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Lift Framework example source code file (LiftMerge.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (LiftMerge.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, boolean, elem, elem, list, listbuffer, listbuffer, metadata, nil, node, nodeseq, nodeseq, string, text

The Lift Framework LiftMerge.scala source code

 * Copyright 2009-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package http

import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap, ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.xml._
import net.liftweb.util._
import net.liftweb.common._
import net.liftweb.http.js._
import Helpers._

private[http] trait LiftMerge {
  self: LiftSession =>

   * Manages the merge phase of the rendering pipeline
  def merge(xhtml: NodeSeq, req: Req): Node = {
    val snippetHashs: HashMap[String, Box[NodeSeq]] =
    val waitUntil = millis + LiftRules.lazySnippetTimeout.vend.millis
    val stripComments: Boolean = LiftRules.stripComments.vend

    def waitUntilSnippetsDone() {
      val myMillis = millis
      snippetHashs.synchronized {
        if (myMillis >= waitUntil || snippetHashs.isEmpty || !snippetHashs.values.toIterator.contains(Empty)) ()
        else {
          snippetHashs.wait(waitUntil - myMillis)


    val processedSnippets: Map[String, NodeSeq] = Map(snippetHashs.toList.flatMap {
      case (name, Full(value)) => List((name, value))
      case (name, f: Failure) => List((name, LiftRules.deferredSnippetFailure.vend(f)))
      case (name, Empty) => List((name, LiftRules.deferredSnippetTimeout.vend))
      case _ => Nil
    }: _*)

    val hasHtmlHeadAndBody: Boolean = xhtml.find {
      case e: Elem if e.label == "html" =>
        e.child.find {
          case e: Elem if e.label == "head" => true
          case _ => false
        }.isDefined &&
                e.child.find {
                  case e: Elem if e.label == "body" => true
                  case _ => false
      case _ => false

    var htmlTag = <html xmlns="" xmlns:lift=''/>
    var headTag = <head/>
    var bodyTag = <body/>
    val headChildren = new ListBuffer[Node]
    val bodyChildren = new ListBuffer[Node]
    val addlHead = new ListBuffer[Node]
    addlHead ++= S.forHead()
    val addlTail = new ListBuffer[Node]
    addlTail ++= S.atEndOfBody()
    val cometTimes = new ListBuffer[CometVersionPair]
    val rewrite = URLRewriter.rewriteFunc
    val fixHref = Req.fixHref

    val contextPath: String = S.contextPath

    def fixAttrs(original: MetaData, toFix: String, attrs: MetaData, fixURL: Boolean): MetaData = attrs match {
      case Null => Null
      case p: PrefixedAttribute if p.key == "when" && p.pre == "lift" =>
        val when = p.value.text
        original.find(a => !a.isPrefixed && a.key == "id").map {
          id =>
                  cometTimes += CVP(id.value.text, when.toLong)
        fixAttrs(original, toFix,, fixURL)
      case u: UnprefixedAttribute if u.key == toFix =>
        new UnprefixedAttribute(toFix, fixHref(contextPath, attrs.value, fixURL, rewrite), fixAttrs(original, toFix,, fixURL))
      case _ => attrs.copy(fixAttrs(original, toFix,, fixURL))


    def _fixHtml(in: NodeSeq, _inHtml: Boolean, _inHead: Boolean, _justHead: Boolean, _inBody: Boolean, _justBody: Boolean, _bodyHead: Boolean, _bodyTail: Boolean, doMergy: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
      in.flatMap {
        v =>
                var inHtml = _inHtml
                var inHead = _inHead
                var justHead = false
                var justBody = false
                var inBody = _inBody
                var bodyHead = false
                var bodyTail = false

                v match {
                  case e: Elem if e.label == "html" && 
                  !inHtml => htmlTag = e; inHtml = true && doMergy

                  case e: Elem if e.label == "head" && inHtml && 
                  !inBody => headTag = e; 
                  inHead = true && doMergy; justHead = true && doMergy

                  case e: Elem if (e.label == "head" || 
                                   e.label.startsWith("head_")) && 
                  inHtml && inBody => bodyHead = true && doMergy

                  case e: Elem if e.label == "tail" && inHtml && 
                  inBody => bodyTail = true && doMergy

                  case e: Elem if e.label == "body" && inHtml =>
                    bodyTag = e; inBody = true && doMergy; 
                  justBody = true && doMergy

                  case _ =>

                val ret: NodeSeq = v match {
                  case Group(nodes) => Group(_fixHtml(nodes, inHtml, inHead, justHead, inBody, justBody, bodyHead, bodyTail, doMergy))

                  // if it's a deferred node, grab it from the deferred list
                  case e: Elem if e.label == "node" && e.prefix == "lift_deferred" =>
                      attr <- e.attributes("id")
                      nodes <- processedSnippets.get(attr).toList
                      node <- _fixHtml(nodes, inHtml, inHead, justHead, inBody, justBody, bodyHead, bodyTail, doMergy)
                    } yield node

                  case e: Elem if e.label == "form" => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs(v.attributes, "action", v.attributes, true), v.scope, _fixHtml(v.child, inHtml, inHead, justHead, inBody, justBody, bodyHead, bodyTail, doMergy): _*)
                  case e: Elem if e.label == "script" => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs(v.attributes, "src", v.attributes, false), v.scope, _fixHtml(v.child, inHtml, inHead, justHead, inBody, justBody, bodyHead, bodyTail, doMergy): _*)
                  case e: Elem if e.label == "a" => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs(v.attributes, "href", v.attributes, true), v.scope, _fixHtml(v.child, inHtml, inHead, justHead, inBody, justBody, bodyHead, bodyTail, doMergy): _*)
                  case e: Elem if e.label == "link" => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs(v.attributes, "href", v.attributes, false), v.scope, _fixHtml(v.child, inHtml, inHead, justHead, inBody, justBody, bodyHead, bodyTail, doMergy): _*)
                  case e: Elem => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs(v.attributes, "src", v.attributes, true), v.scope, _fixHtml(v.child, inHtml, inHead, justHead, inBody, justBody, bodyHead, bodyTail, doMergy): _*)
                  case c: Comment if stripComments => NodeSeq.Empty
                  case _ => v
                if (_justHead) headChildren ++= ret
                else if (_justBody && !bodyHead && !bodyTail) bodyChildren ++= ret
                else if (_bodyHead) addlHead ++= ret
                else if (_bodyTail) addlTail ++= ret

                if (bodyHead || bodyTail) Text("")
                else ret

    if (!hasHtmlHeadAndBody) {
      val fixedHtml = _fixHtml(xhtml, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false)

      fixedHtml.find {
        case e: Elem => true
        case _ => false
      } getOrElse Text("")
    } else {
      _fixHtml(xhtml, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true)

      val htmlKids = new ListBuffer[Node]

      val nl = Text("\n")

        node <- HeadHelper.removeHtmlDuplicates(addlHead.toList)
      } {
        headChildren += node
        headChildren += nl

      // Appends ajax stript to body
      if (LiftRules.autoIncludeAjax(this)) {
        bodyChildren +=
                <script src={S.encodeURL(contextPath + "/" +
                        LiftRules.ajaxPath +
                        "/" + LiftRules.ajaxScriptName())}
        bodyChildren += nl

      val cometList = cometTimes.toList

      // Appends comet stript reference to head
      if (!cometList.isEmpty && LiftRules.autoIncludeComet(this)) {
        bodyChildren +=
                <script src={S.encodeURL(contextPath + "/" +
                        LiftRules.cometPath +
                        "/" + urlEncode(this.uniqueId) +
                        "/" + LiftRules.cometScriptName())}
        bodyChildren += nl

      S.jsToAppend match {
        case Nil => 
        case x :: Nil => addlTail += js.JsCmds.Script(x)
        case xs => addlTail += js.JsCmds.Script(xs.foldLeft(js.JsCmds.Noop)(_ & _))

        node <- HeadHelper.removeHtmlDuplicates(addlTail.toList)
      } bodyChildren += node

      bodyChildren += nl

      if (!cometList.isEmpty && LiftRules.autoIncludeComet(this)) {
        bodyChildren += JsCmds.Script(LiftRules.renderCometPageContents(this, cometList))
        bodyChildren += nl

      if (LiftRules.enableLiftGC && stateful_?) {
        import js._
        import JsCmds._
        import JE._

        bodyChildren += JsCmds.Script((if (!cometList.isEmpty || hasFuncsForOwner(RenderVersion.get)) OnLoad(JsRaw("liftAjax.lift_successRegisterGC()")) else Noop) &
                JsCrVar("lift_page", RenderVersion.get))

      htmlKids += nl
      htmlKids += Elem(headTag.prefix, headTag.label, headTag.attributes, headTag.scope, headChildren.toList: _*)
      htmlKids += nl
      htmlKids += Elem(bodyTag.prefix, bodyTag.label, bodyTag.attributes, bodyTag.scope, bodyChildren.toList: _*)
      htmlKids += nl

      val tmpRet = Elem(htmlTag.prefix, htmlTag.label, htmlTag.attributes, htmlTag.scope, htmlKids.toList: _*)

      val ret: Node = if (Props.devMode) {
        LiftRules.xhtmlValidator.toList.flatMap(_(tmpRet)) match {
          case Nil => tmpRet
          case xs =>
            import scala.xml.transform._

            val errors: NodeSeq = =>
                    <div style="border: red solid 2px">XHTML Validation error:{e.msg}at line{e.line + 1}and column{e.col}
) val rule = new RewriteRule { override def transform(n: Node) = n match { case e: Elem if e.label == "body" => Elem(e.prefix, e.label, e.attributes, e.scope, e.child ++ errors: _*) case x => super.transform(x) } } (new RuleTransformer(rule)).transform(tmpRet)(0) } } else tmpRet ret } } }

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftMerge.scala source code file:

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