder_?, "path" -> path) } def buildItems(in: Seq[MenuItem]): JsExp = JsArray( :_*) Script(JsCrVar(S.attr("var") openOr "lift_menu", JsObj("menu" -> buildItems(toRender)))) } /** * <p>Renders the title for the current request path (location). You can use this to * automatically set the title for your page based on your SiteMap:</p> * * <pre> * ... * <head> * <title><lift:Menu.title /></title> * </head> * ... * </pre> * <p>HTML5 does not support tags inside the <title> tag, * so you must do: * </p> * * <pre> * * <head> * <title class="lift:Menu.title"e;>The page named %*% is being displayed</title> * </head> * </pre> * <p> * And Lift will substitute the title at the %*% marker, alternative, Lift * will append the Menu.title to the contents of the <title> tag. * </p> */ def title(text: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { val r = for (request <- S.request; loc <- request.location) yield loc.title text match { case TitleText(attrs, str) => { { rt => { val rts = rt.text val idx = str.indexOf("%*%") val bodyStr = if (idx >= 0) { str.substring(0, idx) + rts + str.substring(idx + 3) } else { str +" "+rts } <title>{bodyStr} % attrs } } openOr text } case _ => { r openOr Text("") } } } private object TitleText { def unapply(in: NodeSeq): Option[(MetaData, String)] = if (in.length == 1 && in(0).isInstanceOf[Elem]) { val e = in(0).asInstanceOf[Elem] if (e.prefix == null && e.label == "title") { if (e.child.length == 0) { Some(e.attributes -> "") } else if (e.child.length == 1 && e.child(0).isInstanceOf[Atom[_]]) { Some(e.attributes -> e.child.text) } else None } else None } else None } /** * <p>Renders a group of menu items. You specify a group using the LocGroup LocItem * case class on your Menu Loc:</p> * * <pre> * val menus = * Menu(Loc("a",...,...,LocGroup("test"))) :: * Menu(Loc("b",...,...,LocGroup("test"))) :: * Menu(Loc("c",...,...,LocGroup("test"))) :: Nil * </pre> * * <p>You can then render with the group snippet:

* * <pre> * < group="test" /> * </pre> * * <p>Each menu item is rendered as an anchor tag (<a />), and you can customize * the tag using attributes prefixed with "a":</p> * * <pre> * < group="test" a:class="menulink" /> * </pre> * * <p>You can also specify your own template within the snippet tag, as long as * you provide a <menu:bind /> element where the snippet can place each menu item:</p> * * <pre> * <ul> * < group="test" > * <li><menu:bind /></li> * </> * </pre> * */ def group(template: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { val toBind = if ((template \ "bind").filter(_.prefix == "menu").isEmpty) <xml:group> else template val attrs = S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("a") for (group <- S.attr("group").toList; siteMap <- LiftRules.siteMap.toList; loc <- siteMap.locForGroup(group); link <- loc.createDefaultLink; linkText <- loc.linkText) yield { val a = Helpers.addCssClass(loc.cssClassForMenuItem, <a href={link}>{linkText} % attrs) Group(bind("menu", toBind, "bind" -> a)) } } /** * <p>Renders a specific, named item, based on the name given in the Menu's Loc paramter:

* * <pre> * val menus = * Menu(Loc("a",...,...,LocGroup("test"))) :: * Menu(Loc("b",...,...,LocGroup("test"))) :: * Menu(Loc("c",...,...,LocGroup("test"))) :: Nil * </pre> * * <p>You can then select the item using the name attribute:

* * <pre> * <lift:Menu.item name="b" /> * </pre> * * <p>The menu item is rendered as an anchor tag (<a />). The text for the link * defaults to the named Menu's Loc.linkText, but you can specify your own link text * by providing contents to the tag:</p> * * <pre> * <lift:Menu.item name="b">This is a link</lift:Menu.item> * </pre> * * <p>Additionally you can customize * the tag using attributes prefixed with "a":</p> * * <pre> * <lift:Menu.item name="b" a:style="color: red;" /> * </pre> * * <p>The param attribute may be used with Menu Locs that are * CovertableLoc to parameterize the link</p> * * <p>Normally, the Menu item is not shown on pages that match its Menu's Loc. You can * set the "donthide" attribute on the tag to force it to show text only (same text as normal, * but not in an anchor tag)</p> * * <p>Alternatively, you can set the "linkToSelf" attribute to "true" to force a link. You * can specify your own link text with the tag's contents. Note that <b>case is significant, so * make sure you specify "linkToSelf" and not "linktoself".</p> * */ def item(text: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { val donthide = S.attr("donthide").map(Helpers.toBoolean) openOr false val linkToSelf = (S.attr("linkToSelf") or S.attr("linktoself")).map(Helpers.toBoolean) openOr false for { name <- S.attr("name").toList } yield { type T = Q forSome {type Q} // Builds a link for the given loc def buildLink[T](loc : Loc[T]) = { Group(SiteMap.buildLink(name, text) match { case e : Elem => Helpers.addCssClass(loc.cssClassForMenuItem, e % S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("a")) case x => x }) } (S.request.flatMap(_.location), S.attr("param"), SiteMap.findAndTestLoc(name)) match { case (_, Full(param), Full(loc: ConvertableLoc[T])) => { (for { pv <- loc.convert(param) link <- loc.createLink(pv) } yield Helpers.addCssClass(loc.cssClassForMenuItem, <a href={link}> % S.prefixedAttrsToMetaData("a"))) openOr Text("") } case (Full(loc), _, _) if == name => { (linkToSelf, donthide) match { case (true, _) => buildLink(loc) case (_, true) => { if (!text.isEmpty) { Group(text) } else { Group(loc.linkText openOr Text( } } case _ => Text("") } } case (Full(loc), _, _) => buildLink(loc) case _ => Text("") } } } }

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Menu.scala source code file:

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