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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.netbeans.api.project.Project;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectManager;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ProjectUtils;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ant.AntArtifact;
import org.netbeans.api.project.ant.AntArtifactQuery;
import org.netbeans.api.queries.CollocationQuery;
import org.netbeans.modules.project.ant.AntBasedProjectFactorySingleton;
import org.netbeans.modules.project.ant.Util;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.AuxiliaryConfiguration;
import org.netbeans.spi.project.SubprojectProvider;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil;
import org.openide.util.Mutex;
import org.openide.xml.XMLUtil;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

// XXX need a method to update non-key data in references e.g. during projectOpened()

 * Helps manage inter-project references.
 * Normally you would create an instance of this object and keep it in your
 * project object in order to support {@link SubprojectProvider} and various
 * operations that change settings which might refer to build artifacts from
 * other projects: e.g. when changing the classpath for a Java-based project
 * you would want to use this helper to scan potential classpath entries for
 * JARs coming from other projects that you would like to be able to build
 * as dependencies before your project is built.

* You probably only need the higher-level methods such as {@link #addReference} * and {@link #removeReference(String,String)}; the lower-level methods such as {@link #addRawReference} * are provided for completeness, but typical client code should not need them. *

* Only deals with references needed to support build artifacts coming from * foreign projects. If for some reason you wish to store other kinds of * references to foreign projects, you do not need this class; just store * them however you wish, and be sure to create an appropriate {@link SubprojectProvider}. *

* Modification methods (add, remove) mark the project as modified but do not save it. * @author Jesse Glick */ public final class ReferenceHelper { /** * XML element name used to store references in project.xml. */ static final String REFS_NAME = "references"; // NOI18N /** * XML element name used to store one reference in project.xml. */ static final String REF_NAME = "reference"; // NOI18N /** * XML namespace used to store references in project.xml. */ static final String REFS_NS = ""; // NOI18N private final AntProjectHelper h; final PropertyEvaluator eval; private final AuxiliaryConfiguration aux; /** * Create a new reference helper. * It needs an {@link AntProjectHelper} object in order to update references * in project.xml, * as well as set project or private properties referring to the locations * of foreign projects on disk. *

* The property evaluator may be used in {@link #getForeignFileReferenceAsArtifact}, * {@link ReferenceHelper.RawReference#toAntArtifact}, or * {@link #createSubprojectProvider}. Typically this would * be {@link AntProjectHelper#getStandardPropertyEvaluator}. You can substitute * a custom evaluator but be warned that this helper class assumes that * {@link AntProjectHelper#PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH} and {@link AntProjectHelper#PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH} * have their customary meanings; specifically that they are both used when evaluating * properties (such as the location of a foreign project) and that private properties * can override public properties. * @param helper an Ant project helper object representing this project's configuration * @param aux an auxiliary configuration provider needed to store references * @param eval a property evaluator */ public ReferenceHelper(AntProjectHelper helper, AuxiliaryConfiguration aux, PropertyEvaluator eval) { h = helper; this.aux = aux; this.eval = eval; } /** * Load from project.xml. * @param create if true, create an empty element if it was missing, else leave as null */ private Element loadReferences(boolean create) { //assert ProjectManager.mutex().canRead(); Element references = aux.getConfigurationFragment(REFS_NAME, REFS_NS, true); if (references == null && create) { references = XMLUtil.createDocument("ignore", null, null, null).createElementNS(REFS_NS, REFS_NAME); // NOI18N } return references; } /** * Store to project.xml (i.e. to memory and mark project modified). */ private void storeReferences(Element references) { //assert ProjectManager.mutex().canWrite(); assert references != null && references.getLocalName().equals(REFS_NAME) && REFS_NS.equals(references.getNamespaceURI()); aux.putConfigurationFragment(references, true); } /** * Add a reference to an artifact coming from a foreign project. *

* Records the name of the foreign project. * Normally the foreign project name is that project's code name, * but it may be uniquified if that name is already taken to refer * to a different project with the same code name. *

* Adds a project property if necessary to refer to its location of the foreign * project - a shared property if the foreign project * is {@link CollocationQuery collocated} with this one, else a private property. * This property is named project.foreignProjectName. * Example: project.mylib=../mylib *

* Adds a project property to refer to the location of the artifact itself. * This property is named reference.foreignProjectName.targetName * and will use ${project.foreignProjectName} and be a shared * property - unless the artifact location is an absolute URI, in which case the property * will also be private. * Example: reference.mylib.jar=${project.mylib}/dist/mylib.jar *

* Also records the artifact type, (relative) script path, and build and * clean target names. *

* If the reference already exists (keyed by foreign project object * and target name), nothing is done, unless some other field (script location, * clean target name, or artifact type) needed to be updated, in which case * the new information replaces the old. Similarly, the artifact location * property is updated if necessary. *

* Acquires write access. * @param artifact the artifact to add * @return true if a reference or some property was actually added or modified, * false if everything already existed and was not modified * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the artifact is not associated with a project */ public boolean addReference(final AntArtifact artifact) throws IllegalArgumentException { return ((Boolean)ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { Project forProj = artifact.getProject(); if (forProj == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No project associated with " + artifact); // NOI18N } // Set up the raw reference. File forProjDir = FileUtil.toFile(forProj.getProjectDirectory()); assert forProjDir != null : forProj.getProjectDirectory(); String projName = getUsableReferenceID(ProjectUtils.getInformation(forProj).getName()); String forProjName = findReferenceID(projName, "project.", forProjDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (forProjName == null) { forProjName = generateUniqueID(projName, "project.", forProjDir.getAbsolutePath()); } File scriptFile = artifact.getScriptLocation(); URI scriptLocation = forProjDir.toURI().relativize(scriptFile.toURI()); RawReference ref = new RawReference(forProjName, artifact.getType(), scriptLocation, artifact.getTargetName(), artifact.getCleanTargetName(), artifact.getID()); Element references = loadReferences(true); boolean success; try { success = addRawReference(ref, references); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); return Boolean.FALSE; } if (success) { storeReferences(references); } // Set up ${project.whatever}. FileObject myProjDirFO = AntBasedProjectFactorySingleton.getProjectFor(h).getProjectDirectory(); File myProjDir = FileUtil.toFile(myProjDirFO); String forProjPath; String propertiesFile; if (CollocationQuery.areCollocated(myProjDir, forProjDir)) { // Fine, using a relative path to subproject. forProjPath = PropertyUtils.relativizeFile(myProjDir, forProjDir); assert forProjPath != null : "These dirs are not really collocated: " + myProjDir + " & " + forProjDir; propertiesFile = AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH; } else { // Use an absolute path. forProjPath = forProjDir.getAbsolutePath(); propertiesFile = AntProjectHelper.PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH; } EditableProperties props = h.getProperties(propertiesFile); String forProjPathProp = "project." + forProjName; // NOI18N if (!forProjPath.equals(props.getProperty(forProjPathProp))) { props.put(forProjPathProp, forProjPath); h.putProperties(propertiesFile, props); success = true; } // Set up ${reference.whatever.whatever}. URI artFile = artifact.getArtifactLocation(); String refPath; if (artFile.isAbsolute()) { refPath = new File(artFile).getAbsolutePath(); propertiesFile = AntProjectHelper.PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH; } else { refPath = "${" + forProjPathProp + "}/" + artFile.getPath(); // NOI18N propertiesFile = AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH; } props = h.getProperties(propertiesFile); String refPathProp = "reference." + forProjName + '.' + getUsableReferenceID(artifact.getID()); // NOI18N if (!refPath.equals(props.getProperty(refPathProp))) { props.put(refPathProp, refPath); h.putProperties(propertiesFile, props); success = true; } return Boolean.valueOf(success); } })).booleanValue(); } /** * Add a raw reference to a foreign project artifact. * Does not check if such a project already exists; does not create a project * property to refer to it; does not do any backreference usage notifications. *

* If the reference already exists (keyed by foreign project name and target name), * nothing is done, unless some other field (script location, clean target name, * or artifact type) needed to be updated, in which case the new information * replaces the old. *

* Note that since {@link RawReference} is just a descriptor, it is not guaranteed * that after adding one {@link #getRawReferences} or {@link #getRawReference} * would return the identical object. *

* Acquires write access. * @param ref a raw reference descriptor * @return true if a reference was actually added or modified, * false if it already existed and was not modified */ public boolean addRawReference(final RawReference ref) { return ((Boolean)ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { Element references = loadReferences(true); boolean success; try { success = addRawReference(ref, references); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); return Boolean.FALSE; } if (success) { storeReferences(references); return Boolean.TRUE; } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } })).booleanValue(); } private static boolean addRawReference(RawReference ref, Element references) throws IllegalArgumentException { // Linear search; always keeping references sorted first by foreign project // name, then by target name. Element nextRefEl = null; List/**/subEls = Util.findSubElements(references); Iterator it = subEls.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element testRefEl = (Element); RawReference testRef = RawReference.create(testRefEl); if (testRef.getForeignProjectName().compareTo(ref.getForeignProjectName()) > 0) { // gone too far, go back nextRefEl = testRefEl; break; } if (testRef.getForeignProjectName().equals(ref.getForeignProjectName())) { if (testRef.getID().compareTo(ref.getID()) > 0) { // again, gone too far, go back nextRefEl = testRefEl; break; } if (testRef.getID().equals(ref.getID())) { // Key match, check if it needs to be updated. if (testRef.getArtifactType().equals(ref.getArtifactType()) && testRef.getScriptLocation().equals(ref.getScriptLocation()) && testRef.getTargetName().equals(ref.getTargetName()) && testRef.getCleanTargetName().equals(ref.getCleanTargetName())) { // Match on other fields. Return without changing anything. return false; } // Something needs updating. // Delete the old ref and set nextRef to the next item in line. references.removeChild(testRefEl); if (it.hasNext()) { nextRefEl = (Element); } else { nextRefEl = null; } break; } } } // Need to insert a new record before nextRef. Element newRefEl = ref.toXml(references.getOwnerDocument()); // Note: OK if nextRefEl == null, that means insert as last child. references.insertBefore(newRefEl, nextRefEl); return true; } /** * Remove a reference to an artifact coming from a foreign project. *

* The property giving the location of the artifact is removed if it existed. *

* If this was the last reference to the foreign project, its location * property is removed as well. *

* If the reference does not exist, nothing is done. *

* Acquires write access. * @param foreignProjectName the local name of the foreign project * (usually its code name) * @param id the ID of the build artifact (usually build target name) * @return true if a reference or some property was actually removed, * false if the reference was not there and no property was removed */ public boolean removeReference(final String foreignProjectName, final String id) { return removeReference(foreignProjectName, id, false); } private boolean removeReference(final String foreignProjectName, final String id, final boolean escaped) { return ((Boolean)ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { Element references = loadReferences(true); boolean success; try { success = removeRawReference(foreignProjectName, id, references, escaped); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); return Boolean.FALSE; } if (success) { storeReferences(references); } // Note: try to delete obsoleted properties from both // and, just in case. String[] PROPS_PATHS = { AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH, AntProjectHelper.PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH, }; // Check whether there are any other references using foreignProjectName. // If not, we can delete ${project.foreignProjectName}. RawReference[] refs = getRawReferences(references); boolean deleteProjProp = true; for (int i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) { if (refs[i].getForeignProjectName().equals(foreignProjectName)) { deleteProjProp = false; break; } } if (deleteProjProp) { String projProp = "project." + foreignProjectName; // NOI18N for (int i = 0; i < PROPS_PATHS.length; i++) { EditableProperties props = h.getProperties(PROPS_PATHS[i]); if (props.containsKey(projProp)) { props.remove(projProp); h.putProperties(PROPS_PATHS[i], props); success = true; } } } String refProp = "reference." + foreignProjectName + '.' + getUsableReferenceID(id); // NOI18N for (int i = 0; i < PROPS_PATHS.length; i++) { EditableProperties props = h.getProperties(PROPS_PATHS[i]); if (props.containsKey(refProp)) { props.remove(refProp); h.putProperties(PROPS_PATHS[i], props); success = true; } } return Boolean.valueOf(success); } })).booleanValue(); } /** * Remove reference to a file. *

* If the reference does not exist, nothing is done. *

* Acquires write access. * @param fileReference file reference as created by * {@link #createForeignFileReference(File, String)} * @return true if the reference was actually removed; otherwise false */ public boolean removeReference(final String fileReference) { return ((Boolean)ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { boolean success = false; // Note: try to delete obsoleted properties from both // and, just in case. String[] PROPS_PATHS = { AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH, AntProjectHelper.PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH, }; String refProp = fileReference; if (refProp.startsWith("${") && refProp.endsWith("}")) { refProp = refProp.substring(2, refProp.length()-1); } for (int i = 0; i < PROPS_PATHS.length; i++) { EditableProperties props = h.getProperties(PROPS_PATHS[i]); if (props.containsKey(refProp)) { props.remove(refProp); h.putProperties(PROPS_PATHS[i], props); success = true; } } return Boolean.valueOf(success); } })).booleanValue(); } /** * Remove a raw reference to an artifact coming from a foreign project. * Does not attempt to manipulate backreferences in the foreign project * nor project properties. *

* If the reference does not exist, nothing is done. *

* Acquires write access. * @param foreignProjectName the local name of the foreign project * (usually its code name) * @param id the ID of the build artifact (usually build target name) * @return true if a reference was actually removed, false if it was not there */ public boolean removeRawReference(final String foreignProjectName, final String id) { return ((Boolean)ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { Element references = loadReferences(true); boolean success; try { success = removeRawReference(foreignProjectName, id, references, false); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); return Boolean.FALSE; } if (success) { storeReferences(references); return Boolean.TRUE; } else { return Boolean.FALSE; } } })).booleanValue(); } private static boolean removeRawReference(String foreignProjectName, String id, Element references, boolean escaped) throws IllegalArgumentException { // As with addRawReference, do a linear search through. List/**/subEls = Util.findSubElements(references); Iterator it = subEls.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element testRefEl = (Element); RawReference testRef = RawReference.create(testRefEl); String refID = testRef.getID(); String refName = testRef.getForeignProjectName(); if (escaped) { refID = getUsableReferenceID(testRef.getID()); refName = getUsableReferenceID(testRef.getForeignProjectName()); } if (refName.compareTo(foreignProjectName) > 0) { // searched past it return false; } if (refName.equals(foreignProjectName)) { if (refID.compareTo(id) > 0) { // again, searched past it return false; } if (refID.equals(id)) { // Key match, remove it. references.removeChild(testRefEl); return true; } } } // Searched through to the end and did not find it. return false; } /** * Get a list of raw references from this project to others. * If necessary, you may use {@link RawReference#toAntArtifact} to get * live information from each reference, such as its associated project. *

* Acquires read access. * @return a (possibly empty) list of raw references from this project */ public RawReference[] getRawReferences() { return (RawReference[])ProjectManager.mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { Element references = loadReferences(false); if (references != null) { try { return getRawReferences(references); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } return new RawReference[0]; } }); } private static RawReference[] getRawReferences(Element references) throws IllegalArgumentException { List/**/subEls = Util.findSubElements(references); List/**/ refs = new ArrayList(subEls.size()); Iterator it = subEls.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { refs.add(RawReference.create((Element); } return (RawReference[])refs.toArray(new RawReference[refs.size()]); } /** * Get a particular raw reference from this project to another. * If necessary, you may use {@link RawReference#toAntArtifact} to get * live information from each reference, such as its associated project. *

* Acquires read access. * @param foreignProjectName the local name of the foreign project * (usually its code name) * @param id the ID of the build artifact (usually the build target name) * @return the specified raw reference from this project, * or null if none such could be found */ public RawReference getRawReference(final String foreignProjectName, final String id) { return getRawReference(foreignProjectName, id, false); } // not private only to allow unit testing RawReference getRawReference(final String foreignProjectName, final String id, final boolean escaped) { return (RawReference)ProjectManager.mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { Element references = loadReferences(false); if (references != null) { try { return getRawReference(foreignProjectName, id, references, escaped); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } return null; } }); } private static RawReference getRawReference(String foreignProjectName, String id, Element references, boolean escaped) throws IllegalArgumentException { List/**/subEls = Util.findSubElements(references); Iterator it = subEls.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { RawReference ref = RawReference.create((Element); String refID = ref.getID(); String refName = ref.getForeignProjectName(); if (escaped) { refID = getUsableReferenceID(ref.getID()); refName = getUsableReferenceID(ref.getForeignProjectName()); } if (refName.equals(foreignProjectName) && refID.equals(id)) { return ref; } } return null; } /** * Create an Ant-interpretable string referring to a file on disk. * If the file refers to a known Ant artifact according to * {@link AntArtifactQuery#findArtifactFromFile}, of the expected type * and associated with a particular project, * the behavior is identical to {@link #createForeignFileReference(AntArtifact)}. * Otherwise, a reference for the file is created. The file path will * be relative in case {@link CollocationQuery#areCollocated} says that * the file is collocated with this project's main directory, else it * will be an absolute path. *

* Acquires write access. * @param file a file to refer to (need not currently exist) * @param expectedArtifactType the required {@link AntArtifact#getType} * @return a string which can refer to that file somehow */ public String createForeignFileReference(final File file, final String expectedArtifactType) { if (!file.equals(FileUtil.normalizeFile(file))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter file was not "+ // NOI18N "normalized. Was "+file+" instead of "+FileUtil.normalizeFile(file)); // NOI18N } return (String)ProjectManager.mutex().writeAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { AntArtifact art = AntArtifactQuery.findArtifactFromFile(file); if (art != null && art.getType().equals(expectedArtifactType) && art.getProject() != null) { try { return createForeignFileReference(art); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { throw new AssertionError(iae); } } else { String propertiesFile; String path; File myProjDir = FileUtil.toFile(AntBasedProjectFactorySingleton.getProjectFor(h).getProjectDirectory()); if (CollocationQuery.areCollocated(myProjDir, file)) { propertiesFile = AntProjectHelper.PROJECT_PROPERTIES_PATH; path = PropertyUtils.relativizeFile(myProjDir, file); assert path != null : "expected relative path from " + myProjDir + " to " + file; } else { propertiesFile = AntProjectHelper.PRIVATE_PROPERTIES_PATH; path = file.getAbsolutePath(); } EditableProperties props = h.getProperties(propertiesFile); String fileID = file.getName(); // if the file is folder then add to ID string also parent folder name, // i.e. if external source folder name is "src" the ID will // be a bit more selfdescribing, e.g. project-src in case // of ID for ant/project/src directory. if (file.isDirectory() && file.getParentFile() != null) { fileID = file.getParentFile().getName()+"-"+file.getName(); } fileID = PropertyUtils.getUsablePropertyName(fileID); String prop = findReferenceID(fileID, "file.reference.", file.getAbsolutePath()); // NOI18N if (prop == null) { prop = generateUniqueID(fileID, "file.reference.", file.getAbsolutePath()); // NOI18N } if (!path.equals(props.getProperty("file.reference." + prop))) { // NOI18N props.put("file.reference." + prop, path); // NOI18N h.putProperties(propertiesFile, props); } return "${file.reference." + prop + '}'; // NOI18N } } }); } /** * Find reference ID (e.g. something you can then pass to RawReference * as foreignProjectName) for the given property base name, prefix and path. * @param property project name or jar filename * @param prefix prefix used for reference, i.e. "project." for project * reference or "file.reference." for file reference * @param path absolute filename the reference points to * @return found reference ID or null */ private String findReferenceID(String property, String prefix, String path) { Map m = h.getStandardPropertyEvaluator().getProperties(); Iterator it = m.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String key = (String); if (key.startsWith(prefix+property)) { String v = h.resolvePath((String)m.get(key)); if (path.equals(v)) { return key.substring(prefix.length()); } } } return null; } /** * Find reference ID for the given AntArtifact. See also * {@link #findReferenceID(String, String, String)}. */ private String findReferenceID(AntArtifact artifact) { Project proj = artifact.getProject(); if (proj == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No project associated with " + artifact); // NOI18N } File projDir = FileUtil.toFile(proj.getProjectDirectory()); assert projDir != null : proj.getProjectDirectory(); String usableID = getUsableReferenceID(ProjectUtils.getInformation(proj).getName()); String path = projDir.getAbsolutePath(); String id = findReferenceID(usableID, "project.", path); // NOI18N assert id != null : "Did not have a ref ID for " + artifact + " with usable ID " + usableID + " and path " + path + " among " + h.getStandardPropertyEvaluator().getProperties(); return id; } /** * Generate unique reference ID for the given property base name, prefix * and path. See also {@link #findReferenceID(String, String, String)}. * @param property project name or jar filename * @param prefix prefix used for reference, i.e. "project." for project * reference or "file.reference." for file reference * @param path absolute filename the reference points to * @return generated unique reference ID */ private String generateUniqueID(String property, String prefix, String value) { PropertyEvaluator pev = h.getStandardPropertyEvaluator(); if (pev.getProperty(prefix+property) == null) { return property; } int i = 1; while (pev.getProperty(prefix+property+"-"+i) != null) { i++; } return property+"-"+i; } /** * Create an Ant-interpretable string referring to a known build artifact file. * Simply calls {@link #addReference} and returns an Ant string which will * refer to that artifact correctly. *

* Acquires write access. * @param artifact a known build artifact to refer to * @return a string which can refer to that artifact file somehow * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the artifact is not associated with a project */ public String createForeignFileReference(AntArtifact artifact) throws IllegalArgumentException { addReference(artifact); String projID = findReferenceID(artifact); return "${reference." + projID + '.' + getUsableReferenceID(artifact.getID()) + '}'; // NOI18N } /** * Project reference ID cannot contain dot character. * File reference can. */ private static String getUsableReferenceID(String ID) { return PropertyUtils.getUsablePropertyName(ID).replace('.', '_'); } private static final Pattern FOREIGN_FILE_REFERENCE = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{reference\\.([^.${}]+)\\.([^.${}]+)\\}"); // NOI18N private static final Pattern FOREIGN_PLAIN_FILE_REFERENCE = Pattern.compile("\\$\\{file\\.reference\\.([^${}]+)\\}"); // NOI18N /** * Try to find an AntArtifact object corresponding to a given * foreign file reference. * If the supplied string is not a recognized reference to a build * artifact, returns null. *

Acquires read access. * @param reference a reference string as present in an Ant property * @return a corresponding Ant artifact object if there is one, else null */ public AntArtifact getForeignFileReferenceAsArtifact(final String reference) { return (AntArtifact)ProjectManager.mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { Matcher m = FOREIGN_FILE_REFERENCE.matcher(reference); if (m.matches()) { RawReference ref = getRawReference(,, true); if (ref != null) { return ref.toAntArtifact(ReferenceHelper.this); } } return null; } }); } /** * Remove a reference to a foreign file from the project. * If the passed string consists of an Ant property reference corresponding to * a known inter-project reference created by * {@link #createForeignFileReference(AntArtifact)} or file reference created by * {@link #createForeignFileReference(File, String)}, that reference is removed using * {@link #removeReference(String, String)} or {@link #removeReference(String)}. * Since this would break any other identical foreign * file references present in the project, you should first confirm that this * reference was the last one of its kind (by string match). *

* If the passed string is anything else (i.e. a plain file path, relative or * absolute), nothing is done. *

* Acquires write access. * @param reference an Ant-interpretable foreign file reference as created e.g. * by {@link #createForeignFileReference(File,String)} or * by {@link #createForeignFileReference(AntArtifact)} */ public void destroyForeignFileReference(String reference) { Matcher m = FOREIGN_FILE_REFERENCE.matcher(reference); if (m.matches()) { String forProjName =; String id =; removeReference(forProjName, id, true); return; } m = FOREIGN_PLAIN_FILE_REFERENCE.matcher(reference); if (m.matches()) { removeReference(reference); return; } } /** * Create an object permitting this project to represent subprojects. * Would be placed into the project's lookup. * @return a subproject provider object suitable for the project lookup * @see Project#getLookup */ public SubprojectProvider createSubprojectProvider() { return new SubprojectProviderImpl(this); } /** * Access from SubprojectProviderImpl. */ AntProjectHelper getAntProjectHelper() { return h; } /** * A raw reference descriptor representing a link to a foreign project * and some build artifact used from it. * This class corresponds directly to what it stored in project.xml * to refer to a target in a foreign project. * See {@link AntArtifact} for the precise meaning of several of the fields in this class. */ public static final class RawReference { private final String foreignProjectName; private final String artifactType; private final URI scriptLocation; private final String targetName; private final String cleanTargetName; private final String artifactID; /** * Create a raw reference descriptor. * As this is basically just a struct, does no real work. * @param foreignProjectName the name of the foreign project (usually its code name) * @param artifactType the {@link AntArtifact#getType type} of the build artifact * @param scriptLocation the relative URI to the build script from the project directory * @param targetName the Ant target name * @param cleanTargetName the Ant clean target name * @param artifactID the {@link AntArtifact#getID ID} of the build artifact * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the script location is given an absolute URI */ public RawReference(String foreignProjectName, String artifactType, URI scriptLocation, String targetName, String cleanTargetName, String artifactID) throws IllegalArgumentException { this.foreignProjectName = foreignProjectName; this.artifactType = artifactType; if (scriptLocation.isAbsolute()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot use an absolute URI " + scriptLocation + " for script location"); // NOI18N } this.scriptLocation = scriptLocation; this.targetName = targetName; this.cleanTargetName = cleanTargetName; this.artifactID = artifactID; } private static final List/**/ SUB_ELEMENT_NAMES = Arrays.asList(new String[] { "foreign-project", // NOI18N "artifact-type", // NOI18N "script", // NOI18N "target", // NOI18N "clean-target", // NOI18N "id", // NOI18N }); /** * Create a RawReference by parsing an XML <reference> fragment. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if anything is missing or duplicated or malformed etc. */ static RawReference create(Element xml) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (!REF_NAME.equals(xml.getLocalName()) || !REFS_NS.equals(xml.getNamespaceURI())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad element name: " + xml); // NOI18N } NodeList nl = xml.getElementsByTagNameNS("*", "*"); // NOI18N if (nl.getLength() != 6) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("missing or extra data: " + xml); // NOI18N } String[] values = new String[nl.getLength()]; for (int i = 0; i < nl.getLength(); i++) { Element el = (Element)nl.item(i); if (!REFS_NS.equals(el.getNamespaceURI())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad subelement ns: " + el); // NOI18N } String elName = el.getLocalName(); int idx = SUB_ELEMENT_NAMES.indexOf(elName); if (idx == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("bad subelement name: " + elName); // NOI18N } String val = Util.findText(el); if (val == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("empty subelement: " + el); // NOI18N } if (values[idx] != null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("duplicate " + elName + ": " + values[idx] + " and " + val); // NOI18N } values[idx] = val; } assert !Arrays.asList(values).contains(null); URI scriptLocation = URI.create(values[2]); // throws IllegalArgumentException return new RawReference(values[0], values[1], scriptLocation, values[3], values[4], values[5]); } /** * Write a RawReference as an XML <reference> fragment. */ Element toXml(Document ownerDocument) { Element el = ownerDocument.createElementNS(REFS_NS, REF_NAME); String[] values = { foreignProjectName, artifactType, scriptLocation.toString(), targetName, cleanTargetName, artifactID, }; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { Element subel = ownerDocument.createElementNS(REFS_NS, (String)SUB_ELEMENT_NAMES.get(i)); subel.appendChild(ownerDocument.createTextNode(values[i])); el.appendChild(subel); } return el; } /** * Get the name of the foreign project as referred to from this project. * Usually this will be the code name of the foreign project, but it may * instead be a uniquified name. * The name can be used in project properties and the build script to refer * to the foreign project from among subprojects. * @return the foreign project name */ public String getForeignProjectName() { return foreignProjectName; } /** * Get the type of the foreign project's build artifact. * For example, JavaProjectConstants.ARTIFACT_TYPE_JAR. * @return the artifact type */ public String getArtifactType() { return artifactType; } /** * Get the location of the foreign project's build script relative to the * project directory. * This is the script which would be called to build the desired artifact. * @return the script location */ public URI getScriptLocation() { return scriptLocation; } /** * Get the Ant target name to build the artifact. * @return the target name */ public String getTargetName() { return targetName; } /** * Get the Ant target name to clean the artifact. * @return the clean target name */ public String getCleanTargetName() { return cleanTargetName; } /** * Get the ID of the foreign project's build artifact. * See also {@link AntArtifact#getID}. * @return the artifact identifier */ public String getID() { return artifactID; } /** * Attempt to convert this reference to a live artifact object. * This involves finding the referenced foreign project on disk * (among standard project and private properties) and asking it * for the artifact named by the given target. * Given that object, you can find important further information * such as the location of the actual artifact on disk. *

* Note that non-key attributes of the returned artifact (i.e. * type, script location, and clean target name) might not match * those in this raw reference. *

* Acquires read access. * @param helper an associated reference helper used to resolve the foreign * project location * @return the actual Ant artifact object, or null if it could not be located */ public AntArtifact toAntArtifact(final ReferenceHelper helper) { return (AntArtifact)ProjectManager.mutex().readAccess(new Mutex.Action() { public Object run() { AntProjectHelper h = helper.h; String path = helper.eval.getProperty("project." + foreignProjectName); // NOI18N if (path == null) { // Undefined foreign project. return null; } FileObject foreignProjectDir = h.resolveFileObject(path); if (foreignProjectDir == null) { // Nonexistent foreign project dir. return null; } Project p; try { p = ProjectManager.getDefault().findProject(foreignProjectDir); } catch (IOException e) { // Could not load it. ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); return null; } if (p == null) { // Was not a project dir. return null; } return AntArtifactQuery.findArtifactByID(p, artifactID); } }); } public String toString() { return "ReferenceHelper.RawReference<" + foreignProjectName + "," + artifactType + "," + scriptLocation + "," + targetName + "," + cleanTargetName + "," + artifactID + ">"; // NOI18N } } }

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