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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
package org.netbeans.core.output2;

import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuEvent;
import javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener;
import org.netbeans.core.output2.ui.AbstractOutputTab;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.actions.CopyAction;
import org.openide.actions.FindAction;
import org.openide.util.Mutex;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;
import org.openide.util.actions.ActionPerformer;
import org.openide.util.actions.CallbackSystemAction;
import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import org.openide.xml.XMLUtil;

 * Master controller for an output window, and supplier of the default instance.
 * The controller handles all actions of interest in an output window - the components
 * are merely containers for data which pass events of interest up the component hierarchy
 * to the controller via OutputWindow.getController(), for processing by the master
 * controller.  The controller is fully stateless, and stores information of interest in
 * the components as appropriate.
public class Controller { //XXX public only for debug access to logging code

    public static void ensureViewInDefault (final NbIO io, final boolean reuse) {
        Mutex.EVENT.readAccess(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                IOEvent evt = new IOEvent (io, IOEvent.CMD_CREATE, reuse);

    private static final int ACTION_COPY = 0;
    private static final int ACTION_WRAP = 1;
    private static final int ACTION_SAVEAS = 2;
    private static final int ACTION_CLOSE = 3;
    private static final int ACTION_NEXTERROR = 4;
    private static final int ACTION_PREVERROR = 5;
    private static final int ACTION_SELECTALL = 6;
    private static final int ACTION_FIND = 7;
    private static final int ACTION_FINDNEXT = 8;
    private static final int ACTION_NAVTOLINE = 9;
    private static final int ACTION_POSTMENU = 10;
    private static final int ACTION_FINDPREVIOUS = 11;
    private static final int ACTION_CLEAR = 12;

    //Package private for unit tests
    Action copyAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_COPY,
            "ACTION_COPY", CopyAction.class); //NOI18N
    Action wrapAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_WRAP,
            "ACTION_WRAP"); //NOI18N
    Action saveAsAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_SAVEAS,
            "ACTION_SAVEAS"); //NOI18N
    Action closeAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_CLOSE,
            "ACTION_CLOSE"); //NOI18N
    Action nextErrorAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_NEXTERROR,
            "ACTION_NEXT_ERROR", NextOutJumpAction.class); //NOI18N
    Action prevErrorAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_PREVERROR,
            "ACTION_PREV_ERROR", PreviousOutJumpAction.class); //NOI18N
    Action selectAllAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_SELECTALL,
            "ACTION_SELECT_ALL"); //NOI18N
    Action findAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_FIND,
            "ACTION_FIND", FindAction.class); //NOI18N
    Action findNextAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_FINDNEXT,
            "ACTION_FIND_NEXT"); //NOI18N
    Action findPreviousAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_FINDPREVIOUS,
            "ACTION_FIND_PREVIOUS"); //NOI18N
    Action navToLineAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_NAVTOLINE, "navToLine", //NOI18N
            KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0));
    Action postMenuAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_POSTMENU, "postMenu", //NOI18N
            KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_F10, KeyEvent.SHIFT_DOWN_MASK));
    Action clearAction = new ControllerAction (ACTION_CLEAR, "ACTION_CLEAR");

    private Object[] popupItems = new Object[] {
        copyAction, new JSeparator(), findAction, findNextAction,
        new JSeparator(),
        wrapAction, new JSeparator(), saveAsAction, clearAction, closeAction,
    private Action[] kbdActions = new Action[] {
        copyAction, selectAllAction, findAction, findNextAction, 
        findPreviousAction, wrapAction, saveAsAction, closeAction,
        navToLineAction, postMenuAction, clearAction,

    Controller() {}

    private OutputTab createOutputTab (OutputWindow win, NbIO io, boolean activateContainer, boolean reuse) {
        AbstractOutputTab[] ov = win.getTabs();
        OutputTab result = null;
        if (log) log ("Find or create component for nbio " + io);
        for (int i=0; i < ov.length; i++) {
            OutputTab oc = (OutputTab) ov[i];
            if (oc.getIO() == io) {
                if (log) log ("Found an existing tab");
                result = oc;
        if (result == null) {
            if (log) log ("Didn't find an existing open tab, checking hidden tabs");
            OutputTab[] hidden = win.getHiddenTabs();
            for (int i=0; i < hidden.length; i++) {
                OutputTab oc = hidden[i];
                if (hidden[i].getIO() == io) {
                    if (log) log ("Found a hidden tab with the same IO.  Unhiding it for reuse");
                    result = oc;
                    unhideHiddenView (win, result);
        if (log) log ("FindOrCreate: " + io.getName() + " found=" + (result != 
            null) + " for io " + io);
        if (result == null) {
            if (log) log ("Find or create creating " + io.getName());
            result = createAndInstallView (win, io);
        if (result != null) {
        if (!activateContainer) {
        } else {
        return result;

     * Creates and installs an output view
     * @param win The owning container
     * @param io The IO whose output is to be displayed
     * @return A new OutputTab attached to the passed IO
    private OutputTab createAndInstallView (OutputWindow win, NbIO io) {
        if (log) log ("Create and install a new tab for : " + io.getName());
        OutputTab result = new OutputTab (io);
        result.setName (io.getName() + " ");
        Action[] a = io.getToolbarActions();
        if (a != null) {
        for (int i=0; i < kbdActions.length; i++) {
        if (log) log ("Adding and selecting new tab " + result);
        win.add (result);
        //Make sure names are boldfaced for all open streams - if the tabbed
        //pane was just added in, it will just have used the name of the 
        //component, which won't contain html
        AbstractOutputTab[] aot = win.getTabs();
        for (int i=0; i < aot.length; i++) {
            updateName(win, (OutputTab) aot[i]);
        return result;

     * Output views can be hidden by the user invoking close before the output stream for
     * the output has been closed.  In this case, they are stored in the OutputWindow,
     * and can be reopened if new output arrives.  This method will remove a component
     * from the set of hidden components and re-add it to the component hierarchy.
     * @param win The owning container
     * @param hidden The output component which is hidden but was not closed when it was hidden
    private void unhideHiddenView (OutputWindow win, OutputTab hidden) {
        if (log) log ("Unhiding hidden tab for " + hidden.getIO());
        win.add (hidden);

     * Boldfaces the name of the output component if its NbIO's stream is open.
     * The update is delayed, and runs subsequently on the event queue - a process may
     * synchronously open and close tabs, all of which affects names, so we use this
     * technique and the CoalescedNameUpdater to coalesce all name changes - otherwise
     * the name change may be delayed.
     * @param tab The component whose name may need adjusting
    private void updateName (OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab) {
        if (nameUpdater == null) {
            nameUpdater = new CoalescedNameUpdater(win);
        nameUpdater.add (tab);

    private CoalescedNameUpdater nameUpdater = null;
     * Calls to methods invoked on NbIO done on the EQ are invoked synchronously
     * (this avoids a delay in the output window appearing, so output starts
     * immediately).  However, we want to avoid multiple name changes being
     * propagated up to the window system because one tab was removed, another
     * was added, and so forth - the result is the title won't be updated until
     * the output run is nearly done, otherwise.  Also, the call to update the
     * TopComponent name is not terribly quick, so we don't want to do it any
     * more times than we need to.

* This class coalesces name changes, which are run afterward on the event * queue. */ private class CoalescedNameUpdater implements Runnable { private HashSet components = new HashSet(); private OutputWindow win; CoalescedNameUpdater (OutputWindow win) { = win; } /** * Add a tab whose name should be changed. * @param tab The tab */ public void add (OutputTab tab) { components.add (tab); } public void run() { for (Iterator i=components.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { OutputTab t = (OutputTab); if (log) { log ("Update name for " + t.getIO().getName() + " stream " + "closed is " + t.getIO().isStreamClosed()); } if (win.isAncestorOf(t)) { String escaped; try { escaped = XMLUtil.toAttributeValue(t.getIO().getName()); } catch (CharConversionException e) { escaped = t.getIO().getName(); } String name = t.getIO().isStreamClosed() ? escaped + " " : "" + escaped + "  "; //NOI18N win.setTabTitle (t, name); } } nameUpdater = null; } } /** * Called when a ControllerAction is invoked, either by the keyboard or * from the popup menu. * * @param win The output window where it was invoked * @param tab The tab it was invoked on * @param id The ID of the action */ public void actionPerformed(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, int id) { switch (id) { case ACTION_COPY: tab.getOutputPane().copy(); break; case ACTION_WRAP: boolean wrapped = tab.getOutputPane().isWrapped(); tab.getOutputPane().setWrapped(!wrapped); break; case ACTION_SAVEAS: saveAs (tab); break; case ACTION_CLOSE: close (win, tab, false); break; case ACTION_NEXTERROR: sendCaretToError(win, tab, false); break; case ACTION_PREVERROR: sendCaretToError(win, tab, true); break; case ACTION_SELECTALL: tab.getOutputPane().selectAll(); break; case ACTION_FIND: FindDialogPanel.showFindDialog(new FindActionListener (win, tab, findNextAction, findPreviousAction, copyAction)); break; case ACTION_FINDNEXT: findNext (tab); break; case ACTION_FINDPREVIOUS : findPrevious (tab); break; case ACTION_NAVTOLINE : if (log) log ("Action NAVTOLINE received"); openLineIfError (tab); break; case ACTION_POSTMENU : if (log) log ("Action POSTMENU received"); postPopupMenu(win, tab, new Point(0,0), tab); break; case ACTION_CLEAR : if (log) log ("Action CLEAR receieved"); NbIO io = tab.getIO(); if (io != null) { NbWriter writer = io.writer(); if (writer != null) { try { if (log) log ("Reseting the writer for Clear"); writer.reset(); } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioe); } } else if (log) { log ("IO's NbWriter is null"); } } else if (log) { log ("Clear on a tab with no IO"); } break; default : assert false; } } /** * Called when a line is clicked - if an output listener is listening on that * line, it will be sent outputLineAction. * @param tab */ private void openLineIfError(OutputTab tab) { OutWriter out = tab.getIO().out(); if (out != null) { int line = tab.getOutputPane().getCaretLine(); OutputListener lis = out.getLines().getListenerForLine(line); if (lis != null) { if (log) log (" Sending action for getLine " + line); ignoreCaretChanges = true; tab.getOutputPane().sendCaretToLine(line, true); ignoreCaretChanges = false; ControllerOutputEvent coe = new ControllerOutputEvent (tab.getIO(), line); lis.outputLineAction(coe); } } } /** * An action listener which listens to the default button of the find * dialog. */ private static class FindActionListener implements ActionListener { OutputTab tab; Action findNextAction; Action findPreviousAction; Action copyAction; FindActionListener (OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, Action findNextAction, Action findPreviousAction, Action copyAction) { = tab; this.findNextAction = findNextAction; this.findPreviousAction = findPreviousAction; this.copyAction = copyAction; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { FindDialogPanel panel = (FindDialogPanel) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(FindDialogPanel.class, (JComponent) e.getSource()); if (panel == null) { //dialog disposed panel = (FindDialogPanel) ((JComponent) e.getSource()).getClientProperty("panel"); //NOI18N } /* //XXX the code below may actually be correct - pending discussion int pos = tab.getOutputPane().getCaretPos(); if (pos >= tab.getOutputPane().getLength() || pos < 0) { pos = 0; } */ int pos = 0; String s = panel.getPattern(); if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); if (log) log("Find string is null"); return; } OutWriter out = tab.getIO().out(); if (out != null) { Matcher matcher = out.getLines().find(s); if (matcher != null && matcher.find(pos)) { int start = matcher.start(); int end = matcher.end(); tab.getOutputPane().setSelection(start, end); findNextAction.setEnabled(true); findPreviousAction.setEnabled(true); copyAction.setEnabled(true); panel.getTopLevelAncestor().setVisible(false); tab.requestFocus(); } } } } /** * Find the next match for the previous search contents, starting at * the current caret position. * * @param tab The tab */ private void findNext (OutputTab tab) { OutWriter out = tab.getIO().out(); if (out != null) { Matcher matcher = out.getLines().getForwardMatcher(); int pos = tab.getOutputPane().getCaretPos(); if (pos >= tab.getOutputPane().getLength() || pos < 0) { pos = 0; } if (matcher != null && matcher.find (pos)) { tab.getOutputPane().setSelection(matcher.start(), matcher.end()); copyAction.setEnabled(true); } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } } /** * Find the match before the current caret position, using the previously * searched for value. * * @param tab The tab */ private void findPrevious (OutputTab tab) { OutWriter out = tab.getIO().out(); if (out != null) { Matcher matcher = out.getLines().getReverseMatcher(); int length = tab.getOutputPane().getLength(); int pos = length - tab.getOutputPane().getSelectionStart(); if (pos >= tab.getOutputPane().getLength()-1 || pos < 0) { pos = 0; } if (log) log ("Reverse search from " + pos); if (matcher != null && matcher.find (pos)) { int start = length - matcher.end(); int end = length - matcher.start(); tab.getOutputPane().setSelection(start, end); copyAction.setEnabled(true); } else { Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().beep(); } } } /** * Update the enabled state of the actions based on the state of the passed * tab. If the tab is not currently selected, does nothing. * * @param win The output window * @param tab The tab, presumably the selected one */ private void updateActions (OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab) { if (tab == win.getSelectedTab()) { OutputPane pane = (OutputPane) tab.getOutputPane(); int len = pane.getLength(); boolean enable = len > 0; findAction.setEnabled (enable); OutWriter out = tab.getIO().out(); findNextAction.setEnabled (out != null && out.getLines().getForwardMatcher() != null); findPreviousAction.setEnabled (out != null && out.getLines().getForwardMatcher() != null); saveAsAction.setEnabled (enable); selectAllAction.setEnabled(enable); copyAction.setEnabled(pane.hasSelection()); boolean hasErrors = out == null ? false : out.getLines().firstListenerLine() != -1; nextErrorAction.setEnabled(hasErrors); prevErrorAction.setEnabled(hasErrors); } } /** * Close the tab. If programmatic is false and it is the last * tab, the output window will be closed as well. * * @param win The owning output window * @param tab The tab * @param programmatic False if the user requested the tab to be closed */ public void close(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, boolean programmatic) { //NotifyRemoved callback will take care of putting it into the hidden view list if //its output is still open. Component focusOwner = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getPermanentFocusOwner(); boolean hadFocus = focusOwner != null && (focusOwner == win || win.isAncestorOf(focusOwner)); win.remove(tab); //Triggers a call to notifyRemoved() boolean winClosed = false; if (!programmatic && win.getTabs().length == 0) { if (log) log ("Last tab closed by user, closing output window."); win.close(); winClosed = true; } if (hadFocus) { if (!winClosed && win.getSelectedTab() != null) { if (log) log ("Trying to send focus to the newly selected tab"); win.getSelectedTab().requestFocus(); } } if (log) log ("Close received, removing " + tab + " from component"); } /** * Holds the last written to directory for the save as file chooser. */ private static String lastDir = null; /** * Invokes a file dialog and if a file is chosen, saves the output to * that file. * * @param tab The tab */ private void saveAs(OutputTab tab) { OutWriter out = tab.getIO().out(); if (out == null) { return; } File f = showFileChooser (tab); if (f != null) { try { synchronized (out) { out.getLines().saveAs(f.getPath()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioe); } } } /** * Shows a file dialog and an overwrite dialog if the file exists, returning * null if the user chooses not to overwrite. Will use an AWT FileDialog for * Aqua, per Apple UI guidelines. * * @param owner A parent component for the dialog - the top level ancestor will * actually be used so positioning is correct * @return A file to write to */ private static File showFileChooser (JComponent owner) { File f = null; String dlgTtl = NbBundle.getMessage (Controller.class, "TITLE_SAVE_DLG"); //NOI18N boolean isAqua = "Aqua".equals(UIManager.getLookAndFeel().getID()); //NOI18N if (isAqua) { //Apple UI guidelines recommend against ever using JFileChooser FileDialog fd = new FileDialog((Frame) owner.getTopLevelAncestor(), dlgTtl, FileDialog.SAVE); if (lastDir != null && new File (lastDir).exists()) { fd.setDirectory(lastDir); } fd.setModal(true); fd.setVisible(true); String s = fd.getDirectory() + fd.getFile(); f = new File(s); if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory()) { f = null; } } else { JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser(); if (lastDir != null && new File(lastDir).exists()) { File dir = new File (lastDir); if (dir.exists()) { jfc.setCurrentDirectory(dir); } } jfc.setName(dlgTtl); jfc.setDialogTitle(dlgTtl); if (jfc.showSaveDialog(owner.getTopLevelAncestor()) == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { f = jfc.getSelectedFile(); } } if (f != null && f.exists() && !isAqua) { //Aqua's file dialog takes care of this String msg = NbBundle.getMessage(Controller.class, "FMT_FILE_EXISTS", new Object[] { f.getName() }); //NOI18N String title = NbBundle.getMessage(Controller.class, "TITLE_FILE_EXISTS"); //NOI18N if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(owner.getTopLevelAncestor(), msg, title, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) { f = null; } } if (f != null) { lastDir = f.getParent(); } return f; } /** * Called when the selected component is changed in an output container. * * @param win The owning container * @param former The previously selected output view, or null * @param current The newly selected output view, or null */ public void selectionChanged(OutputWindow win, OutputTab former, OutputTab current) { if (former != null) { former.updateTimestamp(); } if (current != null) { current.updateTimestamp(); updateActions (win, current); } } /** * Messaged when the container becomes activated in the netbeans window system * @param win The container */ public void notifyActivated(OutputWindow win) { OutputTab tab = (OutputTab) win.getSelectedTab(); if (tab != null) { updateActions (win, tab); } } /** * Messaged when the container is deactivated in the netbeans window system */ public void notifyDeactivated() { for (int i=0; i < popupItems.length; i++) { if (popupItems[i] instanceof Action && popupItems[i] != nextErrorAction && popupItems[i] != prevErrorAction) { ((ControllerAction) popupItems[i]).detachPerformer(); } } } /** * Sends the caret in a tab to the nearest error line to its current position, selecting * that line. * * @param win The output window * @param tab the tab * @param backward If the search should be done in reverse */ private void sendCaretToError(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, boolean backward) { if (tab == null) { //We're being invoked from SystemAction via main menu - no associated component tab = (OutputTab) win.getSelectedTab(); if (tab == null) { return; } } OutWriter out = tab.getIO().out(); if (out != null) { int line = Math.max(0, tab.getOutputPane().getCaretLine()); if (line >= tab.getOutputPane().getLineCount()-1) { line = 0; } int newline = out.getLines().nearestListenerLine(line, backward); if (newline == line) { if (!backward && line != tab.getOutputPane().getLineCount()) { newline = out.getLines().nearestListenerLine(line+1, backward); } else if (backward && line > 0) { newline = out.getLines().nearestListenerLine(line-1, backward); } else { return; } } if (newline != -1) { if (log) log("Sending caret to error line " + newline); tab.getOutputPane().sendCaretToLine(newline, true); if (!win.isActivated()) { OutputListener l = out.getLines().getListenerForLine(newline); ControllerOutputEvent ce = new ControllerOutputEvent (tab.getIO(), newline); l.outputLineAction(ce); } } } } /** * Called when an output tab has been removed from the component hierarchy. * If its io is not closed, holds a reference to it in a list of closed * tabs, re-showing it on request, or finally disposing its IO and * releasing it if it has not been shown again. */ public void notifyRemoved(OutputTab tab) { assert SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(); if (log) log ("Tab " + tab + " has been CLOSED. Disposing its IO."); NbIO io = tab.getIO(); if (io != null) { io.setClosed(true); } NbWriter w = io.writer(); if (w != null && w.isClosed()) { //Will dispose the document tab.setDocument(null); } else if (w != null) { //Something is still writing to the stream, but we're getting rid of the tab. Don't dispose //the writer, just kill the tab's document tab.getDocument().disposeQuietly(); } } /** * Called when input has been sent by the user via the input component * * @param win The output window * @param tab The tab component * @param txt The input entered */ public void notifyInput(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, String txt) { if (Controller.log) Controller.log ("Notify input on " + tab + " - " + txt); NbIO io = tab.getIO(); if (io != null) { NbIO.IOReader in =; if (in != null) { if (Controller.log) Controller.log ("Sending input to " + in); in.pushText (txt + "\n"); } } } /** * Fetch the output listener for a given line in a given tab * * @param tab The output tab * @param line The line to find a listener on * @return An output listener or null */ private OutputListener listenerForLine (OutputTab tab, int line) { OutWriter out = tab.getIO().out(); if (out != null) { return out.getLines().getListenerForLine(line); } return null; } /** * Called when the user has clicked a line in the text view * @param win The output window * @param tab The tab * @param line The line which was clicked */ public void lineClicked(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, int line) { OutputListener l = listenerForLine (tab, line); if (l != null) { ControllerOutputEvent oe = new ControllerOutputEvent (tab.getIO(), line); l.outputLineAction(oe); //Select the text on click tab.getOutputPane().sendCaretToLine(line, true); } } /** * Post the output window's popup menu * * @param win The output window * @param tab The tab * @param p The point clicked * @param src The source of the click event */ public void postPopupMenu(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, Point p, Component src) { if (log) { log ("post popup menu for " + tab.getName()); } JPopupMenu popup = new JPopupMenu(); popup.putClientProperty ("container", win); //NOI18N popup.putClientProperty ("component", tab); //NOI18N Action[] a = tab.getToolbarActions(); if (a.length > 0) { boolean added = false; for (int i=0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i].getValue(Action.NAME) != null) { popup.add (a[i]); added = true; } } if (added) { popup.add (new JSeparator()); } } for (int i=0; i < popupItems.length; i++) { if (popupItems[i] instanceof JSeparator) { popup.add ((JSeparator) popupItems[i]); } else { if (popupItems[i] != wrapAction) { popup.add ((Action) popupItems[i]); } else { JCheckBoxMenuItem item = new JCheckBoxMenuItem((Action) popupItems[i]); item.setSelected(tab.getOutputPane().isWrapped()); popup.add (item); } } } popup.addPopupMenuListener(new PMListener(popupItems));, p.x, p.y); } /** * #47166 - a disposed tab which has had its popup menu shown remains * referenced through PopupItems->JSeparator->PopupMenu->Invoker->OutputPane->OutputTab */ private static class PMListener implements PopupMenuListener { private Object[] popupItems; PMListener (Object[] popupItems) { this.popupItems = popupItems; } public void popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { JPopupMenu popup = (JPopupMenu) e.getSource(); popup.removeAll(); popup.setInvoker(null); popup.putClientProperty ("container", null); //NOI18N popup.putClientProperty ("component", null); //NOI18N popup.removePopupMenuListener(this); for (int i=0; i < popupItems.length; i++) { if (popupItems[i] instanceof ControllerAction) { ((ControllerAction) popupItems[i]).clearListeners(); } } } public void popupMenuCanceled(PopupMenuEvent e) { popupMenuWillBecomeInvisible(e); } public void popupMenuWillBecomeVisible(PopupMenuEvent e) { //do nothing } } /** * Called when the text caret has changed lines - will call OutputListener.outputLineSelected if * there is a listener for that line. * * @param tab The output tab * @param line The line the caret is in */ public void caretEnteredLine(OutputTab tab, int line) { if (!ignoreCaretChanges) { OutputListener l = listenerForLine (tab, line); if (log) { log ("Caret entered line " + line + " notifying listener " + l); } if (l != null) { ControllerOutputEvent oe = new ControllerOutputEvent (tab.getIO(), line); l.outputLineSelected(oe); } } else { if (log) { log ("Caret entered line " + line + " which has no listener"); } } } /** * Called when an event has been received from the document (indicating that new * output has been appended. Handles InputOutput.isFocusTaken(), and updates the * tab title in the case the stream has been closed, and updates the actions if * it is the selected tab. * * @param win * @param tab */ public void documentChanged(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab) { if (tab.getIO().isFocusTaken()) { //Not at all sure that isFocusTaken() is a terribly bright idea to begin with win.setSelectedTab(tab); win.requestVisible(); } updateName(win, tab); if (tab == win.getSelectedTab() && win.isActivated()) { updateActions(win, tab); } } /** * Handles IOEvents posted into the AWT Event Queue by NbIO instances whose methods have * been called, as received by an OutputTab which has identified the event as being * intended for it. * * @param win The output container owning the IO, or in the case of CMD_CREATE, the * one that received the event * @param tab The output component associated with this IO, if any * @param io The IO which originated the event * @param command The ID, one of those defined in IOEvent, of the command * @param value The boolean value of the command, if pertinent * @param data The data associated with the command, if pertinent */ public void performCommand(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, NbIO io, int command, boolean value, Object data) { if (log) { log ("PERFORMING: " + IOEvent.cmdToString(command) + " value=" + value + " on " + io + " tob " + tab); } OutWriter out = io.out(); switch (command) { case IOEvent.CMD_CREATE : createOutputTab(win, io, io.isFocusTaken(), value); break; case IOEvent.CMD_INPUT_VISIBLE : if (value && tab == null) { tab = createOutputTab(win, io, io.isFocusTaken(), value); } if (tab != null) { tab.setInputVisible(value); win.setSelectedTab(tab); } break; case IOEvent.CMD_SELECT : if (tab == null) { tab = createOutputTab(win, io, io.isFocusTaken(), value); } if (win.getSelectedTab() != tab) { if (tab.getParent() == null) { //It was hidden win.add(tab); } win.setSelectedTab(tab); win.requestVisible(); } break; case IOEvent.CMD_SET_TOOLBAR_ACTIONS : if (tab == null && data != null) { tab = createOutputTab(win, io, io.isFocusTaken(), value); } Action[] a = (Action[]) data; tab.setToolbarActions(a); break; case IOEvent.CMD_CLOSE : if (tab != null) { close(win, tab, true); } else { io.dispose(); } break; case IOEvent.CMD_STREAM_CLOSED : if (value) { if (tab == null) { //The tab was already closed, throw away the storage. if (io.out() != null) { io.out().dispose(); } } else if (tab != null) { if (tab.getParent() != null) { updateName(win, tab); if (tab.getIO().out() != null && tab.getIO().out().getLines().firstListenerLine() == -1) { tab.getOutputPane().ensureCaretPosition(); } if (tab == win.getSelectedTab()) { updateActions (win, tab); } } else { //The tab had been kept around to be re-shown, but now the stream is closed, dispose it win.removeHiddenView(tab); if (io.out() != null) { io.out().dispose(); } } } } else { if (tab != null && tab.getParent() != null) { updateName(win, tab); } } break; case IOEvent.CMD_RESET : if (tab == null) { if (log) log ("Got a reset on an io with no tab. Creating a tab."); performCommand (win, tab, io, IOEvent.CMD_CREATE, value, data); win.requestVisible(); return; } if (log) log ("Setting io " + io + " on tab " + tab); // tab.setDocument (new OutputDocument((OutWriter)io.getOut())); tab.setIO(io); win.setSelectedTab(tab); updateName(win, tab); win.requestVisibleForNewTab(); if (log) log ("Reset on " + tab + " tab displayable " + tab.isDisplayable() + " io " + io + " io.out " + io.out()); break; } } /** * Called when the output stream has been closed, to navigate to the * first line which shows an error (if any). * * @param comp The output component whose IO's stream has been closed. */ private void navigateToFirstErrorLine (OutputTab comp) { OutWriter out = comp.getIO().out(); if (out != null) { int line = comp.getFirstNavigableListenerLine(); if (Controller.log) Controller.log ("NAV TO FIRST LISTENER LINE: " + line); if (line > 0) { comp.getOutputPane().sendCaretToLine (line, false); } } } /** * Flag used to block navigating the editor to the first error line when * selecting the error line in the output window after a build (or maybe * it should navigate the editor there? Could be somewhat rude...) */ boolean ignoreCaretChanges = false; public void hasSelectionChanged(OutputWindow outputWindow, OutputTab tab, boolean val) { if (tab == outputWindow.getSelectedTab()) { copyAction.setEnabled(val); selectAllAction.setEnabled(!tab.getOutputPane().isAllSelected()); } } public void hasOutputListenersChanged(OutputWindow win, OutputTab tab, boolean hasOutputListeners) { if (hasOutputListeners && win.getSelectedTab() == tab && tab.isShowing()) { navigateToFirstErrorLine(tab); } } /** * A stateless action which will find the owning OutputTab's controller and call * actionPerformed with its ID as an argument. */ private static class ControllerAction extends AbstractAction implements ActionPerformer { private int id; private Class callbackActionClass = null; /** * Create a ControllerAction with the specified action ID (constants defined in Controller), * using the specified bundle key. Expects the following contents in the bundle: *

  • A name for the action matching the passed key
  • *
  • An accelerator for the action matching [key].accel
  • *
* @param id An action ID * @param bundleKey A key for the bundle associated with the Controller class * @see org.openide.util.Utilities#stringToKey */ ControllerAction (int id, String bundleKey) { if (bundleKey != null) { String name = NbBundle.getMessage(Controller.class, bundleKey); KeyStroke accelerator = getAcceleratorFor(bundleKey); = id; putValue (NAME, name); putValue (ACCELERATOR_KEY, accelerator); } } /** * Create a ControllerAction with the specified ID, name and keystroke. Actions created * using this constructor will not be added to the popup menu of the component. * * @param id The ID * @param name A programmatic name for the item * @param stroke An accelerator keystroke */ ControllerAction (int id, String name, KeyStroke stroke) { = id; putValue (NAME, name); putValue (ACCELERATOR_KEY, stroke); } void clearListeners() { PropertyChangeListener[] l = changeSupport.getPropertyChangeListeners(); for (int i=0; i < l.length; i++) { removePropertyChangeListener (l[i]); } } /** * Get a keyboard accelerator from the resource bundle, with special handling * for the mac keyboard layout. * * @param name The bundle key prefix * @return A keystroke */ private static KeyStroke getAcceleratorFor (String name) { String key = name + ".accel"; //NOI18N if (Utilities.getOperatingSystem() == Utilities.OS_MAC) { key += ".mac"; //NOI18N } return Utilities.stringToKey(NbBundle.getMessage(Controller.class, key)); } /** * Create a controller which will also act as the action performer for a * CallbackSystemAction. * * @param id The action ID * @param name The bundle key for the action * @param callbackActionClass */ ControllerAction (int id, String name, Class callbackActionClass) { this (id, name); this.callbackActionClass = callbackActionClass; } public int getID() { return id; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (log) log ("ACTION PERFORMED: " + getValue(NAME)); Component c = (Component) e.getSource(); OutputTab outComp = c instanceof OutputTab ? (OutputTab) c : c instanceof OutputWindow ? null : (OutputTab) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(OutputTab.class, c); OutputWindow win= c instanceof OutputWindow ? (OutputWindow) c : (OutputWindow) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(OutputWindow.class, outComp); if (win == null) { win = OutputWindow.findDefault(); } if (outComp == null && win != null) { outComp = (OutputTab) win.getSelectedTab(); } if (win == null && outComp == null) { //For popup menus, we store the component they were invoked over in //client properties JPopupMenu jpm = (JPopupMenu) SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass (JPopupMenu.class, c); if (jpm != null) { win = (OutputWindow) jpm.getClientProperty ("win"); //NOI18N outComp = (OutputTab) jpm.getClientProperty ("component"); //NOI18N } } Controller cont = win.getController(); if (cont != null) { cont.actionPerformed (win, outComp, getID()); } } /** * Set the enabled state of the action. Updates the action performer for its * action class as needed. * * @param val The state */ public void setEnabled (boolean val) { super.setEnabled(val); if (callbackActionClass != null) { updateActionPerformer(); } } /** * Update the state of the CallbackAction which is proxying this action. */ private void updateActionPerformer() { CallbackSystemAction action = (CallbackSystemAction) SystemAction.get(callbackActionClass); boolean val = isEnabled(); if (!val && action.getActionPerformer() == this) { if (log) log ("Clearing action performer for " + getValue(NAME)); action.setActionPerformer(null); } else { if (log) log ("Setting action performer for " + getValue(NAME)); action.setActionPerformer(this); } } /** * Generates an action event over the default output window's selected tab and * calls actionPerformed with it. * @param action */ public void performAction(SystemAction action) { OutputWindow ow = OutputWindow.findDefault(); ActionEvent ae = new ActionEvent(ow, ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED, ""); actionPerformed(ae); } /** * Resign this action from being the performer for its associated CallbackSystemAction. */ public void detachPerformer() { if (callbackActionClass != null) { CallbackSystemAction action = (CallbackSystemAction) SystemAction.get(callbackActionClass); if (action.getActionPerformer() == this) { if (log) log ("Detaching action performer for " + getValue(NAME)); action.setActionPerformer(null); } } } } /** * An OutputEvent implementation with a settable line index so it can be * reused. */ static class ControllerOutputEvent extends OutputEvent { private int line; ControllerOutputEvent (NbIO io, int line) { super (io); this.line = line; } void setLine (int line) { this.line = line; } public String getLine() { NbIO io = (NbIO) getSource(); OutWriter out = io.out(); try { if (out != null) { String s = out.getLines().getLine(line); //#46892 - newlines should not be appended to returned strings if (s.endsWith("\n")) { //NOI18N s = s.substring(0, s.length()-1); } return s; } } catch (IOException ioe) { IOException nue = new IOException ("Could not fetch line " + line + " on " + io.getName()); //NOI18N ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate (nue, ioe); ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ioe); } return null; } } public static boolean log = Boolean.getBoolean("nb.output.log") || Boolean.getBoolean("nb.output.log.verbose"); //NOI18N public static boolean verbose = Boolean.getBoolean("nb.output.log.verbose"); static boolean logStdOut = Boolean.getBoolean("nb.output.log.stdout"); //NOI18N public static void log (String s) { s = Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()) + ":" + s + "(" + Thread.currentThread() + ") "; if (logStdOut) { System.out.println(s); return; } OutputStream os = getLogStream(); byte b[] = new byte[s.length() + 1]; char[] c = s.toCharArray(); for (int i=0; i < c.length; i++) { b[i] = (byte) c[i]; } b[b.length-1] = (byte) '\n'; try { os.write(b); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println(s); } try { os.flush(); } catch (Exception e ) {} } public static void logStack() { if (logStdOut) { new Exception().printStackTrace(); return; } Exception e = new Exception(); e.fillInStackTrace(); StackTraceElement[] ste = e.getStackTrace(); for (int i=1; i < Math.min (22, ste.length); i++) { log (" * " + ste[i]); } } private static OutputStream logStream = null; private static OutputStream getLogStream() { if (logStream == null) { String spec = System.getProperty ("") + File.separator + "outlog.txt"; synchronized (Controller.class) { try { File f = new File (spec); if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } f.createNewFile(); logStream = new FileOutputStream(f); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logStream = System.err; } } } return logStream; } public void inputEof(OutputTab tab) { if (Controller.log) Controller.log ("Input EOF"); NbIO io = tab.getIO(); NbIO.IOReader in =; if (in != null) { in.eof(); } io.setInputVisible(false); } }
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