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This file is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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The source code

 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2004 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
import java.beans.PropertyVetoException;
import java.util.*;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.JavaClass;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.JavaModelPackage;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Resource;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.internalapi.JavaMetamodel;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.jmiimpl.javamodel.ResourceClassImpl;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.jmiimpl.javamodel.ResourceImpl;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.actions.OpenAction;
import org.openide.cookies.*;
import org.openide.filesystems.*;
import org.openide.loaders.*;
import org.openide.nodes.AbstractNode;
import org.openide.nodes.CookieSet;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.src.*;
import org.openide.src.nodes.ElementNodeFactory;
import org.openide.src.nodes.FilterFactory;
import org.openide.text.CloneableEditorSupport;
import org.openide.text.EditorSupport;
import org.openide.util.*;

 * Data object representing a Java source file.
 * May be subclassed (but please don't).
public class JavaDataObject extends MultiDataObject implements CookieSet.Factory {
    /** generated Serialized Version UID */
    static final long serialVersionUID = -6035788991669336965L;

    public static final byte CONNECT_NOT = 0;
    public static final byte CONNECT_CONFIRM = 1;
    public static final byte CONNECT_AUTO = 2;

    public static final byte CONNECT_DEFAULT = CONNECT_CONFIRM;

    private static final String EA_CONNECTION = "SourceSync"; // NOI18N

     * @deprecated
    public static final String EA_PRODUCTS = "Products"; // NOI18N

    private static final String[] SKIP_REGISTRATION_PREFIX = { "java.", "javax."}; // NOI18N

     * Holds a reference to editor support class. Lazy initialized from getJavaEditor,
     * or a getter for EditorSupport.class cookie.
    transient private JavaEditor editorSupport;

    transient protected AbstractNode alteranteParent;

    /** WeakListener that intercepts external modification while the file is not
     *  opened in the Editor.
    transient private FileChangeListener fileChangeListener;

    /** Hook to keep the WeakListener alive for the lifetime of the DataObject
    transient private FileChangeListener fileChangeListenerHook;

    /** TEMPORARY: Filename of the primary file before it was changed (DO was
     * renamed or moved.
    transient private String previousFileName;

    /** Lock for parsing and connection support
    transient private Object lock;

    private transient boolean initialized;

     * Holds a reference to the glue between the parser and the dataobject.
     * Lazy initialized from {@link #initializeParsingSupport}
    private transient JavaParserGlue   parserGlue;

     * Reference to an adapter and ConnectionSupport implementation, that
     * adapts model events to JavaConnection events.
    private transient ModelEventAdapter connectionAdapter;
    private transient SourceElement source = null;

    public transient SourceConnectionSupport connectionManager;
    private transient DefaultLangModel model = null;

    static final String PROP_SYNCHRONIZATION_TYPE = "synchMode"; // NOI18N

    /** Create new data object.
    * @param pf primary file object for this data object (i.e. the source file)
    * @param loader the associated loader
    public JavaDataObject(FileObject pf, MultiFileLoader loader) throws DataObjectExistsException {
        super(pf, loader);

    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {

    private void init() {
        MultiDataObject.Entry entry = getPrimaryEntry();
        CookieSet cookies = getCookieSet();
        Class[] cookieClasses = new Class[] {
        cookies.add(cookieClasses, this);

        PrimaryListener l = new PrimaryListener();
        fileChangeListenerHook = l;
	fileChangeListener = WeakListener.fileChange(fileChangeListenerHook, entry.getFile());
        lock = new Object();
        initialized = true;
        // [TODO] the following code was comented out as it interfered with FileScanner during IDE startup
        // it should be uncommented after we figure out how to avoid the interference
//        try {
//            updateResource();
//        } catch (IOException ex) {
//            ErrorManager.getDefault().notify(ex);
//        }
    public synchronized DefaultLangModel getModel () {
        if (model == null) {
            synchronized (lock) {
                if (model == null)
                    model = new DefaultLangModel (this);
        return model;

    void firePropertyChange0(String s, Object v1, Object v2) {
        super.firePropertyChange(s, v1, v2);

     * Creates a parsing support.
    private JavaParser initializeParsingSupport() {
        if (parserGlue != null)
            return parserGlue.getParser();
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (parserGlue != null) {
                return parserGlue.getParser();

            parserGlue = new JavaParserGlue(getPrimaryEntry());
            if (editorSupport != null) {

            // initialize connection support -- this can be delayed up to the first commit,
            // if needed, can be captured by a CommitListener.
            // LangModel m = parserGlue.getParser().getModel(); [PENDING]
            LangModel m = getModel ();
            if (connectionAdapter == null)

            // attach management of incoming dependencies.
            connectionManager = new PersistentConnectionSupport(
                getSource(), m);
            if (isModified()) {
        return parserGlue.getParser();

     * Initializes support for JavaConnections - if a parser is not yet created,
     * it begins its live unattached to any model.
    private ConnectionSupport initializeConnectionSupport(LangModel m) {
        if (m == null)
            m = getModel ();
        if (connectionAdapter != null)
            return connectionAdapter;
        synchronized (lock) {
            if (connectionAdapter != null)
                return connectionAdapter;
            connectionAdapter = new ModelEventAdapter(getPrimaryEntry());
            if (m != null) {
        return connectionAdapter;

    public void setValid(boolean v) throws PropertyVetoException {
        if (!v) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (parserGlue != null) {

     * Finds a cloneableEditorSupport that holds the displayable/parseable source. The implementation
     * currently uses a hack, that extract package-private member from the EditorSupport's
     * implementation.
    protected CloneableEditorSupport findCloneableEditorSupport() {
        EditorSupport supp = (EditorSupport)getCookie(EditorSupport.class);
        return extractCloneableEditor(supp);

     * Extract CloneableEditorSupport instance from the given EditorSupport.
     * The implementation is fragile as it uses package-private member and reflection.
    private CloneableEditorSupport extractCloneableEditor(EditorSupport supp) {
        try {
            java.lang.reflect.Field f = EditorSupport.class.getDeclaredField("del"); // NOI18N
            return (CloneableEditorSupport)f.get(supp);
        } catch (Exception x) {
        return null;

    /** Attaches a file change listener to the primary (source) file.
     * Optionally removes the listener from previously used file object.
     * @param previousPrimary if not null, then the method removes change listener from this
     *        file object.
    void addSourceChangeListener(FileObject previousPrimary) {
      if (previousPrimary != null) {

    // =================== Connections ====================================

    public byte getSynchronizationType() {
        Object o = getPrimaryFile().getAttribute(EA_CONNECTION);
        return ((o != null) && (o instanceof Byte)) ?
               ((Byte)o).byteValue() : CONNECT_DEFAULT;

    public void setSynchronizationType(byte type) {
        FileObject fo = getPrimaryFile();
        try {
            if ((type != CONNECT_CONFIRM) && (type != CONNECT_NOT) && (type != CONNECT_AUTO))
                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
            fo.setAttribute(EA_CONNECTION, (type == CONNECT_DEFAULT) ? null : new Byte(type));
            firePropertyChange(PROP_SYNCHRONIZATION_TYPE, null, null);
        catch (IOException e) {

    int getAllListenersMask() {
        //    System.out.println("getAllListenersMask()"+JavaConnections.SETTINGS.isEnabled()); // NOI18N
        if (!JavaConnections.SETTINGS.isEnabled()) // disabled
            return 0;

        Iterator it = getConnectionSupport().getRegisteredTypes().iterator();
        int mask = 0;
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Object o =;
            /*      System.out.println("nextType:"+o); // NOI18N
                  System.out.println("   first:"+o.getClass().getClassLoader()); // NOI18N
                  System.out.println("  second:"+JavaConnections.Type.class.getClassLoader());*/ // NOI18N
            if (o instanceof JavaConnections.Type) {
                mask |= ((JavaConnections.Type)o).getFilter();

            // temporary-begin-------
            mask |= JavaConnections.IMPLEMENTS.getFilter();
            // end ------------------

        return mask;

     * @deprecated The method will be soon reimplemented in the new connection support
     * classes in the codesync package.
    void startChangeProcessors(LinkedList changeProcessors) {
        if (changeProcessors.size() > 0) {
            if (getSynchronizationType() == CONNECT_AUTO) {
                Iterator it = changeProcessors.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    JavaConnections.ChangeProcessor p = (JavaConnections.ChangeProcessor);
                    try {
                    } catch (SourceException e) {
                        // eat the exception
                        // TopManager.getDefault().notify(new NotifyDescriptor.Exception(e));
            else { // CONNECT_CONFIRM
                final byte oldSynch = getSynchronizationType();
                final JavaConnections.SyncRequest request =
                    JavaConnections.scheduleShowChangesDialog(changeProcessors, oldSynch);
                request.getTask().addTaskListener(new org.openide.util.TaskListener() {
                    public void taskFinished(Task t) {
                        byte newSynch = request.getSyncType();

                        if (oldSynch != newSynch)

     * @deprecated Please see the new implementation of the connections in
     * {@link} and related
     * classes.
    protected boolean connectionNotify(ConnectionCookie.Event event, LinkedList changeProcessors) {

        if (event.getType().getEventClass().isAssignableFrom(JavaConnections.Event.class)) {
            // there are two main sources of notification: external notifications that something this source
            // depends on has changed, and explicit notifications that this source should check itself for changes.
            JavaConnections.Event evt = (JavaConnections.Event)event;
            boolean selfcheck = evt.getType().overlaps(new JavaConnections.Type(JavaConnections.TYPE_SOURCE_CHECK_DEEP | JavaConnections.TYPE_SOURCE_CHECK_SELF));
            if (selfcheck) {
                return InterfaceConnection.sourceCheck(changeProcessors, getSource());
            } else {
                return InterfaceConnection.synchronizeInterfaces((JavaConnections.Event) event, changeProcessors, getSource());

        return false;

     * @deprecated The registration implementation was removed from the JavaDataObject.
     * See {@link} class for
     * the new implementation.
    protected void registerForName(Identifier id, JavaConnections.Type type) {
        // do nothing

     * @deprecated The registration implementation was removed from the JavaDataObject.
     * See {@link} class for
     * the new implementation.
    protected void unregisterForName(Identifier id, JavaConnections.Type type) {
        // do nothing

    /** Set whether this object is considered modified.
    * @param modif true to consider it modified
    public void setModified(boolean modif) {
        boolean changed = isModified() != modif;
        if (modif && this.connectionManager != null) {

    public void resumeSupports() {

    public void suspendSupports() {
        // initialize support objects. If they were requested after this method,
        // they would be created in an active state.
        // suspend everything that is bound to the model and document

    boolean isJavaFileReadOnly() {
	FileObject primary = getPrimaryFile();
	if (!isValid() || !primary.isValid()) {
	    return true;
	return primary.isReadOnly();

    // ==================== Handle methods =======================

    protected DataObject handleCopy(DataFolder df) throws IOException {
        DataObject dob = super.handleCopy(df);
        if (!Repository.getDefault().getDefaultFileSystem().equals(dob.getPrimaryFile().getFileSystem())) {
            boolean fail = true;
            try {
                ClassPath cp = ClassPath.getClassPath(dob.getPrimaryFile(),ClassPath.SOURCE);
                if (cp!=null) {
                    JavaModelPackage model = JavaMetamodel.getManager().resolveJavaExtent(cp.findOwnerRoot(dob.getPrimaryFile()));
                    if (model == null) {
                        ErrorManager.getDefault().log(ErrorManager.WARNING, "JavaDataObject: Extent for " + dob.getName() + " not found");
                        fail = false;
                        return dob;
                    ResourceClassImpl resClass = (ResourceClassImpl) model.getResource();
                    String resourceName = cp.getResourceName(dob.getPrimaryFile());
                    Resource res = resClass.resolveResource(resourceName, true, false);
                    Iterator i = res.getClassifiers().iterator();
                    if (i.hasNext()) {
                        JavaClass clazz = (JavaClass);
                fail = false;
            } finally {
        return dob;
    /* Renames all entries and changes their files to new ones.
    protected FileObject handleRename (String name) throws IOException {
        if (!Utilities.isJavaIdentifier(name))
            throw new IOException(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaDataObject.class, "FMT_Not_Valid_FileName", name));

        FileObject fo = super.handleRename(name);
        return fo;

    /* Moves primary and secondary files to a new folder.
     * May ask for user confirmation before overwriting.
     * @param df the new folder
     * @return the moved primary file object
     * @throws IOException if there was a problem moving
     * @throws UserCancelException if the user cancelled the move
    protected FileObject handleMove (DataFolder df) throws IOException {
        FileObject f = super.handleMove(df);
        SrcElementImpl src = (SrcElementImpl) getSource().getCookie(SrcElementImpl.class);
        return f;

    /* Creates new object from template.
    * @exception IOException
    protected DataObject handleCreateFromTemplate (DataFolder df, String name) throws IOException {
        if (name == null) {
            // special case: name is null (unspecified or from one-parameter createFromTemplate)
            name = FileUtil.findFreeFileName(df.getPrimaryFile(),
                getPrimaryFile().getName(), "java"); // NOI18N
        } else if (!Utilities.isJavaIdentifier(name))
            throw new IOException(NbBundle.getMessage(JavaDataObject.class, "FMT_Not_Valid_FileName", name));

        IndentFileEntry entry = (IndentFileEntry)getPrimaryEntry();
        JavaDataObject obj;

        boolean failed = true;
        try {
            obj = (JavaDataObject) super.handleCreateFromTemplate(df, name);
            String oldName = getPrimaryFile().getName();
            ClassPath cp = ClassPath.getClassPath(df.getPrimaryFile(),ClassPath.SOURCE);
                if (cp != null) {
                    String packageName = cp.getResourceName (df.getPrimaryFile(),'.',false);
                    assert packageName != null;
                    //if (isValidPackageName(packageName)) {
                      JavaModelPackage model = JavaMetamodel.getManager().resolveJavaExtent(cp.findOwnerRoot (obj.getPrimaryFile()));
                      ResourceClassImpl resClass = (ResourceClassImpl) model.getResource();
                      String resourceName = cp.getResourceName (obj.getPrimaryFile());
                      Resource res = resClass.resolveResource(resourceName, true, false);
                      Iterator i = res.getClassifiers().iterator();
                      if (i.hasNext()) {
                          JavaClass clazz = (JavaClass);
                else {
                    //Destnation folder is not in project
                    //Skeep update but log
                    //TODO: Remove logging
                    ErrorManager.getDefault().log ("Can not update source while creating from template, destination folder "+
                        df.getPrimaryFile().getPath()+" is not in any project."); // NOI18N
            failed = false;
        } finally {
        return obj;

    /** Create the editor support for this data object.
    * By default, creates a JavaEditor with the source file entry;
    * subclasses may override this.
    * @return the editor support
    protected JavaEditor createJavaEditor () {
        JavaEditor je = new JavaEditor (getPrimaryEntry ());
        return je;

    /** Provide node that should represent this data object.
    * This implementation creates and returns a {@link JavaNode}.
    * Subclasses may wish to return a specialized subclass of this node type.
    * You should probably make the default action be {@link OpenAction}.
    * @return the node representation for this data object
    protected Node createNodeDelegate () {
        JavaNode node = new JavaNode (this);
        return node;

    /** Get the parsed representation of this source file.
    * May not be fully parsed yet; the source element itself indicates its status.
    * @return the source element for this Java source file
    public SourceElement getSource() {
        // return ((JavaParser)getCookie(JavaParser.class)).getSource();        
        if (source == null) {
            synchronized (lock) {
                if (source == null)
                    source = new SourceElement (new SrcElementImpl (this));
        return source;

    /** Get the current editor support.
    * Ought not be subclasses; use {@link #createJavaEditor}.
    * @return the editor support
    public JavaEditor getJavaEditor() {
        if (editorSupport == null) {
            synchronized (this) {
                editorSupport = createJavaEditor();
                if (parserGlue != null)
        return editorSupport;

    public ConnectionSupport getConnectionSupport() {
        return initializeConnectionSupport(null);

    // =============== The mechanism for regeisteing node factories ==============

    private static NodeFactoryPool explorerFactories;
    private static NodeFactoryPool browserFactories;
    private static ElementNodeFactory basicBrowser;


* This method is intended to be called only during initialization of java * module-provided node factories from the installation layer. It won't * be maintained for compatibility reasons. */ synchronized static ElementNodeFactory createBasicExplorerFactory() { return JavaElementNodeFactory.DEFAULT; } /** * DO NOT USE THIS METHOD!!!

* This method is intended to be called only during initialization of java * module-provided node factories from the installation layer. It won't * be maintained for compatibility reasons. */ synchronized static ElementNodeFactory createBasicBrowserFactory() { if (basicBrowser == null) { basicBrowser =; } return basicBrowser; } public static ElementNodeFactory getExplorerFactory() { NodeFactoryPool pool = createExplorerFactory(); ElementNodeFactory f = null; if (pool != null) f = pool.getHead(); if (f == null) f = createBasicExplorerFactory(); return f; } /** * * @deprecated */ public static ElementNodeFactory getBrowserFactory() { ErrorManager.getDefault().notify( ErrorManager.WARNING, new IllegalStateException("JavaDataObject.getBrowserFactory is deprecated. Use SourceNodes.getBrowserFactory() instead.") // NOI18N ); return createBasicBrowserFactory(); } static NodeFactoryPool createFactoryPool(String folderName, ElementNodeFactory def) { FileObject f = Repository.getDefault().getDefaultFileSystem().findResource(folderName); if (f == null) return null; try { DataFolder folder = (DataFolder)DataObject.find(f).getCookie(DataFolder.class); return new NodeFactoryPool(folder, def); } catch (DataObjectNotFoundException ex) { return null; } } synchronized static NodeFactoryPool createBrowserFactory() { if (browserFactories != null) return browserFactories; browserFactories = createFactoryPool("/NodeFactories/java/objectbrowser", createBasicBrowserFactory()); // NOI18N return browserFactories; } synchronized static NodeFactoryPool createExplorerFactory() { if (explorerFactories != null) return explorerFactories; explorerFactories = createFactoryPool("/NodeFactories/java/explorer", createBasicExplorerFactory()); // NOI18N return explorerFactories; } /** * @deprecated use installation layer for registering a factory for the the whole * time a module is installed. Note: This feature will be dropped in the next * release. */ public static void addExplorerFilterFactory( FilterFactory factory ) { NodeFactoryPool p = createExplorerFactory(); if (p != null) p.addFactory(factory); } /** * @deprecated use installation layer for registering a factory for the the whole * time a module is installed. Note: This feature will be dropped in the next * release. */ public static void removeExplorerFilterFactory( FilterFactory factory ) { NodeFactoryPool p = createExplorerFactory(); if (p != null) p.removeFactory(factory); } /** * @deprecated use installation layer for registering a factory for the the whole * time a module is installed. Note: This feature will be dropped in the next * release. */ public static void addBrowserFilterFactory(FilterFactory factory) { NodeFactoryPool p = createBrowserFactory(); if (p != null) p.addFactory(factory); } /** * @deprecated use installation layer for registering a factory for the the whole * time a module is installed. Note: This feature will be dropped in the next * release. */ public static void removeBrowserFilterFactory( FilterFactory factory ) { NodeFactoryPool p = createBrowserFactory(); if (p != null) p.removeFactory(factory); } /* ===================== File -> model dependency handling ===================== */ protected static boolean isValidPackageName(String str) { StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(str, "."); // NOI18N while (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { String part = tok.nextToken(); if (!org.openide.util.Utilities.isJavaIdentifier(part)) return false; } return true; } protected void primaryFileMoved(FileObject oldFile, FileObject newFile) { addSourceChangeListener(oldFile); } protected void primaryFileChanged() { // if (!getJavaEditor().isDocumentLoaded()) { // reparseResource(false); // } } void reparseResource(boolean force) { if (!isValid()) return; boolean failed = true; JavaMetamodel.getDefaultRepository().beginTrans(true); try { ResourceImpl res = (ResourceImpl)JavaMetamodel.getManager().getResource(getPrimaryFile()); if (res!=null) { res.updateFromDataObject(this,force); } failed = false; } finally { JavaMetamodel.getDefaultRepository().endTrans(failed); } } // =============== Primary file monitoring ============ private class PrimaryListener extends FileChangeAdapter implements PropertyChangeListener{ public void propertyChange(final PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (!initialized) return; String propName = evt.getPropertyName(); if (PROP_PRIMARY_FILE.equals(propName)) { primaryFileMoved((FileObject)evt.getOldValue(), (FileObject)evt.getNewValue()); } else if (PROP_NAME.equals(propName)) { previousFileName = (String)evt.getOldValue(); primaryFileMoved(getPrimaryFile(), getPrimaryFile()); } } public void fileChanged(FileEvent e) { if (!initialized) return; primaryFileChanged(); } } /** * Extract the date of last modification of the source file. If the file is opened * in the editor AND marked as modified (in the editor), it returns true. * If the DataObject reports that it was modified, but the editor support knows * nothing about it, just ignore -- other parts of the DataObject are changed. */ Date getLastModified() { SaveCookie c = (SaveCookie)getCookie(SaveCookie.class); if (c != null) { EditorCookie ck = (EditorCookie)getCookie(EditorCookie.class); if (ck != null && ck.isModified()) return new Date(); } return getPrimaryFile().lastModified(); } public Node.Cookie getCookie(Class type) { if ((connectionManager==null && type == ConnectionCookie.class) || (parserGlue==null && (type == SynchronizeCodeCookie.class || SourceCookie.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || JavaParser.class.isAssignableFrom(type)))) { // needs transaction because of #44913 // but the cases when a transaction is needed need to be restricted as much as possible because of #46408 JavaMetamodel.getDefaultRepository().beginTrans(false); try { return super.getCookie(type); } finally { JavaMetamodel.getDefaultRepository().endTrans(false); } } return super.getCookie(type); } /** Creates a Node.Cookie of given class. The method * may be called more than once. */ public Node.Cookie createCookie(Class klass) { // all execution-related services -> getExecSupport if (klass == ConnectionCookie.class) { return getConnectionSupport(); } if (klass.isAssignableFrom(JavaEditor.class)) { return getJavaEditor(); } if (klass == SynchronizeCodeCookie.class) { initializeParsingSupport(); return connectionManager; } if (SourceCookie.class.isAssignableFrom(klass) || JavaParser.class.isAssignableFrom(klass)) { if (initializeParsingSupport() == null) return null; if (klass.isAssignableFrom(parserGlue.getClass())) return parserGlue; else return parserGlue.getParser(); } return null; } public Collection getCompiledClasses() { //TODO: Support should be introduced to find out the class files for source file. Thread.dumpStack(); return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } public String toString() { return "[JDO for " + getPrimaryFile() + "]"; // NOI18N } private static class PersistentConnectionHandle implements Node.Handle { /** Handle to a DataObject's node. */ Node.Handle dataNodeHandle; private static final long serialVersionUID = -5037573245209142090L; PersistentConnectionHandle(JavaDataObject o) { this.dataNodeHandle = o.getNodeDelegate().getHandle(); } public Node getNode() throws IOException { // broken deserialization if (dataNodeHandle == null) { throw new IOException("Cannot deserialize do handle"); // NOI18N } JavaDataObject d = (JavaDataObject)dataNodeHandle.getNode().getCookie(JavaDataObject.class); if (d == null) { throw new IOException("JavaDataObject cannot be found"); // NOI18N } d.initializeParsingSupport(); Node n = d.connectionManager.getListenerNode(); return n; } } private class PersistentConnectionSupport extends SourceConnectionSupport { JavaDataObject target; PersistentConnectionSupport(SourceElement src, LangModel mod) { super(src, mod, JavaDataObject.this.getPrimaryFile().getPath()); target = JavaDataObject.this; } protected Node.Handle createListenerHandle(Node n) { return new PersistentConnectionHandle(target); } public int getSynchronizationMode(ClassElement t) { return (int)JavaDataObject.this.getSynchronizationType(); } public void setSynchronizationMode(ClassElement t, int type) { JavaDataObject.this.setSynchronizationType((byte)type); } protected void saveDependencies(String fqn, String[] deps) { } protected String[] readDependencies(String fqn) { return new String[0]; } protected String[] readDependencyList() { return new String[0]; } } }

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