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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.core;

import java.util.*;

import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileObject;
import org.openide.filesystems.Repository;
import org.openide.loaders.DataFolder;
import org.openide.loaders.FolderLookup;
import org.openide.util.Lookup;
import org.openide.util.Utilities;

import org.netbeans.core.modules.Module;
import org.netbeans.core.modules.ModuleManager;
import org.netbeans.core.perftool.StartLog;

 * Responsible for persisting the structure of folder lookup.

A cache is kept in serialized form in $userdir/cache/folder-lookup.ser. * Unless the cache is invalidated due to changes in module JARs or * files in $userdir/system/**, it is restored after a regular startup. * The actual objects in lookup are not serialized - only their classes, * instanceof information, position in the Services folder, and so on. This * permits us to avoid calling the XML parser for every .settings object etc. * Other forms of lookup like META-INF/services/* are not persisted. *

Can be enabled or disabled with the system property netbeans.cache.lookup. * @author Jesse Glick, Jaroslav Tulach * @see "#20190" */ class LookupCache { /** whether to enable the cache for this session */ private static final boolean ENABLED = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("netbeans.cache.lookup", "true")).booleanValue(); // NOI18N /** private logging for this class */ private static final ErrorManager err = ErrorManager.getDefault().getInstance("org.netbeans.core.LookupCache"); // NOI18N /** * Get the Services/ folder lookup. * May either do it the slow way, or might load quickly from a cache. * @return the folder lookup for the system */ public static Lookup load() { err.log("enabled=" + ENABLED); if (ENABLED && cacheHit()) { try { return loadCache(); } catch (Exception e) { err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); } } return loadDirect(); } /** * Load folder lookup directly from the system file system, parsing * as necessary (the slow way). */ private static Lookup loadDirect() { FileObject services = Repository.getDefault().getDefaultFileSystem().findResource("Services"); // NOI18N if (services != null) { StartLog.logProgress("Got Services folder"); // NOI18N DataFolder servicesF; try { servicesF = DataFolder.findFolder(services); } catch (RuntimeException e) { err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, e); return Lookup.EMPTY; } FolderLookup f = new FolderLookup(servicesF, "SL["); // NOI18N StartLog.logProgress("created FolderLookup"); // NOI18N err.log("loadDirect from Services"); return f.getLookup(); } else { err.log("loadDirect, but no Services"); return Lookup.EMPTY; } } /** * Determine if there is an existing lookup cache which can be used * now as is. * If there is a cache and a stamp file, and the stamp agrees with * a calculation of the files and timestamps currently available to * constitute the folder lookup, then the cache is used. */ private static boolean cacheHit() { File f = cacheFile(); if (f == null || !f.exists()) { err.log("no cache file"); return false; } File stampFile = stampFile(); if (stampFile == null || !stampFile.exists()) { err.log("no stamp file"); return false; } StartLog.logStart("check for lookup cache hit"); // NOI18N List files = relevantFiles(); // List if (err.isLoggable(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL)) { err.log("checking against " + stampFile + " for files " + files); } boolean hit; try { Stamp stamp = new Stamp(files); long newHash = stamp.getHash(); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(stampFile), "UTF-8")); // NOI18N try { String line = r.readLine(); long oldHash; try { oldHash = Long.parseLong(line); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { throw new IOException(nfe.toString()); } if (oldHash == newHash) { err.log("Cache hit! with hash " + oldHash); hit = true; } else { err.log("Cache miss, " + oldHash + " -> " + newHash); hit = false; } } finally { r.close(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, ioe); hit = false; } StartLog.logEnd("check for lookup cache hit"); // NOI18N return hit; } /** * The file containing the serialized lookup cache. */ private static File cacheFile() { String ud = System.getProperty("netbeans.user"); if (ud != null) { File cachedir = new File(new File (ud, "var"), "cache"); // NOI18N cachedir.mkdirs(); return new File(cachedir, "folder-lookup.ser"); // NOI18N } else { return null; } } /** * The file containing a stamp which indicates which modules were * enabled, what versions of them, customized services, etc. */ private static File stampFile() { String ud = System.getProperty("netbeans.user"); if (ud != null) { File cachedir = new File(new File (ud, "var"), "cache"); // NOI18N cachedir.mkdirs(); return new File(cachedir, "lookup-stamp.txt"); // NOI18N } else { return null; } } /** * List of all files which might be relevant to the contents of folder lookup. * This means: all JAR files which are modules (skip their extensions and * variants which can be assumed not to contain layer files); and all files * contained in the system/Services/ subdirs (if any) of the home dir, * user dir, and extra installation directories (#27151). * For test modules, use the original JAR, not the physical JAR, * to prevent cache misses on every restart. * For fixed modules with layers (e.g. core.jar), add in the matching JAR, * if that can be ascertained. * No particular order of returned files is assumed. */ private static List relevantFiles() { final List files = new ArrayList(250); // List final ModuleManager mgr = NbTopManager.get().getModuleSystem().getManager(); mgr.mutex().readAccess(new Runnable() { public void run() { Iterator it = mgr.getEnabledModules().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Module m = (Module); String layer = (String)m.getAttribute("OpenIDE-Module-Layer"); // NOI18N if (layer != null) { if (!m.isFixed()) { files.add(m.getJarFile()); } else { URL layerURL = m.getClassLoader().getResource(layer); if (layerURL != null) { String s = layerURL.toExternalForm(); if (s.startsWith("jar:")) { // NOI18N int bangSlash = s.lastIndexOf("!/"); // NOI18N if (bangSlash != -1) { // underlying URL inside jar:, generally file: try { URL layerJarURL = new URL(s.substring(4, bangSlash)); File layerJar = Utilities.toFile(layerJarURL); if (layerJar != null) { files.add(layerJar); } else { err.log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Weird jar: URL: " + layerJarURL); } } catch (MalformedURLException mfue) { err.notify(ErrorManager.INFORMATIONAL, mfue); } } else { err.log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Malformed jar: URL: " + s); } } else { err.log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Not a jar: URL: " + s); } } else { err.log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "Could not find " + layer + " in " + m); } } } // else no layer, ignore } } }); relevantFilesFromInst(files, System.getProperty("netbeans.home")); // NOI18N relevantFilesFromInst(files, System.getProperty("netbeans.user")); // NOI18N String nbdirs = System.getProperty("netbeans.dirs"); // NOI18N if (nbdirs != null) { // #27151 StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(nbdirs, File.pathSeparator); while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { relevantFilesFromInst(files, tok.nextToken()); } } return files; } /** * Find relevant files from an installation directory. */ private static void relevantFilesFromInst(List files, String instDir) { if (instDir == null) { return; } relevantFilesFrom(files, new File(new File(new File(instDir), "system"), "Services")); // NOI18N } /** * Retrieve all files in a directory, recursively. */ private static void relevantFilesFrom(List files, File dir) { File[] kids = dir.listFiles(); if (kids != null) { for (int i = 0; i < kids.length; i++) { File f = kids[i]; if (f.isFile()) { files.add(f); } else { relevantFilesFrom(files, f); } } } } /** * Load folder lookup from the disk cache. */ private static Lookup loadCache() throws Exception { StartLog.logStart("load lookup cache"); File f = cacheFile(); err.log("loading from " + f); InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f); try { ObjectInputStream ois = new NbObjectInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(is)); Lookup l = (Lookup)ois.readObject(); StartLog.logEnd("load lookup cache"); return l; } finally { is.close(); } } /** * Store the current contents of folder lookup to disk, hopefully to be used * in the next session to speed startup. * @param l the folder lookup * @throws IOException if it could not be saved */ public static void store(Lookup l) throws IOException { if (!ENABLED) { return; } File f = cacheFile(); if (f == null) { return; } File stampFile = stampFile(); if (stampFile == null) { return; } StartLog.logStart("store lookup cache"); err.log("storing to " + f + " with stamp in " + stampFile); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(f); try { try { ObjectOutputStream oos = new NbObjectOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(os)); oos.writeObject(l); oos.flush(); } finally { os.close(); } Stamp stamp = new Stamp(relevantFiles()); Writer wr = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(stampFile), "UTF-8"); // NOI18N try { // Would be nice to write out as zero-padded hex. // Unfortunately while Long.toHexString works fine, // Long.parseLong cannot be asked to parse unsigned longs, // so fails when the high bit is set. wr.write(Long.toString(stamp.getHash())); wr.write("\nLine above is identifying hash key, do not edit!\nBelow is metadata about folder lookup cache, for debugging purposes.\n"); // NOI18N wr.write(stamp.toString()); } finally { wr.close(); } StartLog.logEnd("store lookup cache"); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Delete corrupted cache. if (f.exists()) { f.delete(); } if (stampFile.exists()) { stampFile.delete(); } throw ioe; } } /** * Represents a hash of a bunch of JAR or other files and their timestamps. * Compare ModuleLayeredFileSystem's similar nested class. * .settings files do not get their timestamps checked because generally * changes to them do not reflect changes in the structure of lookup, only * in the contents of one lookup instance. Otherwise autoupdate's settings * alone would trigger a cache miss every time. Generally, all files other * than JARs and .nbattrs (which can affect folder order) should not affect * lookup structure by their contents, except in the pathological case which * we do not consider that they supply zero instances or a recursive lookup * (which even then would only lead to problems if such a file were changed * on disk between IDE sessions, which can be expected to be very rare). */ private static final class Stamp { private final List files; // List private final long[] times; private final long hash; /** Create a stamp from a list of files. */ public Stamp(List files) throws IOException { this.files = new ArrayList(files); Collections.sort(this.files); times = new long[this.files.size()]; long x = 17L; Iterator it = this.files.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { File f = (File); x ^= f.hashCode(); x += 98679245L; long m; String name = f.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.US); if (name.endsWith(".jar") || name.equals(".nbattrs")) { // NOI18N m = f.lastModified(); } else { m = 0L; } x ^= (times[i++] = m); } hash = x; } /** Hash of the stamp for comparison purposes. */ public long getHash() { return hash; } /** Debugging information listing which files were used. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); Iterator it = files.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { long t = times[i++]; if (t != 0L) { buf.append(new Date(t)); } else { buf.append(""); // NOI18N } buf.append('\t'); buf.append(; buf.append('\n'); } return buf.toString(); } } }

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