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 *                 Sun Public License Notice
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Public License
 * Version 1.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. A copy of the License is available at
 * The Original Code is NetBeans. The Initial Developer of the Original
 * Code is Sun Microsystems, Inc. Portions Copyright 1997-2000 Sun
 * Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

package org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands;

//import org.openide.*;
import org.openide.filesystems.*;
import java.beans.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.customizers.AddParamInput;
import org.openide.util.NbBundle;
import java.util.*;

import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.commands.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.event.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.admin.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.util.IgnoreFileFilter;

import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.add.*;
import org.netbeans.lib.cvsclient.command.*;
import org.netbeans.modules.javacvs.caching.*;

/** This class implements the cvs add command.
 * @author mkleint
public class CvsAdd extends CacheUpdatingFsCommand {
    AddCommand command;
    private boolean recursive;
    private int removedFilesCommandIndex;
    private int currentCommandIndex;
     * Holds value of property message, (add's switch -m).
    private String message;

     * Holds value of property keywordSubst.
    private KeywordSubstitutionOptions keywordSubst;
    private FsAdd addImpl;
    private File[] binaryFiles;
    private File[] textFiles;
    private List existingResurrectedFiles;
    /** Creates new CvsAdd instance.
    public CvsAdd() {
        setRecursive(false); // default is cvs-style behaviour.
        addImpl = new AddImpl();
        binaryFiles = null;

    public CvsCommand getImpl() {
        return addImpl;
    public FsAdd getAddImpl() {
        return addImpl;
     * return the library command that is considered main command.
     * that one is used for loading from
    protected Class getMainCvsCommand() {
        return AddCommand.class;
    /** Creates new CvsAdd instance.
    public CvsAdd(File[] files, ClientProvider fs) {
        setRecursive(false); // default is cvs-style behaviour.
        addImpl = new AddImpl();
        binaryFiles = null;
    /** if set to recursive, for each directory added, adds everything in that directory as well.
     * Not part of the standard cvs add command.
    public void setRecursive(boolean recursive) {
        this.recursive = recursive;
    /** see setRecursive()
     * Not part of the standard cvs add command.
    public boolean isRecursive() {
        return recursive;
    /** this method adds sub-files/dirs (when isRecursive()), otherwise does nothing, just returns it's parameter
     * CAUTION: might take quite some time if huge dir structure, to be called from non-AWT thread
    private List processFiles(File[] files) {
            ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
            addFileArrayToList(list, files);
            // now return the array again.
/*            File[] toReturn = new File[list.size()];
            for (int ind = 0; ind < list.size(); ind++) {
                toReturn[ind] = (File)list.get(ind);
            return list;
    /** used in processFiles() method only
     *  will recursively browse through the directories and add all "important files" to the list
    private void addFileArrayToList(ArrayList list, File[] files) {
        for (int index= 0; index < files.length; index++) {
            File current = files[index];
            if (current == null) continue;
            if (current.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("CVS")) continue; // NOI18N
            if (current.isDirectory()) {
                addFileArrayToList(list, current.listFiles());
            } else {


    public String getName() {
        return NbBundle.getBundle(CvsAdd.class).getString(""); // NOI18N
    private LinkedList createBinaryAndOtherCommand(File[] normal, File[] binaryFiles, boolean isRunning) {
        LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
        if (binaryFiles != null) {
            command = new AddCommand();
            if (isRunning) {
                String localPath = libClient.getLocalPath();
                for (int i = 0; i < binaryFiles.length; i++) {
                    if (binaryFiles[i].getAbsolutePath().equals(localPath)) {
        File[] fls = normal;
        if (fls != null) {
            command = new AddCommand();
            if (isRunning) {
                String localPath = libClient.getLocalPath();
                for (int i = 0; i < fls.length; i++) {
                    if (fls[i].getAbsolutePath().equals(localPath)) {
        return list;
    protected void initCommand(boolean commandIsRunning) {
        // here the the commands is initiated just right before running the command
        int dirNum = 0;
        toDoCommands.addAll(createBinaryAndOtherCommand(textFiles, binaryFiles, commandIsRunning));
        currentCommandIndex = 0;
        if (commandIsRunning) {
            existingResurrectedFiles = new LinkedList();
            if (isRecursive()) {
                // adds all the subdirs + subfiles to the add..
                File[] toTransform = textFiles;
                List list = new LinkedList();
                if (textFiles != null) {
                if (binaryFiles != null) {
    /** gets executed before the current command in queue gets executed.
     * To access that command use the getCurrentCommand() method
    protected void beforeEachExecute() {
        if (removedFilesCommandIndex >= currentCommandIndex) {
            AddCommand add = (AddCommand)getCurrentCommand();
            File[] fls = add.getFiles();
            if (fls != null && fls.length > 0) {
//            System.out.println("setting path to=" + fls[0].getParentFile().getAbsolutePath());
        currentCommandIndex = currentCommandIndex + 1;

     * in case a locally modified file exists in place of a previously cvs removed file,
     * then we've saved the modification and in this method we overwrite the
     * ressurected copy from cvs add by the local modification..
    private void resurrectLocallyModifiedFiles() {
        if (existingResurrectedFiles != null && existingResurrectedFiles.size() > 0) {
            Iterator it = existingResurrectedFiles.iterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                File originalFile = (File);
                File destDir = new File(originalFile.getParentFile(), "CVS");
                File backupFile = new File(destDir, originalFile.getName());

                if (backupFile.exists()) {
                    if (originalFile.exists()) {
    protected void finishedCommand() {
        // update cache..
    /** Will run only if any of the commands in the queue failed - for whatever reason.
* Fires the FailedDisplayerEvent * * @param exc The exception that was thrown by the library. * */ protected void executeFailed(Exception exc) { resurrectLocallyModifiedFiles(); super.executeFailed(exc); } /** * Called when file status information has been received */ public void fileInfoGenerated(FileInfoEvent e) { FileInfoContainer fInfo = e.getInfoContainer(); if (fInfo != null) { if (fInfo instanceof AddInformation) { AddInformation info = (AddInformation)fInfo; if (existingResurrectedFiles.contains(info.getFile())) { info.setType("M"); //NOI18N } updateCache(info); } } super.fileInfoGenerated(e); } /** * Thi smethod performs the tranformation from 1 add command for all files/dirs to * separate adds for dirs definied in the list. * The original add command is moved to the end of the list and sends only files. * All this is done in order to enable recursive add */ public void transform(List list) { int size = toDoCommands.size(); toDoCommands.clear(); Iterator it = list.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { File file = (File); if (file.isDirectory()) { AddCommand add = new AddCommand(); File[] commFiles = new File[1]; commFiles[0] = file; add.setFiles(commFiles); setCommandArguments(add); toDoCommands.add(add); it.remove(); } } if (list.size() > 0) { // process through the ignoreFileFilter to get rid of the .cvsignore stuff.. IgnoreFileFilter ignoreFilter = this.getClientProvider().getIgnoreFilter(); if (ignoreFilter != null) { Iterator it2 = list.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { File ignoreFile = (File); if (ignoreFilter.shouldBeIgnored(ignoreFile.getParentFile(), ignoreFile.getName())) { it2.remove(); } } } LinkedList binaryFiles = new LinkedList(); LinkedList normalFiles = new LinkedList(); Iterator it2 = list.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { File file = (File); boolean binary = isBinary(file); if (binary) { binaryFiles.add(file); } else { normalFiles.add(file); } } File[] normal = new File[normalFiles.size()]; File[] binary = new File[binaryFiles.size()]; binary = (File[])binaryFiles.toArray(binary); if (binary.length == 0) { binary = null; } normal = (File[])normalFiles.toArray(normal); if (normal.length == 0) { normal = null; } toDoCommands.addAll(createBinaryAndOtherCommand(normal, binary, true)); } } private void checkRemovedFiles() { Iterator it = toDoCommands.iterator(); LinkedList toDoRemovedCommands = new LinkedList(); StandardAdminHandler adminHandler = new StandardAdminHandler(); // 1. identify removed files and get them off regular commands. while (it.hasNext()) { HashMap removedList = new HashMap(); AddCommand addCom = (AddCommand); File[] fls = addCom.getFiles(); List notRemovedList = new LinkedList(); for (int ind = 0; ind < fls.length; ind++) { Entry entry = null; try { entry = adminHandler.getEntry(fls[ind]); } catch (IOException exc) { entry = null; } if (entry != null && entry.getRevision().startsWith("-")) { // add the removed file into the list.. // sort them by directory they belong to. // System.out.println("doing change for rmoved file=" + fls[ind].getAbsolutePath()); if (fls[ind].exists()) { // we need to copy the locally existing file, since add will ressurect the repository version. // and we want the locally present one to be there.. File destDir = new File(fls[ind].getParentFile(), "CVS"); File destFile = new File(destDir, fls[ind].getName()); if (destDir.exists() && (!destFile.exists())) { if (fls[ind].renameTo(destFile)) { existingResurrectedFiles.add(fls[ind]); } } } Vector vecFiles = (Vector)removedList.get(fls[ind].getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); if (vecFiles == null) { vecFiles = new Vector(); removedList.put(fls[ind].getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(), vecFiles); } vecFiles.add(fls[ind]); } else { // System.out.println("ok existing file=" + fls[ind].getAbsolutePath()); notRemovedList.add(fls[ind]); } } if (notRemovedList.size() == 0) { // System.out.println("removing old add.."); it.remove(); // continue; } if (notRemovedList.size() != fls.length) { // System.out.println("adding removed add.."); File[] newFls = new File[notRemovedList.size()]; newFls = (File[])notRemovedList.toArray(newFls); addCom.setFiles(newFls); // now create add commands for the grouped files.. Iterator it2 = removedList.values().iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { Vector vecFiles = (Vector); AddCommand add = new AddCommand(); File[] remFiles = new File[vecFiles.size()]; remFiles = (File[])vecFiles.toArray(remFiles); add.setFiles(remFiles); setCommandArguments(add); add.setKeywordSubst(addCom.getKeywordSubst()); toDoRemovedCommands.add(add); } } } // if (toDoRemovedCommands.size() > 0) { removedFilesCommandIndex = toDoCommands.size(); // System.out.println("are removed=" + removedFilesCommandIndex); toDoCommands.addAll(toDoRemovedCommands); } else { // System.out.println("no removed.."); removedFilesCommandIndex = -1; } } /** * Getter for property message. * @return Value of property message. */ public String getMessage() { return message; } /** * Setter for property message. * @param message New value of property message. */ public void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } /** * Getter for property keywordSubst. * @return Value of property keywordSubst. */ public KeywordSubstitutionOptions getKeywordSubst() { return keywordSubst; } /** * Setter for property keywordSubst. * @param keywordSubst New value of property keywordSubst. */ public void setKeywordSubst(KeywordSubstitutionOptions keywordSubst) { this.keywordSubst = keywordSubst; } public String getCvsrcEntry() { String retValue; String message = getMessage(); setMessage(null); retValue = super.getCvsrcEntry(); setMessage(message); return retValue; } /** Sets the cvs switches from the FileSystemCommand to the undelying library command. *
* The algorithm is following:

* For the FileSystem subclass, it reads the BeanDesriptor and gets all the properties.

* It considers these to be the cvs switches.

* It iterates through the properties and tries to find a setter in the library command, * that equals the setter/getter in the FileSystemCommand. If such match is found, it sets * the value to the library command. * * @param command the library command to be set. * @return true if everything succeeded. * */ public boolean setCommandArguments(Command command) { super.setCommandArguments(command); return true; // overriden because of recursive property } /** Sets the cvs switches from the library command to the FIleSystemCommand. *
* For the algorithm, see setCommandArguments(Command). * @param command the library command that is used to set the cvs switches to the FileSystemCommand. * @return true if everything succeeded. */ public boolean getCommandArguments(Command command) { super.getCommandArguments(command); // overriden because of recursive property return true; } public boolean copySwitchesFrom(FileSystemCommand com) { boolean retValue = super.copySwitchesFrom(com); if (com instanceof CvsAdd) { CvsAdd addCom = (CvsAdd)com; this.setRecursive(addCom.isRecursive()); } // overriden because of recursive property return retValue; } private boolean isBinary(File file) { String mime; FileObject[] fos = FileUtil.fromFile(file); if (fos.length > 0) { mime = FileUtil.getMIMEType(fos[0]); } else { String ext = FileUtil.getExtension(file.getName()); mime = FileUtil.getMIMEType(ext); } if (mime != null) { boolean text = mime.startsWith("content/unknown") || mime.startsWith("text/"); // NOI18N return !text; } return false; } public void setFiles(File[] files) { super.setFiles(files); if (files != null) { LinkedList binaryFiles = new LinkedList(); LinkedList normalFiles = new LinkedList(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { File file = files[i]; boolean binary = isBinary(file); if (binary) { binaryFiles.add(files[i]); } else { normalFiles.add(files[i]); } } Collections.sort(binaryFiles); Collections.sort(normalFiles); File[] normal = new File[normalFiles.size()]; File[] binary = new File[binaryFiles.size()]; binary = (File[])binaryFiles.toArray(binary); normal = (File[])normalFiles.toArray(normal); setTextFiles(normal); setBinaryFiles(binary); } } public void setBinaryFiles(File[] files) { binaryFiles = files; } public void setTextFiles(File[] files) { textFiles = files; } public class AddImpl extends FsAdd implements FileSystemCommandImpl { public AddImpl() { } public FileSystemCommand getOuterClassInstance() { return CvsAdd.this; } public void setFileObjects(FileObject[] fileObjects) { CvsAdd.this.setFileObjects(fileObjects); } /** * Getter for property keywordSubst. * @return Value of property keywordSubst. */ public KeywordSubstitutionOptions getKeywordSubst() { return CvsAdd.this.getKeywordSubst(); } /** if set to recursive, for each directory added, adds everything in that directory as well. * Not part of the standard cvs add command. */ public void setRecursive(boolean recursive) { CvsAdd.this.setRecursive(recursive); } public void addCommandErrorListener( commErrListener) { CvsAdd.this.addCommandErrorListener(commErrListener); } /** see setRecursive() * Not part of the standard cvs add command. */ public boolean isRecursive() { return CvsAdd.this.isRecursive(); } /** * Setter for property keywordSubst. * @param keywordSubst New value of property keywordSubst. */ public void setKeywordSubst(KeywordSubstitutionOptions keywordSubst) { CvsAdd.this.setKeywordSubst(keywordSubst); } /** * Getter for property message. * @return Value of property message. */ public String getMessage() { return CvsAdd.this.getMessage(); } /** Add a CommandDisplayerListener to the FilesystemCommand. *
All UI communication and display of output should be handled via the CommandDisplayerListeners. * * @param listener The listener to add. * */ public void addDisplayerListener(CommandDisplayerListener listener) { CvsAdd.this.addDisplayerListener(listener); } /** Removes a CommandDisplayerListener from the FilesystemCommand. * All the listeners are removed once the command ends. * * @param listener the listener to remove */ public void removeDisplayerListener(CommandDisplayerListener listener) { CvsAdd.this.removeDisplayerListener(listener); } public void removeCommandErrorListener( commErrListener) { CvsAdd.this.removeCommandErrorListener(commErrListener); } /** * Setter for property message. * @param message New value of property message. */ public void setMessage(String message) { CvsAdd.this.setMessage(message); } /** Starts the thread with the command - executes the run() method. */ public void startCommand() { CvsAdd.this.startCommand(); } public FsGlobalOptions getGlobalOptions() { FsGlobalOptions retValue; retValue = new FsGlobalOptionsImpl(CvsAdd.this.getGlobalOptions()); return retValue; } } }

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