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Lift Framework example source code file (LiftSession.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (LiftSession.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

box, box, empty, full, full, io, list, metadata, nil, nodeseq, nodeseq, reflection, string, string, t, threading, threads, unit, util

The Lift Framework LiftSession.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package http

import java.lang.reflect.{Method, Modifier, InvocationTargetException}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.Locale

import collection.mutable.{HashMap, ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import reflect.Manifest
import xml._

import common._
import Box._
import actor._
import util._
import Helpers._
import http.js.{JsCmd, AjaxInfo}
import builtin.snippet._
import js._
import provider._

object LiftSession {

   * Returns a reference to a LiftSession dictated by LiftRules#sessionCreator function.
  def apply(session: HTTPSession, contextPath: String) =
    LiftRules.sessionCreator(session, contextPath)

  def apply(request: Req): LiftSession =
    if (request.stateless_?) LiftRules.statelessSession.vend.apply(request)
    else this.apply(request.request.session, request.request.contextPath)

   * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is activated
  var onSessionActivate: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil

   * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is passivated
  var onSessionPassivate: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil

   * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is setup
  var onSetupSession: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil

   * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is about to be terminated
  var onAboutToShutdownSession: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil

   * Holds user's functions that will be called when the session is terminated
  var onShutdownSession: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil

   * Holds user's functions that will be called when a stateful request is about to be processed
  var onBeginServicing: List[(LiftSession, Req) => Unit] = Nil

   * After the session is created, if you need to do anything within
   * the context of the session (like set SessionVars, etc),
   * add the function to this list
  var afterSessionCreate: List[(LiftSession, Req) => Unit] = Nil

   * Holds user's functions that will be called when a stateful request has been processed
  var onEndServicing: List[(LiftSession, Req, Box[LiftResponse]) => Unit] = Nil

  @volatile private var constructorCache: Map[(Class[_], Box[Class[_]]), Box[ConstructorType]] = Map()

  private[http] def constructFrom[T](session: LiftSession, pp: Box[ParamPair], clz: Class[T]): Box[T] = {
    def calcConstructor(): Box[ConstructorType] = {
      val const = clz.getDeclaredConstructors()

      def nullConstructor(): Box[ConstructorType] =
        const.find(_.getParameterTypes.length == 0).map(const => UnitConstructor(const))

      pp match {
        case Full(ParamPair(value, clz)) =>
          const.find {
            cp => {
              cp.getParameterTypes.length == 2 &&
                cp.getParameterTypes().apply(0).isAssignableFrom(clz) &&
            map(const => PAndSessionConstructor(const)) orElse
            const.find {
              cp => {
                cp.getParameterTypes.length == 1 &&
              map(const => PConstructor(const)) orElse nullConstructor()

        case _ =>

    (if (Props.devMode) {
      // no caching in dev mode
    } else {
      val key = (clz ->
      constructorCache.get(key) match {
        case Some(v) => v
        case _ => {
          val nv = calcConstructor()
          constructorCache += (key -> nv)
    }).map {
      case uc: UnitConstructor => uc.makeOne
      case pc: PConstructor => pc.makeOne(pp.open_!.v) // open_! okay
      case psc: PAndSessionConstructor => psc.makeOne(pp.open_!.v, session)

   * Check to see if the template is marked designer friendly
   * and lop off the stuff before the first surround
  @deprecated("Use Templates.checkForContentId")
  def checkForContentId(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq =


private[http] case class AddSession(session: LiftSession)

private[http] case class RemoveSession(sessionId: String)

case class SessionWatcherInfo(sessions: Map[String, SessionInfo])

 * Information about sessions
case class SessionInfo(session: LiftSession, userAgent: Box[String], ipAddress: Box[String], requestCnt: Int, lastAccess: Long)

 * Manages LiftSessions because the servlet container is less than optimal at
 * timing sessions out.
object SessionMaster extends LiftActor with Loggable {
  private var sessions: Map[String, SessionInfo] = Map.empty

  private object CheckAndPurge

   * If you have a rule other than <pre>Box !! req.request.remoteAddress
* for calculating the remote address, change this function */ @volatile var getIpFromReq: Req => Box[String] = req => Box !! req.request.remoteAddress /** * A list of functions that are run every 10 seconds. The first param is * map containing the session ID and the sessions. The second param is a function * to call to destroy the session. */ @volatile var sessionCheckFuncs: List[(Map[String, SessionInfo], SessionInfo => Unit) => Unit] = ((ses: Map[String, SessionInfo], destroyer: SessionInfo => Unit) => { val now = millis for ((id, info@SessionInfo(session, _, _, _, _)) <- ses.iterator) { if (now - session.lastServiceTime > session.inactivityLength || session.markedForTermination) {" Session " + id + " expired") destroyer(info) } else { session.doCometActorCleanup() session.cleanupUnseenFuncs() } } }) :: Nil def getSession(req: Req, otherId: Box[String]): Box[LiftSession] = { this.synchronized { otherId.flatMap(sessions.get) match { case Full(session) => lockAndBump(Full(session)) // for stateless requests, vend a stateless session if none is found case _ if req.stateless_? => lockAndBump { req.sessionId.flatMap(sessions.get) } or Full(LiftRules.statelessSession.vend.apply(req)) case _ => getSession(req.request, otherId) } } } def getSession(id: String, otherId: Box[String]): Box[LiftSession] = lockAndBump { otherId.flatMap(sessions.get) or Box(sessions.get(id)) } /** * Put an Actor in this list and the Actor will receive a message * every 10 seconds with the current list of sessions: * SessionWatcherInfo */ @volatile var sessionWatchers: List[LiftActor] = Nil /** * Returns a LiftSession or Empty if not found */ def getSession(httpSession: => HTTPSession, otherId: Box[String]): Box[LiftSession] = lockAndBump { otherId.flatMap(sessions.get) or Box(sessions.get(httpSession.sessionId)) } /** * Returns a LiftSession or Empty if not found */ def getSession(req: HTTPRequest, otherId: Box[String]): Box[LiftSession] = lockAndBump { otherId.flatMap(sessions.get) or req.sessionId.flatMap(id => sessions.get(id)) } /** * Increments the count and last access time for the session */ private def lockAndBump(f: => Box[SessionInfo]): Box[LiftSession] = this.synchronized { { s => sessions += s.session.uniqueId -> SessionInfo(s.session, s.userAgent, s.ipAddress, s.requestCnt + 1, millis) s.session } } private def lockRead[T](f: => T): T = this.synchronized { f } private def lockWrite[T](f: => T): T = this.synchronized { f } /** * Adds a new session to SessionMaster */ def addSession(liftSession: LiftSession, req: Req, userAgent: Box[String], ipAddress: Box[String]) { lockAndBump { Full(SessionInfo(liftSession, userAgent, ipAddress, -1, 0L)) // bumped twice during session creation. Ticket #529 DPP } S.init(req, liftSession) { liftSession.startSession() LiftSession.afterSessionCreate.foreach(_(liftSession, req)) } liftSession.httpSession.foreach( } protected def messageHandler = reaction /** * Shut down all sessions */ private[http] def shutDownAllSessions() { val ses = lockRead(sessions) ses.foreach { case (key, sess) => if (!sess.session.markedForShutDown_?) { sess.session.markedForShutDown_? = true this ! RemoveSession(key) } } while (true) { val s2 = lockRead(sessions) if (s2.size == 0) return Thread.sleep(50) } } private val reaction: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = { case RemoveSession(sessionId) => val ses = lockRead(sessions) ses.get(sessionId).foreach { case SessionInfo(s, _, _, _, _) => s.markedForShutDown_? = true Schedule.schedule(() => { try { s.doShutDown try { s.httpSession.foreach(_.unlink(s)) } catch { case e: Exception => // ignore... sometimes you can't do this and it's okay } } catch { case e: Exception => logger.warn("Failure in remove session", e) } }, 0 seconds) lockWrite { sessions = sessions - sessionId } } case CheckAndPurge => val ses = lockRead { sessions } for { f <- sessionCheckFuncs } { if (Props.inGAE) { f(ses, shutDown => { if (!shutDown.session.markedForShutDown_?) { shutDown.session.markedForShutDown_? = true this.sendMsg(RemoveSession(shutDown.session.uniqueId)) } }) } else { Schedule.schedule(() => f(ses, shutDown => { if (!shutDown.session.markedForShutDown_?) { shutDown.session. markedForShutDown_? = true this ! RemoveSession(shutDown. session. uniqueId) } } ), 0 seconds) } } if (!Props.inGAE) { sessionWatchers.foreach(_ ! SessionWatcherInfo(ses)) doPing() } } private[http] def sendMsg(in: Any): Unit = if (!Props.inGAE) this ! in else { lockWrite { tryo { if (reaction.isDefinedAt(in)) reaction.apply(in) } } } private def doPing() { if (!Props.inGAE) { try { Schedule.schedule(this, CheckAndPurge, 10 seconds) } catch { case e: Exception => logger.error("Couldn't start SessionMaster ping", e) } } } doPing() } object PageName extends RequestVar[String]("") /** * Information about the page garbage collection */ private[http] object RenderVersion { private object ver extends RequestVar(Helpers.nextFuncName) def get: String = def doWith[T](v: String)(f: => T): T = ver.doWith(v)(f) def set(value: String) { ver(value) } } /** * A trait defining how stateful the session is */ trait HowStateful { private val howStateful = new ThreadGlobal[Boolean] /** * Test the statefulness of this session. */ def stateful_? = openOr true /** * There may be cases when you are allowed container state (e.g., * migratory session, but you're not allowed to write Lift * non-migratory state, return true here. */ def allowContainerState_? = openOr true /** * Within the scope of the call, this session is forced into * statelessness. This allows for certain URLs in on the site * to be stateless and not generate a session, but if a valid * session is presented, they have the scope of that session/User */ def doAsStateless[A](f: => A): A = howStateful.doWith(false)(f) } /** * Sessions that include this trait will not be retained past the current * request and will give notifications of failure if stateful features * of Lift are accessed */ trait StatelessSession extends HowStateful { self: LiftSession => override def stateful_? = false override def allowContainerState_? = false } /** * Sessions that include this trait will only have access to the container's * state via ContainerVars. This mode is "migratory" so that a session * can migrate across app servers. In this mode, functions that * access Lift state will give notifications of failure if stateful features * of Lift are accessed */ trait MigratorySession extends HowStateful { self: LiftSession => override def stateful_? = false } /** * Keeps information around about what kinds of functions are run * at the end of page rendering. The results of these functions will be * appended to the bottom of the page. * * @param renderVersion -- the page ID (aka the RenderVersion) * @param functionCount -- the number of functions in the collection * @param lastSeen -- page of the page-level GC * @param functions -- the list of functions to run */ private final case class PostPageFunctions(renderVersion: String, functionCount: Int, longLife: Boolean, lastSeen: Long, functions: List[() => JsCmd]) { /** * Create a new instance based on the last seen time */ def updateLastSeen = new PostPageFunctions(renderVersion, functionCount, longLife, Helpers.millis, functions) } /** * The LiftSession class containg the session state information */ class LiftSession(private[http] val _contextPath: String, val uniqueId: String, val httpSession: Box[HTTPSession]) extends LiftMerge with Loggable with HowStateful { val sessionHtmlProperties: SessionVar[HtmlProperties] = new SessionVar[HtmlProperties](LiftRules.htmlProperties.vend( S.request openOr Req.nil )) {} val requestHtmlProperties: TransientRequestVar[HtmlProperties] = new TransientRequestVar[HtmlProperties]( {} @volatile private[http] var markedForTermination = false @volatile private var _running_? = false /** * Was this session marked for shutdown... if so, * don't remark */ @volatile private[http] var markedForShutDown_? = false private val fullPageLoad = new ThreadGlobal[Boolean] { def ? = openOr false } /** * ****IMPORTANT**** when you access messageCallback, it *MUST* * be in a block that's synchronized on the owner LiftSession */ private var messageCallback: HashMap[String, S.AFuncHolder] = new HashMap private[http] var notices: Seq[(NoticeType.Value, NodeSeq, Box[String])] = Nil private var asyncComponents = new HashMap[(Box[String], Box[String]), LiftCometActor]() private var asyncById = new HashMap[String, LiftCometActor]() private var myVariables: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty private var onSessionEnd: List[LiftSession => Unit] = Nil private val sessionVarSync = new Object /** * A mapping between pages denoted by RenderVersion and * functions to execute at the end of the page rendering */ private var postPageFunctions: Map[String, PostPageFunctions] = Map() /** * The synchronization lock for the postPageFunctions */ private val postPageLock = new Object @volatile private[http] var lastServiceTime = millis @volatile private[http] var inactivityLength: Long = LiftRules.sessionInactivityTimeout.vend openOr ((30 minutes): Long) private[http] var highLevelSessionDispatcher = new HashMap[String, LiftRules.DispatchPF]() private[http] var sessionRewriter = new HashMap[String, LiftRules.RewritePF]() private object snippetMap extends RequestVar[Map[String, AnyRef]](Map()) private[http] object deferredSnippets extends RequestVar[HashMap[String, Box[NodeSeq]]](new HashMap) private object cometSetup extends SessionVar[List[((Box[String], Box[String]), Any)]](Nil) private[http] def startSession(): Unit = { _running_? = true for (sess <- httpSession) { // calculate the inactivity length. If the length is // defined in LiftRules and it's less than the container's length // then use the Lift length. Why not use it if the Lift length is // longer? Well, the container's just going to time you out, so // why bother. inactivityLength = (sess.maxInactiveInterval * 1000L, LiftRules.sessionInactivityTimeout.vend) match { case (container, Full(lift)) if lift < container => lift case (container, _) => container } } lastServiceTime = millis LiftSession.onSetupSession.foreach(_(this)) // cause the properties to be calculated } def running_? = _running_? private var cometList: List[(LiftActor, Req)] = Nil private[http] def breakOutComet(): Unit = { val cl = synchronized { cometList } cl.foreach(_._1 ! BreakOut()) } private[http] def cometForHost(hostAndPath: String): List[(LiftActor, Req)] = synchronized { cometList }.filter { case (_, r) => r.hostAndPath == hostAndPath } private[http] def enterComet(what: (LiftActor, Req)): Unit = synchronized { cometList = what :: cometList } private[http] def exitComet(what: LiftActor): Unit = synchronized { cometList = cometList.filterNot(_._1 eq what) } private case class RunnerHolder(name: String, func: S.AFuncHolder, owner: Box[String]) object ieMode extends SessionVar[Boolean](LiftRules.calcIEMode()) { override private[liftweb] def magicSessionVar_? = true } def terminateHint { if (_running_?) { markedForTermination = true; } } /** * Executes the user's functions based on the query parameters */ def runParams(state: Req): List[Any] = { val toRun = { // get all the commands, sorted by owner, ( ::: state.paramNames).distinct. flatMap { n => synchronized { messageCallback.get(n) }.map(mcb => RunnerHolder(n, mcb, mcb.owner)) }. sortWith { case (RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(a)), RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(b))) if a < b => true case (RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(a)), RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(b))) if a > b => false case (RunnerHolder(an, _, Full(a)), RunnerHolder(bn, _, Full(b))) if a == b => an < bn case (RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(_)), _) => false case (_, RunnerHolder(_, _, Full(_))) => true case (RunnerHolder(a, _, _), RunnerHolder(b, _, _)) => a < b case _ => false } } def buildFunc(i: RunnerHolder): () => Any = i.func match { case bfh if bfh.supportsFileParams_? => () => state.uploadedFiles.filter( == => bfh(v)) case normal => () => normal(state.params.getOrElse(, state.uploadedFiles.filter( == } val ret = { w => val f = toRun.filter(_.owner == w) w match { // if it's going to a CometActor, batch up the commands case Full(id) if asyncById.contains(id) => asyncById.get(id).toList. flatMap(a => a.!?(5000L, ActionMessageSet( => buildFunc(i)), state)) match { case Full(li: List[_]) => li case li: List[_] => li case other => Nil }) case _ => => buildFunc(i).apply()) } } ret } /** * Updates the internal functions mapping */ def updateFunctionMap(funcs: Map[String, S.AFuncHolder], uniqueId: String, when: Long): Unit = synchronized { funcs.foreach { case (name, func) => messageCallback(name) = func.duplicate(uniqueId) } } def removeFunction(name: String) = synchronized { messageCallback -= name } /** * Set your session-specific progress listener for mime uploads * pBytesRead - The total number of bytes, which have been read so far. * pContentLength - The total number of bytes, which are being read. May be -1, if this number is unknown. * pItems - The number of the field, which is currently being read. (0 = no item so far, 1 = first item is being read, ...) */ var progressListener: Box[(Long, Long, Int) => Unit] = Empty /** * Called just before the session exits. If there's clean-up work, override this method */ private[http] def cleanUpSession() { messageCallback = HashMap.empty notices = Nil asyncComponents.clear asyncById = HashMap.empty myVariables = Map.empty onSessionEnd = Nil postPageFunctions = Map() highLevelSessionDispatcher = HashMap.empty sessionRewriter = HashMap.empty } private[http] def fixSessionTime(): Unit = synchronized { for (httpSession <- this.httpSession) { lastServiceTime = millis // DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE!!!!! val diff = lastServiceTime - httpSession.lastAccessedTime val maxInactive = httpSession.maxInactiveInterval.toInt val togo: Int = maxInactive - (diff / 1000L).toInt // if we're within 2 minutes of session timeout and // the Servlet session doesn't seem to have been updated, // extends the lifespan of the HttpSession if (diff > 1000L && togo < 120) { httpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval(maxInactive + 120) } } } private[http] def doCometActorCleanup(): Unit = { val acl = synchronized { this.asyncComponents.values.toList } acl.foreach(_ ! ShutdownIfPastLifespan) } /** * Adds a cleanup function that will be executed when session is terminated */ def addSessionCleanup(f: LiftSession => Unit): Unit = synchronized { onSessionEnd = f :: onSessionEnd } /** * Destroy this session and the underlying container session. */ def destroySession() { S.request.foreach(_.request.session.terminate) this.doShutDown() } private[http] def doShutDown() { if (running_?) { // only deal with comet on stateful sessions // stateless temporary sessions bar comet use if (stateful_?) { val cl = synchronized { cometList } if (cl.length > 0) { this.breakOutComet() Thread.sleep(100) } } this.shutDown() } } /** * Puts the correct thread locking around access to postPageFunctions */ private def accessPostPageFuncs[T](f: => T): T = { postPageLock.synchronized { f } } private[http] def cleanupUnseenFuncs(): Unit = { if (LiftRules.enableLiftGC && stateful_?) { val now = millis accessPostPageFuncs { for { (key, pageInfo) <- postPageFunctions } if (!pageInfo.longLife && (now - pageInfo.lastSeen) > LiftRules.unusedFunctionsLifeTime) { postPageFunctions -= key } } synchronized { messageCallback.foreach { case (k, f) => if (!f.sessionLife && f.owner.isDefined && (now - f.lastSeen) > LiftRules.unusedFunctionsLifeTime) { messageCallback -= k } } } } } /** * Clear the PostPage JavaScript functions for the current page. * This is used by CometActor to remove the PostPage JavaScript * functions from the given component during redraw. */ def clearPostPageJavaScriptForThisPage() { testStatefulFeature { accessPostPageFuncs { val rv: String = RenderVersion.get postPageFunctions -= rv } } } /** * Associate a function that renders JavaScript with the current page. * This function will be run and the resulting JavaScript will be appended * to any rendering associated with this page... the normal page render, * Ajax calls, and even Comet calls for this page. * * @param func -- the function that returns JavaScript to be appended to * responses associated with this page */ def addPostPageJavaScript(func: () => JsCmd) { testStatefulFeature { accessPostPageFuncs { // The page or cometactor that the functions are associated with val rv: String = RenderVersion.get val old = postPageFunctions.getOrElse(rv, PostPageFunctions(rv, 0, S.currentCometActor. isDefined, Helpers.millis, Nil)) val updated = PostPageFunctions(old.renderVersion, old.functionCount + 1, old.longLife, Helpers.millis, func :: old.functions) postPageFunctions += (rv -> updated) } } } def postPageJavaScript(rv: String): List[JsCmd] = { def org = accessPostPageFuncs { val ret = postPageFunctions.get(rv) ret.foreach { r => postPageFunctions += (rv -> r.updateLastSeen) } ret } org match { case None => Nil case Some(ppf) => { val lb = new ListBuffer[JsCmd] def run(count: Int, funcs: List[() => JsCmd]) { funcs.reverse.foreach(f => lb += f()) val next = org.get // safe to do get here because we know the // postPageFunc is defined val diff = next.functionCount - count // if the function table is updated, make sure to get // the additional functions if (diff == 0) {} else { run(next.functionCount, next.functions.take(diff)) } } run(ppf.functionCount, ppf.functions) lb.toList } } } /** * Get the post-page JavaScript functions for a sequence of page IDs. * This is used by the CometActor to get the post-page JavaScript functions * for the comet actor and for the page the the comet actor is associated with */ def postPageJavaScript(pageIds: Seq[String]): List[JsCmd] = { for { rv <- pageIds.toList.distinct js <- postPageJavaScript(rv) } yield js } /** * Get the JavaScript to execute as part of the current page */ def postPageJavaScript(): List[JsCmd] = postPageJavaScript(RenderVersion.get) /** * Updates the timestamp of the functions owned by this owner and return the * number of updated functions */ private[http] def updateFuncByOwner(ownerName: String, time: Long): Int = { accessPostPageFuncs { for { funcInfo <- postPageFunctions.get(ownerName) } postPageFunctions += (ownerName -> funcInfo.updateLastSeen) } synchronized { (0 /: messageCallback)((l, v) => l + (v._2.owner match { case Full(owner) if (owner == ownerName) => v._2.lastSeen = time 1 case Empty => v._2.lastSeen = time 1 case _ => 0 })) } } /** * Returns true if there are functions bound for this owner */ private[http] def hasFuncsForOwner(owner: String): Boolean = synchronized { !messageCallback.find(_._2.owner == owner).isEmpty } private def shutDown() = { var done: List[() => Unit] = Nil S.initIfUninitted(this) { onSessionEnd.foreach(_(this)) synchronized { LiftSession.onAboutToShutdownSession.foreach(_(this)) _running_? = false SessionMaster.sendMsg(RemoveSession(this.uniqueId)) asyncComponents.foreach { case (_, comp) => done ::= (() => tryo(comp ! ShutDown)) } cleanUpSession() LiftSession.onShutdownSession.foreach(f => done ::= (() => f(this))) } } done.foreach(_.apply()) } /** * Find the template assocaited with the Loc */ private[http] def locTemplate: Box[NodeSeq] = for (loc <- S.location; template <- loc.template) yield template /** * Define the context path for this session. This allows different * sessions to have different context paths. */ def contextPath = LiftRules.calculateContextPath() openOr _contextPath /** * Convert a template into a Lift Response. * * @param template -- the NodeSeq that makes up the page... or the template * will be located via findVisibleTemplate * @param request -- the Req the led to this rendering * @param path -- the ParsePath that led to this page * @param code -- the HTTP response code (usually 200) * * @returns a Box of LiftResponse with all the proper page rewriting */ def processTemplate(template: Box[NodeSeq], request: Req, path: ParsePath, code: Int): Box[LiftResponse] = { overrideResponseCode.doWith(Empty) { (template or findVisibleTemplate(path, request)).map { xhtml => fullPageLoad.doWith(true) { // allow parallel snippets // Phase 1: snippets & templates processing val rawXml: NodeSeq = processSurroundAndInclude(PageName get, xhtml) // Make sure that functions have the right owner. It is important for this to // happen before the merge phase so that in merge to have a correct view of // mapped functions and their owners. updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, RenderVersion get, millis) // Clear the function map after copying it... but it // might get some nifty new functions during the merge phase S.clearFunctionMap // Phase 2: Head & Tail merge, add additional elements to body & head val xml = merge(rawXml, request) // But we need to update the function map because there // may be addition functions created during the JsToAppend processing // See issue #983 updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, RenderVersion get, millis) notices = Nil // Phase 3: Response conversion including fixHtml LiftRules.convertResponse((xml, openOr code), S.getHeaders(LiftRules.defaultHeaders((xml, request))), S.responseCookies, request) } } } } private object overrideResponseCode extends TransientRequestVar[Box[Int]](Empty) /** * If the sitemap entry for this Req is marked stateless, * run the rest of the request as stateless */ private def checkStatelessInSiteMap[T](req: Req)(f: => T): T = { req.location match { case Full(loc) if loc.stateless_? => this.doAsStateless(f) case _ => f } } /** * Destroy the current session, then create a new session and * continue the execution of the code. The continuation function * must return Nothing (it must throw an exception... this is typically * done by calling S.redirectTo(...)). This method is * useful for changing sessions on login. Issue #727. */ def destroySessionAndContinueInNewSession(continuation: () => Nothing): Nothing = { throw new ContinueResponseException(continuation) } private[http] def processRequest(request: Req, continuation: Box[() => Nothing]): Box[LiftResponse] = { // make sure this is primed S.oldNotices(notices) LiftSession.onBeginServicing.foreach(f => tryo(f(this, request))) val ret = try { // run the continuation in the new session // if there is a continuation continuation match { case Full(func) => { func() S.redirectTo("/") } case _ => // do nothing } val sessionDispatch = S.highLevelSessionDispatcher val toMatch = request NamedPF.applyBox(toMatch, sessionDispatch) match { case Full(f) => runParams(request) try { f() match { case Full(r) => Full(checkRedirect(r)) case _ => LiftRules.notFoundOrIgnore(request, Full(this)) } } finally { notices = S.getAllNotices } case _ => RenderVersion.get // touch this early runParams(request) val early = LiftRules.preAccessControlResponse_!!.firstFull(request) // Process but make sure we're okay, sitemap wise val response: Box[LiftResponse] = early or (request.testLocation match { case Left(true) => checkStatelessInSiteMap(request) { cleanUpBeforeRender PageName(request.uri + " -> " + request.path) LiftRules.allowParallelSnippets.doWith(() => !Props.inGAE) { (request.location.flatMap(_.earlyResponse) or LiftRules.earlyResponse.firstFull(request)) or (processTemplate(locTemplate, request, request.path, 200) or request.createNotFound { processTemplate(Empty, request, _, 404) }) } } case Right(Full(resp)) => Full(resp) case _ if (LiftRules.passNotFoundToChain) => Empty case _ if Props.mode == Props.RunModes.Development => request.createNotFound { processTemplate(Empty, request, _, 404) } or Full(ForbiddenResponse("The requested page was not defined in your SiteMap, so access was blocked. (This message is displayed in development mode only)")) case _ => request.createNotFound { processTemplate(Empty, request, _, 404) } }) // Before returning the response check for redirect and set the appropriate state. } } catch { case ContinueResponseException(cre) => throw cre case ite: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException if (ite.getCause.isInstanceOf[ResponseShortcutException]) => Full(handleRedirect(ite.getCause.asInstanceOf[ResponseShortcutException], request)) case rd: net.liftweb.http.ResponseShortcutException => Full(handleRedirect(rd, request)) case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => throw e case e => NamedPF.applyBox((Props.mode, request, e), LiftRules.exceptionHandler.toList); } LiftSession.onEndServicing.foreach(f => tryo(f(this, request, ret))) ret } /** * Merge all the head elements into the main head element and move tail stuff to the end of the * page. */ def performHeadMerge(in: NodeSeq, req: Req): Node = merge(in, req) private def cleanUpBeforeRender { // Reset the mapping between ID and Style for Ajax notices. MsgErrorMeta(new HashMap) MsgWarningMeta(new HashMap) MsgNoticeMeta(new HashMap) } private[http] def handleRedirect(re: ResponseShortcutException, request: Req): LiftResponse = { if (re.doNotices) notices = S.getAllNotices re.response } /** * Set a session-local variable to a value * * @param name -- the name of the variable * @param value -- the value of the variable */ private[liftweb] def set[T](name: String, value: T): Unit = sessionVarSync.synchronized { myVariables = myVariables + (name -> value) } /** * Gets the named variable if it exists * * @param name -- the name of the session-local variable to get * * @return Full ( value ) if found, Empty otherwise */ private[liftweb] def get[T](name: String): Box[T] = sessionVarSync.synchronized { Box(myVariables.get(name)).asInstanceOf[Box[T]] } /** * Unset the named variable * * @param name the variable to unset */ private[liftweb] def unset(name: String): Unit = sessionVarSync.synchronized { myVariables -= name } private[http] def attachRedirectFunc(uri: String, f: Box[() => Unit]) = { f map { fnc => val func: String = LiftSession.this.synchronized { val funcName = Helpers.nextFuncName messageCallback(funcName) = S.NFuncHolder(() => { fnc() }) funcName } Helpers.appendFuncToURL(uri, func + "=_") } openOr uri } private[http] def checkRedirect(resp: LiftResponse): LiftResponse = resp match { case RedirectWithState(uri, state, cookies) => state.msgs.foreach(m => S.message(m._1, m._2)) notices = S.getAllNotices RedirectResponse(attachRedirectFunc(uri, state.func), cookies: _*) case _ => resp } private def allElems(in: NodeSeq, f: Elem => Boolean): List[Elem] = { val lb = new ListBuffer[Elem] def appendAll(in: NodeSeq, lb: ListBuffer[Elem]) { in.foreach { case Group(ns) => appendAll(ns, lb) case e: Elem if f(e) => lb += e; appendAll(e.child, lb) case e: Elem => appendAll(e.child, lb) case _ => } } appendAll(in, lb) lb.toList } private def findVisibleTemplate(path: ParsePath, session: Req): Box[NodeSeq] = { val tpath = path.partPath val splits = tpath.toList.filter { a => !a.startsWith("_") && !a.startsWith(".") && a.toLowerCase.indexOf("-hidden") == -1 } match { case s@_ if (!s.isEmpty) => s case _ => List("index") } Templates(splits, S.locale) } private[liftweb] def findTemplate(name: String): Box[NodeSeq] = { val splits = (if (name.startsWith("/")) name else "/" + name).split("/").toList.drop(1) match { case Nil => List("index") case s => s } Templates("templates-hidden" :: splits, S.locale) match { case Full(x) => Full(x) case f: Failure if Props.devMode => f case _ => Templates(splits, S.locale) } } /* * Given a Snippet name, try to determine the fully-qualified Class * so that we can instantiate it via reflection. */ private def findSnippetClass(name: String): Box[Class[AnyRef]] = { if (name == null) Empty else { // Name might contain some relative packages, so split them out and put them in the proper argument of findClass val (packageSuffix, terminal) = name.lastIndexOf('.') match { case -1 => ("", name) case i => ("." + name.substring(0, i), name.substring(i + 1)) } findClass(terminal, LiftRules.buildPackage("snippet").map(_ + packageSuffix) ::: (("" + packageSuffix) :: ("net.liftweb.builtin.snippet" + packageSuffix) :: Nil)) } } private def instantiateOrRedirect[T](c: Class[T]): Box[T] = { try { LiftSession.constructFrom(this, S.location.flatMap(_. => ParamPair(v, v.asInstanceOf[Object].getClass))), c) } catch { case e: IllegalAccessException => Empty } } private def findAttributeSnippet(attrValue: String, rest: MetaData, params: AnyRef*): MetaData = { S.doSnippet(attrValue) { val (cls, method) = splitColonPair(attrValue) first(LiftRules.snippetNamesToSearch.vend(cls)) { nameToTry => findSnippetClass(nameToTry) flatMap { clz => instantiateOrRedirect(clz) flatMap { inst => invokeMethod(clz, inst, method) or invokeMethod(clz, inst, method, params.toList.toArray) match { case Full(md: MetaData) => Full(md.copy(rest)) case _ => Empty } } } } openOr rest } } private object DotSplit { def unapply(in: String): Option[List[String]] = { val i = in.lastIndexOf('.') if (i >= 0) Some(List(in.substring(0, i), in.substring(i + 1))) else None } } private def colonToDot(in: String): String = { if (in.indexOf('/') >= 0) { val len = in.length() val ret = new java.lang.StringBuilder(len) var x = 0 while (x < len) { val c = in.charAt(x) if (c == '/') { ret.append('.') } else ret.append(c) x += 1 } ret.toString } else in } /** * Split a string separated by a point or by a column in 2 parts. Uses default values if only one is found or if no parts are found * @param in string to split * @return a pair containing the first and second parts */ private def splitColonPair(in: String): (String, String) = { (in match { case null => List("") case DotSplit(lst) => lst case s => s.roboSplit(":") }) match { case f :: s :: _ => (colonToDot(f), s) case f :: Nil => (colonToDot(f), "render") case _ => ("yikes dude, there's no method name defined", "render") } } /** * Finds a template named name and then runs it throught the Lift processing engine */ def findAndProcessTemplate(name: List[String]): Box[Elem] = { def findElem(in: NodeSeq): Box[Elem] = in.toList.flatMap { case e: Elem => Some(e) case _ => None } headOption for { template <- Templates(name, S.locale) ?~ ("Template " + name + " not found") res <- findElem(processSurroundAndInclude(name.mkString("/", "/", ""), template)) } yield res } private def processAttributes(in: MetaData): MetaData = { in match { case Null => Null case mine: PrefixedAttribute if (mine.pre == "lift") => { mine.key match { case s if s.indexOf('.') > -1 => findAttributeSnippet(s, processAttributes(, mine) case "snippet" => findAttributeSnippet(mine.value.text, processAttributes( case _ => mine.copy(processAttributes( } } case notMine => notMine.copy(processAttributes( } } /** * See if there's a object singleton with the right name */ private def findSnippetObject(cls: String): Box[AnyRef] = findSnippetClass(cls + "$").flatMap { c => tryo { val field = c.getField("MODULE$") field.get(null) } } /* * We need to locate a snippet instance for the given tag name. We look in * this order: * * 1. Check to see if a StatefulSnippet has already registered itself * 2. See if we have a custom snippet dispatch defined in LiftRules * 3. Locate a Class or Object based on the snippet name * * For the cases #2 and #3, we need to set the snippet name if the returned snippet * class is a StatefulSnippet so that the registration function works on return calls. */ private def findSnippetInstance(cls: String): Box[AnyRef] = S.snippetForClass(cls) or (LiftRules.snippet(cls) or findSnippetClass(cls).flatMap(c => instantiateOrRedirect(c) or findSnippetObject(cls))) match { case Full(inst: StatefulSnippet) => inst.addName(cls); S.overrideSnippetForClass(cls, inst); Full(inst) case Full(ret) => Full(ret) case fail: Failure => fail case _ => Empty } /** * Report a snippet error depending on what the run mode is */ private def reportSnippetError(page: String, snippetName: Box[String], why: LiftRules.SnippetFailures.Value, addlMsg: NodeSeq, whole: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { for { f <- LiftRules.snippetFailedFunc.toList } { f(LiftRules.SnippetFailure(page, snippetName, why)) } if (Props.devMode || Props.testMode) { overrideResponseCode.set(LiftRules.devModeFailureResponseCodeOverride) } Helpers.errorDiv( <div>Error processing snippet: <b> {snippetName openOr "N/A"} </b>
Reason: <b> {why}{addlMsg} </b>
XML causing this error: <br/> <pre style="background: lightgrey; padding: 6px; border: 1px solid"> {whole.toString} </pre> </div>) openOr NodeSeq.Empty } private final def findNSAttr(attrs: MetaData, prefix: String, key: String): Option[Seq[Node]] = attrs match { case Null => Empty case p: PrefixedAttribute if p.pre == prefix && p.key == key => Some(p.value) case x => findNSAttr(, prefix, key) } /** * Wrap an AFuncHolder with the current snippet and Loc context so that for Ajax calls, the original snippets, * RequestVars and Loc (location) are populated * * @param f the AFuncHolder that you want to wrap with execution context */ private[http] def contextFuncBuilder(f: S.AFuncHolder): S.AFuncHolder = { val currentMap = val curLoc = S.location val requestVarFunc: Function1[Function0[Any], Any] = RequestVarHandler.generateSnapshotRestorer() new S.ProxyFuncHolder(f) { override def apply(in: List[String]): Any = requestVarFunc(() => S.CurrentLocation.doWith(curLoc) { snippetMap.doWith( ++ currentMap) { super.apply(in) } } ) override def apply(in: FileParamHolder): Any = requestVarFunc(() => S.CurrentLocation.doWith(curLoc) { snippetMap.doWith( ++ currentMap) { super.apply(in) } } ) } } /** * During the HTTP request/response cycle or in a CometActor, * Lift populates "S" with information about the current session, * the current request, etc. This method allows you to wrap a * function in another function that will snapshot current state * (request vars, Req, Loc, etc.) such that when the returned * function is executed, it will be executed as if it had been * executed in the scope of the thread where it was create. * This allows you to farm work out to separate threads, but make * it look to those threads as if the scope was the same as if it * had been executed on the thread that created the function. */ def buildDeferredFunction[T](f: () => T): () => T = { val currentReq: Box[Req] = val renderVersion = RenderVersion.get val currentMap = val curLoc = S.location val requestVarFunc = RequestVarHandler.generateSnapshotRestorer[T]() () => { requestVarFunc(() => executeInScope(currentReq, renderVersion)(f())) } } def executeInScope[T](req: Box[Req], renderVersion: String)(f: => T): T = { def doExec(): T = { RenderVersion.set(renderVersion) try { f } finally { if (S.functionMap.size > 0) { this.updateFunctionMap(S.functionMap, renderVersion, millis) S.clearFunctionMap } } } req match { case Full(r) => S.init(r, this)(doExec()) case _ => S.initIfUninitted(this)(doExec()) } } private def processSnippet(page: String, snippetName: Box[String], attrs: MetaData, wholeTag: NodeSeq, passedKids: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { val isForm = !attrs.get("form").toList.isEmpty val eagerEval: Boolean = (attrs.get("eager_eval").map(toBoolean) or findNSAttr(attrs, "lift", "eager_eval").map(toBoolean) or findNSAttr(attrs, "l", "eager_eval").map(toBoolean) ) getOrElse false val kids = if (eagerEval) processSurroundAndInclude(page, passedKids) else passedKids // Locate a snippet as defined by our SiteMap Loc def locSnippet(snippet: String): Box[NodeSeq] = for (loc <- S.location; func <- loc.snippet(snippet)) yield func(kids) def locateAndCacheSnippet(tagName: String): Box[AnyRef] = or { first(LiftRules.snippetNamesToSearch.vend(tagName)) { nameToTry => val ret = findSnippetInstance(nameToTry) // Update the snippetMap so that we reuse the same instance in this request ret.foreach(s => snippetMap.set(, s))) ret } } val ret: NodeSeq = try { => S.doSnippet(snippet)( (S.locateMappedSnippet(snippet).map(_(kids)) or locSnippet(snippet)).openOr( S.locateSnippet(snippet).map(_(kids)) openOr { val (cls, method) = splitColonPair(snippet) (locateAndCacheSnippet(cls)) match { // deal with a stateless request when a snippet has // different behavior in stateless mode case Full(inst: StatelessBehavior) if !stateful_? => if (inst.statelessDispatch.isDefinedAt(method)) inst.statelessDispatch(method)(kids) else NodeSeq.Empty case Full(inst: StatefulSnippet) if !stateful_? => reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.StateInStateless, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) case Full(inst: StatefulSnippet) => if (inst.dispatch.isDefinedAt(method)) { val res = inst.dispatch(method)(kids) inst.mergeIntoForm(isForm, res, SHtml.hidden(() => inst.registerThisSnippet)) /* (if (isForm && !res.isEmpty) SHtml.hidden(() => inst.registerThisSnippet) else NodeSeq.Empty) ++ res*/ } else reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.StatefulDispatchNotMatched, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) case Full(inst: DispatchSnippet) => if (inst.dispatch.isDefinedAt(method)) inst.dispatch(method)(kids) else reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.StatefulDispatchNotMatched, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) case Full(inst) => { def gotIt: Box[NodeSeq] = for { meth <- tryo(inst.getClass.getMethod(method)) if classOf[CssBindFunc].isAssignableFrom(meth.getReturnType) } yield meth.invoke(inst).asInstanceOf[CssBindFunc].apply(kids) import java.lang.reflect.{Type, ParameterizedType} def isFunc1(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match { case null => false case c: Class[_] => classOf[Function1[_, _]] isAssignableFrom c case _ => false } def isNodeSeq(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match { case null => false case c: Class[_] => classOf[NodeSeq] isAssignableFrom c case _ => false } def testGeneric(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match { case null => false case pt: ParameterizedType => if (isFunc1(pt.getRawType) && pt.getActualTypeArguments.length == 2 && isNodeSeq(pt.getActualTypeArguments()(0)) && isNodeSeq(pt.getActualTypeArguments()(1))) true else testGeneric(pt.getRawType) case clz: Class[_] => if (clz == classOf[Object]) false else clz.getGenericInterfaces.find(testGeneric) match { case Some(_) => true case _ => testGeneric(clz.getSuperclass) } case _ => false } def isFuncNodeSeq(meth: Method): Boolean = { (classOf[Function1[_, _]] isAssignableFrom meth.getReturnType) && testGeneric(meth.getGenericReturnType) } def nodeSeqFunc: Box[NodeSeq] = for { meth <- tryo(inst.getClass.getMethod(method)) if isFuncNodeSeq(meth) } yield meth.invoke(inst).asInstanceOf[Function1[NodeSeq, NodeSeq]].apply(kids) (gotIt or nodeSeqFunc) openOr { val ar: Array[AnyRef] = List(Group(kids)).toArray ((Helpers.invokeMethod(inst.getClass, inst, method, ar)) or Helpers.invokeMethod(inst.getClass, inst, method)) match { case CheckNodeSeq(md) => md case it => val intersection = if (Props.devMode) { val methodNames = inst.getClass.getMethods().map(_.getName).toList.distinct val methodAlts = List(method, Helpers.camelify(method), Helpers.camelifyMethod(method)) methodNames intersect methodAlts } else Nil reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.MethodNotFound, if (intersection.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else <div>There are possible matching methods ( {intersection} ), but none has the required signature: <pre>def {method} (in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq</pre> </div>, wholeTag) } } } case Failure(_, Full(exception), _) => logger.warn("Snippet instantiation error", exception) reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.InstantiationException, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) case _ => reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.ClassNotFound, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) } }))).openOr { reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, LiftRules.SnippetFailures.NoNameSpecified, NodeSeq.Empty, wholeTag) } } catch { case ExclosedSnippetFailure(e) => reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, e.snippetFailure, e.buildStackTrace, wholeTag) case e: SnippetFailureException => reportSnippetError(page, snippetName, e.snippetFailure, e.buildStackTrace, wholeTag) } def checkMultiPart(in: MetaData): MetaData = in.filter(_.key == "multipart").toList match { case Nil => Null case x => new UnprefixedAttribute("enctype", Text("multipart/form-data"), Null) } def checkAttr(attr_name: String, in: MetaData, base: MetaData): MetaData = in.filter(_.key == attr_name).toList match { case Nil => base case x => new UnprefixedAttribute(attr_name, Text(x.head.value.text), base) } if (ret.isEmpty) ret else attrs.get("form").map(_.text.trim.toLowerCase) match { case Some("post") => S.withAttrs(attrs.filter(_.key == "multipart")) { } match { case e: Elem => e % LiftRules.formAttrs.vend.foldLeft[MetaData](Null)((base, name) => checkAttr(name, attrs, base)) case x => x } case Some(ft) => <form action={S.uri} method={ft}> {ret} </form> % checkMultiPart(attrs) % LiftRules.formAttrs.vend.foldLeft[MetaData](Null)((base, name) => checkAttr(name, attrs, base)) case _ => ret } } private object ExclosedSnippetFailure { def unapply(e: Throwable): Option[SnippetFailureException] = e.getCause match { case null => None case e: SnippetFailureException => Some(e) case _ => None } } /** * Apply HTML specific corrections such as adding the context path etc. */ def fixHtml(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = Req.fixHtml(contextPath, in) /** * The partial function that defines how lift tags are processed for this session. Initially composed * of LiftRules.liftTagProcessing orElse the default lift tag processing. If you need to change the * way a particular session handles lift tags, alter this partial function. */ @volatile var liftTagProcessing: List[LiftRules.LiftTagPF] = _ /** * The basic partial function that does lift tag processing */ private def _defaultLiftTagProcessing: LiftRules.LiftTagPF = NamedPF("Default Lift Tags") { case ("snippet", elm, metaData, kids, page) => metaData.get("type") match { case Some(tn) => S.doSnippet(tn.text) { NamedPF((tn.text, elm, metaData, kids, page), liftTagProcessing) } case _ => processSnippet(page, Empty, elm.attributes, elm, elm.child) } case (snippetInfo, elm, metaData, kids, page) => processSnippet(page, Full(snippetInfo), metaData, elm, kids) } liftTagProcessing = LiftRules.liftTagProcessing.toList ::: List(_defaultLiftTagProcessing) private def asNodeSeq(in: Seq[Node]): NodeSeq = in private class DeferredProcessor extends SpecializedLiftActor[ProcessSnippet] { protected def messageHandler = { case ProcessSnippet(f) => f() } } private case class ProcessSnippet(f: () => Unit) // if the "lift:parallel" attribute is part of the snippet, create an // actor and send the message off to that actor private def processOrDefer(isLazy: Boolean)(f: => NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { /* val isLazy = LiftRules.allowParallelSnippets() && node.attributes.find { case p: PrefixedAttribute => p.pre == "lift" && (p.key == "parallel") case _ => false }.isDefined */ if (fullPageLoad.? && isLazy && LiftRules.allowParallelSnippets()) { // name the node val nodeId = randomString(20) val renderVersion = RenderVersion.get val theNode = <lift_deferred:node id={nodeId}/> // take a snapshot of the hashmap used to communicate between threads val hash = // insert an empty node hash.synchronized { hash(nodeId) = Empty } // create a function that will restore our RequestVars val reqVarCallback = deferredSnippets.generateSnapshotRestorer[NodeSeq]() // create a new actor val actor = new DeferredProcessor // snapshot the current Req val req = // send the ProcessSnippet message to the Actor actor ! ProcessSnippet(() => { executeInScope(req, renderVersion) { // process the message val bns = tryo { reqVarCallback(() => f) } // set the node hash.synchronized { hash(nodeId) = bns match { case Empty => Failure("Weird Empty Node", Empty, Empty) case x => x } // and notify listeners hash.notify() } } }) theNode } else f } /** * Processes the surround tag and other lift tags */ def processSurroundAndInclude(page: String, in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { in.flatMap { case Group(nodes) => Group(processSurroundAndInclude(page, nodes)) case SnippetNode(element, kids, isLazy, attrs, snippetName) => processOrDefer(isLazy) { S.doSnippet(snippetName) { S.withAttrs(attrs) { processSurroundAndInclude(page, NamedPF((snippetName, element, attrs, kids, page), liftTagProcessing)) } } } case v: Elem => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, processAttributes(v.attributes), v.scope, processSurroundAndInclude(page, v.child): _*) case v => v } } /** * A nicely named proxy for processSurroundAndInclude. This method processes * a Lift template * * @param pageName -- the name of the page being processed (for error reporting) * @param template -- the template to process using Lift's templating engine */ def runTemplate(pageName: String, template: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = processSurroundAndInclude(pageName, template) /** * Run the code, but if the session is not stateful, then * throw a StateInStatelessException */ def testStatefulFeature[T](f: => T): T = { if (this.stateful_?) f else throw new StateInStatelessException( "Accessing stateful feature outside of a stateful session") } /** * Finds all Comet actors by type */ def findComet(theType: String): List[LiftCometActor] = synchronized { testStatefulFeature { asyncComponents.flatMap { case ((Full(name), _), value) if name == theType => Full(value) case _ => Empty }.toList } } /** * Find the comet actor by type and name */ def findComet(theType: String, name: Box[String]): Box[LiftCometActor] = synchronized { testStatefulFeature { asyncComponents.get(Full(theType) -> name) } } /** * This method will send a message to a CometActor, whether or not * the CometActor is instantiated. If the CometActor already exists * in the session, the message will be sent immediately. If the CometActor * is not yet instantiated, the message will be sent to the CometActor * as part of setup (@see setupComet) if it is created as part * of the current HTTP request/response cycle. * * @param theType the type of the CometActor * @param name the optional name of the CometActor * @param msg the message to send to the CometActor */ def sendCometActorMessage(theType: String, name: Box[String], msg: Any) { testStatefulFeature { findComet(theType, name) match { case Full(a) => a ! msg case _ => setupComet(theType, name, msg) } } } /** * Allows you to send messages to a CometActor that may or may not be set up yet */ def setupComet(theType: String, name: Box[String], msg: Any) { testStatefulFeature { cometSetup.atomicUpdate(v => (Full(theType) -> name, msg) :: v) } } private[liftweb] def findComet(theType: Box[String], name: Box[String], defaultXml: NodeSeq, attributes: Map[String, String]): Box[LiftCometActor] = { testStatefulFeature { val what = (theType -> name) val ret = synchronized { val ret = Box(asyncComponents.get(what)).or({ theType.flatMap { tpe => val ret = findCometByType(tpe, name, defaultXml, attributes) ret.foreach(r => synchronized { asyncComponents(what) = r asyncById(r.uniqueId) = r }) ret } }) ret } for { actor <- ret (cst, csv) <- if cst == what } actor ! csv cometSetup.atomicUpdate(v => v.filter(_._1 != what)) ret } } /** * Finds a Comet actor by ID */ def getAsyncComponent(id: String): Box[LiftCometActor] = synchronized( testStatefulFeature(asyncById.get(id))) /** * Adds a new Comet actor to this session */ private[http] def addCometActor(act: LiftCometActor): Unit = synchronized { testStatefulFeature { asyncById(act.uniqueId) = act } } private[liftweb] def addAndInitCometActor(act: LiftCometActor, theType: Box[String], name: Box[String], defaultXml: NodeSeq, attributes: Map[String, String]) = { testStatefulFeature { val what = (theType -> name) synchronized { asyncById(act.uniqueId) = act asyncComponents(what) = act } act.callInitCometActor(this, theType, name, defaultXml, attributes) act ! PerformSetupComet2(if (act.sendInitialReq_?) else Empty) } } /** * Remove a Comet actor */ private[http] def removeCometActor(act: LiftCometActor): Unit = synchronized { testStatefulFeature { asyncById -= act.uniqueId messageCallback -= act.jsonCall.funcId asyncComponents -= (act.theType -> val toCmp = Full(act.uniqueId) messageCallback.foreach { case (k, f) => if (f.owner == toCmp) messageCallback -= k } accessPostPageFuncs { postPageFunctions -= act.uniqueId } val id = Full(act.uniqueId) messageCallback.keys.toList.foreach { k => val f = messageCallback(k) if (f.owner == id) { messageCallback -= k } } } } private def findCometByType(contType: String, name: Box[String], defaultXml: NodeSeq, attributes: Map[String, String]): Box[LiftCometActor] = { testStatefulFeature { val createInfo = CometCreationInfo(contType, name, defaultXml, attributes, this) val boxCA: Box[LiftCometActor] = LiftRules.cometCreationFactory.vend.apply(createInfo).map { a => a ! PerformSetupComet2(if (a.sendInitialReq_?) else Empty); a } or LiftRules.cometCreation.toList.find(_.isDefinedAt(createInfo)).map(_.apply(createInfo)).map { a => a ! PerformSetupComet2(if (a.sendInitialReq_?) else Empty); a } or (findType[LiftCometActor](contType, LiftRules.buildPackage("comet") ::: ("" :: Nil)).flatMap { cls => tryo((e: Throwable) => e match { case e: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException => () case e =>"Comet find by type Failed to instantiate " + cls.getName, e) }) { val constr = cls.getConstructor() val ret = constr.newInstance().asInstanceOf[LiftCometActor] ret.callInitCometActor(this, Full(contType), name, defaultXml, attributes) ret ! PerformSetupComet2(if (ret.sendInitialReq_?) else Empty) ret.asInstanceOf[LiftCometActor] } or tryo((e: Throwable) =>"Comet find by type Failed to instantiate " + cls.getName, e)) { val constr = cls.getConstructor(this.getClass, classOf[Box[String]], classOf[NodeSeq], classOf[Map[String, String]]) val ret = constr.newInstance(this, name, defaultXml, attributes).asInstanceOf[LiftCometActor]; ret ! PerformSetupComet2(if (ret.sendInitialReq_?) else Empty) ret.asInstanceOf[LiftCometActor] } }) boxCA.foreach { _.setCometActorLocale(S.locale) } boxCA } } private def failedFind(in: Failure): NodeSeq = <html xmlns:lift="" xmlns=""> <head/> <body> {Helpers.errorDiv( <div>Error locating template. <br/> Message: <b> {in.msg} </b>
{ =>
        </div>) openOr NodeSeq.Empty}

  private[liftweb] def findAndMerge(templateName: Box[String], atWhat: Map[String, NodeSeq]): NodeSeq = {
    val name: String = => if (s.startsWith("/")) s else "/" + s).openOr("/templates-hidden/default")

    def hasLiftBind(s: NodeSeq): Boolean =
      (Helpers.findOption(s) {
        case e if "lift" == e.prefix && "bind" == e.label => Some(true)
        case _ => None

    findTemplate(name) match {
      case f@Failure(msg, be, _) if Props.devMode =>
      case Full(s) =>
        if (hasLiftBind(s)) Helpers.bind(atWhat, s)
        else atWhat.toList match {
          case Nil => s
          case xs => {
            case (id, replacement) => (("#" + id) #> replacement)
          }.reduceLeft(_ & _)(s)
      case _ => atWhat.values.flatMap(_.toSeq).toList


 * The response from a page saying that it's been rendered
case object ShutDown

 * If a class is to be used as a lift view (rendering from code rather than a static template)
 * and the method names are to be used as "actions", the view must be marked as "InsecureLiftView"
 * because there exists the ability to execute arbitrary methods based on wire content
trait InsecureLiftView

 *  The preferred way to do lift views... implement a partial function that dispatches
 * the incoming request to an appropriate method
trait LiftView {
  implicit def nsToCns(in: NodeSeq): Box[NodeSeq] = Box.legacyNullTest(in)

  def dispatch: PartialFunction[String, () => Box[NodeSeq]]

// an object that extracts an elem that defines a snippet
private object SnippetNode {
  private def removeLift(str: String): String =
    str.indexOf(":") match {
      case x if x >= 0 => str.substring(x + 1)
      case _ => str

  private def makeMetaData(key: String, value: String, rest: MetaData): MetaData = key.indexOf(":") match {
    case x if x > 0 => new PrefixedAttribute(key.substring(0, x),
      key.substring(x + 1),
      value, rest)

    case _ => new UnprefixedAttribute(key, value, rest)

  private def pairsToMetaData(in: List[String]): MetaData = in match {
    case Nil => Null
    case x :: xs => {
      val rest = pairsToMetaData(xs)
      x.charSplit('=').map(Helpers.urlDecode) match {
        case Nil => rest
        case x :: Nil => makeMetaData(x, "", rest)
        case x :: y :: _ => makeMetaData(x, y, rest)

  private def isLiftClass(s: String): Boolean =
    s.startsWith("lift:") || s.startsWith("l:")

  private def snippy(in: Elem): Option[(String, MetaData)] =
    ((for {
      cls <- in.attribute("class")
      snip <- cls.text.charSplit(' ').find(isLiftClass)
    } yield snip) orElse in.attribute("lift").map(_.text)).map {
      snip =>
        snip.charSplit('?') match {
          case Nil => "this should never happen" -> Null
          case x :: Nil => urlDecode(removeLift(x)) -> Null
          case x :: xs => urlDecode(removeLift(x)) -> pairsToMetaData(xs.flatMap(_.roboSplit("[;&]")))

  private def liftAttrsAndParallel(in: MetaData): (Boolean, MetaData) = {
    var next = in
    var par = false
    var nonLift: MetaData = Null

    while (next != Null) {
      next match {
        // remove the lift class css classes from the class attribute
        case up: UnprefixedAttribute if up.key == "class" =>
          up.value.text.charSplit(' ').filter(s => !isLiftClass(s)) match {
            case Nil =>
            case xs => nonLift = new UnprefixedAttribute("class",
              xs.mkString(" "),

        case p: PrefixedAttribute
          if (p.pre == "l" || p.pre == "lift") && p.key == "parallel"
        => par = true

        case up: UnprefixedAttribute if up.key == "lift" => // ignore

        case p: PrefixedAttribute
          if p.pre == "lift" && p.key == "snippet"
        => nonLift = p.copy(nonLift)

        case a => nonLift = a.copy(nonLift)
      next =

    (par, nonLift)

  def unapply(baseNode: Node): Option[(Elem, NodeSeq, Boolean, MetaData, String)] =
    baseNode match {
      case elm: Elem if elm.prefix == "lift" || elm.prefix == "l" => {
        Some((elm, elm.child,
          elm.attributes.find {
            case p: PrefixedAttribute => p.pre == "lift" && (p.key == "parallel")
            case _ => false
          elm.attributes, elm.label))

      case elm: Elem => {
        for {
          (snippetName, lift) <- snippy(elm)
        } yield {
          val (par, nonLift) = liftAttrsAndParallel(elm.attributes)
          val newElm = new Elem(elm.prefix, elm.label,
            nonLift, elm.scope, elm.child: _*)
          (newElm, newElm, par ||
            (lift.find {
              case up: UnprefixedAttribute if up.key == "parallel" => true
              case _ => false
              flatMap(up => AsBoolean.unapply(up.value.text)) getOrElse
              false), lift, snippetName)


      case _ => {

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework LiftSession.scala source code file:

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