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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.editor.fold;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Document;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.Fold;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldHierarchyEvent;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldHierarchyListener;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldStateChange;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldType;
import org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldUtilities;
import org.netbeans.modules.editor.fold.FoldUtilitiesImpl;
import org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold.FoldHierarchyTransaction;
import org.netbeans.spi.editor.fold.FoldManager;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;

 * Class encapsulating a modification
 * of the code folding hierarchy.
* It's provided by {@link RootFold#createHierarchyTransaction()}. *
* It can accumulate arbitrary number of changes of various folds. *
* Only one transaction can be active at the time. *
* Once all the modifications are done the transaction must be * committed by {@link #commit()} which creates * a {@link org.netbeans.api.editor.fold.FoldHierarchyEvent} * and fires it to the listeners automatically. *
* Once the transaction is committed no additional * changes can be made to it. *
* There is currently no way to rollback the transaction. * * @author Miloslav Metelka * @version 1.00 */ public final class FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl { private static final boolean debug = Boolean.getBoolean("netbeans.debug.editor.fold"); private static final Fold[] EMPTY_FOLDS = new Fold[0]; private static final FoldStateChange[] EMPTY_FOLD_STATE_CHANGES = new FoldStateChange[0]; private static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0]; private FoldHierarchyTransaction transaction; private boolean committed; private FoldHierarchyExecution execution; /** * Fold inside which the last operation (insert or remove) * was done. */ private Fold lastOperationFold; /** * Index at which the last operation (insert or remove) was done. */ private int lastOperationIndex; /** * Fold that is block in case the inspectOverlap() returns null. *
* This is instance var so that inspectOverlap() can set it. */ private Fold addFoldBlock; /** * List of lists of folds that were unblocked by removing * of a blocked fold indexed by the fold priority. *
* Prior to the commit of the transaction the unblocked * folds are attempted to be reinserted into the hierarchy * starting with folds with the highest priority * going to folds with the lowest priority. */ private List unblockedFoldLists = new ArrayList(4); /** * Maximum priority of the unblocked folds added * since the start of this transaction. */ private int unblockedFoldMaxPriority = -1; /** * Set of folds that were added to the hierarchy * during this transaction. */ private Set addedToHierarchySet; /** * Set of folds that were removed from the hierarchy * during this transaction. */ private Set removedFromHierarchySet; private Map fold2StateChange; private int affectedStartOffset; private int affectedEndOffset; public FoldHierarchyTransactionImpl(FoldHierarchyExecution execution) { this.execution = execution; this.affectedStartOffset = Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.affectedEndOffset = -1; this.transaction = SpiPackageAccessor.get().createFoldHierarchyTransaction(this); } public FoldHierarchyTransaction getTransaction() { return transaction; } /** * Commit this active transaction. *
* The FoldHierarchyEvent will be fired automatically * (if there were any changes done during this transaction). *
* The transaction can only be commited once. */ public void commit() { checkNotCommitted(); /** * Mark the transaction as committed now * to prevent problems in case one of the listeners fails later. */ committed = true; execution.clearActiveTransaction(); if (!isEmpty()) { int size; Fold[] removedFolds; if (removedFromHierarchySet != null && ((size = removedFromHierarchySet.size()) != 0)) { removedFolds = new Fold[size]; removedFromHierarchySet.toArray(removedFolds); } else { removedFolds = EMPTY_FOLDS; } Fold[] addedFolds; if (addedToHierarchySet != null && ((size = addedToHierarchySet.size()) != 0)) { addedFolds = new Fold[size]; addedToHierarchySet.toArray(addedFolds); } else { addedFolds = EMPTY_FOLDS; } FoldStateChange[] stateChanges; if (fold2StateChange != null) { stateChanges = new FoldStateChange[fold2StateChange.size()]; fold2StateChange.values().toArray(stateChanges); } else { // no state changes => use empty array stateChanges = EMPTY_FOLD_STATE_CHANGES; } for (int i = stateChanges.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { FoldStateChange change = stateChanges[i]; Fold fold = change.getFold(); updateAffectedOffsets(fold); int origOffset = change.getOriginalStartOffset(); if (origOffset != -1) { updateAffectedStartOffset(origOffset); } origOffset = change.getOriginalEndOffset(); if (origOffset != -1) { updateAffectedEndOffset(origOffset); } } execution.createAndFireFoldHierarchyEvent( removedFolds, addedFolds, stateChanges, affectedStartOffset, affectedEndOffset ); } } /** * This method implements the DocumentListener. *
* It is not intended to be called by clients. */ public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) { // Check whether there was an insert done right // at the original ending offset of the fold // so the fold end offset should be moved back. if (debug) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("insertUpdate: offset=" + evt.getOffset() // NOI18N + ", length=" + evt.getLength()); // NOI18N } try { insertCheckEndOffset(execution.getRootFold(), evt); } catch (BadLocationException e) { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(e); } } private void insertCheckEndOffset(Fold fold, DocumentEvent evt) throws BadLocationException { int insertEndOffset = evt.getOffset() + evt.getLength(); // Find first fold that starts at (or best represents) the insertEndOffset int childIndex = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldStartIndex(fold, insertEndOffset, false); if (childIndex >= 0) { // could be at end of the child fold with the index Fold childFold = fold.getFold(childIndex); // Check whether not in fact searching for previous fold if (childIndex > 0 && childFold.getStartOffset() == insertEndOffset) { childIndex--; childFold = fold.getFold(childIndex); } int childFoldEndOffset = childFold.getEndOffset(); // Check whether the child fold "contains" the insert // i.e. the children of the child must be checked as well if (childFoldEndOffset >= insertEndOffset) { // check children // Must dig into children first to maintain consistency // in case when the last child fold would end right at end offset // of this child. insertCheckEndOffset(childFold, evt); // Inform the fold about insertion ApiPackageAccessor.get().foldInsertUpdate(childFold, evt); if (childFoldEndOffset == insertEndOffset) { // Now correct the end offset to the one before insertion setEndOffset(childFold, evt.getDocument(), evt.getOffset()); } else { // not right at the end of the fold -> check damaged ApiPackageAccessor api = ApiPackageAccessor.get(); if (api.foldIsStartDamaged(childFold) || api.foldIsEndDamaged(childFold)) { execution.remove(childFold, this); removeDamagedNotify(childFold); if (debug) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("insertUpdate: removed damaged " // NOI18N + childFold); } } } } } } private FoldOperationImpl getOperation(Fold fold) { return ApiPackageAccessor.get().foldGetOperation(fold); } private FoldManager getManager(Fold fold) { return getOperation(fold).getManager(); } private void setEndOffset(Fold fold, Document doc, int endOffset) throws BadLocationException { int origEndOffset = fold.getEndOffset(); ApiPackageAccessor api = ApiPackageAccessor.get(); api.foldSetEndOffset(fold, doc, endOffset); api.foldStateChangeEndOffsetChanged(getFoldStateChange(fold), origEndOffset); } public void setCollapsed(Fold fold, boolean collapsed) { boolean oldCollapsed = fold.isCollapsed(); if (oldCollapsed != collapsed) { ApiPackageAccessor api = ApiPackageAccessor.get(); api.foldSetCollapsed(fold, collapsed); api.foldStateChangeCollapsedChanged(getFoldStateChange(fold)); } } private void removeDamagedNotify(Fold fold) { getManager(fold).removeDamagedNotify(fold); } private void removeEmptyNotify(Fold fold) { getManager(fold).removeEmptyNotify(fold); } /** * This method implements the DocumentListener. *
* It is not intended to be called by clients. */ public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) { // Check whether the remove damaged any folds // or made them empty. if (debug) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("removeUpdate: offset=" + evt.getOffset()); } removeCheckDamaged(execution.getRootFold(), evt); } private void removeCheckDamaged(Fold fold, DocumentEvent evt) { ApiPackageAccessor api = ApiPackageAccessor.get(); int childIndex = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldStartIndex(fold, evt.getOffset(), true); if (childIndex >= 0) { boolean removed; do { Fold childFold = fold.getFold(childIndex); removed = false; if (FoldUtilities.isEmpty(childFold)) { removeCheckDamaged(childFold, evt); // nest prior removing execution.remove(childFold, this); getManager(childFold).removeEmptyNotify(childFold); removed = true; if (debug) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("insertUpdate: removed empty " // NOI18N + childFold); } } else if (api.foldIsStartDamaged(childFold) || api.foldIsEndDamaged(childFold)) { removeCheckDamaged(childFold, evt); // nest prior removing execution.remove(childFold, this); getManager(childFold).removeDamagedNotify(childFold); removed = true; if (debug) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("insertUpdate: removed damaged " // NOI18N + childFold); } } else if (childFold.getFoldCount() > 0) { // check children // Some children could be damaged even if this one was not removeCheckDamaged(childFold, evt); } // Check whether the expand is necessary if (!removed) { // only if not removed yet if (childFold.isCollapsed() && api.foldIsExpandNecessary(childFold)) { setCollapsed(childFold , false); } api.foldRemoveUpdate(childFold, evt); } // intentionally do not increase childIndex } while (removed && childIndex < fold.getFoldCount()); } } private boolean isEmpty() { return (fold2StateChange == null || fold2StateChange.size() == 0) && (addedToHierarchySet == null || addedToHierarchySet.size() == 0) && (removedFromHierarchySet == null || removedFromHierarchySet.size() == 0); } public FoldStateChange getFoldStateChange(Fold fold) { if (fold2StateChange == null) { fold2StateChange = new HashMap(); } FoldStateChange change = (FoldStateChange)fold2StateChange.get(fold); if (change == null) { change = ApiPackageAccessor.get().createFoldStateChange(fold); fold2StateChange.put(fold, change); } return change; } /** * Remove the fold either from the hierarchy or from the blocked list. */ void removeFold(Fold fold) { if (debug) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("removeFold: " + fold); } Fold parent = fold.getParent(); if (parent != null) { // present in hierarchy int index = parent.getFoldIndex(fold); removeFoldFromHierarchy(parent, index, null); // no block passed here lastOperationFold = parent; lastOperationIndex = index; } else { // not present in hierarchy - must be blocked (or error) if (!execution.isBlocked(fold)) { // not blocked i.e. already removed throw new IllegalStateException("Fold already removed: " + fold); // NOI18N } execution.unmarkBlocked(fold); // If the fold was blocking other folds then unblock them here unblockBlocked(fold); } processUnblocked(); // attempt to reinsert unblocked folds } /** * Remove all present folds in the hierarchy * once the managers are going to be switched. */ void removeAllFolds(Fold[] allBlocked) { // First remove all blocked folds for (int i = allBlocked.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { removeFold(allBlocked[i]); } removeAllChildrenAndSelf(execution.getRootFold()); } private void removeAllChildrenAndSelf(Fold fold) { int foldCount = fold.getFoldCount(); if (foldCount > 0) { for (int i = foldCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { removeAllChildrenAndSelf(fold.getFold(i)); } } if (!FoldUtilities.isRootFold(fold)) { removeFold(fold); } } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent evt) { // No explicit checking actions upon document change notification } /** * Called by FoldHierarchySpi to attempt to insert * the fold into hierarchy. It's also possible that * the fold cannot be inserted and will be added to the list * of blocked folds. * * @param fold fold to add * @return true if the fold was successfully added to hierarchy * or false if it could not be added and became blocked. */ boolean addFold(Fold fold) { if (debug) { /*DEBUG*/System.err.println("addFold: " + fold); // NOI18N } return addFold(fold, null); } /** * Recursive method to add fold under the given parent. * * @param fold non-null fold to be inserted into hierarchy * @param parentFold parent fold under which to insert. If it's null * then attempt to use hints from lastOperationFold and lastOperationIndex. * The explicit passing of root fold can be used to force to ignore the hints. * @return true if the fold was successfully added or false if it became blocked. */ private boolean addFold(Fold fold, Fold parentFold) { int foldStartOffset = fold.getStartOffset(); int foldEndOffset = fold.getEndOffset(); int foldPriority = getOperation(fold).getPriority(); int index; boolean useLast; // use hints from lastOperationFold and lastOperationIndex if (parentFold == null) { // attempt to guess parentFold = lastOperationFold; if (parentFold == null // no valid guess || foldStartOffset < parentFold.getStartOffset() || foldEndOffset > parentFold.getEndOffset() ) { // Use root fold parentFold = execution.getRootFold(); index = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldInsertIndex(parentFold, foldStartOffset); useLast = false; } else { index = lastOperationIndex; useLast = true; } } else { // already valid parentFold (do not use last* vars) index = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldInsertIndex(parentFold, foldStartOffset); useLast = false; } // Check whether the index is withing bounds int foldCount = parentFold.getFoldCount(); if (useLast && index > foldCount) { index = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldInsertIndex(parentFold, foldStartOffset); useLast = false; } // Fill in the prevFold variable // and verify that the guessed index is correct - startOffset // of the prev fold must be lower than foldStartOffset // and start offset of the next fold must be greater than foldStartOffset Fold prevFold; // fold that precedes fold being added if (index > 0) { prevFold = parentFold.getFold(index - 1); if (useLast && foldStartOffset < prevFold.getStartOffset()) { // bad guess index = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldInsertIndex(parentFold, foldStartOffset); useLast = false; prevFold = (index > 0) ? parentFold.getFold(index - 1) : null; } } else { // index == 0 prevFold = null; } // Fold that will follow the fold being inserted // By default guess it's the fold at "index" but it may be a fold // at higher index as well. Fold nextFold; if (index < foldCount) { // next fold exists nextFold = parentFold.getFold(index); if (useLast && foldStartOffset >= nextFold.getStartOffset()) { // bad guess index = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldInsertIndex(parentFold, foldStartOffset); useLast = false; prevFold = (index > 0) ? parentFold.getFold(index - 1) : null; nextFold = (index < foldCount) ? parentFold.getFold(index) : null; } } else { // index >= foldCount nextFold = null; } // Check whether the fold to be added overlaps // with previous fold (it's start offset is before end offset // of the previous fold. // Check whether end offset of the fold // does not overlap with folds that would follow it boolean blocked; // Index hints: // null - no overlapping (clear insert of start offset) // length == 0 - overlapping but no children // length > 0 - overlapping and children - see inspectOverlap() int[] prevOverlapIndexes; if (prevFold != null && foldStartOffset < prevFold.getEndOffset()) { // overlap if (foldEndOffset <= prevFold.getEndOffset()) { // fold fully nested // Nest into prevFold return addFold(fold, prevFold); } else { // fold overlaps with prevFold if (foldPriority > getOperation(prevFold).getPriority()) { // can replace if (prevFold.getFoldCount() > 0) { // must check children too prevOverlapIndexes = inspectOverlap(prevFold, foldStartOffset, foldPriority, 1); if (prevOverlapIndexes == null) { // blocked // "addFoldBlock" var was assigned by inspectOverlap() blocked = true; } else { // not blocked blocked = false; } } else { // prevFold has no children blocked = false; prevOverlapIndexes = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; } } else { // cannot remove -> overlaps blocked = true; addFoldBlock = prevFold; prevOverlapIndexes = null; } } } else { // no overlapping with prevFold -> insert after blocked = false; prevOverlapIndexes = null; } if (!blocked) { // Which fold will be the next important for the insert (possibly overlapped) int nextIndex = index; // Non-null in case of active overlapping for foldEndOffset int[] nextOverlapIndexes = null; if (nextFold != null) { // next fold exists if (foldEndOffset > nextFold.getStartOffset()) { // End inside or after the current fold if (foldEndOffset >= nextFold.getEndOffset()) { // Fold ends after end offset of the current nextFold // Find the fold in (or after) which the inserted fold really ends. // Do binary search to have deterministic non-linear perf // Third param is false i.e. get possibly last fold // in multiple empty folds (same like in findFoldInsertIndex()) nextIndex = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldStartIndex(parentFold, foldEndOffset, false); // nextIndex should not be -1 - otherwise should not reach this code nextFold = parentFold.getFold(nextIndex); } if (foldEndOffset < nextFold.getEndOffset()) { // ends inside if (foldPriority > getOperation(nextFold).getPriority()) { // remove next fold if (nextFold.getFoldCount() > 0) { // next has children nextOverlapIndexes = inspectOverlap(nextFold, foldEndOffset, foldPriority, 1); if (nextOverlapIndexes == null) { // blocked // "addFoldBlock" var was assigned by inspectOverlap() blocked = true; } // can remove nested folds } else { // nextFold has no children => can be removed nextOverlapIndexes = EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; } } else { // blocked by next fold blocked = true; addFoldBlock = nextFold; } } else { // fold ends after bounds of nextFold but prior start of next fold nextIndex++; // insert clearly after the nextFold } } // fold ends before start offset of nextFold => insert normally later } // next fold does not exist - no folds at index or after it if (!blocked) { // Here it should be possible to insert the fold // prevOverlapIndexes and nextOverlapIndexes need to be resolved first // (and the possible index shift consequences) // Finally the lastOperationFold and lastOperationIndex // should be set for future use. if (prevOverlapIndexes != null) { int replaceIndexShift; if (prevOverlapIndexes.length == 0) { // no children replaceIndexShift = 0; } else { // children replaceIndexShift = removeOverlap(prevFold, prevOverlapIndexes, fold); // Must shift nextIndex by number of replaced children nextIndex += prevFold.getFoldCount(); } removeFoldFromHierarchy(parentFold, index - 1, fold); index += replaceIndexShift - 1; // -1 for removed prevFold nextIndex--; // -1 for removed prevFold } if (nextOverlapIndexes != null) { int replaceIndexShift; if (nextOverlapIndexes.length == 0) { // no children replaceIndexShift = 0; } else { // children replaceIndexShift = removeOverlap(nextFold, nextOverlapIndexes, fold); } removeFoldFromHierarchy(parentFold, nextIndex, fold); nextIndex += replaceIndexShift; } ApiPackageAccessor.get().foldExtractToChildren(parentFold, index, nextIndex - index, fold); // Update affected offsets updateAffectedOffsets(fold); markFoldAddedToHierarchy(fold); processUnblocked(); } } if (blocked) { // Fold is blocked - "addFoldBlock" var holds the blocker execution.markBlocked(fold, addFoldBlock); addFoldBlock = null; // enable GC } // Remember hints for next call lastOperationFold = parentFold; lastOperationIndex = index + 1; return !blocked; } /** * Nested check of possibility of inserting a fold. * * @param fold that has at least one child fold. Folds with empty * children cannot be used here. * @param offset of inserting * @param priority of the fold * @param level nesting level of check - starting at 1 * @return array of ints containing deepest-level + 1 entries * where each item presents the index of the overlapped item * that needs to be removed. The first array item * is either 0 - clean insert after the index inside the deepest level * or 1 - overlapping but removable (has no children). *
* null is returned if folds overlap but priority * of present fold is higher so the attempted fold will become blocked. * checkOverlapBlock will be filled with the deep fold * that actually blocks. * *

* Example:

     *   [0] = 0   - clean insert after fold at index 5
     *   [1] = 2   - overlapping with fold at index 2 at level 1
     *   [2] = 5   - deepest level ?overlapping? => no, index 0 says clean insert
* *

* Example 2:

     *   [0] = 1   - overlap with fold at index 4 (fold will be removed)
     *   [1] = 1   - overlapping with fold at index 1 at level 1
     *   [2] = 4   - deepest level ?overlapping? => yes, index 0 says overlapping
*/ private int[] inspectOverlap(Fold fold, int offset, int priority, int level) { int index = FoldUtilitiesImpl.findFoldStartIndex(fold, offset, false); int[] result; Fold indexFold; if (index >= 0 && FoldUtilities.containsOffset( (indexFold = fold.getFold(index)), offset) ) { if (priority > getOperation(indexFold).getPriority()) { // can be replaced if (indexFold.getFoldCount() > 0) { // has non-empty children result = inspectOverlap(indexFold, offset, priority, level + 1); if (result != null) { // no blocking in children result[level] = index; } // result == null => blocking in children } else { // has no or empty children result = new int[level + 1]; result[0] = 1; // overlapping at the last level result[level] = index; // will later insert at index 0 } } else { // higher priority of existing fold -> return null addFoldBlock = indexFold; // remember the blocking fold result = null; } } else { // before first child fold or no overlapping result = new int[level + 1]; result[0] = 0; // clearly nested result[level] = index; // will later insert at index 0 } return result; } /** * Remove overlapping folds based on information from previous call * to inspectOverlap(). * * @param fold fold which blocking children will be removed. The fold itself * will remain (must be removed by caller). * @param indexes indexes array obtained by previous call to inspectOverlap(). * @param block blocking fold that will be used when marking the removed * children as blocked. * * @return fold insert index that corresponds to the originally used offset. */ private int removeOverlap(Fold fold, int[] indexes, Fold block) { int indexShift = 0; // how many new children was inserted prior to offset int indexesLengthM1 = indexes.length - 1; for (int i = 1; i < indexesLengthM1; i++) { int index = indexes[i] + indexShift; removeFoldFromHierarchy(fold, index, block); indexShift += index; } // Need to process last (most inner) fold int index = indexes[indexesLengthM1] + indexShift; if (indexes[0] == 0) { // clearly nested after the fold index++; // move after the fold } else { // indexes[0] == 1 => remove the overlap fold removeFoldFromHierarchy(fold, index, block); } return index; } /** * Physically remove the fold from the hierarchy and update the appropriate * state variables. */ private void removeFoldFromHierarchy(Fold parentFold, int index, Fold block) { Fold removedFold = ApiPackageAccessor.get().foldReplaceByChildren(parentFold, index); updateAffectedOffsets(removedFold); markFoldRemovedFromHierarchy(removedFold); unblockBlocked(removedFold); if (block != null) { execution.markBlocked(removedFold, block); } } /** * Remove the block that was removed from hierarchy * because of adding of another fold. Remember * all folds that were blocked by the remove block * because they will be attempted to be reinserted * prior committing of this transaction. */ private void unblockBlocked(Fold block) { Set blockedSet = execution.unmarkBlock(block); if (blockedSet != null) { for (Iterator it = blockedSet.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Fold blocked = (Fold); int priority = getOperation(blocked).getPriority(); while (unblockedFoldLists.size() <= priority) { unblockedFoldLists.add(new ArrayList(4)); } ((List)unblockedFoldLists.get(priority)).add(blocked); if (priority > unblockedFoldMaxPriority) { unblockedFoldMaxPriority = priority; } } } } /** * Attempt to reinsert the folds unblocked by particular add/remove operation. */ private void processUnblocked() { if (unblockedFoldMaxPriority >= 0) { // some folds became unblocked for (int priority = unblockedFoldMaxPriority; priority >= 0; priority--) { List foldList = (List)unblockedFoldLists.get(priority); Fold rootFold = execution.getRootFold(); for (int i = foldList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Remove last fold from the list Fold unblocked = (Fold)foldList.remove(i); if (!execution.isAddedOrBlocked(unblocked)) { // not yet processed unblockedFoldMaxPriority = -1; // Attempt to reinsert the fold - random order - use root fold addFold(unblocked, rootFold); if (unblockedFoldMaxPriority >= priority) { throw new IllegalStateException("Folds removed with priority=" // NOI18N + unblockedFoldMaxPriority); } if (foldList.size() != i) { throw new IllegalStateException("Same priority folds removed"); // NOI18N } } } } } unblockedFoldMaxPriority = -1; } private void markFoldAddedToHierarchy(Fold fold) { // Check and remove from removedFromHierarchySet if marked removed if (removedFromHierarchySet == null || !removedFromHierarchySet.remove(fold)) { if (addedToHierarchySet == null) { addedToHierarchySet = new HashSet(); } addedToHierarchySet.add(fold); } } private void markFoldRemovedFromHierarchy(Fold fold) { // Check and remove from addedToHierarchySet if marked added if (addedToHierarchySet == null || !addedToHierarchySet.remove(fold)) { if (removedFromHierarchySet == null) { removedFromHierarchySet = new HashSet(); } removedFromHierarchySet.add(fold); } } private void updateAffectedOffsets(Fold fold) { updateAffectedStartOffset(fold.getStartOffset()); updateAffectedEndOffset(fold.getEndOffset()); } /** * Extend affectedStartOffset in downward direction. */ private void updateAffectedStartOffset(int offset) { if (offset < affectedStartOffset) { affectedStartOffset = offset; } } /** * Extend affectedEndOffset in upward direction. */ private void updateAffectedEndOffset(int offset) { if (offset > affectedEndOffset) { affectedEndOffset = offset; } } private void checkNotCommitted() { if (committed) { throw new IllegalStateException("FoldHierarchyChange already committed."); // NOI18N } } }
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