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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2003 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.javacvs;

import java.beans.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Date;
import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.regexp.RE;
import org.apache.regexp.RESyntaxException;

import org.openide.util.*;
//import org.openide.*;
import org.openide.ErrorManager;
import org.openide.util.actions.SystemAction;

import org.openide.filesystems.*;
import org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem; // override
//import org.openide.loaders.DataObject;

import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.caching.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.vcscore.cache.*;

import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.passwd.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.util.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.*;

import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.Client;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.connection.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.admin.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.file.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.util.DefaultIgnoreFileFilter;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.util.IgnoreFileFilter;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.GlobalOptions;

/** A filesystem that is capable of running cvs commands.
 * It has a cache mechanism build-in that enables it to store status information about the files.
 * @author mkleint
public class JavaCvsFileSystem extends AbstractFileSystem    {
    static final long serialVersionUID = -5990750897426301780L;
    /** Identifier of the property relative mountpoint
    public static final String PROP_REL_MOUNT = "relMount"; //NOI18N
    /** Identifier of the property working directory
    public static final String PROP_WORKING_DIR = "workingDir"; //NOI18N
    /** Identifier of the property off-line
    public static final String PROP_OFF_LINE = "offLine"; //NOI18N
    /** Identifier of the property auto-refresh
    public static final String PROP_AUTO_REFRESH = "autoRefresh"; //NOI18N
    /** Identifier of the property zipped transfer
    public static final String PROP_ZIPPED_TRANSFER = "ZippedTransfer"; //NOI18N
    /** Identifier of the property hide shadow files.
    public static final String PROP_HIDE_SHADOW_FILES  = "hideShadowFiles"; // NOI18N
    /** Identifier of the property cvs ignore list.
    public static final String PROP_CVS_IGNORE_LIST = "cvsIgnoreList"; //NOI18N

    public static final String PROP_FS_INGORED_FILES = "fsIgnoredFiles"; //NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CREATE_BACKUPS = "createBackups"; //NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CVS_SERVER_TYPE = "cvsServerType"; //NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CVS_SERVER_NAME = "cvsServerName"; //NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CVS_USER_NAME   = "cvsUserName"; //NOI18N
    public static final String PROP_CVS_REPOSITORY  = "cvsRepository"; //NOI18N
    /** Identifier of the property CvsPort.
    public static final String PROP_CVS_PORT = "cvsPort"; //NOI18N

    public static final int STANDARD_PORT = 2401;    
    /** autoRefresh property's constant - never do auto refresh.
    public static final int AUTO_NONE = 0;
    /** autoRefresh property's constant - do refresh on newly opened directories.
    public static final int AUTO_SIMPLE = 1;
    /** autoRefresh property's constant - run recursive refresh upon mounting the fs.
    public static final int AUTO_RECURS_ONCE = 2;
    /** autoRefresh property's constant - on each start, run recursive refresh for the filesystem.
    public static final int AUTO_RECURS_EVERYTIME = 3;
    public static final int AUTO_MOUNT_AND_RESTART = 4;
    /** Server type constant - :server: access method
    public static final int TYPE_SERVER = 0;
    /** Server type constant - :pserver: access method
    public static final int TYPE_PSERVER = 1;
    private static final String[] TYPE_NAMES = { "server", "pserver"}; //NOI18N
    protected static final int REFRESH_TIME = 0; // Disabled by default (see #28352).

    private static final int BADGE_ICON_SHIFT_X = 16;
    private static final int BADGE_ICON_SHIFT_Y = 8;
    protected int refreshTimeToSet = REFRESH_TIME;
    private File rootFile = null;
    private boolean readOnly;
    protected transient CvsFsCache cache=null;
    private boolean isRootSet;
    private long cacheId=0;
    // properties
    private workingDir = null;
    private String relMount = ""; //NOI18N
    private boolean offLine = false;
    private int autoRefresh = 0;
    private boolean zippedTransfer = true;
    private boolean hideShadowFiles = false;
    /** regexp of ignorable children*/
    protected String fsIgnoredFiles = "~$|^\\.#"; //NOI18N
    /** regexp matcher for ignoredFiles, null if not needed */
    protected transient RE ignoredRE = null;
//    private transient boolean runningRefreshSemaphore = false;
    private String repository = ""; //NOI18N
    private String serverName = ""; //NOI18N 
    private int serverType = 1;
    private String userName = ""; //NOI18N
    protected Status status;
    private File homeDirectory = new File(System.getProperty("user.home")); //NOI18N
    private org.openide.ErrorManager errorManager;
//    protected transient GlobalOptions globalOptions;
    /** Holds value of property cvsPort. */
    private int cvsPort = STANDARD_PORT;    

    /** Holds value of property createBackups. */
    private boolean createBackups = true;
    private transient CacheHandlerListener cacheListener;
    private transient RepositoryListener addRemoveFSListener;
     * Denotes that the filesystem instance was just created and is not deserialized.
     * is used for different refresh modes.
    private transient boolean freshlyMounted = false;
    protected transient WeakReference ignoreListReference;
     * Creates a new instance of JavaCvsFileSystem.
    public JavaCvsFileSystem() {
        // Create and use implementations of file system functionality:
        // Handle filesystem.attributes files normally:
        DefaultAttributes defattr = new DefaultAttributes (info, change, new ListImpl ());
        // (Otherwise set attr to a special implementation, and use ListImpl for list.)
        attr = defattr;
        list = defattr;
        // See below:
        // transfer = new TransferImpl ();
        isRootSet = false;
        setRefreshTime (0);
        setWorkingDir(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))); //NOI18N
        try {
            ignoredRE = new RE(fsIgnoredFiles);
        } catch (RESyntaxException rese) {
            ignoredRE = null;
        freshlyMounted = true;
        //        cache = new CvsFsCache(this);
//        init();
        addRemoveFSListener = new JavaCvsFileSystem.FSRepositoryListener();
        Repository.getDefault().addRepositoryListener(WeakListener.repository(addRemoveFSListener, this));
    protected void initImpls() {
        info = new InfoImpl ();
        change = new ChangeImpl ();
        status = new MyStatus();

     * Creates a new instance of JavaCvsFileSystem.
    public JavaCvsFileSystem(FileSystemCapability cap) {
        this ();
        setCapability (cap);
    protected void initCache() {
        CacheHandler handler = CacheHandler.getInstance();
        JavaCvsCache cache = (JavaCvsCache)handler.getCache(JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME);
        if (cache == null) {
            cache = new JavaCvsCache();
            handler.registerCacheType(JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME, cache);
        cacheListener = new CacheHandlerListenerImpl();
           (CacheHandlerListener) WeakListener.create(CacheHandlerListener.class, cacheListener, cache));
    protected void independantInit() {
//        runningRefreshSemaphore = false;
        if (this.getClass().equals(JavaCvsFileSystem.class)) {
            Lookup l = Lookup.getDefault();
            errorManager = (org.openide.ErrorManager)l.lookup(org.openide.ErrorManager.class);
            //        initCache();
            cache = new CvsFsCache(this, getHomeDirectory());
            // init of cache..
            cache.setFsRootFile(new File(constructRootDirectory()));
            //        globalOptions = new GlobalOptions();
            //        globalOptions.setCVSRoot(getCvsRootString());
    // --------- NAMING AND PROPERTIES ---------
    // This should be something unique based on the filesystem's config:
    protected String computeSystemName (File rootFile, int seed) {
        if (seed == 0) {
            return "org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.JavaCvsFileSystem " + rootFile.toString(); //NOI18N
        } else {
            return "org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.JavaCvsFileSystem " + rootFile.toString() + seed; //NOI18N

     * Returns what should be displayed to the user as the filesystem name.
     * Overrides AbstractFileSystem method.
     * @return name of the filesystem.
    public String getDisplayName () {
/*        if (! isValid ()) {
            return NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "JavaCvsFileSystem.invalidFilesystemLabel"); //NOI18N
        else {
            return NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "JavaCvsFileSystem.validFilesystemLabel", rootFile.toString ()); //NOI18N
//        }
//DEBUG            return getSystemName();
    /** Sets cvs home directory for the filesystem. The filesystem will then use this directory for lookup of
     * files .cvsrc, .cvspass, .cvsignore etc.
     * @param homeDir The home directory.
    public void setHomeDirectory(File homeDir) {
        homeDirectory = homeDir;
//        if (cache != null) {
//            cache.getCacheObject().setHomeDirectory(homeDir);
//        }
    /** Gets cvs home directory for the filesystem. The filesystem uses this directory for lookup of
     * files .cvsrc, .cvspass, .cvsignore etc.
     * @return home directory
    public File getHomeDirectory() {
        return homeDirectory;
    // Bean getter.
    public File getRootDirectory () {
        return rootFile;
/*    public void setupGlobalOptions(Client client) {
        if (isZippedTransfer()) {
            client.setFileHandler(new GzippedFileHandler());
        } else {
            client.setFileHandler(new UncompressedFileHandler());
/*    public GlobalOptions getGlobalOptions() {
        return globalOptions;
    public JavaCvsCommandFactory getCommandFactory() {
        return JavaCvsCommandFactory.getInstance();
    // Bean setter. Changing the root directory (or in general, the identity
    // of the root file object) should cause everything using this filesystem
    // to refresh. The system name must change and refreshRoot should be used
    // to ensure that everything is correctly updated.
    private synchronized void setRootDirectory (File r) throws PropertyVetoException, IOException {
        if (! r.exists () || r.isFile ())
            throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException
            (r.toString () + " does not exist", //NOI18N
            NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "JavaCvsFileSystem.EXC_root_dir_does_not_exist", //NOI18N
            r.toString ()));
        boolean ok = false;
        int seed = 0;
        while (!ok) {
            try {
                setSystemName(computeSystemName(r, seed));
                ok = true;
            } catch (PropertyVetoException exc) {
                ok = false;
                seed = seed + 1;
        rootFile = r;
//        System.out.println("rootFile=" + rootFile.getAbsolutePath());
        FileObject fo = refreshRoot();
        firePropertyChange (PROP_ROOT, null, fo);
        firePropertyChange("name", null, getDisplayName()); //NOI18N
        fo = findResource("");
//        globalOptions.setCVSRoot(getCvsRootString());
        isRootSet = true;
    public String constructRootDirectory() {
        StringBuffer root = new StringBuffer();
        if (workingDir != null) {
        if (root.charAt(root.length() - 1) != File.separatorChar) {
        if (relMount.startsWith(File.separator)) {
        else root.append(relMount);
        if (root.length() > 1 && root.charAt(root.length() - 1) == File.separatorChar) {
            root = root.deleteCharAt(root.length() - 1);
        String toReturn = root.toString().replace('/', File.separatorChar);
        toReturn = toReturn.replace('\\', File.separatorChar);
        return toReturn;
    // Bean getter.
    /** Returns the read-only property.
    public boolean isReadOnly () {
        return readOnly;
    // Bean setter.
    /** Sets the read-only property.
    public void setReadOnly (boolean flag) {
        if (flag != readOnly) {
            readOnly = flag;
            firePropertyChange (PROP_READ_ONLY, ! flag ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, flag ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
    // Bean setter.
    /** Sets the working directory property. Equals the root of the checked out sources.
    public void setWorkingDir( newWorking) {
        if (!newWorking.equals(workingDir)) {
            File oldWorking = workingDir;
            workingDir = newWorking;
            String oldRelMount = relMount;
            firePropertyChange (PROP_WORKING_DIR, oldWorking, newWorking);
            setRelMount(""); //NOI18N
            try {
                this.setRootDirectory(new File(constructRootDirectory()));
            } catch (PropertyVetoException prop) {
                //should not happen at all..
                workingDir = oldWorking;
                firePropertyChange(PROP_WORKING_DIR, newWorking, oldWorking);
                firePropertyChange(PROP_REL_MOUNT, "", oldRelMount);
            } catch (IOException io) {
                workingDir = oldWorking;
                firePropertyChange(PROP_WORKING_DIR, newWorking, oldWorking);
                firePropertyChange(PROP_REL_MOUNT, "", oldRelMount);
//            D.deb("setWorkingDir", "new Working=" + newWorking);
            //            this.cache.refreshDir("");
    // Bean getter.
    /** Returns the working directory property.
    public getWorkingDir() {
        return workingDir;
    // Bean setter.
    /** Sets the relative mountpoint. It is a relative part to the filesystem root from the working directory.
     * Eg.
* If I want to mount the cvs library that is stored under c:\src\netbeans\javacvs\srclib * I need to set the working directory to c:\src\netbeans * and the relative mountpoint to javacvs/srclib *
Warning: If not set correctly, some commands can have strange effects (mostly the checkout command) * * */ public void setRelMount (String newMount) { if (!newMount.equals(relMount)) { String oldMount = relMount; relMount = newMount; try { this.setRootDirectory(new File(constructRootDirectory())); } catch (PropertyVetoException prop) { //TODO relMount = oldMount; return; } catch (IOException io) { //TODO relMount = oldMount; return; } firePropertyChange (PROP_REL_MOUNT, oldMount, newMount); // D.deb("setRelMount", "new relMount=" + newMount); // this.cache.refreshDir(""); } } // Bean getter. /** Returns the relative mountpoint. It is a relative part to the filesystem root from the working directory. */ public String getRelMount () { if (relMount == null) return ""; //NOI18N return relMount; } //Bean getter public boolean isOffLine() { return offLine; } //bean setter public void setOffLine(boolean off) { if (off != offLine) { offLine = off; firePropertyChange (PROP_OFF_LINE, !offLine ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, off ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } } /** * equals to the isOffLine() method, but lets the subclasses override this method, if User * interaction is required (user can reset the value in the dialog.) */ public boolean checkOffLine() { return isOffLine(); } //Bean getter public int getAutoRefresh() { return autoRefresh; } //bean setter public void setAutoRefresh(int newAuto) { if (newAuto != autoRefresh) { int oldAuto = autoRefresh; autoRefresh = newAuto; firePropertyChange (PROP_AUTO_REFRESH, new Integer(oldAuto), new Integer(autoRefresh)); // D.deb("setAutoRefresh", "new refresh=" + autoRefresh); } } //Bean getter /** * @deprecated use the global options's useGZip property.. */ public boolean isZippedTransfer() { return zippedTransfer; } /** * @deprecated use the global options's useGZip property.. */ public void setZippedTransfer(boolean zipped) { if (zippedTransfer != zipped) { firePropertyChange (PROP_ZIPPED_TRANSFER, !zipped ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, zipped ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); zippedTransfer = zipped; // TODO.. set global options somehow?? } } public String getFsIgnoredFiles () { return fsIgnoredFiles; } public synchronized void setFsIgnoredFiles (String nue) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (! nue.equals (fsIgnoredFiles)) { if (nue.length () > 0) { try { ignoredRE = new RE (nue); } catch (RESyntaxException rese) { IllegalArgumentException iae = new IllegalArgumentException (); throw iae; } } else { ignoredRE = null; } fsIgnoredFiles = nue; firePropertyChange (PROP_FS_INGORED_FILES, null, null); // NOI18N java.util.Enumeration en = existingFileObjects(findResource("")); //NOI18N while (en.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject fo2 = (FileObject)en.nextElement(); if (fo2 != null && fo2.isFolder()) { fo2.refresh(true); // System.out.println("refreshing=" + fo2.getPackageName('/')); } } } } /** * if true, hides all shadow files in the filesystems. * "Shadow" means files that don't exist in working directory. * Usually these are Locally-Removed, Needs-Checkout files * @param hide do hide shadow files? * @deprecated - since the appearance of VirtualDataObject, it's obsolete.. */ public void setHideShadowFiles(boolean hide) { /* if (hideShadowFiles != hide) { boolean oldHide = hideShadowFiles; hideShadowFiles = hide; FileObject fo = findResource(""); //NOI18N fo.refresh(true); fireRecursiveFileStatus(fo); firePropertyChange (PROP_HIDE_SHADOW_FILES, oldHide ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, hideShadowFiles ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } */ } /** * if true, hides all shadow files in the filesystems. * "Shadow" means files that don't exist in working directory. * Usually these are Locally-Removed, Needs-Checkout files * @return should hide? * @deprecated - since the appearance of VirtualDataObject, it's obsolete.. */ public boolean isHideShadowFiles() { return false; // return hideShadowFiles; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void setCvsRepository(String repos) { if (!repos.equals(repository)) { String oldRepos = repository; repository = repos; firePropertyChange (PROP_CVS_REPOSITORY, oldRepos, repos); } } public String getCvsRepository() { return repository; } //--- public void setCvsServerType(int type) { if (serverType != type) { int old =serverType; serverType = type; firePropertyChange (PROP_CVS_SERVER_TYPE, new Integer(old), new Integer(type)); } } public int getCvsServerType() { return serverType; } public int getCvsServerType(String typeName) { for (int index = 0; index < TYPE_NAMES.length; index++) { if (TYPE_NAMES[index].equalsIgnoreCase(typeName)) return index; } return -1; } public String[] getCvsServerTypes() { return TYPE_NAMES; } public String getCvsServerTypeName() { if ((serverType >= 0) && (serverType < TYPE_NAMES.length)) { return TYPE_NAMES[serverType]; } return ""; //NOI18N } public String getCvsServerTypeName(int type) { if ((type >= 0) && (type < TYPE_NAMES.length)) { return TYPE_NAMES[type]; } return ""; //NOI18N } //--- public void setCvsServerName(String name) { if (!name.equals(serverName)) { String oldName = serverName; serverName = name; firePropertyChange (PROP_CVS_SERVER_NAME, oldName, name); } } public String getCvsServerName() { return serverName; } //-- public void setCvsUserName(String name) { if (!name.equals(userName)) { String oldName = userName; userName = name; firePropertyChange (PROP_CVS_USER_NAME, oldName, name); } } public String getCvsUserName() { return userName; } /** Returns a port that the pserver access method uses for connection. * * @return Value of property cvsPort. */ public int getCvsPort() { return cvsPort; } /** Sets a port for the pserver access method to connect to. * @param cvsPort New value of property cvsPort. */ public void setCvsPort(int cvsPort) { if (cvsPort != this.cvsPort) { int old = this.cvsPort; this.cvsPort = cvsPort; firePropertyChange (PROP_CVS_PORT, new Integer(old), new Integer(cvsPort)); } } //-- cvs root string is stored in each CVS directory, also used for authentification public String getCvsRootString() { StringBuffer toReturn = new StringBuffer(":"); //NOI18N toReturn.append(getCvsServerTypeName()); toReturn.append(':'); toReturn.append(getCvsUserName()); toReturn.append('@'); toReturn.append(getCvsServerName()); toReturn.append(':'); if (getCvsPort() != PServerConnection.DEFAULT_PORT) { toReturn.append(""+getCvsPort()); } toReturn.append(getCvsRepository()); return toReturn.toString(); } protected JavaCvsStatusManager getStatusManager() { return JavaCvsStatusManager.getInstance(); } // ----------- SPECIAL CAPABILITIES -------------- private Map lockedFilesToBeModified = new HashMap(); /** * Lock the files so that they can not be modified in the IDE. * This is necessary for commands, that make changes to the processed files. * It's crutial, that the file does not get modified twice - externally via * the update command and internally (e.g. through the Editor). * One MUST call {@link #unlockFilesToBeModified} after the command * finish. * @param path The path of the file to be locked or directory in which all * files will be locked. * @param recursively Whether the files in directories should be locked recursively. */ public void lockFilesToBeModified(String path, boolean recursively) { synchronized (lockedFilesToBeModified) { // Multiple locks are not considered. It's locked just once. lockedFilesToBeModified.put(path, recursively ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } } /** * Unlock the files that were previously locked by {@link #lockFilesToBeModified} * method. It's necessary to call this method with appropriate arguments after * the command finish so that the user can edit the files. */ public void unlockFilesToBeModified(String path, boolean recursively) { synchronized (lockedFilesToBeModified) { lockedFilesToBeModified.remove(path); } } /** Check whether the provided name is locked for modification. * If yes, IOException is thrown. */ private void checkModificationLock(String name) throws IOException { boolean isLocked; synchronized (lockedFilesToBeModified) { isLocked = lockedFilesToBeModified.get(name) != null; if (!isLocked) { for (Iterator it = lockedFilesToBeModified.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { String path = (String); if (name.startsWith(path) && name.charAt(path.length()) == '/') { boolean recursively = ((Boolean) lockedFilesToBeModified.get(path)).booleanValue(); // either we lock it recursively or there are no more path separators '/': isLocked = (recursively || name.indexOf('/', path.length() + 1) < 0); } } } } if (isLocked) { throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException( "File " + name + " can be altered by a running CVS command, it's modification in the IDE is remporarily disabled.", //NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "EXC_file_is_being_modified", name)); //NOI18N } } // This is how you can affect the classpath for execution, compilation, etc.: public void prepareEnvironment (FileSystem.Environment environment) { environment.addClassPath (rootFile.toString ()); } // Affect the name and icon of files on this filesystem according to their // "status", e.g. version-control modification-commit state: public class MyStatus implements Status, Serializable { static final long serialVersionUID = 7525827069203814770L; public Image annotateIcon(Image icon, int iconType, Set files) { Object[] oo = files.toArray(); int len = oo.length; if (len == 0/* || name.indexOf(getRootDirectory().toString()) >= 0*/) { return icon; } String status = null; Vector important; if( len==1 ) { /* FileObject ff=(FileObject)oo[0]; String fullName=ff.getPackageNameExt('/','.'); important = new Vector(); important.add(fullName); */ important=getImportantFiles(oo); } else { important=getImportantFiles(oo); } if (important.size() == 0) { important = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < oo.length; i++) { FileObject ff=(FileObject)oo[i]; important.add(ff.getPackageNameExt('/', '.')); } } status = cache.getFileStatusOnly(important); if (status != null) { Image img = getStatusManager().getIcon(status); if (img != null) { icon = org.openide.util.Utilities.mergeImages(icon, img, BADGE_ICON_SHIFT_X, BADGE_ICON_SHIFT_Y); } } return icon; } public String annotateName (String name, Set files) { // D.deb("----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); String result=name; String fullName=""; // NOI18N Object[] oo=files.toArray(); Vector important; int len=oo.length; if( len==0 || name.indexOf(getRootDirectory().toString())>=0){ return result; } Vector importantFiles; if( len==1 ) { /* FileObject ff=(FileObject)oo[0]; fullName=ff.getPackageNameExt('/','.'); important = new Vector(); important.add(fullName); */ important=getImportantFiles(oo); } else { important=getImportantFiles(oo); } /* if (autoRefresh == JavaCvsFileSystem.AUTO_SIMPLE) { runningRefreshSemaphore = true; } */ if (important.size() == 0) { important = new Vector(); for (int i = 0; i < oo.length; i++) { FileObject ff=(FileObject)oo[i]; important.add(ff.getPackageNameExt('/', '.')); } } String status = cache.getStatus(name, important).trim(); // D.deb("name = "+name+": status = "+status); result = status; return result; } } public Status getStatus () { return status; } // And use fireFileStatusChanged whenever you know something has changed. // Filesystem-specific actions, such as version-control operations. // The actions should typically be CookieActions looking for DataObject // cookies, where the object's primary file is on this type of file system. public SystemAction[] getActions () { return null; } /** * Get the VCS actions on a collection of FileObjects. * @param fos the collection of FileObjects to act on. * @return the actions retrieved from VcsFactory.getActions(fos) */ public SystemAction[] getActions(Set fos) { return null; } protected void handleDelete(String name) { } protected void handleRename(String oldName, String newName) { } /** * Utility method that find the fileobject reference and if it exists, retypes it to CacheReference. * @param name pathname of the resource. * @returns the cacheReference instance if one exists or null */ protected CacheReference getCacheReference(String name) { Reference ref = findReference(name); if (ref != null && ref instanceof CacheReference) { CacheReference cref = (CacheReference)ref; return cref; } return null; } // ----------- IMPLEMENTATIONS OF ABSTRACT FUNCTIONALITY ---------- // Utility method only: protected File getFile (String name) { if (name.length() > 0) { return new File (rootFile, name); } else { return new File(rootFile.getAbsolutePath()); } } /** Converst from String fs-related representation of a file (path+name) * to absolute representation in File objects. */ protected File[] getFiles(FileObject[] fos) { // D.deb("getFiles() START"); File[] files = new File[fos.length]; for (int index = 0; index < fos.length; index++) { if (fos[index] != null) { String name = fos[index].getPackageNameExt('/','.'); files[index] = getFile(name); } } return files; } public FileObject getFileObjectForFile(File file) { String root = this.constructRootDirectory(); String absPath = file.getAbsolutePath(); if (absPath.startsWith(root)) { // it belongs to this FS -> do something // D.deb("-------- it is in this filesystem"); String path; if (absPath.equals(root)) { path = ""; //NOI18N } else { path = absPath.substring(root.length() + 1,absPath.length()); if (path.length() > 0 && path.charAt(0) == File.separatorChar) { //another sanity check. path = path.substring(1); } } path = path.replace('\\', '/'); FileObject fo = findResource(path); return fo; } return null; } private Set getRecursFileObjectSet(File file) { FileObject fo = getFileObjectForFile(file); if (fo != null) { Set toReturn = new HashSet(); Enumeration enum = fo.getChildren(true); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { toReturn.add(enum.nextElement()); } return toReturn; } return null; } // Information about files and operations on the contents which do // not affect the file's presence or name. // MK: no changes needed for javacvs in order the interface to be functional.. protected class InfoImpl implements AbstractFileSystem.Info { public InfoImpl () {} static final long serialVersionUID = -627867218820299311L; public boolean folder (String name) { return getFile (name).isDirectory (); } public Date lastModified (String name) { File file = getFile(name); if (!file.exists()) return new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); return new Date (file.lastModified ()); } public boolean readOnly (String name) { File f = getFile (name); return f.exists () && ! f.canWrite (); } // Some filesystems, e.g. based on HTTP, could have better heuristics for this: public String mimeType (String name) { FileObject fo = findResource(name); String mimeType = (fo != null) ? FileUtil.getMIMEType(fo) : "content/unknown"; // NOI18N return mimeType; } public long size (String name) { return getFile (name).length (); } public InputStream inputStream (String name) throws FileNotFoundException { //D.deb("inputStream("+name+")"); // NOI18N InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream(getFile(name)); } catch ( exc) { final String fname = name; if (errorManager != null) { throw ( errorManager.annotate( new { public String getLocalizedMessage() { return MessageFormat.format(NbBundle.getBundle(JavaCvsFileSystem.class).getString("MSG_FileNotExist"), new Object[] { fname }); //NOI18N } }, MessageFormat.format(NbBundle.getBundle(JavaCvsFileSystem.class).getString("MSG_FileNotExist"), new Object[] { fname })); //NOI18N } else { throw new { public String getLocalizedMessage() { return MessageFormat.format(NbBundle.getBundle(JavaCvsFileSystem.class).getString("MSG_FileNotExist"), new Object[] { fname }); //NOI18N } }; } } return in; } public OutputStream outputStream (String name) throws IOException { // JavaCvsFOStream enables us to be notified when an outputstream is closed // -> when file is locally modified if (isCreateBackups() && isImportant(name)) { // FileObject file = findResource(name); File file = getFile(name); if (file != null && (!checkVirtual(name)) && (!name.endsWith("~")) && file.length() > 0) { //NOI18N File back = getFile(name + "~"); //NOI18N if (!back.exists()) { back.createNewFile(); } OutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(back)); InputStream input = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); try { FileUtil.copy(input, stream); stream.flush(); } finally { try { stream.close(); } finally { input.close(); } } // file.getParent().refresh(); } } return new JavaCvsFOStream (getFile (name)); } // AbstractFileSystem handles locking the file to the rest of the IDE. // This only means that you should define how the file should be locked // to the outside world--perhaps it does not need to be. public void lock (String name) throws IOException { checkModificationLock(name); File file = getFile (name); if (file.exists () && ! file.canWrite ()) throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException ("file " + file + " could not be locked", //NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "EXC_file_could_not_be_locked", //NOI18N file.getName ())); } public void unlock (String name) { // Nothing special needed to unlock a file to the outside world. } public void markUnimportant (String name) { CacheReference ref = getCacheReference(name); if (ref != null) { ref.markUnimportant(); } } } // Operations that change the available files. public class ChangeImpl implements AbstractFileSystem.Change { static final long serialVersionUID = 1647280700071658302L; public void createFolder (String name) throws IOException { File f = getFile (name); Object[] errorParams = new Object[] { f.getName (), getDisplayName (), f.getPath () }; if (name.equals ("")) throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException ("cannot create empty name", //NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "EXC_create_empty_name", errorParams)); //NOI18N if (f.exists()) throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException ("folder " + f + " already exists", //NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "EXC_folder_already_exists", errorParams)); //NOI18N boolean b = createRecursiveFolder (f); if (! b) { throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException ("folder " + f + " could not be created", //NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "EXC_folder_could_not_be_created", errorParams)); //NOI18N } else { name = name.replace('\\', '/'); /* FileObject fo = findResource(name); if (fo != null && fo.getParent() != null) { fo.getParent().refresh(); } */ } } private boolean createRecursiveFolder (File f) { if (f.exists ()) return true; if (! f.isAbsolute ()) f = f.getAbsoluteFile (); String par = f.getParent (); if (par == null) return false; if (! createRecursiveFolder (new File (par))) return false; f.mkdir (); // TODO here comes the cvscaching stuff.. if (f.exists()) { cache.addToCache(f); return true; } return false; } public void createData (String name) throws IOException { File f = getFile (name); if (! f.createNewFile ()) throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException ("file " + f + " could not be created", //NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "EXC_file_could_not_be_created", //NOI18N f.getName (), getDisplayName (), f.getPath ())); if (f.exists()) { name = name.replace('\\', '/'); /* FileObject fo = findResource(name); if (fo != null && fo.getParent() != null) { fo.getParent().refresh(); } */ } File folder = f.getParentFile();//new File(constructRootDirectory(), name); CacheFile cfolder = CacheHandler.getInstance().getCacheFile(folder, CacheHandler.STRAT_DISK, cache); if (cfolder instanceof CacheDir) { String fileName = f.getName(); ((CacheDir) cfolder).addFile(new CvsCacheFile(JavaCvsCache.JAVA_CACHE_NAME, fileName), true); } } public void rename (String oldName, String newName) throws IOException { File of = getFile (oldName); File nf = getFile (newName); String name = oldName.replace('\\', '/'); /* FileObject oldFo = findResource(name); Set foSet = new HashSet(); FileObject oldFoParent = null; if (oldFo != null) { oldFoParent = oldFo.getParent(); // foSet.add(oldFoParent); // foSet.add(oldFo); } */ boolean fails = nf.exists() && !nf.equals(of); boolean renamed = false; if (!fails) { // cache.removeFromCache(of, of.isDirectory()); renamed = of.renameTo(nf); handleRename(oldName, newName); /* if (renamed) { if (foParent != null) { foParent.refresh(true); System.out.println("oldparentrefresh=" + foParent.getName()); } name = newName.replace('\\', '/'); FileObject fo = findResource(name); if (fo != null && fo.getParent() != null) { fo.getParent().refresh(true); fo.refresh(true); foSet.add(fo); foSet.add(fo.getParent()); // System.out.println("newParentRefresh=" + fo.getParent().getName()); } name = oldName.replace('\\', '/'); FileObject oldFo2 = findResource(name); if (oldFo2 != null) { foSet.add(oldFo2); oldFo2.refresh(true); // System.out.println("oldFoAdded"); } // fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(JavaCvsFileSystem.this, foSet, true, true)); } */ } if (! renamed || fails) throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException ("file " + of + " could not be renamed to " + nf, //NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "EXC_file_could_not_be_renamed", //NOI18N new Object[] { of.getName (), nf.getName (), getDisplayName (), of.getPath (), nf.getPath () })); } /** The last folder in which a file was deleted */ private transient File lastFolderWhoseFileWasDeleted = null; /** The map of file names and corresponding Entry objects of files * in the last folder in which a file was deleted. It's likely, that * next deleted file will be in the same folder (e.g. clean all) * and thus it's good to cache the entries so that they need not to be * read and parsed again and again from the CVS/Entries file. */ private transient Map entriesByFilesOfLastFolderWhoseFileWasDeleted = null; /** The time when the last file was processed. * When a long time elapses, it's likely that CVS/Entries file change * in the mean time and we want to read it again. */ private transient long lastTimeFileWasDeletedInLastFolder = 0; /** The expiration time of cached CVS/Entries. It's likely that after * this time elapses the entries could change. */ private static final long ENTRIES_EXPIRE_TIME = 200L; // [ms] /** The lock which we use to access the above variables. */ private transient Object lastFolderLock = new Object(); public void delete (String name) throws IOException { File file = getFile (name); name = name.replace('\\', '/'); // FileObject fo = findResource(name); boolean deleted = deleteFile(file); if (deleted) { File folder = file.getParentFile(); if (folder != null) { Map entriesMap; synchronized (lastFolderLock) { if (!folder.equals(lastFolderWhoseFileWasDeleted) || System.currentTimeMillis() - lastTimeFileWasDeletedInLastFolder > ENTRIES_EXPIRE_TIME) { Entry[] entries = null; try { entries = new StandardAdminHandler().getEntriesAsArray(folder); } catch (IOException ioex) {} entriesByFilesOfLastFolderWhoseFileWasDeleted = new HashMap(); if (entries != null) { for (int i = 0; i < entries.length; i++) { entriesByFilesOfLastFolderWhoseFileWasDeleted.put(entries[i].getName(), entries[i]); } } lastFolderWhoseFileWasDeleted = folder; lastTimeFileWasDeletedInLastFolder = System.currentTimeMillis(); } entriesMap = entriesByFilesOfLastFolderWhoseFileWasDeleted; } Entry ent = (Entry) entriesMap.get(file.getName()); if (ent != null && ent.getRevision() != null && ent.getRevision().equals("0")) { new StandardAdminHandler().removeEntry(file); } } handleDelete(name); } /* if (deleted && fo != null && fo.getParent() != null) { // fo.getParent().refresh(); // fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(JavaCvsFileSystem.this, fo.getParent(), true, true)); } */ if (file.exists () && !deleted) throw new JavaCvsFileSystemException ("file " + file + " could not be deleted", //NOI18N NbBundle.getMessage (JavaCvsFileSystem.class, "EXC_file_could_not_be_deleted", //NOI18N file.getName (), getDisplayName (), file.getPath ())); } private boolean deleteFile (File file) { if (file.isDirectory ()) { File[] arr = file.listFiles (); for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) if (! deleteFile (arr[i])) return false; } //update cache.. // String flName = file.getName(); // boolean wasDirectory = file.isDirectory(); // that info gets lost when delete() is performed boolean isDone = file.delete(); /* if (isDone) { cache.removeFromCache(file, wasDirectory); } */ return isDone; } private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException { in.defaultReadObject(); lastFolderLock = new Object(); } } // Operation which provides the directory structure. public class ListImpl implements AbstractFileSystem.List { static final long serialVersionUID = -102893327017356802L; public String[] children (String name) { // D.deb("Children()","name=" + name + " ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); if (!isRootSet) return null; File f = getFile (name); String[] toReturn = null; // System.out.println("children for=" +name); if (f != null && f.isDirectory ()) { if (cache != null) { toReturn = cache.getDirContent(f); /* if (toReturn != null) { for (int i = 0; i < toReturn.length; i++) { System.out.print(toReturn[i] + " "); } System.out.println(""); } */ } } if (toReturn == null) { toReturn = new String[0]; } for (int i = 0; i < toReturn.length; i++) { if (ignoredRE != null && ignoredRE.match(toReturn[i])) { // System.out.println("ignoring.." + toReturn[i]); toReturn[i] = null; } } /* System.out.println("dir=" + f.getAbsolutePath()); System.out.println("children of : " + name); for (int i = 0; i < toReturn.length; i++) { System.out.print(toReturn[i] + " "); } System.out.println(""); */ return toReturn; } } public void setRefreshTimeToSet() { setRefreshTime(refreshTimeToSet); } public boolean isImportant(String name) { CacheReference rf = getCacheReference(name); if (rf != null) { return rf.isImportant(); } // D.deb("isImportant("+name+")"+unimportantNames.contains(name)); return true; } /** * Get the important files. * @return the Vector of important files as Strings (package + name + extension) */ protected Vector getImportantFiles(Object[] oo){ // D.deb("getImportantFiles()"); // NOI18N Vector result=new Vector(3); int len=oo.length; for(int i=0;i 0) { try { ignoredRE = new RE (fsIgnoredFiles); } catch (RESyntaxException rese) { } } freshlyMounted = false; // System.out.println("readobject for fs=" + getDisplayName()); // init(); // D.deb("Reading bean done"); addRemoveFSListener = new JavaCvsFileSystem.FSRepositoryListener(); Repository.getDefault().addRepositoryListener(WeakListener.repository(addRemoveFSListener, this)); } //------------------------------------------- private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException { // D.deb("writeObject() - now save cache"); // NOI18N /* moved to module install if (cache != null) { cache.saveToDisk(); } */ // D.deb("writeObject() - saving bean"); // NOI18N out.defaultWriteObject(); // D.deb("writeObject() - saving bean2"); // NOI18N } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // do commands /** Creates a class implementing the ClientProvider interface that needs to be passed to the cvs commands. * This method makes sure the client provider is properly setup. * */ protected ClientProvider createClientProvider() { StandardClientProvider client = new StandardClientProvider(getHomeDirectory()); client.setCvsRootString(getCvsRootString()); client.setCvsPort(getCvsPort()); client.setLocalPath(getRootDirectory().getAbsolutePath()); java.util.List ignoreList = JavaCvsFileSystem.constructIgnoreList(getHomeDirectory(), new File(getWorkingDir(), "CVSROOT")); //NOI18N IgnoreFileFilter ignoreFilter = new DefaultIgnoreFileFilter(ignoreList); client.setIgnoreFilter(ignoreFilter); FsGlobalOptionsImpl glOptions = (FsGlobalOptionsImpl)getCommandFactory().getGlobalOptions(); client.setGlobalOptions(glOptions.getLibraryGlobalOptions()); return client; } public String[] getCvsIgnoreList() { String[] array; Object obj = null; if (ignoreListReference == null || ((obj = ignoreListReference.get()) == null)) { // obj = ignoreListReference.get(); java.util.List ignoreList = JavaCvsFileSystem.constructIgnoreList(getHomeDirectory(), new File(getWorkingDir(), "CVSROOT")); //NOI18N array = new String[ignoreList.size()]; array = (String[])ignoreList.toArray(array); ignoreListReference = new WeakReference(array); } else { array = (String[])obj; } return array; } public static java.util.List constructIgnoreList(File home, File cvsRootDir) { java.util.List ignoreList = null; ignoreFile = new File(cvsRootDir, "cvsignore"); //NOI18N // first parse the CVSROOT/cvsignore file try { ignoreList = DefaultIgnoreFileFilter.parseCvsIgnoreFile(ignoreFile); } catch (IOException exc) {/* ignore */} // now parse the $home/.cvsignore file if (ignoreList == null) { ignoreList = new LinkedList(); } ignoreFile = new File(home, ".cvsignore"); //NOI18N try { ignoreList = DefaultIgnoreFileFilter.parseCvsIgnoreFile(ignoreFile); } catch (IOException exc) {/* ignore */ } // now parse the Enviroment variable String envIgnore = System.getProperty("env-cvsignore"); //NOI18N if (envIgnore != null) { StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(envIgnore, " ", false); //NOI18N while (token.hasMoreTokens()) { String tok = token.nextToken(); ignoreList.add(tok); } } return ignoreList; } /** Performs a status refresh on the filesystem. * @param fileNames Array of FileObjects that should be refreshed. * @param recursive boolean parameter - if true, do recursive refresh for all the directories. */ public void doRefresh(FileObject[] fileNames, boolean recursive) { // this method is just directing the processing to the cache // before that it sorts out the directories and files.. // it's needed because of the CacheUpdateingCommand.setRefreshing() method if (isOffLine()) return; File[] files = getFiles(fileNames); LinkedList dirs = new LinkedList(); LinkedList fls = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { if (files[i].isDirectory()) { dirs.add(files[i]); } else { fls.add(files[i]); } } if (dirs.size() > 0) { File[] fos = new File[dirs.size()]; fos = (File[])dirs.toArray(fos); cache.doRefresh(fos, recursive); } if (fls.size() > 0) { File[] fos = new File[fls.size()]; fos = (File[])fls.toArray(fos); cache.doRefresh(fos, recursive); } } /* public boolean isRunningRefreshSemaphore() { return runningRefreshSemaphore; } */ /* public void clearRunningRefreshSemaphore() { runningRefreshSemaphore = false; } */ /** * Notifies this file system that it has been added to the repository. * Since we can not rely on the addNotify() method (see issue #30763), * this method was introduced to be notified when this FS is really added. * Call super.notifyFSAdded() when you're extending this method. Do not * call directly. */ protected void notifyFSAdded() { cache.addNotify(this); initCache(); FileObject[] root = new FileObject[1]; root[0] = findResource(""); //NOI18N if ((getAutoRefresh() == JavaCvsFileSystem.AUTO_RECURS_ONCE && freshlyMounted) || (getAutoRefresh() == JavaCvsFileSystem.AUTO_RECURS_EVERYTIME && !freshlyMounted) || getAutoRefresh() == JavaCvsFileSystem.AUTO_MOUNT_AND_RESTART) { doRefresh(root, true); } } /** * Notifies this file system that it has been removed from the repository. * Since we can not rely on the removeNotify() method (see issue #30763), * this method was introduced to be notified when this FS is really removed. * Call super.notifyFSRemoved() when you're extending this method. Do not * call directly. */ protected void notifyFSRemoved() { if (cache != null) { cache.removeNotify(); } } /** * Deprecated. use the fireFileStatusForExisting method instead * together with the refreshExisting method. * @deprecated use the fireFileStatusForExisting method instead. */ protected void fireRecursiveFileStatus(FileObject fo) { Set foSet = new HashSet(); Enumeration enum = fo.getChildren(true); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject suFO = (FileObject)enum.nextElement(); foSet.add(suFO); suFO.refresh(true); // System.out.println("refreshing child=" + suFO.getName()); } fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(this, foSet, true, true)); } protected void fireFileStatusForExisting(FileObject fo) { Set foSet = new HashSet(); // Set reloadFoSet = new HashSet(); Enumeration enum = existingFileObjects(fo); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject exFo = (FileObject)enum.nextElement(); setVirtualDataLoader(exFo); foSet.add(exFo); // System.out.println("status=" + exFo.getNameExt()); } fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(this, foSet, true, true)); } /** * takes existing fileobjects and refreshes the folders among them. * should be called before any fileFileStatusForExisting method calls. */ protected void refreshExisting(FileObject fo) { Enumeration enum = existingFileObjects(fo); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject exFo = (FileObject)enum.nextElement(); if (exFo.isFolder()) { // System.out.println("refrshing=" + exFo.getNameExt()); exFo.refresh(); } else { exFo.refresh(true); } } } /** * Utility method here, just for use/to be overridden in NbJavaCvsFilesystem. * It's empty here because we don't know anything about Dataobjects here. * it's used in the various refreshing methods to check if the file exists locally. (wheather it's virtual) * if so, it's assigned a special dataloader/dataobject, so that it doesn't get mixed up with existing fileobjects.. * @returns return true if the data object should be reloaded. */ protected void setVirtualDataLoader(FileObject fo) { } // ------ inner class for extending FileOutputStream that signals that a file was modified to the filesystem. private class JavaCvsFOStream extends FileOutputStream { private File changingFile; private boolean closed = false; public JavaCvsFOStream(File file) throws IOException { super(file); this.changingFile = file; } public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); // assure, that we mark the file as modified only once. // FileOutputStream will call close() on finalization even when close() was called before. if (!closed) { cache.fileModified(this.changingFile, true); closed = true; } } } /** Creates weakReference to FileObject. In FileSystem, which subclasses AbstractFileSystem, you can overload method * createReference(FileObject fo) to achieve another type of Reference (weak, strong etc.) * @param fo is FileObject. It`s reference yourequire to get. * @return Reference to FileObject */ protected Reference createReference(FileObject fo) { return cache.createReference(fo); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs status command. * @return Status command. */ public FsStatus createStatus() { CvsStatus stat = (CvsStatus)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsStatus.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getStatusImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs refresh command. * @return Status command. */ public FsStatus createRefresh() { CvsStatus stat = new RefreshCommand(); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getStatusImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs log command. * @return Log commands. */ public FsLog createLog() { CvsLog stat = (CvsLog)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsLog.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getLogImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs update command. * @return Update command. */ public FsUpdate createUpdate() { CvsUpdate stat = (CvsUpdate)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsUpdate.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getUpdateImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs tag command. * @return Tag command. */ public FsTag createTag() { CvsTag stat = (CvsTag)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsTag.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getTagImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs remove command. * @return remove command. */ public FsRemove createRemove() { CvsRemove stat = (CvsRemove)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsRemove.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getRemoveImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs diff command. * @return Diff Command. */ public FsDiff createDiff() { CvsDiff stat = (CvsDiff)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsDiff.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getDiffImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs commit command. * @return Commit command. */ public FsCommit createCommit() { CvsCommit stat = (CvsCommit)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsCommit.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getCommitImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs checkout command. * @return Checkout command. */ public FsCheckout createCheckout() { CvsCheckout stat = (CvsCheckout)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsCheckout.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setLocalPath(getWorkingDir().getAbsolutePath()); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getCheckoutImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs add command. * @return Add command. */ public FsAdd createAdd() { CvsAdd stat = (CvsAdd)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsAdd.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getAddImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs annotate command. * @return Annotate command. */ public FsAnnotate createAnnotate() { CvsAnnotate stat = (CvsAnnotate)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsAnnotate.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getAnnotateImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs import command. * @return Import command. */ public FsImport createImport() { CvsImport stat = (CvsImport)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsImport.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getImportImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs export command. * @return Export command. */ public FsExport createExport() { CvsExport stat = (CvsExport)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsExport.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getExportImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs history command. * @return History command. */ public FsHistory createHistory() { CvsHistory stat = (CvsHistory)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsHistory.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getHistoryImpl(); } /** Creates an implementation of the cvs watchers command. * @return watchers command. */ public FsWatchers createWatchers() { CvsWatchers stat = (CvsWatchers)getCommandFactory().getCommand(CvsWatchers.class, false); ClientProvider prov = createClientProvider(); stat.setClientProvider(prov); return stat.getWatchersImpl(); } /** * Returns an istance of global options for the specified command. * it's properties should be set before running the command. * */ public FsGlobalOptions getGlobalOptionsFor(CvsCommand command) { FileSystemCommandImpl impl = (FileSystemCommandImpl)command; FileSystemCommand comm = impl.getOuterClassInstance(); return new FsGlobalOptionsImpl(comm.getGlobalOptions()); } /** * This method is called from AbstractFileObject.isVirtual. Tests if file * really exists or is missing. Some operation on it may be restricted if returns true. * @param name of the file * @return true indicates that the file is missing. */ protected boolean checkVirtual(String name) { File file = getFile(name); return !file.exists(); } /** Getter for property createBackups. * @return Value of property createBackups. */ public boolean isCreateBackups() { return this.createBackups; } /** Setter for property createBackups. * @param createBackups New value of property createBackups. */ public void setCreateBackups(boolean createBacks) { if (createBackups != createBacks) { this.createBackups = createBacks; firePropertyChange (PROP_CREATE_BACKUPS, !createBacks ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE, createBacks ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } } /** Mark the file as being important or unimportant. * @param name the file to mark * @param important true indicates that file is important, false conversely * file is unimportant. * @since 1.9 */ protected void markImportant(String name, boolean important) { super.markImportant(name, important); if (important) { CacheReference ref = getCacheReference(name); if (ref != null) { ref.markImportant(); } } } private class CacheHandlerListenerImpl implements CacheHandlerListener { public void cacheRemoved(CacheHandlerEvent event) { // D.deb("cacheRemoved called for:" + event.getCvsCacheFile().getName()); /* CacheFile file = event.getCacheFile(); if (file == null || file.getParent() == null) return; String fileString = file.getParent().getAbsolutePath(); String root = constructRootDirectory(); if (fileString.startsWith(root)) { if (fileString.length() > root.length()) { fileString = fileString.substring(root.length() + 1 , fileString.length()); } fileString = fileString.replace('\\', '/'); FileObject fo = findResource(""); //NOI18N StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(fileString, "/", false); //NOI18N Set foSet = new HashSet(); while (fo != null) { fo.refresh(true); Enumeration enum = fo.getChildren(false); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {foSet.add(enum.nextElement());} if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { fo = findResource(fo.getPackageName('/') + "/" + tok.nextToken()); //NOI18N } else { fo = null; } } fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(JavaCvsFileSystem.this, foSet, false, true)); } */ cacheAdded(event); } public void statusChanged(CacheHandlerEvent event) { FileObject fo = getFileObjectForFile(new File(event.getCacheFile().getAbsolutePath())); if (fo == null) { // E.err("statusChanged().. could not find FileObject.. name=" + event.getCacheFile().getAbsolutePath()); return; } if (!event.isRecursive()) { if (fo.isFolder()) { Set foSet = new HashSet(); Enumeration enum = fo.getChildren(false); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {foSet.add(enum.nextElement());} fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(JavaCvsFileSystem.this, foSet, true, true)); } else { fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(JavaCvsFileSystem.this, fo, true, true)); } } else { cacheAdded(event); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- //-------------------- method from CacheHandlerListener------------------------ public void cacheAdded(CacheHandlerEvent event) { // System.out.println("cacheAdded called for:" + event.getCacheFile().getName()); CacheFile file = event.getCacheFile(); String fileString = file.getAbsolutePath(); // System.out.println("in fs=" + fileString); String root = constructRootDirectory(); // System.out.println("root=" + root); if (fileString.startsWith(root)) { if (fileString.length() > root.length()) { fileString = fileString.substring(root.length() + 1 , fileString.length()); } fileString = fileString.replace('\\', '/'); FileObject fo = findResource(fileString); //NOI18N if (fo == null) { fo = findResource(""); //NOI18N } /* System.out.println("refreshing dir =" + fileString); System.out.println("fs=" + JavaCvsFileSystem.this.getDisplayName()); fo.refresh(); // Enumeration en = JavaCvsFileSystem.this.existingFileObjects(fo); Enumeration en = fo.getChildren(false); Set foSet = new HashSet(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject fo2 = (FileObject)en.nextElement(); /* if (fo2.isFolder()) { fo2.refresh(); // System.out.println("refreshing=" + fo2.getPackageName('/')); } */ JavaCvsFileSystem.this.refreshExisting(fo); JavaCvsFileSystem.this.fireFileStatusForExisting(fo); /* Enumeration en = JavaCvsFileSystem.this.existingFileObjects(fo); Set foSet = new HashSet(); while (en.hasMoreElements()) { FileObject fo2 = (FileObject)en.nextElement(); if (fo2.isFolder()) { fo2.refresh(); // System.out.println("refreshing=" + fo2.getPackageName('/')); } foSet.add(fo2); // System.out.println("adding to set=" + fo2.getPackageNameExt('/', '.')); } fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(JavaCvsFileSystem.this, foSet, false, true)); */ } else if (root.startsWith(fileString)) { //special case for checkout command. FileObject fo = findResource(""); //NOI18N JavaCvsFileSystem.this.refreshExisting(fo); JavaCvsFileSystem.this.fireFileStatusForExisting(fo); } } /* CacheFile file = event.getCacheFile(); String fileString = file.getAbsolutePath(); String root = constructRootDirectory(); if (fileString.startsWith(root)) { if (fileString.length() > root.length()) { fileString = fileString.substring(root.length() + 1 , fileString.length()); } fileString = fileString.replace('\\', '/'); FileObject fo = findResource(""); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(fileString, "/", false); Set foSet = new HashSet(); while (fo != null) { fo.refresh(true); // System.out.println("refreshing parent=" + fo.getName()); Enumeration enum = fo.getChildren(false); while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {foSet.add(enum.nextElement());} if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) { // System.out.println("next token"); FileObject newFo = findResource(fo.getPackageName('/') + "/" + tok.nextToken()); if (newFo == null) { fireRecursiveFileStatus(fo); } fo = newFo; } else { fireRecursiveFileStatus(fo); fo = null; } } fireFileStatusChanged(new FileStatusEvent(JavaCvsFileSystem.this, foSet, false, true)); } } */ } /** * The listener on Repository to be informed when this filesystem was mounted * and unmounted. addNotify() and removeNotify() are not reliable methods. * They can be called even when this filesystem is added into or removed from * a multifilesystem. */ private class FSRepositoryListener extends Object implements RepositoryListener { public void fileSystemAdded(RepositoryEvent repositoryEvent) { if (JavaCvsFileSystem.this.equals(repositoryEvent.getFileSystem())) { notifyFSAdded(); } } public void fileSystemPoolReordered(RepositoryReorderedEvent repositoryReorderedEvent) { } public void fileSystemRemoved(RepositoryEvent repositoryEvent) { if (JavaCvsFileSystem.this.equals(repositoryEvent.getFileSystem())) { notifyFSRemoved(); } } } }
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