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Lucene example source code file (

This example Lucene source code file ( is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

Java - Lucene tags/keywords

characterutils, chartokenizer, chartokenizer, deprecated, deprecated, io, io, ioexception, ioexception, lucene_31, max_word_len, override, reader, reader, virtualmethod

The Lucene source code

package org.apache.lucene.analysis;

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeSource;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CharacterUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.util.Version;
import org.apache.lucene.util.VirtualMethod;
import org.apache.lucene.util.CharacterUtils.CharacterBuffer;

 * An abstract base class for simple, character-oriented tokenizers. 
 * <p>
 * <a name="version">You must specify the required {@link Version} compatibility
 * when creating {@link CharTokenizer}:
 * <ul>
 * <li>As of 3.1, {@link CharTokenizer} uses an int based API to normalize and
 * detect token codepoints. See {@link #isTokenChar(int)} and
 * {@link #normalize(int)} for details.</li>
 * </ul>
 * <p>
 * A new {@link CharTokenizer} API has been introduced with Lucene 3.1. This API
 * moved from UTF-16 code units to UTF-32 codepoints to eventually add support
 * for <a href=
 * ""
 * >supplementary characters</a>. The old char based API has been
 * deprecated and should be replaced with the <i>int based methods
 * {@link #isTokenChar(int)} and {@link #normalize(int)}.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * As of Lucene 3.1 each {@link CharTokenizer} - constructor expects a
 * {@link Version} argument. Based on the given {@link Version} either the new
 * API or a backwards compatibility layer is used at runtime. For
 * {@link Version} < 3.1 the backwards compatibility layer ensures correct
 * behavior even for indexes build with previous versions of Lucene. If a
 * {@link Version} >= 3.1 is used {@link CharTokenizer} requires the new API to
 * be implemented by the instantiated class. Yet, the old <i>char based API
 * is not required anymore even if backwards compatibility must be preserved.
 * {@link CharTokenizer} subclasses implementing the new API are fully backwards
 * compatible if instantiated with {@link Version} < 3.1.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * <strong>Note: If you use a subclass of {@link CharTokenizer} with {@link Version} >=
 * 3.1 on an index build with a version < 3.1, created tokens might not be
 * compatible with the terms in your index.
 * </p>
public abstract class CharTokenizer extends Tokenizer {
   * Creates a new {@link CharTokenizer} instance
   * @param matchVersion
   *          Lucene version to match See {@link <a href="#version">above}
   * @param input
   *          the input to split up into tokens
  public CharTokenizer(Version matchVersion, Reader input) {
    charUtils = CharacterUtils.getInstance(matchVersion);
    useOldAPI = useOldAPI(matchVersion);

   * Creates a new {@link CharTokenizer} instance
   * @param matchVersion
   *          Lucene version to match See {@link <a href="#version">above}
   * @param source
   *          the attribute source to use for this {@link Tokenizer}
   * @param input
   *          the input to split up into tokens
  public CharTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeSource source,
      Reader input) {
    super(source, input);
    charUtils = CharacterUtils.getInstance(matchVersion);
    useOldAPI = useOldAPI(matchVersion);
   * Creates a new {@link CharTokenizer} instance
   * @param matchVersion
   *          Lucene version to match See {@link <a href="#version">above}
   * @param factory
   *          the attribute factory to use for this {@link Tokenizer}
   * @param input
   *          the input to split up into tokens
  public CharTokenizer(Version matchVersion, AttributeFactory factory,
      Reader input) {
    super(factory, input);
    charUtils = CharacterUtils.getInstance(matchVersion);
    useOldAPI = useOldAPI(matchVersion);
   * Creates a new {@link CharTokenizer} instance
   * @param input the input to split up into tokens
   * @deprecated use {@link #CharTokenizer(Version, Reader)} instead. This will be
   *             removed in Lucene 4.0.
  public CharTokenizer(Reader input) {
    this(Version.LUCENE_30, input);

   * Creates a new {@link CharTokenizer} instance
   * @param input the input to split up into tokens
   * @param source the attribute source to use for this {@link Tokenizer}
   * @deprecated use {@link #CharTokenizer(Version, AttributeSource, Reader)} instead. This will be
   *             removed in Lucene 4.0.
  public CharTokenizer(AttributeSource source, Reader input) {
    this(Version.LUCENE_30, source, input);

   * Creates a new {@link CharTokenizer} instance
   * @param input the input to split up into tokens
   * @param factory the attribute factory to use for this {@link Tokenizer}
   * @deprecated use {@link #CharTokenizer(Version, AttributeSource.AttributeFactory, Reader)} instead. This will be
   *             removed in Lucene 4.0.
  public CharTokenizer(AttributeFactory factory, Reader input) {
    this(Version.LUCENE_30, factory, input);
  private int offset = 0, bufferIndex = 0, dataLen = 0, finalOffset = 0;
  private static final int MAX_WORD_LEN = 255;
  private static final int IO_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
  private final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute(CharTermAttribute.class);;
  private final OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = addAttribute(OffsetAttribute.class);
  private final CharacterUtils charUtils;
  private final CharacterBuffer ioBuffer = CharacterUtils.newCharacterBuffer(IO_BUFFER_SIZE);
   * @deprecated this will be removed in lucene 4.0
  private final boolean useOldAPI;
   * @deprecated this will be removed in lucene 4.0
  private static final VirtualMethod<CharTokenizer> isTokenCharMethod =
    new VirtualMethod<CharTokenizer>(CharTokenizer.class, "isTokenChar", char.class);
   * @deprecated this will be removed in lucene 4.0
  private static final VirtualMethod<CharTokenizer> normalizeMethod =
    new VirtualMethod<CharTokenizer>(CharTokenizer.class, "normalize", char.class);

   * Returns true iff a UTF-16 code unit should be included in a token. This
   * tokenizer generates as tokens adjacent sequences of characters which
   * satisfy this predicate. Characters for which this is <code>false are
   * used to define token boundaries and are not included in tokens.
   * <p>
   * Note: This method cannot handle <a href=
   * ""
   * >supplementary characters</a>. To support all Unicode characters, including
   * supplementary characters, use the {@link #isTokenChar(int)} method.
   * </p>
   * @deprecated use {@link #isTokenChar(int)} instead. This method will be
   *             removed in Lucene 4.0.
  protected boolean isTokenChar(char c) {
    return isTokenChar((int)c); 

   * Called on each token UTF-16 code unit to normalize it before it is added to the
   * token. The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may use this to,
   * e.g., lowercase tokens.
   * <p>
   * Note: This method cannot handle <a href=
   * ""
   * >supplementary characters</a>. To support all Unicode characters, including
   * supplementary characters, use the {@link #normalize(int)} method.
   * </p>
   * @deprecated use {@link #normalize(int)} instead. This method will be
   *             removed in Lucene 4.0.
  protected char normalize(char c) {
    return (char) normalize((int) c);

   * Returns true iff a codepoint should be included in a token. This tokenizer
   * generates as tokens adjacent sequences of codepoints which satisfy this
   * predicate. Codepoints for which this is false are used to define token
   * boundaries and are not included in tokens.
   * <p>
   * As of Lucene 3.1 the char based API ({@link #isTokenChar(char)} and
   * {@link #normalize(char)}) has been depreciated in favor of a Unicode 4.0
   * compatible int based API to support codepoints instead of UTF-16 code
   * units. Subclasses of {@link CharTokenizer} must not override the char based
   * methods if a {@link Version} >= 3.1 is passed to the constructor.
   * <p>
   * <p>
   * NOTE: This method will be marked <i>abstract in Lucene 4.0.
   * </p>
  protected boolean isTokenChar(int c) {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("since LUCENE_31 subclasses of CharTokenizer must implement isTokenChar(int)");

   * Called on each token character to normalize it before it is added to the
   * token. The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may use this to,
   * e.g., lowercase tokens.
   * <p>
   * As of Lucene 3.1 the char based API ({@link #isTokenChar(char)} and
   * {@link #normalize(char)}) has been depreciated in favor of a Unicode 4.0
   * compatible int based API to support codepoints instead of UTF-16 code
   * units. Subclasses of {@link CharTokenizer} must not override the char based
   * methods if a {@link Version} >= 3.1 is passed to the constructor.
   * <p>
   * <p>
   * NOTE: This method will be marked <i>abstract in Lucene 4.0.
   * </p>
  protected int normalize(int c) {
    return c;

  public final boolean incrementToken() throws IOException {
    if(useOldAPI) // TODO remove this in LUCENE 4.0
      return incrementTokenOld();
    int length = 0;
    int start = -1; // this variable is always initialized
    char[] buffer = termAtt.buffer();
    while (true) {
      if (bufferIndex >= dataLen) {
        offset += dataLen;
        if(!charUtils.fill(ioBuffer, input)) { // read supplementary char aware with CharacterUtils
          dataLen = 0; // so next offset += dataLen won't decrement offset
          if (length > 0) {
          } else {
            finalOffset = correctOffset(offset);
            return false;
        dataLen = ioBuffer.getLength();
        bufferIndex = 0;
      // use CharacterUtils here to support < 3.1 UTF-16 code unit behavior if the char based methods are gone
      final int c = charUtils.codePointAt(ioBuffer.getBuffer(), bufferIndex);
      bufferIndex += Character.charCount(c);

      if (isTokenChar(c)) {               // if it's a token char
        if (length == 0) {                // start of token
          assert start == -1;
          start = offset + bufferIndex - 1;
        } else if (length >= buffer.length-1) { // check if a supplementary could run out of bounds
          buffer = termAtt.resizeBuffer(2+length); // make sure a supplementary fits in the buffer
        length += Character.toChars(normalize(c), buffer, length); // buffer it, normalized
        if (length >= MAX_WORD_LEN) // buffer overflow! make sure to check for >= surrogate pair could break == test
      } else if (length > 0)             // at non-Letter w/ chars
        break;                           // return 'em

    assert start != -1;
    offsetAtt.setOffset(correctOffset(start), finalOffset = correctOffset(start+length));
    return true;
   * The <= 3.0 version of incrementToken. This is a backwards compat implementation used
   * if a version <= 3.0 is provided to the ctor. 
   * @deprecated remove in 4.0
  private boolean incrementTokenOld() throws IOException {
    int length = 0;
    int start = -1; // this variable is always initialized
    char[] buffer = termAtt.buffer();
    final char[] oldIoBuffer = ioBuffer.getBuffer();
    while (true) {

      if (bufferIndex >= dataLen) {
        offset += dataLen;
        dataLen =;
        if (dataLen == -1) {
          dataLen = 0;                            // so next offset += dataLen won't decrement offset
          if (length > 0) {
          } else {
            finalOffset = correctOffset(offset);
            return false;
        bufferIndex = 0;

      final char c = oldIoBuffer[bufferIndex++];

      if (isTokenChar(c)) {               // if it's a token char

        if (length == 0) {                // start of token
          assert start == -1;
          start = offset + bufferIndex - 1;
        } else if (length == buffer.length) {
          buffer = termAtt.resizeBuffer(1+length);

        buffer[length++] = normalize(c); // buffer it, normalized

        if (length == MAX_WORD_LEN)      // buffer overflow!

      } else if (length > 0)             // at non-Letter w/ chars
        break;                           // return 'em

    assert start != -1;
    offsetAtt.setOffset(correctOffset(start), correctOffset(start+length));
    return true;
  public final void end() {
    // set final offset
    offsetAtt.setOffset(finalOffset, finalOffset);

  public void reset(Reader input) throws IOException {
    bufferIndex = 0;
    offset = 0;
    dataLen = 0;
    finalOffset = 0;
    ioBuffer.reset(); // make sure to reset the IO buffer!!

   * @deprecated this will be removed in lucene 4.0
  private boolean useOldAPI(Version matchVersion) {
    final Class<? extends CharTokenizer> clazz = this.getClass();
    if (matchVersion.onOrAfter(Version.LUCENE_31)
        && (isTokenCharMethod.isOverriddenAsOf(clazz) || normalizeMethod
            .isOverriddenAsOf(clazz))) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        "For matchVersion >= LUCENE_31, CharTokenizer subclasses must not override isTokenChar(char) or normalize(char).");
    return !matchVersion.onOrAfter(Version.LUCENE_31);

Other Lucene examples (source code examples)

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