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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import java.util.*;

// XXX: consider adding getInitialComment() and setInitialComment() methods

 * Similar to {@link Properties} but designed to retain additional
 * information needed for safe hand-editing.
 * Useful for various *.properties in a project:
  1. Can associate comments with particular entries. *
  2. Order of entries preserved during modifications whenever possible. *
  3. VCS-friendly: lines which are not semantically modified are not textually modified. *
  4. Can automatically insert line breaks in new or modified values at positions * that are likely to be semantically meaningful, e.g. between path components *
* The file format (including encoding etc.) is compatible with the regular JRE implementation. * Only (non-null) String is supported for keys and values. * This class is not thread-safe; use only from a single thread, or use {@link Collections#synchronizedMap}. * @author Jesse Glick, David Konecny */ public final class EditableProperties extends AbstractMap implements Cloneable { /** List of Item instances as read from the properties file. Order is important. * Saving properties will save then in this order. */ private List/**/ items; /** Map of [property key, Item instance] for faster access. */ private Map itemIndex; private boolean alphabetize = true; private static final String keyValueSeparators = "=: \t\r\n\f"; private static final String strictKeyValueSeparators = "=:"; private static final String whiteSpaceChars = " \t\r\n\f"; private static final String commentChars = "#!"; private static final String INDENT = " "; // parse states: private static final int WAITING_FOR_KEY_VALUE = 1; private static final int READING_KEY_VALUE = 2; /** * Creates empty instance which items will not be sorted by default. */ public EditableProperties() { items = new ArrayList(); itemIndex = new HashMap(); } /** * Creates empty instance. * @param alphabetize alphabetize new items according to key or not */ public EditableProperties(boolean alphabetize) { this(); this.alphabetize = alphabetize; } /** * Creates instance from an existing map. No comments will be defined. * Any order from the existing map will be retained. * @param map a map from String to String */ public EditableProperties(Map map) { this(); putAll(map); } /** * Creates new instance from an existing one. * @param ep an instance of EditableProperties */ EditableProperties(EditableProperties ep) { this(); Iterator it = ep.items.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Item item = (Item); addItem((Item)item.clone(), false); } } /** * Returns a set view of the mappings ordered according to their file * position. Each element in this set is a Map.Entry. See * {@link AbstractMap#entrySet} for more dertails. * @return set with Map.Entry instances. */ public Set entrySet() { return new SetImpl(this); } /** * Load properties from a stream. * @param stream an input stream * @throws IOException if the contents are malformed or the stream could not be read */ public void load(InputStream stream) throws IOException { int state = WAITING_FOR_KEY_VALUE; BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, "ISO-8859-1")); LinkedList tempList = new LinkedList(); String line; int commentLinesCount = 0; // Read block of lines and create instance of Item for each. // Separator is: either empty line or valid end of proeprty declaration while (null != (line = input.readLine())) { tempList.add(line); boolean empty = isEmpty(line); boolean comment = isComment(line); if (state == WAITING_FOR_KEY_VALUE) { if (empty) { // empty line: create Item without any key createNonKeyItem(tempList); commentLinesCount = 0; } else { if (comment) { commentLinesCount++; } else { state = READING_KEY_VALUE; } } } if (state == READING_KEY_VALUE && !isContinue(line)) { // valid end of property declaration: create Item for it createKeyItem(tempList, commentLinesCount); state = WAITING_FOR_KEY_VALUE; commentLinesCount = 0; } } if (tempList.size() > 0) { if (state == READING_KEY_VALUE) { // value was not ended correctly? ignore. createKeyItem(tempList, commentLinesCount); } else { createNonKeyItem(tempList); } } } /** * Store properties to a stream. * @param stream an output stream * @throws IOException if the stream could not be written to */ public void store(OutputStream stream) throws IOException { boolean previousLineWasEmpty = true; BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stream, "ISO-8859-1")); Iterator it = items.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Item item = (Item); if (item.isSeparate() && !previousLineWasEmpty) { output.newLine(); } Iterator it2 = item.getRawData().iterator(); String line = null; while (it2.hasNext()) { line = (String); output.write(line); output.newLine(); } if (line != null) { previousLineWasEmpty = isEmpty(line); } } output.flush(); } public Object put(Object key, Object value) { if (key == null || value == null) { throw new NullPointerException(); } Item item = (Item)itemIndex.get(key); String result = null; if (item != null) { result = item.getValue(); if (value instanceof List) { item.setValue((List)value); } else { item.setValue((String)value); } } else { if (value instanceof List) { item = new Item((String)key, (List)value); } else { item = new Item((String)key, (String)value); } addItem(item, alphabetize); } return result; } /** * Convenience method to get a property as a string. * Same behavior as {@link #get} but has the correct return type. * @param key a property name; cannot be null nor empty * @return the property value, or null if it was not defined */ public String getProperty(String key) { return (String)get(key); } /** * Convenience method to set a property. * Same behavior as {@link #put} but has the correct argument types. * (Slightly slower however.) * @param key a property name; cannot be null nor empty * @param value the desired value; cannot be null * @return previous value of the property or null if there was not any */ public String setProperty(String key, String value) { String result = getProperty(key); put(key, value); return result; } /** * Convenience method to set a property which is array of items. * Same behavior as {@link #put} with only difference that array items * will be stored each on separate line. {@link #getProperty} will merge * all array items into one String, so do not forget that item separators * (like ';' or ':' in case of path like properties) must be included in * the items. * @param key a property name; cannot be null nor empty * @param value the desired value; cannot be null; can be empty array * @return previous value of the property or null if there was not any */ public String setProperty(String key, String[] value) { String result = getProperty(key); put(key, Arrays.asList(value)); return result; } /** * Returns comment associated with the property. The comment lines are * returned as defined in properties file, that is comment delimiter is * included. Comment for property is defined as: continuous block of lines * starting with comment delimiter which are followed by property * declaration (no empty line separator allowed). * @param key a property name; cannot be null nor empty * @return array of String lines as specified in properties file; comment * delimiter character is included */ public String[] getComment(String key) { Item item = (Item)itemIndex.get(key); if (item == null) { return new String[0]; } return item.getComment(); } /** * Create comment for the property. * @param key a property name; cannot be null nor empty * @param comment lines of comment which will be written just above * the property; no reformatting; comment lines must start with * comment delimiter; cannot be null; cannot be emty array * @param separate whether the comment should be separated from previous * item by empty line */ public void setComment(String key, String[] comment, boolean separate) { // XXX: check validity of comment parameter Item item = (Item)itemIndex.get(key); if (item == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set comment for non-existing property "+key); } item.setComment(comment, separate); } public Object clone() { return cloneProperties(); } /** * Create an exact copy of this properties object. * @return a clone of this object */ public EditableProperties cloneProperties() { return new EditableProperties(this); } // non-key item is block of empty lines/comment not associated with any property private void createNonKeyItem(List/**/ lines) { // First check that previous item is not non-key item. if (items.size() > 0) { Item item = (Item)items.get(items.size()-1); if (item.getKey() == null) { // it is non-key item: merge them item.addCommentLines(lines); lines.clear(); return; } } // create new non-key item Item item = new Item(lines); addItem(item, false); lines.clear(); } // opposite to non-key item: item with valid property declaration and // perhaps some comment lines private void createKeyItem(List/**/ lines, int commentLinesCount) { Item item = new Item(lines.subList(0, commentLinesCount), lines.subList(commentLinesCount, lines.size())); addItem(item, false); lines.clear(); } private void addItem(Item item, boolean sort) { String key = item.getKey(); if (sort) { assert key != null; for (int i=0; i 0) { items.add(i, item); itemIndex.put(key, item); return; } } } items.add(item); if (key != null) { itemIndex.put(key, item); } } private void removeItem(Item item) { items.remove(item); if (item.getKey() != null) { itemIndex.remove(item.getKey()); } } // does property declaration continue on next line? private boolean isContinue(String line) { int index = line.length() - 1; int slashCount = 0; while (index >= 0 && line.charAt(index) == '\\') { slashCount++; index--; } // if line ends with odd number of backslash then property definition // continues on next line return (slashCount % 2 != 0); } // does line start with comment delimiter? (whitespaces are ignored) private static boolean isComment(String line) { line = trimLeft(line); if (line.length() != 0 && commentChars.indexOf(line.charAt(0)) != -1) { return true; } else { return false; } } // is line empty? (whitespaces are ignored) private static boolean isEmpty(String line) { return trimLeft(line).length() == 0; } // remove all whitespaces from left private static String trimLeft(String line) { int start = 0; while (start < line.length()) { if (whiteSpaceChars.indexOf(line.charAt(start)) == -1) { break; } start++; } return line.substring(start); } /** * Representation of one item read from properties file. It can be either * valid property declaration with associated comment or chunk of empty * lines or lines with comment which are not associated with any property. */ private static class Item implements Cloneable { /** Lines of comment as read from properties file and as they will be * written back to properties file. */ private List/**/ commentLines; /** Lines with property name and value declaration as read from * properties file and as they will be written back to properties file. */ private List/**/ keyValueLines; /** Property key */ private String key; /** Property value */ private String value; /** Should this property be separated from previous one by at least * one empty line. */ private boolean separate; // constructor only for cloning private Item() { } /** * Create instance which does not have any key and value - just * some empty or comment lines. This item is READ-ONLY. */ public Item(List/**/ commentLines) { this.commentLines = new ArrayList(commentLines); } /** * Create instance from the lines of comment and property declaration. * Property name and value will be split. */ public Item(List/**/ commentLines, List/**/ keyValueLines) { this.commentLines = new ArrayList(commentLines); this.keyValueLines = new ArrayList(keyValueLines); parse(keyValueLines); } /** * Create new instance with key and value. */ public Item(String key, String value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; } /** * Create new instance with key and value. */ public Item(String key, List value) { this.key = key; setValue(value); } // backdoor for merging non-key items void addCommentLines(List/**/ lines) { assert key == null; commentLines.addAll(lines); } public String[] getComment() { return (String[])commentLines.toArray(new String[commentLines.size()]); } public void setComment(String[] commentLines, boolean separate) { this.separate = separate; this.commentLines = Arrays.asList(commentLines); } public String getKey() { return key; } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; keyValueLines = null; } public void setValue(List value) { StringBuffer val = new StringBuffer(); ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); l.add(encode(key, true)+"=\\"); Iterator it = value.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String s = (String); val.append(s); s = encode(s, false); l.add(it.hasNext() ? INDENT+s+"\\" : INDENT+s); } if (l.size() == 1) { l.add(""); } this.value = val.toString(); keyValueLines = l; } public boolean isSeparate() { return separate; } /** * Returns persistent image of this property. */ public List/**/ getRawData() { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); if (commentLines != null) { l.addAll(commentLines); } if (keyValueLines != null) { l.addAll(keyValueLines); } else { keyValueLines = new ArrayList(); if (key != null && value != null) { keyValueLines.add(encode(key, true)+"="+encode(value, false)); } l.addAll(keyValueLines); } return l; } private void parse(List/**/ keyValueLines) { // merge lines into one: String line = mergeLines(keyValueLines); // split key and value splitKeyValue(line); } private String mergeLines(List/**/ lines) { String line = ""; Iterator it = lines.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String l = trimLeft((String); // if this is not the last line then remove last backslash if (it.hasNext()) { assert l.endsWith("\\") : lines; l = l.substring(0, l.length()-1); } line += l; } return line; } private void splitKeyValue(String line) { int separatorIndex = 0; while (separatorIndex < line.length()) { char ch = line.charAt(separatorIndex); if (ch == '\\') { // ignore next one character separatorIndex++; } else { if (keyValueSeparators.indexOf(ch) != -1) { break; } } separatorIndex++; } key = decode(line.substring(0, separatorIndex)); line = trimLeft(line.substring(separatorIndex)); if (line.length() == 0) { value = ""; return; } if (strictKeyValueSeparators.indexOf(line.charAt(0)) != -1) { line = trimLeft(line.substring(1)); } value = decode(line); } private static String decode(String input) { char ch; int len = input.length(); StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(len); for (int x=0; xlen) { // unicode character not finished? syntax error: ignore output.append(input.substring(x-1)); x += 4; continue; } String val = input.substring(x+1, x+5); try { output.append((char)Integer.parseInt(val, 16)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // #46234: handle gracefully output.append(input.substring(x - 1, x + 5)); } x += 4; } else { if (ch == 't') ch = '\t'; else if (ch == 'r') ch = '\r'; else if (ch == 'n') ch = '\n'; else if (ch == 'f') ch = '\f'; output.append(ch); } } return output.toString(); } private static String encode(String input, boolean escapeSpace) { int len = input.length(); StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer(len*2); for(int x=0; x 0x007e)) { output.append("\\u"); output.append(Integer.toHexString(ch)); } else { output.append(ch); } } } return output.toString(); } public Object clone() { Item item = new Item(); if (keyValueLines != null) { item.keyValueLines = new ArrayList(keyValueLines); } if (commentLines != null) { item.commentLines = new ArrayList(commentLines); } item.key = key; item.value = value; return item; } } private static class SetImpl extends AbstractSet { private EditableProperties props; public SetImpl(EditableProperties props) { this.props = props; } public Iterator iterator() { return new IteratorImpl(props); } public int size() { return props.items.size(); } } private static class IteratorImpl implements Iterator { private EditableProperties props; private int index = -1; private Item item; public IteratorImpl(EditableProperties props) { this.props = props; } public boolean hasNext() { return findNext() != -1; } public Object next() { index = findNext(); if (index == -1) { throw new NoSuchElementException("There is no more items"); } item = (Item)props.items.get(index); return new MapEntryImpl(item); } public void remove() { if (item == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } props.removeItem(item); index--; item = null; } private int findNext() { int res = index+1; while (res < props.size()) { Item i = (Item)props.items.get(res); if (i.getKey() != null && i.getValue() != null) { return res; } res++; } return -1; } } private static class MapEntryImpl implements Map.Entry { private Item item; public MapEntryImpl(Item item) { this.item = item; } public Object getKey() { return item.getKey(); } public Object getValue() { return item.getValue(); } public Object setValue(Object value) { String result = item.getValue(); item.setValue((String)value); return result; } } }
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