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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.form;

import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.event.UndoableEditEvent;
import javax.swing.undo.*;

import org.openide.awt.UndoRedo;
import org.openide.util.Mutex;
import org.openide.util.MutexException;
import org.netbeans.modules.form.layoutsupport.*;

import org.netbeans.modules.form.codestructure.CodeStructure;

 * Holds all data of a form.
 * @author Tran Duc Trung, Tomas Pavek

public class FormModel
    // the top metacomponent of the form (null if form is based on Object)
    private RADComponent topRADComponent;

    // the class on which the form is based (which is extended in the java file)
    private Class formBaseClass;

    // other components - out of the main hierarchy under topRADComponent
    private ArrayList otherComponents = new ArrayList(10);

    // holds both topRADComponent and otherComponents
    private ComponentContainer modelContainer;

    // name of the form (name of the DataObject)
    private String formName;

    private boolean readOnly = false;
    private boolean formLoaded = false;

    private UndoRedo.Manager undoRedoManager;
    private boolean undoRedoRecording = false;
    private CompoundEdit compoundEdit;

    private FormEvents formEvents;

    // list of listeners registered on FormModel
    private ArrayList listeners;
    private EventBroker eventBroker;

    private MetaComponentCreator metaCreator;

    private CodeStructure codeStructure = new CodeStructure(false);
    private CodeGenerator codeGenerator; // [this reference should be removed]

    // -------------
    // initialization

    FormModel() {

    /** This methods sets the form base class (which is in fact the superclass
     * of the form class in source java file). It is used for initializing
     * the top meta component, and is also presented as the top component
     * in designer and inspector.
    public void setFormBaseClass(Class formClass) throws Exception {
        if (formBaseClass != null)
            throw new IllegalStateException("Form type already initialized."); // NOI18N

        RADComponent topComp;
        if (java.awt.Component.class.isAssignableFrom(formClass)) {
            topComp = FormUtils.isContainer(formClass) ?
                          new RADVisualFormContainer() :
                          new RADVisualComponent();
        else if (java.lang.Object.class != formClass)
            topComp = new RADFormContainer();
        else topComp = null;

        if (topComp != null) {
            topRADComponent = topComp;

        formBaseClass = formClass;
//        topRADComponent = topComp;

    public Class getFormBaseClass() {
        return formBaseClass;

    void setName(String name) {
        formName = name;

    void setReadOnly(boolean readOnly) {
        this.readOnly = readOnly;

    // -----------
    // getters

    public final String getName() {
        return formName;

    public final boolean isReadOnly() {
        return readOnly;

    public final boolean isFormLoaded() {
        return formLoaded;

    public final FormDesigner getFormDesigner() {
        return FormEditorSupport.getFormDesigner(this);

    // for compatibility with previous version
    public final FormDataObject getFormDataObject() {
        return FormEditorSupport.getFormDataObject(this);

    public ComponentContainer getModelContainer() {
        if (modelContainer == null)
            modelContainer = new ModelContainer();
        return modelContainer;

    public final RADComponent getTopRADComponent() {
        return topRADComponent;

    public RADComponent findRADComponent(String name) {
        Iterator allComps = getMetaComponents().iterator();
        while (allComps.hasNext()) {
            RADComponent comp = (RADComponent);
            if (name.equals(comp.getName()))
                return comp;

        return null;

    /** Returns all meta components in the model. The components are collected
     * recursively, and placed in a List.
    public java.util.List getMetaComponents() {
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        collectMetaComponents(getModelContainer(), list);
        return list; //Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

    /** Collects and returns all components in the main visual hierarchy.
    public RADVisualComponent[] getVisualComponents() {
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        if (topRADComponent instanceof RADVisualComponent)
        if (topRADComponent instanceof RADVisualContainer)
            collectVisualMetaComponents((RADVisualContainer)topRADComponent, list);

        return (RADVisualComponent[])
               list.toArray(new RADVisualComponent[list.size()]);

    /** Returns all "other components" (not in the main visual hierarchy).
     * @param recursively whether also all sub-componets should be collected
    public RADComponent[] getOtherComponents(boolean recursively) {
        ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
        for (Iterator it=otherComponents.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            RADComponent comp = (RADComponent);
            if (recursively && comp instanceof ComponentContainer)
                collectMetaComponents((ComponentContainer) comp, list);

        return (RADComponent[]) list.toArray(new RADComponent[list.size()]);

    // for compatibility with previous version
    public RADComponent[] getNonVisualComponents() {
        return (RADComponent[]) otherComponents.toArray(
                                new RADComponent[otherComponents.size()]); 

    public FormEvents getFormEvents() {
        if (formEvents == null)
            formEvents = new FormEvents(this);
        return formEvents;

    private static void collectMetaComponents(ComponentContainer cont,
                                              java.util.List list) {
        RADComponent[] comps = cont.getSubBeans();
        for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
            RADComponent comp = comps[i];
            if (comp instanceof ComponentContainer)
                collectMetaComponents((ComponentContainer) comp, list);

    private static void collectVisualMetaComponents(RADVisualContainer cont,
                                                    java.util.List list) {
        RADVisualComponent[] comps = cont.getSubComponents();
        for (int i = 0; i < comps.length; i++) {
            RADComponent comp = comps[i];
            if (comp instanceof RADVisualContainer)
                collectVisualMetaComponents((RADVisualContainer) comp, list);

    // -----------
    // adding/deleting components, setting layout, etc

    /** Returns MetaComponentCreator which is responsible for creating new
     * components and adding them to the model.
    public MetaComponentCreator getComponentCreator() {
        if (metaCreator == null)
            metaCreator = new MetaComponentCreator(this);
        return metaCreator;

    public void addComponent(RADComponent metacomp,
                             ComponentContainer parentContainer)
        if (parentContainer != null) {
        else {

        boolean newlyAdded = !metacomp.isInModel();
        if (newlyAdded)
            setInModelRecursively(metacomp, true);

        fireComponentAdded(metacomp, newlyAdded);

    public void addVisualComponent(RADVisualComponent metacomp,
                                   RADVisualContainer parentContainer,
                                   LayoutConstraints constraints)
        LayoutSupportManager layoutSupport = parentContainer.getLayoutSupport();
        RADVisualComponent[] compArray = new RADVisualComponent[] { metacomp };
        LayoutConstraints[] constrArray = new LayoutConstraints[] { constraints };

        // this may throw a RuntimeException if the components are not accepted
        layoutSupport.acceptNewComponents(compArray, constrArray, -1);


        layoutSupport.addComponents(compArray, constrArray, -1);

        boolean newlyAdded = !metacomp.isInModel();
        if (newlyAdded)
            setInModelRecursively(metacomp, true);

        fireComponentAdded(metacomp, newlyAdded);

    public void setContainerLayout(RADVisualContainer metacont,
                                   LayoutSupportDelegate layoutDelegate,
                                   java.awt.LayoutManager lmInstance)
        throws Exception
        LayoutSupportDelegate current =

        metacont.setLayoutSupportDelegate(layoutDelegate, lmInstance);

        fireContainerLayoutExchanged(metacont, current, layoutDelegate);

    public void removeComponentFromContainer(RADComponent metacomp) {
        RADComponent parent = metacomp.getParentComponent();
        ComponentContainer parentContainer =
            parent instanceof ComponentContainer ?
                (ComponentContainer) parent : getModelContainer();

        int index = parentContainer.getIndexOf(metacomp);

        fireComponentRemoved(metacomp, parentContainer, index, false,
                             null, null);

    public void removeComponent(RADComponent metacomp) {
        if (formEvents != null)

        RADComponent parent = metacomp.getParentComponent();
        ComponentContainer parentContainer =
            parent instanceof ComponentContainer ?
                (ComponentContainer) parent : getModelContainer();

        int index = parentContainer.getIndexOf(metacomp);

        // turn on undo/redo recording on code structure (if allowed)
        Object codeStructureMark1 = null, codeStructureMark2 = null;
        boolean codeStructureUndoRedo = codeStructure.isUndoRedoRecording();
        if (undoRedoRecording && !codeStructureUndoRedo) {
            codeStructureMark1 = codeStructure.markForUndo();

        if (metacomp instanceof ComponentContainer)

        // turn off undo/redo recording on code structure (if turned on)
        if (undoRedoRecording && !codeStructureUndoRedo) {
            codeStructureMark2 = codeStructure.markForUndo();
            if (codeStructureMark2.equals(codeStructureMark1))
                codeStructureMark2 = codeStructureMark1 = null;


        fireComponentRemoved(metacomp, parentContainer, index, true,
                             codeStructureMark1, codeStructureMark2);

    // removes all event handlers attached to given component and all
    // its subcomponents
    private void removeEventHandlersRecursively(RADComponent comp) {
        if (comp instanceof ComponentContainer) {
            RADComponent[] subcomps = ((ComponentContainer)comp).getSubBeans();
            for (int i=0; i")); // NOI18N

        FormModelEvent ev =
            new FormModelEvent(this, FormModelEvent.COMPONENTS_REORDERED);
        ev.setComponentAndContainer(null, metacont);

        if (undoRedoRecording && metacont != null)

        return ev;

    /** Fires an event informing about changing a property of a component.
     * An undoable edit is created and registered automatically. */
    public FormModelEvent fireComponentPropertyChanged(RADComponent metacomp,
                                                       String propName,
                                                       Object oldValue,
                                                       Object newValue)
        t("firing component property change, component: " // NOI18N
          + (metacomp != null ? metacomp.getName() : "") // NOI18N
          + ", property: " + propName); // NOI18N

        FormModelEvent ev =
            new FormModelEvent(this, FormModelEvent.COMPONENT_PROPERTY_CHANGED);
        ev.setComponentAndContainer(metacomp, null);
        ev.setProperty(propName, oldValue, newValue);

        if (undoRedoRecording
            && metacomp != null && propName != null && oldValue != newValue)

        return ev;

    /** Fires an event informing about changing a synthetic property of
     * a component. An undoable edit is created and registered automatically. */
    public FormModelEvent fireSyntheticPropertyChanged(RADComponent metacomp,
                                                       String propName,
                                                       Object oldValue,
                                                       Object newValue)
        t("firing synthetic property change, component: " // NOI18N
          + (metacomp != null ? metacomp.getName() : "null") // NOI18N
          + ", property: " + propName); // NOI18N

        FormModelEvent ev =
            new FormModelEvent(this, FormModelEvent.SYNTHETIC_PROPERTY_CHANGED);
        ev.setComponentAndContainer(metacomp, null);
        ev.setProperty(propName, oldValue, newValue);

        if (undoRedoRecording
            && metacomp != null && propName != null && oldValue != newValue)

        return ev;

    /** Fires an event informing about attaching a new event to an event handler
     * (createdNew parameter indicates whether the event handler was created
     * first). An undoable edit is created and registered automatically. */
    public FormModelEvent fireEventHandlerAdded(Event event,
                                                String handler,
                                                String bodyText,
                                                boolean createdNew)
        t("event handler added: "+handler); // NOI18N

        FormModelEvent ev =
            new FormModelEvent(this, FormModelEvent.EVENT_HANDLER_ADDED);
        ev.setEvent(event, handler, bodyText, createdNew);

        if (undoRedoRecording && event != null && handler != null)

        return ev;

    /** Fires an event informing about detaching an event from event handler
     * (handlerDeleted parameter indicates whether the handler was deleted as
     * the last event was detached). An undoable edit is created and registered
     * automatically. */
    public FormModelEvent fireEventHandlerRemoved(Event event,
                                                  String handler,
                                                  boolean handlerDeleted)
        t("firing event handler removed: "+handler); // NOI18N

        FormModelEvent ev =
            new FormModelEvent(this, FormModelEvent.EVENT_HANDLER_REMOVED);
        ev.setEvent(event, handler, null, handlerDeleted);

        if (undoRedoRecording && event != null && handler != null)

        return ev;

    /** Fires an event informing about renaming an event handler. An undoable
     * edit is created and registered automatically. */
    public FormModelEvent fireEventHandlerRenamed(String oldHandlerName,
                                                  String newHandlerName)
        t("event handler renamed: "+oldHandlerName+" to "+newHandlerName); // NOI18N

        FormModelEvent ev =
            new FormModelEvent(this, FormModelEvent.EVENT_HANDLER_RENAMED);
        ev.setEvent(oldHandlerName, newHandlerName);

        if (undoRedoRecording && oldHandlerName != null && newHandlerName != null)

        return ev;

    /** Fires an event informing about general form change. */
    public FormModelEvent fireFormChanged() {
        t("firing form change"); // NOI18N

        FormModelEvent ev = new FormModelEvent(this, FormModelEvent.OTHER_CHANGE);

        return ev;

    public void fireEvents(FormModelEvent[] events) {
        java.util.List targets;
        synchronized(this) {
            if (listeners == null)
            targets = (ArrayList) listeners.clone();

        for (int i=0; i < targets.size(); i++) {
            FormModelListener l = (FormModelListener) targets.get(i);

    // ---------
    // firing methods for batch event processing

    void sendEvent(FormModelEvent ev) {
        EventBroker broker = getEventBroker();
        if (broker != null)
        else {
            t("no event broker, firing event directly: "+ev.getChangeType()); // NOI18N
            fireEvents(new FormModelEvent[] { ev });

    void sendEventLater(FormModelEvent ev) {
        EventBroker broker = getEventBroker();
        if (broker != null)
        else {
            t("no event broker, firing event directly: "+ev.getChangeType()); // NOI18N
            fireEvents(new FormModelEvent[] { ev });

    void sendEventImmediately(FormModelEvent ev) {
        fireEvents(new FormModelEvent[] { ev });

    EventBroker getEventBroker() {
        if (eventBroker == null && isFormLoaded())
            eventBroker = new EventBroker();
        return eventBroker;

    /** Class that collects events and fires them on FormModel in one batch
     * later. Collecting the events works only if the events are passed
     * to the broker from AWT event dispatch thread.
    private class EventBroker implements Runnable {
        private List eventList;
        private boolean compoundUndoStarted;

        public void sendEvent(FormModelEvent ev) {
            if (shouldSendLater(ev))

        public void sendEventImmediately(FormModelEvent ev) {
            t("firing event directly from event broker: "+ev.getChangeType()); // NOI18N
            FormModel.this.fireEvents(new FormModelEvent[] { ev });

        public void sendEventLater(FormModelEvent ev) {
            // works properly only if called from AWT event dispatch thread
            if (!java.awt.EventQueue.isDispatchThread()) {

            if (eventList == null) {
                eventList = new ArrayList();
                compoundUndoStarted = ev.isModifying()
                                      && FormModel.this.isUndoRedoRecording()
                                      && FormModel.this.startCompoundEdit();
                if (compoundUndoStarted)
                    t("compound undoable edit started from event broker"); // NOI18N

            t("event "+ev.getChangeType()+" added to queue in event broker"); // NOI18N

        private boolean shouldSendLater(FormModelEvent ev) {
            return eventList != null || ev.isModifying();

        private List pickUpEvents() {
            List list = eventList;
            eventList = null;
            if (compoundUndoStarted) {
                compoundUndoStarted = false;
            return list;

        public void run() {
            List list = pickUpEvents();
            if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) {
                FormModelEvent[] events = new FormModelEvent[list.size()];
                t("firing event batch of "+list.size()+" events from event broker"); // NOI18N

    // -------------

    CodeStructure getCodeStructure() {
        return codeStructure;

    CodeGenerator getCodeGenerator() {
//        return FormEditorSupport.getCodeGenerator(this);
        if (codeGenerator == null)
            codeGenerator = new JavaCodeGenerator();
        return codeGenerator;

    void initializeCodeGenerator() {

    // ---------------
    // ModelContainer innerclass

    final class ModelContainer implements ComponentContainer {
        public RADComponent[] getSubBeans() {
            int n = otherComponents.size();
            if (topRADComponent != null)
            RADComponent[] comps = new RADComponent[n];
            if (topRADComponent != null)
                comps[n-1] = topRADComponent;
            return comps;

        public void initSubComponents(RADComponent[] initComponents) {
            for (int i = 0; i < initComponents.length; i++)
                if (initComponents[i] != topRADComponent)

        public void reorderSubComponents(int[] perm) {
            RADComponent[] components = new RADComponent[otherComponents.size()];
            for (int i=0; i < perm.length; i++)
                components[perm[i]] = (RADComponent) otherComponents.get(i);


        public void add(RADComponent comp) {

        public void remove(RADComponent comp) {
            if (otherComponents.remove(comp))

        public int getIndexOf(RADComponent comp) {
            int index = otherComponents.indexOf(comp);
            if (index < 0 && comp == topRADComponent)
                index = otherComponents.size();
            return index;

    // ---------------

    /** For debugging purposes only. */
    static private int traceCount = 0;
    /** For debugging purposes only. */
    static private final boolean TRACE = false;
    /** For debugging purposes only. */
    static void t(String str) {
        if (TRACE)
            if (str != null)
                System.out.println("FormModel "+(++traceCount)+": "+str); // NOI18N
                System.out.println(""); // NOI18N
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