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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The source code

 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.beans.beaninfo;

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import org.netbeans.modules.beans.EventSetPattern;
import org.netbeans.modules.beans.IdxPropertyPattern;
import org.netbeans.modules.beans.PatternAnalyser;
import org.netbeans.modules.beans.PropertyPattern;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.internalapi.JavaMetamodel;
import org.openide.DialogDisplayer;
import org.openide.NotifyDescriptor;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.src.ClassElement;
import org.openide.src.MethodElement;
import org.openide.src.MethodParameter;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;

/** Analyses the ClassElement trying to find source code patterns i.e.
 * properties or event sets;
 * @author Petr Hrebejk, Petr Suchomel

public class BiAnalyser extends Object implements Node.Cookie {

    private static final String TAB = "    "; // NOI18N
    private static final String TABx2 = TAB +TAB;
    private static final String TABx3 = TAB + TABx2;
    private static final String TABx4 = TAB + TABx3;

    private static final String ICONNAME_C16 = "iconNameC16"; // NOI18N
    private static final String ICONNAME_C32 = "iconNameC32"; // NOI18N
    private static final String ICONNAME_M16 = "iconNameM16"; // NOI18N
    private static final String ICONNAME_M32 =  "iconNameM32"; // NOI18N

    private static final String DEFAULT_PROPERTY_INDEX = "defaultPropertyIndex"; // NOI18N
    private static final String DEFAULT_EVENT_INDEX = "defaultEventIndex"; // NOI18N

    /** Holds Bean descriptor */
    List descriptor;
    /** Holds all properties */
    List properties;

    /** Holds all indexed properties */
    List idxProperties;

    /** Holds all events sets */
    List eventSets;

    /** Holds all methods */
    List methods;

    /** Object representing source code of associated BeanInfo */
    BeanInfoSource bis;

    /** Should bean descriptor be obtained from introspection */
    private boolean nullDescriptor = false;

    /** Should properties be obtained from introspection */
    private boolean nullProperties = false;

    /** Should event sets be obtained from introspection */
    private boolean nullEventSets = false;

    /** Should methods be obtained from introspection */
    private boolean nullMethods = false;

    /** Should bean descriptor have lazy init */
    private boolean lazyDescriptor = true;

    /** Should properties have lazy init */
    private boolean lazyProperties = true;

    /** Should event sets have lazy init */
    private boolean lazyEventSets = true;

    /** Should methods have lazy init */
    private boolean lazyMethods = true;
    /** Is the version of BeanInfo generated by older beans module? */
    private final boolean olderVersion;
    /** Is the version of BeanInfo generated by new beans module with superclass? */
    private boolean superClassVersion=true;

    /* Holds the class for which the bean info is generated */
    ClassElement classElement;

    private String iconC16;
    private String iconM16;
    private String iconC32;
    private String iconM32;
    private int defaultPropertyIndex = -1;
    private int defaultEventIndex = -1;
    private boolean useSuperClass = false;
    private int getIndexOfMethod(List al, MethodElement method) {
        if (method == null) return -1;
        MethodElement method2;
        MethodParameter[] parameters = method.getParameters();
        MethodParameter[] parameters2;
        int j;
        for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i ++) {
            method2 = ((BiFeature.Method) al.get(i)).getElement();
            if (!method2.getDeclaringClass().getName().getFullName().equals(method.getDeclaringClass().getName().getFullName()))
            if (!method2.getName().getFullName().equals(method.getName().getFullName()))
            parameters2 = method2.getParameters();
            if (parameters.length != parameters2.length)
            j = 0;
            while ((j < parameters.length) && (parameters[j].getFullString().equals(parameters2[j].getFullString())))
                j ++;
            if (j == parameters.length) {
                return i;
        return -1;
    /** Creates Bean Info analyser which contains all patterns from PatternAnalyser
    BiAnalyser ( PatternAnalyser pa, ClassElement classElement ) {
        Collection col;
        Iterator it;
        int index;

        this.classElement = classElement;

        // Try to find and analyse existing bean info
        bis = new BeanInfoSource( classElement );
        olderVersion = (bis.isNbBeanInfo() && bis.getMethodsSection() == null);
        superClassVersion = (bis.isNbSuperclass() || !bis.exists());
        // Fill Descriptor list (only in case we have new templates)
        descriptor = new ArrayList();
        descriptor.add(new BiFeature.Descriptor(pa.getClassElement()));

        // Fill methods list (only in case we have new templates)
        methods = new ArrayList();
        if (!olderVersion) {
            ClassElement superClass = pa.getClassElement();
            MethodElement[] meMethods = superClass.getMethods();
            for (int i = 0; i < meMethods.length; i ++) {
                methods.add(new BiFeature.Method(meMethods[i], pa));

        // Fill properties list

        col = pa.getPropertyPatterns();
        properties = new ArrayList( col.size() );
        it = col.iterator();
        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            PropertyPattern pp = (PropertyPattern);
            properties.add( new BiFeature.Property( pp ) );
            for (int i = 0; i < methods.size(); i ++) {
                if ((index = getIndexOfMethod(methods, pp.getGetterMethod())) != -1) methods.remove(index);
                if ((index = getIndexOfMethod(methods, pp.getSetterMethod())) != -1) methods.remove(index);

        // Fill indexed properties list

        col = pa.getIdxPropertyPatterns();
        idxProperties = new ArrayList( col.size() );
        it = col.iterator();
        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            IdxPropertyPattern ipp = (IdxPropertyPattern);

            if ( ipp.getType() != null && ( !ipp.getType().isArray() ||
                                            !ipp.getType().getElementType().equals( ipp.getIndexedType() ) ) ) {

            idxProperties.add( new BiFeature.IdxProperty( ipp ) );
            if ((index = getIndexOfMethod(methods, ipp.getGetterMethod())) != -1) methods.remove(index);
            if ((index = getIndexOfMethod(methods, ipp.getSetterMethod())) != -1) methods.remove(index);
            if ((index = getIndexOfMethod(methods, ipp.getIndexedGetterMethod())) != -1) methods.remove(index);
            if ((index = getIndexOfMethod(methods, ipp.getIndexedSetterMethod())) != -1) methods.remove(index);

        // Fill event sets list

        col = pa.getEventSetPatterns();
        eventSets = new ArrayList( col.size() );
        it = col.iterator();
        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            EventSetPattern esp = (EventSetPattern);
            eventSets.add( new BiFeature.EventSet( esp ) );
            if ((index = getIndexOfMethod(methods, esp.getRemoveListenerMethod())) != -1) methods.remove(index);
            if ((index = getIndexOfMethod(methods, esp.getAddListenerMethod())) != -1) methods.remove(index);

        analyzeBeanInfoSource( );

    Collection getDescriptor() {
        return descriptor;
    Collection getProperties() {
        return properties;

    Collection getIdxProperties() {
        return idxProperties;

    Collection getEventSets() {
        return eventSets;

    Collection getMethods() {
        return methods;

    public boolean isOlderVersion() {
        return olderVersion;
    public boolean isSuperclassVersion() {
        return superClassVersion;

    public String getIconC16() {
        return iconC16;

    public void setIconC16(String iconC16) {
        this.iconC16 = iconC16;

    public String getIconM16() {
        return iconM16;

    public void setIconM16(String iconM16) {
        this.iconM16 = iconM16;

    public String getIconC32() {
        return iconC32;

    public void setIconC32(String iconC32) {
        this.iconC32 = iconC32;

    public String getIconM32() {
        return iconM32;

    public void setIconM32(String iconM32) {
        this.iconM32 = iconM32;

    public int getDefaultPropertyIndex() {
        return defaultPropertyIndex;

    public void setDefaultPropertyIndex(int defaultPropertyIndex) {
        this.defaultPropertyIndex = defaultPropertyIndex;

    public int getDefaultEventIndex() {
        return defaultEventIndex;

    public void setDefaultEventIndex(int defaultEventIndex) {
        this.defaultEventIndex = defaultEventIndex;

    /** Getter for property useSuperClass.
     * @return Value of property useSuperClass.
    public boolean isUseSuperClass() {
        return this.useSuperClass;
    /** Setter for property useSuperClass.
     * @param useSuperClass New value of property useSuperClass.
    public void setUseSuperClass(boolean useSuperClass) {
        this.useSuperClass = useSuperClass;
    boolean isNullDescriptor() {
        return nullDescriptor;

    boolean isNullProperties() {
        return nullProperties;

    boolean isNullMethods() {
        return nullMethods;

    void setNullDescriptor( boolean nullDescriptor ) {
        this.nullDescriptor = nullDescriptor;

    void setNullProperties( boolean nullProperties ) {
        this.nullProperties = nullProperties;

    void setNullMethods( boolean nullMethods ) {
        this.nullMethods = nullMethods;

    boolean isNullEventSets() {
        return nullEventSets;

    void setNullEventSets( boolean nullEventSets ) {
        this.nullEventSets = nullEventSets;

    public boolean isLazyDescriptor() {
        return lazyDescriptor;

    public boolean isLazyProperties() {
        return lazyProperties;

    public boolean isLazyMethods() {
        return lazyMethods;

    public void setLazyDescriptor( boolean lazyDescriptor ) {
        this.lazyDescriptor = lazyDescriptor;

    public void setLazyProperties( boolean lazyProperties ) {
        this.lazyProperties = lazyProperties;

    public void setLazyMethods( boolean lazyMethods ) {
        this.lazyMethods = lazyMethods;

    public boolean isLazyEventSets() {
        return lazyEventSets;

    public void setLazyEventSets( boolean lazyEventSets ) {
        this.lazyEventSets = lazyEventSets;
    void regenerateSource() {

        if ( bis.exists() ) {

            if ( !bis.isNbBeanInfo() ) {
                String mssg = GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "MSG_BeanInfoExists" );  // NOI18N
                NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation ( mssg, NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_OPTION );
                DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify( nd );
                if ( !nd.getValue().equals ( NotifyDescriptor.YES_OPTION ) ) {

                try {
                catch ( IOException e ) {
                    mssg = GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "MSG_BeanInfoCantDelete" );  // NOI18N
                    nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message ( mssg );
                    DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify( nd );
            else if ( !bis.isNbBeanInfoDescriptor() ) {
                try {
                catch ( IOException e ) {
                    String mssg = GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "MSG_BeanInfoCantDelete" );  // NOI18N
                    NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation ( mssg, NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_OPTION );
                    nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message ( mssg );
                    DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify( nd );
            else {
                if( (!iconBlockRequired() && bis.hasIconInfo()) || (iconBlockRequired() && !bis.hasIconInfo()) ){
                    try {
                    catch ( IOException e ) {
                        String mssg = GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "MSG_BeanInfoCantDelete" );  // NOI18N
                        NotifyDescriptor nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Confirmation ( mssg, NotifyDescriptor.YES_NO_OPTION );
                        nd = new NotifyDescriptor.Message ( mssg );
                        DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify( nd );
        else {

            if ( !bis.isNbBeanInfo() ) {


        SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
                                                    public void run()  {
                                                        if (!olderVersion) {
                                                        RequestProcessor.getDefault().post(new Runnable() {
                                                            public void run() {
                                                                JavaMetamodel manager = JavaMetamodel.getManager();
                                                } );

    private void regenerateBeanDescriptor(){
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 512 );
        int methodCount = 0;
        if ( nullDescriptor ) {
            sb.append( TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "COMMENT_NullDescriptor" ) );  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB + "private static BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = null;\n" ); // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static BeanDescriptor getBdescriptor(){\n\n");  // NOI18N
            bis.setDescriptorSection( sb.toString(), "\n" + TABx2+ "return beanDescriptor;\n" + TAB + "}\n\n" ); // NOI18N
        // Make common list of bean descriptor, in allDescriptor  will be the only one
        ArrayList allDescriptor = new ArrayList( getMethods().size());
        allDescriptor.addAll( getDescriptor() );

        Iterator it = allDescriptor.iterator();
        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            BiFeature bif = ( BiFeature );
            if( bif.isIncluded() ){
                sb.append( TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString("COMMENT_BeanDescriptor" ));   // NOI18N
                if( !lazyDescriptor ){
                    //this code is used for static init                    
                    sb.append( TAB + "private static BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = ");    // NOI18N
                    sb.append( bif.getCreationString() );
                    sb.append( ";\n\n" ); // NOI18N

                    sb.append( TAB  + "private static BeanDescriptor getBdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
                    sb.append( TABx2+ "return beanDescriptor;\n" + TAB + "}\n\n" ); // NOI18N

                    sb.append( TAB + "static {\n" ); // NOI18N
                else {
                    sb.append( TAB + "/*lazy BeanDescriptor*/\n");    // NOI18N
                    sb.append( TAB  + "private static BeanDescriptor getBdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
                    sb.append( TABx2+ "BeanDescriptor beanDescriptor = ");  // NOI18N
                    sb.append( bif.getCreationString() );
                    sb.append( ";\n" ); // NOI18N
                Collection cs = bif.getCustomizationStrings();
                Iterator csit = cs.iterator();
                while( csit.hasNext() ) {
                    sb.append( TABx2 + "beanDescriptor."); // NOI18N
                    sb.append( (String) ).append( ";\n" ); // NOI18N
                if( !lazyDescriptor ){
                    bis.setDescriptorSection( sb.toString(), "}\n"); // NOI18N
                else {
                    bis.setDescriptorSection( sb.toString(), TABx2+ "return beanDescriptor;\n" + TABx2+ "}\n"); // NOI18N
    /** Regenerates the property section of BeanInfo */
    private void regenerateProperties() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 512 );
        int propertyCount = 0;

        if ( nullProperties ) {
            sb.append( TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "COMMENT_NullProperties" ) );  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB + "private static PropertyDescriptor[] properties = null;\n" ); // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static PropertyDescriptor[] getPdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
            bis.setPropertiesSection( sb.toString(), TABx2+ "return properties;\n" + TAB + "}\n\n" ); // NOI18N

        // Make common list of all properites
        Collection allProperties = new TreeSet(getProperties());

        sb.append( TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "COMMENT_PropertyIdentifiers" ) );  // NOI18N

        Iterator it = allProperties.iterator();
        while ( it.hasNext() ) {
            BiFeature bif = ( BiFeature );

            if ( bif.isIncluded() ) {
                sb.append( TAB + "private static final int " ); // NOI18N
                // This prefix MUST be consistent w/ BiFeature.IdxProperty analyser
                sb.append( "PROPERTY_" + bif.getName() ); // NOI18N
                sb.append( " = " + (propertyCount++) + ";" ); // NOI18N
                sb.append( "\n" ); // NOI18N

        sb.append( "\n" + TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString("COMMENT_PropertyArray" ));  // NOI18N
        if( !lazyProperties ){            
            sb.append( TAB + "private static PropertyDescriptor[] properties = new PropertyDescriptor[" + // NOI18N
                       propertyCount + "];\n\n" ); // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static PropertyDescriptor[] getPdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2+ "return properties;\n" + TAB + "}\n\n" ); // NOI18N
            //lazy init
            sb.append( TAB + "/*lazy PropertyDescriptor*/\n");    // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static PropertyDescriptor[] getPdescriptor(){\n");   // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2+ "PropertyDescriptor[] properties = new PropertyDescriptor[");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( propertyCount );
            sb.append( "];\n" ); // NOI18N
        if ( propertyCount > 0) {
            if( !lazyProperties ){
                sb.append( TAB + "static {\n" + TABx2 + "try {\n" ); // NOI18N
            else {
                sb.append( TAB + "\n" + TABx2 + "try {\n" ); // NOI18N
        it = allProperties.iterator();
        for ( int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++ ) {
            BiFeature bif = ( BiFeature );

            if ( bif.isIncluded() ) {
                sb.append( TABx3 + "properties[PROPERTY_" ).append( bif.getName() ).append("] = "); // NOI18N
                sb.append( bif.getCreationString() ).append(";\n"); // NOI18N

                Collection cs = bif.getCustomizationStrings();
                Iterator csit = cs.iterator();
                while( csit.hasNext() ) {
                    sb.append( TABx3 + "properties[PROPERTY_" ).append( bif.getName() ).append("]."); // NOI18N
                    sb.append( (String) ).append( ";\n" ); // NOI18N

        if ( propertyCount > 0 )
                sb.append( TABx2 + "}\n" +  TABx2 + "catch( IntrospectionException e) {}" ); // NOI18N

        if( !lazyProperties ){
            bis.setPropertiesSection( sb.toString(), propertyCount > 0 ? "}\n" : "  \n" ); // NOI18N
            bis.setPropertiesSection( sb.toString(), TABx2+ "return properties;\n" + TABx2+ "}\n"); // NOI18N

    /** Regenerates the method section of BeanInfo */
    private void regenerateMethods() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 512 );
        int methodCount = 0;

        if ( nullMethods ) {
            sb.append( TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "COMMENT_NullMethods" ) );  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB + "private static MethodDescriptor[] methods = null;\n" ); // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static MethodDescriptor[] getMdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
            bis.setMethodsSection( sb.toString(), TABx2+ "return methods;\n" + TAB + "}\n\n" ); // NOI18N

        // Make common list of all methods
        Collection allMethods = new TreeSet( getMethods() );

        sb.append( TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "COMMENT_MethodIdentifiers" ) );  // NOI18N

        Iterator it = allMethods.iterator();
        while ( it.hasNext() ) {
            BiFeature bif = ( BiFeature );

            if ( bif.isIncluded() ) {
                sb.append( TAB + "private static final int " ); // NOI18N
                sb.append( "METHOD_" + bif.getName() + methodCount ); // NOI18N
                sb.append( " = " + (methodCount++) + ";" ); // NOI18N
                sb.append( "\n" ); // NOI18N

        sb.append( "\n" + TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString("COMMENT_MethodArray" ));  // NOI18N
        if( !lazyMethods ){  
            sb.append( TAB + "private static MethodDescriptor[] methods = new MethodDescriptor[" + // NOI18N
                       methodCount + "];\n\n" ); // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static MethodDescriptor[] getMdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2+ "return methods;\n" + TAB + "}\n\n" ); // NOI18N
            //lazy init
            sb.append( TAB + "/*lazy MethodDescriptor*/\n");    // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static MethodDescriptor[] getMdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2+ "MethodDescriptor[] methods = new MethodDescriptor[");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( methodCount );
            sb.append( "];\n" ); // NOI18N

        if ( methodCount > 0) {
            if( !lazyMethods ){           
                sb.append( TAB + "static {\n" + TABx2 + "try {\n" ); // NOI18N
            else {
                sb.append( TAB + "\n" + TABx2 + "try {\n" ); // NOI18N

        it = allMethods.iterator();
        for ( int i = 0, lCurMethodCount = 0; it.hasNext(); ) {
            BiFeature bif = ( BiFeature );

            if ( bif.isIncluded() ) {
                sb.append( TABx3 + "methods[METHOD_" ).append( bif.getName() ).append(lCurMethodCount++ + "] = "); // NOI18N
                sb.append( bif.getCreationString() ).append(";\n"); // NOI18N

                Collection cs = bif.getCustomizationStrings();
                Iterator csit = cs.iterator();
                while( csit.hasNext() ) {
                    sb.append( TABx3 + "methods[METHOD_" ).append( bif.getName() ).append(i + "]."); // NOI18N
                    sb.append( (String) ).append( ";\n" ); // NOI18N

        if ( methodCount > 0 )
            sb.append( TABx2 + "}\n" +  TABx2 + "catch( Exception e) {}" ); // NOI18N

        if( !lazyMethods ){
            bis.setMethodsSection( sb.toString(), methodCount > 0 ? "}\n" : "  \n" ); // NOI18N
            bis.setMethodsSection( sb.toString(), TABx2+ "return methods;\n" + TABx2+ "}\n"); // NOI18N

    /** Regenerates the event set section of BeanInfo */
    private void regenerateEvents() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 512 );
        int eventCount = 0;

        if ( nullEventSets ) {
            sb.append( TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString( "COMMENT_NullEventSets" ) );  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB + "private static EventSetDescriptor[] eventSets = null;\n" ); // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static EventSetDescriptor[] getEdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
            bis.setEventSetsSection( sb.toString(), TABx2+ "return eventSets;\n" + TAB + "}\n\n" ); // NOI18N

        sb.append( TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString("COMMENT_EventSetsIdentifiers") );  // NOI18N

        Collection events = new TreeSet(eventSets);
        Iterator it = events.iterator();
        while ( it.hasNext() ) {
            BiFeature bif = ( BiFeature );

            if ( bif.isIncluded() ) {
                sb.append( TAB + "private static final int " ); // NOI18N
                sb.append( "EVENT_" + bif.getName() ); // NOI18N
                sb.append( " = " + (eventCount++) + ";" ); // NOI18N
                sb.append( "\n" ); // NOI18N

        sb.append( "\n" + TAB + GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString("COMMENT_EventSetsArray"));
        if( !lazyEventSets ){            
            sb.append( TAB + "private static EventSetDescriptor[] eventSets = new EventSetDescriptor[" + // NOI18N
                       eventCount + "];\n\n" ); // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static EventSetDescriptor[] getEdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2+ "return eventSets;\n" + TAB + "}\n\n" ); // NOI18N
            //lazy init
            sb.append( TAB + "/*lazy EventSetDescriptor*/\n");    // NOI18N
            sb.append( TAB  + "private static EventSetDescriptor[] getEdescriptor(){\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2+ "EventSetDescriptor[] eventSets = new EventSetDescriptor[");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( eventCount );
            sb.append( "];\n" ); // NOI18N

        if ( eventCount > 0 ){
            if( !lazyEventSets ){
                sb.append( TAB + "static {\n" + TABx2 + "try {\n" ); // NOI18N
            else {
                sb.append( TAB + "\n" + TABx3 + "try {\n" ); // NOI18N

        it = events.iterator();
        for ( int i = 0; it.hasNext(); i++ ) {
            BiFeature bif = ( BiFeature );
            if ( bif.isIncluded() ) {
                // the index prefix MUST be consistent w/ BiFeature.EventSet analyser.
                sb.append( TABx3 + "eventSets[EVENT_" ).append( bif.getName() ).append("] = "); // NOI18N
                sb.append( bif.getCreationString() ).append(";\n"); // NOI18N

                Collection cs = bif.getCustomizationStrings();
                Iterator csit = cs.iterator();
                while( csit.hasNext() ) {
                    sb.append( TABx3 + "eventSets[EVENT_" ).append( bif.getName() ).append("]."); // NOI18N
                    sb.append( (String) ).append( ";\n" ); // NOI18N

        if ( eventCount > 0 )
            sb.append( TABx2 + "}\n" +  TABx2 + "catch( IntrospectionException e) {}" ); // NOI18N

        if( !lazyEventSets ){
            bis.setEventSetsSection( sb.toString(), eventCount > 0 ? "}\n" : "  \n"); // NOI18N
            bis.setEventSetsSection( sb.toString(), TABx2+ "return eventSets;\n" + TABx2+ "}\n"); // NOI18N

    /** Generate image icon section */
    private void regenerateIcons() {
        if(  iconBlockRequired() ) {
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 200 );

            sb.append( getIconDeclaration( ICONNAME_C16, iconC16 ));
            sb.append( getIconDeclaration( ICONNAME_C32, iconC32 ));
            sb.append( getIconDeclaration( ICONNAME_M16, iconM16 ));
            sb.append( getIconDeclaration( ICONNAME_M32, iconM32 ));

            bis.setIconsSection( sb.toString() );

    private boolean iconBlockRequired(){
        return (iconC16 != null | iconC32 != null | iconM16 != null | iconM32 != null);
    private static String getIconDeclaration( String name, String resource ) {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 80 );

        sb.append( TAB + "private static String " ).append( name ).append( " = "); // NOI18N
        if ( resource == null || resource.trim().length() == 0 )
            sb.append( "null;\n"); // NOI18N
            sb.append("\"").append( resource.trim() ).append("\";\n"); // NOI18N
        return sb.toString();

    private void regenerateDefaultIdx() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100);

        sb.append( TAB + "private static final int " + DEFAULT_PROPERTY_INDEX + " = ").append( defaultPropertyIndex ).append( ";\n"); // NOI18N
        sb.append( TAB + "private static final int " + DEFAULT_EVENT_INDEX + " = ").append( defaultEventIndex ).append( ";\n"); // NOI18N

        bis.setDefaultIdxSection( sb.toString() );

    private void regenerateSuperclass() {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(100);
        if( this.isUseSuperClass() ){
            sb.append( TAB + "public BeanInfo[] getAdditionalBeanInfo() {\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2 + "Class superclass = " + classElement.getName().getName() + ".class.getSuperclass();\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2 + "BeanInfo sbi = null;\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2 + "try {\n");  // NOI18N
            sb.append( TABx2 + TAB + "sbi = Introspector.getBeanInfo(superclass);\n");  // NOI18N
            bis.setSuperclassSection( sb.toString(), TABx3 + "}\ncatch(IntrospectionException ex) {\n}\n\nreturn new BeanInfo[] { sbi };\n}\n"); // NOI18N
            bis.setSuperclassSection( "\n", "\n");  // NOI18N

    /** Analyzes existing BeanInfo */
    private void analyzeBeanInfoSource() {

        if ( !bis.isNbBeanInfo() )

        String section = bis.getIconsSection();
        Collection code = normalizeText( section );
        setIconsFromBeanInfo( code );

        section = bis.getDefaultIdxSection();
        code = normalizeText( section );
        setDefaultIdxFromBeanInfo( code );

        section = bis.getDescriptorSection();
        code = normalizeText( section );
        nullDescriptor = setPropertiesFromBeanInfo( descriptor, code, "BeanDescriptor" ); // NOI18N
        if ( !nullDescriptor ){
            setLazyDescriptor( isLazy( code, "BeanDescriptor" ) ); // NOI18N
        section = bis.getPropertiesSection();
        code = normalizeText( section );
        nullProperties = setPropertiesFromBeanInfo( properties, code, "PropertyDescriptor[]" ); // NOI18N
        if ( !nullProperties ){
            setLazyProperties( isLazy( code, "PropertyDescriptor" ) ); // NOI18N
            setPropertiesFromBeanInfo( idxProperties, code, "PropertyDescriptor[]" ); // NOI18N
        section = bis.getMethodsSection();
        if (section == null) {
            DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Message(GenerateBeanInfoAction.getString("MSG_Old_Version"), NotifyDescriptor.WARNING_MESSAGE));  // NOI18N
            nullMethods = true;
        } else {
            code = normalizeText(section);
            nullMethods = setPropertiesFromBeanInfo(methods, code, "MethodDescriptor[]"); // NOI18N
            if( !nullMethods ){
                setLazyMethods( isLazy( code, "MethodDescriptor" ) ); // NOI18N

        section = bis.getEventSetsSection();
        code = normalizeText( section );
        nullEventSets = setPropertiesFromBeanInfo( eventSets, code, "EventSetDescriptor[]" ); // NOI18N
        if( !nullEventSets ){
            setLazyEventSets( isLazy( code, "EventSetDescriptor" ) ); // NOI18N

        section = bis.getSuperclassSection();
        code = normalizeText( section );

    /** "Normalizes" the JavaCode. Removes all unneeded whitespaces. Makes strings from
     * commands. 
     * @param code String containg the java source code
     * @returns Normalized code as collection of string.
    static Collection normalizeText( String code ) {

        ArrayList result = new ArrayList();
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer( 100 );

        final int IN_TEXT = 0;
        final int IN_WHITE = 1;
        int mode = IN_WHITE;
        boolean eo_javaid = false;
        boolean guarded = false;    //guarded beetwen ""
        boolean escape = false;    //guarded beetwen ""
        for ( int i = 0; code != null && i < code.length(); i++ ) {
            char ch = code.charAt( i );
            if( ch != '\"' )
                escape = false;
            switch ( mode ) {
            case IN_TEXT:
                if ( !Character.isWhitespace( ch ) ) {
                    if ( ch == ';' ) {
                        sb.append( ch );
                        result.add( sb.toString() );
                        sb.setLength( 0 );
                        mode = IN_WHITE;
                        eo_javaid = false;
                    else if ( ch == '\\' ){
                        escape = true;
                        sb.append( ch );
                    else if ( ch == '\"' ){
                        if( !escape )
                            guarded = !guarded;
                        escape = false;
                        sb.append( ch );
                        sb.append( ch );
                else {
                    if( guarded )
                        sb.append( ch );
                        eo_javaid = Character.isJavaIdentifierPart ( code.charAt( i - 1 ) );
                        mode = IN_WHITE;
            case IN_WHITE:
                if ( !Character.isWhitespace( ch ) ) {
                    if ( eo_javaid && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart ( ch ) )
                        sb.append( ' ' );
                    else if ( ch == '\\' ){
                        escape = true;
                        sb.append( ch );
                    else if ( ch == '\"' ) {
                        if( !escape )
                            guarded = !guarded;
                        escape = false;
                    sb.append( ch );
                    mode = IN_TEXT;                    
        if (sb.length() > 0) result.add(sb.toString());
        return result;


    static String[] getParameters( String command ) {
        String paramString;

        int beg = command.indexOf( '(' );
        int end = command.lastIndexOf( ')' );

        if ( beg != -1 && end != -1 && ( ++beg < end ) )
            paramString = command.substring( beg, end );
            return new String[0];

        StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer( paramString, "," ); // NOI18N

        String[] resultStrs = new String[ strTok.countTokens() ];

        for ( int i = 0; strTok.hasMoreTokens(); i++ )
            resultStrs[i] = strTok.nextToken();

        return resultStrs;

    static String getArgumentParameter( String command ) {
        String paramString;

        int beg = command.indexOf( '(' );
        int end = command.lastIndexOf( ')' );

        if ( beg != -1 && end != -1 && ( ++beg < end ) )
            return command.substring( beg, end );
            return null;
    /** Gets the initializer */
    static String getInitializer( String command ) {

        int beg = command.lastIndexOf( '=' );
        int end = command.lastIndexOf( ';' );

        if ( beg != -1 && end != -1 && ( ++beg < end ) )
            return command.substring( beg, end ).trim();
            return null;

    /** test if initializer is lazy */    
    static boolean isLazy( Collection code, String name ) {

        Iterator it = code.iterator();

        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            String statement = (String);
            if ( statement.indexOf( name ) != -1 ){
                if( statement.indexOf( "/*lazy " + name + "*/" ) != -1 ){  // NOI18N
                    return true;
        return false;

    static boolean hasSuperClass( Collection code ) {

        Iterator it = code.iterator();

        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            String statement = (String);
            if ( statement.indexOf( "public BeanInfo[]getAdditionalBeanInfo()" ) != -1 ){  // NOI18N
                    return true;
        return false;

    /** Removes Quotation marks */
    static String removeQuotation( String text ) {

        int beg = text.indexOf( '"' );
        int end = text.lastIndexOf( '"' );

        if ( beg != -1 && end != -1 && ( ++beg < end ) )
            return text.substring( beg, end );
            return null;

    /** Let's the collection of features check for it's properties in BeanInfo */
    boolean setPropertiesFromBeanInfo( Collection features, Collection code, String name ) {

        Iterator it = code.iterator();

        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            String statement = (String);
            if ( statement.indexOf( name ) != -1 )
                if ( "null".equals(getInitializer( statement ))  ){ // NOI18N 
                    return true;
                    break;  //others f.e. null/*lazy*/

        it = features.iterator();

        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            BiFeature bif = ((BiFeature);
            bif.analyzeCustomization( code );            

        return false;

    /** Analyze icons properties from bean info */

    void setIconsFromBeanInfo ( Collection code ) {

        Iterator it = code.iterator();
        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            String statement = ( String );

            if ( statement.indexOf( ICONNAME_C16 ) != -1 ) {
                iconC16 = removeQuotation( getInitializer( statement ) );
            if ( statement.indexOf( ICONNAME_C32 ) != -1 ) {
                iconC32 = removeQuotation( getInitializer( statement ) );
            if ( statement.indexOf( ICONNAME_M16 ) != -1 ) {
                iconM16 = removeQuotation( getInitializer( statement ) );
            if ( statement.indexOf( ICONNAME_M32 ) != -1 ) {
                iconM32 = removeQuotation( getInitializer( statement ) );

    /** Analyze default section  */

    void setDefaultIdxFromBeanInfo( Collection code ) {
        Iterator it = code.iterator();
        while( it.hasNext() ) {
            String statement = ( String );

            if ( statement.indexOf( DEFAULT_PROPERTY_INDEX ) != -1 ) {
                try {
                    defaultPropertyIndex = Integer.parseInt( getInitializer( statement ) );
                catch ( java.lang.NumberFormatException e ) {
                    defaultPropertyIndex = -1;

            if ( statement.indexOf( DEFAULT_EVENT_INDEX ) != -1 ) {
                try {
                    defaultEventIndex = Integer.parseInt( getInitializer( statement ) );
                catch ( java.lang.NumberFormatException e ) {
                    defaultEventIndex = -1;


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