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Lift Framework example source code file (Req.scala)

This example Lift Framework source code file (Req.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lift Framework tags/keywords

boolean, boolean, box, box, empty, full, io, list, list, map, nil, parsepath, req, string, string

The Lift Framework Req.scala source code

 * Copyright 2007-2011 WorldWide Conferencing, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package net.liftweb
package http

import{InputStream, ByteArrayInputStream, File, FileInputStream,
import scala.xml._

import common._
import json._
import util._
import Helpers._
import http.provider._
import sitemap._

object UserAgentCalculator extends Factory {
   * The default regular expression for IE
  val iePattern = """MSIE ([0-9]+)""".r

   * You can change the mechanism by which the user agent for IE
   * is calculated by doing the Factory thing with this object
  object ieCalcFunction extends FactoryMaker[Box[String] => 
    Box[Double]](defaultIeCalcFunction _)

   * The built-in mechanism for calculating IE
  def defaultIeCalcFunction(userAgent: Box[String]): Box[Double] = 
    for {
      ua <- userAgent
      m = iePattern.pattern.matcher(ua)
      ver <- if (m.find) Helpers.asDouble( else Empty
    } yield ver

   * The default regular expression for Safari
  val safariPattern = """Version.([0-9]+)[.0-9]+ ([^S])*Safari\/""".r

   * You can change the mechanism by which the user agent for Safari
   * is calculated by doing the Factory thing with this object
  object safariCalcFunction extends FactoryMaker[Box[String] => 
    Box[Double]](defaultSafariCalcFunction _)

   * The built-in mechanism for calculating Safari
  def defaultSafariCalcFunction(userAgent: Box[String]): Box[Double] = 
    for {
      ua <- userAgent
      m = safariPattern.pattern.matcher(ua)
      ver <- if (m.find) Helpers.asDouble( else Empty
    } yield ver

   * The default regular expression for Firefox
  val firefoxPattern = """Firefox.([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9])""".r

   * You can change the mechanism by which the user agent for Firefox
   * is calculated by doing the Factory thing with this object
  object firefoxCalcFunction extends FactoryMaker[Box[String] => 
    Box[Double]](defaultFirefoxCalcFunction _)

   * The built-in mechanism for calculating Firefox
  def defaultFirefoxCalcFunction(userAgent: Box[String]): Box[Double] = 
    for {
      ua <- userAgent
      m = firefoxPattern.pattern.matcher(ua)
      ver <- if (m.find) Helpers.asDouble( else Empty
    } yield ver

   * The default regular expression for Chrome
  val chromePattern = """Chrome.([1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9])""".r

   * You can change the mechanism by which the user agent for Chrome
   * is calculated by doing the Factory thing with this object
  object chromeCalcFunction extends FactoryMaker[Box[String] => 
    Box[Double]](defaultChromeCalcFunction _)

   * You can change the mechanism by which Lift calculates
   * if the User-Agent represents an iPhone.  Put your
   * special calculation function in here
  object iPhoneCalcFunction extends FactoryMaker[Box[Box[String] => 

   * You can change the mechanism by which Lift calculates
   * if the User-Agent represents an iPad.  Put your
   * special calculation function in here
  object iPadCalcFunction extends FactoryMaker[Box[Box[String] => 

   * The built-in mechanism for calculating Chrome
  def defaultChromeCalcFunction(userAgent: Box[String]): Box[Double] = 
    for {
      ua <- userAgent
      m = chromePattern.pattern.matcher(ua)
      ver <- if (m.find) Helpers.asDouble( else Empty
    } yield ver

trait UserAgentCalculator {
  lazy val ieVersion: Box[Int] = UserAgentCalculator.ieCalcFunction.vend.apply(userAgent).map(_.toInt)

  lazy val isIE6: Boolean = == 6) openOr false
  lazy val isIE7: Boolean = == 7) openOr false
  lazy val isIE8: Boolean = == 8) openOr false
  lazy val isIE9: Boolean = == 9) openOr false
  lazy val isIE = >= 6) openOr false

  lazy val safariVersion: Box[Int] = 

  def isSafari2: Boolean = false

  lazy val isSafari3: Boolean = == 3) openOr false
  lazy val isSafari4: Boolean = == 4) openOr false
  lazy val isSafari5: Boolean = == 5) openOr false
  def isSafari3_+ = >= 3) openOr false
  def isSafari = safariVersion.isDefined

   * Is the Req coming from an iPhone
  lazy val isIPhone: Boolean = 
  map(_.apply(userAgent)) openOr 
    isSafari && ( => 
      s.indexOf("(iPhone") >= 0) openOr false)

   * Is the Req coming from an iPad
  lazy val isIPad: Boolean = 
  map(_.apply(userAgent)) openOr 
  isSafari && ( =>
    s.indexOf("(iPad") >= 0) openOr false)

  lazy val firefoxVersion: Box[Double] = 

  lazy val isFirefox2: Boolean = => v >= 2d && v < 3d) openOr false
  lazy val isFirefox3: Boolean = => v >= 3d && v < 3.5d) openOr false
  lazy val isFirefox35: Boolean = => v >= 3.5d && v < 3.6d) openOr false
  lazy val isFirefox36: Boolean = => v >= 3.6d && v < 4d) openOr false
  lazy val isFirefox40: Boolean = => v >= 4d) openOr false

  def isFirefox35_+ : Boolean = >= 3.5d) openOr false

  def isFirefox = firefoxVersion.isDefined

  lazy val chromeVersion: Box[Double] = 

  lazy val isChrome2 = => v >= 2d && v < 3d) openOr false
  lazy val isChrome3 = => v >= 3d && v < 4d) openOr false
  lazy val isChrome4 = => v >= 4d && v < 5d) openOr false
  lazy val isChrome5 = => v >= 5d && v < 6d) openOr false
  lazy val isChrome6 = => v >= 6d && v < 7d) openOr false

  def isChrome3_+ = >= 3d) openOr false

  def isChrome = chromeVersion.isDefined

  lazy val isOpera9: Boolean = ( => s.indexOf("Opera/9.") >= 0) openOr false)

  def isOpera = isOpera9

   * What's the user agent?
  def userAgent: Box[String]

sealed trait ParamHolder {
  def name: String
final case class NormalParamHolder(name: String, value: String) extends ParamHolder

 * A FileParamHolder contains a file uploaded via a multipart
 * form.
 * @param name The name of the form field for this file
 * @param mimeType the mime type, as specified in the Content-Type field
 * @param fileName The local filename on the client
abstract class FileParamHolder(val name: String, val mimeType: String,
                               val fileName: String) extends ParamHolder
   * Returns the contents of the uploaded file as a Byte array.
  def file: Array[Byte]

   * Returns an input stream that can be used to read the
   * contents of the uploaded file.
  def fileStream: InputStream

   * Returns the length of the uploaded file.
  def length : Long

 * This FileParamHolder stores the uploaded file directly into memory.
 * @param name The name of the form field for this file
 * @param mimeType the mime type, as specified in the Content-Type field
 * @param fileName The local filename on the client
 * @param file The contents of the uploaded file in a byte array
class InMemFileParamHolder(override val name: String, override val mimeType: String,
                           override val fileName: String, val file: Array[Byte]) extends
FileParamHolder(name, mimeType, fileName)
   * Returns an input stream that can be used to read the
   * contents of the uploaded file.
  def fileStream: InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(file)

   * Returns the length of the uploaded file.
  def length : Long = if (file == null) 0 else file.length

 * This FileParamHolder stores the uploaded file in a
 * temporary file on disk.
 * @param name The name of the form field for this file
 * @param mimeType the mime type, as specified in the Content-Type field
 * @param fileName The local filename on the client
 * @param localFile The local copy of the uploaded file
class OnDiskFileParamHolder(override val name: String, override val mimeType: String,
                            override val fileName: String, val localFile: File) extends
FileParamHolder(name, mimeType, fileName)
   * Returns an input stream that can be used to read the
   * contents of the uploaded file.
  def fileStream: InputStream = new FileInputStream(localFile)

   * Returns the contents of the uploaded file as a Byte array.
  def file: Array[Byte] = Helpers.readWholeStream(fileStream)

   * Returns the length of the uploaded file.
  def length : Long = if (localFile == null) 0 else localFile.length

  protected override def finalize {

object OnDiskFileParamHolder {
  def apply(n: String, mt: String, fn: String, inputStream: InputStream): OnDiskFileParamHolder =
    val file: File = File.createTempFile("lift_mime", "upload")
    val fos = new FileOutputStream(file)
    val ba = new Array[Byte](8192)
    def doUpload() { match {
        case x if x < 0 =>
        case 0 => doUpload()
        case x => fos.write(ba, 0, x); doUpload()


    new OnDiskFileParamHolder(n, mt, fn, file)

object FileParamHolder {
  def apply(n: String, mt: String, fn: String, file: Array[Byte]): FileParamHolder =
  new InMemFileParamHolder(n, mt, fn, file)

  def unapply(in: Any): Option[(String, String, String, Array[Byte])] = in match {
    case f: FileParamHolder => Some((, f.mimeType, f.fileName, f.file))
    case _ => None

private[http] object CurrentReq extends ThreadGlobal[Req]

private final case class AvoidGAL(func: () => ParamCalcInfo) {
  lazy val thunk: ParamCalcInfo = func()

 * Helper object for constructing Req instances
object Req {
  object NilPath extends ParsePath(Nil, "", true, false)

  private[http] lazy val localHostName = {

  def apply(original: Req, rewrite: List[LiftRules.RewritePF]): Req = 
    this.apply(original, rewrite, Nil, Nil)

  def apply(original: Req, rewrite: List[LiftRules.RewritePF], statelessTest: List[LiftRules.StatelessTestPF],
            otherStatelessTest: List[LiftRules.StatelessReqTestPF]): Req = {

    def processRewrite(path: ParsePath, params: Map[String, String]): RewriteResponse =
    NamedPF.applyBox(RewriteRequest(path, original.requestType, original.request), rewrite) match {
      case Full(resp@RewriteResponse(_, _, true)) => resp
      case _: EmptyBox => RewriteResponse(path, params)
      case Full(resp) => processRewrite(resp.path, params ++ resp.params)

    val rewritten = processRewrite(original.path, Map.empty)

    val wholePath = rewritten.path.wholePath

    val stateless =  NamedPF.applyBox(StatelessReqTest(wholePath, original.request), otherStatelessTest) or
      NamedPF.applyBox(wholePath, statelessTest)

    new Req(rewritten.path, original.contextPath, 
            original.requestType, original.contentType, original.request,
            original.nanoStart, original.nanoEnd, 
            stateless openOr original.stateless_?,
            original.paramCalculator, original.addlParams ++ rewritten.params)

  def apply(request: HTTPRequest, rewrite: List[LiftRules.RewritePF],  nanoStart: Long): Req =
    this.apply(request, rewrite, Nil, Nil, nanoStart)

  def apply(request: HTTPRequest, rewrite: List[LiftRules.RewritePF], statelessTest: List[LiftRules.StatelessTestPF],
            otherStatelessTest: List[LiftRules.StatelessReqTestPF], nanoStart: Long): Req = {
    val reqType = RequestType(request)
    val contextPath = LiftRules.calculateContextPath() openOr request.contextPath
    val turi = if (request.uri.length >= contextPath.length) request.uri.substring(contextPath.length) else ""
    val tmpUri = if (turi.length > 0) turi else "/"

    val tmpPath = parsePath(tmpUri)

    def processRewrite(path: ParsePath, params: Map[String, String]): RewriteResponse =
    NamedPF.applyBox(RewriteRequest(path, reqType, request), rewrite) match {
      case Full(resp@RewriteResponse(_, _, true)) => resp
      case _: EmptyBox => RewriteResponse(path, params)
      case Full(resp) => processRewrite(resp.path, params ++ resp.params)

    // val (uri, path, localSingleParams) = processRewrite(tmpUri, tmpPath, TreeMap.empty)
    val rewritten = processRewrite(tmpPath, Map.empty)

    val localParams: Map[String, List[String]] = Map( {case (name, value) => name -> List(value)}: _*)

    // val session = request.getSession
    //  val body = ()
    val eMap = Map.empty[String, List[String]]

    val contentType = request.contentType

    //    val (paramNames: List[String], params: Map[String, List[String]], files: List[FileParamHolder], body: Box[Array[Byte]]) =

    // calculate the query parameters
    lazy val queryStringParam:  (List[String], Map[String, List[String]]) = {
      val params: List[(String, String)] =
        for {
          queryString <- request.queryString.toList
          nameVal <- queryString.split("&") > 0)
          (name, value) <- nameVal.split("=").toList match {
            case Nil => Empty
            case n :: v :: _ => Full((urlDecode(n), urlDecode(v)))
            case n :: _ => Full((urlDecode(n), ""))
          }} yield (name, value)
            val names: List[String] =
      val nvp: Map[String, List[String]] = params.foldLeft(Map[String, List[String]]()) {
        case (map, (name, value)) => map + (name -> (map.getOrElse(name, Nil) ::: List(value)))
      (names, nvp)

    // make this a thunk so it only gets calculated once
    val paramCalcInfo: AvoidGAL = new AvoidGAL(() => {
      // post/put of XML or JSON... eagerly read the stream
      if ((reqType.post_? ||
           reqType.put_?) && contentType.dmap(false){
	_.toLowerCase match {
	  case x => 
	    x.startsWith("text/xml") || 
	    x.startsWith("application/xml") || 
	  x.startsWith("text/json") ||
	}}) {
                      queryStringParam._2 ++ localParams, 
        // it's multipart
      } else if (request multipartContent_?) {
        val allInfo = request extractFiles
        val normal: List[NormalParamHolder] = 
          allInfo.flatMap {
            case v: NormalParamHolder => List(v)
            case _ => Nil}

        val files: List[FileParamHolder] = allInfo.flatMap {
          case v: FileParamHolder => List(v)
          case _ => Nil}
        val params = normal.foldLeft(eMap)((a, b) =>
          a + ( -> (a.getOrElse(, Nil) ::: List(b.value))))
        ParamCalcInfo((queryStringParam._1 ::: 
                      queryStringParam._2 ++ localParams ++
                      params, files, Empty)
        // it's a GET
      } else if (reqType.get_?) {
                      queryStringParam._2 ++ localParams, Nil, Empty)
      } else if (contentType.dmap(false)(_.toLowerCase.
                                         startsWith("application/x-www-form-urlencoded"))) {
        val params = localParams ++ (request.params.sortWith
                                     {(s1, s2) => <}).
                                           map(n => (, n.values))
        ParamCalcInfo(request paramNames, params, Nil, Empty)
      } else {
                      queryStringParam._2 ++ localParams, 
                      Nil, Full(BodyOrInputStream(request inputStream)))

    val paramCalculator: () => ParamCalcInfo = () => {

    val wholePath = rewritten.path.wholePath

    val stateless =  NamedPF.applyBox(StatelessReqTest(wholePath, request), otherStatelessTest) or
      NamedPF.applyBox(wholePath, statelessTest)

    new Req(rewritten.path, contextPath, reqType,
            contentType, request, nanoStart,
            System.nanoTime, stateless openOr false, paramCalculator, Map())

  private def fixURI(uri: String) = uri indexOf ";jsessionid" match {
    case -1 => uri
    case x@_ => uri.substring(0, x)

   * Create a nil request... useful for testing
  def nil = new Req(NilPath, "", GetRequest, Empty, null,
                    System.nanoTime, System.nanoTime, false,
                    () => ParamCalcInfo(Nil, Map.empty, Nil, Empty), Map())

  def parsePath(in: String): ParsePath = {
    val p1 = fixURI((in match {case null => "/"; case s if s.length == 0 => "/"; case s => s}).replaceAll("/+", "/"))
    val front = p1.startsWith("/")
    val back = p1.length > 1 && p1.endsWith("/")

    val orgLst = p1.replaceAll("/$", "/index").split("/"). > 0)

    val (lst, suffix) = NamedPF(orgLst, LiftRules.suffixSplitters.toList)

    ParsePath(, suffix, front, back)

  var fixHref = _fixHref _

  private def _fixHref(contextPath: String, v: Seq[Node], fixURL: Boolean, rewrite: Box[String => String]): Text = {
    val hv = v.text
    val updated = if (hv.startsWith("/") &&
                      !LiftRules.excludePathFromContextPathRewriting.vend(hv)) contextPath + hv else hv

    Text(if (fixURL && rewrite.isDefined &&
             !updated.startsWith("mailto:") &&
             !updated.startsWith("javascript:") &&
             !updated.startsWith("http://") &&
             !updated.startsWith("https://") &&
         rewrite.open_!.apply(updated) else updated)

   * Corrects the HTML content,such as applying context path to URI's, session information if cookies are disabled etc.
  def fixHtml(contextPath: String, in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = {
    val rewrite = URLRewriter.rewriteFunc

    def fixAttrs(toFix: String, attrs: MetaData, fixURL: Boolean): MetaData = {
      if (attrs == Null) Null
      else if (attrs.key == toFix) {
        new UnprefixedAttribute(toFix, Req.fixHref(contextPath, attrs.value, fixURL, rewrite), fixAttrs(toFix,, fixURL))
      } else attrs.copy(fixAttrs(toFix,, fixURL))

    def _fixHtml(contextPath: String, in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = { {
        v =>
        v match {
          case Group(nodes) => Group(_fixHtml(contextPath, nodes))
          case e: Elem if e.label == "form" => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs("action", v.attributes, true), v.scope, _fixHtml(contextPath, v.child): _*)
          case e: Elem if e.label == "script" => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs("src", v.attributes, false), v.scope, _fixHtml(contextPath, v.child): _*)
          case e: Elem if e.label == "a" => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs("href", v.attributes, true), v.scope, _fixHtml(contextPath, v.child): _*)
          case e: Elem if e.label == "link" => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs("href", v.attributes, false), v.scope, _fixHtml(contextPath, v.child): _*)
          case e: Elem => Elem(v.prefix, v.label, fixAttrs("src", v.attributes, true), v.scope, _fixHtml(contextPath, v.child): _*)
          case _ => v
    _fixHtml(contextPath, in)

  private[liftweb] def defaultCreateNotFound(in: Req) =
  XhtmlResponse((<html> The Requested URL {in.contextPath + in.uri} was not found on this server ),
                LiftRules.docType.vend(in), List("Content-Type" -> "text/html; charset=utf-8"), Nil, 404, S.ieMode)

  def unapply(in: Req): Option[(List[String], String, RequestType)] = Some((in.path.partPath, in.path.suffix, in.requestType))

 * Holds either the body or the request input stream, depending on which was requested first
final case class BodyOrInputStream(is: InputStream) {
  private var calc = false
  lazy val body: Box[Array[Byte]] = synchronized {
    if (calc) Empty
    else {
      calc = true

  lazy val stream: Box[InputStream] = synchronized {
    if (calc) Empty
    else {
      calc = true

final case class ParamCalcInfo(paramNames: List[String],
                               params: Map[String, List[String]],
                               uploadedFiles: List[FileParamHolder],
                               body: Box[BodyOrInputStream])

 * Holds information about the content type and subtype including
 * the q parameter and extension information.
final case class ContentType(theType: String, 
                             subtype: String, 
                             order: Int,
                             q: Box[Double], 
                             extension: List[(String, String)]) extends Ordered[ContentType]
     * Compares this to another ContentType instance based on the q
     * and if the q matches, compare based on specialization (* vs.
     * explicit and then order.
    def compare(that: ContentType): Int = ((that.q openOr 1d) compare (q openOr 1d)) match {
      case 0 => 
        def doDefault = {
          order compare that.order

        (theType, that.theType, subtype, that.subtype) match {
          case ("*", "*", _, _) => doDefault
          case ("*", _, _, _) => 1
          case (_, "*", _, _) => -1
          case (_, _, "*", "*") => doDefault
          case (_, _, "*", _) => 1
          case (_, _, _, "*") => -1
          case _ => doDefault
      case x => x

     * Does this ContentType match the String including
     * wildcard support
    def matches(contentType: (String, String)): Boolean =
      (theType == "*" || (theType == contentType._1)) &&
    (subtype == "*" || subtype == contentType._2)
     * Is it a wildcard
    def wildCard_? = theType == "*" && subtype == "*"

 * The ContentType companion object that has helper methods
 * for parsing Accept headers and other things that
 * contain multiple ContentType information.
object ContentType {
   * Parse the String into a series of ContentType instances,
   * returning the multiple ContentType instances
  def parse(str: String): List[ContentType] = 
    (for {
      (part, index) <- str.charSplit(',').
      map(_.trim).zipWithIndex // split at comma
      content <- parseIt(part, index)
    } yield content).sortWith(_ < _)

  private object TwoType {
    def unapply(in: String): Option[(String, String)] = 
      in.charSplit('/') match {
        case a :: b :: Nil => Some(a -> b)
        case _ => None

  private object EqualsSplit {
    private def removeQuotes(s: String) = 
      if (s.startsWith("\"") && s.endsWith("\"")) s.substring(1, s.length - 1)
      else s

    def unapply(in: String): Option[(String, String)] = in.roboSplit("=") match {
      case a :: b :: Nil => Some(a -> removeQuotes(b))
      case _ => None

  private def parseIt(content: String, index: Int): Box[ContentType] = content.roboSplit(";") match {
    case TwoType(typ, subType) :: xs => {
      val kv = xs.flatMap(EqualsSplit.unapply) // get the key/value pairs
      val q: Box[Double] = first(kv){
        case (k, v) if k == "q" => Helpers.asDouble(v)
        case _ => Empty
      Full(ContentType(typ, subType, index, q, kv.filter{_._1 != "q"}))

    case _ => Empty

 * Contains request information
class Req(val path: ParsePath,
          val contextPath: String,
          val requestType: RequestType,
          val contentType: Box[String],
          val request: HTTPRequest,
          val nanoStart: Long,
          val nanoEnd: Long,
          _stateless_? : Boolean,
          private[http] val paramCalculator: () => ParamCalcInfo,
          private[http] val addlParams: Map[String, String]) extends HasParams with UserAgentCalculator
  override def toString = "Req(" + paramNames + ", " + params + ", " + path +
  ", " + contextPath + ", " + requestType + ", " + contentType + ")"

  def this(_path: ParsePath,
           _contextPath: String,
          _requestType: RequestType,
          _contentType: Box[String],
          _request: HTTPRequest,
          _nanoStart: Long,
          _nanoEnd: Long,
          _paramCalculator: () => ParamCalcInfo,
          _addlParams: Map[String, String]) = this(_path,

   * Build a new Req, except it has a different path.
   * Useful for creating Reqs with sub-paths
  def withNewPath(newPath: ParsePath): Req = {
    val outer = this

    new Req(newPath,
            addlParams) {
      override lazy val json: Box[JsonAST.JValue] = outer.json

      override lazy val xml: Box[Elem] = outer.xml

      override lazy val location: Box[Loc[_]] = outer.location

      override lazy val buildMenu: CompleteMenu = outer.buildMenu

       * the accept header
      override lazy val accepts: Box[String] = outer.accepts
       * What is the content type in order of preference by the requestor
       * calculated via the Accept header
      override lazy val weightedAccept: List[ContentType] = 

       * Returns true if the request accepts XML
      override lazy val acceptsXml_? = outer.acceptsXml_?

       * Returns true if the request accepts JSON
      override lazy val acceptsJson_? = outer.acceptsJson_?

       * Is the Accepts Header * / *
      override lazy val acceptsStarStar : Boolean = outer.acceptsStarStar

       * Returns true if the request accepts JavaScript
      override lazy val acceptsJavaScript_? = 

   * Should the request be treated as stateless (no session created for it)?
  lazy val stateless_? = {
    val ret = _stateless_? || ( openOr false)

   * Returns true if the content-type is text/xml or application/xml
  def xml_? = contentType != null && contentType.dmap(false){
    _.toLowerCase match {
      case x if x.startsWith("text/xml") => true
      case x if x.startsWith("application/xml") => true
      case _ => false

   * Returns true if the content-type is text/json or application/json
  def json_? = contentType != null && contentType.dmap(false){
    _.toLowerCase match {
      case x if x.startsWith("text/json") => true
      case x if x.startsWith("application/json") => true
      case _ => false

   * Make the servlet session go away
  def destroyServletSession() {
    for {
      httpReq <- Box !! request
    } httpReq.destroyServletSession()

  def snapshot = {
    val paramCalc = paramCalculator() // make sure we grab the body
    new Req(path,
            () => paramCalc,
  val section = path(0) match {case null => "default"; case s => s}
  val view = path(1) match {case null => "index"; case s@_ => s}

  val id = pathParam(0)

  def pathParam(n: Int) = path.wholePath.drop(n + 2).headOption getOrElse ""

  def path(n: Int): String = path.wholePath.drop(n).headOption getOrElse ""

  def param(n: String): Box[String] =
    params.get(n) match {
    case Some(s :: _) => Full(s)
    case _ => Empty

  lazy val headers: List[(String, String)] =
  for (h <- request.headers;
       p <- h.values
  ) yield (h name, p)

  def headers(name: String): List[String] = headers.filter(_._1.equalsIgnoreCase(name)).map(_._2)

  def header(name: String): Box[String] = headers(name) match {
    case x :: _ => Full(x)
    case _ => Empty

   * Get the name of the params
  def paramNames: List[String] = _paramNames

   * the raw parameters, use params
  def _params: Map[String, List[String]] = __params

   * The uploaded files
  def uploadedFiles: List[FileParamHolder] = _uploadedFiles

   * The POST or PUT body.  This will be empty if the content
   * type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded or a multipart mime.
   * It will also be empty if rawInputStream is accessed
  def body: Box[Array[Byte]] = _body.flatMap(_.body)

   * The raw input stream of a POST or PUT that is not
   * application/x-www-form-urlencoded or a multipart mime
   * and if this method is called before the body method.
   * Remember to close the stream when done.
  def rawInputStream: Box[InputStream] = _body.flatMap(

  private lazy val ParamCalcInfo(_paramNames /*: List[String]*/,
            __params /*: Map[String, List[String]]*/,
            _uploadedFiles /*: List[FileParamHolder]*/,
            _body /*: Box[BodyOrInputStream]*/) = {
    val ret = paramCalculator()

  lazy val params: Map[String, List[String]] = addlParams.foldLeft(_params){
    case (map, (key, value)) => map + (key -> (value :: map.getOrElse(key, Nil)))

  lazy val cookies = request.cookies match {
    case null => Nil
    case ca => ca.toList

   * Get the session ID if there is one without creating on
  def sessionId: Box[String] =
    for {
      httpRequest <- Box !! request
      sid <- httpRequest.sessionId
    } yield sid

  lazy val json: Box[JsonAST.JValue] = 
    if (!json_?) Empty
    else try {

      def r = """; *charset=(.*)""".r
      def r2 = """[^=]*$""".r

      def charSet: String = contentType.flatMap(ct => r.findFirstIn(ct).flatMap(r2.findFirstIn)).getOrElse("UTF-8")
                                           ByteArrayInputStream(b), charSet)))
    } catch {
      case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => throw e
      case e: Exception => Failure(e.getMessage, Full(e), Empty)

  private def containerRequest = Box !! request
   * The hostname to which the request was sent. This is taken from the "Host" HTTP header, or if that
   * does not exist, the DNS name or IP address of the server.
  lazy val hostName: String = openOr Req.localHostName

   * The host and path of the request up to and including the context path. This does
   * not include the template path or query string.
  lazy val hostAndPath: String = => (r.scheme, r.serverPort) match {
      case ("http", 80) => "http://" + r.serverName + contextPath
      case ("https", 443) => "https://" + r.serverName + contextPath
      case (sch, port) => sch + "://" + r.serverName + ":" + port + contextPath
    }) openOr ""

  lazy val xml: Box[Elem] = if (!xml_?) Empty
    try {
      import => XML.load(new ByteArrayInputStream(b)))
    } catch {
      case e: LiftFlowOfControlException => throw e
      case e: Exception => Failure(e.getMessage, Full(e), Empty)

   * The SiteMap Loc associated with this Req
  lazy val location: Box[Loc[_]] = LiftRules.siteMap.flatMap(_.findLoc(this))

   * Test the current SiteMap Loc for access control to insure
   * that this Req is allowed to access the page
  def testLocation: Either[Boolean, Box[LiftResponse]] = {
    if (LiftRules.siteMap.isEmpty) Left(true)
    else match {
      case Full(Left(true)) => Left(true)
      case Full(Right(Full(resp))) =>
        object theResp extends RequestVar(resp.apply())
      case _ => Right(Empty)

  lazy val buildMenu: CompleteMenu = openOr

  private def initIfUnitted[T](f: T): T = S.session match {
    case Full(_) => f
    case _ => S.statelessInit(this)(f)

   * Computer the Not Found via a Template
  private def notFoundViaTemplate(path: ParsePath): LiftResponse = {
    this.initIfUnitted {
      (for {
        session <- S.session
        template =  Templates(path.partPath)
        resp <- session.processTemplate(template, this, path, 404)
      } yield resp) match {
        case Full(resp) => resp
        case _ => Req.defaultCreateNotFound(this)

  def createNotFound: LiftResponse = 
    NamedPF((this, Empty), LiftRules.uriNotFound.toList) match {
      case DefaultNotFound => Req.defaultCreateNotFound(this)
      case NotFoundAsTemplate(path) => notFoundViaTemplate(path)
      case NotFoundAsResponse(resp) => resp
      case NotFoundAsNode(node) => LiftRules.convertResponse((node, 404),
        S.getHeaders(LiftRules.defaultHeaders((node, this))),

  def createNotFound(f: Failure): LiftResponse = 
    NamedPF((this, Full(f)), LiftRules.uriNotFound.toList) match {
      case DefaultNotFound => Req.defaultCreateNotFound(this)
      case NotFoundAsTemplate(path) => notFoundViaTemplate(path)
      case NotFoundAsResponse(resp) => resp
      case NotFoundAsNode(node) => LiftRules.convertResponse((node, 404),
        S.getHeaders(LiftRules.defaultHeaders((node, this))),

  private[http] def createNotFound(f: (ParsePath) => Box[LiftResponse]): Box[LiftResponse] = 
    NamedPF((this, Empty), LiftRules.uriNotFound.toList) match {
      case DefaultNotFound => Full(Req.defaultCreateNotFound(this))
      case NotFoundAsResponse(resp) => Full(resp)
      case NotFoundAsTemplate(path) => 
         val newReq = new Req(path, 
         S.withReq(newReq) {
      case NotFoundAsNode(node) => Full(LiftRules.convertResponse((node, 404),
        S.getHeaders(LiftRules.defaultHeaders((node, this))),
  def post_? = requestType.post_?

  def get_? = requestType.get_?

  def put_? = requestType.put_?

  def fixHtml(in: NodeSeq): NodeSeq = Req.fixHtml(contextPath, in)

  lazy val uri: String = request match {
    case null => "Outside HTTP Request (e.g., on Actor)"
    case request =>
      val ret = for {uri <- Box.legacyNullTest(request.uri)
                     cp <- Box.legacyNullTest(contextPath)
                     part <- (request.uri.length >= cp.length) match {
                              case true => Full(request.uri.substring(cp.length))
                              case _ => Empty}} yield {
           part match {
            case "" => "/"
            case x => Req.fixURI(x)
      ret openOr "/"

   * The IP address of the request
  def remoteAddr: String = request.remoteAddress

   * Parse the if-modified-since header and return the milliseconds since epoch
   * of the parsed date.
  lazy val ifModifiedSince: Box[java.util.Date] =
  for{req <- Box !! request
      ims <- req.header("if-modified-since")
      id <- boxParseInternetDate(ims)
  } yield id

  def testIfModifiedSince(when: Long): Boolean = (when == 0L) ||
  ((when / 1000L) > (( openOr 0L) / 1000L))

  def testFor304(lastModified: Long, headers: (String, String)*): Box[LiftResponse] =
  if (!testIfModifiedSince(lastModified))
  Full(InMemoryResponse(new Array[Byte](0), headers.toList, Nil, 304))

   * The user agent of the browser that sent the request
  lazy val userAgent: Box[String] =
  for (r <- Box.legacyNullTest(request);
       uah <- request.header("User-Agent"))
  yield uah

   * the accept header
  lazy val accepts: Box[String] = {
    filter( equalsIgnoreCase "accept").flatMap(_.values) match {
      case Nil => Empty
      case xs => Full(xs.mkString(", "))
   * What is the content type in order of preference by the requestor
   * calculated via the Accept header
  lazy val weightedAccept: List[ContentType] = accepts match {
    case Full(a) => ContentType.parse(a)
    case _ => Nil

   * Returns true if the request accepts XML
  lazy val acceptsXml_? =
    (weightedAccept.find(_.matches("text" -> "xml")) orElse
     weightedAccept.find(_.matches("application" -> "xml"))).isDefined

   * Returns true if the request accepts JSON
  lazy val acceptsJson_? =
    (weightedAccept.find(_.matches("text" -> "json")) orElse
     weightedAccept.find(_.matches("application" -> "json"))).isDefined

   * Is the Accepts Header * / *
  lazy val acceptsStarStar : Boolean = == "*/*") openOr false

   * Returns true if the request accepts JavaScript
  lazy val acceptsJavaScript_? = 
    (weightedAccept.find(_.matches("text" -> "javascript")) orElse
     weightedAccept.find(_.matches("application" -> "javascript"))).

  def updateWithContextPath(uri: String): String = if (uri.startsWith("/")) contextPath + uri else uri

 * This case class is used for pattern matching.  See LiftRules.statelessRewrite and LiftRules.statefulRewrite
final case class RewriteRequest(path: ParsePath, requestType: RequestType, httpRequest: HTTPRequest)

 * The representation of an URI path
case class ParsePath(partPath: List[String], suffix: String, absolute: Boolean, endSlash: Boolean) {
  def drop(cnt: Int) = ParsePath(partPath.drop(cnt), suffix, absolute, endSlash)

  lazy val wholePath = 
    if (suffix.length > 0) {
      partPath.dropRight(1) ::: List((partPath match {
        case Nil => ""
        case xs => xs.last}) + "." + suffix)
    } else {

final case class RewriteResponse(path: ParsePath, 
                                 params: Map[String, String],
                                 stopRewriting: Boolean)

 * Maintains the context of resolving the URL when cookies are disabled from container. It maintains
 * low coupling such as code within request processing is not aware of the actual response that
 * ancodes the URL.
object RewriteResponse {
  def apply(path: List[String], params: Map[String, String]) = new RewriteResponse(ParsePath(path, "", true, false), params, false)

  def apply(path: List[String]) = new RewriteResponse(ParsePath(path, "", true, false), Map.empty, false)

  def apply(path: List[String], stopRewriting: Boolean) = 
    new RewriteResponse(ParsePath(path, "", true, false),
                        Map.empty, stopRewriting)

  def apply(path: List[String], suffix: String) = new RewriteResponse(ParsePath(path, suffix, true, false), Map.empty, false)

  def apply(path: ParsePath, params: Map[String, String]) = new RewriteResponse(path, params, false)

object URLRewriter {
  private val funcHolder = new ThreadGlobal[(String) => String]

  def doWith[R](f: (String) => String)(block: => R): R = {
    funcHolder.doWith(f) {

  def rewriteFunc: Box[(String) => String] = Box.legacyNullTest(funcHolder value)

Other Lift Framework examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Lift Framework Req.scala source code file:

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