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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


import java.beans.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

import javax.swing.event.ChangeListener;
import javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent;
import javax.swing.event.DocumentListener;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.Segment;
import javax.swing.text.StyledDocument;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Feature;
import org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.JavaDoc;

import org.openide.util.Task;
import org.openide.cookies.*;
import org.openide.loaders.MultiDataObject;
import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;
import org.openide.nodes.Node;
import org.openide.nodes.CookieSet;
import org.openide.src.*;
import org.openide.text.*;
import org.openide.util.WeakSet;
import org.openide.util.RequestProcessor;




import org.netbeans.modules.javacore.internalapi.JavaMetamodel;

 * A glue between a JavaDataObject and JavaParser
 * @author  sdedic
 * @version 0.1
class JavaParserGlue implements JavaParser.Env, DocumentBinding.Env, 
    LangModel.Env, SourceCookie.Editor {

    private MultiDataObject.Entry   sourceEntry;
    private JavaDataObject           jdo;
    private DocumentBinding         docBinding;
    private LangEnvImpl             envSupport;
    private ParsingSupport          parser;
    private Map                     cookieMap;
    private SiblingListener         l;
    private boolean                 documentLoaded;
    private CloneableEditorSupport  cloneableEditSupp;
    private int                     suspended;
    private PropertyChangeListener  weakPropListener;
    private boolean                 editorBound;
     * Constructs an implementation of a parsing environment and binds it to the
     * data object.
    public JavaParserGlue(MultiDataObject.Entry en) {
        this.sourceEntry = en;
        this.jdo = (JavaDataObject)en.getDataObject();
        this.docBinding = new SourceText(this);
        this.envSupport = new LangEnvImpl(docBinding);
        this.cookieMap = new WeakHashMap(57);
        DefaultLangModel model = new DefaultLangModel(this, jdo);
        ParsingSupport supp = new ParsingSupport(this, jdo, docBinding, model, model);
        parser = supp;
        l = new SiblingListener();
        if (parser.getStatus() != SourceElement.STATUS_NOT)
     * The implementation provides custom OpenCookies that open the JavaEditor
     * associated with the JavaDataObject at the where the Element starts.
    public Node.Cookie findCookie(Element el, Class clazz) {
        Node.Cookie lookup = null;

        if (el == parser.getSource())
            // handle it specially for SourceElement - it has much more common with DataObject than
            // the rest of Elements.
            return findCookie((SourceElement)el, clazz);
        if (SynchronizeCodeCookie.class == clazz) {
            // disable, if r/o
            if (jdo.getPrimaryFile().isReadOnly())
                return null;
            lookup = lookupCookie(el, clazz);
            if (lookup != null)
                return lookup;
            if (el instanceof ClassElement) {
                lookup = createClassSyncCookie((ClassElement)el);
            } else if (el == parser.getSource()) {
                return jdo.connectionManager;
        } else if (clazz == OpenCookie.class) {
            lookup = lookupCookie(el, clazz);
            if (lookup != null)
                return lookup;
            lookup = createOpenCookie(el);
        } else  {
            return jdo.getCookie(clazz);
        return lookup;
    public void annotateThrowable(Throwable t, String locMessage, boolean user) {
        Util.annotateThrowable(t, locMessage, user);
    public void annotateThrowable(Throwable wrapper, Throwable nested) {
        Util.annotateThrowable(wrapper, nested);
    public Node.Cookie findCookie(SourceElement src, Class clazz) {
        return jdo.getCookie(clazz);
     * Notifies the mediator that a CloneablEditorSupport has been created.
    public void cloneableSupportCreated(CloneableEditorSupport supp) {
    public JavaParser getParser() {
        return parser;

    public org.openide.filesystems.FileObject getSourceFile() {
        return jdo.getPrimaryFile();

    public String getSourceName() {
        return jdo.getPrimaryFile().getNameExt();

     * Environment can find precompiled classes to speed up name resoltion
    public InputStream findCompiledClass(String classFQN) {
        // PENDING: migrate code from the old V8ParseRequest
        return null;
     * The implementation first tries to get a document - if it is already opened.
     * If it is, then it returns a CharArrayReader constructed on the document's
     * contents. Document is read using {@link StyledDocument#render} to avoid
     * data corruption.

* If the document is not (yet) opened, a {@link JavaEditor#GuardedReader} is * constructed so the output will not contain any guarded block information. *

* The implementation does not handle IOException from lower layers in any * way and passes them to the caller. */ public Reader getSourceText() throws IOException { CloneableEditorSupport je = findEditorSupport(); final StyledDocument doc = je.getDocument(); if (doc != null) { // can read from the document! final Segment s = new javax.swing.text.Segment(); doc.render(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { doc.getText(0, doc.getLength(), s); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { // should never happen } } }); return new CharArrayReader(s.array, s.offset, s.count); } else { JavaDataLoader.JavaFileEntry en = (JavaDataLoader.JavaFileEntry)sourceEntry; return new JavaEditor.GuardedReader(en.getInputStream(), true, Util.getFileEncoding(en.getFile())); } } protected Node.Cookie createClassSyncCookie(Element el) { return jdo.connectionManager.createClassSyncCookie((ClassElement)el); } /** * Creates an OpenCookie for the specified element. The cookies created are * kept in caching WeakHashMap keyed by the element instances for reuse. */ protected OpenCookie createOpenCookie(Element el) { ElementImpl impl = (ElementImpl)el.getCookie(ElementImpl.class); OpenCookie ck = new OpenCookieImpl((TextBinding)impl.getBinding()); return ck; } private Node.Cookie lookupCookie(Element el, Class clazz) { synchronized (cookieMap) { Object o = cookieMap.get(el); if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof CookieSet) return ((CookieSet)o).getCookie(clazz); if (o.getClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz)) return (Node.Cookie)o; return null; } } private TextBinding getBinding(Element el) { ElementImpl impl = (ElementImpl)el.getCookie(ElementImpl.class); if (impl == null) { Element.Impl iimpl = (Element.Impl)el.getCookie(Element.Impl.class); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Incompatible implementation: " + // NOI18N iimpl); } return (TextBinding)impl.getBinding(); } // ============== Implementation of DocumentBinding.Env ================== public CloneableEditorSupport findEditorSupport() { if (this.cloneableEditSupp == null) { bindEditorSupport(jdo.findCloneableEditorSupport()); } return cloneableEditSupp; } public void takeLock() throws IOException { jdo.getPrimaryEntry().takeLock(); } private synchronized void bindEditorSupport(CloneableEditorSupport supp) { if (!editorBound) { supp.addChangeListener(l); documentLoaded = supp.isDocumentLoaded(); editorBound = true; cloneableEditSupp = supp; if (documentLoaded) l.stateChanged(new ChangeEvent(supp)); } } public PositionRef findFreePosition(PositionBounds bounds) { return getJavaEditor().findFreePosition(bounds); } private JavaEditor getJavaEditor() { return (JavaEditor)jdo.getCookie(JavaEditor.class); } // ============== Implementation of LangModel.Env -- DELEGATING ================== /** * Returns the document binding as the binding factory. */ public BindingFactory getBindingFactory() { return envSupport.getBindingFactory(); } public WrapperFactory getWrapperFactory() { return envSupport.getWrapperFactory(); } public void complete(Element scope, int informationKind) { envSupport.complete(scope, informationKind); } public Type resolveType(Element context, Type original) { return envSupport.resolveType(context, original); } public Identifier resolveTypeIdent(Element context, Identifier original) { return envSupport.resolveTypeIdent(context, original); } /** * Implementation of SourceCookie. */ public SourceElement getSource() { return parser.getSource(); } /** * Implementation of OpenCookie available on individual elements. */ private class OpenCookieImpl implements OpenCookie, Runnable { TextBinding binding; OpenCookieImpl(TextBinding binding) { this.binding = binding; } public void open() { // Fix #20551: if the thread is not the event one, replan // the open action into the AWT thread. org.openide.util.Mutex.EVENT.postReadRequest(this); } public void run() { PositionBounds elBounds = binding.getElementRange(true); getJavaEditor().openAt(elBounds.getBegin()); } } public StyledDocument getDocument() { return findEditorSupport().getDocument(); } public Line.Set getLineSet() { return findEditorSupport().getLineSet(); } public javax.swing.JEditorPane[] getOpenedPanes() { return findEditorSupport().getOpenedPanes(); } public boolean isModified() { return findEditorSupport().isModified(); } public void open() { findEditorSupport().open(); } public StyledDocument openDocument() throws IOException { return findEditorSupport().openDocument(); } public Task prepareDocument() { return findEditorSupport().prepareDocument(); } public void saveDocument() throws IOException { findEditorSupport().saveDocument(); } public boolean close() { return findEditorSupport().close(); } public void suspendDocumentChanges() { suspended++; } public void resumeDocumentChanges() { --suspended; } protected boolean isDocumentSuspended() { return suspended > 0; } private void dissolve() { suspendDocumentChanges(); jdo.removePropertyChangeListener(l); // callback to JavaDataObject (disable rest of the system). jdo.suspendSupports(); synchronized (this) { if (cloneableEditSupp != null) { cloneableEditSupp.removeChangeListener(l); editorBound = false; StyledDocument d = cloneableEditSupp.getDocument(); if (d != null) d.removeDocumentListener(l); } } parser.invalidate(); } private class SiblingListener implements PropertyChangeListener, ChangeListener, DocumentListener { private StyledDocument doc; private Reference mainClass; private Set knownClasses; SiblingListener() { knownClasses = new WeakSet(); } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent p) { String evName = p.getPropertyName(); Object source = p.getSource(); if (source == jdo) dataObjectPropertyChange(evName, p); else if (source instanceof ClassElement) { classPropertyChange(evName, (ClassElement)source, p); } else if (source instanceof SourceElement) { sourcePropertyChange(evName, p); } } private void classPropertyChange(String name, ClassElement c, PropertyChangeEvent e) { if (ElementProperties.PROP_VALID.equals(name)) { c.removePropertyChangeListener(this); } else if (ElementProperties.PROP_NAME.equals(name)) { if (mainClass == null || mainClass.get() != c) { // some other class is renamed. rescanSource(c.getSource()); } else { // rename the dataobject, if possible. String n = jdo.getName(); String n2 = (String)((Identifier)e.getNewValue()).getName(); if (!n.equals(n2)) { try { jdo.rename(n2); } catch (IOException ex) { // swallow. rescanSource(c.getSource()); } } } } else if (ElementProperties.PROP_MODIFIERS.equals(name)) { // public class may loose its modifiers -> some other class // may become the main one. non-public class may become public rescanSource(c.getSource()); } } private void sourcePropertyChange(String name, PropertyChangeEvent e) { if (ElementProperties.PROP_CLASSES.equals(name)) { rescanSource((SourceElement)e.getSource()); } else if (ElementProperties.PROP_STATUS.equals(name)) { Integer i = (Integer)e.getOldValue(); if (i == null || i.intValue() != SourceElement.STATUS_NOT) return; if (e.getNewValue() != null && ((Integer)e.getNewValue()).intValue() != SourceElement.STATUS_OK) return; rescanSource((SourceElement)e.getSource()); } } private void rescanSource(SourceElement el) { ClassElement[] classes = el.getClasses(); String currentName = jdo.getName(); ClassElement main = null; // sweep through all top-level classes. for (int i = 0; i < classes.length; i++) { ClassElement c = classes[i]; String clName = c.getName().getName(); if (knownClasses.add(c)) { c.addPropertyChangeListener(this); } if (main == null && clName.equals(jdo.getName()) && (c.getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC) > 0) { main = c; } } mainClass = main == null ? null : new WeakReference(main); } private void dataObjectPropertyChange(String evName, final PropertyChangeEvent p) { if (DataObject.PROP_MODIFIED.equals(evName) && !jdo.isModified()) { // after save of the object, or reload. // if (jdo.isValid()) // parser.parse(parser.PRIORITY_NORMAL, false, true); } else if (DataObject.PROP_VALID.equals(evName) && ((Boolean)p.getNewValue()).booleanValue() == false) { dissolve(); } else if (DataObject.PROP_NAME.equals(evName)) { // SourceElement.Impl impl = parser.getSourceImpl(); // SourceElement el = parser.getSource(); // // if (impl != null) { // rescanSource(el); // } } } public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { // document state change CloneableEditorSupport supp = (CloneableEditorSupport)e.getSource(); StyledDocument d = supp.getDocument(); if (d != null) { if (doc == null) { // parser.parse(parser.PRIORITY_NORMAL, false, true); synchronized (this) { doc = d; d.addDocumentListener(this); documentLoaded = true; } } } else { removeDocListener(); } } private synchronized void removeDocListener() { if (doc != null) doc.removeDocumentListener(this); doc = null; documentLoaded = false; } public void removeUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent p1) { documentChanged(); } public void changedUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent p1) { // text is not modified, so we can ignore this event } public void insertUpdate(javax.swing.event.DocumentEvent p1) { documentChanged(); } private void documentChanged() { if (!isDocumentSuspended()) { parser.sourceChanged(-1, -1); getJavaEditor().restartTimer(false); } } } private Map swingElementMap; // SourceCookie.Editor - specifics public org.openide.src.Element findElement(int offset) { javax.swing.text.Element swingEl = sourceToText(getSource()); while (swingEl != null) { if (swingEl.isLeaf()) { return ((TextElement)swingEl).getSourceElement(); } int elIndex = swingEl.getElementIndex(offset); if (elIndex == -1) return ((TextElement)swingEl).getSourceElement(); swingEl = swingEl.getElement(elIndex); } return null; } public org.openide.src.Element textToSource(javax.swing.text.Element element) throws NoSuchElementException { if (!(element instanceof TextElement)) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } TextElement el = (TextElement)element; return el.getSourceElement(); } /** * Returns null, if the underlying document has not yet been loaded */ public javax.swing.text.Element sourceToText(org.openide.src.Element element) { javax.swing.text.Document d; try { d = findEditorSupport().openDocument(); } catch (IOException ex) { IllegalStateException x = new IllegalStateException("Could not load document"); // NOI18N org.openide.ErrorManager.getDefault().annotate(x, ex); throw x; } if (swingElementMap == null) { synchronized (this) { if (swingElementMap == null) swingElementMap = new WeakHashMap(75); } } Reference r = (Reference)swingElementMap.get(element); javax.swing.text.Element e = r == null ? null : (javax.swing.text.Element)r.get(); if (e == null) { e = new TextElement(element); synchronized (this) { swingElementMap.put(element, new WeakReference(e)); } } return e; } private static final Element[] NO_CHILDREN = new Element[0]; private class TextElement implements TextBinding.ExElement { private Element myElement; private org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Element refObject; public TextElement(Element element) { myElement = element; ElementImpl impl = (ElementImpl) myElement.getCookie(ElementImpl.class); if (impl != null) { refObject = (org.netbeans.jmi.javamodel.Element)impl.getJavaElement (); } } private PositionBounds getBounds() { try { JavaMetamodel manager=JavaMetamodel.getManager(); PositionBounds bounds=manager.getElementPosition(refObject); if (refObject instanceof Feature) { Feature f=(Feature)refObject; JavaDoc jdoc=f.getJavadoc(); if (jdoc!=null) { PositionBounds jbounds=manager.getElementPosition(jdoc); PositionRef begin=jbounds.getBegin(); PositionRef end=bounds.getEnd(); return new PositionBounds(begin, end); } } return bounds; } catch (javax.jmi.reflect.InvalidObjectException e) { return null; } } public PositionRef getDeclarationStart() { try { PositionBounds bounds = JavaMetamodel.getManager().getElementPosition(refObject); if (bounds == null) return null; return bounds.getBegin (); } catch (javax.jmi.reflect.InvalidObjectException e) { return null; } } private Element[] getChildrenElements() { ElementOrder ck = (ElementOrder)myElement.getCookie( ElementOrder.class); if (ck == null) return NO_CHILDREN; return ck.getElements(); } public int getElementIndex(int offset) { Element[] children = getChildrenElements(); javax.swing.text.Element childElement; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { childElement = sourceToText(children[i]); if (childElement.getStartOffset() <= offset && childElement.getEndOffset() >= offset) { return i; } } return -1; } public javax.swing.text.AttributeSet getAttributes() { return null; } public Element getSourceElement() { return myElement; } public javax.swing.text.Document getDocument() { return JavaParserGlue.this.getDocument(); } public javax.swing.text.Element getElement(int index) { Element[] els = getChildrenElements(); if (index > els.length) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); return sourceToText(els[index]); } public int getElementCount() { return getChildrenElements().length; } public int getEndOffset() { PositionBounds bounds = getBounds(); return bounds != null ? getBounds().getEnd().getOffset() - 1 : 0; // [PENDING] } public String getName() { return myElement.getClass().getName(); } public javax.swing.text.Element getParentElement() { Element parent; if (myElement instanceof MemberElement) { parent = ((MemberElement)myElement).getDeclaringClass(); if (parent == null && myElement instanceof ClassElement) { parent = ((ClassElement)myElement).getSource(); } } else if (myElement instanceof InitializerElement) { parent = ((InitializerElement)myElement).getDeclaringClass(); } else return null; return sourceToText(parent); } public int getStartOffset() { PositionBounds bounds = getBounds(); return bounds != null ? bounds.getBegin().getOffset() : 0; } public boolean isLeaf() { return getChildrenElements().length == 0; } } }

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