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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
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 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Caret;
import org.netbeans.editor.BaseDocument;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenID;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenProcessor;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenContextPath;
import org.netbeans.editor.ext.ExtSyntaxSupport;
import org.netbeans.editor.SyntaxSupport;
import org.netbeans.editor.TokenItem;
import org.netbeans.editor.Settings;
import org.netbeans.editor.Utilities;

 * This static class groups the whole aspect of bracket
 * completion. It is defined to clearly separate the functionality
 * and keep actions clean. 
 * The methods of the class are called from different actions as
 * KeyTyped, DeletePreviousChar.
class BracketCompletion {

   * A hook method called after a character was inserted into the
   * document. The function checks for special characters for
   * completion ()[]'"{} and other conditions and optionally performs
   * changes to the doc and or caret (complets braces, moves caret,
   * etc.)
   * @param doc the document where the change occurred
   * @param dotPos position of the character insertion
   * @param caret caret
   * @param ch the character that was inserted
   * @throws BadLocationException if dotPos is not correct
  static void charInserted(BaseDocument doc,  
			   int dotPos, 
			   Caret caret,
			   char ch) throws BadLocationException 
    if (doc.getSyntaxSupport() instanceof ExtSyntaxSupport && completionSettingEnabled()) {
      if (ch == ')'|| ch == ']'|| ch =='('|| ch =='[') {
	TokenID tokenAtDot = 

	if (tokenAtDot == JavaTokenContext.RBRACKET || tokenAtDot == JavaTokenContext.RPAREN) {
	  skipClosingBracket(doc, dotPos, caret, ch);
	else if (tokenAtDot == JavaTokenContext.LBRACKET || tokenAtDot == JavaTokenContext.LPAREN) {
	  completeOpeningBracket(doc, dotPos, caret, ch);
      else if (ch == '\"' || ch == '\'') {
	completeQuote(doc, dotPos, caret, ch);
      else if (ch == ';') {
          moveSemicolon(doc, dotPos, caret);

    private static void moveSemicolon(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos, Caret caret) throws BadLocationException {
        int eolPos = Utilities.getRowEnd(doc, dotPos);
        ExtSyntaxSupport ssup = (ExtSyntaxSupport)doc.getSyntaxSupport();
        int lastParenPos = dotPos;
        TokenItem token = ssup.getTokenChain(dotPos, eolPos);
        for (TokenItem item = token.getNext(); item != null && item.getOffset() <= eolPos; item = item.getNext()) {
            TokenID tokenID = item.getTokenID();
            if (tokenID == JavaTokenContext.RPAREN) {
                lastParenPos = item.getOffset();
            } else if (tokenID != JavaTokenContext.WHITESPACE) {
        if (isForLoopSemicolon(token)) {
        doc.remove(dotPos, 1);
        doc.insertString(lastParenPos, ";", null); // NOI18N
        caret.setDot(lastParenPos + 1);

    private static boolean isForLoopSemicolon(TokenItem token) {
        if (token == null || token.getTokenID() != JavaTokenContext.SEMICOLON) {
            return false;
        int parDepth = 0; // parenthesis depth
        int braceDepth = 0; // brace depth
        boolean semicolonFound = false; // next semicolon
        token = token.getPrevious(); // ignore this semicolon
        while (token != null) {
            if (token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.LPAREN) {
                if (parDepth == 0) { // could be a 'for ('
                    token = token.getPrevious();
                    while(token !=null && (token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.WHITESPACE || token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.BLOCK_COMMENT || token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.LINE_COMMENT)) {
                        token = token.getPrevious();
                    if (token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.FOR) {
                        return true;
                    return false;
                } else { // non-zero depth
            } else if (token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.RPAREN) {
            } else if (token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.LBRACE) {
                if (braceDepth == 0) { // unclosed left brace
                    return false;
            } else if (token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.RBRACE) {

            } else if (token.getTokenID() == JavaTokenContext.SEMICOLON) {
                if (semicolonFound) { // one semicolon already found
                    return false;
                semicolonFound = true;
            token = token.getPrevious();
        return false;

   * Hook called after a character *ch* was backspace-deleted from
   * *doc*. The function possibly removes bracket or quote pair if
   * appropriate.
   * @param doc the document
   * @param dotPos position of the change
   * @param caret caret
   * @param ch the character that was deleted
  static void charBackspaced(BaseDocument doc,
			     int dotPos,
			     Caret caret,
			     char ch) throws BadLocationException 
    if (completionSettingEnabled()) {
      if (ch == '(' || ch == '[') {
	TokenID tokenAtDot = ((ExtSyntaxSupport)doc.
	if ((tokenAtDot == JavaTokenContext.RBRACKET && tokenBalance(doc,0, doc.getLength(), JavaTokenContext.LBRACKET, JavaTokenContext.RBRACKET) != 0) ||
	    (tokenAtDot == JavaTokenContext.RPAREN && tokenBalance(doc,0, doc.getLength(), JavaTokenContext.LPAREN, JavaTokenContext.RPAREN) != 0) ) {
	  doc.remove(dotPos, 1);
      else if (ch == '\"' || ch == '\'') {
	char match [] = doc.getChars(dotPos, 1);
	if (match != null && (match[0] == '\"' || match[0] == '\'')) {
	  doc.remove(dotPos, 1);

   * A function to complete opening curly bracket. Various conditions
   * are checked and the pairing curly is inserted if appropriate.
   * @param doc the document
   * @param dotPos position of the opening {
   * @param caret
  static void completeOpeningCurly(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos, Caret caret) 
     throws BadLocationException 
    if (completionSettingEnabled()) {
      TokenID tokenAtDot = 

      if (tokenAtDot == JavaTokenContext.LBRACE &&  braceBalance(doc,0, doc.getLength()) > 0) {
	int newPos = dotPos + 1;
	doc.insertString(newPos,"}", null); // NOI18N
	doc.getFormatter().indentNewLine(doc, newPos);

   * Counts the number of braces starting at dotPos to the end of the
   * document. Every occurence of { increses the count by 1, every
   * occurrence of } decreses the count by 1. The result is returned.
   * @return The number of { - number of } (>0 more { than } ,<0 more } than {)
  private static int braceBalance(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos, int length) 
    throws BadLocationException
    return tokenBalance(doc, dotPos, length, JavaTokenContext.LBRACE, JavaTokenContext.RBRACE);

   * The same as braceBalance but generalized to any pair of matching
   * tokens. 
   * @param open the token that increses the count
   * @param close the token that decreses the count
  private static int tokenBalance(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos, int length,
				  TokenID open, TokenID close) 
    throws BadLocationException
    ExtSyntaxSupport ssup = (ExtSyntaxSupport)doc.getSyntaxSupport();
    int counter = 0; 
    int endOffset = dotPos + length;
    for (TokenItem it = ssup.getTokenChain(dotPos, endOffset);
	 it != null && it.getOffset() < endOffset;
	 it = it.getNext()) {
      if (it.getTokenID() == open) counter ++;
      else if (it.getTokenID() == close) counter--;

    return counter;

   * A hook to be called after closing bracket ) or ] was inserted to
   * the document. The method checks if the bracket should stay there
   * or be removed and some exisitng bracket just skipped.
   * @param doc the document
   * @param dotPos position of the inserted bracket
   * @param caret caret
   * @param theBracket the bracket character ']' or ')'
  private static void skipClosingBracket(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos,
					 Caret caret, char theBracket) 
    throws BadLocationException 
    // try to match every same bracket from dot on

    boolean nomatch = false;
    int dp ;
    for (dp = dotPos; dp <= doc.getLength(); dp++) {
      char [] chars = doc.getChars(dp, 1);
      if (chars == null || chars[0] != theBracket) break;

    // dp points to the last position with bracket
    if (dp > dotPos) { 
      ExtSyntaxSupport sup = (ExtSyntaxSupport)doc.getSyntaxSupport();
      // test the last bracket for match
      int [] block = sup.findMatchingBlock(dp, false);

      /* Fix of #47879
       * If the following case occurs:
       *     SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
       *         public void run(|)
       *     })
       * after typing right bracket ')' the bracket should be consumed
       * but it would not be because it would match
       * the '(' right before 'new'.
       * Therefore there is a search necessary
       * for unclosed '{' as well in the area of the match block.
      if (block != null) {
          int leftBracketOffset = block[0];
          assert (leftBracketOffset < dp);
          int balance = braceBalance(doc, leftBracketOffset, dp - leftBracketOffset);
          if (balance != 0) {
              block = null; // make it think that the inserted bracket breakes source consistency

      if (block == null) { // doesn't match with the bracket
	// did it match before? 
	block = sup.findMatchingBlock(dp-1, false);
	if (block != null) { // it did, the new bracket would violate
	  // source consistency, remove it
	  doc.remove(dotPos, 1);

   * Check for various conditions and possibly add a pairing bracket
   * to the already inserted.
   * @param doc the document
   * @param dotPos position of the opening bracket (already in the doc)
   * @param caret caret
   * @param theBracket the bracket that was inserted
  private static void completeOpeningBracket(BaseDocument doc,
					      int dotPos,
					      Caret caret,
					      char theBracket) throws BadLocationException 
    if (isCompletablePosition(doc, dotPos+1)) {
      String matchinBracket = "" + matching(theBracket);
      doc.insertString(dotPos + 1, matchinBracket,null);

   * Check for conditions and possibly complete an already inserted
   * quote .
   * @param doc the document
   * @param dotPos position of the opening bracket (already in the doc)
   * @param caret caret
   * @param theBracket the character that was inserted
  private static void completeQuote(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos, Caret caret,
  char theBracket) 
				    throws BadLocationException 
    if (posWithinQuotes(doc, 
			(theBracket =='\"' ? JavaTokenContext.STRING_LITERAL : JavaTokenContext.CHAR_LITERAL)) &&
	isCompletablePosition(doc, dotPos+1)) {
      doc.insertString(dotPos + 1, "" + theBracket ,null);
    } else {
      char [] charss = doc.getChars(dotPos+1, 1);
      // System.out.println("NOT Within string, " + new String(charss));
      if (charss != null && charss[0] == theBracket) {
	doc.remove(dotPos+1, 1);

   * Checks whether dotPos is a position at which bracket and quote
   * completion is performed. Brackets and quotes are not completed
   * everywhere but just at suitable places .
   * @param doc the document
   * @param dotPos position to be tested
  private static boolean isCompletablePosition(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos) 
    throws BadLocationException
    if (dotPos == doc.getLength()) // there's no other character to test
      return true;
    else {
      // test that we are in front of ) , " or '
      char chr = doc.getChars(dotPos,1)[0];
      return (chr == ')' || 
	      chr == ',' || 
	      chr == '\"'|| 
	      chr == '\''|| 
	      chr == ' ' || 
	      chr == ']' || 
	      chr == '}' || 
	      chr == '\n'|| 
	      chr == '\t'|| 
	      chr == ';');

   * Returns true if bracket completion is enabled in options.
  private static boolean completionSettingEnabled() {
    return ((Boolean)Settings.getValue(JavaKit.class, JavaSettingsNames.PAIR_CHARACTERS_COMPLETION)).booleanValue();

   * Returns for an opening bracket or quote the appropriate closing
   * character.
  private static char matching(char theBracket) {
    switch (theBracket) {
    case '(' : return ')';
    case '[' : return ']';
    case '\"' : return '\"'; // NOI18N
    case '\'' : return '\'';
    default:  return ' ';

   * posWithinString(doc, pos) iff position *pos* is within a string
   * literal in document doc.
   * @param doc the document
   * @param dotPos position to be tested
  static  boolean posWithinString(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos) {
    return posWithinQuotes(doc, dotPos, '\"', JavaTokenContext.STRING_LITERAL);

   * Generalized posWithingString to any token and delimiting
   * character. It works for tokens are delimited by *quote* and
   * extend up to the other *quote* or whitespace in case of an
   * incomplete token.
   * @param doc the document
   * @param dotPos position to be tested
  static  boolean posWithinQuotes(BaseDocument doc, int dotPos, char quote, TokenID tokenID) 
    try {
      MyTokenProcessor proc = new MyTokenProcessor();
      doc.getSyntaxSupport().tokenizeText( proc,
					   doc.getLength(), true);
      return proc.tokenID == tokenID && 
	(dotPos - proc.tokenStart == 1 || doc.getChars(dotPos-1,1)[0]!=quote);
    } catch (BadLocationException ex) {
      return false;

   * A token processor used to find out the length of a token.
  static class MyTokenProcessor implements TokenProcessor {
    public TokenID tokenID = null;
    public int tokenStart = -1;

    public boolean token(TokenID tokenID, TokenContextPath tcp,
			 int tokBuffOffset, int tokLength) {
      this.tokenStart = tokenBuffer2DocumentOffset(tokBuffOffset);
      this.tokenID = tokenID;

      // System.out.println("token " + tokenID.getName() + " at " + tokenStart + " (" + 
      //		 tokBuffOffset + ") len:" + tokLength);

      return false;

    public int eot(int offset) { // System.out.println("EOT"); 
      return 0;}

    public void nextBuffer(char [] buffer, int offset, int len, int startPos, int preScan, boolean lastBuffer) {
      // System.out.println("nextBuffer "+ new String(buffer) + "," + offset + "len: " + len + " startPos:"+startPos + " preScan:" + preScan + " lastBuffer:" + lastBuffer);

      this.bufferStartPos = startPos - offset;

    private int bufferStartPos = 0;
    private int tokenBuffer2DocumentOffset(int offs) { return offs + bufferStartPos;}

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